Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 31 Jan 1901, p. 1

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H` I: ~ 1: ` ' f E d 1 :3-** ::";::::;*:*;.*.#:s A" n- -"W.-: in `u mvnn -. . 'i'X?Eii""fE: W 3 , ? Mort'gagee's Solicitors. Barrie.` I- _ . . _ . _ - -_ Auction Sales. HSEBJEINT-I mu nunnxsrs or} BARRIE. `run covu-nr -or smcon AND ran nonmuox os.`cANA_nA oun cannula: *3mIE,couNrz , """""""`T-" `""* : "f1Ftbe Kin! The forenoon services in the Congrega-2; substituted. Th tional church had reference to the event'on the Christian ' that has so clouded the world, but especiaI- exerted during h . iv the British Empire, during the last week. wife and mother, _ ~ Hymns, prayers and sermon had all refer- _ ing the affairs of ..~ ence to the demise of Her Majesty. the late 7 the God of N atic best beloved Queen, Victoria. The Rev. ' Queen, but a tr: Charles Du', of Toronto, who is acting "Honest - John ` pastor fora time here, was the preacher, was the most at _`.*. and took tor his text Prov. xiv:34, Righte- - truthful person ousness exalteth a nation. He drew les- the close of the BE sons from the life of the great and good ' joined heartily in " Sovereign who has inst passed on to a King, during wt ` "higher.st_ate. The mcrtalitv of all esh, ` many faces in th- her virtues of womanhood, wife. mother and 5:" sT_ G, 2 Monarch were all touched upon, but em- St G s , , .$ phasis was specially laid upon the fact that - . 9'31 V; her elevated Christian and moral character m mm"'3 hma. , had ever borne wondrous fruit in the na`- mn;l p:1 he }` .; tional life and "in Britain's international re-' tb-lel.fh l , _ lations with the-world. -Itwas pointed out ~ :1. h ` 5 | if that her trust in,. and her fear of, God had ~ 3 .`tt mg 7 ` '.I ever been salutary intheir inuence for good. . .-' "nil, 9. :3 ~ "3 136"` , Andgthe preacher ventured the opinion that _ '0 s gm '5 had the` responsible authorities dealt, with . .nnbe'.:)`:`;1 Yb the Sultan ,cf,Turkey'with reference tothe V" ' Armenian massacres in eomcthinafof `the 5 `h m`"ig 3' ' will-be read, - P `spirit iot_`Qrcmwell."with reterence` to the persecutionscfithezvandcis Gh_ristiansin'his_ ` tio:e.. 'thev'm`o'ral inuence of t.h.e-world?-might " - no special 4 avfe.-been ltaliaedaaroiunjd the tbanncr of -- rules ofjtlaep Cash; Y4 ` . IJVI Illu- Likes. noble vessel which has battled bravely with winds and stormy seas in` a long voyage. she has entered' the Haven of Eternal Peace, where she has gone to joui those whom she had loved and lost. Our Queen has gone, and we thank God for her long and brilliant reign, and for her pure and blameless life. The Victorian era is closed. '1`ime with inexorable and. resistless march moves on; 2 Rooms for oices. in Ross Block, No. 97. Dunlop Street. Fire proof vault; lately occupied bl Dr. Wells. Also tworooms with vault, lately occupied by Hood, Jacks 8: Fraser. Barristers ;` immediate possesgion. Apply to C. H.` ROSS, - . Barrie. Iamnsn-v '1 Innv V - 4'-' vunvnuvuu uuvu uuu uuvuuun (II 1181' p80pl. Her simplicity of life and dress might well be followed in this age of vaingiorious emulation and tawdry nery in - dress and argument. KIIIWIJ II V,'i`he strong light which beets upon a throne failed to reveal in her any of those froilties so common to human nature, ` but only gloried the gentleness `and purity of he:-`_life.A lual Our Sovereign was the embodiment of all those virtues and qualities, which, diffussed throughout the nation; have enabled the British people to achieve and to attain. till they` stand to-[clay foremost amongst the nations of the world in all that is greatest, noblest and best. By her simple, queenly life she early won. and retainedlto the last the chivalrous love and devotion of her people. Her aimnlicitv of life. nn An... .a..a..m-T up: vlvu vnuuuu vvsuu uuu DIIVU M18 rung. Rev. Mr Witten chose for his text Psalm 121, verse 4, `A` Behold He that keepeth Israel shell neither slumber nor'eleep. We have ' been brought face to face with a. great nationals crises by the death of Queen under whose wise and loving rule` the Empire has grown to greatness. But He that keepeth Israel will not slumber nor sleep till we as a` nation have fullled the mighty destiny which is the portion and lot of the British people; Therefore we may utter in slightly altered form the prayer we have uttered for three score years and more. God save the King. (`uh .q!\I1An:lIin c-nun. 5L1. -_.L-.i:_.__L -l' -lI The chancei,-"r:;o:di'n.gv desk pulpit and organ screen were draped with ensign,- -Union Jacks. and mourning. 