.u.uu- `U LITIUI I IP53. ' I The document sets forth that the Bnyeld street whelff _ie the only one used to any extent to-day, and sake the Government to ~p|eoe_ the new _one there and to increase the grant from three to ve tho`uaa'nd`dolla.:fe. -Q- avg. vv vv nanauua The petition fevoring the construction of the new wherf at Bnyeld etreet, which had been circulated before the" meeting and largely signed, wee preuented to the Coun- _oil to be endorsed by them and passed on to the Capital On motion of Vair-'1`vrer the petition was endorsed. and will be forward ed to Hon. 35 Israel Terte. Th: Anon.-.-A-5 _-n_ l--&I. AI.-A. `L , 11 , II I 0 TOWN SOLICITORS. The firm of McCarthy, Boys end Murchi- son` were appointed solicitors for the oorpor-` euionfor the current year, -a bv law being paused confirming the e pointment. The hope was expressed that 0 air duties would be very light. v wEi`ul'1`e.Commiutee' will punchaae o quantify of tamarao wood from Mr. R. H. Webb as $2 50 per cord, the engineer having reported favorably on the -some. I `ment & Son fo `dollars - --- ---v vo-vs Accounts to theamonnt of $3,350 25 were presented and pnvment ordered. The prin cipal items were $4l5 to the Canadian Rub- ber Uo for base ; $361 15 to Miokle. Dy- wood, and the County rate, amounting to $2,063 35. ` THAT OLD MACHINE. The Electric Light Committee reported that one of the armatures of the arc machine was recently burned out, and the same was forwarded to Toronto for repairs.` It is only a few weeks since the machine was repaired in Toronto at a cost of over one hundred "IL- f1_,, , 0.; I cl` ---- ..---. ---uvu-uvwn uluvv JUUJ 1 . Moifand others applied for the` uses of the road scraper for `the Allandale Ice Association,` which was granted on the usual conditions. T I The =l 3`z;r;i' ;JfTI-;;;;;h"z.a.sked that proper aewage connectionbe provided for the Fire Hall buildinv.` A 'S:c`i'etary of the Toronto Single Tax Association, forwarded a petition for endorsement of single tax principles. ' Jos W. Lang wrote asking the Council not to make a grant of $1000 to R. V. Hospital. claiming that the Hospital is large- iv for the convenience of the doctors and more expensive than sending patients to` Toronto would be Mr. Lang further claims that the death rate has increased since 1897 fl) `l_A__,_, Tl;e_ret:1rn of births. marriages and deaths "for Barrie for 1900 shows :-Births, 116 ; marriages, 55'; deaths, 80. "VI. , T` C I " Seo'..i\iinzta;`vvrote,V at the inatahce of the Public Library Board, asking for the usual ` grant of $200 for the Library. `l`..l.... D...._.._._ -.,J II! --vv- --nvuunul 5 5| till: tll UK IIICII u"`l'lUu[IDn9 \ THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS COR-~ PORATION. Ex cutou and Trauma Estato.Jsmu Herbert, McKeggie, Daeeued, 59 Young stunt.` Tronto. . . , JOHN D_ICKlNSpNo - 7] ; rm % .Solidbr;f9Nh-' " L F. 2 L. - `~. .. 1; " .' 1.,-' -_ vi.-- --- w-_qw ...u.uuJ. John Brunton and Wm. Sheets up lied ` for the position of road overseer for ards ` 5 and 6, and James Hurst asked for the same" position for Ward 6. _ I A rlv C\ __..__ ----- v on: Bell.` 0., nvrote :1; behalf of I the G. T. R stating that a voucher had been -passed and cheque issued for balance of taxes, $237. 46. Iaulvlv, auuulu IIIIUY IQIIIIIIK U5. _ Your petitioners therefore pray that pro- vision be made by legislationat this present session of the Legislature whereby munici- palities in towns of over 5000 having adopted M the system of representation by general vote, 1 as above set forth, can revert to the ward 3 system at any time, havingrst submitted = such Gaby-law to the electors.` COMMUNICATIONS. Sec Marr wrote, asking, on behalf of the RS Board, that the balance of levv for 1900, amounting to $2144.88. _be placed to credit of the Board. which was done. VUIJII \lUlJUIIIUI'Us `That your petitioners understand that no ' provision is made under the Municipal Act or amendments thereto whereby a town having made the change to election of alder- men by general vote can revert to the _ward system again, and your petitioners submit that such change should not be irrevocable. `but that` the electors should _be allowed to revert to their former method of electing their councillors by the ward svstem as here tofore, should they think t. Vnnu nnt:6a.-an-- a.L....--.... _..__ A_L-L ___ vscuuuu U gvuunu V058. That your petitioners are of opinion that _a Council of six members are too small a number to carry on the affairs of this town and your petitionersbelieve -that the great` majority ofthe ratepayers of said town are of same opinion and would greatly prefer to go back to the old ward system in electing their Councillors t .'I1I__4. _--____ __,-2..:,, , I - -` wuuu .