Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 9 May 1901, p. 2

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MONEY TO LoArT MONEY TO.LC_)AN. -1&ANUFACTUREs. _ lmsonnnmiiovs. MONEY T0 LOAN. -..__ D. C. Muncmson. PHYSILIANS. FINANCIAL. 0FFlC`lAla. DEN'1`AI-:- `(6) To increase its monopoly, ` the Bell` Telephone 00., not long ago gave telephones free till is crushed out a rival company in Peterboro. Homoeonanhisn. V :56 Dunlop St. 1 I I Residence and Ofce. ` 8-lv mm; L. uxuus, 1 45-1)`. L`. Barristers, 1- AC lunoh-us C. W. MACPHER-O. A. E. H. Cmsswxcxz. 13!). UHICCS-Da.K_uc| -Bank of Toronto: 5-ly J. C. Bxoxovsxx. ' X."1%3s, :45 `.2 I. ` %;::.;?:`F`FHERN ADvANc;i:. ... ".,_ j?`fi*"1DVEBTlSING BATES. 7 I fova.1v`y nus A uncvx..mo T -TV-,;g.p-aunt Nl{lJNl)nE];,\Nh I ' . ' _ ~l"0I{'l`Y (,`0I lItS. "Almost, if not quite.` doublle that of a paper pubhshed 111 Harm. Y Other: _ . The above are a few of many reasons that the` City of Toronto is using to obtain effective legislation in regard to rates. ' As to the increase of capital` this is 'objeoted_to on the following grounds, which should warrant Parlia- ment in rejecting the application, name- 170-` k 4DvEn'r1sEs SHOULD NOTE nus pm-,_-E .18 lines solid agate make 1 iuch_ TRANSIENT ADVER'1'IsJM};:<'1's, . First iD$I`tiJn 10 cents per line, each sub queut insertion 4 cents per line. Randina nmir-es. 10 :-.mn..~z nor lim. 4.. . Condensed advert1sement.s' on first page such as wants of all kinds, lcst and tound, pr.-perry for sale or to rent, specic articles, ctc., em-,, must be acc..mpanied with the cash, and will be inserted-hrat insertion 2-cents per woxd, each subsequent insertion 1 cent pm` word (names, addresses and figures ccunted as words); but a reduction of one cent per w-xvi will be made when the number of iUS(*`rtivU I of the acme matter exceed four. / I _uuu U9 uuuuaaunxv u; ..-;u.u....- ~---v nty, $15.ooo,ooo. , I The Waterloo Mutual, of Wate1`1oo, out. i Tothl assets, $334,083. `The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. Ont. I"..o..| an.-Ace Qna. he-Q ucul tucssavng 1 \4\.ul.v I nun. Reading notices, 10 cgnts` per line for m inselftlull`; 5 cents per lme for each subsequm insertion of the same matter. All ncms an [charged a, 5 I ,_ 1 r\l:..:..I ant` l1..u............._- V CB. . - Legal, Official and Government adwm mentswill be charger: at above rates, v CON TRACT-ADV)-JI1'l`ISI.\'G. Contract advertisements will be zaken R the following'rate_s! wpich are. dnmed on C0,, rect commercxal prmcnfdes am; will be strict] adhered to. There w) 1 be only one price to, all. ' I W111 `D8 cnargeu. ` Advertisers will not be alloweu to use then- I n space for advcrtismg anything outside their own regular business Should the," do 30 transient ntes will be charged for such mi. vertisemeuts. ` Cuts for adverllseinenu; must in every g case be moumea on solid metal bm-e-. `REPRESENT rm: Fouowmc Fun: I.\SL'R.-\.\CE ` Comuxxas: The Mercantile, now aFliatedVwi_th The Lon- don & Lancashire of England. Secur- Isu .- /l\I\ f\r\r\ 'llC|'I .............o... 2% inches............. 5 inches, % column. . . . . m mches. `,4 column. . . CONTRACT C [IA-NGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisemenu must be handed into the oice not later than I Satul day at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in THE ADVANCE office not later than l2vo'c1ock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the ad\_'ertisex_"s zumouncmmnt F may not be made pubhc unul the: week M. I lowmg. M , ` .. I0 ,.l........m nr Avprhsmnents mlom-d mr (1)0 By get 4-3 Vic..ch.' 67 the Do- minion Government. purports to confer upon `the Bell Telephone Company ypriviligea of great monetary value at the expense of, and without _;compen- {nation to the municipalities, and with- " out any corresponding advantages to 9, great mass of the public, who do not or cannot, availthemselves of a telephone service at the present prices. _ ' (2) In 1892 the'company s capital was increased from $2,000,000 to $5,000,000, and it was provided that existing rates shall not be increased without consent of the Governor -im Council. Lowm . - 12 changes of Advermements xulmved W i I I year, It more are required. COIHPU-`W011 T8163 `E will -be charged. .4.:..