Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 20 Jun 1901, p. 5

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%l.)icycle W. R. Knox, of Orillia Canoe Club, won the pole vault for height as the Pan-Ameri can Athletic games on Friday, vaulting 10 feet 4 inches. He also was second in putting the 16~lb. shot. The only other Canadian entered was Irvine Orton of the Toronto Lacrosse Club, who came secondin the half- mile run. _ Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Johnston have gone to Ban . ` Miss Lillan Stephens is home from To- ? 1-onto. Mr. Charlie Plummet spent a. few days in town last week. Mr. Sid. Brown, formerly? of Barrie, is visiting in town. It `I in T .1 I`1,'l,, ___L`,_._.--.1 A._ Mr. ed Janson is home from'Dresden for a few holidays. ` lid-r. and Mrs. J. G. Coles returned to Windsor Mon day. A - - -l\ C Mr. Robert; Freak, of `Toronto, washome last week for a few days. _- .- -1-|I `Sf `hicago, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Candle. M H is -us Miss Annie Sissons is visiting her cousin, ` Mrs. Foucar, Bradford. 1 .v- .. I everf "' I bargain "1: '11::-a_e'll: :3; 'i`;ronto, ws visiting Mrs. J. H. Bennett. last week. T Mr. ;f' ~i's spending . a short; vacation at his home -here. Miss Louise dint; ivoe. Moulcon College, Toronto. for" va_cation. 1- us III . o V `IQ-l`i;s' 'M-a`g_g-i; -I-{`e;1V1:'ed5Z7':,Z Tofonto, is;visit- ing her parents on McDonald street. -I|n,,., n_.__I-__._ -p m;_._._L- __- --.5 --- I.-_--._-- ._ .__-_ --,_,_ Mr. and Mrs. Brashear, r'i.`ZrZ;nto, are the guests at Mrs. Carley, Peel street. . l\ 11 n1 - , _ _A,L _ g_ W43/`filawswlgllva; aenlz a. few 1 days with Miss Edith Blakeley recently. __ __-,1_-__._ Ks. Slith, of Kincard'ine, was Lame last week attending his mother ; funen_:.l., -up. up 1 -I-.1 - n p -n,n-_-s|I. :_ _|__ W11i' '1sEa:1'ci} -I7.Lrbc_};..*?{r*nlxzille, iisi the guest of Miss Beattie Curtis, Sanford street. Mr. Geo. Vansittart has credit-ably passed the matriculation examination to the M.C. , i lmr`s'.-(-]3;'.)-;7-\-7;;s'<')x1-,mc>'f ;i`;>;':n`1to. is visiting ` her brother, Mr. T. R. Parker. of Penetang, was visit- ing in town a. few days this week, the guest of Mrs. Eebbick. . I IIBVBI` ;w-----' ---...-= ...v.._ r__:_,-._ __ _, , Mr. Joseph W. Somers, barber. formerly of Barrie, but now of Severn Bridge, was in town this week' renewing old acq oaintances. Joseph looks as if Severn Bridge climate was agreeing with him. In ;-I.- A.._.._ vv v--- --.`-v'-..', .. _--- -_._-. Saturday night in speaking" of the Argo- nanb Rowing Club dance makes special mention of some charming young ladies whose homes are onside of Toronto, ' and among these in Miss Dyment. Barrie. A ' you an a . vs:-. _n-I_- 1-_-..m- EL-.. The Society Editor of the Toronto Star says :--A party. consisting of Mrs. Worth- ington, Mrs. Elwood, the Misses Elwood, and Miss lde Leightley. have gone to Barrie for the summer, where they will occupy Mn. D Alton Mc0trth_y s residence. Mr. Ciiloyd has been appointed express messenger on the Penetzang branch, Mr. B. Bailey having been promoted to North Bay. , -_.__._._!_. spams (Hue wm. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. General Sporting News '1`he ` Seasonable ae Goods LWe are headquarters for BU_1LD1~ms HARDWARE. J. R. % HAM BLY, We have in Stock at Full and Complete Line of AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES House `and Carriage Paints in desirable colors. Spades, Shovels, Forks, Garden Tools, Granite. and Tiware, Churns, VVashing Machines and Wringers. ` Opposite the Post omce. ....CONSISTING OF. . .. I53 um-.. -'1 "' Plucarding (`ups Colony. Moltcxio, Cape. Colony, June 18,- Kritzinger _and Fouche, the Boei- conxmimderso, are busy pla ca.rding Cape Colony with a proclamation to the ecct that, in accordance with _1]w powers assumed when the north- ` em [Part of U/'c1!