FRAWLEY 81 MOORE The first meeting of the Ladies Institute will be -held at the homeof Mrs. W. J. Phillips on Tuesday, J nly 2nd at 3 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended. to every lady to attend the meeting. A" ' T A _.-...L -..-.....LR..'l .._...I... .....L_. 1-- Rimless Glasses A most successful garden party was held Friday evening last at the home of S. H. Fawcett under the auspices of St. J ohn s ohurc_h.:. _Quite a number from Ivy, Barrie, Thornton and Clover Hill were present and a very enjoyable time was spent by all. The baseball match between Thornton and Clover Hill -was won by Thornton. The foot- ball match Cookstown vs. Thornton re-' sulted in a draw, neither "side scoring. The programme. which consisted of music by Ivy * Orchestra, songs. by the church quartette and solos by Misses Banting, Misses Fawcett and ` Miss Dinwoody s was above former praise. Short addresses were given by Rev. S_imps_on,' Smith and Dreyer and Messrs. Duff and Little. Mr. Haughton Len-p nox acted as Oh_a_irman. The proceeds amounted to._about $90. . . -MR. BINGHAM INJURED} While driving on Penetang Street, Mr. `Bingha.m s horse ran away, throwing him out. The rig passed over him. arid he sus- tained severe internal injuries, from which he in reoeverihgfnievrlyr A. . T . ` - '.'.'.-.J`. .'..*`=.".=.':. *BE"'- a curve -vwnoaoag `an run`! ' -E'o;onto Markets During" :.6&.e"ek.'- siuuzm alum MARKET. Scientific Optician, MaeLAREN'S onus. STORE. Toronto Farmers Markets. A Tonorrro. JUNE 25, tom. White........-u-mun.-...'$ 68 T A5? fad up _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _, an I Fl BUII-Iuooaqooagooocao ll; tonooooooaooaoo HIDBS. ' GENERAL PRODUCE. Mrs. McIntcsh` and daughter, Miss "Maggie, of Oberland, Ohio, are visiting old friends here. Mrs. McIntosh and family were {former residents of" this Buuuk. Just: 26, 1901 oonoycuocoois 6 to `air-Iv- 150.... 600,... Anotl-1er lot Vof Men s and Boy s price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In Our Millinery Rooms You may nd this week the newest midsummer New York fancies in Trim- med Hats; .The very late notions--als0 a. line of exceptionally desirable lull`- gains in `white and colored sailor hats. Just the thing for the present and com. ing month. ~ 3 Sailor I-lat Specials Lot No. 1-Worth 45c, and 50c. for. .. Lot N o. 2-W'orth 750. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lot No. 3-Worth $1.00 and $1.25 for... . Oor Menis Furnishing Department is most complete and thorotxglzly up-[.j.. date. See our underwear` white and colored shirts, collars, ties, gloves, cm,-_ A LUCKY HIT made last week in the purchase of a line of Men s Felt I-Inn; at one half their real value enables us to; make a special 0'e1`i;1g. during the 11m few days, or while this lot lasts. _ .. -- apqo . q. . _ By general coneent the best Men s and Boy s Clothing `Store in Barrie. This reputation so well estabhshed, envlable and to us very grat1fy1ng, has been earned bythe excellence of goods offered, our gtyles and t, the moderate prices asked,_ and on merit generally. All these points. are `now more than ever accentuated. lWe quote you a few. They are Bargams. Don t Imss them. _ 1\I'E1'."s STIFF AND SOFT FELT" Hus in all leading colors, such as M-.1cL', brown, light ' drab and_pear1 grays, newest shapes of 1901, worth from 81.3% to -$2.25, all put atvQne,pr1ce..'