Winter Fotwear at Almost Half-price SOLE AGENT FOR THE SLATER SHOE warranted, 095 75 London, Feb. 6.--011 the arrival of Their Majestics at Paddington station, they were met by an as- semblage of high {court and army oicials. The band played "God Save 50 00 O0 ()0 40 40 00 the King," a proccssiouwas formed, and the royal carriages were driven (.0 Marlborough House and escorted h_V cavalry. ' - - Acclaimed P'eAoplo " Britain on London"Streets. on Board the .Hohqnzollern. Au Abetionmte Farlewell. Ovzxtiun at Ch'zu'ing (:ross.A T1-n-: <:1e:nMAN- 1 Arrival in Lox: don. ' Reunion ` oners Cape Town, Feb. ;5f.---The Island of has been declared infected with bubonic plague. Importutlons Permitted. V Cu.Pe Town, Feb; 5.--An order has been gazetted permitting the impor-- tation of goods into the Transvaal, subject to a. military permit. j Boers Captured 200 Bi-itlslr. ' A Cape Town, Feb. 5.--Thc Boers captured 200 British when they rush- ed Moddersfontein Jan. 30. .l.`he,pris- were ' Thirty British were killed or wound- ed. l subsequently released.-. ij > Whilp Fighting Boers. ` I drt Elgin, `O-nt.. Feb. '6.--i-News ` has just been received by Warden Cummings of this place, that his son, Gordon Cummings Met heath me. 13 Gordon" Cummings, was killed in` ;South Africa. Dec. 18, `While trying gto save a. `comrade. who. with -1.3.... 1.-.: .-..`..1.....4..........a'4.- 4.`--. __ "W!ht-"`iT % % 1 , ? `the . ritish .na.v_y. - _.__--._.. --.~-uu-u-v -u London;.:' +l5`eb.` 6`.---i-Professor Sir of the throat to the National Hos- !pital p for Epilepsy and Paralysis, ;and president_ of -the Larenigological` ;Society of London, etc., asks` the As- " Felix Semon, physician` for diseases" 'sociated Pressto say tlfere is posi- ` ` tively no word of truth in the story, published in the United States, that King -Edward is suering from can- cer of the throat. S'ir.Felix Semon wishes it to be called a scandalous invention and ridiculous report." He` `hopes this statement will .be a nal answer to the cabled despatches he is now receiving from'America._ He` King` {declares he has not seen the ,for weeks past, and that when he ' last saw him his throat and general condition- were never better. -` The physician adds that anyone hearing the King speak _ V know in a minute that there is noth- ing the matter with his_ throat. in public would; 4 nu Felix '`_Vcni6:n" `an-us1`~` to scan"-y? rhat`xIn`g"'jn Sndedng ; ' From cum.-. ' _ \ - New York", jFeb.' 6.--`~`King. `Ed-` Ward's days are Anqmbered, says` a London despatch to an evening pap- er here, which goes on to say that London was shocked yesterday by the report that. the new Sovereign was a victim of cancer of the throat. Sir Felix Semon, the specialist, is said to be in almost, constan at- : tendance. ' I `London, , Feb._ _6.--'1`he King-Em-`E peror has sent a special message to ; f the people of India, and a greeting= {to the ruling chiefs of the nativoi astates, He . refers _to the late `T I Queen's special interest, inilnvdia, to ibis own visit to that country, to" {the deep impression he received }.there, and to his purpose to follow lthe Queen-Em-press in working for 1 I 1 the well-being of all ranks in India. ; Wili Rest In `_l`l1'ei1' Old Home. : London, Feb.` 6.-_--It is understood, i that King Edward and Queen Alex-5 ` andra will rest at Sundringham for : the next few days; The former will? `....J-...._ J... T)..,.l.:___.I_ __- II I ~r,1,u' I ` Col. Brande? Also .(.`aptured supplies- ; All Farms iuonan \Vi1liam District: 3 4 Now Deserted. - Clan William, Feb. 5.