`Be; Qaality, ve|1scr'eeed, Careful Deli-vcr; K W` ' In -Pursuit Thousands of Bueineee Men still` spend Time `and Money travelling when they might do their business quicker, cheaper and just as satie- fectorily by 5-Iv -JE'w1;L_LER. Dn{MoND-HALL. That is what we are all after. We ha,ve_a. full line of Rogers celebrated svoodseeand can suit you at any price. e have also a new line of summer novelties such as Souvenir Spoons. . Belts. Stick Pins V and Nethersolc Bracelets. etc. ' _all and see` our -Lnnlo mtg dial! nlnncn vnu. 1573081058: EEC. \u_lII| uuu stock. we can please you. ` necuary II. III. suw nus-u.v-. __---.-._ ,, , _ Barn and log Barn ; good .Water. etc. on the premises or by letter to EGERTON H. 'I"r\\Y Minhninr P.o. 33.35 ITEDA GQOD`,COOK"nt No wash- ing og ironxng. Apply bro than Sr. 29. Order Novv . And Get . i{i3&E7?5LoAu. 1 ___ -_..A. -.. Ila-tauan, MONEY TO-L-OAN. our 8ummer'V1s1to;-e. Aov :n1'~I*sE FOR SALE. HARRY MARR,` ` _ manna.`- VBARRIE. he run $2.75 % sAii.IEm's. I -AT4- ""'l'I I"II $0-I--u t 3, Con. 8. Vespra; 6o acres I timber: soil. heavy cla arm. vThe Goacres are 1 can be seen under crcp. tile drained. Frame House, .`E::2.:..*`..,g(& 1:`T31S: Tl-IE. ADVANCE." . THE, INTERESTS OF MN . . D I .a`ic"......` ('33 It of pril next. I\Q `vs: 93'35 an-3 Barfie. _l9-ly . BARRIE,: COUNTYOF SIMC Ulllll UL unvu uuue Ia : - Mr. Cheppel called at Kannv s. and told Mrs. Kenny about how the pi 3 were held in durenoe vile ? When Mr. enny came home and learned of the fate. of his-porkere he went to Mr. Uheppel a and vproteated vigorously egeiult the impounding of his -gigs. He was told that he could not have in mootere till he paid the reguletion chat-gee of~$5.-10 efotttheilot, at least so Mr. Oheppel love. In... Wanna : gnaw} nnninvin I-nun- PUI Iyo - I-I Then Kenny's eug passions rose. Though an old man.dwith no very marked resemblance to s smasher, he invited Chap- pel out into the road with the openly avow- fedeipnrpose of converting him into shredded most and scstterin his anatomy on the public wsy.- Mr. hsppel demnrred at the idesfof being tskelr to pieces so in from -home, and suggested L that l his dismember- Srnens tske piece in bi! ownoorral, where =1hs'~i'rs`i'ne'nts , wauldnw beet` _guoh .riek ot mi-I.-Mt. orrlm.` ;M19?9.'t6 eaten : ""`3e?*i',"*A"3 ?e.'5=%.'}?";.<>f*?-,.l.-11`lib: luv the battle `$1! ' : ate >:,:6e-ii! 2} . `E 90100800 we oouwlvw inn uuruugu. . ;V-.:..Ianpe_Vr in the ds ?K,'onnyVwnt to Chappeh lu&`taor I._' took away hi: Some of the members took excep tion to the bill presented by Wm. Armstrong of one dollar for going-for and sowing some seed on the grounds of the South- Ward School. A motion was made to reduce the amount to 500., but though it was egteed the amount was excessive, the matter was left to the PropertY had Supply Committeefor adjust- ment. S - "()~':;'motion if} was agreed that the Board will not meet dutieg August. Unlike the little pigs that went to mar- ket: or stayed at home. nine little pigs be- longing to Mr. Thoe. Kenny, of 0ro.'welked into theyerd of poundkeeper Cbappel on J nly 9th, and the gates were shut, depriving {hem of their liberty: IA- (`Inn-gnu! nnlhui nl-. `Katalin : Ann-I I-Ah` Capt. Cowan was asked by Chairman Ward it he had consulted Mr. Foster. the principal, in the changes suggested. He re- pliedthab he had had several talks with Mr. Foster but he could not be sure ' that they ` had discussed this particular matter. ` YHL- ..__LL ._ -1 LL- l'.V:AL 1-..- Vertical writing was not made the subject of much debate. Trustee Young asked how the change would affect the pupils on their. examinations who had learned the vertical system. Nobody had a good word for the vertical fad, and nobody ob]ected to it s overthrow. _o ' ` - will sell %{ There] was some general discussion of the tenders for the outlined repairs to the Gen- tral School building. It was nally decided to accept the tender of Rogers at Rogers, their tender, eighty dollars, being the low- est submitted to the Board. ` After `meeting the members of the Col- legiate Institute Board at the Council Cham- ber on Monday ni2ht,'to confer with them shout the abolition of the Fifth form, the members of the Public School Board ad- journed to the Boerd_Room and held a. short but important Ieeeiou. Trustees Wheley `and Milne were the only nbsentees. ' `l)..:_-:__I 'rr_n,.. . _,_.