Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 6 Jun 1901, p. 6

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t8'Reae1-Aved Numbered Seats and :'\i`missiona-u show dav at A. F BASS Jewelery St. or--. opp post. nioe. Unlike other shows, prices at downtown oice. are exactly the same as charged an regular tic.--n wagon! on smw grounds. *:> *" ` BARR1j;, SAT., JUNE oU tll`llz`0d In the Grntlldeu Equine map 1 5, Including the Fnmouz 3 Introducing the World- ` Famous Hloln - Win DI1IIllIII'I' MIIBII lllll tlon. tho Ineon-T Headed by Ringling Brothers Latest In- nnotntlnn Olin I-nunn- ntrouuculg tun worm- Fumous High Ire _.0ymnuts. the IL Prountln the flmnnlnnb Ann- T l;roJo?ln7l:o_ Greatest - nnnu nl "titan. uucwwrc, to Jun, wuuue {very (I880 Ind tollxlll 10 crystal clear--you, whom I loved too well- ~. The tale of my shortcomings I have brought, Andyou have given the pardon I besought; Forgive the little sins I cannot tell! ' -Aileen Beath in Szgmrt Set. wun any letter to ---v.---- I`! I-\Il'|I`n Privatelunds to loan at 5 per cent. on farm p_ro- pertv. Terms to Juit borrowers. No connectnon with loan company. `Apply personally o'r'hy to . - . . - ="'rHEADVANCE-"1 V ` '1 Write to 'f_o:'onto for the evidence of your own neighbor s and be sure and get a circular. Cohsult Spcialiist Early. "Mea.f:o'rd._ June 17, 18,;f Collingwood, June '19,'20; Orillia, . I ` `June '26, 27. 22-23- BARBIE, BaE}i"HoI,nse, .._-.._.._ ..----vv- Ana` va a.4a\rn|avlV. THE uosr RELIABLE and Successful Authority in the treatment of Rupture without an operation. He who makes a specialty of one department must certainly be more ex erienced and capable than those having " many irons in the are. Stag wasting time and money :1 useless etforts elsewhere. but go to one whose life-long study has tang t him what to do. Have you not had experience gigiiegto |iu's1ti.._f_y`y1";5i;ti: 1 aedi`c>!1r)`t'i`n)esome change for the better? It vnh ever intend to be cured now seeking my advice.because at having been treated by many who failed to cure you. you have me discouraged. This is the v time you should make on non mun. When I take a case. exert my whole mind. energies skill to ect a cure, irrespective of an money consideration and bringto bear on it all` that science hon y knowledge and experience wilfaccom lish. lmowin that the exertions at these never fail to`in-ing theirjust reward in due time. THE FA THAT YO may not be (AT rnnsmrr) in a nancial we able to have yourself pro rly attended to---should not keep you from consulting Specialist. AD CE IS FREE. and this a one may prove very valuable in our case.-Read dates carefully and tell your friends of this visit.-Send two cent stamp for s uable cimuiar with fuller information, etc. ` VARICOGILE (falseru of the scrotum) men at all ages suer from this terrible amic- tion- in some way.-there is no o er aiiiiction to which man is heir that so completely unts him for the duties (or pleasures of life) as Varicocele-the universal tendency of these conditions is to grow worse and more com licated. - snee`i'$i`i=an.e'e';."lt.'i`i`.2l'.`l 7 m?i2`;.2.`2'3`;`.!i".`=_'.':`3.`1t!;"1*!*2l-,,!fI29euer 60399. ! toolate." LET NO ONE DESPOND' Do not be deterred from J. Y; Li~:ii7A(1 219% -v-...w ., oairouuv -cw :- CURES EFFE6'fBu";i:i`HOUT AN OPERATION. THE Itnnm `Dll!Y.`l A n`I .`III -...1 n......-....a..I A ..a.I.-...n._n_ LI. _ L..