---Col. '13m'n-- der `drove .the Boers out of Varrhy-x ncsdorf, `capturing a number of wag- ons and a quantity of merchandise. All the farmss in this region are de- serted. The only being found ex- cept armed Boers was an English gmverncss on one of the farxns, o Dewevs Superb .lmpu!g=mce. ` ~ ' I _ London, Feb. 6.-A special dc- spatch from Cape Town says that (ion. Dewet, according to Cape Town reports, intends to annex various districts of'Cape Colony. and to com- mundeer men and supplies, -although he is nowvurging the Acolonists not to join him. Bloemfontein, Feb. 5.---The peace movement throughout the surrender tmweznent. through the surren- dered Boers has hitlxernu been unsuc- cessful. Peace `envoys will visit` Cape Town and get going new peace! designs. I British Troops Advancfng. London, ' Feb. 6.---It is reported frontier. `11e,re that British troops are ad-vanc-fl mg` rapidly towards the Portuguese ,u\..; A .4`... The crowds. 1'mckcd (.1(3!l`S(?l_\". -eheer~ ed lustily, as each State carriage, con- taining the members of the German suite, passed, and shouted themselves h0iLI'S0, When, behind `a hrilliantees-. curl; of Life (.Juar(ls, Emperor Wil- Ham, King` Edw-.u'd, Crown Prince [`redcr.ick William and the Duke --of (fonnmxght drove up in; the same" carriage. ITWL E .\ ...\Ll.:-.l__-` .. 17-..]- 1'.\.'..1..l yv uggvv up uuuuu uuv-up -va.;u, 1111911 him, had volunteered" to try and se- cure ammunition under a. heavy re. The sad intelligence came in a letter from .a. chum of the deceased. No word having been as yet received fromrthe Department of `Militia. Mr. \ Cummings was `not a; member of . the Canadian" 'con_tin'gent8. but enlisted under__ Ldrd Kitchener at Cape Town; ; The news. was ,a. _ eheavyi `shock; to: the" vanv a-vs-v Au vv \.yu.y L) c A All; I UL LLIGI. VV ILL return to Buckingham Palace Feb. 13 and hold a, Priv,'VT(Touncil tq draft ` the King s speech at thclopening of Parliament. Duke of Cornwall" Rqscuvering. London, CFcb. 6.---'I`he `Duke ` of. Cornwall and York is making satis- factory progress towards recovery- _ _ --.-v ---on u`uun London,`3_.--:It is reported ih London that the Boers. commanded by Blake, are` threatening Lorenzo` Marquez, and `that Portugal has re- quested British assistance. It is fur- ther asserted that a. British squad-- ron has been ordered to Lorenzo Marquez. . ' T 1.4. ... SJ. I...-.....- ..-V..\i-van Later it. became known that the, British Foreign Office had received semi-ofcial confirmation of the i re- port. The Foreign Office has `heard nothing of developments of the last. 1.8 hours. T ; Cruiser Ordered to South Africa. 3 Valetta, V Malta. Feb. V6.--'I`he_ Brit- ish third-class cruiser Pyramus has been ordered to South {African ` I King Has Addresed a Greeting to Ruling ` Chiefs of His Empire. Boers Threatening Lorenzo Marquez. T ._...A... 13.1. n v. . _ DROVE THE 30:95 our. SPECIAL MESSAGE To INDIA. pour ELGIN BOY KILLED. . \r , LLI. A;;...;-Ly . A naval parade g`rcC1e(l the l~`.m- Tp(.-mr's arrival` at Port Victoria.` .wh(.-n all the war Vessels `(l'r0ssod ship, this being further evidence of. Lhe e:;c[cpt.ionabl oIlicial'co1`dia1ity ex- i the two` Countries. _'l e:|ee .-Vlovemerrt u l~`ai`lur:2.; A%nnDIcfLT6L:`s us. A Scandlous Iu.vent[io-n. Bubonic Plague. .4. ... ._. Dy`:--.. .-. ----__v-. `The deceased hnd had a. great ca- reer io both` the `civil and criminal courts. -His wrmderful eloquence, and his skill as at cross-examiner are matters-of common knowledge. He xvas, on account of his legal abili- T ties, in great demand. His services `were e`ager1_v` sought, in fact, he has .appeared` in most leading civil cases and in all thegreat criminal trials in Ontario during the last 20 years. ,.'