- T .-[jhe a.dditi-c(:zx1;_t:'(>v_'t;.lv1;a( merchant mar- were greater last year than ever THE SIEGE RAISEI). Ti The Enormous Army Which China " Possesss. - A. deapato1i`.'trom London, Wednes- da_1y;"'s'ays":-Tlfe Times St Petersbuxjg` borrbpougint says that the genral `gt lafaft of the `Ru.ssia,n army esti- .`mates. the Ohineso army to number 1;- 152,000 _moa;t.`*"' He a`lso-says `about 1,- ~oop1;ooo.u ,`:`n:av been: imixorted fv.-i;;in.}._li- .l8`l`'1ill;_1`,;"eb.r.t* - ` __.vv:~ ..v -w nov-nuvlvlluv in the face of the forces of Imperial troops and Boxers occupying the coun- try between Tien-Tsin and Pekin. So far from taking. the offensive the 12,- 000 international tnoops at Tlen-Tsin and the 8,000 other: at Taku and in- termedyiatepoints can barely keep up communications, fighting incessantly ._v_vith 'over.whevming numbers, . using hf III!-'\I`A 1|o|1Iv\4{~n:-n..- --l-SI`---- fat; n;o_re .n'ume`rou's rtiliexxy 1>wi;<:-; than the allies. Dileult W0;-If `in Keeping _ Up Communications. A deapatch from London. Thursday, saya:-The commanders of. the allies -in Tien-Tsin inform the correspond- e:n:t.s that it would be.suicida.1'to reach Pekin with the. troops now available '2- LL - A. Anot.her,.. proclamation of Li-Hung- Gh.amg s directs the prefects and other official erveryvwnhiare to detect and be- head, or severely" punish Boxers and all ma-lefadtora. All the officials are held responsible for the thorough exe- oultion of the vioerorys orders. Laxity_ or failure mieans death to'the officials `both. civil and military, who are also ` held personally responsible for the safety of missionaries and native con- verts. [It is believed that the vice- by's decistve action-' was ta-loan at tfhse issuance of Mr. Mcwade. the Ameri- oa.-n Covnsu.-L, and that it will influence the rebellious Governors in the north in favour of foreigners. ` .` Official Despatch Received From ` Sir Robert Hart A despatah from London, Saturday, eaya:---A deepajtah the Telegraph from Camtton-, dated _ 1`h1.1rsday, says that intense excitement has been caused by e. despaltch from Sir Rob-! ent Hart, Direobor of the Chimese Em-` peri.a.l Customs, stating that the Bri- -t-i.sh I_.ega.ti.otn in P-ekin is in- aames, The despatoh ak1_ds that Li-'-H-mug-, Chang, the Vioeroy, has issued -8.` proc1a.ma1ti.otn by (Imperial ord-ers,? -thait people and places are to be pro- 3 tected. and trouble between natives! and -native converts prevented. Those whoestart uprisings will be at once beheaded. Those spreading false ru- mours will ,be severely punished. Se- vere pwninhmernt in China means slow strangulation. - 'l1b1is edwt included Quang-Tang a-ml Quang-Tu, the Governors of which have signed. me Leemom 1N1=LAmEs.j `Deutsehe '1`uge'Zeitnng prints a Ohetoo Silespatch that says that the Chinese Poi-Ho bridge, securing the line of re- tteat of the international troops to Iaku after repeated fierce attecks,'in .which the Chinese lost hundreds. They next drove on the Russians from their station outside Tien-Tsin utter atwo days desperate resistance .and en- circled the Oobossion. which their artillery is now dominating. mu- l'Il.:._--- '|l'2_2_.A.