Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 21 Feb 1901, p. 8

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Hilledele. ' Advance Correspondence. . Jasper Merton's new lumber mill commenced operations on Monday. 1'\l'III 0 ,__.._..i . D. G-albrai.th is also suffering from 3 ysmmed knee, caused while drawing logo. 111. 1'-|_,, cu , . , . ,,1 I , `"f! "G" Mr. J ohu Shortreed, who is suffering from a broken `leg, has taken seriously ill with inammation cf the bowels. of Mr. Kenneey Gibson on H Monday evening llch inat., and spent 3 very pleasant. time. ` The trustees of the church made a. bee recently and tore down the old church and are making preparations to built their sheds in the spring. ` LLLLLLLLA Al .T , -A 0-III!lIIOIOIIUO.'II'Il!OlCI D HOKSOCICICIIOOIO IIIOIOIIO> Lina I-Inns- nalectinnn no to 211).. . . IQIVD K1083, ICIXFIOIII I70 (0 130- n n a " II 0 n 0 0 0 o 0 I Chickens perpIur.........'... Geeseperlb.......... . Tufkay peI`l_b........ D||ckn_ nnr nan . . . . _ . . . 9533 P Apple-. a Annie: nu T 3-Miss Me:-z'yg`oldi,. is the guess of Mr. and Mrs. D. Cameron. A perlorsocial will be hel to-night inf; the residence of Mr. Mc nnan,.sr. W001.WalneapOl'ID....u......_u.. Wool. unwashed. 3:: food. I FL. nap on _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ W001. IIIIWBBIICC. pGI' ID. o o o o o o to c o o a Wood, 2 ft.. per cord. .... Wood, 4Ltt., per cord... Anthracntecoal. per ton............ Hid8.`....o-nu-::.:.-:':.;. _ o Calfskin: per lb. ...;.. . Tallnw mar lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - The the . Toronto Markets During the Wqok; f BOOf,f0tBq\IIftGl'I-n 000000005000 Ran`. Indnnnrtna-n- . _ . . . . - . 1. . . -. l"fUqIIlI"UI"oonoo_aono.oInnonuoo B;:hindq o5nboloovootlrtiol Mutton. OIIIIlIIOIOCIUO.'UI'IlVOlCC T5...-..4I I1.`-a IJFTCCI l'lO`loonoaocoooco Illooouou Live Hogs, selection: :70 to 230.. . "n .. licht or hmvv _ . . . . . . . - - Illg I What.....:.....;;...;..;-....u V-go` 6..- . I'I0l'BB I18.` Shqepskin Hob1e;;_rB_rgs., 23-$In: - ::gn- -n Klllmdale wberf is being badly. rack? ; ed by the ice, and will be corn to pieces before spring if not attended to as once. ' For Choice _14'amily Flour and all lands or Feed go to Wllklneou9o. All omen delivered promptly In any aranuty. Please leave your olden at e lllnll olllee-or Telephone No. 23. James Campbell 83 Son, of Utopia, started to move uheir portable saw mill to the 6th word, to out Mr. Bolf a aup~ ply of logs. ` for war benet, and our prot-. These are the blends we are struck on. . 25 ch. ~ . 40 cu. ; And 50 C18. ' TRY THEM. scientic b;tii..I,- MacI.Am:N-s onus srone. ' IIARRIE A quarter `of a. cantnrv we have been blending COFFEE 'I\'nEncHAN'rs, BARBIE. VVVVVVVVVV` TEA obs, . Gino. Momma 'r11`m-_nAnxm1fs.V 4-0::-V" a. Mr8; Phillipa and her daughter, Bertha, lefo on -Monday for Montana, where they intend visiting friends for e the next: 3 `or 4- months. HIDI8. Bank, F_eb. do. 190: Wa--._ 3oo.___ J 45.... .lwII-[via;;u.i'-glv1:<;z-1,`-'<:;' "6-rangeville, is visiting with Miss Tillie Arnold. on At `this price 'w e offer you a. real good o `ULSTER-OVERCOAT, men : and large boys ` sizes, heavy wool frieze, tweed linings, slash pockets, well out and made, in every respect 9. good cold weather coat, $3.50. uxvuuo, uuuxva auu Uvlvllll, uuu uu l'BE'Cl9.8S in all respects. `The quantity held is their only fault--note the upportunity, coats at $6 50, $7350, $8 and $9, for $5. TAKING just completed shows too many goo \ \.?