Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 18 Jul 1901, p. 5

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Whitby. July 17.--Yest_erda.y Thos. j Stephenson, William Miles, section-L men, and John Bernie, bartender of Myrtle, appeared before P. `M. Har. pm` to answer a charge of having in- ` umidated meii who took the place of I striking C. P. R. trackmenon June` .26, The alleged intimidation took= place on June 26, but an informa.-I iion was` not laid till July 13.,- and ; then not by the C. P. R. but _`by` (`rmvn Attorney Farewell, acfing-_on ` instructions from the C. P. R. The { crown was not readyvwith its Wit- nossos and _the case was laid over for ` a week. I ` A..,.-...-1.'--... L- 4.1-- --_}.-|,,, ' .. ._ ` cmuu Luau av ... ..V., M may - tion of money that the c0mp:_n";ut?s holding out against. as of recognizin the I`rackmen"s Union as a bodg xvhich the men say is their `princi Vi demand. The Orders will not st,-`E: in Sy1l1pt1[h.V. but they Inay refuse work if the track is not prg . tended E0 and they considegerliheg; lives in danger. T A Winnipeg`. July _17.--A qormittee. of train1nen._I1g1neers and remen met M1`, McN1co1l,A General Manager of the C. P. R., on` Monday,-but. me can be learned asAt.o the result. of me interview: The opinion up- pW.s A10 prevzul that the ordinary Maxi-<)n111on are under paid, while the- foreinen z1I`0.I1 The 111911,. however, claimthat 1t 1s not as much a, queg. .,.. no` nnnnnv that fhh Dnihnnvivv .-.. nu-ea Myrtle Men Before. Mnglgtrgtg ' Harper at Whitby. ; They V Train men 5 . men W:-gait 3:'R:"8. and '5` ? I`. Mc`Ni' .105 on. W mu Not Strike in T symynthy `wltii. tn. Trackmgn, But Will Lconuidor" vrhe-Ir Safety If the Track I. _NQt` pm.` pm, Attended 'ro-can-e.o`r runny- damn - Three Myrtle Mn Baton- Mggistrato Harper at Whitby. CHARGE or I.~j'rnnnA'r1oN. W _*_1_lq Liberal .00l|V.II1t`i,0 !h - [ aux. GIDIOII Ania. b ; Fredericton, July 17. - Alexgaib-j: l'n Jr-.. who redeemed York Cou_ntY_ : t November and was subsoq\o_I)t1Y- ` tea. was ronommma yesterday ~ -o`-.....-.h.-_ `.'.c-.\3tq:----,.'-'oq"'7?: .' 81 THE STEEL STRIKE. u nu. uvbu vvxvu. Lat UUB. W15` Drandell said Miles .sa.'id noth- Alex. Gibson Aida. .-A _ up London,` July 17.--.Lord Rosebory 1 {has issued a striking manifesto, in 1 A which he bids..fp.rewell to the `politi- [co,1fa.rena.. ` `It-`puts an end to thoh L ploaaing cion at Radicdl hunityg 1 ` -.4 `London; July 17.--A deepatch to The Pall Mall Gazette from Constan- tinople eaye great frauds have been discovered in the Turkish customs. The fembezzlemente are said t ex- ceed 120,000 sterling. Sev 1 of the higher customs "oiciale have; been arrested. Oran, Algeria, July 17. - While Max Regis, the anti-Semite Mayor of Algiers, was going to the Casino last night. he was stabbed .in the neck.` His assailant was arrested.` Rioting followed, and thirty persons were taken" into ' custody, among. them Louis Regis. . `cyclone struck the parish of King's New Maryland adjoining. `pg my-wu- Fredericton; 17. - A Clear and the city yesterday afternoon and un- ~ro'ofod ton barns, uprooted orchards and seriously dameged crops. A, V Killed by the Heat. - Brockville, . J_uly1 17. - Willi .Hawkins, who for over 20 years was employed by George Hutcheson, dry- ' goods merchant, was prostrated by the intense heat Saturday and died yesterday. He was 62 years -of age. {A The thermometer registered 90 "ind Q the shade here yesterday. Pekin, July 16. - A messenger from General Chang, commander of Viceroy Yuan-Shi-kai soldiers, ar- rived here to .--day with despatches for ' Li Hung .Lh~.mg. He says that e the Poyeh rebels are largely composed `of deserters from General Mei's ,-rmy. The rebellioneof these soldiers ` / AS among the rst evidences of a.p- 3 ~Chinese." - -' preaching revolt of the Chinese against the Manchu dynasty. The in- l scription on their banners is `.