9. large picture of the Queen was similarly draped, with mourning around the chancel arch. The music was of a. national character, and the service closed with God Save the King. RR", MI` 7ittnn nknnn `nu `\:n haunt Dun`-. . some special features in the life and character nu usvvp, nuu L` uL`vVI'1l.' wiou LIIU JJUKU. In the morning Mr. -McLeod spoke of the elevating inuence of the Queen s life upon the people of our country as well as upon the world. In the evening he dwelt more on of the Queen. First speaking on the in- 1 finance of a good mother and a` wisely `gov- erned home life, pointing out the high char- ,_ actor of the'Queen s mother and the wisdom with which shepreparedher for the throne ; In the second place he dwelt upon the con scientiousness and sense of duty which mark '< ed "her whole career. Her policy was to do what she believed to be right. To this fea- ture in her, which was universally recogniz ed,`-she owed her great inuence in state af fairs, both at home and abroad. _He dwelt _ thirdly on the sympathy which she has al ' ways shown for the poor and the suffering. This drew to her the affection andsympathy -__ of the people. They knew her sympathy was genuine After illustrating these fea- turesl of her character and dwelling upon her religious character and her fearless con - fesion of faith at all times, Mr. McLeod ` concluded : "It is impossible to depict so ~ great a character ina brief address. But it ' is, in the midst of our sorrow at her death, " a pleasing duty to recallher virtues, to linger 1 with reverence and a'ection over her great and beautiful life, to point, however imper . fectly, to some ofthose excellencies which adorned her long reign, and which cause a world to gather round her `tomb with un~ ' feigned sorrow. ' - Memorial. Sarvicas in Most of the Ghurohos an Account of Her T Ma.jesty s%Daath. . Never bstore` in the history of Canada have pulpit and pew" of all denominations united with a common spirit of mourning as on Sunday last when their thoughts -turned_ with one accord to the fact of the Empire's great bereavement. Ieverbefore did the life anddeath of a human being appeal so effectively to the eloquence of the pulpits of the land. as from city cathedral and back- wood s schoolhouse came th'e tribute of thanksgiving to God for the long and illua ` trious reign of our beloved Queen and ex- pressions of sorrow because of her death In most cases the churches were draped in deepest mourning. The church was becominglv draped in mourning for_ the occasion; Appropriate music was rendered by the choir, the an them being, One Sweetly Solemn Thought. by Ambrose, and the hymns, Sleep Thy Last Sleep, and Forever with the Lord . T..`oI.... ..........:...... u- 1u-~r ...n ___.a__ -2 n, , ;Tributes rmm~ possession. Apply to La. I . Barne. January), 1901. -CONGB.EGA'1`IONA L cmnwn. ERESBYTERIAN cmmcri. V CHRIST CHURCH. Many Pulpits. ` |'_""'-- -.uuvuf|!lLIIl| GUI. uluu uuu: uv IIUUI |nccas1on_ duung the servnce to pay an elo- 33 quent tmbute to the memory of Her Maieaty, ' 43" many prayers from devout Catholics gwenu up in hgr behalf. A 9 - - L was 415631.51. Us As special service is sanctioned by the g"1.`ll1ea of the Catholic church,` Dean Egan did gnob preach a memorial sermon but he took nnnnninn .I..--:....."-|__ _-___2-_ .- _.... ._ , In the evening a beautiful memorial ser- vice was held in memory of ourlate. much beloved Queen. The pulpit, _choir-rail and - table were tastefully draped in mourning as '_.' was also a picture of the Queen on an easel inside the altar. The text chosen was Honor the King, the word Queen being The speaker dwelt particularly on the Christian inuence she had always hdr long reign as a devoted mother, her great wisdom in guid- state and her rm trust in Nations." She was not simply a a true, noble woman of whom ~ John Bright recorded that she absolute. straightforward and he had ever known. At service the large congregation heartily insingiug "God Save the which tears fell silently` from ': the audience. ~ enoncn s_ onuacn. St. George's church was suitably draped V in morning last Sunday and appropriate ser-' -. mons preached in which reference wasmade . to the death of Queen Victoria 'and of the noble life she led leaving an example in which not only hereon, King Edward. might r imitate,vbut everyone of her true and loyal subjects might set before them. nu an-..A.... 1.1-1.. n_;1 - _-_..'..:-I ---i--2 --' On Saturday. Feb. 2nd. a memorial service willbe held an 2 pm , in the church, when the comtorcing and. sculptural burial service willvbe read. -uvJvvuu uuguu ICU Uelora 608111. I N OR SALE-Four young Shorfhofti Bul[s`;;l two Heifers. sired by Royal Clan," and bred from one ofthe best milking strains. FRED. M. WARNICA. Painswick Ont. , _ 2-5-p E9 --The banquet; which was to Have been itdfd MI`. W. -Bennett: M.P-.9` in Orillia, has been indenitelv ~pQI|'op0n.8d owing. to the national jalivction in the death us-5-nu, un. unuuum` Wlll (116 OI BDXIGISV." The statue of" Liberty in New York her- bor was a wonderful monument. standing 329 feet high. But there is .5 much more wonderful monument. Its height reaches to heaven. Its pedestal covers the whole earth. It: length reaches farther than liberty : torch - It is found in the life and reign of the grea.test'Queen the worldvhes ever known. ' . uuuu y uuanu U61 5: Mr. Bartley thought the hand of Provi- dence was behind the long reign of Victoria, making it A bulwark among the nations of the earth. Just after her coronation the Archbishop had presented her with 9. Bible as the mostvaluable of gifts. By in she had been guided in her long reign, and it had been the secret of England's greatness. He!