`.....:...,..u An um Lu aHn\w=r'1 to use they":- SCROGGIE & SMITH, Q vun; uaayugy yJv_),vlv. } Also L1ovd s Plate Glass Insurance Com- ` pany, Of NGW York. Cash capital, 525:..- nnn ! And tine sun Loan and Savings Cornpazi of Ontario. - Private funds to loan on first mortgages. .'\c counts collected. &c. _ nmnn nuvnun unnnrenn u {u: '\V:II`E Store. BRTYIC F mcnes, 74 Colulnu. .` :o_incbes, % aomches, 1 column... `For one munth- the ` three with 15 per cent. added. i ii`... fuvn vulnlllh-- th fhree 1511 10 P91" CCILL. auucu. `For two 1uonLhs- the three with 10 per cent. added. na'D....4'm-ma nnsvitinns in the WU. 1U PET C6111. uuucu. fPI',efgrred positions in the paper will be ; sold at an advance of uue-third on 31,9 : rates. This rule will be strictly camed out. I collected. zc. Ofce over Henderson_s Ha:.!ware Store. Ont. Vbgent Standard Life. London Gum n- ; tee and Accldgut 00.. Provincial i Building and Loan Association, etc. V `(3) The above -clause has been `de- clared by the Minister of Justice to be lnebotive. OFFICE.-Next door to Bank of Toronto. Own } Street. Barrie. n-I)` 5 \ Canadian Branch Ofce. Head Oice. I MONTREAL. LONDON, ENGL.-\.\'[`t 1 M. C. I-IINSHAVV. SAM. J. PIPKLV. [ Branch Manager Manager. ; ...ATLAS... llhklf l`I\IEARI\I F|3\JI'|l'\l`VE 9\II'II'f1I` I u Capital, $6,000,000. ' Founded I305 \ \ L Application forms furnished and rates quoted 13)` GEORGE PI.AXTnN_ AGF.NT. no-Iv jxinch \-l/ I-unknn , . , _ . .. PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND [HAN ASSOCIATION. nn. MBGAHETS HEAVE cum For Broken-winded Horses. I The only medicine in the world that will ~19? ~ I-leaves in three days. But for a permanent cure it requires from one half to one bottle used according 10 ; directions. $1.00. Kidney and Acute Cough Powd- I era soc, Dr. McGahey s Condition Powdersdcstroys worms, puries the blood, putting horses. cattle _n.n-1 calves in condition; 25c. Take no Other. $01.11! G. Monkman. Barrie, and Cook & Co.. Orillia. 412-1)` J. 0 UL VER WELL S Hanrcutting and Shaving a Parlor opposrrm BARBIE HOTEL. BARBIE- Razorshnd Scissors around and set on ebb notice. John Rogerson, Fire and Life Assurance. Number of inches nnar . i=t'tlhat _'r|!\1 who B'ilie:* i1-`elephone"0o.,?an d uotiitvitinf contains _ nntil ` ecme'V_7d_`enite plnn togivethe people their rightn. _the present time the City-of To T ronto inghting the company in Per- linment ; but it is not Toronto's ght, p it in the fight on behalf of -the whole of the oountri. The Senate Bankingiand Commerce Committee, who have given the ret net-back to the municipalities in their reporting of the telephone bill, had issued for them a circular from James S. Fullerton, Counsel for To- ronto and other municipalities. In this he suggeste the following points :`--_ LU J'.`4Uuuu1.uu;a_:1 LVJU.` Total assets. $303,078. ._,, T 1-.__11.. 711-`... (`V1 AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $5,000,000 OKX L 151$... As'uHANcr-: COMPANY. A._` or . A _ . -_ !:`,____,),,,I INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &.C. VCONDENSED ADVERTIS IME.\"I'>. wuon IOITIIS IUYHISKICU anu TKICS ql. GEORGE PLAXTON. AGENT. I2-n-9:4: nab nmnn :n R`:-K`-nu-fl` 3RR,RIE. ONTARIO. 