Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 6 Jun 1901, p. 8

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I-'uI'l. IV! Mr. Thomas Quinlan, of Brantford paid a ying visit with Mr. '1`. Gunp- belyub teak. -A 3 -._.1' _-_ -1- U05]. suuu vvcvno ' Mrs. John _Cam`eVt-o_n and Moon, of Minebing were the. guests of Mrs. _*Browp gon Monduy, `ll --- T-.__3A l"I-_._LA' A-`numb A M m`l:tfi:w..Te`;z`1Ti.e.3('5;Impbell spent aifew days last week with_, her aunt R, Baelbv, of. Thorn.hon.AI . 3% 14 __ 5;- - '1'-. 'Y'_?E`-.5FE"- Toron plarketd the ' uninjn gum T " Scientific Optician, ` MIOI.AREN'S DRUG STORE. BARBIE. Uraagnurss. Advance Correspondence. 7 Banxnz, Jun: 5. xqo: Ioo\lIO0C.s to V_ E 4- 13"" 3 Conant 3: `Q p. `wim the a%?e_en' by many years of store-keeping couplea with theclose practical pattentiodof its management these stores are enabled to pm Jpvide itspcustomers with the best obtainable, whether in regular purchasing or in the securingof SPECIAL CLEARING LINES. The success of the present season was expected`, Due provision was made. _Our stock in all depa,-tmemg is well balanced. ft is desirable to make large reductions in many of these during the] present jnonth. Concessions in price will be resorted to. Now is` the buyers . chance. Are you a prospective buyer ! If so exami-ne our goods and prices before purchasing. You will` be interested, ` clothing Specials. Sprlng Onrcdats. T Excptional values in Men : Spring Overcopats. dark grey cheviotu, very" MEl\`l'S DEPT. _Men s Fine Dong. Kid Balmoral, toe cap, mediumheavy sole, warranted "L solid, sizes 6 to_ 10, excellent ' va.lue.. .. .v . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 j`Me1_1 s Vici Kid or Box Calf,`-Balmoral, toe cap. Goodyear welt, sewed sole, _ no bettervalue soldat-$3 50, sizes,- i'.o 10. ; . . .- . . . . . . . . . ..$3.0'O GlolIIin g 1 Store FRAWLEY & DEVLIN, Kmyleagn. Advance Correspondence. Mrs. Wm. Fasten-i spent Victoria iDay, in Tottenham with her sister Mrs. Frank Sheppard. Mine K`a.te Donelly returned to Tottenham after spending a month with her sister Mrs, Wtn. Footer. _ Mrs. R. Lime has been faking a few holidays visiting friends in New Lowell, Sbtyner, Batteaux and Collingwood. Maggie Ferguson and Fred Allen am intending candidates for Public School Leaving exam. in July and Gertie Hill for Entrance in latter part of J une. I `The weelely aer'*iTV:eer1-1V,el'dv_Jx;:.l`.I1`e'eday evenings in the Iohoolhouee, by the Rev. `Mr. '0ra.y are being well attended. There does he 3 full house every night. I "ll- 11' 1' Traci; ' V . `-4 ------ - `Mr. R. `J; Hil7l e`l-1e;rreeidence+ is pregreseing fdvorebly. The carpenters have the frame ready for thebrioklayers who willoommenoe their work in a few deyg. ' " . ' V V wig; I U might have been 9. very serious accident occurred on Thursdav last on the north townline. While Mrs. Al- linghsm and Mrs. Brown and two small children, of Egbert, were driving home and on hearing a noise looked around and saw runaway teem attached to a light wagon belonging to Mr. John Walker, of Olcverhill, running up be- hind them at full speed, and before Mrs. Allinghsm could `turn `the horse Ao` the road they were thrown into the ditch and their buggy badly smashed. Fortunately none of them were hurt, although they had a very narrow escape. T 2nd. Line Larks. ~* ' Advance Correopondenco. . Miu_a Florence Smith apept the 24th jqigugaj`s gIHndIr.' . Ladra. ;I;`1;1;;av1'Tef-t- -;p'.'l`nead9.y Sue, was accom- } i;A. Iit:AdT{TiiViT1-:_`s'E3:l`)'r5prsda1e_ spent gha with Minaaing friends. ` 112... ; 9r.'