Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 Feb 1901, p. 2

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oss '& Bnokovsxx. Barristers, soucam--. Notaries, uonvsyancen, etc. Oiccs Bank 0` Toronto Building. Bnme. Branch Office, Cold` water. Money to Luau. A Doxu:.n'Ross. LL.n. ' J. C. BROKOVSKI. CCARTHY, soars as; MURCHISON. I.Barn's- tern. Solicitors, Conveyancers. etc. Success- ors to McCarthy. Pepler & McCanhy. 0ice-McUan.hy Block, uunlop Street, Barrie. `J. A. MCCARTHY, - W. A. Bovs, n -l", 'N|'nnnIncnn_ R. J. F. Palling, Graduate of Trinity University. Toronto, Fellow of Trinity Medical Lollege, `Membcr ot the Coilege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontariq. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. UK. a K1. LVIlll'I., .|...-.r.o., KJIIL, U3: 0! lJl'5. 'a.rv1e 8; Smnh 0n!1ia,) Othce anu_res1dence `--corn_er of Owen ant; Llolher streets, Barrie. 23-ly LENNOX, ARDAGH. COWAN & BRUWIV. Barxiaten, olicitors for obuinjng probate of wiAla._guardia.nshno and admiuistrauon. and General Sohcstors. Notaries, Convey ancers, etc. Hwcurou Lxnxox. Aux. Cowam. B. Houronn Amman, G. E. I. Bxown, L.L.B . nun, I- \V- L I"|....I.-.. -o....a- Ra. D. HULIUKU nlsunun, \.Ia u. .. u... .. .. _oaees : Hinds B[o.k. No. 6, Dunlap |ts:ee:.'_B::- ` ne.B1'anch 0'u:es-Lennox 8: Ardagh, Gravenhurst; Lonnox. Ardagh, Gown 8; Brown, Creemore and an-ll) Ac KJKUISNIIUKDI, Darnxucr, l`lLUUlIllF | . Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyanqer etc. irst dour Owenureet. over Bank 0 Com- ----ng R-.|'o;Q V S. BROAD. M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C.. L. C. . P. 5., 0., late resident Physician and surgeon ol Ioronto General hospital. with special attention to Dzseasea of Women, and Nose and 'l.'hruu.t. Worx, also tor home txme sur eon In charge of hmergencv Hospital. 1 or-unto. Uice and mght residence upstairs in McCarthy Buck, 21 Dunlup`bt., Barne. second door east of Dougall Bros. turmture warerooms--near Five E'ui..ts. Phone 195. aq-Iy EWSON 8: CRESWICKE, batristers. Solici- tors of the Sn reme_ Court of Judicature of Untatio. Procton. ozanes. Conveyancers, etc. Mqney to loan. 0$oes-Ross Block. Barrie. 1` `D Lluntanu A. E. H. 6. '3. 'La}. Five years ago the system of ~free '-rural mail delivery` was practically un- known in-the United States and was Itrongly opposed. Two years ago the appropriation for making experimental trials of the service amounted to $450; 000, and last year an appropriation of O1.700,000 was secured. The system has been established in several counties, and nowhere is there a possibility that it will be abandoned. '.l.`h'e Postmaster- General thisyear has asked for an ap- propriation of $2,500,000. S'1'KAL HI 8 IBLBLV. . Barristers, Solicitors in High Court of J ustices, Notaries Public, Conv_eya.nccrs. Oices over the Bank of Toronto, Ran-run. Barrie. ` . Money In sum: of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. u u c_.......... nr 6:. H. Es-mm. M. M. CAMPBELL. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, etc. Money to loan. Oices-Barrie and Stayner. Barne 0ice--Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street. 5-ly DR. E, L. BRERETUN. Dental burgeon. umcc over Ha.mbly's hardware. Entrance, Owen Street. Out of town :3: and 1rd Mondays (of each month. V 51-lv Est` ates, VI 3 a d peci t'o m H re- .ma`.'" oaac _ou.3enZ. 31$,` "B.`. $Lp" s :.`. ,e., Buuux. Our. ` , ` u-tf , n n -;-_-_..___A uv-`outt III ,I-\ll'|I`u A 5 and 5% per cent. on Mortgage. LOUNT & LUUNT Barristers. Barrie. 