\.u u IIIDJVII nuu BIA u_IuUl;'ull.I. That a by-law was submitted to the elec- tors of the Town of Barrie at the January elections In 1899 to provide for the charge above set out, which by law was carried and in accordance therewith the Council of said town consists of a mayor and six alderman, elected by general vote. 'I`k.-. .......... .....:.:........... ....- -:.- -._:._:-_ .1--. -__.. ---v-vv, -n--nuns: .r Vunder`th:M_u'n'icipal Assessment Act of 1898, `the Council of any? town` having a population of more than 5000 was granted 1 liberty to provide a by law duly submitted to the electors that the Council of the said town shall be composed of a mayor, and one alderman for each 1000 of population, to be elected by general vote and by amendment thereto, when the population of such a town is less than 6000 the Council shall con- sist of a mayor and six alderman. A Fnnlnnv nuns nu]-u~.=n.o.uI 5.. AL. .I.. _-After one short year's experience with a 1 Council of six members. the unerring wisdom ' of the electorate-which clearly foresaw the desirability of the change, now seems to pronounce in the opposite direction, that in `a multitude of councillors is strength. The beautiful theory of having the affairs of the town manipulated without a jar by a petri- archal septet who controlled the bulk of the wisdom of the municipality has been rudely trampled in the dust almost as soon as brought forward.` The following petition was endorsed by the Council on "Monday night, and will be forwarded to Toronto for presentation by E. A. Little, M.P.P.: The_ ounc Petition Legislature to; that Eifect--The New Wharf. ` ( Man! a Beiurn per narrel; snap, uaIton`s. per box. ` Sealed tenders must be In by Saturday. Feb. _u3rd. at noon. Address tenders to ' ` ' THE `NEW WHARF. Auction Sales, to Ward` System. FINANCE. St. Patrick : church. was the scene of a pleteing event last Monday morning when Miss Nellie, eldentn daughter of Mr. Joe. Doyle became the wife of Mr. Michael Moran. of Fergnaonvele. The ceremony was erformed, by Rev. M. J. Gen-in . The ride looked handsome in a. prettv tailor made suit. of ,blue._. She was assisted by her ]aiuter,~Miu Mlnnienboyle, who `?|' 8 Mat .-9ij_.s.oct dark blue ..The `Mina-i-%ed. ibyj. Mr. :e .1`. ~ `_.,Hi7e'I.e?-.- '?'rhe,~.~-Minn` c6upl_o_? loft no-2-hewere-r1vee:ees:nee ;,..*`.f...':"!34` women 3 E Mr. am: Louis, ape }thia week. __ _ -_._ --__--- V. .'--.-v v. `av:---ya vv--w-. The number of patients created from opening of the Hospital in 1897 to 00: Int, 1898 was 87; From Oct. lot, 1898 to Oct. Int, 1899 was 100; from Oct. 131:, 1899 to Out In, 1900 was 133; from Out. Inn, 1900 to Jan. lac. 1901 (3 months) was 60. ' Several Jr ithe.1;ur`e_ee hevevbeeniil and 03 duty during the lam: week with colds. There are at present 6 patients getting free board and treatment. 3 of whom are from Barrie and 3 from the surrounding County. they having been sent by orders from the council of Bertie or County Council flI|._ _______|___ n . n n Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the fnllowmg sun lies to be de iverdl atthe aol. namely :--Beef wlv mut bone, er 1b.; Reefwith one per lb. ; Pork and Bread per I . ;Oatmeal Standard. per barrel; Syrup and Coal Oil. per gallon : Potatqca per bag; Butter perlb.;-Pot Barleyper 1b.; Salt per barrel: Snap, Dalton s, box. Sealed tenders must he In In: Snhu-(lav. Fain. cord. The Hospital is very full at present, there beimz 18 patients. The highest number ever treated at env one time was 20, every availabie room being then occupied. ` nu__.._ '-.._ , n - --' '1-lagers mother came up from New- market on Monday, and is attending him at the hospital. I-JVUPIUWB The leg was almost completely severed by the wheels. When picked up the injured man was endeavor-ing to bandage the wound with his scarf. Rogers has been on the read only 9. couple of months. He has a. wife and` as week old child residing in Toronto. 1:. *n__.-.._s ._._-L__, ,, p- 11- On Friday night a serious accident hap pened at Gowan station by which a. brake- man named N Rogers lost a leg It seem that Rogers was on a special freight. coming `to Barrie When passing through Gowan he attempted to climb from the side of a box car to the tender, when he fell beneath the wheels He was not missed till the train reached Barrie. In the meantime the men on s psssinqengine and van`, when backing out of the siding, heard his cries and brought him to town, when he was removed to the Hospital. ' ` Tho `nun -nu. nlu-.....L ............I..4...1... .....-.._...I L--. has lived in three centuries. in the person of Mrs. Hugh Dmnelly, sr , who resides in Tossorontio. near Arlington. with her son, Mr. iHugh Donnelly. `Mrs. Donnelly, who is still bright and active and enjoys a-little neighborly'gossip with her lady triends._was born in the County of Armagh, Ireland, in 1799. and came to Canada in 1846, "settling in Tossorontio about a year later. Mrs. Donnelly s eldest son,.Mr. Matthew Don- nely of this town,- is a sprightly young man of 72 years.