__. ,-_ _;9|n 1,, " troops seized on Monday night the they thloiierht they could! The Consular body at Sha mmelnt. Then the machine guns and [that it would be rutilc to make ad .pg}eg'ed tllzetbeilefithlait It wou'Ic1"ue Shanghai `as appalling that nothin -their lives without hesitation. if by 50 giving it large advantages over lh ,,.__-... was our I-I-1'0 LULcLgu6l'3, nghaiis hear artillery in action beyond at the opinion that the food and am, wau_ ,'1`{l16Y"W9-T6 unafble to return ; nition of the besieged Le the tire of, the Chinese except at rho-l at Pekin have become meats when an assault seemed 1m- they must be dead or im prisoned, an 1'-epeatiglg 1-[gs tore tt;h e ettorming : perate effort for their relief with; parties to pieces. The m'e'ssen?ger ex- inadequate force. It is regarded ixnpoasbble for the foreiganersi to re- is being done for the reliet of the gist (much longer, as the Chinese were eieged foreigners, and that the m-gpargng to better dawn tlnetxvalisdshould be abandoned to ahoml, of the courtyard and their ammum-z fate. The inability of 1,C00 mm tion was running low. , , ' tthea latest estimates of the numbg Order! W010 817011 bl P1'iP0 Tu-4-I landed--to advance, is Oxphined the mealetnger says. A that since 90319 3 the statement that the, Chinese arm had been killed. not one other foreign- 1 between Tien-Tsin and Pekin hasbe. ea` should be left alive. The Chine ' heavily reinforced, um it hasabug soldiers were exhorted to sacrifice ; ant artillery and numerous Cavalr doing they could help exterminate the tallies, Recommoitring parties run Wang-Kuei-Tao) Extreme preoau-' great hazard of being surrounds tioms had been taken to prevent the `captured, and probably executed foazeignera from communicating with ' torture. A long dell y seems ('erta' anyone outside the city, and a numbon ` before an effective advance and at runners who had been sent out made. - rveinen Were starving. as they gave apart of their small allowance to. the ohildren._ The foreigners were holding out under a. terrific fire up-.' held by the) hourlyerpeetatiaan of re-l I1at."'1'hey knew: they would not be` abandoned. and` that the armies of ;' their Go'vern_m.ente were advancing. bomeltlmeel they tuogiht. they could! artillery beyond a` They were return the Chinese ino-g an assault 1m-i minent. guns and; repeating tore t:he evorming` parties pieces. The ex-g -pieaeed tthe'*bel`le thlzit would be' impoesbble for the foreigners to re-_ sist much preparing batter drawn the wallet` and ammum-' ` I1-.A..... ......... ...:...... L... n..:...... rn.L .. 3 NEAR Two4MILL1QN. A nndespatom fndm London says:-| Sir VR'o-berth Hart's ru:nner, who was} 1nterv1ewed_by the correspondent of; the Eipreas'a!5'Shang*J1ai, says the f_or'e1gne1-s were makmg a last stand 3,,. `.9 n , _ g ____g'__________ A` uvsvnagnvdli VV\Jl-IJ n.now_...a .. -....- ..,--_ Viln` the buildings and encfasuxfee `the `British Legation. 11hey had many dead "and wounded. Among 1 them was :some wo_men and children. 'All_ were short of food, even or the oomuionest. necessaries. `[f,`\ %,e;`gI1inese% Rumors Curret i 1. Shanghai Are Correct. FIGHTING INCESSANTLY. V , , . _ . . ..-.. ' .- .-v vv uuvnaoo-Q-Ivan-av {The Chinese Minister is still iiere. He told a reporter at the Associated Press that he. did - not know. where the Empress, the Emperor, and _l\Iung-Li-Yemen. are. He thinks it likely that Prince Tuan has seized the throne, and especially as the Prince has legitimize claims thereto, his to.