__-.v it out `luv VIII, TVWIlUccD Principal Hallett wrote in answer to a re- quest from the Chairman of the Manage- ment Committee for a `written explanation p as to why no promotion examination had been held for form V.. stating. that noi pupils had presented themselves, and so no I examination could beheld. FINANCE. . The following accounts were presented, and ordered` to he paid upon being duly _vouched for : ' S. MoMorran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4 30 . J."Henderson . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 44 .W. Armstrong . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 00 ; - W. H. Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 50 ` D. Thompson . . . . . . . . . . .l . . . . . . . . . 1 00 ? I-IV` VII TU\IIlIJ9|`I (3) Your Committee recommend that the teaching of vertical writing be discontinued in our schools. ' ' vauu. IIIJUQI III] IUI Trustee Cowan explained that Miss Lee had been consulted, and was perfectly agree- able to the change. He thought Trustee Rb.inehart s language was more explosive than necessary. VP]... 1-.-- ....:a......L...l L3- ..a.-L-.._-._._ #1.-` `teacher was next to the principal. V71-Eu}ed1311}.}.} ';E{*n;'c Eifzlcspxe of two male teachers for the West Ward had been some time ago decided upon. He thought: the place for the second male lI'I_.,,_;__' `l`_, 3, 9 sscnoox. MANAGEMENT. . N Chairman Cowsn brought in a. report re-' garding the re-adjustment and management of the schools as follows :- (1) That Mr. McMaster be retained for the Entrance class in the central school at a yearly salary of $450; that Miss Bonis be placed over the room formerly taught by Miss Wilkie, and that Miss Lee he placed in Miss Bonis room and that Mr. Airth be transferred from East Ward school, and placed in the room taught by Miss Lee in the West Ward school ; that a_ male teacher for the East ward be advertised for in the Toronto papers and that the committee have-power to engage a teacher from the tenders received. `:n\ 1L-a. ._ _'_z'___ .2 `I, _ I, _a -I - IICIJKIWI U I VUVIV cul `(2)'1`he.1: in view of the tech that the Collegiate Institute Board has decided to grant free tuition to resident pupils claim- ing etilth form education. this Board re- solves that no further need exists for a. fifth form in the public schools and the same is hereby abolished. ' l`)\ V..... r`|..........:4.A..... ......- ......__.1 LL-.. `L- That part of the report providing` for the placing of Miss Lee` in A lower form called forth` a vigorous protest from Trustee Rhine- har-t.. It was unfair and unjust to lower a. teacher who passed so large a percentage of her pupils as did Miss Lee. There was crookedness and wire-pulling going on, and he would unearth it. '1...__;.-- l\__.-_ -__I-:_.-.1 41.; In--, 7 UII$Il IIWVVUUWI '0 The latter reiterated his statement that Miss Lee was not willing to be moved. 7 Z .I:x'z-1-ie-svcaxlv `Bill; `la:-understood E that Miss Lee was willing to give way for a. male teacher but not for I female. uuu uluuuuucu Hutu POI Ulliullll; l.IlDI;lUl.'a The matter of the Fifth form was not discussed. having already been disposed of. TT-..L2-_I _..._:L2__.. ____.. ._.L _, , .1- A` The Board. so Decides on Monday ? ' Nighta The Fifth Form is . Abulished. Mr. Airth _ I Goes to west Ward. wenscau Writing 'WlIm9r n - BARRIE; `ran counrrv or smcon Ann was nonunion or CANADA oux cnrrkmon. j -At the Policeoouxft. nE15Ams 1'0 CENTRAL. up/lei? E Turned Down. It is needless to aav how disgusted I am, and I only hope there was not much for me in that mail. Our Chaplain goes into Johan- nesburg this p. In. and is taking our mail with him, so I cannot write much more. Everybody here is tired of the war. I bought a pound pot at better the other day` for 3 shillings and managed togget i doz eggs for one shilling. I had a nehreakiast the othurlmotning, the best since` leavin .A Capetown. It oonsisted of p0F.fidgo milk (condensed) andsu -poached egg andl toast Kelllerd. ` mama ado"; Vinindl Thilttfered: toast, andloo`ee;withmi1_k_and Not, #9 My ` a . ~ _. :;_V-, __ -3;. _~.v, 3 n -I ` My an ~ ."K""" Your very welcbmo letter; 4, arrived last. night.` J uat oue_ weak : mail V e up--5 1 ttenndv `scraper my share, '1 3 ma 5-! onrvrrtoortrns vvulauun uv wvuv WIIIU IUYUL} , Boers come in every. day now to give up their arms, We had 3 sleeping in. the` guard-room last night, which, with 3 Kaf- ra, who were drunk, and out of their home: after hours-toethei' with French- men of F. 00., made a. nice sociable evening I dun assure you. Well we are just going to be relieved, so I must close for the pres- uuu nuu cu no u I ear` it cimrmed that our mail was captured and burnt by the.B.oera, and that several Canadians were killod-among them Liens. Blanchard. T-.:-_-__1I-__.