... nan 1 1*: 9 111.r'r. 11 1 1 . Can you fail to be interested in knowing where you will nd the better styles, the better values,` "the greater variety to choose from, and what is most important, the shoes that combine wear, ease and graceat the prices you ought to pay--these are the strong. features that characterize everypair of shoes in our stock,ywhich is easy double the size of any other in Barrie e As evidence of our buying advantages and our knowledge of what really meansga. -Bargain, we ask you to judge us by every item in this list. I $3.50 "-__7__ Buys 23. nia.n s suits equal to the best that can be obtained at $9.00 to $10.00. All Wool tweeds and imported solid wool worsteds, dark I and light colors, best makers productions, nest; trimmings, for... I EE i 36 pairs of Men's unioh wool tweed pants, strongly made, to be had r in all sizes ; a. real good knockabout pant for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Boy'sSuits, sizes 22 to 28, $1.00 and upwards. Boy s Suits, sizes 29 to 33', $2.50 and upwards. Men s Felt Hats Men`: Fu|:nlshings `Men's Heavy Wool Tweed Suits, both double breasted and S. B. . Sacs, lined with good Italian liningsfwell tailored, perfect tting .. -garments. Specxal pnce. .e . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.__ __._ --v ---v wvn -vuyv-u-unru- Mrs. Chae, of N ova Scotia, visited friends here on Sunday. lingwpod. T . Kzllylagn. Advance Correspondence. Miss McLean, of Churchill, ivae`the guest of Mrs. Geo. Sharp last-`week. M1`. aud Mrs. R. Ferguson visited friends last week in Stayner and 001- n: In: 1| 1"!` ! \l_'I;_, TI-IE DOUBLE STORES. ' FRAWLEY & DEVLIN, T Mr. and Mra.`_ J as. Clamerpn, of F109, called on friends here recently. Mr. `Leslie Smith, of Baxzzi-ie, spent Sunday with Mr. Milfred Andrews. 9 Mesiar. Tom Wiley and W. Hurst have ;_-eturned home from" Parry Sound. -D cw-v 1-u - In _-_- 'izE;'{rIJ.aZTJe'6I;&&TnE"zE; Lizzie Cameron, of Barrie. spent Sun- day yith friends here. in}. and Mrs. W. McKinley and family, of Mineaing, visited Mr. and | Mrs. James Brown on Sunday. Last Tuesday night Mr. J-as. Lone;-I heed had three head of young cattle killed by the train near Thotfnton. I On Monday afternoon, July lat, the Sunday school will hold a strawberry festival in Mr. Chas. Dyer s bush. A good tign e is expected-. . _ A Advance Correspondence. ' ; 7 __Mr. a.nd.Mrs.- Will; Clughley have a idaudhter. V I -__,_,,n_, I,__ I___ C 0. GI-Ininn v\`ao 0 -Mrs. S. A. Detnpater has been visit-. ing Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dempster. 1m'.. D..I......a. `Il-1iV-.I.1-_ -...I 112-- Mrs. McGhee, of Horninga Mills, returned home last week after spending a few weeks with". her daughter, Mrs. R. Ferguson. - - WEE. f>.'$'t3eIE'".'na'r3E&21SI.""3`{{H"1Saasa Oleary, of Baxter, spent Sunday here. Q. XII Mr`.'Thompop J;nn$u,:&'iVivy, was SIIME BEl}Al|8ES_ You save one half of custom tailors price on as well made goods. Any- V way see the stock V. _ THEMEN I"ORTHEMEN. BARR":-., -? - - - HuNTER BRosq FRONT` STREET, BARRIE. Holly. Advance Correspondence. II n -`V an Our `Clothing is not made to order but made to t. \Ve are `entitled to your trade Mr. Norman, the Japan missionary, who is supported there by the Epworth Leaguers of the Bradford district, ad- dressed ihe Bethesda League on Thurs- day evening, 20th, ' and on Sunday, 23rd inst., in the afternoon. - We are able to t any size or shape of man We have a11's_izes and shapes in stock. We t you as well as the tailors We ar a rst class one priced house. You should trade here It is Bafrie s- style Barometer. Backus: BECAUSE [Because ascnuse BECAUSE 2nd Line Larks. Advance Correspondence. Miss Lizzie Snider is visiting friends in Toronto. Boy Felts" Hats, blacks and colors, S}mci;1] . - t retliewlnug old acquaintances here 183 week. A Mr. said Mrs. Alex. Arnold spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W- A- .Dempster. . VL(ert;oy. Advance Correspondence. - Miss Douse is home from Toronto tor va- ` cation. 132,, r 6. -.. .. , .. . ...:ol Miss Lvdia Beatty spent Sundtli `mh Miss Adams. * " _ Mr. I. M. Gilpin, of Belhaven, spent D5 turday in this burg. De Where will you spend July lat? At Gxiassi Point, of course. .d t `I\ can `I1.