Correct-ideas can be .Alea1rned by frequent visits to this store. . We are glad tohajve youcome and will cheerfully show you anything you wish to see. . e J ' ' ~ i to _Like the unfolding` of a ower you behold new beauty and novel- ties" eireryo oweek" in our Dress Goods showing. New fabrics and fa'sh~ionable. .dr ess. materials are` being. shown in pleasing variety, and no matter how often you come some new fabric will attract \your_ at- tenti_on and win your admiration. Now is the time to study the trend of fashion for spring and summer. ' i Ask to see these next time you come : CASH STORE CHEAPEST m BARRIE. Partial list of lid-winter Sale Attractions E w. . . nun: THE TOWNCOUNOIL. _ The recent action of the Council in ' petitioning the Legislature to . mnke provision whereby at return can be made `to the ward system by towns that have found the new method unsatisfactory Is,` we believe, an expression of popular opinion. The experience with areduced Council has not gone to convince the public that better men are elected and juainess conducted with greater wisdom ' and deepntch than under the ward sys tem. "And that the electors will en- dorse the return to the old order of . things when the by-lew is submitted, . iherecnn belittle room to doubt. CLOSER our THAN EVER Splendid assortment of English and Domestic Prints, in the very best patterns at last year s popular ~ prices - -' -a - - 10c. and DStriped Canton Batiste. a splendid washing material [in pretty colors for blouses, at - - - - - Llama Cloths in fancy ' shell and 3' polka dot patterns, an American fabric, good imitation of French annel, a ne wrapper cloth, at 263 yds. of Amoskeag G-inghams, > just opened, to sell at old prices, CID ~: R nu-1== Hence our MID-WINTER SALE, which still continues. ting, uncertain bnyer It will pay such to buy liere--because A nnvnr almn 4...- ..1-....:_ __ But moreparticularly with care at periods when f it seems to be a trie out of sorts. Every merchant well knows that February is an off, month. Betwixt and between seasons-A-andf" yet it must be admitted that thereis consider lg ably more of the winter ahead ; still at this time so many people are content to live on it hope _and worry along till spring without '3 providing themselves with necessaries--that IL might have been got early in the season. Now, what we propose to do is to make bargains `g I I New Wash Goods. ""J 2 glad to sell these mbds. You'll be ghaiV: own them. . and everything saves you cash-20 to 40 per cent. our planning. O.;1r'free.colnage ot bargains is l Do you really care to save and at the same time I WE NURSE mot At All Tirnes ; 90 Heavy-tweed Shirts for60c 75c Knitted-top Shirts for 50c `Special lines in all the new. season's . Dress Goods. 1o%shdainco1orsin[5oc heavy . ,Sorgeao.t......-.' . . . . . ..'..37:}c `NO new name Will be added to the Subscription Lhtuutil the money is paid. M `Subscribers now in arrears for three month: and Our will be charged $!.:o per annum . . . . - . . . o - o - o n cdavv Men's Heavy` Shirts. good` shapes and ` well made. The` $2. 60 size, best grade-,Vpure-` wool Blanket, to clear at $2 pair Men's Warm Underclothing that ts 1 and feelswell. - The 75c Scotch-wool shirts and I" Drawers for . . . . . . . . . . . . 00c 50c best.-ribbed Shirts and Dmwars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40c _. Heavy Shirts and" Drawers fnr ' .. _. ...v us-a--v u....v There s no time like now. To-day's .. .:..'..I_ 11 up . . . Anna 7 J ozuz for......... The Place of Many Bamains, No Disappointments. uuonu Alnuvvulu ; f1, 12c ]8c .AMUEL WESLEY, PROPRIETOR At ate Cai ,quar ' twee Soud L `_ta'inn 7 Were ihad .ta.li0 me n QUOS1 men t_ : they rick ator that form 101:; tinn out tho . the Irish Th. , , ,_---------nu: rI:irIl`&E ` - A Page 48 column Newspaper. `V `II Publilhcd from the Oicep :23 Dunlop Street hub. in the County of Simcoe. the Pro- , ' A viqco of Ontario. Canada. every Thundav Morning, by dz-'<.iL trim! `um il 4 wix ir says:". A cour't' not opini TAlfrc to c1.ur{ tion I ei {h 0 inifur said with by:_ `J (1 . I ~... u':':.?