.[`he` Doniinion Government employed him frequently. Amongst other oc- c z1sions"might be mentioned his eon- nection with the `prosecution and conyiction of Louis Riel at Regina in 1.885, and _a_.lso the part he took in the McGreevy-Conno1ly "prosecution in t 1891. (,`o1nin'g` nearer home, his connec- -tion with the Birchall, Hyams, Hen- dershott, Sternaman and Napanee : Bank cases are not forgotten. T\nnn...-`A.-I Io... ..n&Abl I-.. LL- T\..vm.. 'uLu\: QIALIDUOULIVIC-D41. guwuuvuuq. L llritton Bath Osler Was the son of ` the late Rev. F: L. Osler, M.A., an A~ng`lican clergyman, who labored in several parishes in Ontario. He was i born in Tecumseh parsonage, Sinu- ' coe County, a county that also saw I the birth of the late D Alton Me-` (furtliy-, late-partner of the deceased. and hims'elf a. master mind of legal i ; a.bilit_v. He receivedhis early `educ-a- -A tion at Barrie and Dundas, graduat- cd from Vars-ity in 1862 and was calledto the bar, after having stud- L ied under the Hon. James Patton, [ Q._ C., and the late Wi1liam,Notman, _- Q. (X, of Dundas. He practiced in Dunclas until 1876, when he remov- _ ed to Hamilton, coming to Toronto _ in 1882 and joining the rm of Mc- ,'.(`zu'.tl_1.v, Osler. Hoskin & Creelman. The Marquis of Lorne appointed him L a (2.0. in 1380. Since 1382 he has I been one "of the benchers of the Law Society.` ' 1-_. .,...1.-4:.... in-.. n..1-_. ._----_. 4-4- 4-- _ad' Am... nnsix-;' U `Down For _n. '. But Isattu-ly Was ` Reported to lI:vo1R`ogilxned Much of nu ma -`rung-~ Vlgor-Soino "or the ` Notable C;-lmmlal Cases no Handled--V " Sketch or His Brilliant career. ! i Toronto. Feb. 6.-The news of the suddenideath of Mr. .B. B. Osler, K. 0., at `Atlantic City, N .._I ., came as a shock yesterday morning to his rela- i tives and` friends. His associates ! knew that his health had been poor ; for almost a. year, but `it was an- nounced that he was fast regaining his former vigor. `But to the public in general it was still more of a. surprise, as they were unaware of Mr. Os1er s past illness and still as ~ _ sociuted with his presence the vigor, ' robustness and-iron constitution that `had formerly been his characteris- tics. ., 4o____.l 1.1-- ...--an. IIVAQ nxnuf ~., K_ i "W gmostm mtssunntun. The `I-Iague; Feb; 6.-A--Yestrday was marked -by further receptions -in .connection with the forthcomingmar-T riage of Queen \Vilhe1mina anii `Duke Henry of Mecklenbur`g-S-chwetivix. Last -evening a. atat Tbanquet,-was given. at the in hoiior of the; foreign Lonvoyo. . .- I . "tuna-~ vnuuvw tutu an\JU nvnauvvvna Deceased also acted for the Domin- ion. Government. in the claims brought by the C. P. R. for insu`1- cient construction" of the road tlnjough British Columbia", :1. case which took about 250 days sitting of the board to try. The Govern- mot substantially succeeded. n..u.4.-.. 11-1.1. n_1_.. ---__ mi- _.-__ _p \a\ ....u uv um-u `nun. __VUaUUl\-|l._)'- I The Hohenzollern anchored last evening in Sheerness Harbor. She; sailed at 6 o'clock this morning, es-1 eorted by the German cruiser Nym- phe and the British cruisers Niobo and Minerva. Black Eagle for Earl Roberto. London, Feb. 6.---Emperor William has conferred upon Earl Roberts the order of the Black Eagle, the high- cat, German decoration. . . f1 Germany Will Mom-nh Three Montlu. A -` Berlin, Feb. 6._--By command of- Jmperor William the court will`, re- main in mourning for three months iiicmemoryi of Queen Victoria. : I ;' '.Prlnco Henry _a.V British Admiral. _..7'__4 9 o London, Feb. .6.