1:. mgunugue, vy. black, .I).,;.l:lowie; . Class jg; _p_t.-E, Foster, J. Spring. I . TB Exsb.minerAvI'Y::intinTgHotj'ae and H, H, Scrattdn. >8: 0o. a,_-hook gtore an 5 . `rfelnbgtboro wyre dengoyed-Iby ` %_ ._ Auction Sales V ` a Monday, March 18th, 1901--On lot 26. con. 2, Sunnidale; bones, cattle, sheep. hens, implements, furniture, etc; Sale at 1 o'clock. Michaela Daly.` proprietor, L. Tcbo, auctioneer. A - U\I'VuO Dr. Palling and B. A Thomas moved that the Mayor and Council be requested to take the necessary stepp under the statute to secure the generalvaccination of all school children. and the Board strongly advises all unvaccinated persons to be vaccinated im- mediately. * - n - - .-- vauvvt 1!`. answer to the enquiry as to action of the Town Council regardingnecessary sani- tary improvements in rs hall building, the secretary stated that the.Town Council were preparing plans and specications for en- larging the Fire Hall and putting in requisite sanitary improvements. II `xrnnnvu road a manna! An 1\..:..:... nun: vuuu vv uuv tnvv nuvuu UL null! U_y'luW Ila UIJUU. On motion of Dre. Wallwin and `Palling, ordered. thatthe Board of Health recom- mend nhaj: the Council of. the town do pass a by-law declaring that the provisions of the RS 0., chap. 252, shall be in force in the tovln. ,~|\uue on.-n. -- BBIJIBRIIY lIIlpI'0V8lIl8lJC3o Dr. .Wallwin read a paper on Dairies and Milk Supply, in which he made recommend- ations aa to necessary precautions for the supply of pure milk to citizens. a \ ( 11:-.. `II vv|a\$=4\o\ key I\.... `l7nII--3.. n...` D- V UMP!!! VI PIIIU [nun UV UlvlDUl.l- On motion by Dre. Wallwin and Palling, ordered, that the Town Council be recom- mended to authorize the issue of licenses to milk vendors without exacting the fee ro- vided for by by-law 361 of the Town of gar- Iin Qkn I-ha IlAQl|hIO -54-... La: L..I.-_ g- vnulau nu nu uy-saw aux us out: LUWLI 01 DD! rie, and that the necessary steps be taken to enforce the provisions of said by-law at once. (`I1 lllllfinll ls` nll nut` `DnII:nn Makes Recommendations to the Coun- cil at a. Recent Meeting`. ' A meeting .of the'- Board of Health was` held in the Council Chamber, Barrie, on} Tuesday evening, March 5th. ` mhn rune.-v.`n-'..-~ ------- ---~-- [1 per Annum wldva/nae. .5.u\:DuII vvculu Lv.|cu U Uloll. - The rollowinz, memb`,:ars. were present :'-* Donald Ross. Esq., chairman, Mayor Rad- enhurst, R A. Thomas, Dre. eWallwin and Pulling, and Dr. Oliver, medical health oioer - A chat over materials and styles or prices may interest you, and though they are already rushed in this department your forelady, MISS LIGHTFOOT, is never too busy to talk Dressmaking to you.` " , The acceptable goods for all fashionablepurposes are here awaiting your in- spection. 'We'are_sh_owing' the\most` comprehensive array of correct fabrics for seasonable costumes. that you canllnd. As we have Imported than direct frcmflie besfmarketc In Great Birltaln, We are condent you will be de- lighted with the value, but we want you to come and look over them for yourself, the more you-`inspect them the better you will like them Here are descriptions of a few particularly nice and stylish lines : BOARD 017' HEALTH SA RJ EA NT 4 at-$1.00; 81.2.5. `and $1.60 per yard. New Frenchdheviots, how patterns and eolerings in Homespuns, new Fancy Materials, new Weol Satin Cloths from 75c. to 81.25. New Black Silk and, Wool Poplins, a very