` Mrs. Dounelly has a retentive memory and call recall many of the numer- ous historical events of theworld for nearly a century. She can distinctly recollect the Peninsular War that terminated in the Bat- tle of Waterloo and the downfall of Napol- eon, the Americanwar of 1812, the Mac- kenzie Rehellion of 1837, aswell as many other historical events. ~Mrs Donnelly has lived in the reigns `of ve British Sovereigns --George III., George IV.. William IV., Victoria and Edward VII. She is proud of her good Celtic blood and appears to have a fair chance of_ living for some years yet.- Alliston Herald. ` Tossorontio can boast of a resident who Illrl V U GIIIII U350 Sergeant Ault acknowledged the testi- monial in a capital speech. He referred briey to many exciting incidents of the war, `and said if circumstances demanded he would be glad to enlist and go to the front again. He had only doneihis duty as a. soldier, but he was very proud of the kind sentiments expressed towards him by his friends at home. Words failed him to fully express his appreciation of their kindness. "(Ina gonna I-I-no Y:-11' `man an-an. -Jul. I......I var: Dun nun Dp|JlUUllhl.IUl.l. Ul. OIIUIIC KIl.lullC3U- I "God Save the King" was sum: with loyal lenthusiaam, and the meeting dipersed. 3 vs also IJ-\Jo&o 8"` Sergeant Alfred Ault, of_ the Canadian Mounted Ries, the corps that won so much distinction in South Africa, was the `guest of honor at a very interesting entertainment- glven in the Temperance Hall, Aultsville, on Tuesday night. The chair was occupied by `Col. Bredin, who was in uniform. The other oicers present, Col. Baker and Major Morgan, were also in uniform. After a pleasant evening a presentation to Serszt Ault followed, the gift being a valuable gold watch, accompanied by a very appreci- ati;/e address. ' The following from the Cornwall Stand- ard tells how the people of Aultsville honor ed Sergeant Ault. who is a brother of Mrs. Ault of Barrie, and was at one time a pupil of the B.C.I. :- ' LI____, - ,- 111- I n 1. p .u 1-` -. Dering his stay in town the Bishop will ` be the quest of Mr. H. B. Joyner.- In the matter of the Ellnto of JAMES ' HERBERT M1-KEGGIE. into on the Town of Barrie, In the Count: of Stmcoe. Bankrr, dec'en'ud. T TRINITY. ( On Sunday next; Bishop Grisdale of Q Ap- pelle, Diocese, will preach in Trinity church morning and evening. .The Bishop comes in the interests of the prairie missions of the Diocese . The English societies having ceas- ed to send the liberal support of the past, an appeal is now being made to eastern Canada. The . ' raEsBrrnIuN.. ~ On S`un_day,_ as announced, anniversary services }were held in the Presbyterian .chnrch. `Rev. R. Atkinson, of Oak street Presbyterian church, Toronto, delivered able ' sermons morning and evening to good can- gregations. Those who had the pleasure ot hearing Mr. Atkinson for the first time were greatly pleased with his e'orts. The choir, -under Mr. J. B. Edwards leadership, `gave for the morning anthem. Gounod s The King of Love my Shepherd Is, and in the evening, Through. the Day Thy Love has Spared Us, with pleasing effect. "COLLIER. STREET METHODIST. At Collier street on Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Bartley preached the second of the series of sermons on the church for the . twentieth century, to a large audience. During the obrtory Mrs. Laidman sang Adolphe Adam's Cantique de Noel, with that sweetness and interpretative power which has more than once appealed so strong- ly to Collier street audiences. Phemston; [Advance Correspondence. and Mrs. Wm. Grey, of Mtwst-V spent a few days with friend: here` nnlr ` Lived in Three Centuries; Sersreant Aultf. Hundred. Accident at Gowan. Hospital Notes. On Tuesday, while Jno. Salter was work- ing in the swamp, one of hip hpraes got down. The Home was badly hurt,~ as ittook thee men `three hours" to get it out of the '!'?'*"I*' T 5:}? {VJ -;<;;1-`a`;vili-h`ol;i".!I-ol_i<;o-:a'l- E73. 11:5?- house until they get their. new school "r__unms run GAUL suPPLIFs.( _... __ .-_.-.__-' _.f'. WUli`WrVSt:IlVfIl'I';.0f Angus, preaohci here on -Sunday,` on account of our pastor : illness. 