-1. LV...l=Ar`u-A-A :0` f\" 7n` 8 urasar rornt, or .d t . Glad to see Miss Sadie Grose in our ml -if only for a short time. 8 ` Mr; D. Grose, ot Aurora, called on 50 of his bid friends last week. - Mr." and Mrs. Will Beatty visited Mr. 3- Beatty, of Stroud, last week. A visitor has come to stay at the home f Mr. Thou. Sawyer. It is a boy. Lefroyt-`S. S. intend taking a trip t Big Bay Point on Seturday by str. IBM'- l\.-:A__ , , 9 - , _;........Jar` fhe Eiiiiix." uny Luluu uu oqwutuuy Uy Bu`. Lanny- Quite a number from here attended *1 ]881'd9l1 party at Craigva1e_ on Wed1195dy evening. _ . I'I1 _ - V , _. ' . I ,__-. `anh- V V VIII]-I51 We must not forget the strawberry fest" `val at Mr. H. Gross": in aid of Belle Ewart; church on, July 4. E`ver-YbdY "` an ".""j";'i. - ..-.n.m Bn]0Y a treat. V . - - Id The Inniel S. S. conventnon {V111 13 he ` on Frida evening in the Sixth Lme The epee era being Mr. S. SP|!1`l'3 thwen, Min Ida. Grate, Lefroy: M1 2 R0, JGiIford';.Mr.. G. 0. Allan. Rev J ~ 'n|.`..*-.-. .|..m.. - ru '5. ..-..--= -..-u~-v.-.J . Miss Sundeau, of Goldwater, is'the guest of the Misses Drysdale. no -I\ u a c v o o a u - o n u o - o o o o o 0 vI['\ \.L|\L 75. JUNE 27, ONT_ I901. $7.50 $|.OO QISS A. Cle1ands new -residence i progressing steadily. `IE2-.. Q-__.I--_ -1.` lV-I.'I__-L-._ ..`A.L- 'L0;\ srej MEN'S DEPT. Intelligent Shoe News. _BfarrIo_s sage Leaders. place, and their many friehds are plans- ed to welcome them again. "'i:fcTII"os'i."?y$";'.3'5 "1\?is3L Mazgie Swan visited friends at Coulson last W9!=- u--' 4. .. Iv vvn-U Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Speatin, of Allan- dale, were guests OSLO D._Robinson,on -'1`h\ireday.- ` `r_-_ LL- _\_._-,__- Ln 1- rr in! un- v-av; Inov asavui-ll VI. J-I.I.Ill:l \JIlUII\lI.At The Rev. J. H. Teeny was aummonv ed on Tuesday to Cobourg, where his mother-in-law, Mrs. Creighton, is near 1 10ll81_V ill. l --.._. Mrs. A. Keil was summoned on Sat- urday to Toronto, to attend her daugh~ ter, Miss Mary, who is ill atvToronco J unction. Braiannree. V _ Advance Correspondence. Mr. J ames.Cuaton and wife, of Allen- wood are visiting friends here . `ll `l',,I ,1`:-I `IA e _--I- _-I_h the absence bf J. H.`T_eeny, Mr. Arthur Craig conducted the service` at St. John's church on Sunday. `M -.... I 'm...._1-.. :._._ .`l--__L;._.. :; 1 ._ '"1sET3f 1}}%71"y',"m-"&`;", and Miss May Frawley, of East Chi- cago, are guests of Mar. Gaston. VITL- 1)-_ I `I'll fI'|;-__ ._-_ -.___._-_._ `v - - v - - v -av \ _During the terric thunderstorm on i Saturday evening lightning struck the {barn of Mr. Peter McArthur, on the ` town line, killings. valuable horse. 'L_ `I"-.1--_I A21 -1 GA `I'-I__l-, -L,,,,_`L I Campbell. is vi_sibing i friends at Grenfel. nan A: In u nnlnnjuucn on -u-nyuuu-anua gnvnuvo e"."'iI-he-]3:d1es7 Aid of St. John's church held their monthly meeting at Mrs. Keil s on Thursday. Those. present were Mrs. Arthur Craig (president), Mrs. Abe Craig, Miss Mary Craig, M Mrs.*Y. Swan, Mrs. A. Jory, Mrs. M. Csstoe, Miss Moon (teacher), Miss Tdlie `Craig. Mrs; Wm. Morrison and Miss sWilsoin, - Edenvale. V Advance Correspondence. Miss L. Campbell visited at Sunni- dale on Sunday. . , . _ 11- IR` 2, re _ 1,11" s f"i&." "1s2LrBZif," of Grenfel, visited. Mr. A Campbell on Sunday. fI1L_ _._--._ ..2-_.!- L- LL- .__-__LI_ -1` LL- oval: no yw--revs- -no -ya-an--uuuJ. The union picnic to the mouth of the river was well attended. All report having a. good time. "VI... "I.a`.J........I.. ....`:I3l....... 13....-- L... .. ...... _--3 -- 6--.. ---.v The Edenvale m"ilit_ary force has re- turned from camp, looking wellafte hwy` weekg" hgrd dr_ill. A can 1` V1 vvnnw nan-ova -an-co: \ `Bur school teacher, Miss Booth, is lpreparing four pupils to try the Eu- trance at Barrie this year. T -'IK-___.. I`! DS_'_:. .....