Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 25 Jul 1901, p. 2

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F ADVANCE." _.__.___._.____________.._._ QTRATHY & ESTEN. ` Ba Ivl&II1I I2 1%! 5 and 5% per cent. on Mortgage. `I (\`I 7`IV I` D. I l`\IY\7"l'\ MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. _ R. W. A. ROSS, Physician, Surgeon, etc., L. I . R.C.S. Edin,. L.R.C.P., Londpn. Offices and ghg residence-Brown's Block, Dunlop street, ----A "I"nl.-Janna nn, Drugs and Chemmai; Vhmnu, for ice cream. for instance; Burma Pownn, for cakes. One is a. drug. of course`; the other a chemical"; and there are atill others-SPICES of all kinds, cream of tartar, etc. The best lace to get drugs is at 9. DRUG STOR . The druggist knows more about them than other people. , \ W ood dru ' t Co (1 k ` a.a.....p:,:.~ W t" W` _____._____.-...._____.._______ CCARTHY. BOYS 8: MURCHISON. . ters. Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc. 5 sto McCar;hy. Pepler 8: McCarthy. )oe-McC:irthy Block, Dunlap Street, B A, Mcczmruv, - W; A ` D. C. Muncmson. comment. ' Q f"e'|,levved by many of the - lesser , In n` defence of the Government. 7 They jack to minimize the evile of the eohx ol hook ring and try to make out that `text books are cheep enough. -The `Evening Telegram, of Toronto, Inde- pendent, enme up the ease thee : ' ' [E WSON 3; CRESWICKE. of the Sn tome Court barristers. of Judicatr M. .-in. Conveyance:-a IRA" )1}. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. 3; s., Eam- Immh: M.F.P. 8: S.. Glasgow, member of tmnuxmrrs IIHIIG stone 98 DUNLOP-ST. BARRIE. ` Jln the` Kitchen. T. BANTING, Clerk County of Simcoe, w?ll he at his oce. at the Court House. Barrie,` V Saturdav. Residence and PI). Cnnlnatnum :33- lg In an 158 Drancnes. LVLZJTIBKB .L'vlCClI3C3 d. ce-Ross Block, Dunlop street Barrie. .4 adv. l"""'~" "" 7 ' .' . ,4`0ntario authorised a series `of school books and far-seeing? publishers obtained we rty rights in certain selections which ,5:-eeiicluded in this authorized eeriea. - "These copyrighted selections are worth little or nothing in themselves. Their value is derived from the Government authoriza- tion. which makes these copyrighted selec- tlons integral psrteoi an authorized series oi Icbool books. mm.. llnnnrncnnnt .'n+.hm-imtion nivun val- DR. a._ P. Vl%_\I I`AN ____________________. M. CAMPBELL. Barrister, loan. Oc -...... -a-A Mnnev to `II [0 In 7 to 8. ARE NEEDED nvmzv DAY MONEY TO LOAN. I A-` _-_.;. __ ll_A;_,_ -,_ _______.,,_____ MONEY TO LQANH. IIIANUFACTUBES: MONEY TO LOAN. _, ' `B. Dl'lVllBgV'~'Dl pruu-uuuug uvuuuc vvun-. '.l.`heGovernment of this rest province . he ollowed itcelf to be force into the posi- tion of giving valuep-to the co yrlght'=pro- potty of -3 few favored pub iahere. No authorized school `books `can be produced without these copyrighted selections. Pub- -llohero who do not share in the ownership of these ~copyrights are therefore excluded from . portlcipotion in -the production of authorized lehool -cbool:e." ADVERTISE m 1vnscm.I.ANnoUs. - _-_.- _- --...-_. "LoUr;T 5: LOUNT "' `PHYSICIANS. -Leunox 8: Ardagh. Gravenhurst; Cowan & Brown, Creemore and 1 :-IV FOR INVESTMENT on good freehnld sacuritv at lowest rate. nf 'FlNANCIAlu _,1\_ OFFICIAL. DENTAL. `. It has -been common property for neveral -years back that the fOnta1-io Government has been the servant of railway corporations, and now the Edu- cational {Department is shown up as bodes the, other bureaus of the Rose regime. In the words of the `above- mentioned `vionrnal~: T ' iaoimieopacmsp. x 56 Dunlp St. Residence and Oice. 8-lv ., .` , M.D.C.M,, oice in Bothwelfs dale. On the premises at night. . n_`I9 6-vu ' 43-ly uxuliliv 5 45-1!- -_-_'-.