(m,;t,ivn'4i!ep,Ir!inients;msny of them if not sold during this most wintry of wink.` gnonths 'mnst.of necessitysbehcsmh-ied to next winter We don t like salting the, tavwany, we would rather sell them, sell them at even less than cost, get the rem; " money, use the money inthe purchase of new goods shortly to arrive. A fa, of these lines are as follows : At this price we offer purchasers the chnice of any of our heavy storm Overcoats, worth from $6 to $9. ` This lot contains a varietv of cloths, `makes and colorings, but all rst-Elass {n all I-nananh: Thu Annual-:0-cc !...1,Il :_ ._L,:,, |.Axes and Gross-cut Saws All out $I0 nuuhle-Breasted Suits $1.50, $8.50 for $6.50. ` $1.50 for $5.50, $5.00 for $3.15. CEURN. ` Come and see the new Ball-Bearing Churn. `In any size you want. 0' Q 0 0 HUNTER % ROS 6 . V 'Mra`.'G Lush, of Hamilto fa visits `in; hr sister, Mrs. Alex. Brunton. ? In all departments will be found goods at. reduced prices to clear. I_ .4 1&1: _. T11: HAMBLY'S HARDWARE. See-`our Nobby Newpmtng Hats. 7 'See our Styl'ishiNe'w Spring Ties. IF , YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THE BEST- .R.HAMBL e Thin week we offer the greatest lieu of high-class Bargains , Barrie has seen this year. We have `taken all the small lots left from our nelt and beat Double-breasted Tweed and Frieze Suits, and marked them away below their early-season prices. and in many inritanoea leaa than coat. ' Remember these bargains are until March lat,_ as we take stock on that date and we wish to cleu-_ the lot out. THE DOUBLE STORES. $6.00 Miss Lime, of Thornburv, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W, B. Taylor, E8B8 R08d. V ` 4_ ` .b V IBARRIE9 MEN; FOR MEN. Opposite the Post Office. `you will nd them at Balance of stock of FIRST-CLASS Fm GOODS to be sold at usual MID-WINTHA OUT PRICES. A buyer s opportunity E this, Astrachan Coats in three-quarter and full lengths, Coon Coats, Fur Lined Cupq Electric Seal Coats, Sable, Beaver and Lang , Mnffs, Collarettes, etc., all as cut prices. HOW T-- cry: This is fhe-ba:si-s on which we iince the M, .' ance of our stock of FINE LAD ES COAT; \ all choice goods, this season's styles, ftnm nevi; M best makers, everyqualitv from $4 to 316;; tbls half-price rate, now from 82 to $8. Feed your hens Oyster Shell and they will lay eggs. We have it for sale at a remarkably` low price. BG-G-S 25:. D02. HALF I=J-Jnucs, $2 To $8 Mi. 8. Dyinenb, ot the Glen Allan Dairy Farm, has put in his summer -supply of ice. - ` LADIES FURS T21, 19 ap He B 04 ADIT D\I\r ARIT I"\ nu iii] pr 09114 gxd ; I H you f '1] Fa `South-Woaitern Divioion. with `its lilouant __8treets.1ta Tastv Dwell- ncl. its Pretty` churches. and its Go- :-head People wm mnnoe settlement " --A Wooklv Record of its Doings. ' Mr. Samuel Bradford has returned hoxoe from the Simlu. ' Adi Jan.` ab\.v "M" chi said I `Miss "0harl_tcn was absent from` hei duties on Frnday last on account of Md. M. J. Hdmlin was in Torohto for a few days last week. _ Mr.` Geo;ae VWhiteley has `returned home trom Depot Harbor. Miss Osmpbell, of PortT Berry,- visiting her aunt,` Mrs. P. Hzele, this place. 5- . n&1t3ivAY g._IN'19na% or ~ranS_ V _ :a'tJ'rU1'am;c1'1f.._j ` ' air.