Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 1 Aug 1901, p. 2

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kind them than other peop . -s'roa?:lf"'r1t.`Z 5 were are sun othere-SPICES of ali a, cream of tartar, etc. ` The best et drugs is at a DRUG rug `st knows more about Momma : nnun STORE - qal5UNLOP-ST. BARRIE. uvut--1- - triuil 5 and 5%: per cent. on Mortgage. ` LOUNT & LOUNT _ Barristers, Barrie. 32-tf. Opposite R. K. Stat_ion` `MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUEFI. Drugs and Chemicals In the Kitchen DR.` R._P. V|_V_|AAN R. W. ROSS, Physician, Surgeon, etc., L. I R.C.S. Edin,, L.R'C.P.. London. Otces and ghtg residence-brown's Block, Dunlop guest, ----- Tglgnhndn nn_ .Mc(3:1'z-mv, ' 1'. ARNALL,"M.D}c.'M,, oice in Bothwelfs Block, Allandale. On the premises a; night. ? 43-ly woollen fmannfacgf tnrereswe would say :-Keep up your agitation for - a rearrangement of. the duties; `enlist the sympathy of a1l7di- ` rectly or indirectly concerned in the in- dustry, and, sinee'yoi_1r case is a good one, you will get what you want. ` '1`here is no reason on earth why the agitation should consist of private deputations to Ottawa. No matter how able a politician is he often fails to see into the centre of a commercial " question. While you are talking of materials, cost, and machinery, he is thinking all the time of the political as- pests of the matter. An appeal to the public, therefore, is the right thing. Make it primarily a business issue, leave politics `alone, and a__ body of opinion idllcreated in the country which "Ministers cannot easily resist. In the last resort, the politician is made of rubber. Be the pressure strong `enough, he `will bend. T i 335' M. CAMPBELL, Barnater, -...... -9. Mnnevm can, 7to 3: .__...____.__________ RADENHURST, :..:o.-.. :n Chancery` ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY Mom-:v TO LOAN. Mom-:v To LQAN. ADVERTISE IN 1!IANUFACTURE8o ' "The man who will writei a book; on the inner history -of tariif-making will end more readers than the `latest new novel. Depntations with a pun " ahave been inuential. and to this met_hod many objections -may rightly be taken. The depucanions may be -honest and _composed of good men.. But sometimes selsh interesfs pre-- dominate, and from the grating of their demands all kinds ol ditcnlties and trade mischiefs ow. TMONEY TO LOAN. ;_:2_.__-__.__-_ 1u1sm.|.A1ua:oUs. 21`53 . II, D. V C. Muncmson. ...___ PIIY SIUIAN 8. :ors. Notaries, uonvcy-`aw... ,0iEces-Ross Bloc , Ban-_ie. FINANCIAL. o1rIr1oLu.. DENTAL. _T HURST, Barrister, Attorney Chancery. Conveyancer etc. Not long ago we heard from an in- uential manufacturer an account of how the tari` of l878-the National Policy-was framed. The manufactur- ers were organized. They gathered in force at Ottawa, where the Finance Minister (the late Sir?Leonard. Tilley) wanted their opinions. They met in lootions-textile manufacturers, iron and steel makers, leather men, etc. "Their president told each section to meet alone and frame, astbuslness men, Inch a tariff on a protectionist basis as would work easily. In the main, the schedules so framed were adopted by the Government. . . . Eomoeopathist. :56 Dunlop St. Residence and Oice. 8-lv uuuclo 45-13!- ;aPoS-g Ont ! of D. n:.. \ nino and rasidence Barrister, Solicitog, -nr:....n.....|. of Toronto ________:______ .CKE, barristers, Solici- Conrt of. Judicature of ies, Convcyanoers, etc. ..... `lillnnk. Barrie. Iustices, Notanes :uuu.., tho Bank of Toronto, nd upwards. to loan at 5 - Co ' to. 40-48. Jan. Umces-p-sum -Bank of Toronto _s-Iv It is easier to have_ no tariff, or only a few duties, as England has. But, situated alongside the United States, with a tariff almost prohibitive. how can Canada lower her duties`? Be- sides. we cannot, in a` sparsely-settled, ` immense territory, collect a revenue by direct taxation. It is not practicable to replace the 829,000,000 raised from Customs duties in 1900 by some other system. Englishmen think our'tari' still high. They should consider the `conditions. A T G. H. Esfrnu. treet, Banie. W. A. Boys, or. Notary n. at lowest .341; Dnnlnn 35-lv I Ulu LB 29-1) 1-ly %TI3iiE1%`NdRTHERN Am * ADVERTISING RATEs_ cl 1-rl-li`ll&l\' I91..