-----_---------:-__ P. Solicito ._Proctor. N_ota.ry. we. ' Special attenuon m wills, obtaining letters at n.....I.;n, collecting accounu, L` . Batnstet. .. -: 1....-. 1 villa, obtaamng sum. .. unhip, collecting 1 Burma LMonev to n. ristersg Barrie, _ Opposite R. R. Statton` 0nt., (late of Drs- nm... and I'IdEnCC "The Board had been in existence info: three years, and had. he thought, A during that time, let some footprint: on the sends." it had been particu- larly useful and successful in establish- ing a better feeling between the farming" community and the townspeople. He ..tho'nght'that the Board should have 5 `denite policy,` with well-defined and `':thorongh1yAnndeI1atood__objecta. ' 0_ne"of objaoataeshovild be .h9.ormation qt ebnnhem ".,itho.-magi for gaunt; ISON. . Barns- Success- . Bnoxovsxx, of Toronto 5-ly Solicitor. .. `Rank nt , Barrie. liCitO|'p -'. nae!-: 35-lv 3-ly % g f '-ADVERTISING 1mm ADVANCE ' nus A mmmu _ ' on nouI;':"Il:lI;1*;[lgIl,llIlII:s1.:n `hf: AI-anal {F van} nnin .l...-L1 .. not quim. double that minznrmnns snoum Non; -rm. ----- Vvarll. g `paper publiqhedin Bang. "`!~ % c .13 lines solid agate make 1 inc'h`.'-\`[: TRANSIENT cwvmrxsmmnn . First insertion 10 cents er lin -2 qnent insertion 4 centspex? line, 8' each "hit. ; Rea_d1ng nonces, 10 cents per line f i insertlon ; 5 cents per line for each an 5! '1 insertion of the sagne matter. A11 it lent.` der 5 lines, ox thus character, ch" gin` ~ ` 1inI:"1om'1 dG WM" gt: , cm. an overnme - , mente will be cha._rged at above 1-a1:a_ad'h CONTRACT ADVERTISING, . Contract advertisements will be wk the following_ra.tes! which are drafted 0"` It rect commercnal pnnciples and wlilg-be sgicor. aclllhered to. ' There will be only one pcecgz a. or ocnoou noon. "The Government wthorimtion gives val-V no to these private oopvrightl. Md 511 3" junction of the authorhauion andvtho.coa7- right eeotun-lly shut: out every publisher who has no share intheae copyright: from tho privilegekof producing school books. mm... Chnnrnmnnh nf thin an-an nm-wince \;-`'For one month-the _ with 15 per cent. added. `I-Ii"... 4-urn mnn I-'h n...H1n 3 inch... o o o o . - . - . on 5 inches, '74 column...... to inches, )6 column.... to inches, 1 cclumn. . . . . . | VVIIILI. III PC . Uvuvg uuuuuo . `For two months-the three month] .with 10 per cent. added. Y M ` Preferred positions for local advertise, l .1-Dents in the paper W111 be sold at an adymce of one-third on above. rates, on no other ac. a count will special posltlons be given. This rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers w_i1l please bear in mind um notice of intentxon to change advertisement, must be handed into the oice not later am Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in Tm: ADVANCE oice not later than 12 o'clock noon _on Monday in my week, otherwise the adyertlsefs announ cemm may not be made pnbhc unnl the week fol. lowing. ` " ' `I0 nl-mnnnu nf Avprhnomnnfa allnuml .._ LUWIUEO 12 changes of Adver_t1aements allowed W year. It more are requlred, composition rate, will be charged. A1:C1AII+`:nAI'O nnf `on Q11nWD(` fn nan Hut- W111 U0 Uuulscuu Advertisers will not be allowed to use thei; spice for advertismg anything outside thei," own -regular business. Should they do 3. transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. `Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found, property ': for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc.. etc,, , must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted-;hrst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent `insertion 1 cent ,per word f (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertion: of the same matter exceed four. REPRESENT THE Fonnowmc Fuzz