-; .- dressy, only. . .. . ` . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5,oo 1 See that elegant All-Wool Whipcord Overcoat, splendidly tailored garment, worth $12 in usual way, for. . . $7_50 1 Coxinplebe lines of Men s_ and Boys Hats, l Caps, Shirts, Overalls, Underwear, Col- 3 . lars, Ties, etc., In the mos; up-to-date patterns and` colorimzs. washable, and good wearers. 10c, l2c, and upwards. 3 pieces only of Un_ian Carpet, yafd wide, new design and eolorings, very [special as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. "4 pieces heavy AllWoo1_ Carpt, the full yard wide, only this number of pieces, bought as price, and will be sold at. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10' pieds 4V wire,Bruaella Carpets, borders to matchvif rgquired, special May price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V ALL DEPARTMENTS WELL bSTOCKED WITH EXTRA VALUES. `See our wdnderf-u_1 Men s Suits at the! price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5_oo'; See our special lbt of Men s Suits. extra. sf good quality, all at one -price to i $9 I!-In Zlear , - LADIES` DEPT. ' % f,3Ld_ies Vici Kid Ox. Shoe, kid lined, _ j kid toe, cap,` >turn"sole, ne round ` V toe, very latest, sizes 21; to 6, regu ` TIIE W0|I1'|| 8 IN THE WEAR. To most men the wearing quality of `:1 Suit of Clothes is the most important con- 'sidera.tion in buyingone. Most any store will sell you good looking clothes these days, and most of them give you fairly good tting cIothes--fewof them are as particular in giving you the excellence in the wearing qualities that you will nd_i_n one of our suits. Fine quahty, good looks and good ts ig our popular lines at $8, $10 mid $12. 25 doz. Men`s_ Now Colored Shxrts, bought at a. big bargain. Selling at 43c each, 3_ for $1.25. Regular 750 and $1.00 goods. , V It costs nothing to wear the Hunter label. 12 doz. only, Men's Merino Sox,310c. per pair, 3 pair for 250. Regular 15c. hi I-'lUNTEIF? BROS-, FRONT STREET. BARRIE. Opposite G. T. R. Sta.tion\and Post Ofce. v-- -v---- - , Owing so-`t:.i1Tc;_steady fall of rain oh Sunday, evei: the services in the ohurcea were poorly attended. 4 50. Garpets far 35:. $|.OO Oarpeis at 75c. 15. Carpets for 55:. BARRIE, ONT. Tl-IE 3 ifrIn!_Spec_ials. Ml_llln_e_r. panied byher cousin Miss Ruth Miller of Edgar. % _. ._ -_ .__ _ - ,[ Miss McNabb will take charge Of `the school until the summer vacation. T Mrs. Chas. Preston `visited he!` Vmoummra. Smith or Uhthofflast week. rs: ga`rdet.1"ps.rty `of the season will be held at the home of J. S._ Duff, M.P.P., on Friday, June 7th. ` I IN: 1 -_-wu -v---w-. vs `rw-v-.~-. --_~ . Themnaona are busy erectibg the fdundntion for Mr. A.. Drysdalee new .h_omo. - I MISS Mnbel D was the guest of Turner last; week. )f-:-:v. ocw IV V -M151. Brook and Miss G. omwford. Oro Station, were guests at `The lnonsta ?-`lane. week. [ Mina Pearl Swan who has beeen. suf- 'f_i|.|84-with abrokenj ankle for s0II19 W118 Plat ` was removed to Barrie H09 pital on Thursday, where she will uh -dingo an operation. b ` `.I am ;;loaed to report that our teacher Miss Morrison who has been 'I.erioualyV ill of. pleurisy, has recovrred I_o far cl"-to baable to_ be removed *0 }h".'i|'0.l'... Mil. A. Craig, of Craighll!'3`- rkeb, last a loaded . REPRODUCTION or oun: FAMOUS $10.00 surrs. About 25 only pieces of Prints, light and dark shades at the low price of 5c_ 45 pieces English Prints, all shades, light, medium, and dark, fast colors, goodlloc value for . . . . . . . . . . . . ..7.gc_ mchoice assortment of heavy weight, new designs, fast colors, narterns suit- able for dresses, wrappers or shirt waists .......... ..only 1OC_,per yd, epecial Jiowing of new summer trim. med Hats and Saiiore for the Maya month. _See our display. The most up-to-`date idea: in milhnery novelties, An elegant; range of Straw Sailor Hat. at 25c, 50c,` and upwards. A . varied assortment of Ready-to.