- _-__ I._A g9,,__,'__;Aj1' :,, ' uvu nuu uuluxa uullus ulIU_ uuv JEh: night we gotwhere -we were all `in bed when orders came to peek up, and take a. train which was made up quickly. After getting the whole train loaded and ready to start, the order was countermanded and we had to unpack everything. We heard the reason was that about 1000 Boers were about to attack us, and as we were only 400 strong we would have to "get. but we don't know if there was any truth in it or not. V - ' |11_'1,_,_,,1 _ , .u . . n -- III! III We heard a rumor that our mail was all burnt, and it is needless to say I hope it ie nt true. A The last letter I had from any of you was on the 25th April. the day before we left Capetown, written-1 think on March 25th, so you will know what 1 will mine if the mail is burnt. l\_-L -E `Inn ;_I__A_ -,__,- , . 0.1 .'a u -. W IIICII I3 IJIIII-I 1 Out of 109 that came out with thedraft, only 53 `are with the Regiment, and the whole strength of theegiment going into Pretoria was 380-and nowabout 325. .I think I am verv fortunate to be one of the 55 of the draft left. Harrv'.Bingham joined us days ago havingcome out from England, whither `he went, withfever. 2 D___._ ____- 2;. __.-____ S ' goods "9 ETII U IIIJ\I VIVLI U IIVIIIIVIJ UL ULIGIIII I am now in the station in the_ `guard room. I went on guard last night at 5, and go to-night at 5. My hours are 5 to 7, and 11 to 1, which makes Son and 16 off. I tell you it was nice sleeping under a roof, the first I had slept under since leaving the ship. It poured the latter part of` tnenight, which wae.the first rain we have had, with the exception of a few drops or so, since leaving Capetown on the 26th April. It had been raining off and on all day and looks like a wet night, so I am looking forward to going to sleep out under the blue canopy of heaven, or. I am afraid it will be rather black. 7 --- " V---- \ When I came off guard -leat nigh-t; I ifound they had moved the cam down to y . 1 i the round house, no we had a ry night I am lid to any. T an`-'30-. nnlvnnnnnp` bknlr `not: around` cunn- JUVIU VII VIII PIZUC, VVIIUII-I V79 UUIII LCD We hear all kinds of reports about us going home-one, that we are to sail on July lat. which I hope is true,` but 11 reports out ot 10. tha.t_we hear. are chiey hot air, so we can t and don t believe any of them. 1 an. CQAQII 2.. LL- ..l--53.... ... LL- `.......-A .Every morning we wake up, our blankets are soaking and covered wicha hard, crisp frost. You must remember it is winter here now, and I tell vou it is cold here through the day. 'l"k:. . L. `J... .....I ..l LI... 1:... LL.` _. -_- hunvugu vuw um] This is the end of the line that - we are guarding, and as there are quite a number of Boers not far from here. our duties are pretty heavy. We are on v out- out or patrol every other night, and all` inda of `.`fa.tigues and thinzs during the dav. 'I"hn ninhf IDA nnfnl-torn awn uuhnn nil :1: Ram` PI IVUB Ill-Ill IIUI Us We moved northwards the next day to- wards Pretoria, where we arrived on June 5th. We came in sight about 9.30.a.m.,- and camped about 2 miles outside. We paraded through the town. at 2 p;m., and as we came to the main square (where, by the way. were some very ne buildings, among them the Grand Hotel, a [beautiful one)- where stood Lords Bobs and Kitchener, and other staff. I tell vou it made a fellow brace up. One of the bands played Boys of the Old Britzade, as we came up, and as the last time Iheard it was in Toronto, it made a lump come in my throat. -r :- rs Here I am inanother glues. '1 T am w;rit- ing this by snatches, as dear knows _when it `is going to be posted. I will go on with my letter now. ,,1.,,',1 .,,.,,,, l.,,I',,nI IWIII-WI IIIIVVI We marched back to camp after doing the town up. and the next day moved to the other side of the town. That night to lot of the Enaliah prisoners that were released from Weterval had tea. with us. The next day, to the disgust of both officers and our- selves, we were ordered south, and camped that night near Irene, about 9 miles south, ' Elandsfontein. 8 miles East of ' Johannesburgh, June 12, 1900. My last was from near Johannesburgh. I managed to get a pass.