Iusuuscx COMPANIES: The Mercantile, now affiliated with The Lon- \ glon 8: Lancashire of England. Secur- nty, $15,000,000. ~ ` The Waterloo Mutual, of Wa.ter1oo,0nt Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual,-of Berlin. Om Total assets, $303,078. VA1so Llovd'e Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, of New York. Cash capital, 525:, Cuts for ad vertlsements mun In every case be mounted on solid metal hues. _ScRo<;c.IE &. SMITH,` And tine Sun Loan and Savings Company of Ontario. . il`he whole situation -is discrediteble _to -the -Ontario -Governmen :1. When the A Gov- ernment authorizes the -publication of a -Ichool book it should control the contents of thttlchool bookirom cover to cover. The manipulation of private copyrights in au- thorized text books creates a school bock~ ring just as trulv as if the `Government for-. molly restricted the publication of school books to two or three 'favorite rms. The been of ireetrade in the production of school books is worth -securing, even if the `Government-has to- withdraw its authorize. tion of `the present series and insist on having ' Iblolute control-oi any series which it may -Iuthorize-in the futurel | Pfivate fnds to loan` on first mortgages. counts collected. &c. ~ G612. Anna I-'nI'I(`nPl'\I1 B Hardware Store. Agent Stamlard Life, London Gum. n- tee and Accident Co., Provincial Budlng and Loan Association, etc: OFFICE _ . ' NXt door to Bank of Toronto. Owen n- ` V 5 $\L Canadian Branch Ofce. Head Office MONTREAL. LONDON. ENGLE M. c. HINSHAW, sAM.J- P1PK`~ Branch Manager Manage`- ...ATLAS..- Ilcenn Alunlr EAIADANV. counts collected. &c. . Office over Henderson_s Hardware Store, Bame Qnt. J SCROGGIE 6:. SMITH. '________________________ ASSURANCE COMPAIV I . C3Dit3-!. $5,000,000. Founded 1303 Application forms furnished andfates quoted by 3 GEORGE PLAXTON. AGENT. ` 39-1? Barrie Ont. Oice in McCarth)' 81 __% PRUVINIIIAL BUILDINGANDLUAN F Assucumuu. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $5.ooo,ooo. `nn. McGAHEY 8 HEAVE cunt For Broken-winded Horses. The only medicine in the world that M I-leaves in three days. But for a. permanent g! requires from one half to one bottle used acco o'd_ directions. $x.oo. Kidney and_Acute Coudesmys en 5oc. Dr. McGa.hey's Condition Powders C and worms, puries the.blood, puttmg horse`s. Catsold by calves in condition;*25c. Take`no other. 7 G. Monkman. Barrie, and Cook & Co.. 05153` My . 4_/_/ ISIIZOITI notice. J. OUL FER WELL S Halrcutting and Shaving ` Parlor OPPOSITE BARBIE HOTEL "BARBIE- M, - Rumors and Scissors ground and set nntlnx - , _ However, let us hope that the latest French inventionis really an air-ship that will solve the problem that eeeme to have been `worrying hullnanityv for aeveral generations. John Rogerson, Number of inches gnarl! _ INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, ac. Y'.`__ _ 1..-- cootL'J...I4A1oo0 ASSURANCE COMPANY- n__I r , Ennvndd CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. Fire and Life Kssurance. `EVER in it: history has the 1 CELSIOR BUSINESS 00 1 mm 1...: nnnh an attendance 9' 3 - "WI thre e monthly ;u:onoN'1'o's MISTAKE. V _, Toronto City Council is making a (rent mistake by negotiating with those American capitalists who talk of put- ting in a. telephoneeyetem to compete with the Bell .l`elephonevCo. It is e- Inoet ridiculous idea, this of having two telephone systems. It would inci`eaee_ instead of decrease the cost of telephone Heervice, and would be en` unbearable nuisance. ` ' y-mam AIR-SHIP ca BLESSING. Of all the great advantages that a coal navigable air-ship would be to those wealthy enough to make use of such advantages, `there would be nothing to equal the boon to humanity