- , ,____'* Inn A FQRTY corms. `R Almost if not quite, double that of ' paper Published in Bame_any'16t gfwvnnnsnm snouua Nam mm P` 13 lines solid agate make 1 ihch`I`.'\ TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS. 1F."ml- hr-non!-1-1'nn In no:-:1-n .5-.. 1:, G The oicer politely replied that the `role made no "allowance; or words to that effect. He" had his orders to pxe-. `onto, and there was no alternative. aon. Mr. Tarte saw the logic of the argument, and without further oom- fmgnt resume} his walk along the path. yoeationed by a bystander, the oioer _ that an the rules applied toall ` ',',`i `from Cabinet _Mini`atera tovnewa-. ` `~. ..~,` `. l li!'I."ihII'* . 953$ 2.533 05`?! i W? _ 7 7 V _-""'"""iV'l'3. | First insertion 10 cents per line` ea qnent insertion 4 cents per line, ch M . Rpndino` notices- I0 nnnm -nm. 1:- - ucny 111065 Inlillb is vvuun I10]. ;lue` Beading notices 10 cents per 1' insertion ; 5Vcents per line for eacflslufor m `insertion of the same matter. All "balm! n . f Items ' 955; l"2;.,.I `SJ W -.5 a cla an over , ments be charged at abo\x'1<:nr:11gs,adv't1se. CONTRACT ADVERTISING, I Contraqt advertisem_ents will be M the fo1low1ng`ra.tes! wyuch are drafted 0: at rect commerc_1al pnnclples and win be m_i:`:l`- dh dto. Th `llb 1 .y :11. are . m W` ` Y We pace for zinch ............... 2% inches... ...... .. ' h column. . . n`nicn:1sl?-.s%`K column. 5 mgnes, 74 comma. . . . no _mches, )4 . . . aomches, 1 column...... For one month--the three month per cent. added. T 1? Mtg ...... -- ,-- --_-. --_--_- 9' Preferred positions for local advertise ments in the paper will be sold at an adm ' of one-third on above rates, on no other age count will special positions be given, Th-'; rule will be strictly carried out. F CONTRACT ciuncns. Advertisers will please bear in rnind the notice of intention -tochange advertisement; must be handed intothe oice not later mm Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in THE ADVANCE office not later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in my week, otherwise the advertiser's announcement may not be made public until the week {(31, 1 Wllill 10 PC]. CELL. auuvug \ * h _. wi:f%t;?3 I<:(x)1I;.t a:id<:c111.e three mth1v me _,3L_`-.__ [AM 1 l W111 ue uu_u.|5cu. Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertismq anything outside their own] regular business. Should they do go` transient rates will be charged for such ad.` ,_ -_-L_ > wwmg. ` . _ A 12 changes of Advertlaements allowed per year. It more arerequired, composition rages will be charged. A Au-unob:nnvon nnf `in !.\`n\I'PI" fn nun Hun`. UL mun: vnn V -- - V. vertisements. TARTE onomamn om. _ The Public Works Department has `no glamor in the eyes of the Dominion folioe. This was beautifully illustrat- ed in Major-Shill Park a few days ago, when Hon. J. Israel Torte, Minister of Public Works, was ordered o` the Condensedadsertisements on first page me}, as wants of all kinds, lost andqound, property for sale or to rent, specic `articles, etc., etc,,` must be accompanied with the cash, and wil] be inserted-nrst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertion: of the same matter exceed four. MONEY TO I. Private hindi tg loan at 5 per cent. lI,I tV- ` Tel:-ms to suit borzomlars. no uh 33 . `I I .my 033 m_P3ny PPY P` Cuts for advertisements must In every cane be mounted on solid metal bases. SMITH, REPRESENT THE Fouowme Fuzz Ixsumcx `COMPANIES: The Mercantile, now afliated with The Lon- don & Lancashlre of England. Secur- ity, $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo. Ont, . Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. Om. Total assets, $303,078. Also Llovd's Plate Glass Insurance Com- 'pa.n_y, of New `-York. Cash capital, $2-r. IHIIUIT notice. For Broken -winded Horses. The only medicine in the world that will stop I-leaves in three days. Butfor a. permanent cure It requires from one half to one bottle used accordiugtlo directions. $1.00. Kidney and Acute Cough POW 9 50. Dr. McGahey's Condition Powders destroy: worms, puries the blood, putting horses. cattle am- calves in condition; 25c. Take no other. Sold by -G- Mnnkmam Barrio-fnnd Cnnlz & Cn.. Urillia. 