--'-Prince, enenrjyr anti 1 "Prussia. who .rejo.ined'::the Utnms 5 agship .`i3,5:d9"!| ?"iP01f*v3nF?"..W.*h: \1|3 (Q J. LV.4Llb'L\J|4|D UUIJIVJDI ` .Mr. Osler was twice marri-ed. ' In 1863 he was married to the `daught- er of the late Capt. Henry Smith. She died in` 1895. In December, 1897, Mr. Osleri Was married to Miss Elizabeth Ramsay. daughter` of Mr. A. G-. Ramsay of'Ha.mi1ton. She survives him; He: leaves no family. -\/- uvvdw In politics Mr, Osler never took an active part, although in 1882 he un'- successfully contested Welland for the Federal House as a Liberal. In 1896 he declined the independent nomination for Haldimand. He had few business associations outside of his profession, so much was he `at- tached to it. _In religion on Angli- can; he was imbued with wide views on a."l religious topics. "MT-u IX;-.'I.un ion... -- .........:.-.`l `l'__ ing him to retire from active prac- tice and seek rest-. and retirement. He 1 had lately gone, with- Mrs. Osler, to ` Clifton Springs. N. Y., and thence to` Atlantic City, N. J. * ` i 111.. 1') n r\..1.... --._.. r_-n ---_.... -1.) 1 4-w-uungvsv \JlVJ, `V. -1 Mr. B. B. Osler Was 62 years old. He was one of-_ four brothers, the example of whose success in life is unique. -The eldest is Mr; Justice Featherston V Os`ler- of the~Court of Appeal, the deceased was next in or- der of` age, then come Mr. E. B. Osler, M. P.. one of Canada's great Iinanciers,~ lastly there is Dr. William Oslerv of Johns Hopkins` University. Baltimore, one of the leading sur- geons in America. IT-.. .J..--.- ........l L _.`l l__.I - .......-A. ,.,- L108. ..As mentioned the news wqs most. sudden. Mr. Justice Oslergo. broth- er of the deceased, was, at the time of receiving the information, sit- Ling` in the Court of `Appeal. He im- mediately` left the bench. flu... -..A -u...-. yn.-.a+ `lilznlv 4-hn rnnult lneulategyl 1616 hue ucuuu. The end was most likely the result. of the general breakdown, which Mr._ Oslor experiepced last. spring, caus- By Unoxp_acted Summons Lena`! Profession Suffers Loss. " Ffentlvltlu at the Hague! -- .._.- A B. `B. OASLER, K; c. Emperor Williarn has returned ` on hoard the Imperial [yacht Hohenzo1- lern, at Port Victoria, on his way home, after receiving from London _orowds demonstrative expressions of their a.m)x`ucinti02'1 of his prolonged visit to Englaiici. The Emperor's pass-.1g'e through London was some- what marred by bad weather. _. Un- mistakzxhle evidence of the place he has won in `the hearts of the Eng- lish people \VA..`~` seen in the affection with which he was bidden farewell by King Idward, the Duke of Con- iiuiight and other members of Lhe roy-.11 fmniiy-. ` ( A _.,-.._1 ...--....1.. .-.._...La.\.) 41-... 1.`... Glad` ta"! hear that Mr. E MitohlI.is1_-e- ooverimzlrom an attack of inammatory rheumatism. - ..l ` A number from here attended tlle Allivlg any service in Elmwil Pl'93bY`"n h' -on undoy lat, (I -- -- 'v--V-vv u--cu: Several sleurh loads of young 900916 Of Wyevale spam 5 very enjoyable evening at the home of Mr. J. Richardson III`? F3348? evening." _ " ._ V . , I -v---- ,--- `runny.- Mr. ma Mrrfino. Tweedle, of Orr Lake visited friends here recently. - -- --_--.v.-- .-wuw . ---.--'u M-rs. F. Moning, Penetang, spent ti few days; with Mu. Jno Richardson last week. a .3 I11 \'I _I_,_ of tfoud folk attended the anniverary services and tea. meeting at Churchill on Sunday and Monday. 