in the fact that there - "is" an air-ship. Yes the mere "fact that such a thing existed `would -be such a comforting thought. For years and years the same old story seems to have been getting into the newspapers. `Dr. Talmage used to talk_ about the biblical prophecy that men would travel over the earth translating that to be meantafor air-ships. He -also believed in theoycle theory. The telephone is necessarily a men- oply as we have remarked more than ones. That monopoly, however, should not be in the hands of a corporation whose soleexcuse _fcr existence in the pecuniary benefit of its stockholders. The telephone service is in public "fren- chise that should no ` longer be outside of public control, and Toronto is look? ing fore remedy in altogether the wrong They seem to go well together. The` ltory that a new air-ship is going to be Q success travels in cycles. and the periodical news is beginning to get monotonous. AME/IT~1ONB~.GF OBILLIA. Orillia is getting irery ambitious. In up report of the speech of Mr. Joe- Dunn, acting President of the Board of Trade, the Packet says 2 J. 3. douGLA;Gn1's xvnnir .1 .;....~.1.;1 .u .... J, 13. Douglas vouiahisfed we . iqneitaan put by Mr. Len'uox`_in the Po`lice'~0ourt last Wednesday; The lawyer, how- ever, told Mr. Douglss.tbut`th ey weren t there to see him smile or laugh or any- thing outside the business of the court. Thst business was to try a case of se- ssult in which the said J. B. Douglas was the ldefendsnt and the plaintiff, Aston Goldener; 3 Hebrew. - A`- q Dougiea wee iined $20 and costs, in all $40.45, no that his I-should-smile attitude was a little previous. The `evidence was somewhat contradictory, nod` provided entertainment for a num- ber of witnesses. ' The fight which caueed' itnvall also provided entertainmenc for some people. There was Mr, Grant-`Reamer, ~Mr. Wellaoe Hypson, Mr. W31`. Dodds, Mr, G. W. Hagan-t and Mr. -5Neaa besides Mr. Thea. Douglas, Mr. Lennox had Mr. Goldenez-'3 case, and Mr. Donald Ross had charge of the-defendnnhn . This is wh;t hanpened according to the plaintive tale told to Police Magis. trate Ross. On the 19th June Gcldener was passing. the defendant s store and he looked at some boots in `the window`. Mr. Douglas came along. and induced him to go inside. He showed his`cus- tomer several pairs which the customer wouldn t take a notion "to. At last the Hebrew was shown a No. 6 gaiter which he put on his right foot and with this he was satised. He paid -$1.50 and was told if he came around at . night he could get a better pair for the : money. When he put them on next `morning he found a No. 8 boot as -a boot or his money back. Mr. Douglas tried to get him to take something he didn't want, and said that was not the way they did business to give money back. `Goldener took _the boots V and hunted up Chief King to whom he told his story in a tell-your-troubles-to the- policeman way and then went back again and demanded his money. mate to the No. 6 gaiter. He took them back end asked for the proper. Flosaio Brbley, Mabel Graham, Edna Kidd, Eva Kidd, May King, Jessie` Po11ook,.Beuie Sut.he_rlund,. Ethel sach- erland, Rachael Thompson, Elva. Will- oughby, cg;u,, B;geing,, Cheater Elllott,. ,l1*`==li6 When Goldener asked for his money and threatened arrest the younger Douglas struck him` and shoved him out. In a minute he was unsafe in the arms of the elder Mr. ' Douglas and while in this delightful position the son came along `and reaching across his father's shoulder struck "him again. Goldener had an umbrella with I him which he thought of at this stage of the proceedings and be cleared for action. Inhanswer to Mr. Rosshe said he didn't swear. l V ' Jr, Pg. IL to Sr. re. IIA.