4`lY BARBIE, oN'rg\nI0- 3 goouuuuucuuof`/'" uon. And tine Sun Loan and Savings Company of Ontario. He obeyed orders. The minis- ter was taking a stroll along the shady` avenues of the capital's favorite breath- ing spot. Hie stroll led him from the- cinder-path across the velvety _sward_.. A Dominion constable on duty in the- parl: noticed the Cabinet Mi_niatersdis- regard -of the Keep o` the grass man- date, and promptly ordered him back to " the cinder path. T ' V` A KTIVBIC IUIIUS LU 1 counts collected. &c. ..- ......_ LI--.<`ln` 5%nt Standard Life, London Gum u- too and Accident 00.. Provincial Building and Loan Association, etc UHF lLI`a.-1` Street. Barrie. collected. azc. _ Oice over I-Ienderson,s Hardware Store, Bame Ont. J. (JUL VER WELT ? % Hanrcutting and Shaving % Parlor OPPOSITE BARBIE HOTEL. BARBIE. ' Razbrs and Scissors ground and set on 811 1 nntinn- DR. McGAHEY S HEAVEFBURE PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND [DAN ASSUBIATIDN. alves in condition; 35c. Take other. oomw 3. Monkman. Barrie. and Cook & Co..UriX1ia. __{_,- John Rogerson, OFFICE.-Next doof to Bank of Toronto.` la-.4 D.....:.. 1 nl It is related`-that, in ironiand steel, the manufaoturers_--acting on wise ad- vios--reoommended auduty on pig iron, their ownraw material, so as to build up an iron industry here as the United States had built up theirs. For some reason, this disinterested suggestion was struck out, and years elapsed before it was changed. 4 Private funds fo loan on first mortgages. `......L.. ....II....on.l Run `Number of inches nnann -:4"" nouoooouooouoocuug 1'3 pm to attend at}; E. B. 0. 8 Circular free for 8 post card. \Jl.'J.I.JOJ.\JlV l)\J|O.l..LV .I.`JUU V J.` ' 1 LEGET had such an attendance. 0 -' given so much satisfaction to it8_P' : trons as during the present 88S8l0l1- ` _Three times has it been necessary ` I extend its seating accommodation. .3 1 8! fast as they can be got ready ` 1 the-pupils go to situations. 4 _ _ , . ,_....In. I '5lV rllrll `II III} Ulluukllllliio A complete equipment, a tlg0r0h' 1?-. up- to-date establishment, In 9V'Y 1 line thorough, practical. satiefactorY- : u - . vs 13 I1 at A V I _ EXCE LSI OR Business college. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. S5.ooo.coo. connnusnn ADVERTISEMENTS. INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, ac. WV-l*)o you.know~who I.srn 9" queried ___the letter, considerably surprised "at the reception of such an order. I an the Minister or Publie Worker / [EVER in its history has the;E-\" 1 CELSIOR BUSINESS 001;:-. man 1...: _,_ _, - ._...l...-ma Fire and Life Kssurance. scndecla & SMITH. MONEY -ro LOAN. Ltmusr 1, go` 1 1:0. Owen u-Xy We see no reason why manufactur- on should. do all the tariff-making` in private, because the importet, the mer-V chant and the consumer areiequally en- titled to be heard. The variety of in- tereste to be consulted may make the work hard. but it can be done. _ T Firat 5 Committee meeting was held which we shall mention further on, and then the regular meeting started, though the proceedings of it appeared at times very irregular. When the rollhad been ~ called the minutes of the pnevioue meet- "ing were read and adopted- ` ' GOIHUNICATION8. The following communications were read by the secretary :- 31-nounnn mm Potnrmq-1-ngouns. - - .3 `The Public School ngsmhaa . lively meeting on Thursday night; All mem- here were present; and there was nothing 1.071.? :|13V0||`5t.