>'<'3 0010115 Was annex- ed to the Orange Free State, 20 months ago, any persons reporting the whereabouts of any Boer com- nmndo will be {med 50, or in de- fault will be compelled to accom- .p;1ny the commando on foot for three months. According to the best in- formation there are about 2,100 m-med Boers in_Cape.Colony, and u1e_vccominue to secure a. few re- cruits. ` London, June 19.--'1`he Sun, which, however, has not;-' heretpfore . been over reliable on thls subject, hem-Vs that Mr, Kruger hag qctually cabled to Gen, Botha, declining to concede anything, .;_a,nd that, in consequence_ of this decision, Gen._ Botha._a.nd the wmmgndunts agreeiiig wlth; his peace views, ha\"e decxdepi to repudi. aw Mp, Kruger s_ alxtliorlty, and_. 3, fu1;U10I` consultatlon w1th;Botha. s re- presentativve and Lord Kitchener will be arr-.Au1-god for next vgeek. - - Luyds Gone to I-lnglaml London, June :_L9.-A despatch to The Morning Post. from Brussels says Kruger has had several` interviews. with inuential , members of The Hague tribunal, with a View of induc- 3 ._.- dlnnrn fn in1.nrvnnn.hAf.wnnn (1wm;+ Drltillll allu L11. `.`.u'` The Financial News S; t _l Leyds, the European aenthgf } Transvaal, will come to Lonon we ` cially to represent Kruger at the; SP8. Boer meeting on Wednesday at WEI?" Messrs. Sauer ansd'Mer1-"3-'n.`m.. tlh peace emilssuries from 0 ~ 5' se will speak. ape Colony-v ,,I1___A ,`V___` A. nusuc L...uu......-, ...u.. u. -ovvv us ;s;uuV_ ing them to intervene between Great` Britain and the Transvaal. ` rm-.. 12`inn~nrv1'-:n] KTDITIG antvd 4-Inn! `I\.. ` F,-mar Consultation Botwoen B`oth_a; Representative and Lord .I_itohonor`- to` Be Arranged For Next Week-Kruge u_,A3____-..- lIII-_ 'I_ ._ - or the eels as are to it the I '1`or6nto, June 19.-John El'(ier,: bililtier of 55 McGill street, received [word ycsvturday of the death of his_ son, -Jvaines, in action in South Af- rica, on May 15. The letter was sent.` by a lady with whom James had pre- vinusly boarded. Mr. `Elder Vteile-T graphed LhciMili.tia.A Depa,rtment at Uttawa for conIir1na,tion of the news, but as his Son was a` member [of an I~`,ng1isl1 I'Of_ ,'illlt`11L, he Wi11 have to ask the \\ ar` (mice for further intelli- igenuc. lie was 45 years of age`. His Wifr-. and two children live at 57 Mc-V `rill Sin-ct. ' ' Paris. Jl1m\A19.--'l`he lseeialists are" lzsing such violent lnethods for br'ca,k'_- in_-4' up Imlilivrul reunions that do not bm~l their 1)Lu`Ly that Republi- _(`uI1s all _over 1<`mnccA are becoming. M~I'i0'.zsl_\ a121r`111C(l. The general feel- ing. uf uzmst all through the coun-V. T1r_\', and the iI1V'(`S'L1l)ent of French 1'21]-ital in "for-vign schemes are a1`.~ 1:-ilnm- 10 the Afearvof Socialism. J'i:zn'n said -_\'(!s'tcI'(l-ay! _ ' - 9 "'l`l1I"(: - billion francs `($579,000,- OHU has l;u(`l1 p1u,c(=-d 8.`broa.'d_by the ]"'l`'VII('l1"])<'u}nlu within the last few \\':-(,-ks, l)uSpite the reassuring state- 1`menL>' 111:1-de by M. Geovgas Pa1la,it_1. ` g`OV('I`n<)1` of the Bank of France, last ' `night, the situation -is so serious that M. l ,HiLin l1i111:~',C-If has implored l`1'. l..()ul)eL to C0nS111t'hiS Cabi- not i11.m'db1' in find some means Of. i111l'I`<>\'ing Lhu.