- , . . `armers Atten1;i:1;: j/its toollih, petty faults I scarce can ua_rne_;"- 5 ` :80 mean and paltrymre they that-I fear Ion would not think them worth I word at blame ; ' `You would but piiy end-deepise them. dear. And since I love you so In women : wise. Nor am from women : curse ot pride exempt` 1 would for rather ,re'a'd within your eyes Hatred,'1ny beat beloved, than contempt! Wherefore, to you, whose every deed and thought IS crvntnl nlnnr--.vnn_ whom I lnva fnn wall... 5-ly VA"iIii'3V6plwm(I:|`i;t`nwr$h or co voinsof the-litmus, male or female). If you suer consult sinlintandbe oceulnll -lwma nl montdning tunnvillh mp` Ilhn. I-ottergushonld beyaddrunsd 1-. Y.BcI.n.s1?cqsl{s .P.0. Box ss$.'1~J ronca 03? pm 53"'d3Y. Sunday (all day and evening) _A_2nc!9_ysLgnIy quno I5, I6. '..Ll...L A _ VI`- " Established 1860 Over 80 Years of success 1n>'l`oronto, Out. If IWIIAKY I`! ,r... .. MONEY TO LOAN. ADVERTISE V IN SPE (31 A Llb'1"o` N EXT_ REGULAR VISIT _ __, HARRY MARR -V . BARRIE: `aun' o ' FDCev A. ho Clam Wm Fcnqe, tyc Frost W' . -the. .311-m" Wire ne-;.. steel P-no G=t==s`g'.'.-'3, HQQNA -, QTTON & I-8:36 whoa: ' 1 died ` V` ". Elan true nnflvfniyrlcxfrnl 7-- nk It will take all buyttcrfat out of milk in from 40 W `5 mi|lS-. No chemicals. no ice. Easily cleaned- But qualitv of butts: made from it. Free trial. F01` 'Ial_e`l>~'1`H.0S. HORN. H. H. OTTON & soN.. ' Five , . 10,331-tie; WM. CRAWFORD. 0" StatI0,n."v -`f ' :A.....`l..... n:.'.".-'..; airs..- n;_ __ A A -n___. u1-- Pence. `fin. Famer'{rl*}E}3:A I:-.13 3.3;-};}}.. _ ..'..AUTOMATIC.... .`.'d-___...--._.__._--A . F9.R $6.-9.0. EVERY MORNING AT I 0 0 0l0CK. '3,_2;:3_V-.'l'l,ici1x_1;c'>nd St. P.O. 539, Toronto, I'll! . :31!!! this and honest at thrice tested gold. 1130 title of my shortcomings I have brought; j low you have given the pardon I beaought Fotzlve the little sins I have not told! _ wuuuu cvery woru`Iuu_aeeu_InaV1nou| -m j.%ove%'s% cbursaslogig. The Nose For News. A A young man who goes Into journal- : Ism intent on making a reputation and 3 aeing something more than a mere amanuensis or copyist must have I ; prompting love for his work, a quick perception of what is to be seized on in passing events and the ability ac- ` curately to` narrate or describe on pa- pet that which he has een or which has been told him._ I'I__L A , , -I 3 '- `u... -v-- w-v -v Fortunately gettin-1.-rout is not usual- -ly. delayed. ' The ease with which a young ma bursts into Journalism is only equaled us the superb ease with which he is sent through the street door if he `fails to show a `quick and 1 enthusiastic grasp of the requirements. Many are called. and few are chosen. It is truly a survival of the ttest-- not necessarily "of the best or the v brightest.-George Old in Saturday Evening Post. A Grins. but No Tips. . No. sir," remarked the waitress in the quick lunch restaurant as she slip- ped a dime into her apron pocket and gave the donor a smile in return, we don't get many tips nor half as many as the men that `work here nights after we've gone home,- though they don't wait on half as many customers asvwe do in the daytime. It `isn't right. either,- because their wages, are higher than. ours. and we can nd just as good use for a dime as they can-better, I say. 411)..` 1.I_-4.I'... 1.--; 1.1.- __-_. u. __..... A Anthropologists are pretty well agreed that there is not and probably never was a Celtic variety of man. There is neither a Celtic type nor a Celtic race." says Deniker in his work, which is the latest word on the subject.` There lea language which has come to be ca'lied_Ceitic by scholars. but a` lan- v8389_!i'18.y berepoken by any race that -acquires; it.- and. how `or where Celtic . originated .13. at mystery`. There a some mlionI.,f neonmn Btifthny and : .t19a~'13;g;.g1;h isle: wngcpeak `thin h:=tetnezhtlena1d%ere ~ ` ;19eLetaes y$h.9"'-.iYi`i" ;ex.