` M111`!-!f.V inn: Ann AF us-0- ------A-1 uuuu we secret or rijnglanws . Her Majesty s life was one of utter unsel- shness. Her sympathy went out to her subjects in all their misfortunes and su'er- ing. During the Crimean war she constanty wrote with her own hand suggestions to head uarters When Lord Raglan visited the %ueen to confer with her, it is said a prince called him to one side and said, You must hurry back and take Sebastopol, Lord Raglan, or mother will die of anxiety. The nmtnn n6" l.:I\...o... :. 1cr..... v-..I- L-- uuuv nuuu nut: uuluu. _ The speaker drew an anology between the anoicn.t}Qneen `Esther-and the modern Queen Vicmi* ia.. Of the latter. _.as' of the former, 1 could the words of the text be. said. Both 7 would be remembered because of their star ling qualities. 1`he piety of Esther found a parallel in Victoria, who, after` being pro claimed sovereign. distressed at her too great and splendid state, spent, at her own first royals request. many hours alone in prayer. And as Esther s prudence averted the destruction of her people, so our Queen s greet tact and skill saved her people from A many disasters. Ml- `D....u__- -|,_ u . .. . - - - uy ueeus or xmauess and words of love. . The name, Victoria, given her in com- memoration of the battle of Waterloo`is _still hers. As a piousTChristian woman she hears the sign or the cross, the token of victory, upon her brow while crossing the -valley of the shadow of death. COLLIER 's'r. METHODIST. ' The church was crowded tothe doors at the evening service .The. emblems of mourn ing were very simple, consisting simply of the draping of the pulpit. The platform was decorated with owers. The music was appropriate. The choir sang with good effect God Shall Wipe Away All Tears and "Hark. Hark My Soul. During the offer- tory Mrs. Laidman sang These Are They from Gaul s Holy Uity. - REV, MI` RQFPIAIY n..|`|n`n.` `A... L. _ A . - - A-- '- ac-usuusu In 1161' UOUIIIIIUS Years. Her name was` not bounded by the limits ., of the civilized world, but it was known and revered among the most remote end savage tribes, from their tortuous connes to their shifting centres, standing ever for truth and justice. There probably never was hetore in the world s history so great an example of one woman s inuence for good. Canon. P.ninar than m-.n- 1... 5.. .........I- -1 vuu vv uulau B In Llut'l.|(.'U 101' gopa. Canon` Rainer, then went on to speak `of ; the great rening, restraining inuence of the Queen, whose" public and private life are both aglow with unassumed sympathy. giving breadth to the dignity of the crown by' deeds of kindness and words of love. Thu -an-an TT:..s..-:.. ..=.--- Ir - Lsvlu \.l LLUIJ CID] Rev. Mr Bartley selected for his texts` Esther 4-14, And who knowetb whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time-.as` this; and Mark, 148, She hath done what she could. 7'|1L_ __.__I_.._ _I_,.,, -.ra'n n'rr cannon. _ The church was suitably draped and special music rendered. . V. c 'Rev.. Canon Reiner took for` his text Co_r., '15 54--Death is Swallowed Up in Victory." The death of an aged Christian, 5 he said. may or may not, be accompanied o with much sorrow, according to circum stances, in the hearts of surviving relatives ` and friends. But within the churchn such feeling is permissible. Its attitude of faith is expressed in the words of the Burial Service, `-`We give Thee hearty thanks for t that it hath pleased Thee to deliver this our ._brntI *7 out of the miseries of this sinful 1' worlu. Though sometimes hard to say, especially of the young, these words must _ everstand. And such is the attitude of the . church of Christ all over the world at this time and on this day when we religiously}. commemorate the-` death of our sovereign `x. M lady, Queen Victoria. Grief at her death is if." for the Roval Family and all British. eub- jects in their private life. But` in the sacred precincts we feel that death is swallowed in victory; so should our grief be in joy. . The native millinm: nf Inna. Mun-.. . WELLINH T0 R '?NT, centrally situated." south west corner of Mulcaster and McDonald Sts. House, 2 storev. 9_rooms and halls, garden and lawn. Apply on the prumnses. 45-tf .u uuuu y; no uuuulu our grlel 00 In ]07. native millions of lndia, M_ahom- metans and Buddiets alike, mingle their grief with ours, and mourn for her whom. as subjects, they obeyed, and whom, as men and women, they loved, and who returned their loyalty ond affection bv learning their language in her declining years. Her name Inninnlr 1........a...a 1.... 41.... 1:-_=- tianity into ' btiineas, I trade, `commerce `and politics. May her mantle of delity, love` and tenderneaa fall upon her pubjects. METHODIST .C_HUR_CH,- 6'm WARD. s"r.V MARY'S. ui um gruuu Jury. narmon. 