Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 20 Jun 1901, p. 1

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UNE met or sum MUSIC FREE Afr Lcwmsm Pzaxcms. comm couucluuns. HONOR TO MR. DONNELL. SALVATION ARMY. Soft Wood O U'1` AS YOUVWANT rr AND ALL KINDS or` 'TE"\C(iWi2:RT1snlvmwrs. 4 the following property THE INTERESTS OP` on Anus: I-19`c s aonquoru, A Barns. o-c.| lA'tfo`\ BARBIE, COUNTY 01* SIMCOE, ONTARIO, JUNE -20, 1901. J. Keenan, Supt. Waterworks Dept'.,ain- formed the Chairman of the Water and Liglt Committteethat he had gone over the * l a e in the Allandale extension with Mr. 1 Grant on the 14th inet.. and-explained where ` they were. V . V ' mu... 1.--n-._: _______ ..:_-..:__ 1.-..-_. nu... Tam ootmcn. MEETING ADDRESSED T BY MR; LITTLE. The Council of the Town met on Monday night. all members present. Mr. E. A. `Lit- tle. M.P.P., didn't address the Uonnoil on sidewalks, but on the subject of berberry hed es. The sidewalks come under-,Boerd of orka report. , _ V . :79. I -\ FOR SALE-House and Lot. with barn on Albert strert. Barrie. Cheap for cash. Apply.to FRANK FIELD. Elmvale. ' as-438 ' cities. 1 .7? say vvvsu. ,. The following communication from Com- mander Which was presented by Ald. Tvrer: -Several of the citizens of Barrie and the ` neighborhood have requested me to try and at an ambulance for Barrie and its neigh- orhood, an the many accidents on the rail- roads. of late years have shown how great a been such a convenience would have been in the past and may be in the future, 1 have decided to take this business in hand, and have ordered an ambulance to be built by Mr. Sevi ny. carriage maker, t Barrie, at a cost of a ut two hundred dollars. I may say this ambulance will be independent of the Hospital, and I hope to place it in charge of the head of the Police, as is done in other 3 ,-.I-._ LI.__, _2A-.L'____L______ `I L-_-- -44., VI UIVBO "Under these circumstances I have ven-e tured to approach your Honorable ` Council with an earnest request that you will be pleased to see the advisability of having an 1 ambulance ready at any moment, for_ an e} emergency that may arise in either ccnvey- l ing sick or wounded to Hos ital or train, and vote me a grant of fty ollars or what your Honorable Council thinks right to en- able me to carry through this project. A hat-H-inn urn: In-nnnnl-Ar` `ll-til?! f`.I1nv-Inn GI-IIU_ III`? IV URI`, Illlllllulll Ulll lull`-f UUIn A petition was presented from Charles (Jatoher and others in Allandale, asking that that part of the amalgamation agreement \ referring to tower for me purposes, be car- ` ried into effect at once. AI,__ I).___..A.__._ _ . _ . . -_L-.'l L_--2._.. -.-L-.. IIUIJ Ilulbll ULIVUII DI: Ill-IIIUO Alex. Brunton requested hqving water pipes extended to his property on William strett. - ` ' ~ `I3 `I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._. _.-L-) - __.__._.___2__L2-., l ullcu V`! `I3 I-HUI-I UCCU-VII UILIJ LIIO ean Egan" presented a bill for the main- t.enance'of P. Hayes at the hospital. He had found the man at the Vespra Hotel seriously ill and sent him to the hospital where his life was saved. "UL- -L-_-_ __..-_---_2_-L:---_ _..-.._ ..-l-....-.'l GUI UUUI Ald. Jorv nresented a. communication 1 from H. "R. Frankland `advising the town that a new certicate of registration will be" ` re uired to be taken out .on July ls. l ...... `D.-._..' ................1 .. km c..- +1.- ....:.._ u IIIU WEB DEV Ulla The above communications were referred to their respective. comminteea and the fol- lowing two communications were dealt with in the Council. IIIL- 13..-; ___ - _-A.2A!-_ ..'-.__ IV].-- TI--.) Ill |l|U \JUllll|5lla } The rat was a petition from Chas. Llovd ; and others requesting that those who had _` berberry hedges have the some removed ac- ` cording to regulations of the Ontario Legis- lature. "TL- _LL-.. _._-.. _ ._-.____---_!--L!-._ .__._. 1;` uwuru. The. other was 1. communication from F. S McKay. Master Str; Isiay, requesting permission, as in past seasons, to lay a supply of coal for the Steamer Islav on the street at the head of the wharf on Bayeldb street. ecommrrrm-2 nnronrs. V The Finance Committee reported recom- mending payment of accounts amounting to $550.93. which was carried. H1]... `D_.....I .& 117..-]... .......A.. L]... B..II..-.3..- ICVUI U, VVIIIUII DCLIIVU I Theta. ve foot cement walk he construct- ed on`Collier street, from Owen to Mulcsster * street, walk from Owen street to Fire Hall to be ve feet wide. in-front of Fire Heli eleven feet wide, and from Hall to Mulcaster etreetnine feet wide, at an estimated cost `of $323. ' ' l'l1l....s ALLA- .....Il....' L- I..2.I ._ `ll ..`I-....a...