'I\I , ",,_- IVII OII I II n - G:-`enrol. I Advance Correapondenco. I T Grippe is going the rounds here. . - - Jno. Muir shipped a car load of pail wood to Newbmax-ket this week. Jda Bi{mbY_8l;Zi Hex-ton are draw- ing box wood to Vespra. Siding. our w-v 4 -- V ' "F"` "`*`-FI id:-.1 Wjancniz W. A. Hurrah. apant Samar `day and Sunday in Shanty Bgy. At the recent meeting of the Board of Health on February 15th. (Donald Ross being elected chairman). Dr. Wallwin was appointed `_`to bring in 3` report regarding dairies and milk "supply of the town at next meeting, with recommendations, and that all members of the Board be present, when this matter will be thoroughly discussed. . Toronto haea. smallpox case, Mr. J..B. Eager, of 78 _Concord avenue, 9. traveller for a Toronto rm recently returned from the Coast feeling rather unwell. The symptoms grew worse and nnllv'Dr. Sheerd was notified. and pronounced it a mild case ol smallpox. The patient was at once removed to the smallpox hospital and his residence was strictly quarantined. No more cases have so fer been reported. The annual convention of the Simcoe County Beekeepers Association was held in theljouncil Chamber, Barrie, on Saturday. There was a. very good attendance and some interesting papers were read and discussed Among those on the programme were Messrs. l) `Nolan and J. E. Holt, Newton Robinson ; J G Morrison. Painswiok; A. A. Bell, Oro Station ; Stanley Spillett, Nantyr, and Pres- irlent H. Johnston. of Craighurst. Mr. John Warnica. of Painswick, was elected president for the ensuing year. ` ---_ __--..v- vvwuoch vnuv vnvvvllln e The Barrie Hockey team`went to Peter- boroueh on Friday to play the team of that town. and now they wish they 'nadn l:. Not that they were too slow. but the Petzerbor ough aggregation was too tags. Our boys never got their eyes on the puck till the game was over, and are yet wondering how it was done. ` A ' Goldwater defaulted to Orillia. in . the hockey match that was to have been_pla.ved in the Barrie rink on Tuesday night, and the Lima Kiln Club and Bank Club played_ instead, the former being thq victors. fl"L_ 77 u _ Q` , At the meeting of the Simcoe Medical bocietv here last week the following oicers were elected for the ensuing year : ` Pres -Dr. A. Ardagh, Orillia. lst Vice Pres. -Dr. W. A. Ross, Barrie 2nd Vice-Pres.--Dr. Raikes, Midland. ' 3rd Vice-Pres -Dr. Little`, Churchill. Secretary-01`. Evans, Stroud- V Owing to the rough weather the attend ance was not as large as it might have been but some interesting papers were read and discussed The next. meeting will be held in Orillia. during the first week in June. _ In the Town of Barrie. m the County of Simooe.-` and being comprised of parts of Lots nne. two and three, on the east , ide of Bradford street. in the said Town of Barrie , as iaid `out on part of broken lot twentv six. in the Fifth Concession of the Township of Vespra. in the County of Simcoe. which said `pa rcel~ are described by metes and bounds. Reina the nu-nnnu-In `t\IIn\nr`u nnnu `int! kn Anal--." (IUIG uuulc. Three sons and tour daughters were born to them here, all of whom, with the excep tion of one bov, are living. Mrs. McLean died some years ago. Mr. McLean was a. veteran in the McKenzie Rebellion in 1838, and also had a vivid recollection of the Battle of Waterloo. The funeral took place on Monday, the remains being interred in Knox church cemet:erv.-Orillia Times. _- 1.._---- van `QC-.1-Q we-av an-`avian; `IL 5559- On Thursday evening of last week. one of the oldest pioneers of Simcoe County. Mr John McLean, of Ja.rratt s Corners, passed to his eternal rest. Mr. McLean was born in Name, Scotland,~in the year 1799, hence his ,age at the time of. his death was 101 years. Mr._ McLean _was never known to sickness, and his death is attributed onlv to his advanced age. In 1832 he, with his- wife and only son, emigrated to Canada and settled on a. farm near Jn.rratt s Corners, where they made for themselves a comfort- able home. Mr_` G8.()!"g`; vjegvis. of Sturgeon Falls, who has spent the past. month visiting in Barrie. left on Saturday last to visit friends in Mid- land before returning home. ' Mrs; W. A.` Turner was in Toronto this week attending the graduation exercises of her sister, Miss Pauline Ottaway, in the Western Hospital. `|I__ `tn 1-n - nu, -- -- ,_ ..._.=...'., -.-u-- v: gonna..- Mr. Thomas Moore, stonemason, who has been away from Barrie for over ten years, was renewing old acquaintances in town last week. , _,__,__, __ .. _....-..---J. Mris. J. Moore, Mary street, returned from Toronto on Monday, where she was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wilson. `II- TIVL , Mrs of Newmarket, was the I guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Rhinehart, Charles street, this wegk. I - _ _, ----_ .. __ Miss Carson. Barrie, attended thel wedding of her cousin, Miss` Ethel Carson, Anton Mills, on Wednesday. In... `I 'u'__,,_ ___ _-.--v- .' ., --.-- I saw- _ Messrs; Revgert, Charles 51;: Alex Orr, of `Toronto. former residents of Barrie. were in town this week. - Mrs; Jfcrii-ivinviioszg and Mrs J .-E:`:"i"urnbull, of Galt, are visiting Mrs. J. G. Scott.