WALKER--In Orillia, on June 4th. 190:. the wife of J. Walker, of a daughter. ROBINSON--In Orillia. on June 3rd. 1901, the wife of S. A. Robinson, of arson. ' OAKLEY-In Orillia, on June and, 190:. the wife of Ed. Oakley, ofa daughter. . LAUGHLIN-At Levering, on June 3rd, 1901, the wife or David Laughlin, of a son. HUGHES-In Qrillia. on June and. 190:. the wife of Thomas Hughes. of a daughter. MARRIED HILL-BURNETT-At the residence of the bride's father. on lune 4th. 1961, Helen Burnett eldest daughter of the Rev. J. S. Burnett, to W. J. ' Hill, D.D.S., all of Alliston. * FARWELL--McLEAN-In Orillia, on June 5th. I 190], b\ the Rev. R. N. Grant, D.D., Gardner Farwell, son of J. B. Fhrwell, Esq., Oswego. to Wilhelmina. econd daughter of J. A. McLean, In`... 1! I\ l'\_!Il2_ .......-....-....., ....-....- an--5-u.un V: J. n. LVl\.lnCau, Esq.. M.D., Orillia. . SISSONS-DUNN-At "Woodbine Cottage." Bee- ton. the home of Dr. Dunn, brother of the bride. on \Vednesda.v, June 5th, xqox, by the Rev. P. Nicol, John Moore Sissons. Chemist and Drug- gist. to E13, daughter of David Dunn, Esq., of Dauphin, Manitoba. Mo), -Dr. T. Caughlin, Wbn hw relativs in this Vicinity, heads the ll 1.- Witb 3 number of others they were as signed to the City Hospital. Barrie is beautifully situated on a picturesque slope, overlooking Kernpenfeldt Bay, an -arm of Lake Sirncoe, nine miles long and from one to three miles broad, and one of the prettiest bays in Canada. In summer boats ply daily to and from neighboring summer resorts and parks. The population of Bar- rie is 7.000. Streets and sidewalks are rst class and handsome residences are numerous. Streets, public buildings and dwellings are lighted with gas or elec. tricitv. `The waterworks and sewerage systems ire inns Amdnnl` nail -..u.u.:A- -...:__ ___.-_ , -.....,. -.... .........w..=. anu sewerage systems are I very eicient and provide spring water. good drain` age and reliable fire protection in every part of the `town. Barrie is a railway centre for. Central and Nnthern Ontario. Thirteen passenger trains arrive and depart daily. The postal serviceis all that can be desired ; thirteen mails arrive daily; there is prompt postal collection and delivery throughout the town. There are eight schools (one Separate); em-. ploying thirty-one teachers; twelve churches, three weekly newspapers, one commercial college. every day is market day. machine shops, planing mills. grist mills, saw mills, marble cutters, bicycle` works, boat builders. tannery, breweries. ten butcher shops, sever- alrst-class hotels with reasonable rates, threeliveries, three laundries.-one creamery and all other modern conveniences. Stores" are numerous and carry ful lines of all kinds of first-class goods . competition s and day and night telephonesystems connect the town with all places near and distant. Barrie is fast IRVINE-At_ Grace Hospital, Toronto, on 1rd, Iune. I901, of anaemia, Iohn McClinton Irvine. aged 39 years. G.T.R.*`ngent at Craigvale, and formerly of Davenport. .._ v--on -nu ya-spun ugcr uuu Clllillto Ulf I3 `5 Quinn 3 favorite resort with sumrnsr tourists. -----_-- -9 triiiu Privatq funds t6 loan at 5 per coat. on farm pro- pcrtv. Terms to suit botrowera. No connection with "loan .Al nall b 1 `g! . 0015930? .l l.?YPl'3 Y0? Y Farmers Attention. 1 5-Iv beuutithl thlogo 5:956 ..y Q vr" 1 `so free to the hu1nbleatloMne,' : b . ' That even to count "them !or_ thouht'e delight. Ah, surely, we'd never be done! `But only because! 01 neir plenty, Because they are our: when we will, `We value them light as common and cheap, And our souls areuneetlatled still! THE TOWN or BARBIE. MONEY TO LOAN. VHABRY MARR . -` - namun. BORN. jun VTITT `I: will take all butter fat out of milk m_ from .o_3 60 minutes. No chemicals. `no nee. Eas1lY,l"xm', Best qualitv of butter made from It. Free tnal-SON sale b THOS. HORN. H. H. OTTON 8: On; Five oints, Barrie; W51. CRAWFORD. Station. 