`I TIT. l`l_.._-._ vuv-p vv nnv .-urvun-.\1 `Messrs. G. Bl-I-1'.l.1'i;v;.I;d W. Oaron ` and Misses A. Miles and M. Gilchrist attended the wedding at Anten Mills on Thu1faday.~ ` 35- pairs Ladies $1.10 Dong. But- ton Boots, toe cap, vM_cKay' sewed sole, light dressy style, sizes 3 to 7 ,_ 9; bargain to clear nJ- ' Quite a number from here assisted `Mr. R. Martin, of Orr Lake, to raise fhi barn on Tuesday last, andthoae "who remained forgthe evening's enter- tnintnent had a good time. 30 pairs` Ladie Dong. Kid Ox. Shoe, Kid toe ca.p,'Kid lined, _ turned scle, the quality you pay $1.35 toe$l.50 for, sizes 2% '- to 6, Special . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . .81` 15 n The values these prices represent mustconvince you there is no ` juggling with prices, thatis to ' } `say marking them up `to `make ` room to, cut tl1e'.pri_ce--so gen- ; emlly done. V The - cut `._isf _ genuine,.and if y_eu_ step in 'you`_ will `be convinced. _ . ` :- xii-[I %. LADIES DEPT. 75c~ 1-151`; 'Evr'eret 1:, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Wood. ' -__, .._-_- w--- vv wv-.- V-Ldaeueara. Henderson and lievia were visit- ing friends in Stroud last week. - ,`I'(`I`. non The Allandale lacrosse club has been ine vised by the Stavner club to play a game 9.`: the Christian Isla.nd'sv on Julvv4, and have accepted the same. - 31:`. J.Ea.dd.y`. of _'.I.`oroni:o, was renewig `acquaintances in the sixth ward this week. I 7! an ,.-7_.__v-_ ___ __.v ..--.v u --c vacuum: I: vvno `` E. Shear apent thrae `days in Elmvaie this week,|presidiug on the Entrance Exami- nations. V We are sorry to have to savfhah Wm. F<:ster left here on the 19th inst. for the Toronto Hospital, where he expects to undergo an operation. ' M1-a.T (Dr.) West. of Angus`, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Arnold, last; week. J. Sage vtrasgcrced to qcit work last week on account of sickness, andis. at pres ent recuperating at his home on Essa street. II... I\I fl 1 1 1 I`. on Ma; 61;;. i'oEn';{.(i'IaZEgi.}eE'E1;liJ; of Collingwood, spent Sunday and Monday in this vicinity renewing old acquaintances. `._ ___ -.__._._ The Foresters will attend Divine service at the Burton Avenue Methodist church next Sunday morning, when Rev. J. Young will preach to them. w'Railroa_d boys appreciate` the Barrie Steam Laundry because their work is care- fully attended to. No extra. charge made for repairing. -Phone 55. - `IX, 1'! 'I\ I I-\I A I` Y\ I Mr; S. Dyment, of the Glen Allan Dairy Farm. has been improving his premises by putting in new ooring all through the build- ings and general repairing. ff, I71 ,,,.I `I ..I II 1 _ _._,,_____"_ V E`helZEpuvee(et:.h(League meeting on Monday` night: was led by Miss Sadie Campbell. The pastor, Rev. J 03. Young, gave a general talk to the League, which was very much enjoy- by all present. 1' I - I n u Miss 3v$i;i3,orE1mva1e,wu viaicing Mrs. 1`. Damn last: week. V "EI"h'ore voas a great matrimonial boom in the sixth word this week, May others con- tinue the good work. ' II,` T'l'|' 3 1. -. -I Owing to the excessive heat of the evening the dance in aid of the Hospital was poorly attended. . Yet all present spent a very pleasant evening. Il1I,'I'.I II .. I"I\ll `A good number of the young people from here attended the Knock Sunday echool excursion to Orillia on the 20th inar., and were well pleased wi*hAthe day's `pleasure. e __ __ - ..- v_-- --___.. _j_' __ ._'..'.