*1l.0 they_. tookehil-1 matters. The trouble -was all about appointing a ancoeaaor to Miser Annie `Fletcher who resigned her position as teaaherin the West Ward achool. e `F1-o;n Mr. H. 1\i.rI:o;hi11 thanking the Board for granting tie request; in regerdto his son. `C2 VII ` From Mr. "Jae. Marlin `accepting position granted by Public School Board as teacher of the East Ward School. . From Mr. A. G. Mackenzie Accepting position offered him "by Public School From Miss Annie Fletoher, tender- ing her resignation from the ` teaching eta and thanking the Board forpaet. generous treatment. ' -u-a sun 1:, g A. - From Miss -Ida 11 ;ewis,o'ering her ear? vicee for the position vacated by Miss" `Fletcher, at the same aalairy of $325 per annum. V ~ - From" Miss A. R. Sherinthe follow ing letter :-Mr. Fred Mart, sec. Public School (Board, -Dear Sir ;-Your letter of July 22nd, received. In re- gard to the change of rooms proposed I would say I have decided to accept Miss ~Fletcher s room; Thanking the Board for their favour,-" nnroars` THAT WERE imsasn. The Committee on Property and Supply reported as C follows :-'l`hat they had only one tender for cementing the oors V in basement of Central school and work on furnaces which amounted "to $92 and the Committee recommended that a cedar plank door he put in `coal room there "be bricked the furnaces and a small space for hold- ing coal at the end of the boilers.- __ Also thatthey hadftwo tenders for coal and recommend i Johnaton,.& Sar- jeant a tender for 35 tons hard coal at $6.40 -per ton and 15 tons soft coal at $4.80, total` amount of cost for the fty tone $296, the whole amount to be paid by Aug. let, an a, higher rate- would have to be paid after that date ; also that J. N eeland a tender for repair- ing furnace and West Ward school he accepted at $3.2. " Leonopd Staley . . . . . . . . . . . . . ` Fraink Browne. . . . . -. . Q ; H. H.-Obton dz Son . . . . . . J ohnaton J; Sorjant pride for` WH-Y THERE was NOT A REPORT. ' There was no report of the Commit- tee on Management, but this was no fault of the chairman of the committee. He read what he said was the report of the committee, but Chairman -Oowan ruled that it was not a report of the committee. The trouble was that there was really a deadlock in the committee. Three were in favor of appointing Miss Sherin in Miss Fletcher's position, -and appointing Miss Lewis to Miss Sherin's position, while three were in favor of appointing Miss Bherin and advertising for a successor. ' At first, A however,` Trustee Reid was not present, so that the report stood for the latter clause ,3 to 2; Before it was decided upon,- howevcr, Mr. Reid came in and was asked his.opinion of the matter and the vote `stood .3. to 3. Trustee Palling claimed Chairman Oowan had no right to vote, and. that the report should be for thegappcintmsnt of Miss `hence the objections to the reportpas presented by the Chairman of the com-. mittens. l " t The `Committee on `Finance reported recommending payment of the following accounts :- ' ' Barrie GasCo.T....-............$ '88 ` When it was reported in the regular meeting. Dr. Pulling took _the oor immediately. He charged the Chair- man of the Committee with presenting- a report at the instigation of the Chair- man` `of the Board, something which Mr. Smith had no right to "do. He read the from the bylaws -which statedthat a quorum-foi the 1`%;qhitW "should consist of; live mem bers exclusive W. Peacock. . ooal tendr; . . . . . . . .3296 00 I\IsIs& mx. coucooooo $323 06 10 20 10 15 3 83 1. 2.1;... i....a ..... 1.... cm... hi_d` "vote. : nu. T cps:-u no thought he had}: was in the nd that was lain ruling, that-he ms 3 `proper member cf the committee. i..... arm 5;. that they had no report embodying the Videos of theoommittee, and Dr. Pulling sgsin tool: up_th_e question. `They were not asking anything illegal. They should. go by `the majority's vote and the chairman should present a report whether against his own views or not. This was s most high-handed piece of business, snd he hurl never seen a Chsir- msn not like this before. Mr. Andrew wanted to know what was the use of an ex"-ocio member if A didn't vote. ~ Then Mr.