` and went in` with a couple of fellows. As I said we had been living on short rations of hard tack for some time. and when we struck an eating house, where they said they would give us steak and eggs, coffee and all the bread and but- ter we would eat fori3 shillings` each, we "didn't do a thing, I think we ate any-' way a loaf of_ bread each and no end, of but- ter. I am afraid it was a foolish bargain for them, as they didn t know we hadn t any bread and butter for ages. (In. I-snnuln an-.4-A l-u......l`..d- n an Inn` BUY U103 uuu IJIIUIIUI IUI GKCD We bought some bread` at a. chilling}: loaf and jam at one and aixpence a tin, sugar at a shilling a. pound. rice sixbence, and out-' meal sixpence. This gives you anidea. of prices out here. Tc. I\1l\I1lhl' ......H...m...l. I-Ina nnvl-. Haw n- .50c. 4 UIJ$Il Illalllj I-I915 LICIIYJ, TIJUECU U I-IlII`3U Ulllallllln The next day we merchedeanother 9"milee, I the day after that 16 miles, and the day following into.E|a.ndstontein. about 6 miles more. We were there 2 days. and then marched to Brocksberg on the l2th-on the 13th to this place, where we still are. `K74: Lanna all lr:nt1a nf runny-ha nkhnl-_ nu Pigs. raiio Forthie he appeared in the Police Court "on Mondaynbefore P. M. `Rose He claimed that Chappel hadgiven hiesanction to the removal of the swine. This the pound- keeper denied. Kenny was eent no for trial. Hewou for plaintiff, Strathv for de- fendant. ' ' ilie W1 , ` Jelly for thia"f!iBO . .. Winner : Drug 8:01-0;! Letter from Rex Araagh. erlne ;nd Almond *'aasu`-'- re`. Monday, une 18; `__SpyihgI, J nus 25. A,` I . `Springs; June 17. -,- I'he Armv and Navy Veterans from Toronto will visit Barrie in. Augnin: llth. They will be duly met and welcomed to the _town on their arrival and dinner will be Provided for the members of the Association. -V n_ phoofbomoon a. good programme of Mili- .`t__ory:aport:%hu4been arranged ior.- to take ; A "9:*1 i9..I.'l3 sdmi-inn `~o reI-`rectum. an ii`-"ii-l"y.5911-:I9nrt ~ * or e r~mner V V -On `Aug. 6th there will be a base ball match at eAgricultural park, Barrie vs. Crawford: of Toronto. The Barrie teeml has been playing good bell since their shake up. defeating Newvnarket at Newmarket which was -the rat defeat of the aeasdn for that team.` Come out Friday night and lee the ball gaqI'e.. married vs. single men`. This Iiilrbe afgtme worth watching, as the eingligiihen are bound to get married if they deie_at.g All the single girls are hop- iing'theuiarried_n_enlwill win. ' ' us: .:.uvz `W uuuullg uucr bllull Luu uusluu channel _} -V Georgian Bay. Enjoy `it on CivioVholi ` -' 4 .. "- vuerian excursioniata Return fare to s -- -. , ' $1.45 and 75c. ; to Penetang, 95 and 55c. The newe` :9n Drug . --'-cnsuuav uuuv L U-U-1:. U1 .l.Ul.'Uu|oU, will run their annual excursion to Barrie and Orillia on Aug. 6th, the city's civic `holiday. A good programme of sports of all sorts has been _provided through the contribution of many of our business men, end ill ste s have been taken to properly entertain t e visitors; Admission, to all events free. % , - .__-_', .__-_-nvg vnnwv -Mr. Shepard, a horse and cart and a re- fractory cow becaine all mixed up in a. heap on Sophie. street one day last week. The horse took exception to the proceedings and ran away. Mr. Shepherd escaped quite an- hurt. to Big Bay an - leaves at 9.30 a. m. a 7.30 p. in , calling at Allan at and`l5c.- 15 and 10 eta. ' ..M1': }?'re4;.T lhonrgomery broughthhintoi this office on Tuesday a ripe tomato, grown `in his own garden, which weighed exactly two and a quarter pounds, It was a. mon- bater and Mr. Montgomeryeaya he has many more nearly as large. If anyone thinks he has 3 larger one, and wants is test made he can have it weighed here,-we retaining the tomato for our trouble. .-._ .._ ` U001 _ for campers at BOTHWELL!.'m I --Albert Lodge I 0.0.F., of Torohto, 1:13 I-nn Qhnhu nnnunl av-an-`.3-.. n `D......:.. I -The Penetang Herald has been much improved since the change of management. Mr A. S. Kenney has the editorial control of the paper. 11 - \'l\I .r\ --Mr. G. C. Caaton the Craighurst fruit farm, rporta "that in his section cherries nd plums are a failure. but apples and pears are lgetterthan the average. - H151 I`~)IL.1\a\ I)..g..II-- IIIA;... ._ :I _In to Wilktnuou9s. All orders `dellve . quantity. Plea-e H` _ the Mill! Olce or Ton-.p I 23., l'hl_- 1 __ 5- `- 1"" "` -'I`_he wheat. and barley ha.rvest is about `completed. and threshing has commenced in some localities. The grain crops on the who`e have been up to the average; but hay has been rather lighter than usual. _' nothing ner than the inside channel tn on'Civio holi a , ` vserian 4--.A....-2-..2_A_ 'l')-L-_.__ R-..` L; , .` --Do1gt.,o_rzetz the weekly Friday trips of the Strg . " ' ' commencing to morrow Bay `leaves -9.30 1730 n in , mxnina at Anna 4: ` -Th; `ie:{.