--Maggie Johnston, hA nnieMcNabb,. _ A % M mnmmcm _A'I' pooxsrown. T Following are the names of suoeesnful candidates at the recent Entrance exem- inntione.l_1eIdin thintovlvn. ' ` " 81'. re. 11.` to Jr. 11._Eu.maom, aon. Gracie Gilchrist, Ruth Bell , Mag- _2- Il'_`T,I,l The defendant said he remembered showing the plaintiff the boots, but had done nothing wrong in selling, only he had made a mistake in giving an eight and a six together. a When Goldener came back he offered to make it right, but the latterigrew boisterous. Douglas was serving some ladies at the time and .asked him to keep quiet. -, The Hebrew, however, kept demanding `his money and he shoved him outside. He did not strike him until Goldener. had hit him with the *nmbr'g1la . ' ,PR_OMO'1'IUN` EXAMINATIONS. Result of the recent promotion exam- inations held at.S.S. N o. 10`Veapra :- sr. III. to Jr. IV.--Bella. Russell, Ernest Richardson. ` ' Y gie Mcmbb. Sr. II. to Jr. III.-Lulu` Clarke, Alfred Thompson, Arthur Johnston, Willie Miles, Willie Burns. ' ' _ -The prosecution had Meesre. Hypeon, Huniner, -Dodda and Hagurt in the box to prove they new the ght, all of whom were that Douglas struck at Goldeuer three or `four times, but they would none of them'- give Douglas credit for aimiug wellv-enough to take effect. The father portly corroborated `this, and: Mr; Need aimnly told of grabbing both when he found` chem ghting. The defence sought "to bring weight by giving technipal evidence in regard. to boot, butit didn't. prove of anynuhe. T-he defendantwea ned. $20 and costs as mnn'r sums. ' . `~..".. ; I-not '.Noweqn - Banting, Robert David, w. Kirkpatrick Ivy ; Williaui Wilson, Egbert. Robinqon; Ban. seamq;iIg_oie Tho:-ntoui; George ` Bsptig, nmy V nannm .1..ACROSSiE.OLUB`BBA'I'EN AT -nmavmwron. ' All was expected Beavenftonwon their home game with Barrie, butby an n ' expected score. '0nr boys were again. handicapped and they were unable to score more than two. {goals against their opponents thirteen. The first diiculty the boys had was the matter of transportation. All the boats were chartered and `to get there in time it was necessary to go a la freight, the Pullman leaving Barrie at 5 a.m. The getting-up-early tired feel- ing combined with a" tedious railway journey"? and _a hot sun to play under didn't but the "boys in the best condi- tion. ,'.l.`hen the call:_boy. had diicuitj in arousing Gib Webb out of his peace. ful slumbers, and the latter missed the train. And the team missed him. The further changes `in the `team weakened them again. Our boys lined op as follows :-G`rosl, Mahoney; point, Shear; cover, Poucher ,5 1st defence, Hunter; 2nd, Gallic ; 3rd, McNsbb ; centre, Caldwell 5 3rd, home, Griffiths; 2nd. Perry" 5 !1st, McDonegh; outside, Kennedy; inside, 'l.`homas.. Beaver-ton" played the same team as it played here a week before, including the ringers from Newmarket._ This same ' professional conduct which the _G.L.A. tries to make out it is eliminat- ing from lacrosse was again sanctioned bi President McMillan who witnessed the game. There -`was one decided im- provementg however, over the "last match and that was that a fair referee had charge of the game. This was Mr. Bolton`R. `Keene, ot Orillia. \ The eld was in `better condition than the Barrie grounds. There was no rough playing indulged, in by either side, and oureboys were, unexpectedly we'll admit, treated white by the : Checkers.