- tiher-having been appointed Emperor. Bihl Anzm-. hnifnrn lnnunnn Dnm|n'n' ~. ,rm:.';":z L: ~ . L ;. ` to -an ` .Ma Q `\\u ., \ m Q. . Q5`, ma - "`~ ` ._ 3 ad . ~_ V d of _ .. Rhea `I)r:vlleg9. In a Sickv ' `ta % 39%;: W t to ' Sea -v~-_.- i-- .._-- . . Mhhjma, said she, I want to 5` `*'d_-e ar `papa, ' 3* No, dear, said her mother- not: tr} be disturbed just n0W-_ ` Presently came the plead `T 9 jrflnt to see my~paP3 NP was the answer, I cum! P3 at a J nn fish _'1`fhen.Ttzhe 01.11`.-F011?" {rose tb question .91 r ;- r } An exchange 'te].l.s a tmue Stryr:y. [Little girl, the daughter of 3 I23, man who was amng, and 1 `:1 s had been put to bed 3'm1 Mziinma, 596 Fri Prince "Iuan Publicly E""m Captured Fo1=ei2"9"3' V `A despatch from shzxngh-i'.s3y5:;e~ i Prince Tuan is said to be Pubhcly Uleading all the Legation g`*1dsCap' iurd` by the Chinese. ' " WH_l1g to }7I`ULL"..'L nu. .. ., It remains to be seen, she 3155' W-hether the foreigners ux` he th-H9? '9'. the stronger. In any case GOV "0113 Of provinces should unmedli 1Y.6nroI troops for the defence their dL8tr1ct, as they would be 1" Psponsible for any_ 10:3 of terrHOU- -J -'u.A\JL\-l.bhJU\.I) uuu HLAJ \- down- the people would be dJ1189`3 Hence_ for the present it seemd Pdlentl to make use of the anil`f' Q11 movement. The 1u`m':H'55 5 she is w1"lx 1 rot ct m:Lz* If 1-awn-.`nn'fs1 r`:pkn ti-nun She sly , BEHEADING ma C'JARD3- is Now Impossible. A Canton despat-sh uf 1`uesday sdat says the Chinese p.:pers pubirsh tw edicts from the LuwigcI`Eli1P whlch: reached LL'-Humg-L"h.mg som {days Ago. They siaie that I900 iaoconemation With the Christian cihation with the Christians, :1gai5 when: the whole nation, 1ucIud1nZ`h military and the nqbles and prune I8 united, in orrder to stump I119 out, 13 completely but of the (IN tion. vamp.-n The` edicts say th3 formguersheg-1 the fight agamst China with thelai tack upon Taku. The miner few against torelgners had o0nS841` ly increased, and any ailempt 1 daD89;: on - ... . 3. ...nm 9 LLIE1) 1=0Rc13s n151=1sAIEnJ f The total losses e:rclu.'i'.'e of sick anv !wounded have been 29,701, of whichth fkilled in action were 25} officers and 403Anon-commissioned officers andme died of wounds, 70 officers and 6R0 nun {commissioned officers and men: mis )'ing and prisqners, '65 officers ;1nd'3.6. gnon-commissioned officers and me `died of disease, 133 officers and `,. I non-commissioned of f icers and men;iu 'va.lided home, 844 officers and 15,1.-' lnon-commissioned officcrs and men. Fever at Worse Enemy Than Bee in South Africa. A despatch from London, says:-T War Office om Vndnesday xssuedar turn of the British cusu:11ties in Sou: Africa since the beginning of them: I - . ' i 7" . Rehmce us placed in s ,moat of the statements madeb t y ') _ y I messenger,as by 13 knozwnto be hi? `In! to the foreigners. ' Thu f`.n.*n1:n1ln~.- L.\.I_- -1 .-.. _(.--'- nrvl. V1 U011 Lo`-Eu. Their bodies 1 9` 1M and their heads thlzds of bambooa. A large army of Manchu Ch. Imperial troops, with seventy gm `reported to be adymncing 1,; `direction of Tien-Tsin. f}_1!