- A good frame bar_n 16x24 for sale. Purchsr to remove from premxses. corper Penetamz and Mu]. caster street. Apply to R. LROSSLAND. _` 25-17. other walks be laid. on Mulcaster street, west aide, from Market Square to Worsley street; on Elizabeth street, from` High street to Mr. Hinds lane. also from John to Mary street; on Dunlop street, from Sampson to Berczy street; on Collier street, from Sampson to Pointz street ; also two crossings on Dunlop street, on each side of the Dost oice. ' p EXEMPT FROM CERTAIN TAXES. "Aid; Jory introduced a by-law to exempt certainfartn lands from taxation for water- worka,,the making of sidewalks, construc- tion of sewers and wateringof streets. It was read three times and passed. Ah-I unInn`l dntrntinnnrl n "\I1_'nIl! 1:1`-udnla 000' VIIIIUII WED UBIIIUIII e Board of Works made the following report, which was carried : ' fl\I...'.4.'.. R..- 8....4 ............4. .....H. L. .........a.......a. WCH LUCIA HIILUU UIIIIUB CIIIL IJDBBUI-In Aid. Powell introduced a by-law. which was carried. for appointing pound keepers, and to turther restrain animals from being at large within the limits of the town of Barrie. - UV IUHIIVUUUH I-III IIDVU IU IULIIUVUU III! ULIUUQ Mr. E. A. Little, M.P.P,, addressed the Council in this matter, showing .the great damage that was done yearly to the crops by the presence of barberry hedges in the neighborhood. The motion passed. at ,,_ 3 1,, . AI) T?_2'..`___.I T-__ LL-A_4_I__ Moved by Ald. Vair -' and Jory that the town_ proceed at once to purchase the several parcels of land necessary for enlarging the horse ring -so soon as a lease and agreement shall be drawn to the mutnal satisfaction of t'l1eJ_oint Stock Company and the Town of arrie. u-_._ .I:--....-l;.. a.--l. ..I... 1...; -11 -............I Ald. V air ad Tyre: moved that Meekums be instructed to x up the-Azri- `cultural Park for the sum of $5.--Can-ied. All 'D-...-II .....I D _ . _ _ . _ * . . ....I 4.-.... `I - IUIIIDIIICI L CIR IUL IIIIU Hlllll UL vi-|a-\JElnIIUIle Ald. Powell and Brennan moved tent Mr. Geo Cooper be granted permission to cut down two or three trees on J emes street, in front of hispremisee, under the supervision of the inspector, - T ` AIR Lain ll!` .TnI-I1 nnnunr` 1-kn!-. nnlofhan DDI'l'IUo Some discussion took place, but all seemed I anxious that the negotiations should be closed as soon as possible, and the motion was carried. n...._ .n .1. ._ - .s:-...... L...1 UI IIIIU II-IBPUU UUL Ald. Vair a.n d Jory moved that portion having barberrv growing on their premises | be requested to have it removed at once.` Rh I4`. A T.-tin M D D nl-Anna!` Hun Next Tuesday the annual convention of the Ontario License Holders Association be-V gins here. In -`the afternoon the opening | session will be held in the ,0ddfellow s Hall, when Mavor Radenhnrst will read an ad- dress of welcome. On behalf the Association Mr. Haverson. thesolioitor, will reply. In the evening of the same day the chief busi- ness will be transacted. . ' I'l`r-.`I.._...1-_ nun noun-nag-u . .`unn vv ' " ' , T T . ' 3 gplendid opportumty for teachers and others ofT9'5velop-increased earning power at a. limited ex-. to fe of gime and_money. pe rite us about It. ` mm REGULAR wank IIBIII Wu: uv Iwnuunuuvu. On Wednesday an excursion -has been an-an ed for to take the members and lady frien I to Big Bay Point.` .A-nu-_|u.n nvmusninn will tnlrn nlnmi than Iuenuu W Dr; Day Lusuv. . ` ` Another excursion will take place the next day, Thursday, the 27th, when the delegates will all go to Muekoke and visit the large new summer hotel in `course of construction by --A little boy unlined Horrel throw stones `at some little girl: and broke a meal. He wee ned -i court` yesterday cent: and poets and 31 damage: for the perusal -..9`l*! 9e":"`e`?e`.31.'?? .."?' .. l M 7 Q3 UDKKIVIA I Council than adjournd. mu nuun smrwuxs; : VBARRIE THE COUNTY OF `SIMCOB `AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA OUR 'CRI'l`ERION.V uo'rm. MEN comma. OTHER HOTIONS. The past week has not been prolotic with sporting sensations. V in the world of. lacrosse the Toronto Tecumseth s defeat at the hands of Galt and Brantford. shows they did not need to seek the swift company of the Eastern League. Canninzton has already lost two games in this district and Orillia has won two. When Orillia comes here on 25th it will doubtless be a close game. The revival of the interest in lacrosseis notice- able and will, I hope, continua. . In baseball, the only team that interests Simcoe County people, outside the county teams, is perhaps Toronto. This club, after having lost con- siderably has climbed into third place again. T Inna O-nllrdnn On l`_.