`::'.::?3':;?..*:::.f.:.%.::;`:`..i*"'""' I .n.., `II .,.oL-_ A.__!.._ I\_ 91,, - - - my Aist l ten ( her 1 `fannl an} PTCD .the i Wu vCong iator Uni t thor lowe ed t, tenth iem-3 disa tho ( of n culat 3? 7:! ori I the duri ,,; `I31 gran Oh i n man "CI" ou merit 89;: jmnu ?Afrn ` Wm .I~'l , JPARAIS 1906.` }-~*V1S,'.I'jIIb1)Io, 32 DUNLOP STREET. v. .. _.._-.,--_ .---cu our 3AIuui: TO ALLANDALI. . 1.'3II.In.. 7.56 a.m., 9.37 u.m.. n.x5 a.m.. '.u., 5.37 p.m., 5.23 p.m.. 8.00 pm. ALLANDALI 1'0 muuun. 1.goa.m., uao a.m.. 11.25 a.m., 3.55 5-09 MI-. 7-ss 9-mu 9~9 Mn . , 'I'IIlnu!un'Banie for and active fl'OllI the I*`lOIti0IIOd places as follows: .. T TORONTO. noal. - _ 6 Lu: ` M Ex recs. 7 pan. V ' -Pomo ' ' `wilt -8.II.~ [11:58 pan _*Atlnntic 8; Pacic Ex. 8.58 pan. ho cvenmg Express leave: Totonto at 5. nun: -I-mu ` ENETANG. 11.15 mm. Accommodation. I N p.m. Accommodation. I. I-IAVII L ttlV\lo 1.15 ccommodation. 5.99 p.m. N 7.55 mm. 'ALLAN_DALE & BARRIE SECTION. ` DAnnIn can g-9;---..-.. -...- ,----v asovw soul. GRAVENHURST p NORTH BAY. mu. ' Maul. . 5.15 pm. ' pun. *Atlantic & Pacic 8:. 11.54 pan. I. Nofth Bay Mixed. 7.30 mm. Cnvonhunt mixed (south only) 9.85 Cnl.l.IN(:|xInnr\ A. IIDAl!l\!Ir\ IARRIE "RAILWAY auipz; umntnms. ..._--...-.u. uuunnp \uuuuI sully) '0 COLLINGWOOD MEAFORD. - -rvv--u_uuwu uuunuuv. V -A-1-lfothgr trains Daily except Sunday Tums or Sunscnn-'1-no.3. Pmiixnln W X `Ex regs. PEN TANG. Annnunnnndntlnn , u--In was ac [cu HAMILTON., 99 p-III. 11.33 Ian. 5 88 pm.` 7.55 mm. |.n'I., '57 ,4.- Two weeks ago via told our readout of a. Simone , mun, who was iznqrsnc of the` Queen : `death tab day: after Lth cyan: -tr'anapirod.. Ahoisizep upon` ingr. .tVl|o icgm_ ipfprmgd ._u'p shut. on Ath`e_ in of hot; `4i!9Yi%.,%4'#i-- rhanthcz `gnu. -:._-_- A i -- V Speaking at Toronto the other night, Mr. Moxhsm, general manager of the Dominion Iron nnd Steel 00., predicted a bright future for Canadain the steel industry. In the matter of assembling the raw materials,` iron ore, con! and limestone; both Cape Breton and _New_ Ontario had a distinct advantage overi Pittsbnrg, said Mr. Moxham, and it onl'y.re_mained for country tcfriae; to hcppcssibilitiee. _. T` _ . The editor of the Orillia Packet nds crumbs of comfort in the `assertion that a recent transient suction rm found their business better in Orillis than in our town. As a matter. of fact the people of Barrie believe in pstronizing the well-known business men of their own town, instead of _runn_mgn nfzer I-------9 The Leonard liquor one of Ofeemore has raised the techinccl point as to whether or not throwing dice for drinks in gambling. Dice wore thrown in Leann-d'e hotel for the drinks but the defence claims that as no money was "at stake it waenot gambling. In marked contrast with thedeath of Queen Victoria was the passing of that other. sovereign, the dissolute ex King of Servia, whose death bed was avoided by his divorced queen and his children, with none so poor to do him reverence. `If there is any truth in Mr. H. H, Cook's charges, money must be pretty tree among Liberal Senate aspirants, judging from the alacritywith which recent vacancies have been lled. The Toronto Star :-Mr. Bennett of Simooe is themost inquisitive man in Parliament. . He is constantly asking questions of the Government, and if he remembers all he is told he should soon be wiser than Solomon. ' Mr. Seizaburn Shin-nvizn. is the new Japanese Consul for Vancouver. It will give the easy-going people of the Coast brain fag tosay his name. EDITORIAL NOTES. . . It is rumored, says thesAlliston Her- ald, that Mr. ` Joseph Whiteside has been appointed census commissioner for the district of South Simooe. [' . .._ -.