7 3:-ti. ` Opposite R. K. Station` MARRIAGE LrCEN$E ISSUER. -j----. QTRATHY 8; ESTEN )R. C. SMITH, L.L-.P.S.. 0nt.; (late of Drs. 'arvo X: Sn-nth (M-ilI2,\ Otha-9 nnu residence R; W. A. ROSS, Physician. Surgeun, etc., L. .R.C.S. Edin L.R,C.P. London. Otces and trim! na.wn:.Innnn v.\u:n'n .\t-I: nnnlnn at:-nab strut expenses oi the candidates is *the v Ess't 'Simcoe Dominion election. according to the statements published `by Returning Oicer MscKey, were as exp_enses- v'Hell rents, $101 ; livery, - 8105.255` flollows :-Mr. Bennett s "telegraph, $18.06 ; printing, 124 ; csndi -0398.31. {dste s personal expenses, `$550. Total, Mr. Chew s expenses-Rent of `halls, $98.75.; livery, $262.l.`5 sprinting. 114.51,; telegraph end tele-_ phone, $101.16 ; miscellaneous, $166.- 25. c Total, s,77o;s3.. ENGINEERS AND snnvmtons. )1}. E, L. BRERETON, Dental Surgeon. omce ...._ Ll-....I-`In : Han-(lwnrp, Entrance- Owen -L-_--.-.---;...T-......-.-_-..V.-..--.-- - w. PLAXTON, Bauer, bolicitor, Nata; (`.4-unwnunnnpr- on-,_ Mnncv to LORD. It |0W38t T. TING. Clerk County of Simcoe, will be at his oice. at the Court House. Barrie, V Saturdav. Residence and P0 Cnnbnonmn T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M., office in Bothwelfs Block. Allandale. )n the premises at night. 43- Y A. RADENHURST, Barrister, Attorney. c..a:..:.... :. Chanmrv. Convevancer. EY To LoA|_.- ..a. -._:___- 12,, , "MONEY TO LOAN. I ___- _-._. .4 ln.,., . -cu-vs-ow mended to: Farms sold ;1d ht on :1. GET MY TERMS AND RA S. The Ailistou Herald msn is evident` iy perturbed in" spirit that ".l'm: An- `Vamol: should have discovered the first gpring robin. He ssys.:- Barrie claims the rst spring robin`. If the ~oounty_`town oalyhsd the poor house now their-cup of joy would be over- sowing. ` MONEY TO LQAN. l_7IANUFAC'l`UlIES# Ivnsrmmanno s; MONEY T0 LOAN. runnznu MILL, COMPANY--I n . Building and manufacturing of Bnds. Mouldings. etc. Planin of ,promptly and satisfactorii '. ot iln. Uxstrict agency for grained lum- Bayeld Street. Barrie- Rnnnnpe D. "C. Mvnomson. P11 1 SILIANS. FINANCIAL. OFFICIAL. An gm. ions` of the Canada Gosetto Announces shit on the period roe oonrt mourning for Her lute Majesty luau until Elan. 24th, I902, no receptions ill! be held an Governmanb House till after that into. unuvllc 4s-ly- `c. w. MACPHERSON. gramea lum- I RODGERS I IILII OK I :4-Iv ii-5'3 35-lv l\lI4IJ 3-ly 4 Per Cent. Into:-en Paid on Doponu Ross new Block. south side Dunlop atmotg east of the Post umoe. 8-lv "FL- __, mm: mm & snvmss cof INCORPORATED 1881. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, :__A J `A. writer to the Bradford 'WitIIfIs complains that that towndid not have '0 og ying as ` halt mast after the Queen ; death, from any of her public `buildings, and in fact has no lagsta for public purposes. '--w on can`: A vow \Jll-IUUC The security to giepositors in a Loan Co'y is 1 doubted. There 13 no instance on record when! _ `depoaitior has ever made :1 In... L... . I M. P- - uuuutea. 1 new instance '1"!!! made a loss bv a Loan Co 1 } - OFFICE.-Next door to Bank of Toronto. Owen Street. Barrie. ' . u-ly We have u]-chased d ' ~ d h Ban itggm x`a".`r"Y- Io nup srter?:lc)f.n$vitl: 31 121*? Roam 3E[I-Vhances or all classes of work. PAT? our ~_ lg" A lI01Vll ll\IIIlJS'I`RY, and ham.- "Ii at gag door. armor 1. onnnwg; DEL van THE sum DAY. '.Ai:v%enisain% "nu: Anvm J. CUL VER WELL S` Halrcutting and Shaw ' Parlor 0PPOSIT1 ruanm HOTEL. agent Standard Life. London Gun 11- us and Accident Co... Provincial Building and Loan Association, etc. H. N. Hughes &Bro.; ` 511.1.