\\'ear Trimmed Hats, $1.50, $2 00, $2 50, and up. ' Hats specially designed and trimmed on shortest notice. Prices moderate. '.l`be nnnual: meeting of South Sim- coe a Farmers Institute was held in the Temperance Hall on Monday last. Dfyedale, of.Elmvale _of. her sister Mrs. A 7Ju;tn 6, 1901; 55c. -----. _ Advance Corrsuiondenoe. _ .T g Miss Martha Brandon is away on a visit. * ` Mr. Burt Caldwell is (aking in the excursion to -New Ontario. ` FRAWLEYSI MOORE .__.-._`._-,,, . Rev. Mr. Dreyer, of Orillia, icon- Aduoted the services in Sc.`Johu a church ` on Sun_day last. [VII Gookstown. - Advance -Correspondence. T Mrs. Rayaon, of Toront;/o, is spending a few days with her fathr, Mr. George Thompson. - 1-\ , - -1 n_:n:_ 4--_ Barker, of N ewmarket, is wait- ing his brother, Mr. R. Barker. ` u u`. 1 15. .1 sIvusH% ~=~%f00TWEAR. ilr. and Mra'..Jsmea Gray, of Guth- I Just now our stock commands attention, and the man, Woman or child Who cannot be suited is not likelyto nd What they Want in `Barrie. LWe are showing a. bigger variety than at any previous time, _, while values are the % very ,, best within your reach. The following items represent `thoroughly. reliable qualities and the prices are low enough to have you ' see them : ' A Thesej half dozen itemsare values we can safely discount any we have ever offered .befo1ie..% I'l'1isj 2606* deal % l.Irr| s I.-mllnx hoou. Donlorw , _ `vf 3"` 4. .` I _' 1: `\ `L .3). __ ' _`_.__ - ` . , ` Mr. ChaI.'lea' Kirkpatricir, teaohgi S. No. -7, attended the convention `of the Notth Simcoe `Ta.chera"- Union, which was held in Barrie on 22nd and u_23rd of May. Owing to the heavy rain on Friday evening, ,the football match between Edgar and No. 7 was not played.i They decided to play on Tuesday evening, _- up -. an M rs. Rorke, of O-hicago,` is visiting her parents and other relatives in this vicinity. . ' _ -_ pg. 4.. .. ..- _ .Mra:_Grahaui, of Markdale, wins the guest of her father, Mr. J. Thompson. last week. _. '_ A Newton `Robmsou. `. Advance Cm-respondence.V ' Miss Clara Nixon was home frohi ; Bradford over Sunday. Mr. ' and Mrs. Wm. Chantler `will celebrate A the 62nd anniversary of their marriage on Thursday une 6th. Mr. "Wm. Hm of `Bond Head will ucoupy the Methodist pulpit next Sab- bath during the absence of Rev. J. E. Wilson at conference. ' ' Mrs. Willmott.. of Toronto gave an address in the interests `of missionary work here on. Tuesday evening of last week as a result of the meeting twelve new members were added to the Women's Missionary Auxiliary mak- ing at present a total of twenty eight ...;.....I....... H Mr. Alex. `McC_av his gohe to 001%` lingwood. He `will,"' greatly missed , by thy choir. rie,` sxrent Sunday.` in our village... I ClurenceBlackatock, :31 Thom- ton, visited friends in this vicinity on Sunday. ` lar price $1.50. Special....$1.25 Ladies Iustep Strap Slippers," hand tum sole, made from choice Dong. Kid Stock, sizes 2% to 7, wcrth_ _ $1.15. `Special; . . . . . . ..9.5c 1 LGIRUS AND BOY S DEPT. Misss $1.25 Dong. Kid Lace Boots, . skid tip, sewed sole, sizes 11 to 2, very stylish and an ' excellent T wearers; Special.`-. .