--.v--- -vv- .v-- Our tonsorilist; has hadre new oor put in hisshop during the past week,: which has made a big improvement on the premises. Of course itcaused some early morning rising for the proprietor, which is out of the order with him. ' A ` ~ Rev. Jose h Young. who has been changed } from Allan ale to Bradford, will preach his farewell sermon next Sunday` evening, and he and his family will leave on Wednesday for their new home in Bradford. - The following new `books were received here last week for the Public Library and are now ready for distribution :--475, Wo- men of Israel ; 476, Life "of Queen Victoria ; 477-478. The Wandering Jew; 479-480, Count of Monte Cristo ; 481, Peter Simple ; 482, Barnaby Budge ; 483, What Can She Do. Your correspondent is informed that there are quite a number of subscribers in arrears, and if they would pay up their sub- scriptions the money would be invested in new books. The sum is so small that all should pay up without beingasked. Bai'1f!O's South-Westerns Division, -A with . its Pleasant Streets. its Tastv Dwell- ` `* Inca. its Pretty Churches. ana its Go- } 9.-head People w11l Entice Settlement ` -A Weeklv Record of its Domes. Mr.'Uha.I. Tickell is on the sick list. . Miss Madge Gilchrist. is visiting frien'ds in Aurora. ' ? W15`/lWr.i.rT(<>Vl`1'n Busby and tamily have upved to Craigvale. For Choice Eamuy Flour and all kinds of Feed go to \Vllklnson9I. All ,orders delivered promptly In any uantlty. Please leave your orders at ` I e M111 olce or Telephone No. 23. L.O._L. No. 432 will run an excursion to Bradford on Friday. July 12th, per steamer Enterprise.` The Stavner band will accom- pany the excursion. Everybody take in the trip up the river and have a. good time at V Bradford. ILLANDLLE my mama s1x.| The following is a list of oicers for Bar- rie Bav Lodge N o. 442 Brotherhood of Loco- motive Firemen for ensuing year ending June 30th. 1992 :-Master. Thos. C Royce ; Past Master, Jas. Brunton ; Vice Master, Luke_Spearin ; Secretary, James Pirie, jr.; Collector, John Patton ; Receiver, John Little, jr.; Medical Examiner, Dr. Arnall ; Board of Trustees, L. Spearin, T. Weston, Jas. Pirie, jr.; Local Protective Board, J. Patton. J. Little (Ch.), J. -A. Harris ; Con- ductor, Thos. Weston-; Warden, Geo. Dod- son; Chaplain, Archie Wilkinson; Maga- zine Agent, James Pirie, jr.; Inner Guard, L. Trevelyan ; Outer Guard, D. P. Johnson. The Epworth League on Monday evening of last week in the Burton Avenue Metho- dist church had a literary program, and was well attended. Six young men had been re- quested to write essays on the lives of fam- ous English statesmen, to be read- at the meeting, which theydid to the great delight and prot to all who heard them. The one on the Earl of Shaitesburv" was` read by J. W. Young, John Bright bv J. Patton; Henry Fawcett by Mr. Henderson, Lord Palmerston by C. .W. Poucher, Sir Robt. Peel by W. Howe, and Rt. Hon. W. E Gladstone" by R. A. Levia, The study of such ideals as these cannot fail to elevate and inspire the minds of our young people and cause them to take Excelsior for their motto. Miss Minnie Whiteley, the Misses Wice, and Mr. R. Johnston of Barrie, gave the musical part of the program, which was considered by all to be the best ever given in the League. . . ' , mMrs.n R. Scott, of Toronto, is spend- ing a few [weeks `with her friends `here and enjoying the balmy and bracing air or country life. ' -- A. -- The following appeared in the Toronto correspondence .column or the June number of the Tvpographical Journal published in Indianapolis, Ind. :- ' `(Tn nnnnnknnn on IIC1=I`-III `CA A`-unis`, Luulqunyusln, J.uu- ii _ To paraphrse an old saying. A chair- man's lot is not a happy one in a composing- room ;-but here is a case where one was complimented by his fellow chapel members this week. in the oice of Uopp, Clark 8; 00.,- Limited, for Alexander Richardson was, after twelve years faithful incumbency of the chairmanship. presented with an address `and a handsome pipe and `case, with the jocularadmonition not to hit it'too strong. He replied in graceful terms and for the eqnallv happy incumbency of his successor, II T I'll...