2 sc`nocs.c;u-: 5.. SMITH. LUKUIS r1.AA 1 UN, Aunm 1 . ` Barne Ont. Ofce in McCarthy Bock _(a) A la.rge_ capital will enable 9. company to buy out or (brush competi- tion. ' 9, 1901. "One Inger- txon. ; IllU\vl' I - Lions`; ._3mus.j( mucz son r__._j--_._ V Such a system may from its,` nature, properly be 9. monopoly, but if I.) it should be controlled as to rates and l otherwise, in the public interest`, in the name manner as a. common carrier. monthly rate .uacI' :1 5; nous; . 6mos.}1 Get (c) In view of possible ultimate ac-p quiaition of telephone lines by the Government or municipalities, inated capitalization, accompanied by unlimit- ` ed and uncontrolled rates, would unduly V increase the purchaaingprice, and per- haps altogether prohibit such a pur- chase. T ... am an ...:.,.........~. %..,.m, longer" be tinder private ownemhip. ` ` ranked in Ontario, he has during; his author of Sir Wilfrid s eratious polishes , A t _mm'roRm1. 'N(').'1`E`B.v V The Mail and "Empire's in _. commen- ting upon, the speech-.-oft` Mrs i_R- L. Borden at the banquet tendered to him - in Ottawa, very pointedly "shows the contrast between the leaders of the two parties. It. says: One of_ the greatest` men at the her of his own province, ranking there as Edward Blake has first session in the leader's chair, im-" pressed Parliament _ with his wide knowledge of affairs and his skill in the conduct of debate. In_ his stylecf address and in his trend of thought Mr Borden is more like Sir J ohn Thomp- son than any other leader who has yet A gured, in the Parliamentary arena. He is not so intricate in his reasoning as Mr. Blake was, but is direct and to the point always. He is a splendid contrast to Sir Wilfrid Laurier. While Sir Wilfrid is etudiously theatrical, Mr. P Borden is natural. While` Sir Wilfrid poses and strikes at his waist- coat in stimulation of earnestness, Mr.` Borden makes the undemonstrative Parliamentary speech. While the them up with poetrical` expressions for e'ect, Mr._ Borden makes his speeches plain and business like. In repartee the new leader is _ sharp, `but most gent1emanly."4yThis is a very good comparison and shows very well. what this newleader is worth. He has not been in Parliament for many vears and his` rapid advance to the leadership of the party is an indication of extra ordinary. ability and progressiveness. As the Mail also states: Instead. of experiencing he the disintegration for which Ministers and their followers looked, the Conservative party .has y grown more united and more powerful than ever as an inuence making for, the freedom and the prosperity of the people and the progressand the honor of the country.` Tothts result in no small degree-has Mr. Borden contri- buted. Elected to a lofty position, to which he did not aspire, the leader has applied himselfto his important duties with a single eye to the interests of Canada. I 1 `examoogeauqwgneaastune oi, I I ing the telephone _` `under yhoix control by purohaTee,a the `municipalities should organizeioif the. eatab1iah"ment_ of municipal systems and the joint maintenance of a "trunk line. This perhaps would be A step `towards the nal Federal. ownership. In any ' case it is time the Government knew what they were going to do. [aims nun : on T0 sumuu.