`Ob-i literate the Manchus; Reinstate the; i London, July ' 17.---The Govern-g ment was defeated in the House of` fLords yesterday afternoon. Al- ;though quite unimportant in itself, the defeat was indicative of the growing discontent. - The incident arose from the question whether a. model of the new War Oice should be made and exhibited. Lord Lans- downe, the Foreign Secretary, refus- ed to entertain this proposition, but on `division the motion was carried by 41 votes `against 20. - vvv mcmoers of this section ere1 use_d to so to work. Their failure to re- port for duty caused nearly all the collieries in the northern anthracite "9Ei0n to suspend operations, throw- ing out of work 30,000 men and boys. Some of the individual coal Oberetors conceded the demands -on, COn'd1tiOn that the short hour cln,VyV "68 not to hold if the men empl0y,od'~ by the big companies "did not 381'- the same concessions. The big coal my concessions. V . RDorts from all the districts show mP*lnieS. however, refused to make" that the strike from Pellston .to_ Shiclishining 0 was general and that- the coal companies were unable lo` Secure new men. The best-theyncouldt Wu `to press foreman end. in the service. London, July 17. - Anglo-German control of the coast trade of China, as Well as the shipping along the Pacic from.Tien Tsin to the sea. was secured in London yesterday as a. result :of negotiations between ' an English shipping syndicate and A]- fred Ballin, director-general of` the Hamburg-Ainerican nsteamship Com- pany. Only the formalities of the ur-. rangements remain to be concluded. Thn nnv4- u'v.nr...u4.\...4. l......:...-__ ` a|~o\Ia.Ll.5)ILUIJ LUILLCDILI DU UU UUIlU1uUU.._ ` The next important business to be }transacted by the German" shipping ` magnate is the signing of a. contract 5 with Messrs. Harland & Wolff, the `grea.t'Belfa,st shipbuilding rm, for the construction of a."21,000-ton lin- er for the Hamburg-American Com- pany's service. The new vessel will be larger than the Deutschland, but considerably slower _in speed, only sixteen knots `being called for. `A/I',.n;-..~. 1:r....I.....A 9. n1.-.m:r.. .... ....... I-lLl5\I\J\4AL `\IL\J U IJCLI-I5 \nl(bIlCu `U1 . ] Messrs. Harland & Wol sV recent purchase of 30,000 tons of Ameri-'1-.n ship plates from the Carnegie Steel Company is said to have been-an an- ; ticipation of theorder for this latest German 0 levialth-.u1. i `Ava g; uaucu UUU._y \ f river on, Saturday. ..,. nvaav Jxvcl bu L518 aux NOIX, and on her return, partly crazed from indignities to which she was exposed } on the island and the-steamer, she attempted to make away with her-. self by jumping from the steamer '3 into the river, from which she was, i however, prevented. She disappear-` ad from her home the next evening, ` and was not again heard from till. her bruised body was found in the river nn .q+IIv`!`n11 ,,-_-_..,.e.-. K St; Jolins, Que., July _~17.-'-'l`he body of the young girl, Teresa Mac- Donald, formerly` of Pembroke, Ont., but for some time past a servant in the household of Mr.- P. A. Chasse, . K. C., which was being kept pending i the arrival of relatives, was buried yesterday morning, a service being held in the Roman Catholic Church. Miss MacDonald attended a midnight , -excursion by steamer ' Tues-= day evening" of ,last week ( up the river to Isle aux Noix, , on her r:_f.nrn hnrfltr .~..-....`.a a...`.... I v w \ ` near Wa.terval.a few days e.g'o,,.- : ao- ` cording to a report . I.-ontlon; known Boer commander. spatch to-ithe War` omce'~:r'on1* - Prte-s toria. announces the arrival. thereof Mrs. Schalk-burger. `wife {of the ;well Mrs. .1 Scha.lkburg'er was oaptured { received here Saturday. It was intimated that she was conveying despatches through the British lines for the Boers. The fact that she was so speedily taken to British headquarters in Pretoria. gives the impression here that this `report `is - correct, and'that Mrs. Schalkburger is under arrest as a 3 SPy- I QL- -`~ . \ Medal: For Strathoonur Ottawa, July 17.