` . is of Glad `to see Mns ` Glautfgina Marahalll in oVu_r_ mfidus again. ' -g-` n -- I .`~Ct)'.n g'rftulatibn; 1'0" Mi`. and Mrs; lobero Mu.i'aball,7{Inar`ried Feb. 13 ` .2 v-5 The qeertette A boys called on Mr. Campbell, of Fennel1 s, on Mcnduyw evening, and expressed their sppreci scion of his daughter "Flora's" services,- as organist for the quarcecoe since is began p_raccice.- Mss- Campbell wall be" missed. as organist, buses she is going away all we can doejs wish. her success and happiness in the future. `V Mr. N.1-:;)`_;;;-c, (End his aiseei-5.`-`Hattie iI.Id_ Rosie, vipitq':l.':F&ir'viewA Faun 1:9- ' ::"`e"' .' .. A - V On Thursday evening last, Bayview l Lodge No. 174 Ladies Auxiliary to the B. of R. '1`. held a Valentine social and entertainment in Bor.hwell s hall, and was a grand success in every purtjcular. .The1ha|l was nicelv d_eoorat,ed `for the Aoceadion`--the windows were draped _with beautiful ohenelle-sud` lace Ollif mine, and from the four corners of the hall was`. hung rea,- ivhlte and. blue `huntiug ; on the platform was a bean- ilfull-. piano.` =pat-lc4r_ `chain, - robes - and mnowwas 1`lpr- `T Rd I Mr. Robb. Sproule, in, was eizadl i with a stroke lass weekat his daughcet-'a,_ -Mrs. Geo. Wallace, He hasbeen con- Ined to bed ever since b\uc is now" re- ! covering _alowly. ' " Tbemily of Mr. G. F. Lynn have been lnid up with the grippe. Muster Lorne took a relapse and is still suffer- ing from inammation of the lungs. : nu -g . - The nlwy storm of last week blocked the roads completely but men turned out wish their shovels and cleared the` W333 ' the village. M-r. I-Iioka, wimd, ilt-!ml')'60'li' 'e_;1-ganged.` with Mr. W. J. Allan, i_s moviqg into . VA sleigh load are:x;>[e:;te`ci[Vt-c; go to Oraigvule concert on Friday evening. M- 'n'_--L_ _,s_; a . .- A good etovd `(is ev1;;:e`cced at the carnival on Tuesday evening`. in 1- Mr. Jae. Ma th;z;p;, of SLrul1'd. is ossi- ing Mr.- Sloan in waqgon building. ..I_!,I I `I Navigation is jussopning "up after the severe storm last. week. _, _..-v. --- ..-.-u v-Iv nu wulvu out! In!` ceased was held. rThe pal!-hearers were Messrs. Thos. ,-Mc_0might, Geo. Frank- lund, Patrick Dorun. Walter Black, Jas O_outts and `John Wullwin. Deceased leaves a. widow and five children to mourn his loss,-- aniel and J nseph, of Rathwell, Mam; dwerd and Svdney. at home and the only `daughter, Jessie. The family have the sympathy of the whole community in oheir sad bereave- ment. 7 ' Death hasagain visited our little, village and has taken away from our . midst a kind and loving husband and father. Mr. Richard McGowan. who has been suering from an abseas on the lung: for the last two or three years, quietly expired on Friday morning at four o'clock, after a long and serious ill- ness Mr.`_ McGowan was born in Mid- hurst on the 14th of July, 1848. '_ He spent his childhood and youth on the. 4th line, Veapra. "When about 40 years of age he went to the State of Michigan where he received the injury which afterwards resulted in his death; The funeral took place on Sunday, being` conducted by the Rev. Mr.