| There is no use in leaving your name here as I have to get ve girls before the end of nextweek, and I don't know where 1 am to get them." This was the way an employment agent spoke to n citizen who desired to get a general servant a few V days ego. A. little later, when statingthe ease-toe `friend whohad just come from Buffalo, the friend said: Ioonld get twenty- `ve girls in Buffalo. Acting upon this intormation, The Mail and Empire called at the United States Consulate, and learned that the facts were virtually as stated.) Domes. tic servants of all kinds have been going to Buffalo, not only from Toronto, but from all over the United States, with the idea of having a pleasant time, at high wages, during V the Fair. There- sult 18 that Buihlo is now full of not only domestic servants, gbutfalso wait- teases and stenographers, who are now trying to getwork at any gure. The same" thing holds true of men, who. in- duced by the apparent promise of high wages and the opportunity of seeing the Fair, have ocked to the Pan-' American, until now there are `many idle men and women Buffalo. _ A visit to several of the employment agencies showed that there is at pro, sent a. deerth of servants in the city, and that this has been to a consider-_ able extent caused bvrgirle `going to Buio for` the summer. Some of these girls had failed to nd work, and had written home for money to bring them to .'.l.`or9nto.? A ' _e - Everybotly seems to ready to acknowledge the dearth of servants in Toronto, and the surplus in` -Buffalo, but not one seems to `think it his bnsi-, ness.*o_r_ to his interesto-t1_'y to equal- izegeonditions by bringing some of these i girls basing-'v.lV`oV1'onto Me-_ai;l V enn;A'r,sANqn`n'r"A?19__.og-;*;wA.f2e-~:`: _On May'1,7thenew leader of the -Liberal Conservative party. "wins the honored guest at _a big bsnkquet at the Capital. when all the. stalwarts of the party met to pay tribute to their new ohieftain. Sir Mackenzie` Bowell, Hon. George E. Foster, Hon. John Higgart, Sir John Carling, Senator Ferguson, I-Ion. G. W. Allan, Col. Prior, Mr. J. P. Whitney, Mr. E. J. Flynn and many others were among the guests. After excellent speeches by Messrs. Haggart, Flynn, Whitby, and Col. Prior, M.P., who` was Chairman, Mr. `Borden responded to the toast of The Guest of the Evening. On rising, ' he was "received with prolonged cheering. When` it sub- sided` he said `:-`FMr.g Chairman and G.entl e'men,'-_'It. is needless to say how much touched,I am by the more than kindly way in which you have assem-. bled this evening, and by the more than cordial way in which_ you have honoured the toast which th_e chairman has proposed in all too attering terms. As I have told you on more than one previous occasion, there is nothing sur- prising` inthe fact" that I should have felt some hesitancy about accepting the position with which the members of the Liberal-Conservative party in the House. of Commons were good enough to honour me, in view of the fact that I was and am comparatively inexperi- enced.in public life. For the reason, further, that the leadership of the Liberal Conservative party in all the years which have elapsed since 1867, when this Confederation was formed, has been entrusted to the hands of able and distinguished. men, whose names are now household words -throughout Canada, and will remain so as long as the Liberal-Conservative party can- tinues to exist-(cheers) --and' I` believe that that grand old party will continue to exist as ` long as this, our common country, endures. (Renewed cheers.) He` felt somewhat. abaehed, he said, in his position, since he` saw around men of more experience in the party, but when chosen he had` promised to do his duty, and htad endeavored to keep : that promise. Lords of the northern -half of the continent, it was our proud duty to make it a great nation and a grand factor of the British Empire. Unity of the races, he would say to Mr. Flynn and to the 100,000 Conservatiye voters in Quebec,.to its every inhabitant, the Liberal-Conservatives would "remain to preserve, despite temporary disturb ing