_,, I we killed by the Chinese, :`n3" eded in gettin by smearing his face and elf LIL-) __, I were x{u.ea by the senger succeeded getting throw V by face clothe, W. blood and joining in 9 out ` " 9 5. u " or `agaanat the devxla. 1 He passed the remains of foreign! ot Admiral Seymour s . A force who h been lulled between Lann_n-, This ,,, LOSSES WERE euolziois] TWO EDICTS ISSUED. 1.ner_'nuv1ng neon appointed Emperor. 'BlSh'OIp Anzer, before leavmg Berlin,` otleclart-ad it` probable that the powers uwtoruld master the present revolt, Vi! they acted harmoniously throughout Otherwise he believed the revolt would spread throughout China. and than the task would provo to be an lm~p0S8'iblO HER RIGHT. true story 6 oal1.t, wl Executingl . Papa i A Paris Temps` de-uspajtcl! from Che- tod, dated Thursday, aays:- -:' n my.~e-H" thim be decide." She atom : i`"']!iaZvn-'l`sin irszzstili 'suf;`bi1nded by an overwhelming number of Chznese, w_ho viva? Shu for '11 price of `_ Gr;=1 of-thifu the wind; to bear it . -nu, HI HOW long I did` no ?T Re'treat: JFrq`h : l`ien`-Tsin to Takg` Has NowBeen Cut;Off. . .Y0ui A daspatch from -Berlin, says:--V'1`h`o l.__A_-I_'_ n|..._,,.pu o ,_,- O__L_ _ :uu_,n-_ VBHINESE HAVE nmrrm ARTII:- U `ltiv-hr 35 KILLED,'1s INJURED. ~ Prince of Wales` Assailant to be Freec When orAge. . A dg.s`; >a tch troh1' Bruaels, says :--. h5_|.`l;e`As,size Court (in Thursday retnrnp Laverdict of `guilty of attempt to ...-ki11Lthe Prince. of Wales againat*Jaa'nV *Sipido,' -who ttrgd atx th truce on April 4th"au the train bear. ` -hiItRY81 Highness was ~le_av1ng the. L` thorn: . Ja._ta_tio,n gthin oityl;to;t_ , ha ge_n, The court considered` 'pi_do' > .actqd Withbilt , ' 'nd2"-&_ntenced.% " to.'.gf<*ro'A- I . . . ittninod; ts = 10 smno snfifzsn. `fRegimdnt' Reeelvil Its Baptism of Fire on Dommjqn Day, _ ` `A deppfoh mum Ipndon. T Iayq`1~-_ 3t#thh'a?e.LABor!na with 909. 6101;?!"- tofbq giygu %onn_pgoiVdj tor" the tigntw %onJ91x. 1; in We nelthbonrhfoodu C S*iMbi29% may lba;A:ogg'ki11 .7 : gm 91,i.1.=6r .. .% `4n'.'_.`._' ` ...__v_,'-. _r .-u` . '. .'..- ` 7`. mg`. ' `(General Hunter reached Frankfort July 1,witho|_1t opposition, `and Mac. ' ; donald joined' him there yesterday. He " found two `meant the Sea.-forthas and ;eighteen of the Derby m-ilitiaiin` the `hospital. _They had been `well treat- by the Boers. ` ' a 1,5,, rm, 1- ' % Second-i.ieu't. H. Hfsmithh, reberted severely wounded "in the "same ti-ght, be1o`nng.s"_to the lat G1ou;centers,'~a.nd was taken prisdner `at Nicholson : .:l,x(y:_v_;iovo11roxa ' I. 3-uv .5--ge~.Iau uu=.I.=;"K- . j . The` `Boers,-` prohaibl mhiaki ' A than, may to within. ittyjyardlo ' them`;-. I1_a3_bl_il18: a qubaltqrn ti)` . -. ` -~... In the latestelist of casualties there is evidence of this. The attack on the small ,British force at Hotningspruit entailed the death of Mejoril. ir.1 G. Hobbs, o_the2nd West Yorks. who Iiru takenpxtsouer. owing to his It_ay- ing behind to assist} Awlounded "man 'a:t' Willow` Grange, in Natal, on No- verhber 23. _ A . Methuen reports from Paardekraal, on the Hieilbron-Kroons_t;ad~ road, that he has `captured the commander of De Wet s scouts, two other prisoners, and Andeies Wesaels, hs head of the Afri- kande: Bund."' V [FROM PRISON T0 BATTLE. _Re1eaed. at Pretoria. to be Kllle . in a Few'D.ays._' , ,A despatoh from London aay ;--iThe Pretoria prisoners are; ev,ident_ly