~: f.::(:.the1?r':".E` ; j C `T dag But these three` essentials are not i provided by any college course. Any editor. can tell true` stories of men from the best eastern universities. men with trained minds and well stocked vocabularies and. a vast assortment of . general knowledge. who were of no value in a newspaper ofce because. they were not ableto identify a piece- of news even when it was lying in front 01. them and beckoning to them, or perhaps because a critical self consciousness prevented them from [writing a simple impersonal account of the work the better. of an everyday happening. It cannot be said that such` men are inferior to the other men who till the `paper with valuable and_ entertaining mat- ter. All we can say is that they are not adapted to` this peculiar grind." `They were not cut out" to be news- paper. men. The sooner they get out But that's Just the way it runs. A man gives you all sorts of trouble get- ting what he wants and getting it in a hurry. and then he gives youa grin, as much as to say. `You're areal nice girl, when yonhandthim his check. and he ' seems to think you ought to think your- self well repaid. If you were a man, he .d turn up something much more valuable. Grins are cheap and don : so for car fare."-N.ew York `Sun. - *'o'I:'e2'n was a left handedpman. He held the glass ,in his right hand, and ~ashe` hesitated" over his words his left . went back to his hip pocket, and out came a pistol. We realized -in a. dash what he meant to do, `but it came so `suddenly that no one could put forth a` hand. There was a `grim smile on his ' face as he placed the muzzle ofethe weapon to his temple. but he did not pull the trigger. Outside a thunder- . storm had been working up over the greatcity; We had heard the low rumble of thunder and caught a asher two of lightning `through the windows`; ,As the pistol wentup to the man s temple- there came a tremendous crash, fol- lowed by (what seemed to be, balls of re-oating around the room, and all 1 of us were knocked about and more or less stunned. As we recovered our- selves and relighted the gas we found : Queen lying on his back on the oor. with the pistol clutched in his hand. The weapon had not been red, and yet he was dead. A "thunderbolt had struck the `chimney. followed it down to the second floor and then, tearing its way out, had struck our host as he leaned on the mantel. Two or three men" ran for doctors. while the others ` chafed the man's limbs, and it was a quarter` of an hour before we were sure that he was dead. A search for- wine to aid in reviving him proved that the bedroom. pantry. dining room and kitchen weresdimantled and that no dinner for us had been prepared. He had simply invited us there to witness his death and a dramatic nish to a I wasted life, but at the last instant had ; been saved from self murder and the curtain ' rung. down by the hand of fate. ' I u---up yo-V -1`.-vs.` wuonuao AvAGenti-emen, keep your seats. I hays nothing - to say ._ regarding the action or the Pace club or any other club. and I am proud of the fact that a few at you are here to see me off. -It was kind of you to come, and rest assured that I fully appreciate it. The toast I pro- pose is rather odd perhaps, but every- thing goes, you know. Let us drinki- let us drink to the-to the late de- ceased! ;e.4se. 'sttdi1g715i. ;.1ujd always. b`ee'n;,-`a gqueer rellowswe sat in a. haitcircie about` the table,` and as the glasses 'were'.i1ed_,and we wait- ed for the signal to `rise to -our feet the man, glass in hand, stepped back until he could lean -his elbow on the mantel and then quietly Said: V 4'. (`IVA-.LIA-....... I-...._ _ A _ _ _ __'_1_.. I I._._.- Wore Then No Celts! Ill lull` IUIIII IUBIIIE I-IIIQCIIIO The ordinary game. cannons and pock- ..ets. appears to have developed itself soon after the introduction or the red ball. It was originally called f'carombole, and the red` ball -was known (probably through `a corruption of this word) as the carom ball. f In America a cannon is still called a carom.