inuences. The Conservative party could countenance no race or creed cry. If to morrow they could attain power by raising that cry, it would be false to its traditions, and, if it should see any other party retaining power by those means. it would still retain its principles and remain true to the principles of ._u:nityi- of race and `creed. When the Conservative party departed from that he would .be glad to hand back to the party the power entrusted. to him` in February last. (Cbeers.) u.I lo. 5.! I I \ He traced the history of the develop- ment of the Liberal-Conservative party. It was one of the_ national and indus- trial developments of Canada, and they had not departed from ' the principles laid down while in power. There would be development of policy, but no radical change. As problems arose the party would deal with them on the same lines as in the past. Questions would arise with regard to trusts," and legisla- tion might be required to check institu- tions of that kind in the future, and in Oanada as in as United States it would be necessary for any party in power to deal with them. There would also be a policy regarding railway de- velopment to consider ; and all would be dealt with ontho linespursued from 1.878-to.l8V9:6.' s i rn:unus:nvnuv":% mm. T Mr. Borden went on to say how bright were their prospects as a. party" -in the future, with R75 or 80 good men and true in the Opposition; of the House of Commons. His tribute to Sir OharlesI'1`u_pp_er was : - I am not iusenaible of the great less we have sustained in the `absence of certain of our leaders. I wouldlike to aayla few words in the first place in regard K to -Sir Charles Tupper-(ap- plause)--the only Liberal-Cnnaervative leader in the Home of Commons under ivhom I ever had aleat. N Iyrent into the j EQI1Ie.of. Commons _.havihg` an ad- miratioe for` Sir ;OharleI?"l_.`1_1pp'e'r an a 6=8ta!-;-@i:;;=`i!!idterl- `am my ;>;;i' 5 ~'.; 5 :2; V . :"- ~,; ~_ 61190015. A 5;. highen nd1ni`rntionT `fan hi_nr. `( Hear, hear). He had the courage of his con- victione, and he had strong convictions. In conflict he struck hard. blown and .-he was ready to receive them." ' st s.hasr.na;..trrosteairt done `while in Parliament, and `ex -_` pressed'~ i,-hehdesire of-all that he should be soon again in th House. He said lthatithe press throughout the country had expressed, some doubts as to whether the Opposition`. would eiciently ' dis.- chargelts duties, but he had not heard any complaints from the Government, or its press that -the Opposition `had not eieiently criticised the measures brought before the House. ' `In conclusion, Mr. Borden said :- I From all my colleagues in the House of Commons, from men much older and more experienced than I am in public -life, from men to whom I, should look up to as leader rather than they to me, I have received not only kindly consideration, but friendly ad- vice and sympathy -and support. (Hear, hear.) I have not always, perhaps, ex- pressed at the time to these men, who have given me that sympathy and ed- vice, and support, how greatly I appre- ciated it. Permit me new to do so, and permit me, also, to say that, how- ever great our leaders may have been in the past, and noone more -than myself realizes how sadly behind them I am in every attribute that cango to elevate, a public man before the countrv, that however great these men may have been, I do not believe that any leader of the Liberal-Conservative party has received more hearty, more cordial, and more generous support than I have re- ceived from the Conservative members of the House of Commons. This session reveals a corporation ` power in the Parliament greater and more appalling indeed than anything