. FE. L. BRERETON. Dental Surgeon. Oice over I-la.mbly's Hardware. Entrance, Owen Street. Out of town 15: and 1rd Mondays ok each month. 5 My IIIICTBII. LV0l`fI'll1Clp3l IIIODCY required UIIIU CDC 0! O the term. H. STRAIHY. Solicitor, Etc.. Barrie. M. M. CAMPBELL, Barrister, N tary to. M t 1 . Oio and Stagnen, 6 Barnconegigeiagank of Building, Owen street. _.________________._________._____ DR. `C. SMITH, L.C.P.S., Ont., (late of Drs. ie & Smith, Orillia.) Oice and residence -corner of Owen and Collxer streets, Barrie. 23- R.C.S. Edin,, L.R P.. London. Offices and night residence-Browu's Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. R. w. A. ROSS, Pnysician. Surgeon, etc., L. ` O_FFICE.-78 Dunlap street, banners Dlucx, ugl- nc. opposite Post Oce and Railway Station. Phone 54. P. O. Box 96. . 7-ly VANILLA, for ice cream, for instsnce; Buuna Powmcn. for cakes. One is a. drug. of cdurse ; the other a chemiml"; and there are still others-SPICES of all kinds. cream of tartar, etc. The best %laeeTto et drugs is at a DRUG STOR he rug ist knows more about them than other peop e. We keep: gt gore Come and ask us lmuuxmms onus STORE qa DUNLOP-S'I`. BARRIE. The population of Barrie is 7 ,000,.A continues our description. Streets and sidewalks are rst class and hand- some residences are numerous. Streets,` public building and dwellings are lighted with gas or electricity. We might add? to this now that since the town has `taken over the light plant the light rates are as cheap as anywhere in the province. Of course the town is open to public improvements, `but if our visitors notice what is `lacking in this respect they will doubtless see that things are progressing favorably, and `that the town is one of which the peo- ple need not be ashamed as long as they do not let matters get to a stand- still. Drugs and cnem:cI Intuit: I\' &\lrII`u ` 5 and 556 per cent. on Mortgage. LOUNT & LOUNT Barristers. Barrie." 32-tf. . Opposite R. R. Station` MARRIAGE. LICENSE ISSUER. In the Kitchhen. `THE ADVANCE."J :-: ;o_'rRA1`HY & ESTEN. Ba .______._.___._.._ [O58 &- BROKOVSKI. Nninrz- cnnvevancem . I AULT-Barrister.Solicitor,.l o Conveyancer, etc. Specu -z... and orobatinz wii|s,_ obta_ [EWSON & CRESWICKE, barriltera, `Ann (I: IRA Sunremc Of W. PLAXTON, Banister, solicitor, Notary Conveyance:-. etc. Monev to Loan, at lowest I. nOce-McCarthy Block, uouth sndc Dunlap 37'53 A That Barrie has natural advantages to one will deny, that ia, those natural advantages attractive to tourists especi- ally. For some time we have, week after week, published in Tm: Anvwcn an advertisement of Barrie. Our read- ers will remember how it begins :- ` "Barrie is beautifully situated on a pic- turesque slope. overlooking Kempen- feldt Bay, an arm of Lake Simooe, nine miles long and from one to three miles broad, andnone of the prettiest hays in Canada." Barrie, of course, is situated today in the same place" as when the above was rst printed. While, per- haps, the opportunities suoh a situation presents, -has not been taken advantage of to the full extent, still progress is "being made. In summer the boats still ply daily to and from neighboring summer resorts and parks. But aides this-there has now been organized. -an aquatic club, which, if it receives. the moral support of the town, as it- Inrely will, will do much to stimulate" water "sports here and advertisethei at- tractiveness of the bay at Barrie. Just what the club has done so far can be seen from a reference to Sports of the Week" column, where a provisional program 18 laid out for the summer. ru: Dnuu runnuxyu MILL COMPANY- Cargenterin . Buildmg a_nd manufacturing c )4:-9, `Bash. 8 ' ds, Moulduazs. etc. Planing: .- T. BANTING. Clerk County of Simcoc, will be at his oice; at the Cnnrf nnnan Rape}- . ..__.__.._._..:_:_.