3'` T (Harmon, of Nev}-rnaorket, has sold about a. dozen pianos and organs around town and vicinity during the last couple of weeks. in I` ll 0 g V_ `Mr. Lot Webb has purchased the 50 acre farm of Frank Dyer for the sum of $3500. Mr. Dyer has purchased 5 place near Elm- vale, and intends moving there at once. Mr. Geo. Warnica has sold his farms to Mr. J. Hughes. of Cherry Creek,` for the nice ligtle sum of $10,500. A u . nn .7 I- 0 is The youngpeoule of St. Andrew : Pres- E byterirn church will give a concert; in S. `A. I Barracks on Tuesday, February 12th. A'| prominent" feature of the evening will be the appearance of Bugler Williams, Q0 R , Toronto, who will appear in khaki and sound on his famous bugle the warlike notes of South African war. including the great : Paardeberg charge for the Canadians. I Lhnperor iHiau1\Nas uccounnucd by (frown Prince Frederick WiTlliz3.m zmnd the 1)uko of Sparta. It \vas at (ung Cross Raroad Statkny sub- sequont to the luncheon at Dhu1bor- nugh llouse. that the chief ovation occurred. run an--'w vvuv-u or can V-av n.v-nu.-c--so-- ---- Miuea El;ie and Jean and W. Neig I of Shroud, visited the Mines Richardson last. week. VVIIIII ALIUIJUD Ill \.lKII\Vlll\a Mr. R. J. McUonkey, baker, is in Toronto for a. few days on business. 1.13-9!-. n Qnt-ancillary nk 9:11: Ilv:`I\ JUL 3 AU" IJIIJD vu uuluuuo Birth-On Saturday, Feb. 3nd, the wife of Mr. Benj. Webb of a son. A TV! a u A number o-If men and teams from this part have left for the lumber camp this last wcek. - `I, (Y? `ID,'7,_ ,E `Y!_4,_,;, Y? 9 ,,, 9. "VHS-7e are(ao'rrWvZ report the serious illness of Mrs. McLean. who was suddenly taken sick on Sundav night. ` no u 1 `no 1 - 1 131 o Wm. nndnMisses Jessie _and Elsie Nelson have been visiting friends in Fer- guaonvsle for a few days. T A I I ,, ,9 DI.._,,,.I _II, _;_L-__j-_`I We are sorry to iepor the illness of John `Reynolds (son of Wilson Reynolds) who is in Barrie Hospital with typhoid fever. - go no '(}{e$g$ 7M(a7u:eo(ris again in shape for ' work at his shop in Craigvale, and iudaing by glppearances he has a good many orders to I. "7 ,-'4_-._. _- _,L_ I.-- `I_--__ -!;L 2.. N Mr. E. `Lawrence, who has been sick in Victoria Hoapiml with typhoid fever. is nearly recovered and will be able to be around again in a. few days. ' - 1.: (I1 . 1 !,_,;l on Wednsday evening the ,marriage of -Mr Gabe McConkey and Miss Hortense Kemp, will take place in Sn. Paul's` Church, Rev. Canon Murphy will oiciate. ,-av- ..-... . -..;,`.,. The .`\l CllblSl'lOD of York, Field l\Iarslml Earl Roberts, the Lord May or and many distinguished people. including the meiiibers of the Ger`. mun Embassy and a number of offi- cers, gathered on the platformto bid farewell to -Emperor .Wi11'ia,m. The Kaiser was in thehighcst spirits. H6, talked, laughed and shook hands with all around, and smiled continu- ally. King Irlclward was _equa.1ly cheerful. vi `He appeared to` besin bet- ter" heal.t.l_1 than -for wc'eks"past. Fergusonvnle. Advance Correspondence. . Mr. Montgomery, of Manitoba, isviaiting Mrs. A. Cumming. T |:_'.,1 an 1- lI|_,,'__II_ _lr\._..1 ..l.- Advance Concvpondezicc. _ Miss Ida. Skinner \ i.~.iLed her parents in Bradford this week. lJ5ll\A|\Il.\.| vuun vvvvnu Nearly evervbody hzae an a.ttack,'more or less severe, of la. grippc-.. -us T M Tnrnln In nv\nnzl:uiuli n `non nonnlpn ICED DUVUIU, III III HIIPPKL Mrs. J. M. Irwin is spending 9. few weeks Wlth friends in Oakville 1'| I'll 11 I I 2 ~ 0 rl'I Mr.