which has been seen in thepast. Is there any remedy? Not unless the people can be waked from their lethargy and apathy. But it is not merely the masses-all business men are interested in this telephone` question, and the Sen ate may he sure the country looks to them to deliver it from the danger with which it is menaced 3 and menaced be caused of that which tends to destroy its own character . for independence: namely, the lodgement which corpora- tions have made within it within `three or four years. One interest after an- other has its nominee there now. The Cook enqniry has shed a ood of light` on how a Senator is manufactured. Take from $10,000 to'$60,000." Political capacity iii. grains. Corporation interest, 50.0 grains. Government inuence, 12 grains. Gall, quantum. su`. Fit pilnla A 0. And there s your Senator ! Take of these elements all that is fusible. Melt them all down in pipkin or cruicible, Set_ them to simmer and take off the scum, And a Senator sharp is the residuum. ' : C'orporat1on'Power.A Nicholas Flood Dvins says in the News :- . T A Foundry`For Collingwood. v A gentleman from Pittbnrg has o'er- ed to establish an `up-to-date foundry and mslhine shop in town, provided the corporation furnish a._free site, ex- emption frem municipal taxes for ten years, and free water -and light for two years. He places his cash capital at $30,000, and declares his intention, if his terms are accepted, of commencing the erection of the premises within `thirty days. 0 \ The Council,`_a.t a special meeting. on Thursday afternoon, accepted the propo- sition in its entirety, and gave. instruc- tions to have the agreement prepared and executed. ' The site selected is a block of ten acres of the Cameron farm, to the south of the railway track, which was origin- ally intended for the smelter. In view of the fact that the site is only of a nominal value, the deal is not a bad one for the town, otherwise the amount of land naked for is out of all propor- tion to the amount of capital in view. --Enterp.rise-Messenger. ' 1 H Goldwater Men Drowned. _ On Tuesday of last week Mr. Levi Lead .a shoemaker of Goldwater and Herman` Hall, eldest son of Wm. Hall, aw, well-known citizen of Goldwater` started down the river `to the shing grounds in a_ skill`. The water. was high and` -rapid. and the force of the whirl `pool M`:-_ucl:`th'fn-ail our: ad bum maul \JII1UC- Street. Barrie. A.UI.'1'-- barrister. aouclwr. rruuun , nu... ,. ._ ; Cpnveyancer, etc. spacial aucmion m 2-awnng._an_u probatxug wisls, obtaining` letters or administration cnd gua rdiahship, ooLecLiug accounts, gtc, 'Oices. Ross Block. Bame. Muncv to Loan. 055 at BROKOVSKI, Barrihters, Solicitort-Iv. Nou1tiga,\.qnv;yanccrs.Tctc. Ofces Bank 0` '1'oronto_ Building. Barne. Branch Ufce, Cold` water. Money to Loan. ' A-'4 -- - I P. Rnn::nvmu_ I vvcuvu-o ---- _.-, -- Donn. Ross. u..n. _____________._._...__..___.____ LENNOX, ARDAGH, COWAN & BRUWA. Barristers, Solicitors for obtaining probate of wills`. guardianship and administrauon. ana General Solicitors, Notaries. Conveyanceru, etc. HAUGHTON Lmmox, Auax. Cowuu, B. I-louroxn ARDAGH, G. E. 1. BROWN, L.L.B _ Oces: Hinds` Blo.k, No. 6, Dunlap street. Bar- e. n Branch 0ces-Lennox & Ardagh. Gravenhurst ; Lennox. Ardagh, Comm 8:. Brown, Creemore and .A1liSton, T 3 5-ly nnnxnrv 'rn `I nA,\t R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. & S_, Edin- burgh; M;F.P. & S., Glasgow, member of British Upthalmological Society. SpecialI.v.-' Diseases of Eye, Ear, Throat. and None. 1 QFFlCE.-78 Dunlop Street, Sanders` Block, Bar'- ' ne. opposite Post Olce and Railway Station. Phone 54. P; O. Box 96. 