7 . . Anchor Clam Wire Fence, the Frost Wire Fence - - 1- b` a`~':.8$ .`:`s'.:N,;:t ,faa?s1$;:s sa2f`g~% Points. Bartie. ` ' hest`cash_prica ' for Endowment Insurance P .15..-.1, - loaned 03010:: An bk} mpamea or money ispring, Beautiful Spring. Reaching out for the things of our` dreaming With vision so `stubborn and blind . That the rapture which calls-to us day by day is too near for our seeking to nd; `Oh, the loss of it all. (ma the pity, ` And the yearning and hunger andpain, That we" live in a world full of beautiful things, rm..- 1......... ...c ...1.:..s. ..... .u.A.:..r Garden%Ton1s, Lawn Mowers, La.Wn Rakes, Rubber Hose, Etc new mxsn mm THE ADVANCE." ENDOWNIENT INSURANCE POLICIES VANILLA, for ice cream. for instance: BAKING POWDER. for cakes. n U ' U ` One is a drug. of course ; the other a chenncal : 1 and there are still others--SPICES of 8 1 kinds. cream of tartar, etc. v The best glace to get drugs is at a DRUG STOR The druggist knows more about them than nthm` npnnln 1 visa. 1 ne urugglst knows about ` them than othev people. I W : keep a good drug stn `Come and ask 11% about Kitchen Drugs. MUNKMANS DRUG STORE 95 DUNLOP-ST. BARRIE. Drugs and Chemicals In the Kitchen. Inuit WU MIC All I Wvllu nun: ya uunuunsud unuugu The beauty of which we disdain!` ?_ --Ripley D. Saunders in St. Louis Republic. Now is the time for house cleaning, and the only way you can do i: the only Pure'Paint on the market. Sold only by satisfactorily is by using Wadoworth, [lowland A: (`,u. u The Farm: r's Friend -A New Invention. Is, III - renal :1. Apply ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY .F9.F_*. $5-9.0. x,x -lv (Both late of J. Henderson.) THE aeAu'rIEui. 31`?!-llNVG$I.. ADVERTISE IN ALSO A FULL LINE or .---.-. .. -.....u- onavwu A ....AU l`0MATIC. am guzgu 1391. EVEY`MORN|NG AT I0 o'cLocx. . V U I` . Box 101. Barrie 8wiu`Pa1-llament In the Open Air. One of the oddest lawmaklng bodies in the world is the landsgemeinde of the canton of Glarus in Switzerland. There are almost as many kinds of par- liaments as there are races which elect them. Some are amazingly antiquated in their methods of procedure. while others are as go ahead as it is psible to be. None is so novel as the lands- gemeinde." A II'I1.- ..----g-`A-`L A` 1- q--I-Q announuuu aunuwoanuuu The government of no Swis canton by the people is more absolute than in that or Glarus, where the burghers as- semble annually to hold their outdoor parliament in a large square-usual_ly on the rst Sunday in May, weather permitting. The honored president oc- cupies a platform in themiddle ot the square. There are places for boys around this platform. the young idea thus beln taught early how to legislate wisely a well for its beloved country. Altogether the 1andsgemeinde" is oneot the most quaint and ideal little `parliaments in existence. {U " \lIll\I I-IUU '7 VOID. `-`The absence of evasion was the best policy. Mr. Clark not only gave orders to; have the train stopped at. Charter Oak, but promised some day to see Maud 8. He had witnessed the little ` attempt at bribery, and the (rank con- fession oi! the offense seemed to please .4 him."" ','-_, --.--~---_ :v..-'.--_- He was marching off with his men` next moment, and as soon as the crowd had dispersed I hunted-for safer quar- ters. The three dead men were left un- buried, and `as I skulked down the street I had to pass two others hanging from lampposts. Their crime was argu-' mg that God was greater than the commune. ` . ' vv -ad -.vv we- `the engineer? ll (7 A._..l_J I....lI. Uuv wuauav `C `I triedviahbery at New H1'wen.,but it would not work. - ;, _' I. ___A vwwun I \- ""`o.rryVto trotrnle monsleur just as he -is preparing for bed. but the fact is I. -am ordered to take him out and shoot him." For what ? I asked. For being a spy in the employ or Bismarck. Come, monsieur. T We have others to shoot and cannot waste t1_me." ,. Got the Train Stopped. Turf, Field and Farm tells this story about the late Charles P. Clark; tor.