___ '1`. ARNALIQ M.D.C;..M,, oaice in BothwellTs Block, Allandale. On the premises at night. 43-ly ,, DR. R: P. V|_V_|jAN l`\ll.\ 11` V D51 LVIELV J. on goo treehold security qt lowest rate of st. Nolfrincipal money requu-ed until end of Erin. . H. STRA I1-Iv. Snnitnr, Fin , ARE NEEDED -EVERY DAY _ RADENHURST, Barrister, Attorney. tutor in Chancery, Conveyance: etc. r~- A--- n...... street. over Bank 0 C9m- MONEY T0 LOAN. I _-A _-__- Mom-:v TO LQAN. "Anybody who saw ,the scene at Yonge Itreet wharf yesterday undre- eoted that it rise, or should be, part of a military organization must have mar- velled; Piles of baggage, all very necessary, were left behind. Military stores, much needed, were diaoarded and men werehnatled by fuming, swearing, -fretting V ooen on board the boats. The steamboat people were not toblame ; theyldid all could; ,'.l.'he fanitswal ADVERTISE IN MANUFACTUBES. Ri;SCELLANEOU8. MONEY TO LOAN. - II, D. C. MURCHISON. ?. PHYSICIANS. FOR INVESTMENT on good freehold securitv at lnwent rate nf _ . BOYS & MURCHISON. .`Bau?ris- _-....... nmmwanoers. etc. Success- : barristers, bonu- e Su reme Court Judicature of aors. otaries. Conve ancers, etc. Oces--Ross Block, an-ie. A I2 u nnnmincxn. FINANCIAL. 0FFlClAlu DENTAL. Homoeonathist. :56 Dunlop St. Residence and Oice. 8-lv mg yiils, obtunnng lcucnu .. ardnnuhip, coluecting accounts, lock. Monevto oan. . any auuxn 1. 1 Ur DAKKIE n in good Homes a_number ac'lian child:-An, I\n\:c an-3 04-`- unuun, I 45-13 - auxn A njpon-r ro Juuhm Anoaenv-.-can 1.`;-r1-nn's% ant-mt. On lut Thunder the Greed Jury made their preeentmenxf and were dil- oherged. The following in Va. report verbetim : - . To His Honor Judge Ardagh, __________.____ icitor. Proctor Notary Special atte'ntion u; 3, obtaining letters or L1` nnllAcl;nQ2.%untU, `BU I-ll --.-__, A. E. H. Cxxsvxcxn. J. C. Bnoxovsxx. ___________ G. H. Esrnx. IDULV , _ Dan 1 un- Success- .-. residence, 68 I rulv In making our presentment we ere pleased to know that the calendar of crime inthe0oun_ty of Simcoehae been so_light, and pray that crime may con-i tinue to decrease. ' I F I CSIUCI x x-lv K3113! I uuuu, of Toronto, .toloan at5 S01iCitOfo .. _'RarruI .nnunn. 5 on: and as-Iv is-Iv .AI`;I;;:|-vlE`N` ()FiVT,HERN AovA V-um. ,nwANcn ans A cmcm, ,6` ADVERTISERS SHOULD NOTE mu m x . ADVERTISING RATES, NC` 'a J J op|foUR'l`Els`.N nvummn $`g* ' ' _ rownr con-ms. Almost if not quite. double that f ' ~ paper published in Isa,, . any own: 13 lines solid agate make 1 inchfm` TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMEXT3, First insertion 10 cents per `nine, ach sub quent insertion 4 cents per line, I-handin nouces. 10 cents new Hm, L, . J. 0 UL VER WELL S Haurcutting and Shaving Parlor OPPOSITE BARBIE HOTEL. BARBIE- Rumors and Scissors ground and set on 91" notice. gr, ucui .l.l.lGUI lava.-L -; um... yum uuc, Reading notices, 10 cents per ne f msemon ; 5 cents per line for each sub: n` ` ,insertion of the same matter. All uh (lien: } der 5 lines, of this chamcter, charge?! an. *5 lines.` Om _ ..;e1{.`i"3:m beZ`1`fafZ`3a a`Zi,e$3 }iE,.`mi CONTRACT Anvmmsm; Contract advertisements win he tk the following rates, which are dramda en It Sac; coilnmerciiil principles and will be `gilricolr. ere to. here w`ll b , . t an. 1 e only one pnce fa , `Canadian Branch Office. W - Head Office. MONTREAL I nNnm\'- ENGL1 Not only is the transportation qnes. tion left entirely to the railroad end steamboat companies but the question- .of provisions is not settled beforehand so that for the first few days the men are on scent rations and the Colonel. endother ooers have to go downinton their pockets and put up money to feed their men. nalnuuu Auaua Auauaswu 5- I 000 TLAS. . . ASSURANCE COMPANY. Capital. $6.400O,0oo. Founded 1505 Application forms furnished and rates quoted bi GEORGE PLAXTON. AGENT. 