--Militia orders: {issued yesterday provide that all omembers of Strathcona s Horse, who have not already received their,Sou'th l African War medals, will be able to 1 receive them from His Royal High- ness, the Duke of Cornwall and York, in the manner authorized for members of the other Canadian con- tingent. ` S}'1eT prominence to appear yin~ the` war. . ' - V is the erst woman spy of Boer . I Girl : Body lgaooven-ed From Bchcilon Blvd:---'-Pooulln_r Circumstnucam, 3 _f_ I The second Day sees the Amalgamated ' Otncers in a Satised Mood-30,000' Miners Quit Work. Pittsburg, July `17. `-The_ second. day of the great steel strike closed] with the Annilgamated oicers in al satisfied mood and claiming" to have made goocl every promise as to re- sults. l`l1e strike otcials say nothing has been said to them of any plan for mediation `or arbitration, and they will continue to `carry out their Program as originally considered. . But one tin mill, that at Monessen, and one sheet mill, at Duncanville re- main at Work. The fact that the Nat tional Tube Mill men, non-union. have received a substantial increase. in Wages, has caused discontent among the union men employed D) . the Company wiho think they are en- titled to 21, similar increase. Meet- ings were held last night and a de- mand will be made to-day. . P. F. Smith, District Manager of the American Sheet Steel Company. said the Millsville Rolling Mill will start to-day with non-union work- men. No new men have been brought in. however, and how Mr. Smith ex-- Dects to start is a. matter of conl00' ture. Well-sville is looked upon as an s important point. President Powell, of the Tin Work- ers Protective Association, said last night if the company introduced black plate work by non-union` men." the tin workers will be called out. . 30,000 Miners Quit. Wilkesbarre, July 1'7.--'1`hel strike order of President Mullahay of_ the Stationary Firemen s Association 0! Pennsylvania, was promptly?obeye'd Rt 7 (\,(`_]('\(i Irnnfnnnvv vvuouu-uonivunn Ihni .l".Vo:-d llouoboryh ls lleth-lug _G1-out Frauds Discovered. % ms -5635. art Indicative of Dldoontont. UGLY LOOKING CASE. Stnbbod in the Neck. Oyolono Down But. AT 31; Ship max. Revolt in Chlna.._ --v.--.avI~i _Wc8:B captured . .. , Inn Killed at Powder Ill! `Explosion. |.l.\&.'f8W ego,"-; - - " ; 1 a report mcelyed )7 her-or sud Anomu-,1n.1m-ad - mum; crane int,im'a,tgd_ a crushed": Worker -- llystox-lone tild- :l.n8' despatchesp * ll: of Wanna ; ]_3ody Ilny Indicate mes th B,"` Th llurdor at 0_ttun--JAsI::o5I Flatt : Foot so a - eadquarters. o Pretoria. P'"`" T` '` ` p SSi_ `he ? this Hamilton, -July 17 .-A severe thun- }`1"3l ~. nd that ' derstorm passed over the city yes- 13 `under 35* terday` afternoon. Lightning struck ' 3 9 a. tree onthe farm of John Burns, `e W9ma*n 5957 f near Stoney Creek, killing a, squaw .111` , and paralyzing two Indians. The ` . . Indians were berry picking. ' A Killed by Lightning. Port_ Robinson, July 17. - During arday all - severe electrical storm here yester- Etrathconafs -' day afternoon about 3.30 A Thomas ll lly orders ady l Herdman medals, from 'southea's't-,'of here, was instantly kill- -ed by` lightning, while sitting on a. ` for hay rake in a eld not far from his me com home. A wife and two children sur- -~=um.y nvanua, was promptly - obeyed 33 0 clodk yesterday morning, when 0 members of this section [refused to {In 4n -..._1. rnI._2__ A, ,-1__,,- 4- _._ `Auburn, July 17.