handsome and effective fabric, perfect; in dye ,, (Pri'estley s),iand weave, an exquisite material for afternoon Dresses, at 7 50, $1.00, $1.25 and $1 40 per yard. New Broad Cloth Suitings in Plain and Twill effects, a new material, 52 inches wide, especially adapted for tailor made suits, in Fawn, Blue Grey, Oxford Grey and Black, . Au AA 4. Am a A. AA .'No new name will be added to the Subscription Illt until the money in paid. ' :ALL' SOLICITED. Just at this time of year when most every one is planning a new spring costume, it is only just to remind you of our F irst-class Dressmaking Depart- ment-where the best of modistes look after the tone and nish of every garment and give unfailing satisfaction in every detail of the work. -- 7 TH:-:4 Kmcl AMONG CORSET DEALERS. V` tha_Never Disappoints. '.x .. .>. ` . 'L`.._; DIHHQ _ _ _ ,, .. ---,`,....... n.n\.r'vv, ;.u Ul.uUl.' DU 11:- no other store in a. position either to give you the rices offered here. Put us to the test. It s in order Ie.re s no telling how soon these goods will take on oer lines have, and yon ll not be able to get good W \1 noney. If only to look and compare, come in to day D, regular $1.25, for 900. n, regular $2. 25, our price, $1.50. Here is a list of our principal brands : Flexible Gifdle Paris Classiqh Sylph Paris Lady With competitors in the corset trade in- variably nds the Cash Store come off victorious. We propose to have one again. It is a fact that Irwin carries more and better niakes of corsets than any other two houses vsiho handle the goods. 1' price 50,c,.bur price, 35c. , trunmgd top and bottom, vervne mater1n.l" IAMUEL WESLEY. VPRIDPRIETOH Always Dependable 1, just now, in order to re. notions. `We carry the 1 prices are cut on every Natural Form, Belfast `New Eregt Form, Straiglit Back. Etc., Etc., Etc. Wrv-Y with I #`1'tanllon Ihould secure a Rand-McNal|y Railway uldo and Hand Book-aiuuad monthlv. ll\-:l.. All --u__, . ,_- 4-. . THE NORTHERN Aovnucr-: A 8 Page 48 Column Newspaper. In Publilhed from the Oiee, :23 Dunlop Street Dania. in the County of Simcoc, the Pro-' Vince of Ontario, Canada, _every Thursday Morning, by ;AwAno nluun `to ALLANDALI. 1.3: 3.111., 7.56 a.m., 9.37 a.m.. 11.15 3.121., u.57 p,u., 5.17 p.m., 5.23 p.m.. 8.oop.m. AILLANDALB 1'0 nluuux. 1.503.!!!" 11.10 3.111.: "-25 1.111., 3.55 p.i'1-L, '0 uni p.m.. 9009 p`m` I _ -wuwv an-nu asuull &JUUB*_'II|l$l uluuuuv. Fnailv. All other trains Daily except Sunday. I01. I. unuu L U. rum! 7.56 3.1:: E: r9ss._ -`(.58 p.m., P mu L V `ems nu pfm `Atlantic 8: Pacic Ex. 3,53 pan. The evening Express leave: Toronto at 5.20 If A IITY 'I`l\`Y `Train: lave Ba:-fie for and arrive from thi ulcllnnnntioned plus: as follows` : ion. TCLRONTO. non Sfrvmo, 32 DUNLOP STREET. I .10 mm. mm. 0. [Mn . `.00 pan. Ex teas. 7.55 mm PEN TANG. 11.15 Ian. Accommodatjon. 5.88 p.m 0.00 pan. . Accommodatnon. 7.55 mm ALLANDALE & BARRIE SECTION. IIISIIIIJ I UL` u V 7.81 an. real. 9.09 p.in. 5.33 gm. gnu V ,_ 11.33 a.|:n. auvnunvnsr & NORTH BAY. I.1.8l mm. Mail. ` 5.15 pan." 8.5. pan. *Atln.ntic & Pacic Ex. 11.54 p.m. 0.10 " North Bay Mixed. 7.30 mm. Gravcnhurst mixed (south only) 9.35 COLLINGWOOD & -MEAFORD. 11.15 mm. Mail. ` 5.88 pan. I H as an nun:-nun, an s|_n| BARBIE RAILWAY GUIDE. mm or Pnnrnms; Tums or Suascmrnon. _\`y\m'nI' I I ' ' ` Upon thefelecti<.