- meriy president of the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad: When the late Robert Bonner purchased Maud S., he` sent _her to Charter Oak park to be trained. One day a friend of Mr. Bonner left New York to visit him at the park, but found that the train did not stop at that station. The conductor was polite, but. said that he could not go against orders. At New Haven a halt was made, and Mr. Ben'- ner s friend tried to bribe the engineer with a $10 blll, but in vain. He was then told that President Clark was on thetrain, and he went to him. n 4111!`... J__I;. _-__ ___ LL- --_.1._-A-..$ askeli %."1'ak'.' Meant What no Ind. Oh. there goes Nell Gaddlngton with her dance," said old Mr. Grumpleaon. Fathet-." exclaimed Gladys, who in a graduate or Smlt_h.. won t you ever give up the habit of butchering our lan- guage? You mean teeonaay." ' 1117. I .:-_n. _.--_ n._-.."..)...' `_..n.-..a You were a` little stupid not to speak up at once, monsieur, though perhaps you could have said nothing in favor of those others. However ' better late than never. I shall leazve you` here, though I cannot promise that some one else will not disturb you later on. Bon- jour, Monsieur American." ' `FT - .j-._ .__-.__I.l___ - _.lLI_ I_l_ _, __. 73i& 5,'z E55-:"nE27n ?'ee3B"si}, nuther! Ain't she gain .to marry the bl; noitool for h1I`mone'y?"-Oh1cao`Herald. A V [An Eur lumllnutllt. Mrs. Goodart-You seem to ban, some education. Perhaps you were once s_ proteulonal man? ' ' A I-!|v..___.I rv-_n___ -I-__n_ `1-0.. - ..._....n.. - v-w-u--v-uu- -nan-un_ I Howard Hashe~-Lady,'rm a ntimlr matist by proteslon. ` " Mrs. Goodart-knumismatlst? - `Howard Hashe1~-Y_es, lady,.a collect- . or. otraro `coins Any. on com is-rare 'toA_1I:e.-.-Plgiladelnhinhirrein. . H.` He poinvte-d-to the Russian, who sud- denly found his tongue and Legan to argue and protest. He was run out by two men, his wrists tied and his eyes bandaged. _ and he was still shouting when a volleylaid him low. The Ger- man was taken next, and the Corsican followed. The thing was put through - with appalling celerity, and it. had `come my turn before I scarcely real- ized what was being enacted before my eyes. As they laid hands on me to run me out to the wall I gave my name and produced my passes. The men laughed sarcastically, but the oicer motioned to them to release me for a moment. 'When he had read the passes, heasked me a. few questions, growing more civil. all the time, and at length he . returned the papers, with the re- mark: . ` Ill Ilwll `C30 7 i And so, my sleepers, you "would shlrk your duty!exclaimedvthe olcer as be inspected each one in turn. Well, we can decide it in a word. Will you ght with us or against us? `L'Y-_- -3 -.... .......I!._.I `l`I_- .._- 4.1.- r.;._ V` r 5' j V - Va ye Ir _ `.1? V 93` ' r _ . , -. is 2:"fromA1he',;`army{%_strajige?>?compa1i3'r; but those" were strange"u'x_'nes, `and we,were ` all moved-`by the.` same object-to keep clear of the1~m`us`s_.,Y'._l`-he German 'was sijuare and honest and had. been living _in Paris for seven years previous to .except under cover of darkness. the war. We made a` common purse and did our own cooking, and it was seldom that any of us left our retreat One afternoon, when the regular govern-' ment troops had begun to attack the K communists and the city was seething and bubbling with excitement. a wom- an gave our hiding place away to the authorities. We were all asleep in a back room when the front door was broken open and ten men under the orders of a lieutenant came pouncing in upon us. uA....1 .. ....... ..I .... .... ....... `...