30-1V Barrie Ont. Oice in McCarthy 310d For Broken-winded Horsel. The 9"`? 'medicine in the world that will 5'_P Heayes In three days. But for a permanent cure 1! `'.q`'`,3 from one half to one bottle used accordinS` d'3- $1.00. Kidney and Acute Cough P0 d` '3 5C. Dy. McGahey's Condition Powders destro worn:s,_punes the biood, putting horses. cattle and cake` "1 11d5ti0n: 25c. Take no other. S035 b? 9- Mkman:- Barrie. and Cook & Co.. Orillia. wk` cauvcs In conaluon; lake omcr. ax F . IOWIHS. 12 changes of Advertlsements allowed pg; year. It more are required, composition rates will be charged. Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertismg anything outside tlfei: own regula: business. Should they do so transient rates will be charged for such ad. yertisements. V Agent Standard Life. London Gum n- tee and Accident 00.. Provincial Building and Loan Associations 9"" OFFICE.-Next door to Bankof Toronto. Owen Street. Barrie. n-`-Y IIIICII one... 2% inches . . g Snakes. M c `For one month--the M with 15 per cent. added. `For two months-the with 10 per cent. added. ----I\ 1' _ _ __ n_- ;A___ Vilun .' L.-- ..._~. 3 Preferred positions for local advertise- ments in the paper will be sold at an advanu ofone-third on above. rates, on no other ac. count `Will special positions be given. This rule will be strictly carried Out. CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please. bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisemenu must. be handed into the office not later than Satuxday at 10 o'clock. and the COP) for such change must be in T11}: ADVANCE office not [later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in my week, otherwise the ad'f'ertisei_r s announcement may notbe made public until the week fol. lowing. 10 nl-mmme nf Advprhaernents allowpd an Condensed advemsements on first rage such as wants of all kinds, lost and found, property for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc., etc" must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted--t1rst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the s_ume matter exceed four. / At` the camp there was oonfueionu worse confounded. AA: to the poor trenepemttiont arrangements, this is the war it is deeoribed:--V ` . ' ' HE xinch -l/ :-usHnn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ax :ncnes.... . . . . . . . .. 5_ inches, 54 column. . . . . no inches, 56 column. . . no inches, 1 column. . . . . Cuts for advertisements must`!/{every case be mounted on solid meta apel. Rapmzsnmr `nus FOLLO\\'l.\`G Fnu-: Issruwa. ' COMPANIES: The Mercantile, now ailiated with The Lon- _don 8; Lancashire bf England. Secur- . Q.-.-u-.4-u..\ u._y, qu5.uuU,uuu. The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo, Ont. Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. Ont. Total assets. $303,078. A1_- Ir 1__.n_ 111-4... rV1-.... Yunnqsvvnvib (.m-n. I Ull d.33C|-3. QJUJ.U,U- Also Llovd s Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, of New York. Cash capital, $z5c. ULAJ "And tiae Sun Loan and savings Company of Ontario. Private funds to loan on rs! mortgages. AC counts collected. &c. , . nan..- M.-- u-...a....m.. . I-lav-r`u.'nrP Smre. Barn: ;ScRoG.c.IE & SMITH, collected. &c. oOice over Hcnderson,s Hardware Store, nt. ' `We visited the jail andfonnd every- thlng clean and in order. and were also pleased to End so few inmates. But it ` does appear that the accomodations for the insane people in our public asylum` of the province is not snicient, and we. beg to recommend the increase of such? accommodations by the proper anthori-z ties. We consider the jail is not the `place for those thus aiicted, as the riail oicials cannot `be expected to possess the special knowledge necessary for the proper treatment `of the insane.