-se. conditions. ' ' Men of Wealth Are sending Money Abroad Because of Spcitnlism. ' ' Dutmit. Man I-Sreatlaed Vliis Last in Lon- .dun,.lL`nglaml, Tuesday Night. ' Lunthm, Juno 19..-Ex-Governor` Iluzz-11 S. 1 .i11grue of Michigan Tdit`-d ` _ l1,~rc l;1sL night, at 11.35. His son was `Ihc only me presunt; at the time Of 11is (104111. The attending '(l0Ct0I' left Mr. l"in.;`x`eu's hod.e'i(.lo. at a.b0_ut 11.15 Inrnmising Lu ro Lux-n shorLly. 5. PitI`0-*, .it`., who has bcenAwat;chiI18' at his father's side for. four 'd&yS.v _uml who has not removed his Clothes tlurinu,` fhut, ti`111v, notivd a. Sudden t`li;4I1g'4- in his fut}1or's Condition. I`I( .' haul l1.`Ll'lH_V l'(`2lChU(l the I)&1t,iOnt'S bed` -`Ne wht-n his fLLl'1cr died peacefully: Wilhnnl. \\'u,rning, and Withut. Sp0t.lk- inlgv nu wm"(l; Youn;:_"Mr. Pingee has \\'in-(I hira-m()I.l1cr and his uncle in the .I;x1iml Hiatus not to co1nc'tO L011- don. l'h(: hocly of` Lhc*la.te Mr. -Pin- - SW will be cmbulmed and taken '90` ms homv. " ` ' ,__...-.- - -.-,-. --- ,V,Va1.~F1iI1,-.*Lu11,.Juno 19.-The RUS-Sinn. /\11Jh;1.<..*~t:1'(l()i`, Count Cassini, has. 1`OI111nlmi('u,tcv(1 (,0 the State Depart- nu-n'1. that in comm-que11oc of the; R`!- `Wn 01" the American Governirielgi. "h""{l1 9, tlre-u'sury order of March 1-L Ta]')plying' . tariff `vrstrictions. i_1.ui11sz Russian petroleum`, imported "110 lhis muutry, the" Russian M11113- tn` A1' I.`:.,........ 'nr n..u1:++n In.-_--- '1'n.`. ..un 1 uullblyg DIAL: .s.|,un:\Jsuv -v---"` `Wot Finance, M. .l)eWitte, Has` "is-`-` \le an or-dex`, dated June 7,. imPOS"_ Im: the high tariff, rate` of the RW- Sinvx n..l... .. .. _-- A-........'nnm n-rhi"I.n "H vnu -111311 L,u.11L1 lam: U1 uuv -"'-' -`W1 s<:lnrdu1c ori American white }s/in, or culafin guia,})`ot., White resin, under urt,ic1e'82 of the Russian tar` m 1' and increasing` the .ra.'t8'-.;0n An1erica.nT bicycles under article 173 Of the l{ussian laws.` The` OV1'_d91`T ,-013 the Russian lxxiister is to ta.ke et-1 fect next Friday, or two wec1_ hfOI-.; the date of its issuance, 4". ----- Iluwu. III Iwavgvzvv -ru---~ . New York, June 19.--Dr. 'samu e1.; J` Kemwdy was released yesterday gfternoon in $10,000 bail`, fur;1ishf9d- 8' Eleanor L. Hand, i . -T m, re- A In for , than ation. llar or III In .1010 ll; Jan - est-_. Petersburg, `June 19`.--The . .dZar1na yesterday gave birthf`to'= -an Ehter- The child "will be_inamed- It** ,n.y,m; to Inuexgca The Ba-.:uoV Tu. banal to Into:-{e`re - D17-.` Loyd: to Be. present Kruger at Loudoxineeting. agn. BothaSa'id tq I?-lava to Renudiate His` Old Chigf; ' ' EX-G()Vl`Jl{Z\'OR. P INGREE DEAD. .u..um AT FRENCH CAPITAL. Killed in South Africa. Released In 5310.000 nan} Iinsnin Plays l`;t For Tat. - -\ II; II No}: a. Boy. ` Camp Niagara, H June 21 Grand Review of this Camp % struction by` Ma.jor-Genera.l- C ; Haly and Hon; Dr. Borden ,,....wua uguy uxternoon; I , . _ The `review ground was on*the_ level ,.green adjacent to Fort George. There l the variou battalions were drawn i up, and hile the massed bands `played the Dominion grand march an ` inspection` - w staff and the Minister of Militia. ` The saluting point, made'_conspicu- : ous by the assemblingiof the sta, was a. feW`yards in front of the fort; .1 The whole _division, led by the cav- alry, - marched` past in open order. For each regiment as it went along, the massed bands playejd its distinc- tive regimental march. _' - l Wnllnmann #1-- --~ ..