Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 24 Jan 1901, p. 8

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25 gig. A quarter of 9. centurv we have been blending _ corrsa 'n'ns:ncHAN1's, BARBIE. DHl1l1l.. '7 'vvvvvvVVVV 35'cts. 40 ch. And U119 , \IUo D. l . MOLAREN. TEA TRY THEM. A card. Gno. MONKMAN mu... 1 I - I ` TOR()NTO._` I Au5L.L1 1-17_ Men : ` Men? HUNIEH anus. Men's 3 plv Linen Collars, sizes 14 to 18. in all the lead straight band and stand up turn down and turn poinz, Men s Cuffs, 3 plv latest styles, in link or round,.20o. per ` ,Msn's Irish Cambrio and Lawn Handkerchiefs in plain o 4. value 100., 3 for 250. Good Advertising. .....;Must Be Honest ... Qliday >2 Goods ite Cotto and Shaker Flannel Night .vellm1de, special values, 50c. ` n e and Boys . unlaundried White Shirts, sizes 12 front. `double stitched seams, eontiuuoue facings and bends. verv special value, 50c. each. 1fIJ-I: RELIABLE v We` want this store s advertisernents to be dependable. When ybu read it in an advertisement you can pin your faith to `every statement as being honest, every advertised article being exactly as represented. We cannot afford to pay for newspaper space to humbug or deceive the public.` In order't'o be pfepared ,for_the Xmas Trade, T We have a large stock of . R. HAM BLY. Silverplared Knives, Forks and Spoons, Pearl Handle Tea Sets, carving Sets, Carper Sweepers. Scissors and Pocket cutlery, Nickle-Plated Sad Irons, Skates, Bells, Erc., Ere, Etc. At `Prices to please everybody. CLOTHING Anorunmsnma Mani. v 18, leading n -to-"date styles, bwnand point, apecia value 2 tot 25. : pair, 3 pairs for 50c. B, leading up-t I n. and fnrn nninb ...... .. in or` hematitched, special Robes, all sizes, good full sizes, 12 to 18.` reinforced back and g; throughout, all` linen front " N % i 9o -I. Barrie. _ Utopia. ` 1 Advance Correspondence. . _ .Tbe first social of the season takes jV,p1_a9e.on Tuesday night. The following account of the death of Mrs. Thompson reached us too late for last week s*issue: Mrs. Frances Thomp- son, reliot of the late George Thompson of Holly, died at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. ( Dr.) Oarruthers of North Bay, on Christmas Day. The deceased was born in Ireland and emigrated to Can- ada in the year 1847. being 83 years of age at the time of her death. She leaves two daughters and one son to ' mourn her loss, viz., Mrs. Gilpin, Win- nipeg ; Mrs. (Dr.) Carruthers, North Bay, and Mr. Wm. Thompson, of Ot- tawa, besides 13 grandchildren and two great. grandchildren, On Wednesday l" funeral service was held in `North Bay l ` byReverends'Harc and Johnston. _ The t - remains were then brought to Allandale, and on Thursday, after a short service at Mr. James Campbell s residence, the funeral, took place to the Union Ceme- _ tery. The deceasedwas highly respect I "ed, and alarge nn'mber_ of relatives and - rfrienads accompanied the remains to ` `_';'their?:last1reaftin g place. ` 1 an U -_"E-" The oyster supper in connection -With 8.8. No. 13. Veapra, takes place- -'Wedn_eaday evening` at Messrs`, "i;12th;1ihe. . '~ % -'-'. -.IC'r `_. m can . _!_I,E'1olmea hat a Vvaluable op,-a:&;of% lliw %;1egg,%so _ h, ?h%.t__, `The evening was pleasantly spent play- A surprise party from Midhurst con- sisting of some of the members of St. Paul's church, visited the.` Rectory, _Al- ` landale, on Wednesday evening, Jan. 9, ing games and other amusements. The recitations and violin `solos were also much enjoyed. Mr. Walton s grams- phone contributed largely to the even- ing s`enjoyment. Refreshments, pro- vided by the visitors, being served. the pleasant occasion was brought to a close. y Before-closing, however, Mr. Weatney thanked his kind Midhurst friends for the substantial tokens they had brought with them, and Mr. Stewart, on behalf of the vinitnrs, in reply, thanked Mr.