- pa men are aescnoea n_\' metes ana Dounus. ` Being the propem tormerlv occupied by Andrew Miscampbell; deceased. For terms and part-culard apply to I DMKIAV VA Dn Ln u nrnn A xv o.-nnntxyxv Mrs.T!]3:iIst1_(;;7-: ;f-l-I:is'le". 's;;e: gw days this week with the Misses Bell, Mary St. ` II.__._. 11, V V- -7 _.-.-.---.-` ------ ' wwww `iv Mre. Gibson leaves this weeix on an ex- tended visit with friends in Toronto. of Toront, is spending the week with friends in town. ' 4... __ __ F Mrs:E."I;`:-hEe;;1-1;:_o}-Ai'l};s-1;;>n,is visiting | Mrs. Jae. Edwards. Mary street. V Il_- two! I Mrs. K. Foucar, of Bradford, spent Sunday in town. ' ~ Mr. `F:-#1111; lggabinson, of `Bradford, was in town over Sunday. II (`I O 5" - 7 Mr; Frank Smith in home from Goldwater on a visit. ' Mina Laura. Sarjh.nt' i_a vgsiihg in Mark- dale. ' One Hundred and "One Years of Age. l\.. IINI, Simcoe Medical Zsocietv. NOTICE TO cm-:nnons.j Beekeepers Convention. Smallpox in Toronto. 0;: Milk Supply. Notes of Sports. . Persqnal News. I The Anniversary services at St. Andrew s Presbyterian church on J an. 10th, were conducted by the Rev. J no. Smith, B. A., of Bradford, late of Indore, I-India. , Services were held both morn- ing and evening. The social on the following evening in connection with the services was a decided success. A grnnd copper was provided by the Ladies And, after which the following program wee rendered-:--Singin by :the ..Gothrie. choir; addresses by Rev. 4, ,;Panl, of ,Ha.wkea,tone, end Campbell, of org . Sontion*.;' Solo ; by Mr. _..Allen,_. `of; W lien tho iinuaujaliyvlarge mail of Thora- day last was distributed at noon there were to be seen many surprised faced and not 8 few dismayed ones. wlwuv up can uu us IJIU I. uuuu Uuuru emu on | 1 P 9 . with the theft of a fur cap from the Ularkeon House and a. pair of mitts from the American Hotel. He pleaded guilty to both charges. and was sentenced to three months in the Zlentral. The colors decided upon for the school are ` black. cerise and ivory. -A meeting of the ratepayers was held in the Towniall on Friday night to hear the report of Engineer Cavana on the result of his soundings and observations re the new wharf. and to discuss the location of the structure. Mayor Radenhurst presided, and called upon Mr. Cavana. whose voice was so little that the audience had great diiculty in following him. Mr. Cavana reported that the wharf could be built at Bayeld st. for $4lO0 and at M ulcaster for $3700 or $3800. By slightlv shortening it and using part of the old piers it could be built at the "latter place for the $3000 Considering the size of the grant he favored building at Mul- caster. Several citizens spoke on the ques- tion and a vote showed that a large majoritv of those present favored building the wharf at Bayeld street- . - North-west half of Lot 3, Can. 8. Vespra; 60 acres cleared. balance stnndin timbev : s il. heavy clay loam; first-class wheat arm. . Nhere nece~sar_v it 3s tile drained. Frame House framebarn and` log hum; good waver` etc. Applv on the remise~` or km lntfnr fn r.`(:.wp'rn1\I u mu Mwrn u:..--:.... ! Yesterday morning a youth named Lewis 1 Cranev appeared in the Police Court, charged the theft nf a `fur nan frnm fI'|A l`.luI-`run-us __- _.'.__._.v The cheapest place in tourn to but hard and sol`: wood is A. W. Wilkin- son -. "D--live-red promptly In any Xuantlty to any part ol the town and Iland:-lo. Leave 91-ders at mill ofllco or phone. 23. -The market on Saturday was small on account of the bad roads, na doubt, and prices rallied somewhat. Egg were 20cm. and butter sold for 20 and 21ets Hay was scarce; there was a large supply of dressed meat. - - --The Canadian Jubilee Singers drew A good house at Collier street Methodist church on Thursday evening. Mr. Thomas, baseo, was the star of the company. His rendering of King of the Winds was greatly enjoyed. The tenor, Mr. French, though not always true took well with the audience. as did also the soprano I-!i_-, - V --Mr. J. W. Garvin, of Peterborouah, has had his poems on the death of Queen Victoria and the accession of King Edward printed in the form -of a handsome brochure, a copy of which we hereby acknowledge. 'D2..l.........l l`l7L:._L..-_ J _,,,n I I ..