-`-Frank Wemnr- holm, the Chautaugua County mur-, deter, was put to4dea.th in thaqloo-` trio chat: here _yest0r` mornint; A `previous evening`. Baseball Fatality. Winnipeg, July 17. --Louis O'Con- nor, son of Mr. John O'Connor, of 155 James avenue, died early yes- terday morning at his father's resi- ` deuce, [the result of` an accident sus- ` tained while playing baseball the Three Illled-Nino II) and. Fair-eld, Conn., July 17. -A cave- in of earth and timbers at a cut made by workmen, who were prepar- 1 ing for thefoundation of the Uncowa reservoir dam, killed three men and injured nine others, one of. whom may die. Owen Sound, July 17.-_-Alex.` Nicholl, a. well-rknown farmer of Sar- awak Township,'- was badly gored by , a `bull on _Fr'iday-last and is. now in `the hospital this ,town_. " Gallipolis, Ohio, July 17. - In a. collieion yesterday afternoon between 1 the Hocking Valley pay train and a. e freight at Vinton, one {man was kil1- ` ed and four were injured including ; Paymaster Leech, The trains came \ together head-'on.. = _ ;u___-_I i__ _ '._nI Quebec,-July 17.-A farmer named: jLapointe was dragged to death . by` a,_ runaway horse near Eagle Cape Sunday." He was driving hi-3 family to church, when his horse became un- manageable. and broke part of the `harness. j'Ig`he wife jumped out of the rig and sustained only slight in- juries, but Lapointe, in his endeavor- to follow, `tripped on the step of the caleche and fell, head foremost, with one of his legs caught. in the foot- step. Hanging head down he was dragged along the rough road for over a. mile.` When the runaway was stopped Lapointe was onenmss of bruiseseand life was extinct. ' I - ' A Fatal Runaway. Winnipeg, .July 17. - John to.` -Mand, aged 69 years, died at his home in4St.-Andrews- yesterday, as theresult. of injuries sustained in a runaway accident last Friday even- . 4 ' Montreal, 17.` - Two mills of the Hamilton Powder Co. of Windsor i Mills, were blown up at 1.30 yester- day afternoon. A man named Denis 1 i Aubin was killed and one Richard= Moyce was severely injured. The K cause of the explosion is unknown. Ono" Killod-0ne Injured. Meaford, July 17. -- An accident _ occurred here yesterday afternoon, in ; which one man was killed and an- other seriously injured. They were . working on the` steam shovel at the i extension of the Grand Trunk rail- way to the harbor,- the crane gave way and fell on the men crushing : them.The dead man, Joseph Jeffries, | aged 30, leaves one daughter living at Ottawa. The` injured man, `Albert ,Hawkins, is a native of this town. It is thoughthe may recover. Found in the Ridoau. Ottawa, July 17. - _The body of a . well dressed and beautiful young wo- ' man dressed in black satin blouse and bicy.cle skirt, was found in the I river at the .foot of the Rideau Can- ial yesterda.y Ihorning. Deceased was 7 about 28 years of age and had re- } ceived- a.` wound pver the eye ap- t parently V before being immersed. , There is no mark on her clothing ` nor on her person by which she can be identied, nor is there anything in her possession. The body lies in the morgue awaiting the inquest. , Foot. Partiallv Torn 01!. `Rat ~Portage, J uly' 17.--James Flett, an e1_np1oye or the Rat Portage Lumber Co.: had his foot caught in a line_ roller. Part of his foot was torn off, and his toes badly smashed. Wealthy Hotel Guest Di-owned. Vancouver, B. 0., July 17.-Word has been received` that the remains of D. D. Dick have been found near Ban. He was accidentally drown- ed. - vHe had been staying at the Ban Hotel, and had wandered off on Sunday, July-7. Mr. Dick was a wealthy Scotchman, his fortune be- ing estimated` at $2,000,000. He was somewhat noted for his eccen- tricities. ' Se_att1e`, J'u_ly 1"7.-J'. W. Lowes, a.` native of `Toronto, and resident of "British Columbia, was drowned near 1 Big Salmon a few days ago". .\Ai'ar'nn-1-`s '.