}1;e{1'1" will play a match with the Barrie team in the agricultur- al park here on Monday afternoon. 1\ I 1 . `I\ --Dobson s phat factory in Beaverton, was destroyed by fire on Thursdav night The loss is estinzated at seven thousand dollars. T --A Barnado boy, named Robert Gray, aged 20 veai-3, was drowned in the East River, about four miles from Huntsville on Sunday last. ' -Congregationa|Cl1urch-Paster Botterill I speaks next Lord s Day morning aubiect "Some Ignorant. People, Evening Lecture A Green Rainbow vjw -v----- '- ---V-I VI 1 7-` "-lI\' ' CI,` --The Ale-g poisons-re are : - Mrs. Campbell and Mr. J Thoxnpsnu e'a.`cf 1 having lost a._do2 by poison last . week, and Mr. T. Rogers :1 Vgluxbl`: bound on Mnnday. f\_ \I`-._1 4 ..-_-L .1 . 1- -n -...-_ .... .. ..-.a.~J. T [-On town of Pa.x'ry Sound will vote on a. by-law to raise by debentures the sum of twenty thousand dol- lars as a bonus in aid of the J ames Bay Rail- way. - ' rru Oil 1 . - . __ .. _. '-There will be it meeting of the W. C.` T. U. in their parlors on Monday afternoon "next at 3 o clock. On Wednesday after- noouf rnm three to fi veTth1-re will be a mutheri meeting in the pariors III! I . C I n IIIQQVC CU IIIIIQ Iiulbc "II-lU|,e - Bob.. Ienderson . gave me some Barrie papers to read this a.m. As yet I have re- ceivednone. We got an advance of 3 each last week. of which we were all very glad, and we now live a little better. `Prices are very high: milk (condensed) 12 shillings` a tin; butter 3 and 6 pence and four shillings aponnd tin. Have received none of the parcels sent. I hear that noth ing but mail matter comes so far north as this. Many Readable Paragraphs 0131 Local Interest. ' a I T T-Whooping-cough is prevalent in Mid- land. --.-A. B. Thompson has been ap- pointed 9. Notary public. - \ .(\r\ I `T -` T -71*$.Ii`4y'v_i}-b;{11K';}}}c holiday ;_ Col- lingwood s is on Wednesday next. Il'__1"I--nnr-1` -IV-`I imp. J. {afwean };{.ie.I.,"Bxak at., has been added to the telephone exchange. It is No. 29. llluebe , Plum: are the eve no'rnwIaI.:.9s_ --'.1`h;3'S;1-.ZVV'a-t-1_v:Iroodland has Abeen tem- porarily tied up on account of the limited quantity 'ot business oifering. nu , `-n . . u 11 41 -u on u luv ueiveili . _ store, Barrie, nt. II, (VI -:-_'1`-l;e'i c:1-1-1:5;-)"'t;)en will run an excufaion to Big Bay Point and Jo.ckson s Point on Tuesday, Aug. 7th. . V The Latest News I ""1 l"""" `d--Tbe E. hve organized Kitchener Lodge, No.'264, at Stayner. fI'|_ j--_ 9 ca! 1*: I lrllullll urn Elle 0 B0'l.`lIWllala S. mail being burnt-at least 4 weeks of it, if not 5'._ IIVU U0 We are all now quartered in houses here of which *_I am very glad,Vas it was anything but warm at night, and every morning there is a thick frost on the ground. which makes it look quite wintry. L Rn`: lnnnanrann noun nan nnnnn 12!-i-:1: *.s.;.;g........"< ' `nu l1-Iuni|A- Briey Told. l2h$a es. Penny, and eek at vvvuynvu vuu yuqnt ululrulllg BBQ OVOIIIIII. At the eyening service Mr. J. 3. Ed- wards, the hoir leader, sang a solo with` good afoot, Toni`: V =' At the Presbyterian church the pastor occupied the pulpit morning and evening. At that Avnnina -nu-ohm `II . I `I! `DA. IHUIUIK L Wnmqriil At Trinity the Rev. Mr. Moore, of 1'0, 1'0 nuo, delivered two good, "able dineonrlel that were heard with intereeh and profit. Mia: Rnbidge contributed a solo at e,th_e evening servnoe. The Rev. Mr. Uren. of London, occupied the pulpit of Collier street Methodist church at both services. In the evening the com I gregation was favored with a solo from MIII Morris, of Toronto, who sang "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say.{ by'Her,:-is. . LUVNUI Mr Lgimox had asked that the ouebo dropped, as Everall already had 9. much more. serious chargqagainst him, but the `dismissal was not granted. Eve:-all was found gniltv of the charge. and sentenced to pay a. fine of $100 and angle: :1 'Wlnme;9s Mfr! It. Price 201:. 3 Drugstore. Barrie. A despntch from Gan: to the Mail and Empire on Monday says :- ' 'l`l.:. o....-... :. ............:..... .1... 1..-- _.: -_- -1 m]`3li:;;:h`;|mPfi<;`i;1:;ed us a. few days ago from Netlev Hospital. He is now in the beat of heu.l_th. Uoburg. July 3l.