15 Will 08 re- """`""'"""7 _ membered, was found dead in Buffalo from H"lP W9-5 d"iVll2 the tW1Bdi88. Who .' 9, dose of guboiic acid which the woman, -were his cousins, into Bowmanville on Sun- ; Mrgcugp was supposed to have admin, lay afternoon.about four. o clock. As they . muted.` as she _di3,p`p9a,,,d M the time, but crosaed the railway track the International subsequently gave hmelf up Limit was approaching from the ant at 8 . . . . . _ ibout 60 miles an hour. Whet the 00- T whiwgntgpalgnf (:):i'e`:bFirl:n1::_';eH( l"n:'b I cupante of_ the buggy did not hear the train ' muy 12) the Tm_omoGlobe ya, __Mi or attempted to cruise ahead of it, will never Heinrich ! mt hn been muc pinged at 2. be known. The train dashed into them and the number of peoplewho attended herzggze ::[i.e1;i,s?:i1:hekgE: W?:e0l?ir:: J. ::eft:?:?,l::: zgffflgtfgcflg.some forty rodeon the cowcatcher. ` A __ ud, -Wm The fr;y6u*n.8 magician . The sad aair caste gloom overthe whole` no docesa-in heir ho-aniirotmion. `"'- .T" "'?""'i" ."i 9* MI -.KniiiIns ' 9: M V `hem-.;mm of Barrie. W_.0 brought the..iaai1vV intell of their `0ouI'li'i = iii. `Six! -A |V :' -Mr. Robert Brownlee s many friends ` were pleased to learn of his elevation to the state legislature of Montana, in which state '1 he has large ranching interests. In the re- cent election for senator Mr. Brownlee was a supporter `of Mr. Thos. Carter, the defeated senator; against the silver king, W. A. Clark, who was elected. via street, Toronto, after an illness beginning e-N.[rs. oi-Thos. Long, 513 Jan! ' in September last, died on Saturday at 12.30 ` gfclock. in her 615: year. She is well known in Collingwood, where she -lived for many- years. and whither her body` was removed ' for burial Two eons, Thos. E. and Chas. T. ` and two daughters survive her. at o r\ 1 ,1 pa - - A ' --Maggie Culp, the Collingwood, charged at Buhlo with poisoning _her lover, George Harmon, has been discharged by the nding of the grand jury. Harmon". is will be re- was found acid, Mrs. _Culp, herself g4-n1 , ,__ , L `to 1-: 1 Irv - TRAYED'--Onto the premises of the undersigned. ' Lot 24, Con. 10. Inn-sl. about the beginning of Novemb:-r, one eiye, with a piece 01? end of ear. and mo ewe lambs, owner can have same by proving _ property and aying expenses. V V P T THOS. SPROUL. ' 3..p. I (`.1-niaunin ' -Two rinks of curlers went to- Churchill on Tuesday and were defeated on a. total ` score of 2 points by the home players. The :-Barrie players were Geo. Hogg, sk., J. ` Coffey, Jae Vair, A. W. Wilkinson-score, 23-l4,for Churchill; and D McNiven, sk., i Grose,_ Dr. Lemon and J. Neela.nde-- score 2215 for Battle. ,.r,,___- --Rev. H. H. Coates, M.A., B.D , deliver-E ed :9. very interesting and instructive address at Lhemeetjng of the Collier Sc. Methodist Church Epworth League on Monday night. Rev Mr Barclay presided, and the Misses Free-k contrilmtzed an enj ovable duet. rnu - ,_ __- ._._l .. ' ...-u.` .--.--av: -There will be 3 special service in Christ. Reformed Episcopal, on Saturday, February 2nd, the day of her Maj esty s funeral, at 11 o :.-lock in the morning. All are cordially invited to pay their last tribute of respect to our beloved Queen} -Walter Wltt.en,_ Rector, The cheapest place in town to buy!` hard and soft wood is A. WV. Wllkiln-. sou -. Delivered promptly in any. quantity to nnyparl. ol the town and Almndule. Leave orders at mu] ofnce or phone. 23. I --.Ro.bert Fox. who was recently arra3gned`*. in the Police Court on a charge attempted ` suicide and was remanded for a. week, after pleading guilty came up for sentence on Friday. He received a three months term :1 in the County jail. ` g IN 11- ru -Rev. H. H.- Ccates, recently returned from Japan. preached able missionary ser mops at Elizabeth street Methodist church. on Sunday last. The speaker gave some verv interesting facts and features of the work among the J apuneaej is 1\ r .s. _- ....v.-`... y... u -as Iwl sup; vsuu Lui the ai;_Christ Uhurehuou Saturday, as , sembiing at the -Drill Hall at 1031-0 10;` than ,9. 30 o'clock \Vednesday morning, January p|1l_`p08;` ' . .2? ' 9. at St. Pu.trick s church, Biddulph, when __Mi 3 , . _ . . ,Ml8S Henrietta Helen. youngest daughter of McCa,.,,y:M ;$ s L,ffi"Il,;:]er chsi`;?)`:1?;'"1vh(`:fr 6': Mr. John Farrell, was united in holv bonds died suddenly 01') Friday In from grip fOl_ ,of matrimony to Mr. Robert Crossland. of [owed by paralysis of the "0 The :Birrie,a.former publisherofthe LucanSun. funeral took "place on Monday morning fromT"e bride` who was given way by her sh Marvas` Church. . ' :,.father. was handsomely gowned in white _Rob t F _ h 1 . dduchess satin. with chiffon trimmings. and t1`1ePe}"i_ 8 W w9' ";1nty`"`"3 wore a bridal veil and wreath of orange . .d d`e `"1" " . `"39 lempwd blossoms, carrying a shower bouquet of Sum .9 an .w`3 f week white carnations. The bridesmaids were . . , llher sister, Miss Barbara Farrell and her iP:]rlt`%:;y'C0:.I1:;(3.;Ved 1"`- .