-rx-ible Ezuo. i ..... uuauu, a. uxguly respected resi- dent of _Crowla.nd-Township,`1_ miles `southea`st'of here, instantly bylightning, while children sur- yvive him. I Has an a Coiavductox-.' \ 3 Brougham, July 17. -During the heavy 'thunderstor`ms, which passed _ over here yesterday afternoon, a. young farm haqd named Lewis was struck by lightning and instantly- killed. He was carrying his hoe over his ,s_houlder and it acted as a. con- ductor. ` ` ' I_t was adduced that the C. I . R. paid the men who -took the places of the striking trackmen $37.50 a. 3 month with board. Ctntradictory Report: I ` Toronto, July 17. -- The strike of- the Canadian Pacific Railway truck- men continues withno prospect of a.` settlement. A. D. Lowe, vice-presiv dent of the Brotherhood of Track-. `men, estinmtes that -fully 4,000 trackmen are out on the entire sys- tem. ASqy`w,_`Frmr o Hayrack and Hired Min Witl-IHoe. .-..-'-_--vi -Death lbn`thom1IL:ioi:trlc chiur. One Killed--'0uo Injured. Fatal Bond-oi": collision. Toronto" Man Draw: ed ..5;.;.;. 5, a_Bn1l. hnuuotvu -1 I.Y&D\lI DIIIU We are sorry to that. Joe . Travers had his house burnt on Thurs- day. sEver`ything was burnt except an` - .-.v ;v" "$2117.. SKI: iEr.+1i"imenger, of Innis- l, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J nos J ohnaon, on Sunday. ' ' 1:... 1'..- u-`._.u:... -g 0l!.......a.... ..'_.: is spending a. few days with Ed. Young. ~ YIVL- `Il_..-_. l'1__.._I_-II -1 'I3.I-___-I'. "'1iE.-."I1"n-.i'"fIof"i:2aII.?n. of Angus, were -the gueata of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hart, on Sunday. ' mt- -_~.1 ml-__ 1) n:n-___-.-_ _:'*r_._:_ The 'of11cia.1se say they are little,` concerned over the strike. Every- thing on the system, they report. is progressing satisfactorily. "i&;.'".f.";" n7c'1'{.3','"5i'roronm, am: Miss Marlin, of Ferndnle, were visiting friggfis inGrenfel lust yek. __ -_ __,,__ -- -_.. _........-- an `.n.uuuvvc A case similar that of the Lake- a de was dismissed against Captain Coonoy, of the Garden City. It looks as if we were within hailing distance of the practical and much-lcok- ed for airship. In Paris on Friday last, M. Santos-Dumont. a young Brazilian inventor, made a wonderful` voyage on an airship of his design. Six` times in succession it made the circuit of the Longchamps race course, a distance of two and one-quarter miles. M. Aime, an eminent scientist and a] high author- ity on -aeronautics, pronounced the air- ship an unqualied success. He said it answered its rudders with r perfect `obedient docility, and was brought to stop at the exact spot indicated before hand. Later it circled the Eiffel tower. returned and again stopped at the pre- cise place named by the ' judges; -On Saturday another trial was made. The Eiffel tower was again circled_, but the return journey was interrupted because the motive power of the ship gave out. Speaking editorially of the" event, the New York Herald says that the practi- cal success of the voyage was such as-to inspire the expert. spectators with a feeling of certainty that -the essential problem has been solved and that further development and improvement will make cruising at will in the upper either a pastime of the near future."-World. Miss A32}; Dickey, of Strand, is the guest of Mrs. Ween Scott. 1'.m....-.-1-1 -2 `l ---_I.:_- :- ..._-...a:-.. Charles Harris has returned home. froE_the_Soq. " '.Ee'iisS'?37.7ptIef1:"J Edeuvaie, are visiting friends in Grentel. . "'1... ...'--..... 7_.:II. ._2_`I. LL- 1..-...` Inouv --an-vnnua QOCUCIGB IX \n\IlnIJl J The framers will nish the frame work of the new achgol thiiweek. In the case brought against Captain O Brien, of the Argyle, it was shown that the Argyle arrived here from Ol- cott, _N.Y.. about 2.30 on Sunday afternoon, June 30th, with 150 passen- gers, and that when she returned three hours later she carried only about 100. In dismissing. the case, Magistrate Der.