ex-` periemcing. an early, renewal of _war after their .lib_er'ation. A H 1 Gen. Methuen Elites `Pris oner De ' Wet s Head Scout. ` A despagtdh _ro-m London, says:--'1`-he `following despatgh was reoeivedon from Lord Roberts :- Tuesday afternoon at th'e'-War Office blw Uilb Dr. Eziigzimboyle, writing to the British, Medical Journal, says he thinks that there were 10,000 to 12,000- cases of enterio fever at one time. Six hundred patients Iilied at. Bloem- fontein in one month . Dr. Doyle de- claziee that the physicians did all they oou d. . - ' 7jWe dvo not vneedto discuss peace; President Kruger wishes. throughme. to repeat what he has said over and over again; The South `African L Repub- ` lic will fight for independence as long as 500 burghers remain alive, and even theg will continue to -fight. -Such | is `cur decision." . l1____ `l\-_,_1 ____,1,!.,-_. A 11, , ` Kruger says War Will continue Un- til No Burghers Are Left. ' ' A despatoh from London, Friday; says:-The cordon around Gen De Wet appears still to be wide; at least he has not yet been cornered. Despatches from the front, except official ones, [deal with tritlea or vague probabili- The Daily Telegraph's Lorenzo Mar- ques correspondent attempted on Wednesday to: interview President Kruger ate Watervalonder. Herr Kruger was there, but he deputed State Secretary Reitz to talk. The Secretary said :-, azuiv `V. n on sfrRATHcom{s ENGAGED. WILL NOT DISCUSS PEACE. executing diaturbera Nankin. , oeroy Liu is reported to be freely of the peace at gm. trying to. otitxtlie oomnrunieatzona `or the international tomes,` whose P0l|5t10IIf!!'fjvery`dangerous. {the al- hed `troops, -numbering 12,000 me_n._ have `succeeded fwi! difficulty in pre- Venting hy.etrate`g'~t1o meamres an assault` by the Ohinese, {whose artil- lery greatly out-namberes the Euro- pean gm. . . A _. . DEAD THICK ABOUT THE GUNS. -A despatoh from London says ;-Ao_- to reportartrorn Shanghai. the Chinese army` one march southward from Pekin has reached `Leta. This is. presumably Gen. `Niehsi-Chang s force en route to `attack Tlen-Tsi.n. Another force of 30.000 Chinese from Lutai has.` appeared -north-east `of Tien-Tsin. The native city when cap - .tured was a horrible spectacle. Chi-' nese bodies lay thick around the guns. The situation in Kwang-Tung or East- ern Provinee grows worse. Li-Hun-_ Chang` ieaaid to be trying to raise-a force or 200,000 militia. 15.. -w-vv w- --vvg-wvv -----v__... . ' Anarchy is widespread in~tl1e Pro- vince ot Shang-Tung in spite of the efforts ot Yuan-Shikai. the Governor. to control. the revolt. Happily, a bend of_ thirty-ive_ American _ and other missionaries reached Tsin-Tau safely on-July 8. ,-._.L-j L- L- ...--'I- Happy exours.ioni.sta--104 of-them- boarded a trolley car at, Edison. aeau butrb at 8.30 o'clock. They were on rowte to this city to view" thecivio parade. The oer bowled along at a good speed. Where the tracks turn- ' ed from'Del.i.n street the car suddenly` lurohed, and lettthe railg. The motore-V -man was powerless to check its speed. A rguloh 1'23 feet yawned below. Ooly a slight rail of wood `ran-.a1on.g the of the preoipioe. COMMANDERf CAPTURED. , Dimringthb quartonanding J une 80th`, the British revenue Ade-creases _undpr _d_ierent heading}; total 1,7B_3,1454;_and tuslnoruaaep tatnl 580,000, -having .a not degorooaaoat 1a$03,1M, dgg to do- . the excise re- fadnta oaubgd by zwitlidzawals: m,ade_._ '11};B}i-1;si{ tarstmass cruiser Atfgo- .n1aut,. with a _crew of 687 -men, left She:-no.8: tor Chinaon T.ues__day. A 7 V ............ -2 f\_____n.- nu _ Ihm umbliella acmssa pabmaffa iaoq. an act when the magistralzefat Southwtrk described as _a 91600 If Ihberbkdolngfnatdlsm. John Rygrnye, g`. Cainberwbll oqunmfssmn agnny, was sentenced` to _.two; months haxfd. 2 . . V _f15 per cent. adlvamoe in wages chas lhlesn granted: to tJ1e_ 200 workmen employed at the Stanton Iron Works in Dembys:h;I.i`;` "V ____ _..___.- --- -|\uuf\sIn t Qbman of Omag`-h.`, Tfmne, has beIe'nj eprrgsted pm a a1_1'q,x_'ge Uf killing her child iby cmt'tin.'g of! we arms and msirr ;i'h}}I.a" VF;-1:;-'aii, the aculptolr, presient of the Royal Hibarnian Asa- demy. died a't*Dublin. K ~ A - V '1;l;e' vA;u`1o;I"iVca_1).w iigpital ship Maine has reached Sou'thampt9n' witha load `` of sick and wounded soldiexfs. V. 1 | ` The number of ,em:igrans sailing for Canada from British` ports durihg the month or June were:--En"gh'.sh, 1,449; Irish`, 94; Scotch, 211. and of othar na-' tionanties, 4,725.} b T- `V9-The total'Bx;i.1`:i5li.A`i;;ases in the South African war are 29,460. ' G2- rn1____-..__ 'I-___.,i1 as . lmdod Trolley Go-on ver `a P1-eelipleo at ' . ` Tacoma. Av de-spartoh from Tacoma. Wash., pays ;- 1`_hi2-tyi-five men; . women, and children were killed and eighteen were injured, `nine fatally`, in `the wrecking of a trolley on the outskirttof Taco-I ma _on Wednesday. `an; - nu portions` of Ontario. V Efforts are being made by_ the. Cler- gu-er Company in 141a5=t` Algoma, to en- courage settlers of a desirable class from points in Great Britain and; Europe rather than from .the older n . 4-- ,.-_ The {enormous volume of -1,107.602 tons of treizgm `passed through the! American - and - Canadian canals at: Sault Ste Marie last month, an in- cnease of more than 600,000 tons` overs June. 1899.: 0 - , ` ` .to rebellion, but the attempt failed [Three baa Indians from Minnesota! crossed over `into the Rainy River dis. ! trim; of Ontario a few days ago, and tried to'incite the oa-nadian Indians and the? alarmed settlers are quieting down.`. j _ - ' `(the Department or Public Works 6: .OnFr.ario has issue-d plans and specifica. n tions of the ice house and cold. storage buildings in various parts of the pro. Vince, for which the Government; will give grants. Gama namun. . Inweitments in Gwnada are very popular in Engtand. 1`hos`Skinner, the London financier and a director of` the C.P.R., in an in- terview at Montreal`. is quoted as ex- pressing a. belief that a _fast- Atlantic Service from`Ca.n:ada. would pay at the .s_ta.rt. ` Big quaor-tz strikes are reported at Indian River, fifty miles from Daw- son. There is an extensive area, and. a. large stampede has taken place. - Nan ;-".ly ` fo;1-r 1.1vunT ivhatymeml from; the Upper Ottawa, Gatineau, Coulongo. and other lumber limits. have arrived. in Ottawa. ladehed with "money earned in _t.he oamps. wiihe ohapital i.u_xMo1_$100 oh. Chinese immigratipn will `hurt the G. P. B.. a bus-inesn. in the importation. ' - _. -1 `E . _ . _ _.