`h8 3-` cousin. Miss Laura Mara. of Poin1 ;Edward. who were tastefully attired in white orgaudy, -recently with chiffon and valencienues trimmings, _ a=d carried pink carnations. The groom church. was attended by his brother, Mr. Will. som. _ _ .4-Crossland, of Barrie. verv interesting fantn and `fnntllrnn nf um llftn... Ll... ........_._..-- LL- __._.`lJ!--- -~~---- A very pretty wedding was solemnized at- ` V . .. and. `now uuvv -T--'[`hc membcx's_of the 35th Regiment, with the Veterans and the High and Public School Cadets, will attend the memorial service for nu Juan the Queen at Christ Church on - 1 9 >2 Wembling the-Dx'i!l 10 3-0 \ pressive of sorrow an the Queen s death and "of welcome to her successor. For C: oice Family ,Flour and all kinds of Feed go to Wllklnsonhs. All orders delivered promptly in mu uanuty. Please leave your orders at e M111 olee or '1`ele nhon.-e No. 23. e -Au tn: Jlg of the O.M.B.A. on j Monday night, resolutions were passed ex- 7 1 1 1 I -At the annual meeting of the Masonic Grand Chapter in Toronto. last; week, W. W J. Hallett; was elected Grand Registrar. and y! W. 0T. Sllthrln {ll-on:-I .\`I1v\nnn:no-n..J.....I. 9-- u. uuuctu was euecnea Urana tiegistrar. and W. J. Sutherland Grand Superintendent for Georgian District. W'ill be received by the undersigned, up to FEB-E RUARY 23rd. max, -for 13;: muchase ol the Wet halfot Lot 1S. Con. 7. Township of Oro. :00 acres. About qo acres are cleared and fenced and free of stumps and stones. The farm is well watered bya creek and wells and is conveniently situated nearzi Guthrie Post Office. There is a good frame dwelling house in good repair and a trood frame barn wiuh stable below. The soil is a clay loam and in a good state of cultivation. For particulars and conditions apply'to . ' . DONALD ROSS`. Assignee. A. Kissock Est. Barrie lanunrv )Rrli Inna. ---` .._-v- u--V mouvull -1 AIAI-IULIDI -In the recently published results of rhea Christmas examinations atethe Ontario Ag:-I E cultural College. the name of A. W Part- ridge, Crown vHill, appears third in the general prociency list for the second year 5 TI . . 3 . .._L--._ n._x.._ cu"-.: -n - -There will he 9. special service for cbil Q iren in Christ: Reformed Episcopal Church on Sunday afternoon, February 3rd, at 3` .o clock. All children and their friends are `cordially invited to be nresent. 4-9 4-. -. -- . .--v _n- y 1.. u. vvul uulu a parrot` [X1686 """ "" _ . _ mg this afternoon at the residence of Mrs ` A the 1**d`"`3 f"e`g PW"3 W!" b9 scout. 12881 SE The regular meeting wmgrepresented at the funeral. Evervwhere he held in the Union parlors on- Monday `'"!_tl'e D0-`$10115 Cokes Of 3V'_"P9"-hY "5 Jcemoou, next` at the Sam`, hmm met with. '1he ag at Washington was ___The God roads conference called to _ .p_lace(_l at ha1f'mast on Monday for the first meet at thge. Council Chamber lrat Thursdav E? tmX3u"!thhnt:l.f bu .{3Fe'g. msmwzh h was postponed until Wednesday. Feb. 6th, been dmegu `Cd '1' mgs.` ` t:" ` `Z 3:; an accountof the adjournment of the County "buildin pe `0anThma':1y pm? 0:8 std r Council till after the Queen : funeral. 38 H T M5 W 8 noon V 0 6 'th . - l d th th d ' recently results the 'hn?;or 5%? .,K.fr:J:,,a(ff;.,g`ft3n.f Texaigd :3 '51] night A P,-0c1amat,ion hm, been {awed College. A: 51;; mom-Ding be worn for the Queen. be. vC?Wn_ ' Hi"!_ PP-1'5 the' pgxnning on Monday last, and that business 39" 9'1 P`'l.Y 1*" `'91 be suspended during the time of the funeral. members of the 35th Regiment. with --The W C T. U. will hold a parlor meet ing at residence St. will; Union same E rn ---A Proclairingtion has been issued by Mayor Radeuhurst. enjoining all citizens to close their places of business to as ieast one o clock. on Saturday, o_ut3 of respect to the ` imemory of the Queen. rrn u - -' -Toronto now claims a. population of 237,877, according to the recent directory estimate. ` -Tl;e' County Council will re-assemble for the despatch of business on Mond -.`y next, Feb. 4th. - ' ' Holiday Mr. `Minna received word of the death in Toronto` of his brother s wife, Mrs. George Minna. _ 7.- ---J -v-vu-u l --E. A, Eose, of Wear. Gwillimbury, has been admitned to the House of Refuge, Beeton; David Williams has been appointed license commissioner for West Simcoe. ` , ,___ v.. --,--u -v nn\rI..IlV'IlII o -Mr. (`V (`I7 `nun . EXTRA MATCHED Span of young "Brown Colts. two years old. chunks. about moo lbs in weight, at $10.3 each. this span is hard to beat. Also ` :1 good DRIVER 5:, years old. Bav, ,'will_ drive single griouble. Apply to H. JOHNS ION, Mine.-;i:ng. _ -_ , ' ' 1: r . W013 onallome Made and other var- ieties of bread at B0 rnwnu.2s. W `,1- T\...-:.`I 1113119 I -_-._--~_-_ ow. v v vvv \JlIlII6U,Uo H -C. W7.Z7Plaxtoh has removed his law of cea to the McCarthy Block. II` A I`! 