--Prince Alfred Ernest Albert. Duke of Saxe-Coburg, second son of "Queen ,Victoria. died at 10 o clook last evening. at Rosenau castle, from paralysis of the heart. ' JJJIIIDIIIW \JlI LVJUll`|K3) EYE ;-- This town is mourning the loss of one of its conspicuous young business menand one of its aldcrmeu in the person of Mr. J. Herbert Scott, whose death occurred yester- day from typhoid fever. He was born in r Gnlt and lived here all his life, with the ex- ception of about four years spent in SI. Catharines, where he attended the Collegiate Institute. Although scarcely thirtytwo ears of sea. he had been for fteen years racticallv the controlling mind of the Victoria. wheel works. and was known to the trade as ashrewed business man. He was lling his third year at the Council Board, and from the first took a foremost place in the agitation for the municipal ownership of the lilzhting plants. He was the only son of Mr. Robert Scott, who was the first Mayor of Rossland, B.(}. `In politicshe was a Conservative. The funeral takes place to morrow afternoon. IA_ 0.... _. , , 1- If 9 In l vsunhu uuuuv |.u Iluuluvv unlvvl UUUIJ. Mr. Scott was a nephew of Mr. J. G. Scott, of Barrie. who went on Monday to attend the funeral. i R.,.,_ 'l\ VI ,0 This is 9. very rich country around here. _ Mine after mine, and there seems to be lots for everybody to do. In must be splendid in time of peace. -:AInnA can ll 5'...` 3...... `pun `-:unl lsunnnn DEMEEF HEB. * MAJESTTS smunnn sun. - on Monday afternoon the adjourned one against Everall of soliciting insurance for a company not empowered to do business in ganada came up for hearing befere P.M.i Bandmaster Henderson received two let- ters from Pte. Henderson on Monday. The first is a shortnotewritten from the camp near Johannesburg. He wrote that he thought the war was about over. Private McCarthy bad to fall out, he said, as the work was too much for him. The second letter bears date, Springs, S. A.. June 18th. "It was". says he. "indeed a proud and happy mom- ment when we marched past in Pretoria. It was what we had all been looking for- ward to, but could hardly realize that lb was so. We have only forty-three in our company to earn all the decorations I am glad I have been able to stand it through. R. Ardagh and I were the only ones from Barrie to be in at Pretoria. 'I"L- 1l'\LI. "WAS-.- J, I, _, I S I ,, , _A,` IJQILIC MU UU III QU I. I,CUUI.Iu The 19th Brigade has achieved a record of which any" infantry might well be proud. Since it was formed on Feb. 12th it has marched 620 miles, often on half rations. It has taken part in the capture of 10 towns, fought 10 general engagements, and` on 27 other days. In one period of 30 days it fought 21 times and marched 327 miles. Casualties between four and ve hun- dred. Defeats none. The Brigade is com- posed of Gordon Highlanders, Duke of Corn- wall s Light Infantry, Shropshire Regiment, Roval Canadian Regiment and Mounted Ries and the 74th Battery of Royal Artill- ff er? - won or the Township of Vespra. in the Count _ of coe. There are about 70 acres of cleared Ian on thcse lots in a good state of cultivation ; the balance thelots is well tir_nb_c-red. This property lies be. ten the Penetangunshene Road and Ljttle Lake t 2}: mile: .frnn1 Hun 'r,...,.. .4` n....-:.. ....A ......_ IIUIDILIIJ Kindly remember me to all friends and tell them I will have to wait and tell them ` all when when we return. There` was a plentiful supply of small fruit and vegetables at Saturday : market. The price of butter and eggs is the name as last week--15c. t6 16c. for butter: ogal, 120. to 13c., all of which was readllv dil- posed of. . ' [Inn-`L---35; A-A n-:_~ -5 Uh- L- Wn -n-- v\r\A Ill: ` Raspberries are selling at 700. to 75c.`p|!` nail. and currents. 10c. per quart. New potafoes were sold at 600. per bag. Hay was $6 50 to $7 per ton. Live hogs are the same as last week. 85.85 for [choice with the usual deduction for lights and fate. veterans of this vicinity are cordially invit- ed to be present and take part in the pro- ceedihgs. nun .. .. - n. noun a --The Guthrie Sons of Temperance annual i excursion to Beaverton on Monday wuia fvery enjoyable aair. The Str Inlay loll: I Barrie with a small party. calling at Shanty Bay. Om Station and Hawkstone. Alter 3 leaving the latter place the boat was com` L fortably lled. We nude:-stand the outing i was a success nancially and otherwise. vAn? SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS. Rob. Henderson Writes. At the Churches. J. E. Scott Dead. TH E MARKET. --rm: we renetanguishene Road and Little L333 Ilwut zl miles -from the Tmvn of Barrie and con- ltnient to Crown Hill post of;e_. school. churches- are several never failing springs on both lots. ll`selolsma_\'be urchased separately. , _l arcel2--l art o the Town p!ot of Kem enfeldt_m llclgwnship of Oro including . Kempen eldt