` Reid talked again. This time he got off the path of discussion and. found fault . with the re- port of the Finance Ooimnittee. There were several accounts that the commit- tee had not heard about at all, and he thought they had a `slip-shod method of doing business. He thought the Chair- man of the Board ought to show dis- cretion in the use of his double vote. After a lot of wrangling, Chairman Cowan declared there was "no report. When the matter came up under the subject of "motions, it was moved bv Trustees Smith, seconded. by Trustee Andrews, that Miss Sher-inbe appointed in `Miss Fletcher s place. This was carried without any discussion. Then- 'Dr. Palling moved, seconded by True tee Brunton, that Miss Lewis be ap- pointed in Miss Shsrin s late position and if chewould not accept to advertise. In amendment to this"1`rustees Smith and Andrew moved the secretary be instructed to advertise for a, junior teacher in West Ward school. Mr. V Reid spoke to this and was in- terrupted by Mr. J amieson who joking- ly remarked that Mr. Reid had said enough. The latter, however went on to say he didn't believe in promotion -in en irregular wsy._~ Speaking of Miss` Sherin s letter he said somebody must be behind -the secretary in granting promotion.` BU-FFALO S 'M-IDWAY. The- merry Big Free Midwayin Buf- falo, New. York, is the magnet that is attracting thousands of pleasure seekers who come again and again nding at each visit something new and interest- ing. I V The Midway has become the resort of people who desire innocent amuse- ment, and its prices are within the reach of the most humble, The performances are on a scale never before attempted at a freestreet show. ' The attendance has averaged 17,500 people daily since the opening six weeks ago. Among the most notable of the one hundred big shows are The Streets of Cairo, German Village, `Idols of Art,.Palaise de la Danae, Gypsy Camp, Arctic Cave, Heaven and Hell, White Top Pavilion, Persian,Bsautyv Show, Deer Bros, Wild AWeat, Captive Baloon, and The Athletic Auditorium. so much has been said and printed about `midways and street fairs that `to the casual _ obeprver . it would seem that . "very little more re- mains tobe said about, them. - But to ':si:`}i.'i1.. the more cartel student of the methods gnvdfugodesi of`, amusing the public re-i alizea -a .1!j>I?-new ts! itoontinse to be popular so; long will itlijere he a large 7v,a'i-letys of? "topics, Rlisogils. about; IAIOAIIO.-T oun;.;.`.r Th-at ' It waa`decided~thet the next regular" meeting of the Board be `held on Tues- day, "August 13th, as Monday would be .8 holiday. ` - I Exonnzwrz rrnn SECRETARY _ said Mr. Reid, who thought a bad pre- oedent had been set. A On motion of `Trustees, Pulling and Brunton, the secretary was instructed to write te Miss Fletcher.` expressing '-their great regret at her being compelled to take the step. she `was, of resigning from the teaching sts_'. . Chairman Cowan explained Miss Sherin was wrong in imagining the Board had offered her `V Miss Fletcher's position. `They had merely asked her if she would accept if o"ered.' No ex- oneration was necessary. Mr. Andrew told about Mr. Lewis button-holinq members of the `Board to appoint his daughter. He concluded a ery set of sentences by saying he mightone of these days make a state- ment that would surprise the Board. Then it ceemedthey all wanted to talk at once, some on their feet, some not, and the Chairman had to call them to order. When this was accomplished the amendment was put `to "a vote and .carried. |"rnn`nm`vIII % T0 cmna. V033 e ~~r.aee_ or seesaw am- the Jnly Dry1Gooa_i Review win be close observers of the oostnmes ot the costumes of the Duchess of Cornwall and York, and 'women of `fashion all over the oonntry will doubtless, to a_ great extent, copy them in design and` pattern even if they do not choose to confine their dresses to black alone. As glanoe at the generaldesign, as well as the mate":-iels,Vof some of Her Royal Highness dresses will be interesting to those who may shortly be called upon to diplioate or adopt them. , Ll- Continuing the Review gives the "glance and it covers the ground thor- oughly. Among many other things it says "Necessarily, all her dresses are in black; evening gowns and those for every day wear alike. But the sombre tone is here and there relieved` by` a touch of white or mauve in--. lace or muslin, and by embroideries in jet and silk. The Princess has the reputation. of being an eminently practical woman, and she has shown it on this occasion by having `everything in the materials chosen so as to withstand the effects of a sea voyage. The biieheee is