` Et-ymologists dier as to whether our expression is a still; further corruption. Cannons and losing hazards once established in popular ta- vor. the game soon assumed a sumciently modern complexion. - The trontisplece in` _Kenteld sl folio volume. except torthe cut of the -players -clothes. might almost ` represent Va-game in progress today. usnuv 1 ca cut I II. I. ucu UL cutun. The modern game developed as slowly as the apparatus it required. Originally there were only two white balls. and the sole object of the player was to pocket ' his opponent while keeping himself out. It was in fact pool reduced -to the sim- plest possible form. Twelve up was the customary game. On the introduction of; the red bell it was feitthat the game would go too fast. so the "winning" game was introduced. in which the players struck alternately. irrespective of suc- cess. Afterward came the winning and following game, in which the player fol- . lowed his stroke after a- winning hazard. But in both of these games the pocket- \ ing of ; his own ball counted against the player," which. by the way. is the origin of the term,"losing hazard." in... .....s:....__-........- -___-__ __'_a _--u_ . - .w-- -v-- ouvvvl ' _ Yei."e ;-a`i'd.`Vthe p;)plilar actor. "I had to" refuse the part; it was beyond my Bowen." - . . `~ um3...u- ..a......;.s.. IO _._n_.1 Ll- ;_n___1 w`:"1?~l;.;_'_?s atrimg'e." replid his friend. "'1`here:*n;la..a time when you would an. dertgkq any -pm-1:."~ _ ~ V ` "Ah -Irons. Vl`I.-o uunnn usual`... 1 :_.. __ -.-nun _u:uuruc_L,vr in IL. ; A , '__ - V No; but that : the-`character ot the : .'_. ."l' ft I!t.,"_. V - L : T _ 1 VT-V`-"U SSIIII Q 1. VIII` 'l\IClIIIII-In " .But."..zdaid>;. the author, there [.`no I _'I.i1ch _cha`L;-ae_t_er,V:init. ; 6611.. _. 41...). At. ._L _;_-..' - .. About 50 years` ago, writes Kent- =tield, which would bring" us to the date ered that if a_ cue v/ere cut obliquelyat .the point or rounded a little on one side, I of the French revolution. it was discov- so as to present a broader surface to the ball. it might be str_uck_below `the mid- dle, and this strange instrument was then adgpted for occasional strokes and `ob- tained the name of "Je ery, presuma- bly trom its inventor. It was not until some 20 years later that leathern tips began to come into fashion, and even then it tdok some considerable time to l g discover the virtues of chalk. A -.....I...... .-n-.-... J-_-I__-J _- --I---|- \o\. yuan `:Zb:;e?l That .was'whi: 1 wet: an famateur. and amateurswyqu know. will |t_te{.!_;pt,gyt1;lng. - -Exchgngeg . l j -1~nn;%sus:y `$378131-';7"'Laa the editor, `"1 wouldgcall `A Poor -Relation. * 5` ` 1:13.... or .;_'2.1. 11...` -....|_-_: 1:41.--- ."\ wuunuuycuac vs a glvna uuaI.:u1`uI.u5|u. in 1580, however, occurs the lirst spe- cic mention ot a table existing in Eu- rope. France claims the credit. The I bed, early tables, like those for shovelboard, had beds or wood, oak for choice. Mar- ble was occasionally used` in the halls or the great. Slate beds made their appear- ance tor the rst time in 1827.` So, too. the original pockets were wooden boxes, and the cues ' were innocent of leather tips. so that side or `draw were out or the,questJon. The cushions were origi-' nally stued with ock.._ subsequently made ot_ list or felt. The rubber cushion A arrived at the same epoch as the slate 3 . 0` usL_... -A ` .. ' .. __ \ _ \.uu=u.u.s5o ' The original billiard table, according to lstrutt, was square and ; had only three ',pocket, all on one side. About the `middle of the table was placed "a small arch of iron and in a right_ line at a lit- tle distance from it an upright cone call- ed the king. At certain times, he goes {on to explain (with a delightful vague- i ness), it was `necessary-for;the ball to be driven through the one and round the oth- er without knocking either of them down. Of the method. of scoring he is silent. `Mississippi (which he prefers to spell? ,- with one