` 5,, wt . N silsn suns. ` ;cpvANen_`Jnit,s.re omcvu , .- " To ` Iroli1 e'1iI.ffl_::ic"uunnnnn Ann 1' out! co!-ms. tglmost, if not quite. double that of any 03,. . 7 . napettpuhlisksd in Barm e unvnnneans snoum Non: um rig-,_-`l 13 lines solid agate make 1 inch, _ TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS. First insertion 10 cents per line, each sub` `quent insertion 4 cents per line. Reading notices, 10 cents per line for _ insertion ; 5 cents per line for each snbseqwe . insertion of the same matter. All items at` ' ` der 5 lines, of this chanecter, charged "5 lines. Legal, Official and Government advent` ments will be charged at above rates. CONDEN BED ADVERTISEMENTS. Condensed. adverusements on tirst page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found, property for sale or to rent, snecic articles, etc.. etc., must be accumpanied with the cash, and will be inserted-hrst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted n words); but a. reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertion: of the same matter exceed four. And the Sup Loan and Savings Company . of Ontano. , ` | COLHIIZS COHCCICC. CC. oOice over Henderson_s Hardware Store. Barri: nt. - V W111 UC CLIHJ 3C: Advertisers will not be allowed to use thei: space for advertismg anything outside their own regular business. Should they don transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. " Cuts for advertisements must In oven case be mounted on solid metal bases. REPRESENT nu: fouowma Fuzz Ixsurusa LOMPANIES: The Mercantile, now ailiated wkh The Lon- don & Lancashire of England. Secur- ity, $I5.ooo,ooo. The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo, Om. Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. Om Total assets, $303,078. Also Lloyd's Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany. -of New York. Cash capital, $250, (KI!) . Private funds to loan on first mortgages. Ac. counts collected. &c. KW-L-A nu... I.1.....l..--.... .. !J....J.....-.. C-..... I2-.--5. CONTRACT `ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken the7following_rates! wpich are drgtted on W. rect commercnal pnnczples and W111 be an-ieq, adhered to. There ~w1l1 only one price 5 all. - Ilncn cloloncouooooouuoo :54 inches" .......... .. 5in_ches, 5` column...... no mches, )4 column.... an-u:n4vlIIb( I tmlumn . . . . . . `For one month- the three month with 15 per cent. added. I in`... mm unnnt}m_.tlm Human mnnthlv no. Letterlrom Strathcona. The following 18 a copy of a letter received by Mr. G. T. Fisher, of` New-1 ton Robinson. The letter was accom- panied by a cheque of $50 as a contri. .bution to the fund for the purpose of erecting a monument to the memory of Trooper F. G. Arnold. late of 8trath- oona s Horse. V 59 Oadogan .Sq.,~S. W. London, 9 -h January, 1901. I Dear Sir,--Your letter of the 24:}: December, I beg to acknowledge. I can quite `enter into the feelings of the friends and acquaintances ot the late , F. G. Arnold of Strathconas Horsein , desiring V to erect some memorial to his memory in his birthplace, and I am .3144 to beable to send voa herewith. cheque No. 3449, of date.eJanuary 9th, on Bank of Montreal, to your order, for $50 as a small contribution to the fund for the purpose. Doubtless at the termination of the war the people of Canada will apart from all local effort in that direction, desire to perpetuate the memory of the gallant native of Oookstown and his comrades of the several contingents from Canada , who fought so nobly and gave their livis in theiinterests of the Dominion; Mother" Oouintryand Empirev at 1.rge.' i_ . 