- We think that the proper authoritiesshould he urged to increase the accommodation for those people. \ We also visited the Hospital. and were `pleased to nd everything so clean and tidy, and the patients so comfort ablv -provided for. We were also pleas- ed to learn that a_ larger and more con- venient building was under oontempla tion, and would urge a speedy comple- tion of same. a ' - PIIOIIINOIAI BOIIOINO AND IOAII ASSOCIATION. J o___hn Bpgerson, nanaalan nrancn LJITICC MONTREAL. M. C. HINSHAVV, Branch Manager an PI1` Number of inches GIIQ PP. ILULI X JJDLJUI ity, $15,000,000. . A 1`I7`_A.-..1A- `I AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $5,000,000- Fire and Life Issurance. INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &.C. CONDENSED ADVERTISEME.\'TS. SCROGGIE 43:. SMITH. T KIOKIIVG AT CAMP. The Torontof1`elegram s Niagara Camp correspondent tells how the men at- oamp are sore as-to the mismanagement of affairs. He spoke of the 4000 dis- gruntled men,` who last night swore collectively and individually that they would never come to camp any more." The primary, elementary and radical weakness of Canada's military system was that there was no transportation service .in this country. Every year men turn out to camp and get disgusted theverv first day. They find out that the Government and military authori- ties depent very largely nponl luck or the idea "that away up aloft somebody looks `after the cares of the poor volun-. jam: 20, V30 soii 1 a5[ ll One Iner- ; ii txon. `; Office, _ LONDON; E.\'GLA.\D SAM. J. PIPKIN. ll: nn over. 533 Finn 713* e monthly at; three monthly rat: .}In_scr-`,1 O-A..- '-nnawl"I - E lions; E I 50;! {non Foreman. When this was read Judge Ardagh replied. He said that the chief point of the presentment was in reference to the insane. Those unfortunates were only kept in the jail until room could be made in the Government -institutions. None were-kept in the jail longer than necessary. Vagrants were now sent to Beeton, so that the jailor had better accommodation for lunatice, and he was doingphisbest to ameliorate their con- dition, Insanity was on the increase, he was sorry to say, possibly on account of the` speed with which we go along in life now-a-days. However, the recom- mendations would be presented to the `proper authorities, and perhaps some- thing could be done. [DIE 2600 1600 ,____ PRICE FOR ._..---2-`. [V]. J. I. II n Manager. $ 7.Inscr- . oi--- As to the hard labor which the jury recommended, His Honor pointed out that there was no hard labor to provide and the danger there was of prisoners escaping. He was glad, too, that such satisfactory results were obtained from the management of. the hospital, and that steps were being taken to provide a larger one, Judge Ardagh then die- missed the Grand Jury. I _p 3 18.1.1 . Al'~`a. W01` .visi ion .wox' ~COV em`? {-1. tha imi ....;1lJ t1 `We would alsodrecommendy that those able-bodied men who are confined in the jail for `less than two months should be provided wish, and oomplled to perform some manuhl labor. I ,1 _ .. ,, _ _.,,II_ ._-_l_ ver rcli the fav jgue ` 11 or which is respectfully hub- mitted, ' ml AIIWIIIRITIIII Gno. Lawrumcm, V Afvieek feeferdev was celebrated on s.l:e;reiidenee of Mr. Wm. Freak, Elmgrove. The ,oouI`reesing pu-mien were Mr. F:-eek`e eldewtleughter, ennie, and Mr. Daniel is (al.11- D. I!6"Le:n. v;ho wez:ei(a;1v1;;rt-o`l-i>`y- _ Mini mm Frank and Mr. H|u-y~cIc'm*ie- g Ike `bride ware."a Gpiretty brocaded mualiugown with `applique and white satin `trimming; and _ `her. ` bridesmaid a -fdress of mauve muslin, trimmed with applique insertion; V Floral decorations were -prettily arranged about -the house, i tied by the bride. She was given away , by her father, and Rev. '1`. E; Hartley eiciated, after which Mr. and Mrs_ McLean left for a trip to ' Chicago and other places. ` ' '{r1a'm .mmneoN-1..own wmnnme. The marriage of Joh_nJamieson and Miss Amy Lowe is described` by the Elmvale Lance thus : and a bouquet of bridal roses was car? PARRY SOUND POLITICS. Elmedule, Ont., June _l2-Owing to the announced retirement of W. 3.. Bentty,vM.P., from Ontario politics the Liberals of Parry Sound meet in con- vention here. to-day for the purpose of nominating 0. candidate for the next general election. Milton A Onrr, mer- ohnnt, was chosen oendidnte upon the t-It _ ballot, defeating Mayor D. W. Rose. of ferry Bound, `by two votes. A. E. `Mann Kearney. was . elected ;proI_ident~f_II|d `-D. .'FI'l_l0.l". _L1IodonIld.7 ` ~ . . . n , ~ SALVATION `ARMY NOTES. Another eyidenoe of the ever-increas- 1 ing sympathy for the poor and" destitute T of our fair country, and condence and * faith in this administration "of the now world-wide Salvation Army, whose `Rescue and Social Institution are ever open to receive and assist the most heart, rendring cases of the above olasses-bas been manifested in the Self-Denial campaign ct this year in `Barrie, whose citizens and soldiery of the said Army responded to the special appeal to the `amount of $150.00, which amount has been sent to the To- ronto headquarters to carry on this noble work, so well known to the lead? ing men and women of this world. Our : late Maiesty, Queen Victoria, in a tele- ` gram to Gen.-Booth expressed `herself in the frllowing words: "Her Majesty 3 fully recognizes the great and varied work so courageously undertaken by the Army on behalf of so many of their unhappy fellow-creatures in dierent parts of her Empire, The Queen fer- `veutly trusts that Divine guidance and blessing may accompany all the future ebrcs of the Army. `ley 81, N. W. T. $1. 0. Drury, 81, W. Ssrjesnt 31,3. s. $1, s. Loans 31, N. W. Rogers $1, J. Strstny, (2.0. $1, Mr. Bell 81, Mrs. Pierson $1, Mrs. Ardsgh $1, G. Rsdenhurst $1, 9. friend 31, Mrs. Strange $1, A. F. Garrett $1, James Vair 31, A. Milne 81, a friend 81, 9. friend 1, M. Burton $1, W. A. Rose $1, H. Lennox 81, V. Crawly $1, Rev. Mr. McKee 81, Mrs. G. H. Ross $1", Dr. J. 0. Smith $1. Dr. McCarthy 31. `Mrs. Huddleston $1, D. E. Cooke 81, ' `Mrs. R. Reynolds $1,. Mr.-R. Reynolds 8, :1 friend (tor general work) 85. The balance of the .8150 `was made up in smsllersmounts. The Adjutant recog- nizes the `press notices, in the legal papers es at large donations tothis fund. On Tuesday, the 11th inst., a very pretty wedding tool: place at l0~o clock u.m., at the home of the bride's father, Mr.` Thus. Lowe, of Elmvele. The con- tracting parties were Miss Amy Lowe and Mr. John J. Jnmiescn, Barrie. Miss Ethel Lowe, sister of the bride; acted as bridesmaid while Dr. D. H, J amieson of Whitohureh, brother of the groom, performed the duties of best man. The bride was the recipient of a large number of 'very handsome and useful presents. `The ceremony was performed byvRev. W. McLean. Accompanied to the depot by a large number of friends the young couple left amid showers of rice for a tour up the lakes, after which they will return and take up their residence in Barrie. Adjot. Burrovivs-, the commanding of- cer of Barrie corps, desires to thank` one `end all, through the pages of THE ADvANcs:,ofor their cooperation and co- assistance in the edbrts of this year. Donations of $1.00 and upwards have been received from the following :--Mr. - N. B. `Johnson 85, W. H. B. $5, 3 Soldier $5, Mrs. Gcwsn $4, M,r. Mc- Onllough 84, T. J. M. 83, Miss E. Ar-V dsah 62, Miss A. McO.onkey $2, Miss J. Fisher $2, Miss M. Moore $170, Mrs. E. Ball 81.25, Mr. Dodd $1.25, `'3 T`? `XI Mrs. F. H. 1>1uInmes1,A. W. B;;.a.i __. 