-r ison expressed himself freely on the matter of Sunday observance, and _said that when the street oars first came in on Sunday he was opposed to them, but since that time he had several times ridden to church on the cars, and thought that on account of e the increas- ed traic of the present day they were necessary. It was perhaps so with boats, but in dismissing the case against the Argyle, His Worship V expressed doubts if a vessel coming from a foreign country and leaving for a foreign coun-, try on the same day could be touched by the Sunday law, no matter whether lhe boat was owned here or not. He considered that the Act referred to ve:sels owned here, that left here and came back on Sunday. He thought it mrght cause intern:-ional disputes it action were taken agasnst vessels plying the same as the Argyle , `I A `D.4........_ T) n -_-L_ - I .. ..._.--w -up vnav H-J. A. Pateraon:5i{`_.vC., spoke on be- half of the Dominion Alliance._ ......... uuu uuuw uay ny me same boat." Mr. H. G. Luke, who is the local agent for the` company," stated that he had by error advertised an excursion on Sunday. July 7, in the city papers, but had rectied the error on the fol- lowing day. He explained that there were no excursion rates given on Sun- day, and that through connections were made to Bu`alo from Montreal over their line. In answer to a question from Crown Attorney Curry, Mr. Luke said the reason the Sunday traffic was started was simply because the passen- gers from outside points who arrived in Toronto on Saturday, nights or Sunday mornings kicked about being left over for a day. 'D..L_-l C1_,, . In (I -- -- gvsuvnnv Ono Tarbus remarked that the men would be or ought to be mobbed. But this man had no information laid against him. - No evidence was oered against- Stephe-nson . and he was discharged.` The only evidence against Miles was that he had been with Tarbus. "Wit- Mace "`V`t)v'|`f`r\ n.-.r' II'.'I.._ --'-`J -v- - nun : . ` Patrol Sergeant Geddes and Pulice man Irwin gave evidence as to the number of passengers on the Sunday in question, and Purser Robertson, who followed, said that on the 2 o clock trip on the 7th there, were but 13 passen- gers, of whom 6 were bound for Buislo, 5 for St. Catharines, where they re- mained overnight, and but 2 of the 13 came back on the return trip. Of the 38 passengers who returned toDalhousie in the evening but 12 had come over in chemoruing. `II--TIT `l'_I `l')|-I_- _,,, V, `I ' Blake appeared for the `def_'.en(_l_ants'. _ --- n-viiqlvlllc Ull IIUIV lo Uaptain .Wigle was charged with exercising worldly lsbor not a work of necessity or of charity, and running a. Sunday excursion for the carriage of passengers for pleasure only, to go and return the same day by the boat. 'Nl..`l:I f`I`l'-J- '-7"` _._.....`-_.::--n urwjcyv ` Not iiV'nBstifio-A-bntlon"IAnkAe house will he nlloI'_ve'd to run'on Sunday. The ral: one against them by the Lord : Day Alliance was lost. The following in an account of the case: `I ..- L_:,n . 2 u .- -- -vvvuluv vs IIIIU UIIU 3' V In a brief trial this morning before Magistrate Denison, Captain Nelson Wigle, of the steamer Lakeside, of the N iagara, St. Oatharinee and Toronto Navxgation Company, was dismissed on the charge of a breach of the Lord : Day Act by running an excursion to Port Dalhonaie on J uly 7. ....a.,_.'__ `IT! 1 SUNDAY noLr1?s'ZT Air Ship At Last, .1. R. HAM BLY S ness ing. I ; FLY OI L FOR -SPRAYING STOCK, HARDWARE STORE, Opposite the Pos%t Office. PLYMOUTH munsn TWINE. HARVEST _1`OOLS, - FOR SALE AT GRAIN CRADLES, Q MACHINE OIL, PURE PARIS GREEN. ` According to the evidence adduced six men were brought to Myrtle by Benjamin Crandell and Foreman Bruce from Pox-t.Perry to take the place of the striking"tra,(`.kmen_ While they were all in the hotel at Myrtle, the bartender jocularly said that the men would have to be tarred "and feathered. ~ . L._, \` - ..

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