- Paton, the 7 church being suitably draped for the occasion; A large number turned out to allow the respect in which the de- ltnnnnrl Inn`n LA 'L- -- A,` ' V Onsunday evening the Rev. Joseph ` Young, pester of the Burton Avenue Methodist Church, gave an excellent address to boys and young men, taking his text from Luke ii: 51 52. The preacher said he would refer tonne boy who was as perfect model, and that boy e was Jesus. He referred to the training of some of the boys in Allsnclsle, and said that the windows in the basement of the Methodist Church would not ehsveqbeen broken if the boys had re ceived proper training. He urged par- ents to give their children is moral and religious training. fhe same sermon will be continued next Sunday evening when the pastor will speak on "Words of'0ounsel to Our Buys." During the taking up of the o`errory. Mr. Walter Keloey sang a. solo, Where is My Wandering Boy.To-night," the choir " joining in the chorus ; it was rendered -' `very e`ectively.t ` V ` -"D;l'x:.".Iamea. Iveaon, of Toronto, at` tpnded the funeral of the `late-Mr. Richard McGowan on Sunday, return . icg to the city on Monday. -We regretlvlzo Tre;T>for-t';1-io'n;: Mr. Thou. Black, who is down with typhoid `in the Royal Victoria I-Iospinal, Barrie. ino not improving as well as could be wished. ` ' ` Neighbors say it you want lint,-cla-I our to take your wheat to Wilkin- sou ! 1VIul,.Ban-lo, to be exohanzon or grinned. Sprlim;o1`n9taq took ago:-ga TMaate r Evrest Coucts, son of. George Coasts," is recovering from a ` BBFIOIIB attack of appendicitis. 1u..a...n.n....... _`-_. .- ._ -, V. T_ Misu Mary Fdrgunon returned from a visit to Miss Edith Turner, of Floa, on Saturday. - Midhurst. _ Advance Correspondence. Mr. Arthur` Finlay is suffering at present tram : bad attack of rheuma- tism. ` j chori)s_;_ lfy _ A A _ iliary, who ssn=59i_'Gbd.' hefwith you_?*`tillv ' we meet. egein.-`aiter ..'whioh. the audi,- _ fence sang "God-.B_are the--King." `The: Ipariicipsnts rendered their parts -' ex-- 1 .;`: ceedingly well. ..'f;_It`inight he mentioned that three of ihrse taking part in the programme, _Mis'_s'L. Soules, and Messrs. F. Soules and H. Heard, `made their first appearance on a. .puhl'c platform, and performed ' their parts admirabry well. Nearly .every._piec'e on the pro-' gramme receivedpsn enchore. The ac- compsnists of the evening . were Misses A. Graham, N. Gross. E. Wilson, A. Logue, AM. Hill, and Dr. H. T. 'Aroall.' After the programme was concluded the ladies furnished an excellent sup- per for the large audience present. As caterers, too much cannot be` said on behalf of the -Ladies Auxiliary, for they set an A 1 table. and they are the people who know` how to provide on such occasions. ' The hall was soon ' cleared for thosewho wished to trip the "light fantastic toe, which was taken udvantugeof by a very large crowd. Excellent music was ' furnished by the A Keenan orchestra. Everybody was well pleased with the Valentine Social. Great praise is accorded the Ladies Auxiliary for the rare treat provided. dune}; song, c:....:.... ~. ........' `l\`..5I:l' m . _._-n . ..;-. 1 1t`a1rv1e'w. Adhvanoev Qonumndnu. The peel: week has been a very hard one on the snow plow men, and the walks of the 6th ward have been very , well attended to eoneideringthe heavy '1 storm. Of course, some people will ` grumble if the work is not done inane no, but when the smell pay (about $40) is considered. we can't expect too much of any man. Let the Couneilpay a ' good gure end then omen can take a shovel w th ham and do a little extra work. Enough said. pg . n -; - EZI 3355` Advance Cnrroobondence. Ohurchul T Mia; Agnes Bloxha:IVl1.ius:i;iting her: -liatgr, Mrs, 0. Burns, of Tnorncon. I [ -_ ...' _. _ _ V . ., Miss Francis Gibson, of_Elmvale, ,retuI{net uIter aicwo weeks `visit I ` N[|ss L`_z`g1_g 'G_.bson. - - ` ' ` Mrva. J. Adre;v;a;:(a:s laatvweek 'wiuhVher aipeer Mm Smith of Pain amok.