1. Z A, aims xomm 7 m.m. \ ' . -. " `- 1 run rouge... for the :DaE'e and Doohiou of Cornwall on their on-iv'al.in Omedo. When" in To:-ohto 1 great military to- view of -$10,000 or more soldiers will be `held nnd the visit of the heir to the plsrisiah throne will be made the ooos-V 3 eion of 3 great celebration. `r... uurxun-n at. amass cnurcn. Ur- illia, on Tueodas. June ut . bv Rev. Canon Gnene, Fitzroy G. G. Cott! of the Dominion Bank. to Maude, voun at ughter of the late` Eaq., . - Robert Ramsay, DIED. ALLEWELL-At North Orillia. on June` xoth. the infant daughcer of W. Allewell-D APPLBTON-At` s.bn*hc, on June xotlI._ I901, ' Enrnant Rduhrd Annhtnn. 11:11 41 wean. I 'i~:.} T..:.;,g;;.;";1;;; 5.; been issued from Rldem Hall states that their Royal I-lighnesses will strive at Quebec -on Monday` Sept. 16, on .H.M.S. O'phir, where" they will be ocially received by `the Governor-General, Premier, Cabinet Ministers and T oioers of State- The following outline of the tour of the Duke -and Duchess has been approved and as it will be of interest to everyone we append it :- ' after leaving Toronto will enable Their Royal Highnesses to visit the chief towns in the Maritime Provinces it should be understood that the arrival of the Uphir at Quebec on Sept. 16, inlpursuance of which the forego- ing itinerary has been drawn up, is to some extent dependent on the weather she meets with during her voyage. and that the dates of the itenerary are only approximate, and will require` detailed consideration. The program will ultimately require the approval of His Royal Highness. As court mourning for Queen Victoria will not be over, Hi` Excellency has been informed by His Ma- jesty's government that their Roval High- nesses cannot attend balls or public banquets, either government or civic, but that oicial dinners, concerts, receptions and reviews may be held. The Duke of York has ex- pressed his desire to present medals to all Canadians who have served in theSouth African war. Whilstlit is boiled thatvthe time available I " '1cfr.'Vs'7."ti}}aLcar mos `m;e.i;g; Iiif `mi... | Violet Booth, of Barrie, were the guests of Miss MaryATraoey on Sunday. ' A I -, I_A_- E... I..;_ _.-_I, _ ,-_,,_ " iii. `;i.`3.;:31.;.;.J,;{ Jidilnii 5133' . ying visit to F. J. McClnng on Thursday last. 1-\ II`, _-_._ _'Il _ UIKUD-"-'l\1V ll1`I'I I. "III DI. JOIIII I cnurcn. LIV, On Wedneiday} une math, :90: by the Rev. I. H. Sheppard. V o Coldwater. 1`ho_p. A. Cross. to Clan C. Knight. both of Victoria Harbour. COTTLE--RAMS_AY-At St. _I`ames's church, 0:4 "Ha an Tnnnnu Yuan Inf _ HI: "no human Qll IUBII '7 El 0 The arrangements for Their Royal High- ness reception must largely depend on pro- vincial, municipal and private endeavor, full programs of which, however. must be avail- :able for the consideration of His Royal Highness on his arrival. and with a view to satisfactory organization it is suggested that the proposals of all the reception committees should" be submitted to the Secretary of. State as soon as possible, and that chairmen of reception committees should correspond with the minister. ` V D. 7Plexten, of Umie, were the guests of Miss B. Rose on Sunday. Il,I__I fII__._j,I- ,1 "ia'i.}"1i&a{nei7r;Aa{.i.;; (o{J_);;}V)V1Z1;1;e, w.f.. thd guest of Miss Emma Parr last week. Mr. D. Rowan and Misc J. Hamilton spent Sunday in Uhbhol ` _ ' i N] )rvad5l6: R. Turner [spent Monday with Elmvale friends ' `. `ll._ 1' Il -I1I_._.. -l Il'3JI___I ._.,1 (I r '"6}.'ia3i..ialv`3i.;"o{Tia-Q*1i'f..}{iSZo{Iow. gotinto a. mud hole and broke one of her legs. _. -__.. AL... _I__ I._._- ..-..- L- ,,' There is no mention in the writ of -~ planting poles or stringing wires, but It in claimed by the city's Legal Depart- ment that the words or otherwise Ob! ltruct or interfere with -such highway, or public place" in the olcuue oak-. `jug `for a declaration are amply com- neiye to. .prcv_lde for the prohibi- go`. poled. ` The cecewill not come new theme aims in It is expected that after leaving Winnipeg they will make ehort stops at Brandon, Re` gina and Calgary on the way west, and will probably epend Sunday at Ban. The time allotted to Toronto is intended to include visits in Ontario generally. ' ' l'I 1II. . .0 ~III Miss Olive Young is still iinproving.