- . your u-vuuv vv uvuxn --Richard Whitebread. well known about town, who was recently removed to the House of Refuge, died at that institution on Tuesday night. Deceased was 86 years old. and had been for 60 years a. resident of Barrie -On Saturday a. large mass of ice which hed become detached from the roof of the Queen s hate}, fell to the sidewalk, grazing the shoulder-_of a. young lady who was pas- sing at the time. -A t"eature of the past week has been the badly drifted roads. In manv parts of_ the country the highwavs are piled full of snow and for miles 8. track has been made through the elds. r1 ;-Sinee the roads became so badly drifted travel to eastern points goes down the ice on the lake. -M r. N. Dvment will offer a. number of his valuable thorough bred horses at a specie! sale at Gra.nd s Reprository, Toronto, on March 12th. For Choice Famllv Flour and all kinds of Feed 2:0 to Wilkinson-n. All orders delivered promptly In any quantity. Plea-e leave your order-In at the Mill Oillce or Telephone No. 23. --A parlor meeting of the W C T.U. will be held at the home of Mrs. J K. Rose. McDonald 81: on Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Gentlemen and ladies are cordially invited. -Monday last. Feb. 18th, being the an- niversarv ofbthe death of Private Findlay at Panrdeberg the ags on the town schools were placed at half mast. in honor of his memory. t{.r}i'E Zo"o'i'&'a~e'r 2}'.' 'A'p"pTv 5}."'E'Ie'"'r'n'.-"3`} fry letter to EGERTON H. JOHNSTO , Miuesing O. 1.6-tf-A. -v 11.1 .1` tunitya uarter _`1 - __ __-..- ..` -- -v -. -..- WU -x-aura: --Rev. Mr Bartlev addressed 9. mission- arv meeting on the Rama. Reserve on Mon- day night I ,-_, I. ______ _., V _ u . u uuuu uvuuluso +Toe bupila of the R 0. Separate eohool enjoyed their annual sleigh ride on Tuesday afternoon. Marmalade oranges - very cholco heavy irlllt. in bath bitter and sweet varieties. at BOTHWELL S. - *`_' "' "" """" I' """""" -- The Collingwood public school board asks the town this year for a levy of $9,140. -The Lime Kiln Club entertained their friends very pleasantly on Monday evening. _JI'I-m .`......:I- ..c .1... '0 n cv-_-_-L- nu [- Ground ysler sholls for Poultry :8 BOTlIWELL S. --Mr. Guest has sold his butcher business on Elizabeth St. to Todd Bros. --Hunter Bros. had a handsome mspio oor. laid in their premises this week. 'I\ 1\ vs vvn. - __v.. '-.-----u-.- yuan V1663: -Dr; P Vivian. homoeopathist, has opened an ot'c_e an 156 Dunlap street 1 rm.- n.n2_..___...1 ,, - - - - 'ManyRaadab1e Paragraphs of Local Interest. News of Town and Country Side. $1.00 PER smut. Oro station. Advance Cdrrcspondence. a nun` nxvnul ILV IIUVA SINGLE COPIES PIVI CENTS. :- 2 Rooms for offices. in Ross Block. No. 97. Dunlop Street. Fire proof vault; lately occupied b Dr. Wella. Also two rooms with vault, lately occilpied hv Hood. Jacks 8: Fraser. Barristers; immediate pou-sesgion. Applv to C. H. ROSS. Bafrne. Iannnrv 1, Innl. ' 1.95". B.C.I. Notes. Sent Down. ANNUM IN` Abscl Ln Clll urn): nun-pa Sealed Tenders will be received by Lennox, Ardagh, Cowau & Brown. Ba rristcrs. Barrie, up to 12 o'clock noon, alurauy, lV]aI'l'Il 2nd, 190 I. for South \Vest quart: r of Lot Number 22 and the South half of Lot 2:.vboth in the 12th Concession. of the town- ship of Ynnisl, in the Cvunty of Simcoe. either separatelv or iointly for a term of 5 `ears - immediate possession given--eig-ht acres 0 wheat and fall ploughing on firstly described land. Highest or any tenders not necessarily accepted. For parti ulars. applv tn FRANK BALL. Barrie R0. or to HARRY ARM\TRnNG_ Pningwirlz Pl), R.n kip IV [U K` I\l11`l\ Dhlag Darrlc . . 15M sTRONG. Painswick P.'0. A AN'I`FD-A smart, intelligent boy to learn the F1 arinting business. Apply at ADVANCE EXTRA MATCHED Span of young Brown Colts. two years old, chunks. about moo lbs in weight, at $10.5 each. this span is hard to beat. Also `a good DRIVER 3 years old, Bav, will drive single or double; Apply to E. H. JOHNS ION. Minesing, 10.0 T Q tf. WELUNGVTO R " NT. centrally situated. south west corner of Mulcastr I` and McDonald Sts. House. 2 smrev, 9 rooms and halls, garden and lawn. Apply on the premises. 45-tf V Hours-u E0 1; 7 :08. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT, comprising North half of Lot 2. of the xoth Con of Innisl ; :00 acres under cultivation.. with good frame build- ings on said premises. For particulars apply to WM. A MSTRONG. Allandale. R.R n. S OI! salu PYCIYIISCS. 1` UT] 73 MST RONG. Allandale. MoGOWA'r-J--At Midhurst, on Feb. x5th.`Richard McGowan. aged 32 years. BIGELOW--In Barrie, on February 18th, Maggie, wife of George E. Bigelow, in her 26th year. SHORTREFD- At Hillsdale. on Feb. 19th. Jhn Shortreed. aged about 54 veats. 1-IINDMAN-In Midland on Saturday`. February q. the wife of Alex. Hinclman of a son. PALK-At Scarboro, Feb. 7th," a daughter to` Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Palk. ' `VANSICKLER- In Midland, on Tuesday, Februan} 5. the wife of Mr. Vansickler, of a daughter. ' SEDORE-In Barrie. on Feb and. root. to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sedore a daughter, still born. MARRIED CRAW--CLARKSON-In Knox Church, Midland. on Wednesday, Feb. :3. by the Rev. J. J. Elliott. Rev. Gen. Ingram Cmw,of Hillsdale. to Miss Evelyn Clark, of Midland. ` ` 'MARSHALL-McELROY-In Midland. on wed- nesday. Feb. 0. by the Rev. J. J. Elliot, Robinson Marshall. of Cutler. Algoma, to Miss Martha. Mnklrnv nf lW|'rllnnd_ _OFl-`ICES TO RENT EOR LEASE V5`5l0|'l. npplvw U. I Barrpe. lanuary x, mm. rail"'fErIii" gi}i'"iaiay, Septemheargmih, I900. 