` A. Woblman, of VTine, ha moved into Mr. S. Reynold s house_ here. " IICEO Mr. W. McKee, of Victoria University, has been visiting his parents, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. McKee, heife. ' Shroud. M. J, FAWLEY! I After an affectionate farewell be i tween the two monarchs, the train 7 startecl `out amid the playing of the I National Anthem by the band of tho Coldstream Guards and the cheers ol the people. King Edward ran for-' ward to take a nal grip `of Emper- or William's hand, which was held out of a window. ~ It was evident that no one was better pleased` at the day's proceedings than the Ern- peror himself. A number of German detectives ceaselessly followed in his footsteps and boarded the `lmperial train before it started. Emperor. \'\V/illi:11u_ wore a` British eld mare shz1l's uniform, and King Edward and the Duke of Connaught were German uniforms. For the first time in many days the ags in the streets and on buildings flow at -the `ag- stafl heads. The German flag was prominently displayed. 1 The Hohenzollern Sails. I The Hohenzollern sailed from Portl Victoria at 5.25 p.m. yesterday.` . T i '1... TJ..I.,........n...._. ._._..1....._..1 1__a. B:arriVe ~s_l.,.e%a%ding Shoe Store To _fuIly appreciate thee bargains we invite ydu to visit the store and see foryoursvlv N 0 need to spend a cent", your just as weledm._9._though you came to buy. Ladies $1-.O0,and $1.25 Felt Boots, plain or leather foxed, lace or congress, now for .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 - Ladies 60c. and 75c.. Felt Slippers, leather soles, sewed, now for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 M,en s Snag Prbof '1 Buckle Rubbers, lsb quality, regular I price $1185, special . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. /Men s Pure Gum , Buckle Rubbers, high cut, let" grade, warranted, regular price $2 `05, specil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ladies Felt Button Overshoes,_warm and comfortable, list price $1.70," now for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Men s $2.00 and $2.25 Fe1t,Boots, long leg, also with 4 buckles, special for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ Men s Lace Shoe _l-facksv, No. 1 stock, very highest grade regular price $1.85 and $1.65, special for . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . "now even if you. don t need the goods till next season. We commence thishweek a Special Sale to clear out every pair of Felt Booetg, Overshhoes, Heavy Lumberm-an s Rubbers, Pure Gum or Snag Proof. -Never before has this store ever offered such irresistable value-it means a lose to us, but no matter, we pre- fer it rather than carry a pair over till next season. This oppor- tunity abrds a big saving to you, and it will pay you well to buy * 'Men s`Pu_re Gqir; Rubbers, I-mckle, guaranteed Isis grade, list price $1.60, special . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boys Pure`_Gum -1 Buck1Rul;brs, lst quality, ` Aregulaxf price $1.30, special. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .He re s the saving these prices represent: Bis Imvgriul vM'aJe'scy"\vu 1oiI - "to my Station "by Jung` _na`wu`-a. cue] Dtfkfof Connauhvt Lord B'obex5tI."tho"`` Lot-d.Muyor. ind OI".hon--An Ale--` tionnto l'are_\veli - [Ridiculous Lie; About King Refuted by Prof. _Semon. 1} . Windsor, Feb. 6.'---Kin g Edward, in the uniform of u Prussvian Dragooni ;Reg'iment.; Emperor \'v'illian1,T wearing` J a British Field Marshal's uniform; the Duke of Connuught, in the uni- forgn of a. Prussian regiment of Hus-V sars, and Prince Henry of Prussia,` Iuft Windsor Castle yesterday *in a royal carriage, drawn by four hor-; ses with postillions, and an escort of `Life Guards. They drove to the road station and took a. train _for" London. Their i\Ia_iest.ies were loud-` ly acclaimed by the assembled { crowds. ` I