9 `I1 [The Latest News may Raadable ~ Paragraphs of Local Interest. Briey Told. . F General Mourning Proclaimed and Ces-\ at 1 sationvof Business on Saturday. ` The preparations for the funeral are com- d p'eted. The mourning period is xed for 3113 50 March 6, with half mourning till April it 17th. The tuneral will be military in char- t acter. By special order of the King all the i udraping must be done in purple. The ' naval features wlll' he the rst of their kind lurch in Brltlah history. The ships will stretch 3 `from Cowes to Portsmouth, with the foreign ls are vessels at Spithead. The remains of Her `-fMajesty will be borne on the roval yacht, Alberta. nu` .1 u u. - - meet 1 . vvuuuu.-5 uuannsnuu wan uluuuuavzu. Mr. and Mrs. Overs left `for a `wedding tour to Toronto. Buffalo and other places, attended by the congratulations and well- wisbes of their many friends. LUUV I JJCGLI 135990 The bride was tastefullv attired in a. grey cloth travelling dress. She was attended by her sister, Miss Minnie McKernan, while the groom was supported by Mr.- Milton. senn. After the ceremony thejmmediste relatives `and friends, to the number of twenty, adjourned to the family residence of the bride, Smell St., where a tempting wedding breakfast was discussed. V M. .....a mi... n......... 1.1:. r... - _-.1.12_- Anearlv_ new Ggadstone Cutter. only used a. few times. Owner havmg no further use for _ic. Apply to A verygdistressing accident occurred at it the railway crossing at .the Grand Trunk. uear Bowmanville, on Sunday afternoon. bv which three young people lost their lives. [`here names were, Herbert Halleut, of Whitby. and Helen and Amelia Knight. of ` Bowmnnville. 'II_.I,;L , 9 ' -` ` After the ceremony the wedding party. gtogether with immediate relatives adjourn- : ed to the residence of the bride s parents, * where a dainty breakfast was partaken of. Mr. and Mrs Crossland left onthe afternoon train for their future home in Barrie. amid a showers of rice and many good wishes for their future happiness. The bride was one of Lucan s most popular young ladies`; and x will be greatly missed by all. The large number ofivaluable presents and the im- mense crowd that greeted them at the church and bid farewell to them at the sta- tion isample proof of the popularity of both _hrirle and groom, and our heartiest wish is that their travel down the stream of life may be one of happiness in the true sense of the word.-Lucan Sun. $1./L vuulullu, UL lllbgwn pleasing event on `Wednesday morning, Jan. 23rd, when Miss Alice McKernan became ; Gh wife of Mr. Arthur Overs, of Allandale. [`be ceremony was performed at 9o'clock bv Rev. Dean Egan. T f'l`I.... l.;:.l.. ....... L....L-l.-II_- _-..:____1 2-. - ____. g St; Mary s Church Vwae the scene of a very ....,,u nuuusucu at cue uran upere 1:101:58 on Thursday night. The concert was some- what of adieappointment. The base solo and the quartets of the four gentlemen were the best features of the programme apart from the very clever whistling feats of Mr. vWe.ehington, the. tenor. This gentlemen brought down the house with his clever lmitations of various birds, that of the robin being particularly appreciated. . , the Court House on Saturday thorn- ,` ing Hla Honor Judge Ardagh adminiltorld Mayor Radenhunt and the member: 0 Town Council. the barristers and eolicitorl , and several justices of the peace. The .- ' ` r and court room are bun in mourning. each having a large drape: picture of the late Queen. The J udge spoke` feelinszly and eloquently of the nation a lou in the death of Her Gracious Majeet . n The last entertainment of the Hospital Course will take place at the Grand U H luae on Friday 8th February, Mica Olaf Krarer, an Esquimau lady. will deliver her `interesting and instructive lecture Green- land, or Life in the Frozen North This the oath of allegiance to His Maia? t e -Sla.yton e Jubilee singers gave the third entertainment of the hospital nerfea before I large audience at the Grand Opera` Home Thuradm? nioht, Tina nnnnnrt an... autumn THE QUEEN'S FUNERAL. Killed at Bkvmanvine. -.u.u :1AVLVUVl LL` AUV4 SINCE` COPIES PIVI. cll. . . I I T 1 i E `I 9 I I ' On Saturday. 26th Jan.` 1901, White Wolf Robe zed lining. Reward at the oice. 5-5 Overs-McKerna.n. Wedding Bells. ANNUMT( IN ADVANCE J COPIES nvl nun-nu, _ . n[ - SL1 ..Lre. The Barrie loan and Savings Go. . Barrie. Jan. 17th, 3900- ANT'If`ED--A smart, intelligent boy tgigarn the OFFI` Einting business. Apply -at ADVANCE noon smona BOY wgnted :2 learn the -r plIlIhh;n'xr, Ga: and gtnom Git-an and ting.-.391`- Mc GUIRE--In Barrie, on Jan. 5u.. Marv Victoria McGuire. second daughter of Chas. McGuire, aged 25 years. LONG--At5x3 arvis St. Toronto, on Mrs. Thus. her mst sear. Jari. 25}! ong, formerly of Collingwood. in 1 FARM HAND wAN:rEb.! 319919193 ,P.8in9& 9F!19gg9!.gP9r:ril no `I-vat 0 CRAIG--In Ban-inc. on Jan. 24th. a son to Mnland -Mrs. J. F. Craig. 5 _ V iFai'i"'"fEr}ii" "gi}i'mfiiay, Septemhe2rg_h4th, I900. IE3 CUUTSCI BTC IKIOTUI-Ig ID? PTECIICII anu III BIIICIBIIII . and graduates are an strong demand. . winter Term from Jan. 2nd. "Enter? any time utter that date. T. - We also give splendid courses by Mail fbr those who cannot attend our School. All particulars cheerfully given. Address o-ly w , H, SHAW PIUNCKPAL. to writ for our New Catalo T ifT;u:re' int;I'esMi "in the selection ufthe Best hool in which to train for business pursuits. `The as I I0. 