-..IA 'iii`inm1t4ip{aha ichgp. Inn was smn saonmza wuss: A vonnn mm am now. sent out of the beieged city except by way of balloons. vAs soon as I had found lodgings I secured a military pass and accompanying it a certicate from Minister Wahburn as to my na- tivity and neutrality. in good stead `within the next week. There were no doubt many German spies in Paris, but the people greatly exaggerated the number and were ready to denounce any one not a born Frenchman. I had been taking my `meals at a certain miserable restaurant -and paying the prices asked without These` stood me -complaint when one evening the keeper j -of the place, who wasa surly old fel- \ low at best. attempted an extortion i that I resented. We had some hot words, and I left in` anger, and not ` -more than an hour had passed when I ; received alvisit from a trio of the na- 1 `tional guard. I had been denounced by ; `the old man as a German spy. `The trio consisted of a corporal and two -men, and when they had gained my "room the corporal saluted me and cour- : teously observed :- 1 1 1 Q____ L- 4..___I-`I_ , _ ,,, n , , u . , _ 1., . amount 11 Dyna \-Ana vs -.5`.---ac None of us replied. `like me, the others seemed too surprised to answer a plain question. - V I11 LI....--...I..4. .....l)! _....l_.I_. -I....-..--.I LL- V... --v.-- .j'5i-:ci1<:1i-ght so! grimly observed the oicer. "Sergeant, out into the back yard with a tile of six men and take this fellow rst. ` ` av human`. IQ`-I\Q now It went UV naonanc `Why don't you see the conductor`? ..I....l II_ I`II_..I_ ~"`-"II.1`o.:_.w7'e.wl'1~1;i:"he will not disobey on- Iva. Ito `Why not then go forward and bribe I. _ ._ ..l_....I _ It is ,to p1:each 3 good sermon from the pulpit than to 19115 I 80041 lite j In thy 99w;-Saturday_. Evenin: Post. . ucax SCI ' Aye. troth, you're right there, Pat, answered his companion absentmindedly. S1'1re,. I'd sooner walk than be seen going to my grave in that ould yoke." . LUL IIIUBCIB 6 No; I gene:- ly ask for a penny, but I heard mu telling sis this afternoon that you didn t. have a- penny to your name. -Exchange. ` ~ ` . ` v'---- -v -o.-v onus an uuwvv Inannavo Bet you. a nE:"1S rlavstv, corporal," _protested one of the men as I looked from one tothe other and wondered if It was a joke.` "I think the orders were to take monsieur before the provost marshal for investigation. T . um-.. _`..-- .._ .*m_-__-1..o I'I'v-II ___I.-J.!.. ZGettln|`_ Even; skittn found out that his absence T from our boarding house wasn't unlver-` sglly dep1ored. _' V V . How did thatlaect him? - V He came bacy V uuuytcu UV (LII IIICIIJIJCL HUS! Ot ironing machines there are now- 1 adays many, including machines specially 1 designed for ironing particular parts, as bands, collars and so on, and then there 1 are mangles in great variety, some of \ them big machines weighing many tons, made for the ironing otat goods only, as tablecloths, napkins, sheets, towels and so on. There is more or less hand laundry worlnin one branch and another, but there is now no work done in laun- dries for which machines cannot be had. He'd Soon/er Walk. At a funeral some time ago two old men,` after along discussion on the good qualities of the `deceased, turned their conversation to the dilapidated appear- ance ot the hearse which. bore the re- mains of poor Con Conway" to their last resting place. NTITAII ..n-- `A1341...-up -58.1 A...` 6. 