` and Mrs. Westnsy and daughters for i the kind manner in whichthey had re- p ceivedand entertained them.` . At the regular meeting of the Allan- .dale Council No. 140 CO.C,F., heldi on Tuesday, 8th inat., the following oicera were installed into oiae ` Organizer Friend Wash. G.` Collins :- 0.0., S. J. -MoMorran _: .V.C,. Mrs. E. C. O Conn`or;- Reo.,.E. Shear; Asst._ Rec, Mrs. Hunt; Treas , W. B Webb; Prelste, Mu. Barker; Marshal, F. Barker ; Warden, Mrs. MoMorran; Organist, W. F. McMorran ; Guard, Mrs. 'Bielow; Sentry, G. Bigelow; Med. Exam., J. F. P811102, M.D.; Trnatees, T. 0.` Bradford, W. Brnnton, Ja. Johnson. . " ......_y. J-av gussuv wan uumuwu Dy M183 ; A. Hurst, Mr. Wilfred Drury being "bestvmdo. The ceremony was perform- ed by Rev. W. S._eWe3tuey, M.A., B.D. The happy couple left by the night train for a tour south. ` A pretty house weddingrtook place on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 9th, at who Rectory, Allandale, it being the marriage of oMies Emma Coleman, of Toronto, to Mr. J. H. Duffy. of Sud bury. The bride was assisted` by Miss A_ "nrnf Mm Wltuna T\.......- L-Lr- -u-oucuaow I III \l9_ In congratulating the Barrie snow plougher for being out to this ward so ` early in-the morning, we must turn to * our own snow ploughing and congratu- late our contractor for the work heia doing in the 6th Ward. uuiuu Ill one own Wild. tThureday night a aleighing party` of young people from the Presbyterian Church went out to Mr. Clark's resi- dence on the 14th concession of Inniel 1 _ and had an enjoyable time. Your car- respondent thought a man could sit in a sleigh without falling out, but appar- ently one of the party took a header in T the snow when the sleigh slowed around the corner. He w not hurt. Mrs. B. R: Budgeon returned home on Thursday from an extended visit with her parents in Hamilton. For Choice Fumll Flour and all kinds 0! Feed go to llklneome. All orders delivered promptly. In any allnnuly. Pleauo leave your orders at e um olllce or Telephone No. 28.: Mr. W." B. Taylor hasrented Mr. M. J. H`smlin e premises on Baldwin street, and will establish a lumber,` lamb `and shingle yard, `I . --.____L,-I, .3 .1 -\ ulvln ' H lglias A. May. of Calgary, formerly of V Tollendal, is visiting friends in this vicinity. . AfiMarehall haedtecutned from -an extended visit with friends in Inger- soll. ' - `II A45-' Mia; M. Pfzillippu of Wyevale. was 1 the gum of Mr, and -Mrs. A. Phillipps for a few days. . ` ' - Mrs. E. Leadlay, of Toronto, is V;isit- ing :2. Mr. E. A. Little's. ` _ i I . Wm. Philligiaym was visiting! friepdu in Wvevale last week. . . j mwm sum j ` '5 isputh-Western Dlvipion. _- with h'o*Pleiua.nt`- Streets. its 'rastv_Dwe11- iu3a.'.,1taPretty churches`. and its Go- % V % Q."-head People. wul Enttce Settlement 3 > -A Weeklv Record of its-Doings. ; . , -Mr. Bobt. Frame is home from '1` - route. ' V . V Mr.` D. McMillan is ill with inammation. ~ , - Mr. Balf is puttigg atozzk of aawloga for the aumm`er sA cue. `II A `II Mr. J. J abba, of; (`}'!'t;\'w(3'l:l;lll`.8t,' will move to the `Gut: ward this week, \ ;'_io{nda in Mineaing. .. _-_. .-----u --vna\lD VI Illlllllo __UMr-. and` rs.-. George Wonoh are taking` a` few weeks holidays _viaiti,I_:g" ;-V-gr A V- - Kmyleagh-. % , ` Advance Conespondence. . . A Mias McK1nlev, of Egbert. ia`ap'endr~ in g a_fevv _days with Mus Echo} Wonch, The Rev. James Skene is holdingl special services in the Presbyterian church here. T On Monday evening the church was full, The Rev. N. Camp bell, of Guthrie, was in attendance and also a. large number of the Hisdale congregation were present. The meet.