7-ly % D _ _ ` . Barnsters, I Sohcxtors in High Court of Justices, Notaries Public, Conveyancers. Uices over the Bank of Toronto, 3 liar:-in. S. BROAD. M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C., L. C. | to Dxseases of Women, anq. Nose and -..|..._..... .-C E`......-:-nmnnui I-Jnen:fn` 'I nrnnfn, OH-lei: and _ P. S., 0., late resident Physician and Surgqon ot Toronto General Hospital. with special attenuon Throat Wbrk, also tor some time surgeon m IO .LH5U&UU5 UL VVULHUM, aruu 4I.l\JOl.o uuu time `charge of Emergencv Hospital, '1 oronto. Office and night residence- upstairs m McC4rthv Block. 2_1 Dunlop St., Barrie. second door east of Dougall Bros. furmturc Vwa.rerooms-neur Fivc Points. Phone 105. 29-13; 1 I ._;._..__._____.___..___ _ _._.__ MCCARTHY, BOYS 8: MURCHISON. Barris- ters.` Sollcators, Conveyancers. etc. Success- ors` to McCarthy, Pepler 8: McCarthy. Oice--McCarthy Block, bumop Street, Barrie. { ` ` " -"" - W, A, Bnvs. _.________._..____________.____._ G A. RADENHURST, Barrister, Attorney, . Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, etc. First door Owen street. over Bank of Com- merce, Barrie. _ 49-48. EWSON 8: CRESWICKE, barristers, Solici- tors of the Suglrem Court of Judicature of Ontario. Proctors. otarics. Conveyanoers. etc. AMoney to loan. 0fces--Ross Block. Barrie. n ran 1' _______ -. A F. H, l`.RRWICKE. pv-V-v, V- -_ c. E. Hxws-o!x;. M. M. CAMPBELL. barn Notary, etc. Money to loan. and Stayner. Ban-me Ofce-Ba: Building, Owen street, R. J. F. Pallin , `Graduate of Trinity University Toronto, Fe ow of Trinity Medical College, Member of the Codege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. l DR. c. SMITH, L.C.P.S., Ont., (late of Drs. i arvie 8; Smith; Orillia.) Office and residence { -corner of Owen and Collxer streets, Barrie. A23-ly R. W. A. ROSS, Physician. Surgeon, etc., L. I _ R.C.S. Edin,, L.R C.P., Londan. Otces and 1 mght residcnte~-brown'a Block, Dunlop street, ' Barrie. Telephone 77. _____ .___.._.. .. _____ I R. E. L. BRERETON. Dental Surgeon. Oice _ over I-la.mbl_v's uardware. Entrance, Owen Street. Out of town 1st and 1rd Mondays of each A month. 5x-lv I H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN` . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Dis:ounted. Collections made in any art of the County. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- , ancin in all its. branches. Marriage Licenses issu . Oiee--Ross Bloclk, Dunlop street Barrie. l FOR INVESTMENT on good , U freehold security at lowest rate of interest. Nolfncipal money required until end of Hm um-n _ H. STRA I HY. Snlicitm-. Etc.. Hours-n to 1. n tn R mterest. 1Vol_fnncxpa.1 money requxrea untu euu ox ` the _term. . H. STRALHY. Solicitor. Etc., 1 D_....... IUI&II&l I &\JrIIII We have a large amountof Private Funds to lend at 4'} and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm . Mnrtanane, - Mc(`.AR I`HV, BUYS K`. NlURCHI- at 4 am: per cent. on me Security OI goou Iarm Mortgages. `MCCARTHY. BUYS 6.: MURCHL SON. Dunlo Stree_t B`an-ie. I T. BANTING. Clerk County of Simcoe, will be at his office. at the Courtouse, Barrie, evgrv Saturdav. ` Residence and P.O. Cookstown. JAS. EDVVARD s CONVEYANCER. At his ofce until 5 pm.; at his private residence. 68 Mary street. after that hour. 1 x-lv A I inn Dnuu runnxuu nuun. bUlVlrAlVX" 1 Cargentering, Building and manufacturing of Dpors, sash, Blinds, Mouldings. etc. Planin of all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ot: Blast Drying Kiln. Dnstrict agency for grained lum- i bet Facton-y-Bayelcl Street. Barrie. RODGERS & GALLIE successors` to Geo. Ball. i _ HE B7ALL PLANING MILL COMPANY-- Anon K-Auk RI:-uh Mnn`A:naa nip D`0I-I:nl-D !