-_... ._u5uucuuu.1_Int_1.!'Cn. ' ` 1 Following the march-past an at- imaginary enemy was . `made. The enemy .was entrenched behind` the earthworks of the old halfmoon-shaped batteryv between` Paradise Grove -and the ri_ver,. `and the old railway cut at the south of Fort George. ring line was composed of the 37th and the 30th, the left half the H -th and 44th. The 4th Brigade was the main body in reserve. ~ The right half of the. The G. G`. B. G. advanced from the" right under_ cover of the grove, and _the Toronto Mounted Ries came up on - the left. The latter had dis-V mounted and advanced, taking ad- vantage of every bit of cover. Gen. Hutton's system of attack was fol- lowed. The order of advance was preserved by `following the ags that had been previously laid out. . Therenemy was annihilated. Speaking of the review to Hon. Dr.` Borden, Major-General Haly said he was _ thoroughly pleased with_ the showing made by the men. (.n'l nu-M. .:-..1A-A--V 1' ` .....V "1115 ;u.a.uv U,Y L116 111811. ' ' Col. Otter declared the men had shown excellent spirit; A general in- spection of the lines was made.` To-morrow the Major-General and Dr. Borden and party go -to the Pan- American. _ ' ` Friday will . be the great. eld day. The soldiers will be dissipated over the country" in the vicinity of the Ni- agate. River.,an'd tactical movements accompanied by musketry re will be the day's order. fl1l..,. `AT. A ~r'r-_..-A - H m"lJ`h`<;.w1(T `:1wHo'spital T Corps were kept busy yesterday attending to the victims of heat prostration, of whom over 20 were in hospital by night- fall. L _ . ` ` - London; Ont., June 19.-Yesterday morning the 2nd` Division of No. 1 ;Military District went into camp at i Car1ing s Heights. r"k'I\ nun!` 1').-:n...~.J,. ..-`_A__-rL- 5 --;.a= 5.1 Jzvlsstuao W u1`h'e 2nd Brigade consists of the` 22nd, Oxford Regiment: the 28th., Perth: ' the 29th, Waterloo, and the" 30th, Wellington Regiments. Nos. 1 and 2 companies of the Guelph 16th Fie-ld_[Ba.tteIfy, `and No. 7 Field Hos-`_ pital Company, Toronto, are also in- _camp. L nu..- 1....-..._..s'_ - -The brigade ofcers for the camp `will be: Brigadier, Lieut.-Col. J. VPeters, A. I). C.; Brigade Major, Ma- Ajor S.J.'A. Denison, C. M. G., D. A. A. G-.; Brigade,-Lieut., Col. J. Munro, pR. D.; Principal` Medical Oicer, Ma.- ` jor_ S.vW. Belt.on, A. M. S.-; PLymas- _ter, Licut.-Col. M. VD. Dawson, su~- perintendent of stores; Orderly Of- cer, Lieut. H. C. Becher, 7th Regi-V ment. ` . T Field Day at Dseronto. Deseronto, On't., J urne 19.--Y_ester- ` day was the rst el-d day at the an ti1lery camp. About 75 ca-dots from jthe Royal" Military College, Kings- ton, were herc'to act as auxilliaries `to the infa.ntI_'y eng`-.Lg-ed. After dinner the skirmishes began. -The sham fl-gm lasted until "nearly 6 p.m., but the official scores were not given out last night. T ' ' ' London, `June .19.--The Shanghai correspondent of The Standard, ca- bling under date of June 18,`_says that a Chinese military graduate named Tien Le Sian-g has collected a, large force of Boxers and disbanded soldiers and has induced the inhabi- tants of_ the numerpus Walled villages and towns in the southwestern part. of Chili'Provincc to unite in oppos- ing the >co1lecti(_)_n of taxes for the war indemnity. ' ` i Hollan-'d Lan-ding, Ont., June 19.-` Yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock Norman Thompson, aged 15 years, whi1e'out shooting groun-d hogs, ac- .cident_a1ly shot himself, the contents of the gun entering his breast. _Some men nearby ran to his assistance, but life was extinct before they ar- rived, he having died instantly. De- ceased was a. son of Frank Thomp- son, who lives two miles north ._of t`l\JAQ, here. . _ '1\"atlve` Converts Caused Bloodohed. Yokohama, June 18.