-9 Ml`. and Mrs. Wm. Parr spent; Sunday in Dalston. _H'e:- b Miss Myrtle Johnson spent Sunday in Tollendsl. IA` rn, _., -2 An-__x_I; ,, . nu ..__....i ._ _, Sam McPhe1;eeIZ1T,Z of Allendale, spent Sim- dav with friends here. can I1`!!! 31-. M'. MW. and. J. Hubber off imy,` were the guests of A. Bishop on Sunday. . It-I III D an 1 can V Peeel Swat returned on Wednesday from Barrie Hospital. . v l and Mrs. William l Turner on the arrival of a son. ` Among those who have gone to camp at ` Niagara. ore Maura. M. Dwyer and G._ Hodgaon. l'I`-- I_L- 1'4- I_-L -....I. _ S...._ \ 1 A. Ifill, of Ci-own Hill, spent Sunday with T. Walton. ` V . A _numl)ve;;)(f<-!ur boys are gone to Niagara with the voluntera. ` nMr. Fullerton, for the city, yesterday honed a writ against the Bell Telephone Company, claiming an injunction to atop the work on Bloor street, a declare- tlcn that the defenders are not entitled tcdo such work or interfere with the Itreetc without the consent of the city, a mandatory order compelling the de- fondant: to restore Bloor -street "to its original condition, and for damages. in Webb, of Barrie, spent -Sunday with their son, Mark Webb. ` C II` `\ 1"` . D T?- CROSS--KNIGHT-At St. John : church. Tav. on Wednedagi, guns Shnnnnnd- n Cnldwater. 'l`hnn. A. (lung. in _._--_,.' __,_____ T `i1(r3I'17tZ:1T'e_a.l'-'--`Arrive midday wgduday, Sept. 18 : leave Friday morning, Sept. 20. . N91,; l1-_L nn_ '6{cal&.;;avI E.i;ia F{iZZy aim. 20; leave Tuesday morning, Sept. 24. - Winnipeg-Arrive' lfhursday morning, Sept. 26; leave late in the afternoon of the same day. Vancouver--Arrive Monday, Sept. 30. Victoria-Arrive Tuesday, Oct. 1 ; leave Thursday, October 3. 1 I` . - _Toronto-Arr'1ve Monday. Oct. 7: leave Saturday, October 12. . St. John, N.B.-Arrive Tuesday, Oct. 15. . Halifax -Leave on Monday, Oct. 21. Their Royal Highnessee will be thegueete of the Governor-General at the Citadel at Quebec and at Government House whilst in Ottawa. Qnebeo--Arrive midday Monday, _ Sent. 16 ; leave Wednesday morning, Sept. 18. `I7, 1,. __.`-__ 'PLE'roN-3A% s. - 1. . 1 mg: EdI:n.rd 818210 (Too late for last week : issue.) 'Z1~SJx;.L;'ro.l 5} }I.;I'.';..ue). Toronto and the Bell Telephone Company are going to have aght al- right. e City asserts its right _to grant or refuse permission to the Com- pany to erect poles or lay conduits for wires, while the Company claim it does not need to ask the City's permission. .'1'h'o Company are backing their claim? by starting to tear up the road on Bloor street to play underground wires and without asking the Oity. The Toronto papers of last Thursday said :.-- Advance Coriespohdence. Advance Correspondence. 2nd Line Lark. MARRIED Grenfe`l. Eawjqg any pruuauu; 3.. adunnxstrauon and guardm etc. Oces. Ross Block. . \ 1' lauuv.-- . __ Noun-ies, Conveyant . Ba . Avatar.` Money to Loan. [Tug BALL QLANING MILL COMPANY- I argenterin and ma.nufa 0 Dan. \...I. n:...a.. 1u-..n.n:_-,, . `I ' _ _ _ _ . . _._.. . - . . .:...u\.a AVAIIJI-4 \a\JLV1l.'l\lVI"' 1 of Doors, bash. Mouldings. etc. Planin of all` kinds done_ promptly and satisfactorily. ilot Blast Drying Kdn. Dnstnct agency for arained lum- ber Factory--Ba.yeld Street, Barrie. ODGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. wan held here on_'1`uesdey end Wednesdsy, the 25th and 26th inst., when upwards . N xt week the Town Bdirie "be the Ioene of s large gstherini. _ The? `onus! convention'of the Ontario Ll-_'_. - oensed Viutuslle:- s Aseooietion is to be" of 200 visitors will be in" town. These. visitors will, to be osndidly selsh, be e Iouroe of benet to the town, in that they will be representative, coming as they do from all parts of Ontario. Being hotel-keepers, they are in touch with just those people to whom a good word for Brrrie should go, so that it is to be hoped that their impression of the town will be favorable. V VI ._ U0nVBylIIu:r_, Eawmg and probatmg ` ndministration guard: vv-vunu ---v-.