-rub mk:aL I-I-an Athens- IIUVI DUI, LIED UIIIIIUUII IIIUU UIIIIKI FIGUU Esllul Iwaa talking toUapt. .Whish the other day and he was deploring the apathy of many Barrieitea. In the matter of golf he had` oered his own links if a club would organize and yet not half as many took advantage of the opportunity as would be . nvnnnlvna-I _ ?IGGOTT- - Vxoorl. the A U\JIlUlJs ow that the Boating Club is assured of existence, at anv' rate, we should see a stimulation of water sports during this sum- mer. A scheme should be evolved for 9. weekly or fortnightly series of races durinc July and August. - V Boating. _ _A week ago Tuesday the Barrie Boating Club took pessession of the premises of the Sea Flower Fishing Club, and-proceeded at once to renovate them. In the building nearest the railroad were partitions, which were removed by those doing duty the first night and the place cleaned up. Other members were notied that statute labor was expected of them, and by the end of the week the interior was painted. By the time this goes to press. more work will be done, agil in another week the place will be habit- a e. , i, ,, I,,A S , I ,9 ., .I,- -I__L.,2- IUD No time was lost in having the electric light department install a. service, which in- cludes a red light at the south of the boat houses, to guide those on theweter at night. `Tn!!! Ann:-st! `\n`n lxnnn Duns} :r\ kn hunk,- IIUILBUD IJU UKIIIIU UIIUDU Ull UIIU VVOUUI III: lallslllh New ooring has been put in the boat- houses. and they have also had the roof xed. Better facilities have been made for landing at the east side of the building too. and al gether the work is progressing favorably. as far as the funds of the club will permit. "Wanna QQQ Q fllifiik Eh IIIIWQHI` fl` IT` T5 Ell? `III-IQ US IIIIC \IlIIIl VVIII `HUI llIIU- There are still a number who agreed to join from whom the treasurer has not vet heard. `Members ought also to remember that a certainnmount of work has to be done by the club itself and should volunteer as- eiatance without being asked by the commit- tee, or without leaving all the work to the comrhittee itself. _,SII I, , ,, ,,,~_,_j ;_ LANAL E_ 'f__I_ L_ V\I U IVIIVVVV I ` Barrie, June 15, 1901, ' Claude R Sanagen, Esq, Hon Sec. Barrie Boating Club : Dear Sir,-P1ease convey to the president and ocers of your club my appreciative thanks of the honor they have done me in electing me 9. patron of your club. As a. sportsman I cannot but feel that the en- couragement of the best sports among us, is for` the best interests of the town and our- se ves. i ' I,, ,I,_ , n,,dIP _,,,`lT _I_,II L, --uav- up-.a-v~ The boys around town knew of the Tecumseh: defeat on Sunday morning. the Sunday World giving an account of it. Speaking of the Sunday World, the week before theABarrie-Orillia lacrosse match was given moreespace than in any other Toronto paper. ` I. A n The people of Barrie did not patronize the I lacrosse club. on their first excursion to Orillia and the result was that the club went behind`. This after what they had lost on May 24th. might have discouraged the boys but they are going` in for recovering what they have lost trusting that now the season is further advanced the people will turn out` etter. -,_L ul'I,____I-__ _EL__.__--_ LL- l|__S`I`I_ -I--L IJUUIIUI. o - Next Tuesday afternoon the Orillia club T will send down the team and the boys at home would like a good attendance at the gmg V Thu nnnlmh mi" nnnnhf-nrnu Hon nlnnn IV The match will undoubtedly be a close one. and those that went back on lacrosse for its roughness need not fear it in the re- vival. because the game. will in all proba- bility be played in a manly spirit. That at Orillia while very evenly-matched was neat and clean, and there is no reason why the same good spirit cannot prevail. Remember the date. June 25th. and go -out with the lacrosse club to Agricultural Park and ` `root, root, V root. 1 A 4:. OFFI E. The Telegram remarked last week :- It is pleasing to note that lacrosse is again taking its old place in the aeotions of the people of Orillia and Barrie. The game layed at Orillia last Friday aroused large umps of enthusiasm and the score was so close that when the return game is played in Barrie the enthusiasm is likely to be con- tracted by the Barrie folks; Both were good lacrosse towns for years, and new they are iust discovering that when the game appears to be dead it is simply taking a rest and that it willwake up and do business when least expected. ' UVIIIIIIIUIIVU IUUI3ILu A boy will be engaged to start in July to act as assistant at the rooms, in the way cf watching things, keeping the place clean and helping boat and canoe holders. ' `K7!