Point "lmvflslng in all some 54 acres more or less. paft llthe north of lake shore road, part between 5 _ ore road and the line of the lGrand' Tflmk Wavrand the balance between the railway and llmpcnfeldt B llaredand in a grad state of cultivation. on the Mnorth of the waggon road there is a. nepme Veand on the lake shore .there is abundance 9f 51195! clav for making tiles and bricks. ThI_8 rw lies close to the town limits and is a beauti- 5P0tfora summer residence etc. "613 -Lot 14. north" side of Davis Btfet in W plot of Kempenfeldt. in the Township Of dl'0o ll?! on which is an orchard and small building. P`.',l4--Part Lot number :4. north side of Steel E10 the Town of Barrie, ix acres. Thl! l0l5 5' h.'`l.\Vell drained and in a good stateof culti- n. rst class soil for market, garden orhfarm ' P"l`s-Lot number 20, on the east side of Job}! mlv "1 the Town of Barrie. On this propctty 1! Amdlwo semi-dcta'tched brick veneered two no 5 . M5, cmlains ay. `The greater part of this land is` W `idsol genants and are in good statebf repair. lb 6 t t ' KL. l . I . `-:IEel6`P3fJ{onfj)t(1!1:3n:?E ?\ansel8l-an nan} nidnf Fined $100. n'.. `:`.'..2_` `P"' Your loving son, Rom`. HENDE'rsoN. gte In no lmltntlono dc 0` o "9 car ch f r 58.1.9 ' , I ;:?.,1*:::t1?=o==s;:2::`%Jiv;*:.: Mb dwood. 4 ' . ft V_V gym - , Nmaglre and 3 l"mmyssf. 50Th`s pnxifrof Baqzek` .`5"t23o round cedar Poad. in the T9`, and a:," 1`dt' Wed at the f_'35' God as net` Kempe, 9 m. "*. *"= n}1,ac:)T}:3e?3 l;d[>riCk3'ar1`,l;'e .>rovr,";:..-% , a _ h a . 9 Offers will be rece1_`" d r txzedclcck noon rtions thereof? lay. lsun day o1'Auaus.`1900 ` j . of: Ptanvcegut ash oer "Em * em for real 9533' hiifcaith *"',f:eoP"" `H and balance In "b mortgage witth P - ; t.4or to be 8C""ed ya period to um, > , Milne: extending "r cent pcf 3 hgm09_tad' with interest_at6 Peta Ply at 2.119 - ,. ' _further particulars 1 km! of `O ' luuur. is nereoy gnen, Lnzu. 1 Have l;l'a.l]llIl_IlF|i| or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections iand9of'l'lIe Ontario Voters Lint Act, ilacopies required by said sections to be sotranso mittcd or delivered of the list, made pursuant to uidzicl, of all persons appearing by the last revised Amssment Roll of said Municipality to be entitled mate in the said Municipalitv at election for mem- lenol the Legislative` Assembly and at Municipai Eltctions. and that the said List was first posted up ilmy olce at Allandale, on the 25!]! day of lu|J.l900, and remains there for inspection. - - Electors are called uron to examine the said List xnd.ilanv omissions or any other errors are found `therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the lid errors corrected according to law. bllnlqn 35` IQAIII-IA VALUABLE FARM AND lmwmuptnnes run sm. Theundersigned invites offers for the purchaseAof_ `the following valuable properties belonging to the Esuteot the late Martin J ohnson. nagnelv :- Parcel x-Lots numbersg and tom the lat Con- mion of the Township of Vespra. Count}! of There an-. ahnnt -in not-ac nr blag:-AH Inn Inn p` require -` ' y lines,` _ Faily to F-vuonu subject to cxistingi . l art _l'ot number 3. '3_street, m the Tr-wn Vls erected a." rough cas1 . P '= nagllegggrty wnfl be sold Vnh-Sid:-ggrllgcg east part of lo . netanguishene s 13 3-nm'..l.. - A " ,...~- " `Eire- - . -' % ofa . . street- mrueo} Pcngtangunshene . 311179,," buildlg 9. 4:: H-mcely suuated lot fa; gale 3- cofd` of W ' 1 . 0 Tkuersigned 315 offers I: fb9 ' ting .- ` . . h. c"-`- ' '4 ft ,,:L!enl_gt ,. k maple an = """" THE lDEf\'l`lr ILAJ IULV oz rnu; pg,` ,5 (1).. Ltd, Grand oor, Temple Building Mont. ml /_ so-31 |io?as LIST 1900.] MUNICIPALITY or THE ` Iownship of lnnisfil, COUNTY OF SIMCOE. lN'-O I I o, infant son of Mr. and `L, ,`,E,G]I:: l{IcLatr:g7I}:lli.2 5 ' - -0 lv 6. M Maude. youngest (0I:1?:Pof IV?r.Jili.) `t . Coipsgland. A, ,_ xocapital requxreu. VV HIE IC`l' Ual'l.lCUlaI'8 (0 nu: IDEr\'l`IF:CATlON & PROTECTIVE IT Grand oor, Temple BBWIUI U*" `'`'`"`3`.' <.""'`'.' - lding its character for mentonous _t_ra:u- ',I."n`v:`h;n the pnlst 'l`W0 MONTHS It has i- . *" d%%:?lZ.`33`3< y'`ege ""`.f-a"`';.fn`a'.'..`J`.'.'.' ` - a n - 2$n:vasmuch- 1* W ` "" my in with the demands made for ODSO :4 `, -0 I ' - .r.aI:d M?s.J{lVvm2;::wd:gnFralghunt 8' son to -V H IN-0 - .'