--u . wnvnnuIvIJBUl.D_ ted. that the regulars were sinong the most useless men in the eld. Then, why foster the endish spirit of war and help defer the days of universal peace? Let us have less of this mili- tary child : play and more healthly athletics in our schools and elsewhere- Then, should` occasion arise, it` will be found that Canada's sons can defend their own from the militsrylmummies of the world. e The recent war `has turned our heads, The slumbering rnartial spirit has ash- ed up like a volcanic eruption. It has even got intoour schools. _ V We must haye our cadet corps and our drill in- structors. and ape the militarism of Europe. Talk about military discip_ line ! The African war has.demcnstra_ A 1 -I Besides: tile geojzraphicei `position of i Condo in not each as taginviteinvaeion by an ermed host. Even` `with all the fanatics she has in her botdera, nobody need believe that the ' Republic to the south would ever eerionely contemplate our eubjug'etion.. . Itieiudieputuble-that war heegbeeu a powerful jncentive 1n_oommeroe,' lit- erature or vyhet notA.e_' But hue Canada not at greater incentive in her bottom- `leea mines end `boundless, inexhaustible prairies} `And. more than that, the great theorem of. the industrial and social equality of man ieuyet to be dem- -onetreted, and we believe that it will be the glorioueprivilege of our own country toleed in this as she didin the abolition of personal` eleverv over a century ago. A -a-a at-lo ~.,h'o. Grout the`-Tfoundhtibna 6! `the German 'E[n_piie. But the wait the days when the" rivalry of martin"; nation: was stronger than the sense of right. I -- va-VI. instead running rgains at the_ hands of - - -- .-,.v.--wuuuu . At s recent meeting L.O.L. No. 73 . passed the following floilllion of sym- pathy with the bereaved wife and family of the late Thomss MoAteer :+-We, the oioers and members ot"sI: 0 L. No. 73, take this opportunity of expressing our sincere sud heart-felt sympathy with your -husband Ind _ifIth0I'-_` How true stint in the millet ot-,lil_'e._ ye ore indssth. `Wol`w o'. ;!lEil1"..'Iii.i,3.'.Piifilhil e!suhsnonthlr;m!!i!eh 4 i ._ ` #4 "',v R. H. Mode, M. A., preached a very able sermon on Sunday evening in the regular Baptist church. `The. memorial service held in St. Peter's , church on Sunday was very interesting and impressive. We are pleased to be able to report the continued improvement . in the health of Mrs. Albert Priest. Miss Sawyer, of Churchill, and>Misa Stewart, of Portal, were theguests of Mr. W.` McCullough last week. The Literary society meeting on `Friday evening, 22nd inst., promises to be very. interesting. There will be an `election of ocers as well as other im- portant business. - - v - Messrs. R. and W. Stewart, anti wvyvvv Nelhbo1;'uy If you want nut-clan Flou. to take your when to Wukln- u:'1I|9:e-al-lll. =83:-rte. to be exchanged or K O '0 ' - ' II!lI'I `Q-I `Titled-, .....v_ w v u-vwvlvllo The reed; were blocked enough on Tuesday, 1261:, to hinder the mail being taken to the -depot. A ` Mr. W'. Bnrkholder called on friends in town on Friday. The oyster -supper given by the I..0.F., was a grand ancoeu. . ' Miss Edith` Johnson is home from Toronto for a short vacation. Mineamc. J Advance Correnoondenca. ` Mr. Young, of Grenfel. was in tdwn on Sunday. ' It is our painful `duty to chronicle another very sudden and unexpected death, `on Thursday of pneumonia. The victim A being ,Mrs-. `T. Gravestone, daughter of'Mr. George Sarjeant of the '2nd_. of Oro. Mrs. Gravestone was only ill a`few_ days and her unlocked for demise is a severe shock to her host of friends. She was in her fortieth year and leaves two infant children. .Her remains were laid to rest on Sun-' day at St. John's church of which de- ceased was an ardent member. A verv urge concourse were present to pay their last respects. The Rev. J. H. . Teney conducted the funeral service, delivering a very