319919193? JPEBW, !*J"!%19g2*a:Ag.1?;a%'I'i- J HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, ., _..._ r... - an-up-w ul/`II sv - 1'.i2'x5:'r3i'c>x, AxzDAeH. cowm &-m2owN,.. 1-! C .QnI:n:lInrn Rn:-run `vi uvurv-.- -..w- - v..--. v....-... central Blfsinass Golloga, nTorontu.A a-ly W, H, SHAW PRINCIPAL. A strong school with x2 regplar teachers, splendid equipment. and well atromzed by students from every province ot the ominion. r_-7---j lied to ourspecinl Cout-sea7 `v; MAIL in, B OKKEEPING and BU` NESS FORMS, ARITH HETIC. PEN MANSHIP. SHORTHAND, TV PEWR ITING and CORRESPONDENCE will produce good results for any ambitious young man or woman who wishes to qualify fora better position in life. ` The mat in but 2 trie. and our circulars will give posmon In me. T . The cost is but a ttie. and our circulars will give you full particulars. Write for them. Correspondence Department. 1 A I 1 I K `I I A "3-"uk" 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. *%H'}".*?.5TU!?X. Nlafall. OX l4UUCl'. 4 McElroy, of Midland. In every detail is an up-to-date instituti-n. ' Capable instructors, periect equipmeng. satis- factory results. Send for our descriptive and interesting catalogue. It wnll convince you. 135' on. n._ P. VIVIAN In NO. 8 SL111!- NEIL A DVERTI .VE1'iiN'l";- cue.-nu-as- -v. V..- .--' Chairman County Property Committee, Box 366. Barrie. / 7-8 FOR SALE. N .9 T wnbuc No) If Sinwxx. Wasps! Proprietor. got +0 RENT. Hdmoeonathist. I :56 Dunlop St. 1 Residence and Oic. ` 8-lv 6l;iER'1` MURPHY. DIED. BORN. 26-IV III` N .I'3l\\JVV IV ; Sohcntmfs, Bnrrxe Private Qua. tblony he 59;} cent. on fun pro - pnrtv. Tern); to nun_t.hqn-owaru. No connection with say lonn company. Apply pernonnlly or by, Highest cnoh_p:-ice and for _Endowmen_t Inliuunmeo Policnes, in relxable Ampuuea 70! money loaned ""'"' 4"" o. H. LYON I_. I)-.. J, wax o-I rarmers';.3tenuon.% S. E. f of Lot No. 30. in the rat. Concession of the township of Veapra. Cgunw of Sirncoe. containing 0 acres. more or less. In a good state of cul|ti\-ation. n the premises are A good rame house `oxao, I-tone cellar. all good outbuildin needful. go orchard of about 2} acres; I never fai in stream of spring water run-- through the premises. intantoue mile North of Dalaton village where there are churches. school. and poet oics-.v and no miles North of the town of Harris." Term: ennv. Pnnnnninn man In an-n Out as you want. it; dry as coa._l,7 and split wood is under roof. - Give us a call. 22.1, % 3l|llIIIIlIIu Yards. foot of Mary St. _ Head Oice 23 Elizabeth SE` - .ENoowMENT'm%" INSURANCE POLICIES] wonustona 1% t , frnrnt` , E to mg uulluu vvvlu IIIIIU UIUBBULI Ill vvuuc. The party then drove to the home of Mr. Allan Clerkson. Mary St;., where the wed- dnng dinnerwas portaken of, and the newly- wedded couple left on` the 320 train for their honeymoon t.rip.-Midla.nd Free Press. I [maids were also dressed in white. uV'bI$l:`eb.;i<|i`;cu;.v'a:slu.t'n&ndeomely battiied in white and looked charming The brides- YIVL- ___..g__ _L_., 3,, P `U IIUIIWIBI The ceremony which made a benediot of Mr. Craw was held in Knox church here at the hour of 2 o clook p m. on` Tuesday, the Revs. J. J. `Elliotand Geo. Arnold*o:ioiat- ing. As Mendelssohn s wedding . march pealed forth from the organ,` played by Miss White, Mr Craw followed his brother up the aisle of thechuroh and took his place before the waiting ministers Two minutes later the bride to be, Miss Evelyn Clarkson, walked up the onposire aisle holding the -arm of her father. and preceded by her neices, Misses Annie and Maggie Clarkson. who I acted as bridesmaids. mL.- L_!_I_ __.__ L`__._1__-_,I_- Lu-' 1 - 7 7 yA`A '= <`'P Ai-% L A The Rev. Geo. Ingram Oraw is a minister -of the Presbyterian church lately on the Vaeev pastoral charge, but now of Thornton and Ivy. being inducted only a few days` ago. .Mr. Grew has doubtleeac united in marriage during his ministry many a happy couple, but alwava kept from matrimonial bonds himself. But on Wednesday of this week he, too. yielded to the tender draw- ings of cupid, and was united in the -holy bonds which he had so often fastened upon others. I uS'(`:;:t 1cI;:-123.38, Astronomy, Recent Adven- tures in, A.; H Fison ; 339.` Nineteenth Cen- {iturv Science, H.- S. Williams. 'I`........1.. 9.4:: A- Q--- I.-- u- 1 :12... 15.1: Mia'cei1a:}oL;-1_6: The Idiot at Home, 1 J. K Bangs; 427, Church Folk. In Me- Lsren; 428, Mr. Thomas Atkins, E. J. Hardy.` 'D..