decidedly partial to. the high Medici collar, and it becomes her admirably. All the high eoueie in her wraps are much lled in with drawn and puffed crepe gauge. ` A three-quarter tailor-msde cost is 3 simple affair, but very neat. It is in a. black cloth, much strapped with its own material, "and lined with black ta`ets. All the others, .it might be mentioned are lined in palegrey. One of the day dresses is a pretty affair in black cashmere elaborately strapped with black glnce. The short bolero has an underneath edging of black glace over a belt of pause, and in the centre there appears a little white chif- fon chemisette spotted by hand with rosebuds all in white. "The Duchess does not apparently intend to introduce the Empire style of evening dress in Canada, though some of her dresses have been made all in one, Princess fashion. All, however, n closely to the waist._ DISSIPATION AND CONSUMPTION. It was Joseph Cooke who said that dissipated meant dizzy-pated, which was his way of emphasizing an important hygienic truth. To weaken one s system through any form ofdissi. paticn is practically suicide. It is dif- cult enough to sustain good health with the best of care:. yet, many people keep very late hours, deny themselves adequate met, gorge themselves with indigestible food, poison their systems with spirituous drinks and destroy their physical vitality through participation in all sorts of questionable amusements and actual vice. If one were anxious to prepare his system for the germs of tuberculobis or consumption, it would be diicult for him to select a more di- rect method. The disease germs do not fasten themselves readily upon healthy organs, especially when they are supported by pure and strong blood but they make disastrous inrcad; upon weakened organisms when the system is, for anyreason, in an enfeebled condition . Alcoholism is responsible for predisposing a great many cases to pulmonary consumption. Even the children of alcoholic parents are par- ticularly susceptible to tubercular dis- eases. Thoae who plungeinto all forms of dissipation become exceedingly care less as to their personal habits, partico ularly with reference to cleanliness._ This condition makes them doubly sus- ceptible and at the same time highly dangerous to those with whom they come in contact. Dissipation means weakness, weakness means disease and disease means death. A note of warning can- not be scunded, tclcudly or tcolong `to this generation to abstain from weaken- ing thebcdy and thus avoid beccining the victims of The White Plague. 1"?) D. J. BEATON KILLED. D. Benton, of the Asylum staff, Orillia, received the following despntoh from Nelson, B.0., on Monday of last week [announcing the death `of his brother, who was at one time proprietor of The Times in this town .: _D. J. Benton, who left Winnipeg nearly three years ago to take the editorship and management of The Nelson Miner, while returning from paying an after- noon cell todeyvwns V thrown- front in street osrwhioh rapidly rounded s sharp curve. He was ' semi-conscious __when5 piok\ed'V`up, but lapsed `into nnoonloious-_` ness shortly` nfter,- and plod-i "stray,-' '``'1W:e.nt_.'-r_., , _ is I H h.ULT-Banhenr.Sol_idwt,Pmcwt,1V_omq. . Conveyance:-, etc. .Spcial_attenuon in obtaining letters at `ring and ham: w a;inintrat_ion1.;i guardianship, coliectingacoounta, etc. Oiees. Ross Block. Barne. Monev to Loan. _ .ENNOX, ARDAGH, COWAN 8:. BRUWN._ Barristers, olic_itors for obtaining probate ot wuls. guardianshxp and administration, and General Solicitors. Notaries. Conveyancers, etc. Hausa-non Lxzmox, Aux. Cowm, 3. Bowen Axmen, G. E. 1. BROWN, L.L.B _ Oces: Hinds` Block. No. 6, Dunlop street, Bar- 118. Branch 0ces-Lennox & Ardagh, Gravenhurst; Lennox, Ardagh, Cowan & Brown, Creemore and a:.Iv ROSS & BROKOVSKI, Barristers, Solicitor!-. T Notaries, Lonvcyanoers, etc. Ofces Bank o` Ioronto Building. Barrie. _ Branch Oice, Cold` water. Money to Loan. DONALD Ross.`Lr..n. J. C. Bxoxovsxx. ` DI nuuu I Alliston. T _ V _ MGCARTI-lY,_BOYS & MURCHISON. Barris- ters. Sollcntors, Conveyance:-s, etc. Success- ors to McCarthy, Pepler & McCarthy. Ooe-McCa.rthy Block, Dunlop Street, Barrie. ` ` ""`"" - ` 0 `S`<.