` Gallic and Kennedy had but three nights practice previous to the game but both put up very good work. Barrie s home was weak and they got veryfew chances -to shoot. Cald wellhad histhumb broken in the first stages of the game and played on with it painful. Hunter played perhaps the best game of any. Oliver `Patterson. was taken on at Orillia and he eldtcaptained the team. The two goals to Barrie s credit -were scored within 30 seconds of each other in the third quarter - when the score was 12 to,0, the first by Poucher and the second by Griths. f T ;'..:. s:;;.";..;a.;11=.:'a...:.;;"'; goo.dly,numVherV everything paged off in =+m-94oredi-b1na--nr- Ivy. Advance Correspondence. j_The Rev. Mr. Dreyer preached to the brethern of L.0.L. No. 450, on Sab- bath evening of the 17th inst. A large turn out ot the _members of the order were in attendance` to listen to one of thebest orange sermons that has been preached here for some years. He took for his text the 3rd verse of the 12th chapter of Romans, speaking forcibly of Orangeman s duty one to theother, also spoke of the-fundamental principles` of the order stating distinctly that there was no other order in existence built on-a surerfoundation. Being well advanced in the order himself he could speak in no uncertain manner, he said Orangeman -in the past had to en- counter many accusations he said for his own part it greatly helped a manlto becomea better Christian, the more one studied and meditated onthe ritual o the said society. ' _ I , _ e_ was right loyally aelebrqted on 12th, by orangqinen ant_i_ by many outqide of he ordr at Bradford. T116 Innial -Ivy; Ba.1fcie,T Allsndale, ,' Orqigvale, Strand ind Churchill lodges,` were ill Ivy,` about the .la`rge u t... There ..'.'..i.. ;.I3.L.... Q uia Bstle of the Boynoi, anniv.era_Vu-y_ iucriet. compriaing,- Angus. Baxter, represented by I large -m.`ainb.ership,V We regret -to have to relate the death of Miss Tillie Arnold, daughter of Mr. James Arnold, of Allandale, formerly of this pla'ce,gher death taking place on Thursday, 11th inst. On Friday morn- ing the news became general everyone was much surprised to learn of the sad news her illness being of short duration, throughout` the day it was the topic of - conversation; She was a young lady of estimable qualities `and was very highly respected in this neighborhood. `The pallbearers were selected from the young men of her acquaintance in this village. ' BEAVERTON WON AGAIN} -tnberonl. ""7 - Their ref 1 sis ' ce are suclnllct the is killed. `p ?or>thtov_vn off. _l>Iit,- 0Yty0.nf9lIiI11dl:ij!kl 1 stleast ordinary .prosuti6.n_I and avoid. infected. "The disease mani.-_ feats itself in so. many `di'erent ways thitt it is verydiicnltto combat : it is -foundin the thrca't,'in the bones, in .the bowels, in the joints of the- limbs, in the form of hip disease and in many other forms, in addition to the most pre- valent, namely, consumption of the lungs. '_ Too little emphasis has been put upon the importance of comfortable clothing in relation to , good health. Women especially should be careful to wear clothes which will permit free and deep respiratory `movements. . They should be comfortable in every particu- lar. Again ladies` cannot be told too often to abandon the unhygienic fashion of trailing dresses, at least in the street. They should be brave and shpw the worldthat they care more for their "own health and the welfare `of others than for the dictates of fashion. When one considers how many millions of dangerous bacilli and microorganisms are gathered up with the dust and brought into the house by this un- healthy mode of dress, further argument is hardly` necessary to prove that the `wearing of _ trains is absolutely danger- ous. Why should ladies dresses be made to do the scavenger s dirty work. The question of ventilation should receive far more attention than is given it at present. Most -buildings where people congregate in large numbers are not well ventilated. This is especially true of places of amusement. Work- shops and schools should also receive more careful attention in this regard.