-The J apan- ese. Consul at Mokp.ho, Corea, reports that the recent miss-ion troubles at the Island of,Quelpa_,rt (at the en- trance of the Yellow Sea), were caus- ed by native converts. 1`hes.evpersons so exasperated the other natives that the latter suorrounded them-and kill- ed~500 of them. The foreign cruisers are still it Que1pe,rt.' - New Brunswick; N .. J ., Miss Annie Locks,` who 11: torn off at-a. harrdkerchie South River last, Monda alive. If she lives two v she will be placed under new scalp grafted on. I . lillllluuwwu -3.. .. ______, __ Ogdensburg, N. Y., Junue 19.-Ar- thur Cheyrton surrendered himself at police heaudquarters yesterday, saying he had killed John Leahy at the Maple City Hotel. Investigation showed that the men had been drink- ing together-. V " ~ - ._________________ Thread Dlanufxuuturer Dead. `London, June 19.--The .'death__ is --~~--' M 11.` Barbour; "head of Thread Dlanufagturer Dead. `Juner19.-'1he death. is of J. D. Barbour,`head of f Barbour & Sons, thread or Pa.t.e;'so1_1,`N. J ., London, announced the rm o nnanuifacturers nd.Ir%1~1!*`~ ~- THE 'NIAGAA% TCAMPQ Cimip at Carllu: s Heights. .1, laced $2 25. ra 25c Boy Sinai: Himself Dead. 4\ A 7,," New Trouble in China. confessed to is Kming. .-1 Have a New Scalp. - '1' , "*="'-'- . -June . {W this at In. Major-Gen a1. (ya, - 011; DP. Bnfinn .--..f?d..ya -..- v..- 1 nemir } wgas ed battery Ve nr nnf air H... .....-n. -- wick; N.. J., June 19.-'- ocks,` had her scalp handkerchief `factory at Monday, is still lives weeks longer . lac_c1_ ether and a, uvuvsclvk U Kirauy` came 01! 19.- ,I1i_nlItorA :-20 mm pacmcsnuxi. "Tho Company clolnno, `.H_o_lwever, -`rho: lion A`:-o llotm-ningn to Work sud That A Business HI! `Not Suered - Men on tho.w1nnipa`g'n1vmn l:lavo__Gone Ont --Pre>|ldont `Wilson. says _only 200 frrackmen Are at Work. I Toronto, June 19.--So far as the. Ontario Portion of the _Ca.na.dia.n Pa- cic Railway is concerned, there was very little change in the strike situa- tion yesterday. The men, according to reports given out,- are standing together, while o_`icia.ls of the sys- tem claim` that the strike is not af- fecting business, and that several strikers will return to. Work this morning. MA ......... ...._..1_,-;__._-,,,, us -- '-He menconstituting the Toronto S'II.`:`. Whoynumber. about 10, held a sh O.rt'meeting, yesterday to discuss the situation locally. Theyeexpressed themselves as highly pleased", with the order given to strike, and fc1tlcon- dent of winning. The men have not Waited-_ upon any of the oicials- of [ the comp~any,'.but are awaiting or- ` ders from'Montreal as to what course _to pursue. They say they `will hold out until ordered "to 'do otherwise. As yet, the other railroad organiza- tions have not intimated as to what action they will take, but the strik- ers-look for assistance from them, in `case it is necessary. In Ontario, the - men claim that very few trackmen` are at work," and that there is a pos- sibility of- the remaining workmen `joining the ranks of the strikers, .probably to-'d_ay or to-morrow. , Men's Places Will Be Filled. General Superintendent Tvimmer- man, when spoken to last night, de- g tion on` his -division. He said that a frnumber of those employed on the line jbetwec-n Toronto and Owen Sound 'would return to work this morning. = He would rather have the old and ex- ipericnccd hands doing tral`>kmen s -work, but, should they remain out, their places would be lled. T__ 1.1.. :_._1...-..