\c Robinson & Macpherson, QTRATHY & ESTEN. ` Ba E-I"iI"1'z'oIa'ii~i.soN. We think that in view of the troubles ` ' erieing out of the telephone eyetem dur- iuiq the last few years, the Government "Ihould at the. earliest moment pose a `general act in regard to thetelephono service. If Government ownership it jpproacheble the City of Toronto would V. be justified in setting up a telephone eyetem in order to oust the Bell 09., , under the circumstances. Municipal eyeteme, however, without combination ff? fbetween the municipalities would not V" f be e eolutiorrof the vexed problem. The telephone ` is a__ natural service that hould foome under Federal "Govern. {nent control `as. much es the Postal ,S_er'vioe; Oompetitiun would perhape,in be able to work to- advant- e'oh;--:!>sori's-r- but Ompetitibh in THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OF BARRIE have for ado tion. in good Homes. a number .4` n..:...|.. .;........ :E.......,x:.... ..n.:u_.... u..... __.a -2-.- 1 `nu. unxuuxxnn DAIU aupmu. X UEUAKKHS for of bright young anadian children, boys and girls Parties desiring them are asked to communicate with the Secretarv. IREV. D. -B. HARKNESS. .B:u-e. 4-1-- [I15 99 Barne. Wlth a Telephone In the House Batrie. . , Money in sums oi $2.000 and upwards, to loan at 5 ` mar non! , own. ENGINEERS. -DOMINION . ....... ._........-.- .___....j........__ . - ~ , . . V .- o .~.....----.- 0...... Q `1 'PLAX.TO.l-,`-bBarrmter, solicitor, V No J. Con gneer. etc. `Monev to Loan, atlowest (tea. McCarthy Block, south side Dunlap In`-do nao 37.5 ._......._ ..`.._._.,.. `CI BUIIDO H. H. Srlurrmr, Q.C. `rs-cow _._--, . A. MoC.A|u-xiv, I 5 and 5%';`).er'c.e:1t-. <;n l\r'lt;tgz;:; I . I - V- LOUNT & LOUNT Barristers, Barrie. ._ 3%:-tf. V Opposite R. K. Station` (4) No permission has been given to `increase its rates by the Governbr-in- i Oonncil, but notwithstanding this fact the Bell Telephone Co. have advanced its long distance rates and are advanc- ing its rates to subscribers,-for in- stance", in Toronto, wherethe price of house telephones at the time of the pusage of the act in 1892 was $25, and ibnsinesstelephones, $45, the following prices. for house telephones $35, $50,. `$65 and $85, and for business tele- ' phones $70, $95 and $159, are being demanded, and the company refuses to ` put in telephones unless these prices are `paid and agreement signed for a _period in many "cases for three years at these rates. `MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUEFL. Estimams, plans and specicatms prompfly pre- pared. Oice--Bothwcll's Block, Dunlop Street. BA_Rnu:.`0N'r. V . `xx-tf - - cg-..-g-n--. - --- --. _____.._____ --AND- . ONTARIO LAND sunvavons. Life becomes worth living. You may sit in you Library and give your orders for the day. to the butcher. the baker, the grocer and the many other tradesmen-items forgotten in eariier orders may be added and amendments . made ;` in short, the possession of a Telephone is a -PRACTICAL SOLU- TION of the problem of comfortable housekeeping. ` Bvell Telenhnne company :,_.-'-_ m. M. CAMPBELL. Barrister, sonicatoni Mn.-." no `Mam-_vtn loan. 0fces-Ba.n*ie\ nnmnnnns Min stmvmrons. L'1`- Barrister. bolicitor. Procwf. 1`1*3| - -n......-......-..- urn, smcial ancnuon '1`. ARNALL, M.D.c.M,, o:fiEZ;n Bothweffs I Block. Allandalc. On the premises at night. I 43-15" g 135' DR. R. P; VIVIAN 0&5) Stockholm with 260,000 inhsbit- ' "ants has 40,000 telephones tented at $20 a piece, Uhristianshas over 8000 at Mt_he"sqsy__r_1_1e rate 5 Av,1gtria s rate is $2.1 fiir ieiephune ; in Qwitnerland the rate is $18 per telephone, and in the Duchy of Luxenburg the rate is $16" per tele` phone. Messages can be sent. all` over Germany for 25 cents.

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