` It has been stated that the modern tendency to overheat private dwellings is very injurious to the health. People should not breathe the suffocating air which comes from the ordinary hot air furnace. i There should always be a con stant inflow of pureair into the living and sleeping rooms. If people would sleep with their window open it is probable that the death rate from con. sumption would be reduced at least 25 per cent. D _I I (I I As an illustration of the benecial effects from fresh air durin g sleeping hours, may be cited an instance of the leading colleges of _Toronto who was suffering from overwork and general debility, who left his bed one sultry night last summer and stretched him- self on a cat out on his verandah. He felt somuoh better in the morning that he decided to spend the next even- ing in the same place. He has con- tinued the practice not only through the summer and fall months, but every night in spite of the winter's storm and and bitter cold. The result is that now he `enjoys robust health and is doing more work with greater ease than was ever possible during his previous hisntorv. I , -,,,-`I2.,,,-_-J LI,,,_ I llbu IV. I Those who are predisposed through weakened constitutions to disease should spend the greater portion of their time in the open air. As an occupation, farming and gardening cannot be recon- mended too highly. In fact, the trend of the population from the country to the city should be reversed and people would prolong their lives and increase their enjoyment if they would spend more time in-the elds and woods study- ing Na.ture s secrets and learning the first principle of life, `namely, how to keep in good health. W. J. B. -This Midsummer Delineator. As this is essentially the vacation time of the year, The Delinestor for August is the vacation number. `The spirit of midsummer breethes over its pages from the fashions down to the household notes. _ The deintiest dresses and dress seoessories are gathered into this number, just suitable in their me- teriuls and their make-up for the tem-. porsry use to which midsummer clothing " E9`? _ V The kitchen article for the month describes various cold tomato`. diehee, summer drinks and fruit eeleda. Three short stories also appear in the August number; one by Freneie Lyndo- entitled A Vacation Conscience," an ` other by Arebellii Kenealy. daughter of the famous Dr._ Keueely, entitled '-Dr._,Fondh`sm a Daughter," and third, 0. oollegeetory written by 0 college girl- entitled The Impreuiouiat1Pietu.l'.e. _ T "-1`he' dressmaking article by Mrs. Ger? man deals with lace stock-collars and open workof various kinds, bolsros eto., which appear to be more popular than ever this season. . -. _ _oss as BROKOVSKJ. BT33-risters, Office Nouriu,_I..onveya.n_cors, etc. Toronto Buildmg. Bamo. Branch 03`: water. llonoy to Loan. Dozum Ross. LL.a. livnnnnv --v-, _, ENNOX, ARDAGH. COWAN &_ BROWN.` Barristers, Solicitors for obtaining prolpte ot ' ' a General wuls. guardianship and adnumstrauon. an Solicitors, Notarie. Conveyancers, etc. Aufx. COWAN. B. Houvonn. Amman, G. E. I. Bnowu, _ Oees: Hinds Block. No. 6, Dunlop street, Bar- no. 0$ces-Lennox Branh ` I ---M. A.-Aaah- Lowan & L.L.B ` Lennox, 4 um. tefs. U.|lU|L| on to 1 -A -r~.....s. RADENHURST, ` Banister, Attorney. A. G . Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyance: (etc. {Com- Ooe-First door Owen street, ovet Bank 0 49-48- -Aonn Rffi. g?&m:0&;ETstrf. Bank or bom- merce. Barrie. W Hnwson Solici- tors remc_ Judicature of Ontaxio. Proctors. otanes, Convcyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oices--Ross Block, Barrie. ' C. E. Hnwson. l SUI Ll. . . Ontario. Proct an is `I `I -...