- -~_--J- AI, , T`\_. clared that, up to 6 o'clock, there: was little change in the_strike situa- I It Appers to He Extended in Trackmen's Favor. I VI. Uuu v\I.IuI.L&a.Ll.vv\4\ao . "Some of the trackinen seem [to 3be under the impression that if they should return to work after having. gonce thrown up their employment, 3- they will` afterwards he discriminat- ied against, but this is not so. The :company have no intention" ofdoing {anything of the kind. var,...1..... - .44 41... ..:4.....+:,.... -11 E _ Montreal, June 19.-There are no {new developments in the C. P. R. itrackmen s strilce. President Wilson of the Trackmen s Union claims that. there are not. more than 200 track- E man now at work on the system. No Strike at London. I 3 London, Ont, June 19.-Locally .. the C. P. R. trackmen_ s strike has not materialized. Both gangs were at Work yesterday as usual. E ` Winnipeg Men Have Quit. f Winnipeg, June 19.-Genera1 Super- intendent Leonard of the C. P. R. was notied yesterday morning that .the trackmen on his division had quit work, in . sympathy with the ' strike among the men on the eastern . district. Mr, Leonard stated that i i if all the m_cn on the Winnipeg di- ivision went out, according to the. statement made to him, there Would ` be 250 men on strike yesterday". There were no trackmen working in the shop yards yesterday. 3 `- New Men Sent: to\1/ark." 5 `Quebec, June. 19.-Yesterday some ve gangs of men were sent out by .`the Quebec C. P. R.` agent to .1l 3 the places ofthe strikers. The latter, ;are of a. non-menacing disposition, E and no trouble is expected to follow. go out. ...--- ,-..--- ...,..... .,.. ......... In the V Western part of the Pro- vince, said Mr'.'Timmerman, the re-. port that 250 of "the 450 men em- ployed had gone owt was exaggerat- e`dA.e He thought, that no more than 60 per cent. of the trackmen on the system had obeyed the _summons to ; (.5. I", van-nab V. vggv --.-.~.. | "Looking at T the situation all -` round, I am convinced that the 3 strikeis practically over-that it has ;zzled _out. Many of the men have Snot received our circulars yet, show- ;ing What has been done for them- fshowing that advantageous as their iposition was `compared with other railways before this strike began, we .2 have .ma:de concessions of a very sub- 'stantial character, and that these !pla_c_e them far. , beyond what other `icqmpanies, who are our competitors in the different parts of the system, are offering. Q urn].-.. ouqu`I-`I.'n canal` I-nnvrn warn .nf\nr\1nn Montreal, ` June 19,-Mri D. 110- ` Nicoll, the general manager of the `C. P. R.; spoke hopefully yesterday of the outcome. of the strike of track- men on the system. The company believe that - time w.ill be on their _side., and that in the course of the -next few days, when the company have had time to put the Whole facts ;before the men individually, those Twho have gone out. will see the ad- vantages which they are now sacri- cing`, and will return to work while the company remains disposed to accept their labor. . ur\..`.. ...-!.......... /...l......-. J.L._A. ....