able-sermon, taking for his text Matthew, xxvi~39. O my Father if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt." On the coffin was a beautiful cross and anchor. The pall- bearers were Messrs. J. Emms, Joshua Swan, . J. Willens, T. Nelson, Geo. Thornton and J. Bertram. The sincere svmpathy of this village is extended to the bereaved father and sorrowing, hus- band. - r The spell of cold weather of last week (although the temperature was noteo low as `might be expected) was felt severely by everybody and in conee quence several cases of pneumonia and inuenza are reported. The side roads are considerably blocked with drifts. T M isa >Milliee Sauneera is `su'e:-`ing from a severely scolded foot-, the result. of ates-pot of boiling tea slipping of!` V the stove." A child of Mr. William Hodsoii, seriously ill a /few days ago with bron- chitis, is on the mend. Mr. (end;b; e:, o.t:(:r:vvn Hill, visited Mrs. James Emma this week. A Mrs, Wm.` Campbell, of Allandale, is the guest of A her brothers, John and James Ford. Mr, and Ma. Geo. McLean visited friends in Barrie on Friday. ~ 'I3__._,! 'I'\ cramnurat. i Advance . Cortes-aonjdenee. _ 8. Campbell, of Mineeing, ii the guest of J amen Ford. ' A the raw materials, and .,.w...uu U1 owners as well an other im- Breton and _New_ And in fact the aeaertion that our I lair Dominion must be drenched ` V Ontario a over. `' 'u" . N004 bf' i` "'3 '1" diB'.`i"7 Mr. Moxham, it A. - Mm, ` eiaflaoe among thle nation?` eavore of this country to"riae_ ..`,td.l:?;:o::g`n;:o](f; gyi? .18 e A aatoentury. t is no onbt true 1,9, p;,.ibn;.;,,,_ " 1 ' h ` ' that most of the great. netione of the , the bereaved wife family grrorld discovered their latent greatneel ..._r. ' ' " i of the Thoma : MoAteer the oioere andrmembere.o't'I:'O.L. No. -gjwhen the stress of war was heavy upon I ~ h53'PP"'`Y 9f..1Pl'.|.Ii9B 011!` ` . ` ` V ` - . . jeinoere and aympithy with ' I i " . : gyou iqyoot Iorrow and`g'rief,.oguaed by 3 . 3 iu`."'r'e"""" ""'r8"- iTh8"*r `e - I`; T i .. I m8nt0d trdehtho i . j 1 ` ` he th. Rural Deg; (;aig, of*'-Petr_>lia, was` ` visiting his brothers here last week. i be. And` then . the, Premier jellies the deputation with smooth set phrases and statements which sound like pro-l misss, and the deputation retire a-little bewildered, but feeling that perhaps the cause A has been advanoed.snother peg, yet unable to remember anything par-~ tioular that the Premier has said to make them happy and hopeful. V P'd` 'qu_oeh'8thia;that a.da 3d_I _ . r 4 epv';.~+'a;1sme..;%._r.;. oncgaagqaeernmne tuna profhibitioh: depotetionu hsveoome to be of the rntpreot _s solemn joke. The joke is one old` one, too; The pro- hibitioniats tell `the Premier "and his colleagues that the people of the pro yinoe want to be prohibited fromtdrinlp ingl ` whiskey and.. wine and heerend will not be happy until" they ? hibited ; that it is the duty, of the Government to pass a prohibitorv law without delay ; and that unless this be. done-the temperance people will rise in their might and smite the powers` that L- A _J` A'__-_ . Mn. s.%E1noc;'oTi..IJ.;lI.l :. ms. in; her mother Mrs. Rndfern who has hnnn Iron: -5.1. _:.`V n- __.__-_, `---` O-U. ZCUIIVI been very lick with In grippe. Tun ,~i::(;t;"l'16ldfng oonisort here on F:-iday oyening 22nd. % V"____ 3 `III :0 . . f --,- ------ v- r-v----`J-A _Gt-ippe has been vjuicing this neiglr J borhood, and share are very few homes thqtlnva been mined. _ ' MIIJTARIBM. V : Rev. Armstrong" Bleak : recent pre diction _ of e baptism of blood as 1 . accessory and inevitable precursor of Ounedufe nationhood has "not been re- paired altogether kindly. v_._----- wvwn-09.3 `IA. Japeneae eooielfunder the auspices of the Presbyterian church chair will he held-' on Wednesday evening, March 6th.` ` Painswiok. Advance Correspondence. 1 We are sorry ._co av thin. Mr . Wm. ` Hawaon has a bad attack of plenriuy. l'1ui..... In..