-.u-`av Maw--I V. _- _., `CI\Q-o`- .. __,, . ten, Solicitors in High Court of J ustiocs, Notaries Public, Conveyanoers. Oioes ovex the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. , H. H. Snwrmr, Q.C. G. H. Esrnx. NOETY, GFC. xuuu and Shiyner. Barrie Building, Owen street. -_._..:_-_.-.____-_ l.\u\Io9o I'Jll.I.I.|'. ---- night residence-Brow1 Barrie. Telephone 77. , R. J. C. SMITH, L.C.P.S., of Harvie 8; Smith, Orillia.-) _ Oice and residence -.-eorner of Owen and Collier streets, Barrie. a3_-ly R. . F. Palline, Graduate of Trinity Umversity oronto, F ow of Trinity Medical College, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oee and.Residence, :8 Owen street. *cAeM Notary, eta a mi Stvner. DR. ARTHUR burgh; M.F.P. 8; S., Glasgow, member British Upthalmological Society. Specialty.- Dleoaees of Ey es Eur, Throat and Note. OFF lCE.-78 Dunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- ..:. mmmim Post Otce and Railway Station. R S. BROAD, M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C., L. C. ` .` P. S., 0., late resident Physician and Surgeon of Toronto General Hospital, with special attention to Diseases of Women, and Nose and Throat WOrk,.also tor some time sur eon in charge of Emergcncv Hospital. Toronto. 0 eand night residence- upstairs in McCarthy Block, 21 Dunlop St., Barrie, second door east of Dougall Bros. furniture warerooms-near' Five Points. Phone 105. 29-ly OFFlCE.-78 Dunlop street, banners mucus, mu- rie. opposite Post Otce Railway Phone 54. P. 0. Bqx 96. 7-ly R. E. L. BRERETON, Dental Surgeon. Oi over Hau_1bly's Hardware. Entrance, Owen Street. Out of town 1st and 1rd Mondays of each month. - 5:-lv u1c.u0un.I.y. t25laI.c`D0ugnE anu I_Iu1u. \;_UnVcy- ancxng m all its branches. mage .L1censes ignited. 0Hirn-Rnnn Hlnck. nnlnlnn street `R21-n, Hours-n to x. ncn O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate" at`; lowest rates. Farmers Notes Discounted. Collectxons made in any t of the County. Real estate-bought and sold. nvey- nncinov in all its branches: Mair-lava Lim-_nsen IVI&IIXl I8 1&r'IlII We have a. large amount of Private Funds to lend at 4} and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm Mortgages. McCARTHY. BOYS & MURCHL SON. Dunlo Street Barrie. .;. be at ms omce._ at me your: 1-louse, barne everv Saturdav. Resxdence and P.0. Cookstown. $7O O19b0b: interest. I.` \II.\ 11` V I} I LVIIBLV I. On guou as I freehold security at lowest rate of T _ bl-frincipal money required until end of the term. . H. STRATI-IY. Solicitor; Etc.. Ravi-in JAS. EDWARD s CQNVEYANCER- THE BALLIPLANING MILL COMPANY?- Cargsnterin ;sB ilding nd anf t ' f Doors. sash. Bnds`: Moulclingstgnetg al: l`z:1I?ng gf all kinds done_ promptly: and - satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. Dxstnct azencv for m-ainpa 1.....- At his ofce until 5 p.tn.; at his private resicience, 68 Mary street, after that hour. xx-lv an nuns aonc promptly and satisfactorily. Hot Drying agency for 'uedlum- bet .Factory-Bay,eld Street, Barrie. %DGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. _____.._._._____.._____.._________ . HE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OF BARRIE have for adogtion. in good Homes. a number n` In-Zn!-L n......-.. ----`3- ~ ` " ` ' ` ` y `nu unnuunn 3 All.) SOCIETY OFBARRIE ado tion. of bright young nadian children, boys and girls Parties desiring them are asked to communicate with the` Secretafvo JREV. VD. B. l_-IARKNESS. Barrie. - `-- _> nl_Iool text books by Mr. Morng, the -'1`oron'to publisher, Imp quad ooylider-_ nu- n|_L- L-.. 1... ... ` '1'|; g.liht`thrown on the dubious ot-

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