-inn rho nlnl-u Inna nu-nnnianrl flan acorn. ?IvI\I IJCI IIJ5 IIUIIII CIuI\l DWI-IIIV II`ll\IVlDI When the club was organized, the secre- tary did not send out formal notices to the patrons of their election, but waitedquntil he was sure of the success of the undertaking. He has therefore just informed these gentle- men, one of whom has immediately respond- `-ed as follows: `I\ 0 1' IF inns I enclose cheque for $5 and I shall be pleased at any time I can to do what I can to further its interests. Yours faithfully, U D T.-cuxvurx ..I. ULIID LDIIJIIIMIIV , I H. B. JOYNER. The Boating Club are obliged _ to Mr. Joyner not only for his nancial but for his moral support, and thank him according} y." The Barrie senior team were beaten by a junior team `on Friday night. The iuniore were the nine representing the Allandale club, and in each of the three innings played they made two runs. With two men on 3rd and three on 2nd base was as far at Bar- rie got. The score was therefore 6 to 0. The Allandale `Youngsters beat the Vic- eoriae of Barrie on the Queen : Perk, Mon- ] day night; by a score of 51.0 4. an` `iv vain-A-II A meetmg was gold "on Saturday J une 8th, at Midland whens footba_.1l lesgue wwform-V OR 5ALE_-Cnok'ing Stove, Grand Penihsular" No.9-.~4. almost new. Also astable ta rent. Enquire at 43 MCDONALD STREET. 25-tf. SPORTS OF THE WEEK. (ELZn;L& ;;1;5 5 . -Baseball. Foo tb_a1l. . Lacrosse. ;.J.:.g1;.;;e;.f ;e1;;e.:;;.: }i1I}}}{;e teken in glue Pan-American by the time they come ack. . - Roy Thomas and several other Lacrosse i Club boys took over their sticks and are; anxiously looking forward to getting back f for the Orillia. game. The band of the 35th played at a garden partv on Monday night about two miles from camp. Thev not only pleased the people they were supposed to please but they pleased themselves by having a good. time. _ T -1t`wo'uldn t do to mention names, but we ll plug along without names in this instance for there are ladies in the case. That is there were a number of young ladies of Toronto. friends of some of the Barrie con tinzent, who visited the camp on Sunday. ` l! 1I,,l1I n . . I .I The Simcoe Foresters regretted the non- appearance of the County Council. Major Bruce lett camp on Wednesday to attend the 1 session of Council. * IVE YnAl\"1.n\u unuvnav Luca.-uurnam F Grades. one rcgi and white steer. one red steer. two large red heifers and "one small red heifer. 5Ira)'L'd from Lot 22. Con. x, Sunnidal. on the 5th of ' May last. A reward willbe paid for any information m or r0co\'er_\' ot the `animals. CHAS. E. McDER- MOTTI`. :\ngusV. P 0- 25-27-9- THE 35th REGIMENT IN .oAMP-A Gda- VRESPONDENT wnrrms OF IT. _ Last week in the hurry which a Tuesday or Wednesday brings we gave in the list of ocere who had gone to camp-"Sergt.. Maj. McCarthy.- This was not noticed in time, so this week we make the correction. It should have been-Sm-geon, Maj. Mc- Carnhy. 1 u-rv-., c nan q n 1.- Rev . W`. Witten is Chaplain of the camp and all the Toronto papers speak highly of his impressive sermon on Simdav- A I 9.1 n~_u 0!: 1 Bandmaster Henderson is again Brigade n Bandmnster. - Our Midhurst correspondent is at camp ` this week and sends us the following in- teresting letter relating to our regiment : The regiment has been in camp nearly a week and the improvement in the men of_ the 35th is- very marked. There has been good weather so far and the men are in splendid shape, with the exception of a few laid out with vaccination. The drill is prettv severe at times, but they have it easy some times. In No. _4 Company there has not been a man dropped out yet, though it has some laid up- with sore arms. Last _Wednesday No. 4 went to the Morris tube ranges and did fairly well, but the following day at the long ranges they made the highest average score for the regiment, Color Sergt-. Free making the highestscore for the company, but with Pte. Fred. Orok making the best average, never missing a shot in ten. at 400 yds. Pte. McGowan was third, with a good .score, with_ the other members of the com- pany pretty well up. The promotions in No 4 `were as follows : To be lSergt.. Corp. C. Houle ; to be Corp., Ptes. Chas. Parker, David Smith and W. Robinson. The cooks for the company are-Roy Coutts and James Orok. who fulfill the duties to perfection. Last week was taken up with squad and company drill. and to day we were reviewed by General O'Gra.dy-Haly, who visited the sleeping and mess tents, and was perfectly satised with the encampment. There are services here every night in the Y.M.C.A. tent and it is generally lled to the doors. On Sunday a large number of men from all regiments went to see the Niagara Falls` and Buffalo, also Brock s monument attracted quite a crowd. No. 4 turned out completely , nearly every man being away. The only thing the men don't like is turning out in the morning and going in at night. Lights out sounds at 10 15 p.m., and reveille at 5 a In , roll call at 530. breakfast at 615, first parade at 7 15. second