>n of Commissioners, :11 the powers, rights, authorities, or immunities, which: under the _Act, might have been exercised or enjoyed the Council, and the oicers of the Corporation acting for,` the Corporation, Ihsll and may be exercised by tne Com- '- missioners, and the officers appointed ` by the Commissioners, and the Council thenceforth, during the Continuation of the Board of Commissioners, shall have V no cuthority i.n respect of such works. , uuufuvww awn: -u HAM1L'ro'.i~:. PARIS 1900, p.n_:. mm. _procedure.-V-'.lp`elegram. L `Canada's election law should be amended so as to fix a ne of $5,000 and three monthsiimprisonment as the portion of any returning officer who dares to go beyond his plain duty of handing it certicate of election to the candidate whopolls a majority of the votes. Once the election in West Dur; ' ham was held it was none of the return- ing ocer's business whether the origi- nal nomination papers were invalid or valid. ' His clear and obvious duty was to declare the result of the poll and leave the courts, on petition of the de- feated member, to right all wrongs tr "17 Vs'r'.I."6rZy iii} 'I.'i.." Z.73.}m;.ea 1%! ::rpenterin_g on-oer, Good luck It; V ~ -A-A -nu r - up. -_' _ . Advance Confespondencc. . ' Our Temperance Society is xfgthor `wank; just new. _ ` ll`... (IT... l'1.I.`I_.II :. _2_:;2~ __ ` `Mr. And Mrs. Sianley, at Guthrie; und*Miu `Knighf, of B_u-`rio, jvipited iriendlin this-ikriuinty lne,w__'o'_al :.-g V .1 ~...'...'; -_I;__2."..;... -..-_; .__' 1 n * lli 3 VI A""""`lJ ' Mrs. Wm. Caldwell is visiting friends :6 3Vl1lO.cl.m_roh _Ont._ . 'l llt is only but recently, that our town Council, in response the clearly ex- pressed wish of the people, decided to undertake the control of these depart-' rnents, and it" now becomes necessary for us to determine if the. present management is the best available. This is a question of no small importance -and -one that should receive due considera- tion from the ratepayers of thetown. A V III&XZ 2V V D XU. V. Mr. T. Tail-;to';1;iIl;r':>~ther from `London Ont, paid him 5 visit last week. 1'1- 111.... n..._`~ 1.... ....s__ -.._ _- _?_ -'-g - 1' May Edwards and Miss lgortie Bertram have gone on 1 visit to friends in Ejmyu)o=und Barrio. _ "'.K.3:7-6-To T? %"%E"a533't'75 plus hero, lat Wecfiuaqdgy, March 6ph, when `finals. `Haitian. $4.. .:._....2-_I . - Mr. Haughton Lennox s' maiden speech In the Dominion Parliament would have done credit to a parliamen- tarian of much longer experience. It was delivered on the occasion of the Alien. Labor - Law discussion and was most favorably received by both sides of the House. Mr. Lennox identied himself at once with the interests of the laboring man by strongly pressing upon the government, the urgent need "of prompt action being taken in order that our labouring, classes might freed` from the injustice to which-they have been so long subjected. ` -uv-w gunav &9nI\I- all-CIUII UUII WIN 3MiIi_ g; mgrtiqd to - An opportunity will be given the citizens of Barrie on March 19th, to decide as to the advisability of issuing debentures for" a -grant of $2000 to aid in the construotion of a new and en- larged hospital. We call the Vattention of our readers to a letter, in another column, from Mr. W. Sarjeant, Sec. `of Board of Management,` in which the `claims of the institution are very fully |eet-forth.. ' '- Al _ Chan. M. Hays, la*te, General Mana- ger of the Grand Trunk System, 13 to receive $60,000 a year as manoger of the Southern" Pacific; If he exercises- a reaaonable amount of caution he should be able to pull through on that. G. F. Matter into retire from Ontario politics after the present session. A petition is in circulation asking Mr. Frank Arnoldi K.U., to become the Conservative candidate. V .