3 WIELI LU PU! UUl.l|u auucu. 'Prefen'ed positions in the paper will 5. sold at an advance of one-third on aboy. rates. This rule will be strictly carried out, CONTRACT QHANGE8. Advertisers will please bear in mind thq notice of intention to change advertisement. must be handed into the office not later tin, Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must_be in T11: ADVANCE oice um later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the advertise1_"s announcemem may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. ' Io ,.l..m.ma nf AAvprhnnment.q allowed m wwlug. _ 12 changes of Advertmements allowed pe; year. It more are required, composition me will be charged. ' At`|'l.|I0f`ilII'u nnt `IQ RIIOWPII t R43. SCROGGIE 6:. SMITH, Pnnvmcuu BUILDING AND mu ASSOCIATION. U. 10 PCI CCILD. nuucuo *F.r two months-the three monthly M with 10 per cent. added. gr:-D.-..4'm-.-ml nnaitinnn in Hm nnnnr -ill L J o__hn _]5_?._9gers0n, I Number of inches CZQ Ca. AUTHORIZED CAPITAVL.V$:5.ooo,ooo. SUCCESSORS TO E. s. VLALLY. --M'l'. Henry Scone. ex clerk of Tcumnath, is dead. Mr. Sconawas an `old resident "of Tottenham. "He has held T the ' cletk`Ibi6' ' for . nafl_jy' tom gut % anlutew month: Fire and Lifejssurance. INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &.C. E:a`a'<'):a;';;'~m.: furnished and raggucxgfesiwlgit GEORGE PLAXTON. AGl~.NT. 5 Barrisnt, nm... :. u..r`..-.1.., nlndx` SCROGGIE &. SMITH". BARRIE $250,000.- uuclscl IRAQ Faaaumt 7, 1901. V rx.AxToN . AG Ont. Office in M ENTQ cCarthy B103; PR 1 CE FOR Believe me to he`, `Deaf Sit-,L Very truly, ` W100 an-ea gi- ~_ `agai 1 house! _ quai; `miss,- IW0. 1 ru `honu I an did 1 'ders had `thin no Da 1 ancl -M10 piali info: M 'I`he..Kin s Oath. Peouliarly only one oath is required of the Soverign at accession, and in that oath he swears to maintain in Scotland the Reformed church with Presbyterian government.. This oath, which is of the reign of Anne, -is known as the oath for thesecurity of the Church of `Scotland. All other oaths, including that relating to the Churches of >Eng+ land, Wales and Berwick, are coronation oaths, and are not necessarily taken till that event, which may he a year after accession. The procedure followed at the accesion of Victorian was-S'ne entered` alone into the chamber where the Privy `Councillors were waiting, made her solemn declaration, took the oath for the security of the Church of Scotland, after which the Privy Coun- cillors were sworn and the Council con: stituted. Prohablv the same procedure has been fcllo wed in theicase of Edward VII, although the press. reports speak of his having taken the oath in regard to the Church of `England, after that protecting the Church `of Scotland, which is always the rst oath taken. P puit; (In- Not 1 iv m1}_ b( W in st r-0 tioo: dare in : 1* fl:(; HQ ftlig my Di~ be `ls:-zest bsls'n`oej7 7`1 5te:v.iousli' which was for she ion Jug`. 30, . I899. The Postmaster-General" has caused s regnlstiol as be psssed_direot- ing postlnssters to my money orders to on amount not exceeding 820 without waiting for an sdvice note, providing She clsimsnt is knownto them. and 'I_;h1 ,. Son of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lon- caster nnd King of Oaetile and Leon, Son. of Edivard 111., H Son of Edward II., Son of Edward I., Son of Henry III , Son of John of Magus Charts '_fame,:: Son of Henry II., Son of Matilda, wife of I Ge'ry` Plantagenet, Daughter of Henry I., ' . .Son' of William the Conqueror. 