parade at I0, dinner at 12.30. third parace at 2, coming in at 4 30, supper at 5 30. After that the boys have the rest of the evening to themselves. which is generally spent around the Y.l`.I. C.A. tent, where there are lots of games going all thetime. On Wednesday, the 12th inst., a fashion- able and proverbially pretty wedding took place at Christ's church, Ivy, the contracting parties being Mr. Thomas W. R. Arnold, son of James Arnold, Esq., of Barrie, and Miss Bertha Davis, of'Ivy, daughter of Mr. George Davis and granddaughter of the late Geo. Davis, Es . Warden of the County of Simcoe, also `of ohn Lennox, Esq., ex-Reeve of Essa. The bride looked charming and was attired in a - beautiful dress of white organdieover white silk and carrying a bunch of white, roses. The bride was attended by Miss Amv Banting. The groom was assisted by Mr. T R. W. Black, of the law oce of I ---..- G.-..a.|.... 9: Ia`-s.... at 13...}. TL- ll Jill Q J. LV. '7 s -IJIQUQ. UL III-I9 IQVV ULLIUU VI Iyeasrs. Strathv & Eeten of Barrie. The ceremony was performed. by the Rev. Mr. Dreyer, ot the parish of North Essa. The presents` were numerous. costly and appro- priate, that of the groom being a beautilul gold watch and chain. The young couple `are very highlyrespected in this neighbor- hood, the presents being only a slight in- dication of the estimation in which they are held by the people of this vicinity. Dinner being over, the MP9? couple, accompanied by numerous guests, drove to Thornton station, where the bride and groom took the train going` South. They intend visiting the Pan American-and several places of interest before returning. ` M .-bun `X7- I-aqua ssnnsnnri -nnnsonv` niunnnnl-n Cooke's Church, Toronto, whose pastor, the well-known Rev. Wm. Patterson re- signed some time ago has a. new pastor, the Rev. Alex. Esler. formerly at West Chester, Pena. A FASHIONABLE WEDDING AT IVY. A part of the choir of Christ's ch.urch,l Veapra, will assist St. vGeorge a choir` next Sunday June 23. at 7 p. m., and will also sing part pieces. - Twentv acres of the VVest half of `Lot :2 in the ,;1'n Cm. of Vesnra. Midhurst. _ , That lwmnliful residence. belomzma` to Mrs. Brom- On June 30th the Foresters will attend Divine service at Allandale Presbyterian l church. . The ladies of St George s church intend holding their annual garden party on Tues- dav, June 25. For particulars see posters later on. ' See other column for address and presen- ` tation to Mr. Donnell ` uuuru ruuuu. ulug. N0'rn-We have received several accounts of the above wedding and only regret that spwe. prevents us publishing each. . We, however, tlxeok the contributors, T _ I 9 {Another letter was received just as we` ` were going to press from Mr. G. Rodgers. ` ~ [M1-e.` Walter Hunter left on'Tueeday on an extended visit with her parents in Win- NOTES FROM NIAGARA. CHURCH BHIMES. uuv vanvc Uu unuutuny uulug 11. Ullivlo The grain market: is about over. few loadl coming in, while prices dropped again. Oat! were down no 32 and 33, and wheat 64 and 65. Hay was not abundant, but $10 was cl high as was paid for it on Friday for the circus. . Cm. at \"_esnra. _i\1xdhurst. That beauuful resndencc- belongmg 30 Brqm- huad-Russell, rooms all large and with modern um- --an-u-u.:nfc UII I150 The live hog market seems to be yet Ihort in" supply for the prices have advanced. The ruling price for selections is seven cent! 3 the delivery has not been very heavy. Tknrn nus-us run `lsnn` All-`..-:........ -3 -L...-.- uuu ucuvvay uua uuu uucu VUISY IIUISVY. There were no local oeringe of straw- berries last Saturday, but on the next market day they will be ready, and in another week will likely be abundant as the crap is said to good- THE HAPPENINGS OF A WEEK IN TOWN AND VICINITY. -Band to-night. Wstable to rent.--Box 285. --Vespra Cruncil met on Monday at Mid- hurab. Butter had a steady sale at good prioel, 14-cents and 15 cents being paid by dealerl. while individual customers paid 16 centl. which are better prices than a few week: ago, and in spite of the fact that the eunlv was larger. Eggs. too, were a cent bin or, the price on Saturday being 11 cents. Th C!I';!I IYIAIIIAIE :1: nhann Anon `gnu IAnA` -Wansed;x s;nart intelligent boy to learn the printing business. Apply at this oice. baturday last was not only market day but it was circus day as well. So Barrie was a crowded town, and in the early part of the morning the market was very bnl indeed. The demand, as usua1..was equ to" the supply, and consequently bulinoll an Unnlop street was brisk the rest of the ay. W 'i`;s of Turnip Se9d--all varieties at B0THWELL9S. 