5|... IIIU lclullla Elli-IVCO` Well, now,- Mickey, said one to the other. earnestly, "I wonder greatly at Biddy to put her husband in that ould hearse." - - u A W- .,,,4I. _,-A,L,, ,1 .,I.; L`, ___- 11-; ll L It is told of a St. Louis baker that he eats 1. _couple or yeast cake`: just before retiring at night to make him rise early the `next morning. - , . V Laundry Machinery. Some idea of the variety in which laundry machinery "is now made, said a dealer, may be gained from the fact that in one catalogue of such appliances there are to be found about 300 numbers. One maker produces washing machines in 80evarieties'. These include machines a of different sizes, materials and. weights adapted to all manner of uses.- ` > kt (X1 : _____ .. can _ A . n 4... J-I-..._.. n... -.A--..--, Eu-d` Bit. . Sziy,l ;"said her little brother, "gimme a nic 'e . V _ Why, Tommy." exclaimed her suitor, "are you in the habit of asking people for nickels?- - uxv-_ `I ._-_-_u_ -_|- a-_ Q ..-.___ I.--` `I Ll-I\l_L\JIJ6l-ILII-ICO LLAIII Ipl-IV!-C Lo _ In Broadway he regains his serenity. He readjusts his hat, he pulls down his waistcoat, he shakes himself together and reassumes the look of well being which he had when he left his own door- step. All day he is patient, courteous, quiet and manneriy. He leaves his oicev to go home with the same self poise. But when he reaches the .elevated railway stairs the same devil which possessed him in the morning takes him in hand and stays with him till his home street is reached. This is a very interesting type or ill mannered metropolitans. I often speculate as to how long this Jekyll and Hyde business can be kept up. Even in Stevenson's story the good Jekyll `was nally lost in the vicious Hyde. . V (LUCIE HI-RUIIILIO V As he hears the trains thundering along he quickens his pace. When he gets to the bottom or the stairs, he jams his hat tighter on his head and begins to rush up two steps at a. leap.- When he gets to the top, he crowds `to the window for his ticket,rushes through the gate and reaches the platform very red` in the face and his blood full of the heat of` bat- tle. Every weaker man, woman and child . must get out` of his way, for he must be the rst on the train. Sometimes he is and sometimes not, for there are hun- dreds of others just like him in thatvery neighborhood, and they are all, eyery mother's son, trying to do exactly the same thing. i `Il`7I..-... LA noulsnuuu ALA `magic LA iannirnn BEIIIC lull Ills I When he enters the train. he makes himself as disagreeable as possible, for his bulky body enables him to clear a way by merelyleaning on the others who have to stand. Upon` the men who have seats he frowns as though they had usurped rights which were his. And so all the way down town he is a burly bully, ready to ght anything that comes in his way. Finally his station is reached. and he rushes through the long arcade leading to Broadway as though there were a prize waiting for him in that great thoroughfare. And there i. wr... n.......:....... 1... ............... 3.8.. .....}...:o.. Say you so, `Francois? Well, what's the odds to him whether he is shot to-- night or tomorrow? It will come to shooting anyhow. and we have three other places tovislt before we can go back. Be reasonable, monsleur." TR-.. -_.._.__ V _.I.-_-_`I L I _ _ _ __ ...__._.. Startling Transformation It Eects ; In the New York swell. In New York there has developed ` what might be called an elevated road I manner, which must'in' the end obliterate ; every vestige of good breeding." says 1 John Gilmer Speed in Ainslee s. Let us i follow` a man who has acquired this man- ner, say, from his home in West Seventy- second street,,NewV York, to his office in ` Wall street. At 9 in the morning he has I had his breakfast, looked over his news- paper, seen his children off to school, kiss- ed his wife goodby and steps out into the l handsome street in which he lives. He is well groomed. His boots are-highly pol- ished, his gloves are fresh, his hat is brushed to a glistening smoothness. ,He walks erectly, withhis head up and eyes to'the front. He seems the personica- tion of prosperous amiability and unrgf- ed content. He walks toward the ele- vated "station. ' (I A H `L A I -___ LI. _ L__!