\lAc`(a:'uSI};lin. a sgzluly l7 to r. and Jag` 'l\1"D'II\ ....25c. IITIULI """""T'E' scslsiur Business (}o11egs_a,Ba,rria,s . - t mentorious train- -,uI1llDh1dm.z`tB _c.h.al;\cI:lrl\ NIHNTHQ if luau ,1 3 6N M w 00 6" N 01:95` I,` (0 a N9 F;/x np'mTi`rm4aIuTHErnuu1,A THE `NOTICE is hereby given, thai I hai'e transmittcii Al` Anllvm-Ad in tho: nnrcnnc mnntinnn ;n npnnnn vu-1-:--u-so I r`II--Il`& 30-,2 ` Clerk of Innisl. Dated at Allandali-. this 25th day of July, x9oo. wmw;xc':l`Ient opportunity for Teachers and 1 rs! to e. joy a Short T_e'rm in the ` 06" 5`"`."hand and Pcnmansh:p_Depart- ' M10955` hm may enter at any tune_nndT ,nts- Memtwo weeks upwards as desired. ` wad from write for particulars Regular ` l! .'"'. ' 1 Into the Fall 'lerm " a.;t(},1l?g Catalogue Free. . {hit 1 W. H_ SHAW, PRINCIPAL. I Yongc and Gerrard Sts., Toronto H . 4 `.'. -w~- - Business Gollage, Torormi eucnt ovP9"". .f" .T.$.aEhH-'3- '19` neutral __ AV!` '/--f'*" . GENTS WANTED` in every town am`! village. No capital required. Write for vartnculars to run 1rm1\'I`IF1CATlON PROTECTIVE ermits, a e without: . you % are` want 4 for and covn-% " , VANTVED-3 | out Accounts. mmt`I4` 1 ER SGIIOOL. n~um\I JULY 3110; THE Sll Wu . ' V `. . A. E, in:e*{i5:e and for Endowment Inourauce, ' APPly mPi\nies or money` I on He ` V I-Iv \ n..- .......' n-.;...z.'i.. -5-_,_-:.._ ' s1nvAnvER'usEMEN'rs; u-IV uu,"' "*5 ~ 1 f_n_d Repairs, :0 I . V V ' 5 BEDSPRINOS; 4 'I,lATRE5s:3i: TAnv2MPs' L "di{Ai=IIE ESAILI NG, Fig.1. .5 Y... X. a 3 I SAMUEL _*--~-~_=-L 0 percent er annum. applypat THOS. J OHNSON. Executor of Estate. Bracebridga.- 1-\_; i. be cast part lot number 8, on fhe-> Penptanguishene of an acre. 1) for building purposes. nu unsung leases. , Mt on `the east sxdeqf T r.wn of Barrie. Qq 11113 a cast house contalqlg `5 viil subiect to extstmtr BORN. DIED. `portunity 'l`eache_r_s T r. joy an I and Penmanship Departo Z WHOLE N [.T N V : zsuu. Proprietor.` 0' `tableau it nouse containing 5 subject existing Box 1 E-Keep and make CR V 353 IIII`-- cw -._,--,, Private funds to loan at '5 per cent. on farm p_ro- pertv. Terms` to suit borrowers. No connectaon witlfany loan company. Apply personally or by letter to T ------|1 in-Q3 I'Al'i|l!;O DI.l"`n dsuu. Iv. ' n t e renusesor 131'roNf Minesing P53. IUU HUNG I l'lIIlvI . -. North-west halfof L_ot V cleared, balance etandmf an loam ;nt-clue wheat under cultivation and set Where necessary it ietile frame goo A ..`_I.. .... elm- nvnnulpc `ollbll lttf TO RENT OR LEASE 2 Rooms for oices. in Ross Block, No. 97, D: Street. Fire roof vault; occupned at Kreun Dr. Walla. ill be vacant` on nt 1 A"m * ' c. :1 ROSS- .-BaI'ri6'Janurv. I9oo-.- . .- . . fa` THE%*M"3VANE%-" % Farmers ..A_.jtenticn. I -V I V WANTED A GOODICOOKW `rug ironing. >: Duringt the past few weeks our town has . been rapidly lling `up with tourists, who seek a pleasant and healthful retreat from business cares or the excessiveheat of sum- mer with its resultant ill-health. Seldom have so many -guests of this class been seen here. IIVI VI 7 ' Among them are many whosefacesiare not new, as they have spent more-than one enjoyable -holiday with us `before. But there are also many others who are" withrne for the first time. Needless; to say they are delighted with our beautiful town. It} could not well be otherwise. - _ It is a source of gratication. to the citi- zens to know that the charms of Barrie are becoming more widely known and anpre- ciated every year. Not. long ago a promi- nent gentleman of the United States said to the writer, in effect. I have travelled all over the United States and know my country well, and I must say Barrie com- pares very favorably with anything Ihave seen. ' - DIV I h.'.r 7 Among those who are sojourning rvith us may be mentioned the `following :-Dr. Maury. of Memphis. Tenn. Dr. Maury isa _~ very prominent physician as well as a leo- turers and professor in one of the medical in- stitutions of that city. Also Mr. J. A. Richardson, barrister, of Chicago. with Mrs. Richardson and family ; ,Mr. 'J. A. Miller, cashier First National Bank, Mt. Sterling, Ohio; Mr. L. Wagner and wife, Denver, Col.; Mr. T. B. Allan, lumber merchant. Mrs. Allan and family, of Memphis. Tenn. )1-ow.1\T Lo-rs JonusIo[J j men has cnmunss or Iiihir. sun-an-E? |=?rJe4 C`/`C).L`.|'_.u ! ! Long Distance Telephonig. DOII cmy, ood watt E... ..... OF THE BEST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY. 5 and 5%';':'c:1:: :3 `V. -V ` f , LOUNT & ~LOUNT,. .- Ban-iIters'.jBnfrie. an-3!, . N . ,. 7 Station, ALLANDALE. Lot: 2, 3 ahd 4. West Baldwin Street. North Cumberland Street, Lots :7 and :8. Jacob : Terrace, Lots 1. a, 3, 4, 5 and 7. South Caroline Street, Lot A. EaAstAMary street. Lot 54. West Mary Stret. Let u. T Apply at '1-1.: R-"'""3i'-"`5%2'.?$ %