__ Donna) R s, u..n. llvnnnnnr u-'__, __ ENNOX, ARDAGH, COWAN & BRUWN._ Barristers, Solicitors for obtaining probate of guardianship and administration, and General Sohcntors, Notariei, Conveyaneers, etc. ` Hwoaron Lnmvox, _ALnx. Comm. A B. HOLFORD Annacu, G. E. l.BnowN, L.L.B . Oces: Hindu Block. No. 6, Dunlap street, Bar- neranch Oces--Lennox & Ardagh, Gravenhurst; Lennox, Ardagh, Cowan 8: Brown, Creemore 35-lv JAS. EDVVARD s CONVEYA_l\_lCR. an At his oce until 5 p.m.; atuhis private r Marv street. after that hour. 1 ________________.______ THE CHILDREN_ S AID SOCIETY OF BARRIE , .,_!*=..'= *= *dx999;,ie Hon.e=- a. as-mber y [nu unu..uKn.N'b' All) SOCIETY OFBARRIE have adogtion. Homes. number of bright young anadian children. boys and girls Parties desiring them are asked to communicate with the Secretarvn IREV. D. B. HARKNESS. Barrie. ` - `-- 1. n:uV_1uVu. uerx bounty ot Simcoe, will be at has oicei at the Court House, Barrie, every Saturdav. Residence and P.O. Cookstown. 'OR_ON'1`0 S TELEPHONE '1`ROUBLEb. R. J. F. Pallin , Graduate of Trinity Umversity Tomato, Fe ow of Trinity Medxcal College, Member of the College of Physicnns and Surgeons of Ontario. Ofoe and Residence, 18 Owen street. R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. 8: S., Edin- bur h; M.F.P. & S., Glasgow, member of British pthalmological Society. SveclultV.- Disease: of Eye, Ear, Throat and None. 0FFlCE.-78 Dunlap Street, Sanders Block, B_ar- -:. nnnnnifn Pas: Ofce and Railway R S. BROAD, M. D. C. M.. F; T. M. C., L. C. . P. S., 0., late resident Physician and Surgeon of Toronto General hospital. with special attention to Diseases of Women, and Nose and Throat Work, also for some time sur eon an charge of Emergencv Hospital, Toronto. 0 ce and night residence-upstairs in McC4rthv Block, 21 Dunlop St., Barrie, second door east of Dougall Bros. furmture wa.rerooms-near Five Points. Phone 105. A 29-ly H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers` Notes Dissounted. Collections made in any art of the County. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. Oice-Ross Block. Dunlop street Barrie. 4:-lv. III&I`1I If XTTIIII ' We have a large amount of Private Funds to lend at 4} and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm Mnnonaen. M;-t(`.AR'l`Hv Rnvs .2, MnI2n|.n_ an 4; anu 5 per cent. on line security OX gooa tarm Mortgages. McCARTHY. BOYS 8; MURCHL SON. Dunlo Street Barrie. CCARTHY. Boys ters. Solicitors, Conveyanoers, on to McCarthy, Pepler & McCarthy. 'u:e_-McCaxthy Block, Dunlop Street, 1 ` ` " "" - W. A U-0 in Unanocry, Uvuv` Oco-Fix-at door Owen street. over 1 -n -Q4; Rn ffi. EWSULV gon Ontano, Money to of the Proctors. ' A vs II__-....-. C unuo vv av. 05} 03311931 loan. D ' Dirruwn a, Solicitors in High Court of J ustices, Nota; Convpyancers. Oces over the Bank 01 B81116. . Money in sums of $2,600 and upwards. t per cent. V H "H. H. Snurrnv, Q.C. It is needless to repeat the `various commercial enterprises here, i but we might point out for the sake of our coming guests the value of Barrie as a distributing point. It is the railway centre for Central and northern On- tario, which is a very important matter. That Barrie is fast becoming a favorite resort with summer tourists has long since been proved, and it is to be hoped that the town will ' continue. to grow. We trust It will favorably impress our visitors next week, who, we hope, will thoroughly enjoy themselves while in the Town of Barrie. a