0 (II: In A The annual meeting `of th Sharholdem Anf the above Compgmy takes place on Monday. Feb- runry 4th. l9Ul.at 3 o'clock p.m., for tha elec- tion of the Directors and the trausactionbf athei- business of the Company. ` * II 1 A.II\D AIIO employs u rcgulaf Teachers._owns 60 _TV ewriting Machines anduses ao splendid rooms m ta work. Its courses are thorough and practical and its students and nrraduaten any in ntrnnnr demand. `W1 @8i?iE%:fii5ii%5TE9999:I _Earfie _Ianu.'1r_\' 28th, 1900. OVFFICES TO RENT" OR IERSE 1TRAYED--Onto the premises of the undersign-7 5h cc}. Lot 26. Concessions. Essa. one vearlmzl Married Man to work on firm. Apply 5-7 _ R. E. MOORE, Allandale. DON'T _|`3ES=`-|-E.CTl HOUSE AND LOTZVFOR SALE. - .. ......... uuu-n run |v|\lIll`DIBlI/Ptily lU _ LENNOX. ARDAGH. COWAN & BROWN. 3- [5 - Sn:-3 I-no-n Rn -93- FOR SALE-Fo|3r E1 nun I-l..Zt`...... ....... ENDOWMENT A - INSURANCE POLICIES 3:: Nance uriwssmunnu. 1oo ACRE FARM I-'oTI=i`sALE. fAY`iTEDGL\ad general servant; Apply tb` MRS. J.G..so0':'1`.7sBaye1ds:. 5:-tf i In every detail is an n -to-date. institutivn. 4 Capable instructors, vet ect equipmenig. satis- factoi-y results. Send for our descriptive and interesting catalogue. . It will convince yon. - Plumbing. Gas and Steam ttmg and tinsvnith-3,, Apply at once to P. `J. MOORE, Market JUU D|l\'ULVLI, but wanted to learn the .l.l 8. 2-`: AVOL L.` No. 5 Sgunn I 1-If TENDERS .........uc, uatu mus aay neen anssowea by mutual con- sent. Dated at Stroud this mt day of Januarv. xgox. Witness. A S. JAS. REYNOLDS G. H. cummm. SYLVE$TERvR~EYNO_LlA)S. ACE }9ii:v""'"};uiviEii-;..i}"'uiFn i:7rT~i" -wHoLE`No. 34561 V Snwu. Wusyli. Proprietor. 9 nos: Los'r._ ` (LL `Ad FOR SALE. FOR SALE. 0%. H. LYON BORN DIED. CI, 26-lv A. w. `BEAR DSLEY. Court House. Notice is hereby given that the partnership here- tofore subsisting between us. the underai ned. as blackmiths and carriage builders at the nllage of Stroud. in the Township of Innisl. and County of Simcoe, has this day been dissolved by mutual con-* E S [L 5'!) LLIB &UJlJVHUJ' UIIU JXIUS -_..__._....____._I Powell -'- Brennan-'1`hat this Council trusts that on the day appointed for the > E R S funeral of her late Majesty, all citizens will - aztend Divine service at their respective undersigned to FEB-' churches, and that during the time of Divine '.;: at the Wet .. ....:.;.... ..o Inn. .11 ..s.....- ..c 1.....:........ I... R. LAIDLAW. T Manager. HIV W. DICK VV IV.` Sohcutors. Barne l\\J U.Lu Craugvale. ncslng '16-tf I-if. ncsm g 5 ti. North~wcst half of Lot 3, Can. 8. Vespra; 60 acres cleared. balance 'st:mdin timber: soil. heavy clay loam; first-class wheat arm. Where necehsary it is tile drained. Frame House. frame barn and log mm; good wafer etc. Apply on the remise or 111! gtter to EGERTON H. JOHNSTO , Minzsifqg _ , - 4 t .-., ....~ 4'5'Pf| ' Private funds to loa_n at spar, dent. on farm pro- pertv; Terms to putt borrowers. No connection with any loan company. Apply personally `or by` `. . _ , lettarto V A _ , fg. . :: HARRY .MAB.__B-a/_- There are said to be the following improvements on above prouerties :- t On parcel 1. small frame stable and shantv. On parcel a, frame dwelling house with outbuildings On aroel , blacksmith sho . stable. etc.; this pare I -7; .vv- 'v'J\n""., nylon] IIIUI9 UI $DUI cel wi `be 0 cred subject to t e` agreement for prxr-` `chase made with Charles G. Clute. _ W. 34 as South part of Lot 4. E. s. King` Street . 3. ` (plan No, 76) Cookstown, % acre, more or less. 4. E. 34 of said South part of Lot 4. E. S. King Street. ` . - 5. Village Lot 6on the corner of john and Centre . ~treets in said Village (Du"e Plan No. 369). V 6. Park Lot 6, E. S. of King` Street Perrv'e Plan No. 76)-except )6 acre conveyed for a rill shed site No. 4 . 32, and 56 acre conveyed to`_ George T..Fiah- errby o. 7o.3o4--3 acres. more or less. V . e rm_-..'. __- --!j4_I..'.I,,l',II,, 0 0 ' -' ` -v-.-..- ------ u .u.- `run-nuns was vnuvvu TERMS--to per cent. on dav of sale. balance within! one monthwith ' interest at 6 per cent; other terms A. and conditions will be made known at the time of sale, and, in the meantime, on application to _ QT!) A'I`I_I`, In I3'lI\V \ {Farm-er=;:ctentien-3 nvn up -.--.w D1t_ed this nth Iauarv. xgoz. Under and by virtue of the Powers of Sale con- tained in two certain Mortgages (which will be ro- duced at the time of sale) there will -be oere for sale by Public Auction at the Queen's Hotel. in the. Town of Barrie. on Saturday, the 91:11 day of ,February, e 19.01, ` at 11.30 o'clock a.m., the following valuable proper- ties: ' . 1 ,1; S. $4 of Lot 5 in rat Con., Innisl, zoo acres. more or less. ` 2: Lot 4 on E, S. Elizabeth Street (registered Ian No. 90) in` the Village of Cookstown. a6 perc es, more or lese. .