'Good Generajl Servant Wanted. Apply MRS. JAs.'VA1R, 14 Mary street. -A band concert will be held at Gore Park to-night. Take our word for it, it will be alright. - __'-. -- .,... _. _ H'Little Lizixie--Tou1'ista Paradise--Boate, Lunch and Soft. Drinks can be procured at all times. Miss Lawrence, ' West Simcoe Fathers Institute. FRIDAY JUNE 28TH, 1901. 1`Z...... Tv\l\`n nun! D-nfnc -The Collegiatiei instimite closes the pre- sent session to-morrow. the Departmental Examinations beginning on July 3rd. .an.rI'\I,.,,, , sun I 1 5 C -_ .-__-.__- 7.-- -The Midland Free Press explained in its last issue why no paper was published the week before. Their apprentice contract- ed a contagious disease and the Health Oicers advised them not to issue a paper that week. which advice they followed in the interest of public health. On Tuesdav Court was closed. The criminal case where John Robert Scott. of Nottswasaga Township was charged with the seduction of Miss Essa Lyon, of Avemng was concluded by the defendant, Scott being ned $10 and costs or -three months im- prisonment, ' total $128 95. (1? tho 1:311 (Lanna In-an uumnn -as-thul Ana. -3 as-There ZwyillfBef;_;a;Ee;1;>:1r;;'_end sale of work in aid of the-R. V. Hospital, on Friday, 28th. at the residence of Mr. Samuel Lount. The cheapest `place in town to buy hard and non Wood is A. W. Wilkin- somu. Delivered promptly In an uantlty to any part ol the town an llandnle. Leave orders at mill otllce or phone. 23. 7 snag. a -. cs - - -. -Two men. suspected of picking pockets, were before the Police Magistrate on Satur- day. ` No evidence was against them but they were remanded until Tuesday, and as the Attorney-General wired to have them held they were remanded until Friday. Whether the Toronto authorities have any- thing against them is not known at present. Pine Apple: for 6:1-ener-wing. cheapest ol the season at B 'l`lIWELL 8. -On Friday the Good Templars of Orillil were to have an excursion here, but very few people came over on the Longford the boat chartered. u-An excursion went through Barrie to Urillia on Friday from Collingwood. There were a large number on the train. and the remen evidently were successful. __-x - a'The annual garden party inconnection with St. Mary : church will be held in the Deanery lawn on `the evening of the 26th. The town band will be in attendance. -Yesterday was Civic Holiday for the Town of Midland. Arrangements were made for a monster excursion to Parry Sound by _the remen of the town, and this was the first excursion of any importance from Mid- land this season it is probable it was a suc- cess .._. ' Stavher. .. . . . ` New Lowell Brenlwood. .. Angus . . . . . . .' Vmpia. . . . . .. Colwell . . . . . . Mlandalc. . .. Vine`. . . '. . . . Thornton... .. Cmkstown. . . PLIDUHHIULIU UUUDI @160`) U0 Of the civil cases. two were settled out of court, and two were postponed. In Tegart vs. McKay, verdict for $100 was given plain- til In Hutt vs, Williams, verdict for $25. In case at Barr vs. Burneld, the defensnt paid $75 into Court, leaving 12 cents for plainti . 'Patronize your home Laundry, our work deserves in. Call in when passing. we will be pleased to have you examine any of our work. Barrie Steam Laundry. ___- -- .._ ._..__ .. -_- ..v ._ V`--V...--.-vvu --Among the last Orders-in-Councii passed by the Ontario Government is one incorpor- ating the Midland Packing. Canning and Sold Storage Co.. Limited. capital $40.000. 2l`1_.__4_,,-1_- _ ,~-r_-.-_ V__.--v- W"Conatanl:1v arriving, new and fresh goods. Where so much is` coming. some must go out Picture framing a specialty. Come and see the wonderful Pan-American just arrived from Buffalo at Ford & Palk a. For Choice Family Flour and all kinds ot Feed go to Wllklnson o. All orders delivered promptly in any quantlty. Please leave your orders at the 1111]] Olce or Telephone No. 23. -Postera are out announcing the C. M. B. A. excursion and picnic to Big _Bay Point on Steamer Inlay, Monday, July 8th. The young men on the committee promise to make this the most enjoyable 'da_y s outing in the history of the society here. '7 . 1 two - unr 1 :- This week Vair, Vickere & Co. urchaaed the entire stock of Ladies Sailor an of a large milhnerv warehouse, bought at loll than half their value. They are divided into two lots, to sell at 889. and 480., r - lar value 500., . 750., $1.00. and 81.25. T .-{them if you wanfli `sailor. . V _ -M. Wedlock, a former Barrie boy took a creditable position in St. M ichael s Calls 6 examinations. He received scholarships 11 Natural Theology and Mental Philosophy and received special prize for honors in another class. {smo PER Annbu IN ADVANCI SINGLE COPIES PIVI CENTS. A BIG DEAL IN HATS. AROUND BARBIE. mmgn scnoou or teachers nd other: BAHR|E_RKET. COURT CLOSED. Excuron to Guelph ! 5iAiV*I _ . - ,, Commencing Saturday next zznd inst., this Steamer wil} make regular trips to Big` Bay Point and Jack- 5"'- Pnim. E15 follows :- - In-avn u....: ,. I`/\ .. ... An.....:..I.. .. ..'