p) appears from his descrip- ` tion to have been a kind of bridge baga- ; 5 telle. while the rocks of Scilly was the ; 5. picturesque name given to that form of bagatelle where the board is studded ` with pins to guard the several holes. But ;-these have little to do with the real game. It is interesting to notice that in the ' reign of George II billiards were under t- the ban of the law. 10 being the statute- " ble fine for any public housekeepericonr victedot keeping a table on his premises. ' In ""1`he Game of Billiards, Scientically . Explained and Practically Set Forth In a `Series of Novel and Extraordinary Stories, Etc.-for those were the days of lengthy title pages-there is a certain amount of information to be gleaned as to the early game. This work was published in 1839 and written by. Edward Kenteld of Brighton. a player of no small impor- tance in the `old days. On the strength of Shakespeare's well known line in "An- y tony and Cleopatra" this ingenious writ- er assigns to the game an antiquity at least as old as the battle of Actium (31 B. 0.), .unles, he remarks with a charming simplicity. we are to accuse Shakespeare of a gross anachronism. 1.. `1:on I. ........... .._ L. :2. --- Mavpvvb luv lllllalo _ - The` game does not `sound wildly excit- ing. but it was popular enough, and great care was expended in the construction of the tables._ It is remarkable, says` one Dr. Plott, quoted in Strutt, that in the hall at Chartley the shuleboard table, though ten yards one foot and an inch long, is made up of about 260 pieces, ; whichare generally about 18 inches long, l some few only excepted, that are scarce a foot, which, being laid on longer boards for support underneath, are so accurately joined and glued together that no shude- board whatever is freer from rubs or casting. . j VFI... ....:..:....I I..2II:_._.1 4.1.1. __.. _.12_.._ L- 4 LIIUIV VVCICNIIIJD ll-I I-I-IV Bali VVIICII even `the best appointed ofvcountry houses had to dowithbut its billiard table. In . those melancholy times our nobility and gcntryhad toemploy their all too numer- ous leisure hours in the domestic pastime _`of shovelboard-or sl1uieboard--to give it its morecorrect designation. This was a` table of varying length, the longer the better. generally about three feet or a trie more in `width, and the game con- sisted in shuffling at disks of metal along it, with the object of leaving them as near the farther edge as possible. If the luck or skill. of the performer left his disk overhanging the edge, he scored three, it between the edge -and a line three or four inches of it two, and be marked one for a shue that left him between that line and one considerably closer to him. ome: n_~;AL(u_r .11 `wigs A :OLMEwI-`IAT ' ` `T QUEER ARRANGEMENT; It `Was _s`qna.1-e In slgaxbe and `Bad Three Pockets. All on one Side,-The Primitive Game Wad Piayed With Two Bulls. Both White. BILLIARD TABLE Ther weredays in. the dark ages when Cunt: `LA `mount Argo-\:\=unJ-um. AJ nnunnl-nun Iunucnnn ion_Onutlopb low. 'I)Vep_cI-ipgive. . Barrie is beautifully situated on a picturesque` slope, overlooking Kempenfeldt Bay. an arm of Lake Simcoe, nine miles long and from one to three miles broad. and one of the prettiest bays in Canada. In summer boats ply daily to and from neighboring summer resorts and parks. The population of Bar- rie is 7.000. Streets and sidewalks are first class and handsome residences are numerous. Streets, public buildings and dwellings are lighted with gas or elec- tricity. The waterworks and sewerage systems ar I very eiciv ' and provide spring water`. good drain town. Barrie is a railwavycentre for "Central and Northern Ontario. Thirteen passenger trains arrive and depart daily. The postal service is all that can be desired ; thirteen mails arrive daily; there is prompt `postal collection and delivery throughout the tswn. There are eight schools (one Separate), em- ploying thirty-one teachers; twelve churches, three weekly newspapers, one commercial college. every day is market day. machine shops. planing mills. gr? st mills`. saw mills. marble cutters. bicycle works. boat builders. tannery, breweries. ten butcher shops, sever- a ll rst-`class hotels with reasonable rates. threeliveries. three laundries. one creamery and all other modern conveniences. Stores are numerous and carry ful lines of all kinds of first-class goods . competition s keen and prices are as low as in acity. Telegraph and day and night telephone systems connectithe` town with all places near and distant. Barrie isfazt . bscominz a favorite resort with summer tourists. I age and reliable re protection in every part of the y Spring. Beautiful Spring. ynnuv mxen nlmsl Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rakes; Rubber Hose, Etc .Se e the o_uly TIIUTTI ' E [known to exist on ] earth. - ~---- -vv-Uvl rvvfliil. We k-{B-p i. drug store. Coxhe and ask us abongt Kitchen Dmgp, --my-- Queen had been a hot favorite in the club. and many of us hoped he might bring forward a good defense. but as a matter of fact he made none. There was no other way than compulsion. and while some of the voters thought he might drift out to the colonies and make a new start others were con- dent that a man of his temperament would not try to outlive the disgrace. .'About a week after Queen had been olclally notied of his expulsion he met a member of the club -on the street and through him extended an invita- tion to ve or six others of us to par- take of a little farewell dinner with him. as he was on the eve of going away. It seemed a queer move on his part,` and you may think it queer in our accepting the invitation. but we who had been most chummy with him bald nd excuses for him. It was decided to drop in on him as individ- uals and in no way binding the club. and when the evening came `around ve of us were on hand. Queenhad V spacious apartments in a fashionable thoroughfare. and. be welcomed us with the utmost heartiness. The ve of us went in together. and we found. p ourselves the only guests. On `arriving , we were ushered intohis sitting room. from which most of the furniture had been removed. `It was being packed ,tor storage during his absence, he said. but we knew that it had gone; to the `auction rooms instead. Had there` {been a_ suspicious man among us he f would have wondered that no odors 3 Jcarne from the kitchen or noisefrom ``- the_ dining and `he would have 1;ioticed}that Queen" seemeda bit nerv-T ous;-.janduneasy- and was Adolngijhlsf I gappear Serene. We gone i ` Vnmu, for `ice cream. for initince; Bunxa Pownzg. for cakes. Ondia a drug. of course 3 the other a chemical and there are still others-SPICES of ali kinda. ctgam f tartar, etc. ` The beat. to 5:: drug: is at g DRUG STQR . The 5: `:1: known more about .then'1 thug othe; poop 0.. 111.` ,|.__'_' '_. J IFMONKMMFS DRUG smut . ._ ;9a Dt_n~u.op.sfr. BARRIE. Drugs and chemicals In the Kitchen; A uuouu Inttoaucwry spectacle. "ROME IN THE YE R ONE." n0rand1`r|plo Rin Circus and n'l'remen- dons Rcvlvnl at the Sports and of the Ancients. :_ 7 .-- 1 7 ---- I I? C CEUUIII ONE 50 TICKET ADMITS T0 EVERYTHING. o 19vs;o CBMPLETE EXHIBITIONS DAILY, Children, Under 12 Years. Half Price; At 2 and 8 P. M. Doors Open One Hour Earlier. -Q. Tl]: Qj L-njgj jn--i___- - -a-w-----. on-w u uounvut O'BRlEN'S 61"-Hons:-: ACT, Al COIOISII I Cfdlict who "ROME "IN THE YEAR 0NH."nn Grand ak Dino Circus and A'I"nolnnI-I. hm `US DRINK'.l`O'1'HE-- .l.