- ings will continue during this week 1: not longer.` . -` -. ..__ . -vv , At. the less regular meet`.ing.of the lcburch of England Ladies Aid Society [aha following otcer were elected for the ensuing year :-Mr8. A. Ureig, Pres. ; Mrs. Wm. , Morrison, -Vice Pres. 3 Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. Teney, Tree. ; and Mrs. A. Kiel, Secretary. . . Mr. and Mrs. E. Minty were pre- sented each with a very ne rockmg chair and an address by the choirs chap he has been a. member of "and in which be rendered so much" valuable service. Neighbor: any It you want nut-clan our to take your wheat to Wllkln-. non : Mill, Barrie, to be exchangea or gt-laced. v . The sudtin change to soft. weather-I on Sunday and Monday has mndethe ground nearly bare. T - *l_n_.I..I_ A..- -7 ,7 - - ' A Mr. T:_Pratt, who hs bben seriously ill for some time, is on then__1end and is able to be up . ' Mrs. James Hewett vistie her sister, Mrs. Gardiner an Ora Station on '1`n_uraday . ' ` The temperatuf on _Sat.utdt;j' moth- ing at 8 o c_lock' read 21 degrees below zero. . ' ' T , Uraurnurst. _ I Advance Corresponaence. Mr. and Mrs. `E. D. Minty visited friends at Midland last Monday, morons and witty savings amused all 4 present. The musical part of the pro- gramme-would satisfy the most critical ear. The Misses`Orr, of -New Lowell, gave violirrseleccious. Mrs. Reid, ct Barrie, sang several well selected solos and sustained her past reputation. Mr. J. Henderson's and Mr. C. K. Clark s humorous and patriotic `songs were, needless to say, heartily received. Mrs. Clark oiciated well in` the capacity of accompanist for Mrs. Reid and Mr. Clark. A great feature of the evening was the fancy hoop drill by sixteen lit- tle girls. trained by T. A. Foster, who were encored vociferously. The net ` proceeds amounted to $70. . .:Mi-gs. Arden of Jamestown, N. The New Year's festival and enter- tainment in connection with the Pres- byterian ohurch was a marvellous suc- cess, both nancially and otherwise. The chair was ably lled by the Rev. H. D. `Cameron, of Allsndale. Able addresses were delivered by Revs. Crew and Scott. Mr. S. Brown's hu- - nun-un-up. .._J _-LA._- _. .|.uu muuy urm, conquered by Mr. '1`. A. -Foster, was admirably performed and was received with ' great apprecia- tion and applause. Thejohildren of the school took a prominent part, -and were amply rewarded by gifts from` their numerous friends, Santa Claus arriving by train about 11 p.m. with `conductor Barrett and engineer Dobeon on board. Prooeeds $50. The annual Cbristmaa|;vee and enter- tainment of the Methodist Sabbath school was attended with the usual suc- cess. The programme was varied and interesting. Mr. C. K. Clark, ac- companied by Mr. Henderson, of Bar-' rie, entertained the audience in his usual up-to-datenand attractive wav. The fancy drill, conducted by Mr. T. A - ` .It`nom.. ....... ...J...:..-LI.. - - We norice that our correspondent, owing tothe arduous tasks in connec- tion with the ushering in of the ptwen- tsieth century, and the administering and receivingof Xmas gifts, has allow- ed the wheels of time to get .a few weeks in advance, but; we hope that,` by strenuous efforts and a long paces, he may soon regain a respectable place in the race. { V...-- V.---.-as: uuuus wuuu Ill ULIJUIIII 11553 of managers. The-success of the meet- ing was gratifying and future progress is very promising. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Crew, is very vmuch encouraged and deserves much credit for his able services rendered. The Presbyterisns. held their smiuall congregational meeting last week, sev- eral changes being made in official lists n4` rnunnnn-H 'L- --~`*" l` " , ____ ._.