7 Queen Victoria was from William the Conqueror, who claimed connection with the -prem'o'us regime,` and`-included Alfred the Great among his ancestors. Herein the family" line, traced backwardfrom -her Majesty to William: . `Victoria. 3 - Daughter of Edward; Duke of Kent, Third son of GeorgeIlI.. --Son . of Frederick Lewis Prince of Wales,m _- it 1 Son of George II.,_ "Son of George I., _ , Son ofePrincess Sophia, who married (the `Elector of Hanover," ' Daughter of James I., Son of Mary Queen of Scots, Daughter of James V., of Scotland, Son of Princess Margaret, Daughter of Henry VVIL, Tudor, Earl of Richmond, Son of Margaret, wife of -Edmund Du;ahte r of J obn De B'eauto:-!.;, Mar quis of Somerset and Dorset. ' The Queen : Descent. A J Srnairacona. '9 y Ours uvo 0 There are now 22 000,000 children attending Sabbath tsdhuol, and of these, Lubom. 1 000,000 aw i- Foreign Mission Fiolda;`a_nd of ghe-as 140,000 -ore in Mia- M Hsh Theme are l600,0U0,000 of people in I the world, and the B blebae been gran eluted in whole or In part, into the lauguege 0! 1200,000 000 so than three- fourths` of the "worlds populauon. on new have the Bable in shear own gongue. 'I......' -__ _--.. {III nnn Ann In many respecis the 19m Century, and especially the Victorian Era, ha been -remarkable, but in none more so than in the u nexsnipled expansion of Foreign Mission eneerprise. The ful- lowing ig'ui'ee and facts make chis up par-ens, and kindle bright. hopes, almos-` exultaoion, in the minds of an who look and long for we universal reign of the Prince of Peace. - The t.0t.ul amuuno contributed for this woxk a hundred years ago was 875000. Last. `year, `contributions amounled to $10,000,000. - Gen. Albert Prke occupied the resi- dence when he was Sovereign Grand Commander and entertained handsome- slv. Hrs successors, Gen. A. O. -Bschelor, Judge P. 0. Tucker and` Mr. -Gsswell, have usually spent their win- tors here. Mr. Rnchsrdson wul pro- bsbiy remsinin Congress, as his new honors wul not Interfere With the per- forlnsnce of his legnslstve duties. As {the beginning of the Century, there were six Mission Sooiabiue. Now there are 537, including Women's Auxiliary Societies; Dear Mr. Editor,- No one but members of the Masonic fraternity have ever seen the Senate Chamber of the Supreme Council, which occupies two stories of the house, and 18 never used except for the meet` ing of the 33rd degree. There are 33 desks -and chairs, arranged about a majestic throne, nished in royal purple velvet and gold fringe. fhere is also a smaller chamber used by the Knights Cummanderof the Court of Honor, 9. Scottish Rite intermediate `between the 32nd and 33rd degree. V % 4 -H A? Imps:-Io! Illother !' Vioto:-is thoood ! Iloiutio `Hurt ! ' `Eu-`ch : Groom: Sovor- _ sign! . 0 Oonunmmate now thy glorious womanhood-; Oonlumynsto now thy grout and glorious V Of Interest to Masons. By theideath at Thus. H. Caswell, of . San i Fransisco, representative J :18. - Richardson, of Tennessee, affect onately ` known as Slim J im", . becomes the highest potentate` of Masonry, and suc- .oeeds to the olce of Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accept. edscottish Rite. This is not an empty honor, because it carries with it a good living salary for lite, an allowance for travelling expenses and 0 a handsome residence at the corner of E. and Third streets, in Washington, a "few blocks from the Capitol. The plain and gloomy-looking building cost $150,000 ; it is handsomely furnished, and con- tains a library of severalthousand vol- umes, including the most extensive and complete collectiorrof books relating to Masonry in the world. Over the en trance is a striking inscription Holy House of the Temple, which always passing. no n `, - 1| up provokes inquiry from people who are 'Exalted ! Pure Messenger of God ! _ -Th-y-lessons manifold will long enroll ; Mankind is richer where thy footsteps trod, And future ages will thy name extol. Imperial Mother ! Victoria the Good ! Majestic Heart ! Eartlfs Greatest Sover- eign ! A Consummate now thy glorious womanhood ; Consutnmate now thy great and `glorious reign." `U '1' IN . _ _____ Thy throne was not of granite or of gold, V Nor wrought hv geniuu rare _and ukilfnl Thy -1o:in"g'.ubieou. hnndredpintion fold. Declare it wujoonacructed _of their hearts. Guidui t'l;;S.hp ot Sta_te with amay helm, ' Thro` ahoph _of envy slid teinpentuoua '1-`uy heart bests, full of love andtendorness, Thine Empire heatfd with ever quickenina Thy utgoivfant courage mnd eah Briton Peace-and prosperity, throughout my realm, ' Didlt than gzfomote for more than sixty Fair Libhruy. shy sister Empress-Queen Hath ever --prbudly no enthroned with `thee; I V Thy bgnnu-a clean but radiant wings have in`:-W J. W. VGARVIN. *Peterborougb,'.Jan. 24th, 1901. To up:-god the noble measge if the free. Thy fearless justice and thy pitying tear. Gtowth of Missions. i ' Turouno, Jun. 23rd, 1901, ` ms NORTHERN 'A`1) Af'c:i `V-.-A runaway team in Sbelburne a few days ago collided with a cedar post to which was attached a guy wirethat helped to hold up a amo +-stack cu Ber wick 85 _Co e. granary. L %heamoke'atec`k fell scrape the O.P.B. t coke and nine :~rowl~j missed" I-hed recr_f;dench,ce__ itiililihiwoi 3'!-*eiP\1|liu" ei R '5' " "iii ` i ' -Mr. Donald Ferguson and Mr. Jae. Sutherland, of West Gwillimburv; and Mr. P. Ronan, of Adiala, have been appointed License Oummisaioners for the Oardwell Dietrict_ for 1901. Curiously enough, Mre. Lalor died on thenaame day as the Queen, and al- tnoec. at the same age. She has been ill but stew davs with the gt-ippe, which developed into pneumonia, and death came at 1.30 on the morning of the aameday _-upon which the Queen `passed _away at 1.30 in the afternoon. Mrs. La-lot, well-known in Orange-' ville, is dead. She closely. resembled Queen Victoria in personal appearance, and on several occasions represented Her M-jenny in local theatricala. She was the. Queen's dignied rluplioate at the Victorian Em and the Temple of Fame entertainments, and on Pretoria. `day rode in royal state "at. the head of Baeembled the Queen. Adeapatch fwm Oruugeville makes known the following[atr$n`ge coinci deuce: `Beginning with such facilities, know- ledge,_snd organization, what will` the present century bring forth? All` things are possible to Him who leads Hus hosts certain victory. Let us be co-laborers with Him, ` Confederation Life 31?`- Tofonto, ,_.- __--v- 1'. t e procession an the Queenie represen- tative on that victorious oocsion. IT I I * The first Women's Foreign Mission Society in England, was organized in 1834. Tue .tirst in America. was organized in 1861. There are now 208 Women's Societies,and they contributed` last year about $4,000,000. Then one-third of the world washou- known. The social, moral and spiritual. conditions are now known. There is rapid communication by ra11road,'et'.eam- ship and` electricity. Printing is `rapid and inexpensive. -rs There are on Foreign Misaion com munion