- ' Dr. Ford, of Ncrwood, has been _n_om- inated` by Eaet Peterborough Conser- vatives as their candidate for the cem- ing Provincial Elections. . EDITORIAL Norms. _ The Public School Teachers of Tor- onto, have been granted increases in salary amounting in all to about $29.- 000. " - L" If the appointment) of a Commission stands to give us a more economical and business-like oversight of these depart nests and as a result a more iecient and protable service, then certainly the citizens are entitled to all the advantages likely to result therefrom. A It is casting no reection on the present nor any former Council to argue, the chances are dscidely in favor of the interests of the _ town being better conserved; by placing. the management of these departments in the hands of men with some `special qualications tor the ivork in hand_, and A -who. untrammeleci by `other -- public. *n`air s, give these `matters their * hndivided st_tentionL"_ ".I?be-Ajs'trongsst. is 1-i.atp-ayers, vote __for the bye-law.` It will cost. you nothing [and] may be considerable in your. pocket. "does our Bpi imply ` M`? "39 position will notbe sought by the ghost, hosiness;tslen_t7 .'of the town. Some of our ahlest men, A hsvo_,`ii'p to. the present, generously volunteered to serve at the Council` board, sndithere is every reason to believe that the desire`. to give the town the very best services at their dis- `posal wire the chief, it not the only motive that sctusted them. . ` _ The question wiilehe placed. before the people and it will for them to decide. If there is avpoaeibili-ty of the suggested change proving an improve- ment, and we certainly think there is, then there should be no `objection. to to giving it a fair trial. *0:._vi_lh:, the bagupouible re dtigtu to tljaru:apda:*"` n In if` :u . "If this is a correct conclusion, and if the public spirit of our citizens has not been completely exhausted, then we have no reasongo doubt that when the occasion offers, capable men will not be wanting to undertake themanagement of what are really the only revenue producing departments in the public King Edward. stamps. The first postage stamps hearing the like- neee of King Edward VII. are already in i circulation, and have been eince 1899 `In that year the colony of Newfoundland, by V way of paying a compliment to the royal ' family, ieaued atarnpe of varioue denomina- tiona. bearing portraits of .di'erent\membera ' of the ro al amily. including the Prince of ' Wales. ' he atampwith I-lie Majeaty a like- ueea is a two-cent one, the eize of an ordinary V `Canadian; atauip. and brick-red in color. ' It in neatlvi resigned`, and the.pictureof`the King`, in.uniiorIn`..ie of` oourae areceut one ` .1:|;ma;m though im11v`i'.d= in .tho.reig'n' .0! .QneIui v.a..i.rji!- it thu-#50 5| -!% wiTth:*t~|2o ., linen eilibi: hi;|Ii!,-!rl9sv? f1I 3- .,gy_1cnalaud1? ' nvwluull Empire, W]M'i;a"l;;1:t-ha Dickey, of` Strand is the guest of Mn. W. Sfxotu. The Council may, however, by bye- law assented to by the people, at any time dispense with the services of the Commission and again assume the en- tile. oversight and management of the works. ," Miaiiiv} i&JJ:nd Miss Ellie Muir spent Sunday in Josephine. - '1'-- n_..._I... `QJ engine ouf of the. swamp to Veapra aiding to cut box wood A __..