-up ` - > ' ram RAILWAY omm-3'3 on THE. . ` FUTURE CITY. Uliull Y Ilrll nuuuus vuuv 7 V; n. guvvvuuv` M. J ..Troy. The presentation and address was mails by the foreman, Mr. Nelson Briggs, in-a few well-chosen remarks. Last Fridav a. most delightful gardenparty was given at the residence of the Messrs. Watson, Tollendal Mills. A number of Barrie people enjoyed the social gathering. After refreshments had been served on the lawn, a toast list; was disposed of. Rev. Mr. Ycung, of Allandale, `acting as chairman. Mr. J. Watson, acted as spokesman. index-' `'0IIing J:he regrets over the d.p&!'tu_r0a of . 'ounx ;who-re-pended with appro- _ A. `ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. TOLLNDAL GARQEN PARTY. THE` i510BEIE13N_ A1)vANom.. Mr. and Mrs. M. Stacey and family, of Alliston, and Messrs. Tickuer and Oolter were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Little last Sabbath, USN SEAL I I(UUUUu .\ Beef,torequarters.....;............ Beef.hindqua.I'tl'8............-..;.- Muttolliu {cooonoooonnooocountenan- Dfessed Hogso...--....'.. OOCIIIOJQ Live Hogs, selections :70 to zoo... . II n liht OI` hvv . . . . . . _ . - _ vvooa. gm, per Anthracite coal. `La.tiIbskins............... Hide!-...-o;oo.-..a-o noun Calfskins per lb. ...... ......... Tallow perlb.......A........`... Horse Ha.irperlb............. Sheepskins.......... Horse Hide8...;........... can Vvneat. Wnll:e........ wooonouconnuu w..... ................. fhna trnnan concoctionooooauoonotuotoocoggo Hay. timOthy.............o.a....n Dressed ho s...................... Butterperl ..............'......... Chickens. spring................l Turkeys, perlb..................... Duc s,. Geese.............................. Eggs perdozen.................... Potatoes, perbag................. Beef, Hindquarters per cwt . . . . . . . .7. Beef. forequarters per cwt...... . . . . Mutton............................ Vealperlb......................... iwheat. white......... ` Wlunn rat` up Cookstown. Advance Correspondence. .The_ soldier boys returned home Saturday. 11'... 'n:_un,_,_1 t`I_I_._.'-__ 2- _,:_..:_-A "'n?i"15v1i '15{o's2I'Jr' Nelson, 3.0., v is spending a few days in town. `IE3-.. A JJI2- 'El'--._-L - LL- f\.---... "isEiJ5iB `]'I 11.i-1:1:-,-"<>'f`i-1';he Queen City is Visiting friends in town. - -` _ .. - The"annua1 excursion of the South Sinicoe` Agricultural `Society to the `model farm took place on Tuesday. m reportthe serious illness of Mr, White. Mr. Rollie:-t Ueleman returned. from I Huntsville on Friday, having the mis- fortune to sever one of his toes with an ax.` ' ` ` nu . -.n n .n 1- as Noi invisible but nearly so. . The can be made up with either solid go] , old lled (warrantedio years), i or ni el trimmings. They are not expensive. We ad'ust them s: that they are perf y adapted to the features. -3%-`Ennis, spent Sunday with Mr. F. Clarkgon. .. nun-1 C'II\l ii;-V1;V-Cole:`x1an, `of lgatrie Col- legiate" Institute, spent Sunday at home. "Mr. Jno. Kei1,'o Clove:-'Hi1l, has I purchased the farm occupied by Mr. Gi_l3son.~ --rwv 1-vac ` n.un TwI"{:v:."G.` W. Gilroy, of this place, has been stationed at Powassin, Nipisaing District. ~' . ' -(v3ooks'town lacrosse team gdes _ to Bradford to play the club of that town (in Wednesday. 112-..-.. `I '"n21'iBTais'zfi'.{uie Rosa and Francis Mitchell, of Beacon, spent a. few days visiting Miss'Addie Ross. Aregshiqnable -vs--...-`nu-J u Mrs. Richard Coleman is visiting friends if: '1`oroi:t_)_. . n. u H We welcome to our: midst Mr. P. O'Hallern and bride (nee Miss Me. -Nally of Mt. St. Louis), who will re- side on the farm recently vacated by Mr. McDevint. -