` ~ = ` ' Hiessxia . S.` and W. Malay, of Barrie spent Sunday vmh friends here. ` ` Mm Lmfe, of T.....;..1;.;.;,";;a. been visiting Mu. Dngmnqe $1-_1gley. A. apeoinl freight herein come one: peobedly around she curve the other day just. as cheaeccion men on the hand our reached the 2nd lune orb `tag. The men jumped, but before they got; the car olf ohe amok. the train caught the two wheels, smashing `them, Fortu- -nately` no ocherdamuge was done. A box socislr under the auspices of the ladies of the Epworoh League will be held in the school house here next. Fridsv.evem'ng,V Feb, 22nd. A good programme is being, prepared and s first} class time is expected. Much sympathy is felt`. by the many friends of Mr. Bigelow in the loss of his wife, who died on Monday night after an illness of three days. The deceased` was in the 26th year of her age. The bereaved husband is left: with one child about a year old. The remains were taken bv G.T.R. to Inglewood `yester- day (Wednesday) morning f0!`-iDto0l"' DOING. ' Holly. Advance Con-espondenee. " Mr. John Srlgloy-ha : added to his ptdparny a`wxuamm. ' V Anton Mule. - Advance Cotmpondence. ` Born on Fuduy, Foo. l5oh, 1; son to Mr. and Mrs. Robero MoDougall. The roads in this vicinity are in a bad condition with snow drifts," and I phmk the pnonmascer would only be doing his dutyit he would look after the matter and see thunhey be opened ` lip. 'i`he each! at Mr. Jae. 0ampbell a wee a success, but owing to the uufuv arable weather, the attendance was small. V The contubutxon amounted to $70300 ` ' , During the heavy storm of last week the wind mill so Mr. D.` Ferguson : be came unconsroluble and was cona1der- ably damaged. ' ' Messrs. Jae. Ca-mpbezll dz Son will move thou` saw-mall so Allandale as soon as the roads are in a condition to do so. ' Mr. Frank Rowe has returned home after ependgng a few months in the city, _ (V (`I . I -In Mes.ars. S4. -`Stevens ana are pumug In as large sbockof logs at. one sown-hue mill yards. Mr. 'l`hoa.`Arthur is-hzlvinlg alarge burn built. on his farm during the early summer. Mr. John Campbell has the contract. and Mr. Parliament is getting che"manemsl on the ground. ..u. v -oa-w vvu n vwgavnlulillluiic Mr. Garnet Ferguson 13 home from "B:-gnefurd. ' ` ' Rev. Geo. McKinley, of the Etzabeth St. Methodist Church, occupied the; pulpit of the Presbyterian church on` Sunday morning and gave a very in- atruotive discourse to a large congre- gation. Rev. Dr.cFindlay, Superinten- -dent of Home M ieeione, preached in the evening. - ,Mr. John Campbell, having sold his farm to Mr. J uhn Rosa, is coming so \ reads in Shanty Bay and mu likely` hve in the Archur. coctuge. T Mr. Brooks` hes rented h.iae lg) :-ick house on the like ahoreuo a gentleman in Toronto; Mr. Samuel Palk, who has been ill: for some time, is unprovmg slowly. Mr. Chag: Arthur talksiot; giv:l_r:( up -busnness in Shanty Bay next spring. `I I` 'I'\` Mr. Juhn McGill intends bniiding 9. large brick house next. summer. M.