|: .... .. `In! mn_- `rm- _:1 :;___ I11 I11 Hietory--423, The Making of the Empire, Arthur Temple ; 424, Nineteenth Century, the Story of. E. 8. Brooks ; 425,, China, The 1 Crisis in ; 426 Ladysmith. the Relief of, J. B. Atkins; 427, Transvaal, History of the, Rider Haggard; 428. Newest England, H. D. Lloyd ; 429, History of Canada, Vol. IX, Kingsford ; 430. History of Canada, Vol. X. Kingsford ; 431. Uanada a Sons on Kopje and Veldt. T. G. Marquis. ` nun 1-Ce _ . .- `uuuuy. T Religious--101`, The Life of Lives, F. W. Farrar, D_.D. ' ` 0..:......_ one A_;._-..____ A A - FARM `FOR SALE on T0 I-'%ca N'r.T rfcs. --- v__v_, _ --.-- \"-vV-I F. A.-465, In The Hands of the Cave Dwellers, Gr. A. Henty ; 466, The Voyage of the Avenger. Hy St.` John ; 457, Exiled to Siberia, W M Graydon ; 478. With Lawton and Roberts, E. S. Brooke. 469, The Rom- auce of a; Midshipman, W. 0. Russell ; 470, Under the Great Bear, Kirk Munroe - .._,`..- _. , --.-- V- vv u -we rcyvunyu Fiotion-1892, -The Mantle tor Elijah. I. V Zangwill ; 1393.. A Bioyoleof Cathay, F `R. . fwickersham; 2021, The Cardinal's Rose, Srookton ;l894,`The PrineessKenia, H.'B.- M. l Watson ;. .1895. The House of Egremont, M. E. Seawell; 1896. The Yellow Danger, M. P. Shiel; 1897. The Gray House of the Quarries, M. H. Morris ; `I898. Lords of the North, A. C. Laut; l899.,Winefred, 8. Bar- ing Gould ; 2000, Beqneathed, Beatrice Whitby; 2001. That Fortune. Charles Dud- ley Warner ; 2002,` Rafnaland, `W. H. Wilson, 2003, Reepert by the Grace of God, Dora G. McChesner.; 2004. A Dream of-a Throne, C. F. Embree: 20,05. `In London's Heart,` Geo R. Sims ; 2006. The Fourth,Generation.-- Walter Besant; 2007, Boy, Marie Corelli; 2008, The Black Terror, John K Leys, 2009, The Expatriate. Lilian Bell ; 2010, A Woman of Yesterday, 0 A. Mason : 2011, Madeline Power, A. B Marchmont; 2012. A Very Rough Diamond. Florence Warden; 2013, Rue with a Difference, R N. Carey ;, 2014, A Son of Erin, Annie 8.. Swan ; 2015. Long Live the King, Grey Boothby; 2016, A Ward of the King. Katherine S. Macquoid ; 2017. Life s Trivial Round, P. N. Carey; A 2018. A Rise in the World, Adeline Sar- eeant ; 2019. Gwynett of Thornaugh, F. W. Hayes; 2020Enoch Willoughby. James A. Van Tassel Sulphew ; 2022, A Gentleman P.lay'er,.R. N. Stephens ; 2023, A Stormy` Past, May St Claire ; 2024, The Open Ques- tion, Elizabeth Robins ; 2025, Debts of Hon- or, Maurus J okai ; 2026, The Nerve of Folly, Frank H. Spearman ; 2027. Robbie McDu", Olenton Ross; 2028. A Pluckv Girl, Laura L Meade; 2029. Terence, B. M. Croker; ; 2030, Whilomville Stories, Stephen Urane ; 2031, The Princess Sophia, E. F.` Benson; 2032, A Manifest Destiny. Julia Magruder ; 2033, The White Terror, Felix Gras. - .n~ 1- I-I 1 uvlvuvug 11.` yo. 7' IIIIDIIIB. Tmve1-345, As Seen by Me, Lilian Bell. BiognphV-438.v Sullivan. Sir Arthur, -Life of, Arthur Lawrence: 439, Napoleon, the last_pbaee of, Lord Roqeborv; 440, Moody, Dwight L , Life of W. R. Moody. `Ann In: an ` .`.- I 9 Th touowing new b$E@_h;e Eden added %` to the Library 2 ' ' ` Anna in nu. nun . ,n can { Hard and soft O O D... 3-`? I I-`V MON EX TO-+,lf.:OAN. Rev.{G. I Craw married} NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Chapter :29 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1897,10 all Bersons has-inv claims against the Estate ot the late amen Herbert M('KB|0e who died on or about the 4th dav of December. I900. th at they are re- quired on or before Monday the 18th day of March, IQOU, to send to the Toronto General Trust Corporation Executors and Trustees of Ihe Estate of eaidjde- ceased. at Toronto their Christian and eurnnmeg. adqree es and descriptions. and full etatement efthetr chums pro rly veried. and the nature of - the .t. . _ . . . `_ . sxAl IlI"d`e'.s}I 't ' GHQ -`ah! .9o|. 1'-as BEST QUALITY iHAl-`(RY MARE x. nAn_1qn. imbue` Libra:-'y..` TSRBJEINT-I I I &l`_ Box,_1o1. Ba`:-tie INTERESTS OF TBARRIE. THE AOOUNTY OF SIMCOE AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. BARBIE, COUNTYOF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 21, 1901.` I:-vnuavunug uuuuuuulu u.u'l.|l0ul'l`!, BIO. GLIO BI 12 o'clock sharp, Mr. William Wallace, 31:, pzfoprigbor. L. Toby. uuotionggr, ` _ - On Friday March 1 c.19o1,_o Lo Con , 3. Sunidala; h_o.raea cattle. ii a,ti, '. :.?.:':.':';:'::a. :..:'.::=**`;`.;'.';*:.`.'*.`:::;; 2::-..__s'e:~:~ . torn will not be liable niamnor clmmu notice has not boon} receivddfbv `:h':; auuurllles, ll any, hrld bv them. And that immediatelv after the said 18th dav_of. Il_arch 1901, the said Executorl will proceed to du- tnb_ute the assets of the deceased among the person: entitled thereto having regard to than claim: on_lv of whi. h thex shall have nu ice. and the laid Execu,-V for_ the said nut, or any ' rt zgeyeof. an distributed to any -peuo"n or venom w xecutoru at the time of such distribution.` W . " 'l`I.I 'I`I\i!l\\IIlu\ nngu..u.:.- '_'._'.._.a...l_`.-u-*