` . . . .81 "Boy's Tau Lace Boots, _toeccap,V;pe}dium? . ...l`1eavy~ sole, strictly new, _ sizes 1 ' 53. 5,.` o_ o o A: o o "W. Bradford ha : rtnrned from (Depot Harbor. T _ "r(Tio1:Z(Zix1c:I:or-.`Al=.nJ:. McDonald is running out of Toronto now. - ` I `II VII I`! `IV " 11`. axid`Mra: J. S; Brutiton spentvsimdav with friends in Stroud. , Hzi 73385 Glaii is visiting friends `in Tomato and Hamilton. "mg. ;:ohaJ1$e;csk;-T of iaxuine, ma re- newing old acquaintances in tha-sixth ward last: week. ' mmmn `mu nmmn. B'urt1a s` South-Western Diiog. with `1ts P1ea.aa.nt streets. its Tastv Dwell- ~ Inga`. its Pr et1:y Churphgs. am; its Go- a.-head People wnl Enmoe Settlement -A Weeklv Reoorc} or its Doinds. W(.7`K>nductox" R. Thompson, of Hamilton, in moving here and will occupy D. Ross house. Cumborlgnd abregu. , 3'Railroad -boy": appreciate .fhe Barrie Steam Laundry because their work in care- fully, attended to. No extra charge made for repairing. Phone 55. `Int, (1: , lI,`,I_, , ,,,,L9 ,, 9 Mr. Chas. Catcher in making improve- ments to his property on Cumberland street by adding a. new kitchen to the house oc- cupied by Mr. MeCleary. I a Sunday school children and grown-up peo- ple from the sixth. ward were well represent- ed at the military parade on Sunday after- noon, caueing `the Sunday school: to be very thinly attended. ` 1:-.. 11n...n..- nnQ....an.. Ian_.... _..A _nI -_--.._' --_--_ . For Choice lfamlly Flour and all kinds of Feed go to Wllklnuonh. All orders dellvered- promptly in any uanuty. APleaee leave your orders at e Mm olee or Telephone No. 23. V -._._-_ `.2- _ -_v`-.-v- _--- .._ The `work of aoddino` ~ the boulevard in- front ot the sixth ward school has begun and will look very nice when completed, but it will have to bevwell rolled or it will dry out and spoil the graze. If cows are allowed to roam on the streets the sodding will he of little use. "-- _T (Has resumed work on the G.T.R. after as week : illness. - Tlviainv has snioiently we- covered from his recent injuries so an to be able to resume work. V The many friends of the Misses `Maude, Ethel and Mossie Cross, formerly of Allan- dale, butnow of Winnipeg, will be glad to hear of the popularity entertained of them as entertainers at concerts in Winnipeg. The Tribune has this`eto sav :-Miss Echel Cross, 8 debutante, has a voice of ne quali- n m.-.......Il.. :1: than nixnnn I-nnriui-an 'l`I\;a rs`. iitiriiman and children, of Gravenhurst, are visiting with Mrs. Wm. Wsrdnisn, Ghsrles street. u\ nC\ In 1 cu`: iilff iiilu g}`i3.;;a:o:a, was called here last week owing to the serious illness of her brother, Mr. John Busby. IIY I `L - A` T Mien N. Weldrh led the pworth League meeting on Monday night, while Mrs Young took the topic. It was consecration meeting. Report of the Allandale Public School for Mav :--Fourth Class, Senior-M. Moiit. H. Campbell, J. Miacampbell, L. Webb, B. Young. Fourth` Class,` Junior-0. Moore. J. Wilkinaon, A. Gilchrist, J. Brunton, A. Watson. Third Class, Senior-W.c Dun- vnett, H. Scott, E. Moore, G. Heels, (A. Hainea and L. Regnolds). Third Class, Jr. ' --E. McDonald, Archer, J. Goring, D. Burns, I Johnsom. Second. Class, Lenior-g E. Heu-chan, D. Moore, P. McDonald. G-. Dorsey, E. Storey. Second Class, Junior- B. Brunton, V. Heels, A. Murray, E. Hardy, M. Watt. . Part Second, Senior-A. Collins. `L. Brown, A. McDonald, R. Pirie, 0. Storey. KIKUBH, D IJUIJLILGI-IOU, IIDD C VUIUU UL I-IIIU \1L|llll' ty, especially -in the upper register. This young lady should by all means continue her studies..and success is