__I_.._ l__ _._ _V. ...-----u -v vuuw new: VVVVII A n_.ue1berVi:r-om` here attended the concern in Angus on Friday evening, and report a good uime. oavuvs LUVIJO Report of S. S. No. 17. Innial, for March.` Class V-0. Smith. E. ` Carr, N. Reid. Olul IV--M. Webb, A. Wine. Sr. Clan III--J. Gibbina, E. New. .G. Smith, 1. .Tl > El... `I"l'| IXT l\!I.l..!__ II? _ Grenfel. . ' Advance Carreapondence. Bert. Yeubg is on the sick lint. , V - Mn. W. A. `Herron is on the nick list . Jno. Sheard is working for Jan. Brumby. A Miss Ida Birnie returned home to lnnistil on Saturday. - ' .Wio6. Jr; Chas II1-W Gibbina, W % llul"'l. o UIDDIBI, nu Ga 1- Qumz, D. Guest. w Webb. G. Miller, HT T Webb, L. Webb. Clan Il.-P Gibbinl, N. + Fagan. L. Quanta; Sr. Clan 1-R'tVgb, 3 n, J. (`Inna T_,, I II--h3'- 03511, :4. quanta, at. Ulau 1-8" Webb, B. Webb. Jr. Cla.u_I--J. Martin. H. Irv- ing. H. Martin. Number on roll 24, over bgo attendance 17. Mia, Wm:-Ros`: has sold her farm and is going to mo_ve to Allandale. II I! We a.:e to report that Miss Nellie Watson is recovering from her recent illness. ` I .... .. ....v ..uw.uuno nnuuo Lulu: ,r:ul.'. i Mrs. J38. -4 Adam who has been sick | I am glad to report, improving. 1 II... ,/1'1`; \ 1-r The statutes, bearihig {xpon thefmatter V gfter ging the Council a.uthority-by },,e.1aw asaenced to by the electors---to' provide for the election of Commis- sioners, proceeds 2-`-2 I 'Mra; T('1'%ev`.) N. Fburlnpbgll presented her husband with a young baby boy_ last week. `Mr; A. `E-.'3dorrison apenhnlast week visit {:13 friends in Toronto. . .- npvuvuuuvo `i1;.(~}oorge Richardson had a bee last Monday, drawing wood. `I.. I'_._L,, I Mt. `the position of fore- manifor H. Lenuox, M P. ` , IIV - ` '1 __ . - _- ___----v-wuvv "Cgolnze in making preparations for building a new house this summer. CI? . " " Q" The shing industry at Oro Station is on the increase since last year. Man I..'.. A..I..... _.L_ I... n..._ -=-I- Painswlck. Advance Correspondence. T Mr; Alex. Hardie, jr., sold` a. team last` week for $275. _ ` ` 0l'O Ba-UIOTI. 7 Advance Correspondence. Mrs. Brock is also on the sick list. I Mrs.LCaraon ,has been ill with inam- mation 9'f the lungs. II`: All on `Friday evening a number of our `people visited Mr. Robt. Murphy's to say good-bye to Mr. and` Mrs. J as. Brett who leave this week for the West and to present them with a token of our` regard. Mr. [Brett received a. gold- beaded cane and an easy chair, while Mrs. Brett was presented with an easy chair and some beautiful silverware. We wish them a happy life in their western home. _v. -..u -vuua nuul Ul. wLUU. The Japanese social of the Preaby terian church choirpaeaed of very satis- factorily last; week, although the roads and weather were not. aegood as the beat.` _-._ THE PEOPLE MUST SPEAK. On March 29th, a. bye-law will be lnbmitted to the ratepayers of the town, dealing with the advisability of placing the Electric Light and Water Works Departmental under the exclusive man- agement of a Board of Commissioners. The Board is to consist of three mem- bers, of whom the head `of the Council shall ex ofcio be one, and the remaind- er of whom shall be elected annually at the same time and in the same manner in the head of the Council. "341." 