.. .. ...o...-... U > y-----u v----uh um. 1.115 you] ~. `any way" --..,. Fare to Big Bay Point. Adults 15c. H H n . H II, Children l0Ca_ Fare to Iackson s Point. Adults 25. II N 'n Children 150- Engflgclncpt for Excursions can be made with MR. ]0H.\ POW ELL, Agl.. Barrie. _ 25-25. 4*, TI-IE 4th or JULY >U" -1'01m. as mllows _ I Lcavc Barrie 2.30 p.m., Allandale 2.45 13.111. return- PE about 6 p.m.. calling at Big Bay Pomt each way. C._..,II' n I'\ All`, ,, Musical, uonIHEnn~AnvAucE3 \ Tourist Hotel Norfolk BAYSVILLE, .MusKoKA. {ONT- of `Mr!' 9rm' MI7 ow straved ";"f:nti:'f.l. 0 El: uantz. 19 con gam by P`` ' wner 080 hv _ . l3"5 vp-"5 . ' ontv ` paving for thus advertuem _{........_..........- .`-A GA Black C ` 00 a6zh."c>Q . and o-lv ..... ...-v vi unvulwuu ` -.r-a I" - T00 ACRE I-`ARM FOR SALE.._- % " No h. .::s::*;:*:::..*a:.r 3 .i:.':.;,:","f.':I:*':.:.`;`,; ,4, mg myclass wheat . .,Whg'c`a,neouII!'y -; t% draxned. Frame`!-louse. frame 1-` :'*`aaa*aa*::_;;+s:%;::s&"6* Tliluable Pro_;1_g_rtyFor Sale. 517:2 YEARLING CALVES LOST-Durham (-.....4;.c mm rod and white steer. one red steer. EVERY MONTH TO SUBSURIBER8: ` 05* mm " ' , WHOLE N . VOL L NSAM2[35L'.L Vvxsnu` Proprietor. O 3476 } _'x90`l. ` i - "-` ` '* " ' > .'A ED~-A . t, ' telhgent boy to leatn the :7 A\1:{nting b.:`i`:ss.'App1y at ADVANCE my I? mu. me my xxx? ISSUE '01? OUR _." ""9c'"gn bpecl " $"` *0 $3 per day. " `F T G L j`6PaRTv FOR SALE. Eus aouut u. oun REGULAR worm -_u_. ..1mm from monthto month` 'I;T-AtA Barrie. on Wednesday. June nfh; . the wife of Wm. Piggott.'0fa son. Saturday Trips Supplement BARN FOR SALE. TH~CLUTE`I" El'a`v June xa!h..l90!. I MCGRA bv the Rev. W. McLean. Albert McGrath to Miss Nellie Clute. ,JA1\iIESON--LOVVE--In Elmvale. June ugh, bv the Rev. W. McLe ', h - ric. to \m\' seconaan dg?,g`}`u`le`r;la('3,,`<;|la. 0B:r. H1, . - e! 1 - Canoeing, Speckled Trout Fishing. 86- En fn Q- _.... J--. vvI`- n-no-_-u Time Table and Rates. . ' 7.03 a..m. 'I,lE II cow ESTBAY. \Ava.ou---. -v--n -v--vv \`N _ H _ 5 H A\'N_ `PRINCIPAL. MARRIED T3547 - nun . F. G. HOGAN, Proprietor. 7.20. H 9! K. l'\Jl\lJg at Ford & Pa.lk's Furniture Store. . Barrie, Ont. `6 !\mv seco d d .. Elmvale. n ' aughter. Of lhoa. Lowe: Barrie, une `ath b 0 1901, y Rev._T. E. Bartley, D ' 1 _ Jenme Freak. eldest dauaglligteer of?`-reaa; toF Miss LO.\'GHURST--BURTON-In Barri. m' reek! L901, lbx the Ilgiev. FH. D. camemf: Ogduxe 631 ongmrst to iss annyBunon bob` of-B - _ . ' _ arne. "\`l`11|l\ `S:-45 I.'2 I-K 25-26. 75 7oc HOC ugu 65c 65c `THEY OPENED THEIR SESSION ON County Council present on Tuesday, when Warden Wright opened proceedings at the Court House. In his brief address to the Council the Warden expressed the thanks they all felt for being spared for another meeting and hoped they would continue to go through business as well as on former occasions. It was gratifying. he said, to see the" nancial position they were in. Up to June let there was $7.696.80' to their credit. and BI since Jun: `I1-.`nan stun Qnnn 1.-.: av--ow `DIED. T p;GGoT'1`-At Barrie. on VVednesdav.' Juneuth, 1001. the infant son ofMr.and Mrs. Wm. Piggott. .. uuv also out: was w.ouo.su to their credit, as since June 1st less that $600 had been spent, there was now a surplus of over $7.000. There was plenty of. work for each committee, but he hoped the session would I be pleasant and protable for them all. Cnl, Wm-A Allnngn-anal L3- ---h.2-_ -- I`-` luv pavcsuuulo uuu proutame to!` them all. Col. Ward `resigned his position as Col- legiate Institute Trustee; Barrie. T Dr- `Raul-on n..:m.. .....:........a 1.2.. _--:..2-.. nu uuzvu. ' Mr. Whitesidee moved, seconded by Mr. Thorpe, that the invitation of "the oicere of the 35th Regiment be accepted, but Messrs. J upp, Raikee and Quinlan raised objections on the ground that they had no right to s end the people : money, whereupon Mr. hitesidee withdrew -his motion. After some routine work the `meeting .adjourned until the evening. In th nvnnina Whisk QAAIIAEBAII flan uzquuuv nuuuluuw 1.1113569, battle. Dr. Benton. Orillia. resigned his position on Collegiate Institute Board. T ` 7 mh nut. to -nn...`-... .1` _LL-_.. _- .-V- - - -`-- ' uu x.-uucglutu Lulnlll .DO&l.'l1._ I These and 9. number of ' other communion.