>lic`i;`o"1'U-in-1'-_Ci1;x:efy. ` 0ice-Firs door Owen street, < '---.-4- .R2rr1g_ EWSON & CRESWICKE, tors of the Sn reme Court Ontario, Proctors. otaries, Money to loan. Bl "` " "`""-' A. I 3." E11-'I;s\;r's<;;z7.V Barristers, Solicitors in_ High Court of Justices, Notaries Public, I`-----.........-._ oi over the - Convpyancers. Oices over Solicitors m_ rugn uuuu. u. ,..-......, _ .- -_ 0 ` Barne. Money in `sums of $2,000 and per cent. H. H. Snurnv. Q.C. : 1-1 M.` M. CAMrbm.L Notary, etc. Mane Stayner. Barne 1 Budding, Owen street. .__.________._________} R. J. C. SMITH, L.C.P.S., Ont., (late Harvie & Smith, Orillia.) Othce and residence -corner of Owen and Collier streets, Barrie. a3-ly U I\o\lu9o I-`lulu, a---- night residence-b:-ow: Barrie. Telephoneqq. ' R. J. F. Palling, Graduate of Trinity University Toronto, Fellow of Trinity Medial College, Meniber of the College of Physicians and Surgeons oOnta'.rio. Oee and Residence, :8 Owen street. . R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. 8: S.. Edin- burgh; M.F.P. 8; S., Glasgow, member of British Upthalmological Society. s|1eclullv.- Diseases. of Icy e, Ear, ,'.l`hroa.I. and Nose. OFF lCE.-78 Dunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- rie; opposite Post Oice and Railway station. Phone 54,. P. 0. Box 96. 1-13; ____.__._.._.___._____.____. R S. BROAD. M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C., L. C. . P. S., 0., late restdent Physician and Surgeon ot Toronto General Hospital, with special attention .. nmmugn nf Wnman_ a.nc1 Nose and General Hospital, mm special auenuuu to Diseases of Women, and Nose Throat Work, also tor some time sur eon in charge of Emergencv Hospital. Toronto. `cc and night residence-_ upstairs in McCarthy Block, 21 Dunlop St., Barrie, second door east of Dougall Bros. furnxture warerooms-near Five Points. Dhnng Inn . 2_lv DICE. luflll hone 105. lxs. E;VVARD S CQNVEYANCER. _ O H. LYON, PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Discounted. Collections made in any part of the.County. Real estate bought and sold. Convey- ancmg in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. 0ce-Ross Block, Dunlop street Barrie. A :-Iv. I T. BANTING, Clerk County of Simeoe, will be at his oce; at the Court House. Barrie, everv Saturday. Residence and P.O. Cookstown. ITHE BALL'PLANING MILL COMPANY-n enterin . Building and manufacturing of Doors. bash. B ' ds, Mouldings. etc. Planin of all kinds done_ promptly_ and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kzln. Dxstnct agency for grained lum- ber Factory-Bayeld Street, Barrie. RODGERS & GALLIE- successors to Geo. Ball. ADVANC_E."% QTRATHY .8: ESTEN. . ` Ba Hours-u to 1. -ans! R. E. L. BRERETON, Dental Surgeon. Oice over Hambly's Hardware, Entrance, Owen Street. `Out of town 1st. and 1rd Mondays of each month. 5:-lv 70 FOR I-NVESTMENT on good $ , freehold security at lowest rate of interest. Nolfrincipal money required until end of the term. . H. STRAIHY. Solicitor, Etc., Rn fl'; , liuuitl I? jrilil We have a. large amount of Private Funds to lend at 4; and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm Mnn:r:1o'pJt_ McCARTHY_ BOYS 8: NIITRCHI- at 43 auu 5 pct cent. on uu: SI:`CllI'll;Y or goon Iarm Mortgages. McCARTHY. BOYS 8: MURCHL SON. Dunlo Street Barrie. At his oice until 5 p.tn.; at his private residence, 68 Mary street, after that hour... ` u-lv I .I..5 have for adn;QEo'z|:-i`z1_ of bright young nadian childnen. boys and girls Parties desiring them are asked to communicate with the Secretarv IREV. D. B. HARKNESS. Batrie. - `-- TH bright young E CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OFBARRIE ado tion. _in good I-I VANILLA, fat ice cream. for instance; BAKING Pownxn. for cakes. R One is a drug. of course ; the other a chemical"- ` and there ctill others-SPICE_S. an } kinda. of tartar. etc- is ncniihlc cdibcxzinl in thin 7m_v)nth u Goods Review. in which most of lathe ideas we concur V with. According to ma journnlthia is the my arm`. czuhould be made : ' _II. _____f__

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