-...._..1 Lacs t gyvvvyv lvcnvgn swwvas "Our advices "show that several I gangs who went out Monday return- ed to `work yesterday, said Mr. _"M'cNicoll, and the reports indicate 'that more will be likelyto fol_1ow. The strike, however; is by no means ,general. At some sections not 10 :per cent._.have responded to the call fof the committee. , 1 ` u.l.'U UHUL LL15. - . i "The public need have no appre- 'hension What-ever as regards the con- |d1tionTaf :the track. Every mile of truck is being patrolled. The line is in good shape, and is being thorough- [ly taken care. of. - - Hnv... A4! +'bm nmsindq nf +1-m nnm- I./CLACLL -ucul U_ us: "One of the demands of the com. mittee which the railway company did not, grant is `all maintenance-of- way department employes shalf , be granted passes onge 9. month to and from any point on the roa.dr_na.ster s diviion they. are emplqycd on, ? pro- 0. P. R. '1"1sL1:GuAPH mcronrs. C..P.R General Manager's View. Only 200 Trackmen at Work. `A vidd :t'1:;aLtTzi3t'VVxVn`<%>i-e `than on..;1.1: :51. the foi"ce will `be absent from duty at any time. ._ .._ ., A. one west. `' - Brandon, `Mam, June 19.`--Not A 16 per cent. `of the C. _P. R. section men have gone out. Labor is very plen- tiful, and all vacancies can .be rendi- ly lled. - `I3.-."...1..L..I.- n n 'r--_- -I('\ run... .". R'ICrE&ke-, B. C.-AJune 19. --"l`ho few 0. P. R. traqkmen who have gone on `strike are good-humored over. the situation. They *feel they have got all they expected, having been raised 15 cents per day, and have only gone out to keep their promise to the order; and they are anxioixs to assure their roadmasters that no trouble need be expected from them. In the East. Newport, Vt., June 19L-A number of C. P. R. trackmen who went out on strike. have already returned to i Work.- $1.50 _ tended. v \.la.ono McAdam, N. B., June 19.---'l`hrcatsA` are being made by some of the` C. P. are being made by some of the strik- ing C. P. R.. trackmen to the eect 1 that now they have gone out they ~ are going to demand from `the com- pany more than they _originally. in- -nv ~\ -v .4,` ... _ (Continued from page 1) ed with the following clubs ;-Penetnng Seniors, Penetang Juniors, Ebenezer. Wye- vale, Victoria -Harbor, Simcoea, Midland ; Midland Y.M.U.A. The following oicers were appointed :-Hon. Pres , Rev. Mr. Johnston, Penetang; Pres}, Mr. McCa.1lum, Ebenezer : Secy.-Treas. F. Gain, Midland. St. John, N, 13., June 19.-Severa1 of the C. P. R. _section gangs have returned -to work. - Everything is" quiet. " ' Dalston football team defeated` Coulson club at Ulous Church on Monday by 2 to 0. Flying Bess `won the 6 furlongs race on Tuesday in ne time-l. 13:}. 1 - .|L See Cookstown under Siincoe County notes for oicers of their turf club. Gen. Bu1ler s_ name didn t count fdr `much in the Detroit races. but Canadians backed him Just: the same. n.&`x. Mr. N. I Dymnt and Mr. John Dyment will be in Chicago on the 2131: to autend the great annual sale of race horses. II I I- Trainer John Dyments. in a. letter the other day said than the Canadians iuDetroit were sporting all kinds of hundred dollar bills, and the bookies were nearly broke on Lady Berkeley. 8 i -Ir What have the Barrie horses been doing since they left Hamilton? someone asks. Well, they went from Hamilton to Detroit, where a meet is still on. On the first day, June 12, Impressive ran but only nishing fourth. On'Monday, however, -he got a. third. On last Thursday Flying Bess came `rst in 6'furlongs` selling race, time 1.14;. She beat Our Lizzie. 9. favorite, by three lengths. La Gazzelle was oneiof the also- rans that day. On the third day Bellcourt came third in a mile and a quarter selling race. She was hut half a. length behind Free Lance. who was two lengths behind Flag,_ of Truce. `lime, 2.10;.` Kaslo was also in this, and was I . a pace at first. but n- ished second` to la On Friday Gen. Buller made a bad shov.ng, but a. Dyment repre- sentative rearrangzmi matters on Saturday, when Lady Berk eiev won six furlongs in 1.15:}. $1` 40

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