` . , . ` | `Wednesday. Feb. 6th. 1901-on Lot 17, Con. -2, Suunidale; horses. cattle, sheep, `pigs, hens, implements, harness, robes, blankets. straw. hay, furniture, etc; Sale an 10 o clock sharp. Mrs. John Scott. pro- prietor, L. Tebo, auctioneer. . E 22.13 5l|||IlIIII Ia! Yards. foot of Mary St. Head Oice 23 Elizabeth St` In the Town of Barrie. "m the County of.Simco`e and being comprised of parts of Lots one. two and three, on the east ride of Bradford street. in the said Town of Barrie. as laid out on part of `broken Int twenty six. in the Fifth Concession of the Township of Vespra. in the County of Simcoe, which said parcel-a are described by metes and bounds. Being the nrnmarh lvnrmnrlu nnm. dual I... A ...l...._. \ou\IIU|l\36, Illlb UIIDU \I||I IL! IIIIU IIIIIIU UL IIIVII-IV earvice, `at least, all places of business be c osed, an_d tha.c ellwho can do make that 1d4.y a. day of mourning and than the Mayor `ber empowered to make proclamation to that heect. V ` - V i -M-idlaud hockey team defeated the Orillia. team on their own ice on Friday night by a. score of 9 to 4. -' TIORTGAGE SEE VALUABLEOFFBOPEBTY We further pledge to His Majesty, King Edward the Seventh. -our allegiance, and humbly beg to assure him than he will re s ceive from us the same devoted loyalty that ` we always gave to the illustrious monarch whom he now succeeds and whose loss we now deplore. .Tnl`l1_.__q`\yrIn|~_7'Fl\nt 0: Ann`: on` tho vuann ' uv W V Ulllul. V J orv-- yrer--Tha.t: a._ copy of the reso lution just passed be engrossed and forward- ed to His Excellency, the Governor-General. Ffor transmission through the proper channel Ito His Majesty. the King " pnmull _ - nnnnnun 7, 'I`knf I-l-`=1: nnnunnn 7: co AL, :: I-I-JKI UVIIUIIVUIUIIIIITI EU V W` UIHIIO But not only as a. beneeient ruler has she deserved the respect of her countless --mil lions of subjects, but in every relation of private life her example has been of untold_ benet to the Empire-a loving wife.ia tender mother, a sympathizer and console!- of all who were afHicted-she had become enshrined in the hearts of her subjects, who mourn not only the loss of their Queen, but also as they all feel, as it were, the loss of ,a personal friend and protector.- To the members of her illustrious family we res * pectively tender our deepest sympathy, and trust that the knowledge that a whole em-' pire grives with them will afford them some consolation in this their hour of trial. Il1_ r,_-__._|, - _,I , `ff- Lnonusron & ETOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL AND} I VILLAGE OF COOKSTOWN. VIA I-I ID UVCIIUIIIIS VIII! 3 J . Moved by Ald. McL_ean seconded by Ald` Vair, That the Municipal Council of the Town of Barrie, `on their own behalf and on behalf of all the citizens, do hereby desire to record the deep, heartfelt sorrow felt by all our citizens on the death of onr late, beloved` Queen Victoria of glorious memory. Called at an early age to rule over the desei tinies of "a mighty empire, for over sixty years she held the sceptre of power affording an example to allllands, and all ages of wise and constitutional sovereign. `Ink uni nnltv .nQ n l\i\nnn:nnC- nu`An `nan (`lulu purcew are aescrmeu by metes and bounds. _Being the propertx formerlv occupied by Andrew Mmcampbcll. deceased. For terms and particulars apply to l'.RNNnv Abngruj 1`/t\lIrA\v o. nnnunu E0116 as you want it; dry as coal, and split i wood, is under roof. Give us 9. call. m i`;e. uf.o(l`lu;vv'ing resolution weie then adopt- Ied by a. standing vote : ' Mnun ht! MnT.Ann nnnnntinta `an A111 ' UIIF IDS IVTIU IIVQVIIV UICIJUIL III IIIGUBQ Mayor Radenhurst, in an eloquent and `imely speech,` dwelt upon the great loss the Empire has suffered in the demise of out be loved Queen. He spoke of her wise and neneticient reign, marked throughout its sixty-four years with a constant desire to -show herself a constitutional ruler and friend at thepsople Also in her private home re lations was her life an example to-her people and the world at large. And while deeply mourning the loss of our beloved sovereign, and cherishing her memory, he hoped they would all be as good and loyal subjects of His Mai-sty. . "l`lm `nllnnydnn In-.|nn`nt:nnn unnavn knn IIIIAUIOI ' txe Queen's picture and theoanopy over she dies were heavily draped in black. Nlnurno Ilnninnhnu-at-. in an nlnnnnnl-. nu.` _--- -wyv. wwu--wv- --vv_w-- u---- ` ---`-v and Passed Resolutions`: A -special meeting of the Town Couqncilh was held on Friday night. at which the only masters touched on were the death of Queen gilcltoria, and the accesion of King Edward - l\,,,, I, _!,4, _._ ,,,_I AL_ -__, ,_-__ _,_,,, l'1`he Town Council Met _on Friday Night _ -...1 13..'..-.1 Hard and S011: ...W O O A SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. M_om_=:v 1'o-Eo AN. BEST QUALITY bu nnx nu--unto me premises 0: the undersign-' ed. Concession 3. Essa, yearling, bull. Owner can have same by proving property an- paying expenses. JAS. MCKIN NON. _ 4,-5-p.

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