rolls I,3l7,684 names. If we include others whe have abandoned their idols and who, although not on the communion roll, ere under Christipn instruction, the tossl is 4,414,236. There are fourteen great; National Student organizations comprising four- teen hundred separate orgunizstious, with a total membership 0: nearly 80,000 students and professors who are studying missions and preparing for Foreign Mission work; There were then no Bible Societies. Now their are 80 and the British and Foreign Bible Society alone issues four and one halt millions of Bibles or por- tions of Bibles a year. i Remember! At the T beginning of the Century there were no native Evangelists, whilst now there are 77,338 natives teaching the Gospel to their own people. Schools. Remember ICU-' bo. ho f 81.1111! u"sm' vnn.m' ';cfmo....,'6'.fE' that if your nervous system needs toning you will be miser- _able yourself" and make those you come in contact with mis- emble. Remember that you cannot possibly be" happy or successful unless you sleep soundly, eat heartily, and digest what you eat. ` that in Dr. Ward : mood and Nerve Pills you have a remedy `that has never: yet tailed to cure pqverished blood, such as Pale Greenish or Sallow Complexion, Nervous Prostration, Weakness, Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia and Stomach Disorders, Head- ache, Depression of Spirits, Lack of Energy, Pufness and Dark. Circles under the Eyes, Pain in the Back, Kidney and Liver Disorders, and Catarrh. - Foreign Mission Secretary. _._ Til- I'II-| , vmmpyy` an. Commission. nus: urymg nun. uxstnct for g her Factory-Ba.yeld Street, Barrie. l & GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. s Licensed Auctioneer. Ap raiser. Valuator. etc.: Credit Sales of Farm tock and Implements arompgly attended to: and bogtgnht Commission. MY TERMS AND DA e JAS. EDVVARDS ' CONVEYAl!CR_- A4. 1.2.. ..n:'._ -._..:| _ _ .._ . _- L -- A- _ ..---- cu uurnalnllfc Contractors. Builders, Manufacturers. &c.' Doors, __Saah. Blinds. Moulding. &c. Planing and Dressin of ever deslription. Hot Air Drying Kiln. luau`: mates urnished free of charge on all kind of wood work and building material. Handle all kinds of work promptly an satisfactorily See our work and get our prices. Factory, Hayeld street, north of the oundrv. -`Q- g -chat MON] DY TO 'i<')AN. , ormcn 3. BAYFIELD STREET, BAR RIE~ _' * ` . OJ , In F T Carpeuterm ;_.3qjim.-;.Puf,._,_._u..;!,gYo hm... `ask R :..A- ll-..I _ i'nwi3a'3he'."S: Blast Drying Kiln. hl` Fanfnc-v_Rn L ;f_b nave tor ado lion. in good Homes. a nt7xn_1'l;e_1-I 0 right young anadian children, boys and girls Parties desiring them are asked to communicate with the Secretary. REV. E. M. C. BOTTERILL, Barrie. ' -`-- ;u. oe at ms omce. at the Llourt House. Barrie every Saturday. Residence and P.O. Cookatown. V9!` 1 In I nI1v5n- At his oiee until 5 p.m.; at his private residence, 68 Mary street. after that hour. xx-Iv Barrie Planing Mill. . THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OFBARRIE ` L _f-(3!'aVd0ll0n._.iI'| number . GEO. _McDONALb Robinson & Macpherson. CIVIL ENGINEERS. DOMINION -AND- oN'rAmo'LANo sunvzvons. Postmaster Genera1 s.Report. , The blue book containing the reports of the Post Oice Department has been given out for the year ended June 30h, 1900. The net revenue amounted to 83183984, and the expenditure to 83 645,696, leaving a decit of $461,- 661, compared with a decit erases,- 539, in -18,97. The total net revenue of the post oiceifrom allsources, ex cspt that from the Yukon and