__-- uvuvrrvun ` The O. have made; very judi- cious and wise choice in the selection at Mr. Alexander Wzlloughby as their Worshipful Master forfthe year 1901. Mr. Wllloughby` is alivleesnd energetic young man, full of zeal and with on psbilitiea for `attaining the highest ranks in the noble order. A Ihelr annual meeting last week.` The The Mothcdiso.__Sabbati1 1school 1191: have concluded a very successful year. and found everything in first class order. AWbere harmony and goodwill prevails, God's work muut: prosper. I fl\I__'rr\'rn - % {M;..f T. Amid, .3: Allandag,-:;;l the guastof her sister, Mrs. Dr..Weas, last week. - ~ _ Mr. Jerome .]iuck;vV>rvth-,")Fioto is Harbor, visited hisvparenta last Sunday. ,xl:.... VI! A......I.'I -3 An oi `Y Master. Hagry Clark will pe qd a few weeks in Hamilton. - Mia. Sing ape1'nt with the Misses Renwick. of Newvhowell. .- -Skating is a very ;;op(ilar dmusment thiiseuson. ` ' . ` Aivajgugbotnopondouce. , A Mina Em 8Ehiw~\4haia3i_-zurned to we MOSTLY MIXED HAi5u5wooD. `$2001 App Y A.w. AUSTIN, Mia: Addie '1`-Iiiirst, of ' Toronto. has ` returned home after a short visit: with friends here. ' . The E. L. will hold their literarven tercainmenc and social on Tuesday evening next. A gooditime is expected. Wood Lot in Sunal ' Mr. Jana. Brofwnu visited frieniis at- Wyevsle last` week. ' Messrs. S. and W. Msly visited Mrs. A. Dyer on Sunday. Miss Jennie Campbell visiized Mrs. W. Beelby last week. Mrs.`J. Cameron. of F108, is visiting her'_sunt_, Mrs. Jane. Brown. V Miss Susie Eden is attending the Business College ac.Bsrtie. Mr. Wm. Bloxham, our storekeeper, is i-emodeling` his house and store. 2 Mrs. Ben. Smith, of Big Bay Point, is the guest of M is. W. J .eAndrews. ' V J. Hill has nish'e<'i_l1a:l.i';ig the brick for his new residence which iheinlsends building as soon as spring opens. It will no doubt be a great addition to the appearance of the sixth line. " V 1 Mrs. R. Lit.tle,'who.hae beegconned to the house for nearly two weeks with lo. grippe is now able to be around again. 1.-__ 1') r" 11- 1 Mrs. Albert Webb is spending a few weeks with her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. John Vandberburgh. '5 Dak., who is visiting her parents near Cookstown, was the guest of Mrs. R. Little and Mrs. (Rem) F. W. Harron, last week. T Mrs." Frank G:-egnaidea ind Mrs. R.l J._ Hill, apentia few days with their axe- ter Mrs. Stoddart, of Bradford. I Scientifi/cf Eigtgcian, MIOLARE N '-S DRUG. STORE, BARBIE ` I. part N. half 22, Con. $$$$$$$ 4 I\...1.:_-_ Holly. Advance Correspondcnce. 22, -Gon.J2, I3 Acres, 2 miles from Angus. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on n 50-cent bottle of- Greene s Warrnnted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guar- antee a 25-cent bottle `to prove satisfactory or money refunded. ~ 4 one > -V -vv vvgvv ID V The members of Psinswick Grange met in their hall .on Tuesday evening -Jan. 15th, 1901, for the election of oicers which resulted as follows :-'- F. Wsrnics, W. Master; W. Good- fellow, Overseer ;. 0. W. Qnantz, Sec y.;. H. E. Quantz, Treaa.; J. L. Warnica, Lect.; Geo. Shannon, Stewart; R. A. Carr, Asst. Stewart 3' C. M. Shrigley, Chaplain ; J. Richardson, Gate Keeper ; C. M. Srigley and Geo. Shannon. Audi- tors ; R. A. Cstr and H. E. Qusntz. Delegates to S. S. Div. Grange ; 0. W. Quantz, Del. to Dom. Grange. Painswicle - t Advance Correspondence. The Trustees of Painewick school! ; gave the contract for wood for the school ~ to `Mr. T." D. Scales, of Big Bay Point at $3.50 a cord. ' ,mL____V1 T\C -- A- ~-, _-__- Jonrz Woons, TI 1 Hob1ei3ros., 33132 ---:- . . _ _ .-._ r fdr yon: ;.`.s.aa.'it, and our prot. These are the blends we are struck on.

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