`O'1`E1l mm mn- . omsnn i" left a good bit of money. and the way he made ducks and drakes or it was a .caution. About the time I came into the club he had run his race and was tangled up with the note shavers. Six months later he was known to be at broke. The man had a keen sense oi` humor, though obstinate as a mule about taking advice. and it was doubt- less his desperation that drove him into cheating at cards. The incident did not happen at our club. but at another, though we were speedily in possession of the proofs. It meant his doom. Even if he had not been down .to his last dollar he would have been tabooed everywhere. As it was. with ' no hope for the nancial future." he had only to sit down and plan how he should disappear from the sight of menu ' ' XCl5~Fi-STO'l\TS- ' 3N XELWIQAILROADSI SPECIAL POPULARCHEAP E uuu tut: fII| Appearing Together at One Time. In one Ill` undct the Direction ol0no Man. In conjunction with Slum- nationally Famou- UIIO UIFCIFIIIIII OXUIIC nationally Pamoua I Lllllfj "5 '" En'i"':'ilTA `FIIELEY _ The Greatest Lad; Rider tho Worl In Bvor Produccd. No other how has I Feature to compare with this Suporhquutrlenne; -to so ELEPHAMTS-...*:.".'.i2`:.*.=.~:1 - I ;.*..$2':::::'::rf'..a.`:".:.::."::;r.':`:: __4n___ \\`4 uu uni-ru IIIIJIEIIO &':"7.'a`n`.:."}';.Z d H B 5 Hall ` a'f.::"..::'.=...."1.`;'.".::.'f..:.'..?."".""` -= -W 3 ...`_- ------- ---- --- I LocK'rii5"F comznv ELEPI-IANTS Nth lltlnnr ,CIInvnr In-a - `PL!-A -- u-_... 509% HORSES SJ. xr;n'lc-A-tozc-. V g..gj jAj4! -AT .|9ER -1-g--Ag -.-_ II..____l We were offered cigars as aoouias ~.wo& `got seated, and as we .,.8.!nok- *ed_:f. gand `wa>11;_e'd tor. `the Vd1nnen*` ,. " 'Wa|"_ bright" and] chatty mid mg rl1ke hls old.tlme Ilf.` ~ m ;.ne was ~o1nzJ"}_ w ` . _ _IBjAF.FE -vuuvj `-I:-IIu'IIVIn1l-II\Ju Direct tmnluny. Paul the Bnomouu Sam at s1ooo . A Week. No other Show, could pay a fourth as much. I WV!-1! I`\I\I U These Marvelous Performers are plld 3500 e Week. No other Show pays 9100 for a. Feature Act. - 9.9.- A.B.9_BAI3 AGTIIALI-Y 300 STAB PBBPORlBB8.l 50_AEB|_A!l$T$' 1000 People. 40 Famous Bunny Clowns. 50 Musicians In Grand Popular Preliminary Concerts. 5 Big Arenas. 1-4 Mile Race. Track. 65 Railroad Cars. 100 Dena. Lalrs and Cages of Rare Wild Beasts. 12 Acres of Tents. . . . . Now in the time for house cleaning, and the only way you can do is tlie only Pure Paint on the market.` p Sold only by THESE FAGT8m FIGURES TELLTHE STOBL .... ........ 54.151150: uv;u.\:Lcu_l.uCl.l.lBl:lVUUo f`-zrclllbald Queen. a bachelor and a maneof 40, had been a member for -three years when I was elected. He was the leader of the fastest. and. preh- ably ung away- twice as much money as` any other individual. Hewas the` eldest son of a sir and hue been l U WORLD'S GREATEST snows NOTHING L|KEzl'?-_ EVER SEEN oN`E/EARTH BEFORE A A satisfactorily is by using Wadnworth,V "Rowland as 0o.9s_ "`.<.",_j.<. "'5-i"A'{ I'='{ct N ETTI s. .lo-I.. n-u| 4.1.- n_.-___..._ 43--.. .1 `ac... ARE mznnnn n_v_3RY on THE TOWN or BARBIE. H`5L1'_'6"vv7A v "' ?"I3' i 3 . Q Ilnhqnglnunn II-.l..._;__ __A __nA A-AA _ can (Both lat; of J. Hendenolm). THE BIG ONE AND wl-WT mu-ruuuu chain:-III G-I-El"l'IlI No other show-has 3 Third as Many. - To belong to the Pace club was to be known as a sporty young man. even a reckless young man. _We drank. gam- bled and wagered, and there were wine suppers to actresses and borrowing money oi. Shylecks. It was by long odds the fastest club in fast London. and that it did not have the entire ap- proval ot solicitous mother and staid fathers goes without saying. Our smartness. however, should not be con- founded with anything dihonorable. There were no card sharpers or debt shirkers among us. When a member . could no longer go the pace nancial- ly as well as socially. he had the good taste` to absent himself and drop out of V sight until things betteredthemselves. `Avinhllxnlzi f\uun.u.. _ L-AL-|~u -

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