_._ A_I.-__.'I-_2_ _. 1-. - "The- 1ett`vai' Sixiifh 1:13 Atter so many_years, `When the house was full ofliu-olic and fun, 0! childish laughter and tears. They are left. alone. "they-two, once more, Beginning lifeoirer again, Just as they did in the "days of ycte, Before they were nine or ten. And the table is -at `to; two these daye; The children went one by one . Away tron} home on their separate way: When the childhood days were done. How` healthily hungry they used to be! What romping they used to do! And mother--or weeping-can hardly ago To set the table for two. They used to gather around the.r'e While someone would readaloud, But whether at study or work or play `Twas-a loving` and merry crowd, And now they are two that gather there At evening to read or sew, . And it seems almost too much to bear When they think of the long ago. nuu I-uclli B ucvcn u uvsuc 1151; Ian? UIFII Ulu uvuh Where the` table is set. for two. --Mrs. Frank A. Breck in Youth : Companion. Ah, well, ah, well, `tie therway of the world! Children stay but at little while A V `And then into other scenes are whirled, AWhere other homes beguile, But it matters not How far they roam Their hearts are fond and true, And there : never a home like the dear old home 1'I1L.._.. LI..--Lnlnln In and law. d-nu; THE f`L ROAD MANNIER, "re-psv '"rw_o. ~ On Tuesday evening May_28th R.W. Bro. Orton, D.D.G.M. paidihis official visit to Minerva Lodge No. 304- A.F. and A.M., Stroud. The brethern pre- sent enjoyed a very interesting and instructive address on the craft from the D.D.G.M. Work being nished those present partook of refreshments. The first toast that of the King was `heartily drank, the next being that of the Grand Lodge of Canada and the D.D.G.M. R.W. Bro. Orton made a pleasant reply wishing Minerva a happy and prosperous future. Visiting Bre thren was responeded to by W. Bro. Old ham of Simcoe Lodge Bradford, W- Bro. Willis of Corinthian Barrie, W` Bro. Cowan, P.M., of Corinthian and Junior Brethern by Bro. Spencer-Cro- _ ley of Minerva after which a pleasant and protable evening was brought to a close by the singing of Auld Lang Svne. i s ":3: a?1vZ{iTs'i.3';e`&'}E&'E passes, named the headquarters to which I- had been attached and then related the cause of`my dispute with the owner cf the restaurant. The long open of wet weather is be- ginning to seriously injure some crops in the neighborhood. V Rev. A. Isbeel, the colored evangelists is lecturiug in these parts on `Slaveq Days in Southern States and given one of his lectures in`t.he Congregutional church here on Thursday evening. .The Methodist church choir journey- ed to Coulson last Friday, but the pic nic and entertainment on account of the wet weather` was postponed till Monday, when the choir again returned and very ably assisted in the programme. The Dalston foot-ball team -visited Coulson also on Monday afternoon and played a match with Ooulson. Both teams were a little_ awkward in the game as it was the first match of the -seasonlfor both.- The Ooulsonf were a qentlemanly crowd and succeeded in scoring two "goals to our boys one. m.` Onnghlin Successful. Out of two hundred candidates in the examinations for interns: "in the eleexnoaynn-yd institution: - at-St. Louis, Maeons at Stroud. A correspondent kindly sent us the following, but too lste for last week's issue :- Plant; of tim; jet boys. V (Too lace for Int week : inane.) See the only` known to exist on earth. lY`BAR 0Nl:. .'n:?l tnnunc:o lI:lple Rln '(.3irc;;::I`I"du 'lI'l:`;:ll: dons Revival of the Sports and was of the Ancients. Ah, I see. replied the corporal as ? he scratched his head and smiled. It i was the old man's little way oi` set-_v; tllng a 3 franc dispute. and he is