Atlin districts, exceeded that of the pre_ Vious year by $1,053 and the total gross revenue exceeded that of 1899 by $20,391. On the other hand the expenditure of thedepartment, omitt ing the special expenses incurred in the Yukon and Atlin districts, was -$62,797 in excess of-that of the prev- ious year._ `Looking [over the post- oce statistics, it is to be seen that of ethe seven provinces, Ontario contrib-' nted the greatest amount to the mail matter posted duringathe year, its re- cord being as follows: letters 90,062, 6'-`500, post cards 17,800,000, registered 7 letters 2,062,600, tree letters 4,750,000.. packets of ` merchandise -1,950,000; -Qcebec came second with the following , `gures : letters 40,250,000, post cards ' -4,350,000, registered letters 1,050 000, me letters 585,000, packets of mer- chandise 475 000. `Continuing along . the same line, it is to `be seen thatgthe number of post oiiioes in operation on June 30 last were 9627. The estimat-A _.ed number of `letters posted in Oman was 178,292 500, of post cards 27,130, . 000, of registered` letters 3,312,000, of. V free letters -6'3'_l8l,000, sndof packetsof merchandise 2,940 000. Compared with `theiprevions year, this _shos`s an in-0 T,.J!Q_IIO,, .o_fi227 in the 'nn,mber,,oi,.post ~ta,n;me- in-peravion ma: 7.9}7I.00;. at to Hl new 6 1 F. 1. Roxiifqson. PLAILTUN, barnater, aouuwr, noun; 4 a } Conveyancer. etc. Moncv to Loan, lowest rates. 0i Block, south nde Dunlap Ron`: Rn -pun, 31.53 H33: u1nc_;u-- Street. Barnes, AULT`-- Btu-riatet. solicitor. Proctor, Notaty. . Convepancenf, etc. Special attention in `drawing anu probaung _wils, obtaining letters ot administration and guardnan:~hip,vcul`cccing accounts, etc. Oiccs. Rosa Block. Bau-nc. Monev to Loan. T DR. J. ARTHUR R058,` L.R.C.P. & s, Edin- burgh; M.F.l . 8: 5., Uvlasgowgmember of British Upthalunological Society. Speclultv.- Duneaseu of E) e`, Ear, Throat and Nose. OF FlCE.--78 Dunlop Street, Sanders' Block, Bar- rie". opposite POSE Otilce and Railway btation. Phone 54. P. O. Box 96. 7-ly IvI\lIII- I I I1 I-\JF|I`- We have a. large amount of Private Funds to lend at 4} and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm Mortgages. MCCARTHY. BUYS 8.: MURCHL SON. Uunlo Street Barrie. I `I .l\o\ho I'.'aI.lIIl" u.1\_\u.r.. L4UUUD- UIIIUCS auu night resiuence-trown'a Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. H. LY0N.WPlilV}\TE I-`U1~ii)s TO LOAli . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Dis.:ount.ed. Collections made in any art of the County, Real estate bought and sold. nvey- ancing in all its Branches. Marriage Licenses issued. 0ice-Rcss Uloclk. Dunlop street Barrie. 4:- v. ' $70,000 f.1`o1 iZ'c`?.?a"f,? Tw.m?.} interest. Noyfrinipal money required until end of the term. . STRA1 HY. solicitor, Etc.. Barrie. ~~ - \ Ivluriil-I I NI I-\Il'|l`n A large amount of private funds for investment on Mortgage security at lowest cutrent rates. 40-:3 _ ~ I. AUL 1`, Barrister, Barrie. Mr. W. A. Tom, save the Enterprize, has the honor of being, probably, the only citizen of Oollingwood who has been in close contact with the present Queen of England. The Prince and Princess of Wales, shortly after their marriage, visited Earl Mountedgecurnb, where Mr. Tom was a precocious school boy. Not to be outstripped by his ~cotnpanions, he wormed his way to the carpeted walk along whichthe royal carriage would pass, and when they arrived marched manfully besidethe Princess with his hand hold of her dress.

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