3;;" nfJ the third line sold a two year old colt; a few days ago for the neat` sum of $100. In... I ..... -- , -- - -- -nuuuuv JLEII 5 {CD0 WU`o -.1"he members of the Presbyterian ohoirenjoyed 9. sleigh-ride _to Allieton last Thursday evening. ' Mr I... 'I'..f`|.'ll -1.` LL- L15 1 I- T=i>npi1I,.;iui6n`d giving a concert `in aihe _-Jnenfnturd. We ire awaiting `it. K ' WA Q-au nnAmu-- `A I--Q `..A-- g-_ _.:.'.L -`.r.-`.iI~-...:a-w{Ji"'V_ ' up . : n-. ,. *v s` . ;guq-- cup-uqvo V ~u v.-{av -vvunvulg In ` _` ? Wajarnilorryto in-0;t:ftma our will!` -`Private H; Smith, sSe`n`th African and his cousin Mr. ._ Harold Smith -formerly, of England who boarded the train on Wednesday evening last go: Ottawa, where they-will remain await- ing their `transportation to the barren. plains of South A'frioa., We glory in the biavery of our depatting friends, and wish `them a safe teturn, M`:-.. Howard Little, of. Glenceirn spent a. few deye at last week with Mr. Ed. Bigger. L 1] . 1`: lV_-I_,,, , V--"(la Tuesday `evening, March 19th, the Epworth League. will hold their monthly literary `entertainment. A programme will be given and afterward a_ collection will be taken up. Everett. Advance Correspondence. _Don t miss the Orange concert to-mor-_A row (Friday) evening. 0 A very enjoyable time was spent at Mr. Isaac Hall's last week._ ' 'I'VL- ._.-_Vl- e"E:3':{e*";'?.I{n"'.`.1"`1;.`Ii'$,7 "55???" several gelephone poles on the E539. In-nul __'11: 75.. . Coohrene is busy hauling lumber for the erection of a new barn` in the spring. mt-.. -as l`l-.__L_nl ., V . - - Subucribers now in arrears for three months and 0901' will be charted $!.:o Der annum 1i'll'.: m. chL'.I."13'y'e'{iL".I'.'7L'i .uo1: list. Mrs; Belton,- pf Msniconlon Island, is visiting friendlhere. f ' - ` ' fI|L_ 1.',_,___ - dilhl` D. IYXZX WI VD "1"he farmers of -this vicinity ai-0; _ busy hauling ice for summer use. `II. .....`I ll`..- `l'-L_ n 9,. i - 0- I ---.`-- av: uuulluwl UGO. Mrfadd` Mrs. John Srigley visited friends at Allenwood, on Sunday. Ml! mnunnn f`AIp.-nan-- --1' r`--|--l----- --.v-uu u-v aaspvuwvvllg VII Illlllllo Mr. Earnest. Coleman, of Cookatown, spent Sunday with Mr. Herb` Lougheed 'l`I..s .n...... .. u.._.`l,._ .I:-_I'_--.I C VOA`! SP .3 O - Mrs. '.l`. C?e:npbell has returned home after as weeks visit with Mrs. Matthew Campbell, of Allendale, who has been_ `an Honor Roll.~ & 1? Q: `I T `Thomas and Dr. Polling moved` that the School_Boarda of the town he urged to act onthe provision of sec 16, chap. 249, R S O. 1897. with reference to the compul- jory vaccination of all school children. The Orillia Board of Health made a re- commendation to the Council of that town somewh t similar to that made by the Barrie Board :3` Health re vaccination, and the Council atits meeting on Monday evening, March 4th, decided to `make vaccination compulsory. For-that purpose all the med- ical men were appointed public vaccinators, and those who are `unable to pay for them- I selves or their children will be given an` order which will entitle them to free vaccin- ation by any of the doctors. ' 1 Honor Roll. Report of 8.8. N 0. ll} Inuial. V. Claaa-H." Constable, G. Howie ; IV. Class-'-G., Gordon, 0, Neely, G. Mu-cin,E. Black. E. J ohnaton,A. Black, V E. Howie; -III. Olaas--W. Constable, L Gordon, R. Johnston, A. Constable, F, Clorkf; _II. Class-V-M.` Constable. H. Block, J. Spring; 'I._ Class or. pt.`-`- F._ Nnghciugslo; W. Black,-1D.~,-Ho_vyj_; T -I_.i.. :...1... 1: 1n..'..., 1- ml