- L--- --!-2--9- '~~ - The members of -the Everett; Prccby. terinn church choir attended a Valentine social at Rccemont on Monday evening. . _ I VA t.......---- ---:-I --_:--A -- - ,_. ._-'---_ -----u av! -We are sorry any thus" Mrs. Thou. i Gullaucher has been attacked with ty- phoid fever. ' ' ` ` . - . g-~~---- ~----------"- ! Notioee are out for tenders for carry ` ing the mail between Everett and Perur : `"9. The grip aill [wand mri doctor is kept busy. ' ` For 3 week on-T_(e1'ore our roads have been completely blocked withfanow. I _ on Friday, the 8th inst., a very plea At the home of Mr. Rabert Dobson ` sant day was spent, it being the cele- ` bration of the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dobson, sr. The child ten and grandchildren were all present with the exception of one son, who was called away to attend the funeral of a friend ; also Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Scott, of Angus`, and Mr. and Mrs. T Young, of Grenfel. After partaking of asump . tucns dinner they all` assembled in the parlor, where an address was read by Mr. Wm. Dobson and Mr. and Mrs. Dohson were presented with a hand- some purse of gold by the family. Rev. Mr. Scott replied for Mr. and Mrs. Dobson in very feeling terms, showing the love and esteem in which the family held their .parents. ` About 9 o'clock all dispersed to their different homes 1 wishing. the aged couple long life and 1 a glorious future where family ties shall ne'er be broken. . ' . e 1 my nuuau-nu uulu uu if 1370.. A. Wmnug'hb, W.M. ff`. if I Foster, EC. 5 C. K. Clark, D. M. I ' sion. to control the light and water now the excitement at the election is glean, but will endeavor` as ,.so'on as ` possible to set this very desirable reform ` in motion. a ' And then there is the electric light and waterworks. Are committees of _ inexperienced men to go on experiment in`, with these departments from year to year to the town's loss and detriment? It is"! "a matter of conjecture when we will end up some night in total eclipse. 1'heVMayor has pledged himself in up- proval of the appointment of a commis- departments. _It is to be hoped that, qver, the Mayor will not forget his ` nexpected, in solemn warning that death is no respeotor ,of persons, and that .we too should be ready for it in such anhour as we think not the Son of Man cometh. Andythet our Great Grand Worehipfnl vMaster above will be". with you and comfort you in this your hour ofeaorrow, is the prayer of us all. We remain, yours truly in Ii` T-T (V. A \xT:n,.....I..I.... mu _m . This is the ice_man'aVl`mrveat. E Dr%esso'ti$`a%1%id' Wash em S. a English -Venetian Suitings,;a. beauti- ful fabric for Spring Suits, in brown, grey, purple,and blue grey, all pure wool, 54 inches wide, at$1 50! Canadian Homespun, in grey, fawn, and brown, just the weight for ` early spring wear, 54 inches at '75 English. Homespun Suiting, in the newer shades for spring, very ne , `nish, 54 in. - - - $1.00 and 1 25 -1 vv nanny Advance Cor:-cspohdence. New Spring Suitings. SARJEANT . Ten cases of Old Country Goods will pass the customs this week and be placed in stock as early as possible. T Orders are now being. taken freely for Dressmaking Department, which will be re-opened on March 4th, with Miss Lightfoot again in charge. % e Those who assert that it is easier to lobby and pull wires nnder the old order. have only to consider the recent appointment of town solicitors. This Is an otiice that has not been lled for some time, and for which not the slightest need or excuse exists. It can _ gnly tend to `promote needless legis- lation of which we have already had a lurfeit. Yet the whole thing appears to have been out and dried long before the matter came up in Council. We fancy the members of Council will have some dxiculty in defending their action in the matter, not a single alderman having opposed the appointment.