assured. The same paper savs :--Miss Maude Gross held the attention of the audience during the rend:-' tion of two piano numbers, and the applause showed the audience appreciated her clever technique and really all round enjoyable playing. The Telegram speaks thus of Miss- Mossie Cross :-"A surprise to the audience came in Miss'Mossie Cross interpretation of a song of Dudley Buck : `A May Morning This young lady has a future without doubt. ` Anoicial circular visaued hy General Su- perintendent McGuigan, of the Grand Trunk, . with the approval of the General Manager, announces a number of important changes and appointments. ` I'I?sns,,-. n1,n-,_, _,,A___!-_L-_,_`_._.L -n LL- W. G. lgrownlee is appointed superinten- dent of th_eEastern Division, with head- quarters at Montreal. _ Mr. Cotter will, it is understood. become general superintendent of the St. . Louis, Iron Mountain, and Southern railway, with head- quarters at St. Louie, which is a part of the Gould system. and embraces about 2,000 miles of railway. ' ` ' IIIIII l.lUlIICu -John Garratt who was at one time em- ployed bv P. Moore, Collier street, was arrested by Constable Martin on Information of Mr. Moore. When Garret was working there he frequently told Mr. Moore that articles had been stolen trom the store by someone and they couldn't locate the culprit. Since Garrat` left there" had been two or three burglaries made on the place and on Sunday Mr. Moore with Mr. Martin lay in wait for his visitor, whom he caught red- handed. a ' ` - at Detroit. T _ " "I"""""` ` A William Cotter, superintendent of the Western Division,`.ha.s resigned, and will `we succeeded by F. W. Egan, with hesdquerters Geo. 0. Jones has been appointed super- intendent of the Midland Division, with headquarters, at Detroit, vice Mr. Egan, transferred. Two Barrie voung men gured in the police court on Monday. Both pleaded guilty to charges of stealing and were re- -manded for aentanoe until Friday. ' '1`!-us H:-at-. nun: n `I-uni AF nhnni-. 1'7 unanrn nf `IIICHUUW IUI UUIIBDIIUU IIIIIII \'II\lC o The first was a. boy' of about 17 veers of age, named Edward Longhurat. He had been up at Depot Harbor and while there stole as suit of, clothes from William Bred- ford, a resident of Allandele, who followed him `home. ' ' A 'r-|_.. l`-._..-LL _..L- ._-_ -1. _..- L3..- -... There is at present in the county jail here a lunatic by thrname of Fitzpatrick. Chief Maidens who brought him down-from Collingwood on Monday told Tm: Anvnzcn that this lunatic had recently made hie way to the home of hie -mother and sister viho lived in Collingwood. He had to be arrested coon after his V arrival "for -hie `threatening actions, and the Chief produced a letter wh_ich'\_Miee Mar Fitzpatrick had received from G.` L. Chem rlain, the Medical Super- intendent at Newberry} Hospital for ' Insane in Michigan; * rm. letter} toldlrow. .1vmm ` int-niislp. . ha .1 -. gnnhnn uni tut Ll! : ha nnnairhd. ul U.l.l0lll nu; Lllll uvuvm. Inuu uvw ,.uu.var patrick had escaped and that if he" a peared, to have him looked up for; though a could talk aanely at times. he was dangerous. The Collingwood olioe had a warrant for his in- carceration` Barrie jail issued, and the Authorities in N ewbiorry hsyo V oom- `I!1!lgIloat6d'_*.wlt_hj`hlu order to} have him token `W``;Mh9=1IIi!&ed:8nn-I.in-tiWin- ; 4 fr',an:vn`A1LwAY cninu-mi <>'r was FUTURE`OI'1`Y. -V ` ARRESTED FOR STEA LING. `A. LUNATIO IN JAIL.