- tions were referred to their respective com- mittees. ~ 'Il __ IY1I,,I. II - ` ` ` AI-\lVJV\lIIuII3\uI uuuu IIIIU DVI1 In the evening Capt.VW1?iah addressed the Council in favor of supporting theambulance which he is having built. The Council then went into Committee of the Whole and took up the question of Equalization. This` re- united in I".I'|A nnlnnnlnnnltnf vnnnnn rnnnrnnhin may IlIIU_ niuuauvu Ul. Jlllilflllllllllc LLIIH ICU` sulted in the assessment of Vespra. Township being reduced $137,000, the rest remain- ing as before, . . Mr. E Donnell for sixteen years has been Secretary of the Collier Street Sunday school, and on his resi nation the members sought to testify to their gratitude and good will. So on Sunday it was arranged they should surprise him. Rev. Mr. Bartley called him forward, and the gentleman they were honoring was taken unexpectedly when `presented with a handsome clock. A beau- ytitully engrossed address accompanied it, the wording of which was as follows :- To Mr. E. Donnell,- ' cc .3 ,Dear Friend and Brother,--Your retire- ment from the Secretaryehip oi Collier st. Sabbath. School gives a tting opportunity to your manny friends and co-workersto ex- press their admiration tor your many sterl- ing qualities, and their high appreciation of the faithful manner in which you have dis- charged the duties pertaining thereto. Throughout your sixteen years service, your punctuality and delity to duty have ever been an inspiration to us all, while the in~' uence of these qualities upon the children can be fully estimated, only whenwe re- member the effect of` example on the minds and lives of the young. The welfare of the school hasalways been a prime consideration with you. and just as in every department of Christian work ' in which you may have been engaged in the past. you have given to the school ct your very best. and you have given itungrudgingly. Tit-. nrnnlrl Iuuua lnnnn n. at-lmrnn nf 1'8l .iGB- -------------*' *** " - `VA:.'0T}!{E1lz}-}-{ASLl1zris:aET gal at once Apply ---- Under and by virtue of the Ap.ower_of sale contained in a. certain mortgage and which will be reduced at the time of sale, ere will be offered or sale by public auction by. Mr. W. D. McConke?' Auctioneer, at the Simeoe Hotel, In the Town o barrio. on . .. L`- - rm...': .1... ml 'I'1-mu at the hon: 1!` 1 O'cTok. Em. ' EXDFBBB B0 yll our uuuuguuu lcsuzuu V Please accept` this brief address and the accompanying presentation, as an indication of our Christian friendship. and as a slight expression of the high esteem in which you are held by your associates in Sabbath school (uni! l ;or|L well and save ne lsqomg wuu uuu .......... ...... Island, where he has been one of its pioneers`. :Johnslon & 8arioant.| A ,- I_II-.u-3-no -nnanni-fl) I It Inc uvuu V. . - ..----. . '""1`: Noni. half of Lot pumber _th1-cg in the ninth concession of the _Townsh_Ip of lnmal, an the` County of Simcoe. contuning one hundrad acres llI0|:0' qr `An- ` ' ' `LA -- ----_-n we wanna`... -, _ I . 1.'1mus or SALE -Ten per cent. of purchase mon_e on the day of sale and the be.lanc_e in thirty dave wu interest at 6 per cent. There wnll be a` reserved bid. :2... 4'...-elm: term: and parttculare. applyite ___ _ given l.I..ungruug|uu1_y. It would have been a. source of gratica- tion to us all, could we have retained to the school your aervicesas aecretarv. but as you have thought best to sever that connection, we could not deny ourselves the occasion to express to you our unfeigned regret. Dl........ ..n.-mno-5 Huh In-inf mid:-Ann and the |lL'(1u'l\U`3\-II` -vvu-u uu -uubv ----- ------ ---v---_. V... provemcntv. First class stable. 9' . - _ This property will be sold at once at a. bargain. For terms and particulars apply to the owner or ' IN I\ I'.`I'\I'I'\ The regular Sunday afternoon service of the S.A_. will (D.V.) be conducted in the Queen's Park next Sunday. The pavilion being granted by the town council for this purpose. The soldiers in that vicinity will kindly meet at thepark at 2.45, others will meet at the Barracks at 2.15 .m. T ' A special Field Day" is eing planned for July lat. Dominion Day. Rev E I Hart, North Bay, was visiting in town this week-. - T -- - -- . 9 -n_2.-__.-:II.. Tlln-.3 Ill LDWII IIIIIB Wuvno Mr. W. T. Herbert. of Britonville, Meni- toulin Island, is home visiting his parents in the neighborhood of Barrie. Heie looking well and he is doing well and likes the `I'_I_._ .1 _L -.... I... LA. Innnn nun nf it nioneeri. Shingle Block; i:1';.e`r"e'st:';7: V fer There wul be a ruacrvuu Inu _ For further term: particularp. apply to LENNOX. ARDAGH. COWAN 8; BROWN. T ' ` Vendor : R licjtors, an-us. Ont I I.-w..._ a Room: for oicoa. in Ross Street. Fire proof "vault ; __;.___________,____________ A`, MORTGAGE SALE D2333: Barrio lath ofJuno,.j W" "t`;""'x.::"";.. s. a ' ht along rom mon_ .omou . . u - "":;s,,r,`, in June or J ulv nish a. _courae In the `5 n many are just entering. We have no Va. he \Ve do thorough work every month in the ear constantly sending out young` people V {am good posinons. UENTRAL BUSINESS GULLEGE, Yonge and Gerrard Sts.. Toron'to.o u! H QI-I AMI PRINCIPAL.

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