prob- ` ably making merry over it. Monsieur ' American. you are all K. 0.,as I believe they say in your country, and it will . give me pleasure to do a little business with monsieur of the cafe. Attention, zasquadi Right face andjtorward march! We came for a spy. but ronndone who had fought with us. Good night, mon- , sleur. Appearing Together at Ono Time. in One gag. under` 0 the Direction of one Man. In conjunction wl Inter- nntlonnllv Famous 7 O'BRlEN S 61-HORSE ACT, ' ` A Colossal I t od spectr . " YEAR 0NB.nn'EIrnulf:o'II'?'lnla Dlnolzlrcusgnlmdan ONE 506 TICKET ADMITS T0 EVEEYTHING. TWO COMPLETE EXHIBITIONS I)A'I'I;Y. Children. Under 12 Years. Half Price; `At 2 and 8 P. M. Doors Open one Hour Earlier. 3U IIHEAT RIDER [""?='-`i" ""` a::"..':1=P.::'-:r,:'1;.?.:':a2.~"'"s--3'33;-% o5'-?3`:-I`: av: wn-w u u--u uunnnw can ruin-IIIlv- MISS AMELIA FIELEY. The Greatest Led Rider the World hee Bver Produced. No other how hes a Feature to celnpere with this Superb Bqueetrlenne. so ELEPHANTS-.~*321%T:5 A `n 1' th 1 , `I n.';. ?;'i..'Z"....1".`.? 0:: n'a`...".".f. ...`{.'..1...'."...`.I".;..}.'i: :'.'.`l.E mm Ina ulrecuou or VIII man. In oonjuncuon Wltll tllc Inter- aatloaally Famous LOCKHART COMEDY ELEPHANTS No Other Show has a Third a Many. 5:31. Zr'...':a'X:F:.":..'. In. "AInnnn- Ix;-n4 - ` SPECIAL POPULAR CHEAP Excunsuons on ALL 'RAn_RoAb; 'I'rrf1"'*l' -Ini-vi-5-1: A -. wovw-u I went around to the restaurant next morning. It had been turned wrong side out and a number of chudren were `looking for scraps of food. Whether the old man had been shot or driven `away I know not. but In occupation uvuu gouuuulii IIQJI Dlroct Iron; Ely. Put! the Enormous Sum of $1000 3 Week. No other Show could pay o fourth as much. _39.-!5._6I!i!l)B 500 HORSES 1000 People. 40 Famous Funny Clowns. . 50 Musicians In Grand Popular Preliminary Concerts. 5 Big Arenas. 1-4 `Mile Race Track. 65 Railroad Cars. 100 Dons, Lalrs and `Cages of Rare Wild Beasts. 12 Acres of Tents. . . . . u-wyjijvvrl IIII\Jo Thou Marvelous Performers are paid $500 1 Wonk. No other Show pays $100 for a Feature Act. 9.9.. AEBQQAIS ;___._._______,____.c `Tu mvaoo 'sTTn"=i1*Tu`is} GREATEST SHOWS THESE FAOT8 Ann FIGURES TELL THE 8TOR_V` 60;AEB|.ALl$T 8' I 1` had been with one of the French `armies as war correspondent, and with it, or suchfragments of it as escaped- -annihilation or capture, I returned to Paris. There was a spirit of dissatis- faction, disgust and mutiny among the rank and le, and we reached Paris to ilnd even a -stronger .spirit ex- isting among all classes" of citizens. It was the seed that was to grow the commune. To this day the French soldier who took part in the war that was expected to humble Berlin can-K not understand that he was outnum-` bered, outgeneraled and outfought and that France rushed to arms without being half prepared. The defeated sol- dier will simply have it that he was sold out by his general. That was all the talk in Paris as we fell back-Ger- man gold had bought victories-and the thirst for vengeance upon the al- leged traitors was intense. T T 1.-.`! 1--.! .......--...l- J ....I.3!.._ :-_.I_ G|RAF_'F'E `NOTHING-LIKE" rr EVER SEEN ON EARTH BEFORE T~:"|'t"~4'"_'E'_"'E'-3'a".r3iI'="a"cmg-_:T'rIs. X...` l.__. 4.- __ 15-1; A... -1.. , -- n A---- "_* `T7 _ 7 \l lIIIIC'I.| .39 I5-[5L.I_owAv TRIO. `g Il--u.-I....- lI-...._.-__ ___ _-n.n AQAA - tut. Advane amespondence. t$'Resex-Tved` Numberd Seats and Admissions show day at A. F. BASS Jewelery Store, npp post office Unlike .other rhows, prices at downtown office are gxactly the same as charged as regular ticket. wagon-a on shuw _:_'rm1n-1S_ BARRIE SAT JUNE15 Ivavu onus av vv you -5-1.`. I had had enough at soldier work, and I settled down to become a sta- tionary correspondent, `although It was only a fewdays ere nothing could be