-. Jan. Pvue and M:-.HR._ wiiuams will exchange residences next week. It An . The people of this part are in sym pushy wxth mhe. movement toieetmblieh I larger hospital in Bertie, and mu do Bomehlng so help the good work `as tune rolls on. ` Mr. .Jaa.' Hart is home ftox Mus- Akolga on busmeps. ' The school concert held" by the teach- ere and pupxla of our school was as great a success as was expected, and a neat sum was realized. The attendance at the school has been below the normal latelyon account of the weather and the roads. _ i . Our sympathies ere extended to the family of,Mr. Geo. Sergeant, ot Urc, and to Mr. Thos. Gravestone, in their `sad bereavement. Mrs. Gravestone -died, after a. short illness, of pneumonia, which was of a severe `nature from the start. She was ill on Tuesday, when Dr. Ull1tt0n,;0f Edgar,.wns called, and she died on Friday" morning. On Sun- day the funeral took place in the after noon at 1:30 and the cortege proceeded to Crsighurst English Church. Rev. J. H. T-ney conducted the services in his usual wnysnd delivered one or the -best funeral sermons your correspond- ent ever hesrd in this county. St. George s . Pariah--Ou Sunday`, Feb. `24, the Rev. Mr. Wright, of Steyner, who nae spent 25 years as a missionary inthc N orth-We-st, will con- duct anniversary services an Sc. George s. `Church at 11 and 7 o'clock, and also an Christ's Church, 7th Vespru, at 3 p.m. fy i;x;VVVagne_'zA': hQ8:'j.'|]`It rotnrn'eTd home utter apend.1`ng.~a,few dgylnt Mr. J. J. Rowan : Faure'a Corners. Neighbors` nay you want out-clan Flour Iosuko your when-to Wilkin- uou9s_1!lIu. Barrie. to be exchanged or crulodr - - , any . 1 1'4 . IN `,2! LI,,, We plnnk our County Council b1un~ dared when they reopenedthe question of the Sanfordueuresiee, and commend Mr. Quinlan and Mr. Bell for the stand they cook.` ' V ` vjdinity jatund. ed the funeral of Mr."_Jam'ea Drnmmond at` th Old Fort oh s_.;ua4.;y l_as_c." ' shantv Bav. 7 Advance Correspondence. Mr. Browulee is reported ill. Mia Rose Cameron is visiting in Barrie. ' ' A 1u:uaVn`b4e_;r{ bf peuple met at the home { 5: ;;.g.sj s.%%%s. L.;.gg,....,o:.. 3 Ween on Sunday lash. s Coiwell. - Advance Correspondence. _-_.. __.__.` T. Mia. Geo. Cummings ban; from 9. few week a visit with friends in ..Toronto.- - - an, of Elmvale, has wekg with` 5 until: ' We, phe undersigned, do hereby agree to refund" the money on 5 50~oent bottle of Greene : Warramed Syrup of Tar if it; fails tooure your cough or cold. We also your-A aneee 3 25-0011: bottle to prove eotiefaotory or moneyrefu`nded. 1-...-- Q-no 4 V 7 t The `Ferndale Academy of learning was closed during the lean three days of last week owing to our genial teacher, `Mr. Lawr, being storm stayed`. ' V . Eerndale. Advance Correspondence. . V ` The roads in thus `Vi_0ln,l0V are in 3 very bad state: - Enquiries ni'e- being made an to when the annual school entertainment will be held.` Oh, let. it be soon ! W. L. men while drivK.g'}"a;.1o sleigh had a very narrow escape from getting. has leg crushed under the bunks of the sleigh ; as it is he has 5 sprained ankle and a foot. ' The Anglican congregation of Hille- dale are about making arrangements for the erection of a stone church. One lady of the congregation offers to raise {$100 `towards the project. Canduccor P O'Donnell returned to work last week after a lay off of some five weeks from injuries he received while coupling cars at Beeton, 1% -A

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