` Railway Notes. a:m: L%%1io1t':ErtIcn1 V. annex. -agmuur. I-nbuucl. Beef.for'aquarters.................. Ralf. h3ndanartnrn'_ . . _ . _ _ _ , _ _ _ . . . _ _ - Dur, R011,pe|'I0..........u..... Butter, Tub, peflh...9.....o....... o I o o o uunnoo40noccIoI`IoIno`0* Eggsper doVz...............V...... Apples, perbag.................-... Applesperba1fnel.....,............. Potatoes, per bag ...,............. Hay erton. ....... ............... Woo,washedpen-1b................ Wool. unwashed. per lb; .......... . . Wood.aft..percord. Wood, 4;ft.. percord................ Anthracite coal. per ton.. ..'. . .. .. .. HIICCDEKIHS-ooaouooon o.-a--on.ooooo `Lambskins.................L........ I1--4... LISA... ' CowTHides.......... . . . . . . . . . . .. Calfakins per lb. ...... .....`._.... Ta1lowperlb............ Horse Hair per 113...... Sheemilrinn . . . . . . . . . - - ,- not rlorsa nalrpcfID.-......-.--..`.... Sheepa`kins.......... . '.IlI`\`t:Q , IJamsKIn3-count o c o - u - - snort! o u v o on can. . o - c c - 10.000000! ool.onoa V I000 30 Torbnto Fat-mers"Marketa. A ` TORONTO. JUNE 4, Igor. II l,,_A .__l.!L_ A./_ Q _ Mina Tillie Oatrander is on the "sick list. Are Fashionable Not invisible but nearly so. 1 `The can be made up with eithersolid ` go] _, old lled (warranted ioyears), J or m el trimmings. V ; They are not expensive. e 1 We ad ustthemso thattheyme T j e perf y adapted to the features. -We are pleased to see M1-s..Ab_raham Craig able to be out again. , -1. G-.:LIn A` A "n-:ln`1L :5 `kn wi[:t:..t1;;tl;,v 4:)? 2.1]:-:1-t1'dale,. is the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. D. Robin- son. . A Uvna The brass band has been reorganized and commenced practise on Saturday evening. D. H. Minty was unani- mously chosen as leader. Mr. ' Minty is a thorough lover of music and has had much experience in musical train ing, and has been a valuable acquisition to the choirs here. In hisnew musical position he will likely spare no pains to bring the band to an eciency as can be obtained in 3* country place. The players, in addition to the old members, have been selected from per- manent residents. . V Rimless Glasses Iulapillilla as Q vuusavno way: On Monday last was a memorable occasion at St. John's church, not only on account` of the very large number of candidates for conrmation, but the event. was the dedication of the hell by his Lordship Bishop Sweetman, in memory of the late Mrs. Thomas Craig. Church Warden Walter Watkins as- sisted the service. by ringingthe bell, which announced its mission to the congregation of St. .Fohn s church of Oraighurst. The Bishop delivered a . very pleasing address in reference to the bell. After the conrmation` ser- vice was over all repaired to ` the Tem- perance Hall, where the Ladies" Aid provided "an excellent tea; the Bishop and the Rev. J ; H. Teney occupying the-head of the tables, 'l`he_Rev. Wm. McLean, of Elmvals, assisted in the service. BU KJVIUIAIA Ivvvu:. \ Mr. Minna, of Jlau-is will occupy the` pulpit herenext Snnday afternoon. A -nIv\`-mg." Pnnrn Inning A*".AI-Ilall hn ~-v--_, - Advance Condopondgnco. Mr; and Mrs. Dyer visited friends at Shroud recently. an 11-2-..- -5 'D_....:. _.:II ---....- LL- _ PUIPIU IIVIIJ-nIv.v nauynuw ---vs----pv A number` from her; attends; the soldier : service in Barrie on Sunday. .- ,.__ .1 Il'2.._ 1'.` II A... IUIIAIUL I: was vnvv nu gun-n-v v... .n.-,. . ` Mr. J as. Longhoed and Mi; E. Mor- ris visited friends at Nantyr last. week. m1\*VIi"eeVIVN[able Dyer `has returned home after spending a week with relatives in Barrie. e T L v up can ` . I\ Q |_._ - 1)_;_LI._J

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