-I Mohtreil. A'n hael has been qu_;e,rantined' andtho Rioya1`Victqria' Hospital is cl'qsed.. ('14. The railwayis now the leading fac- torin the settlement here. The Neth- erlands Company has been surprised by the amount of traffic carried" by the line within a month after the British occupation. -There is urgent need for the completion of a quantity of unfinished engineering work in the . shops here. and in_order to have this done the British engineers offered to re-employ a number of the company : '1 workmen who had been laid off when . General Roberts seized the line. The offer was accepted, and the men re- sunied work for -a few days, when a '- deputation said that -they would be .` "better protected it they were com-*.` mandeered. This was done. but a few f` days later there'were some defections, 5] caused by a Boer political agent, who 1,` persuaded a number of the workmen that it was unlawful to cammandeer . ' I Du-ri.'i1'g J une 4.268 settlers; regmteb jedJ'.'nAWi`1`1nipeg, including 1,701 o,S1a.- voriisc origin. Total for half year is 21,216. ' ` Ann. 1`: In l`.he Ottawa. City Council proposes to adopt a by-law regulating and licens- ing the man-uao'ture and storage at cawium carbide `within the city. The `Winnipeg smallpox quarantine has beesn rai.sed.a.ter seventy days; during which thirty-1o1'1r.na.sea were "'r""*.t` 1 . I d`.t;i;y"ivx:s-t:.;u'<;1;ors- ffom' En-g- 1a.'n-51 will `teach asummer achoql at B1fo'ckville'. ' ` The new `steel bridge acres; the St-. Lawrence river at Quebec will be 4,- 000, feet long, and 150 feet above the river. ' Bread B. now oents a loatin Ottawa. Several additional suspect small- po: `cases are reported in Montreal. ' '1`.he- prise of bread has been tn- creased two oenta a. 109.! in Montreal Last year 20,000 deer skins were ex- ported from British Columbia. _, .!2.__-1.-.._. -0 s `lIJ'AIa\r\Q Q-wag` -a-av-u-nun -----v----:~ % According to the new directory oti M6nat~rea.l V the populatian is 851,409. I -,-_ l;___- 1'_... - uuauuvvu v o q-u--an A doha:.ion of 20 received from Cal-ou-tta. India. for the `Ottawa Fire Relief Fund V - ? '. -A'nn;4nnI__ I, ,_ --_ ---- w`v`_-_ w- --vv-.- '1`he su,m of $3,441.93 has been con- tributed by Hamilton citizens toward the Indian Fawmine Fund. gang vwup v ---wt "Ame:-i'ca.n- investors are .t-urnLin8 ;their attention to the iron ore! Of }Vanoouyer Island- ` `About fifty foreigners who were made burghers by the Transvaal Gov- ernment during the war, have been given passes, and advised to get to the coast as quickly as possible. It is; stated that after laying down their arms they acted in such a. manner as to arouse the suspicious of the British, and it was considered that it would be. better for them to leave the country. l'III.- __-!I SPHRKSFRGMHE WIRES] Newly Items About Ouraalvqa and Our Neighbors-A-_Som`ething of A Interest From Evelfy Quar- ter of the Globe. % CANADA} imaui. ; ;!i-eal_;e_:n'ge1il_,8dd_e(>l_ that ; manj w,or,eki1_1ed in broakinmout at Ku- ` `. f1`he. -r.u'n.d.our-. ppera to. ha "wen toanded. although oo1..Wiucocka tail: to understand why he has not received, news from the Governor. The [colonel inxends tojgroceed to_Ku_x_n;::;s. and re.- tak_e_ -the plade it pvaouated. Most.of the Kumassl Garrison Suc- ,ceeds In Escaping. > _ _ ._ `A deapatoh. from London, aays:-_- Col. Willoooka. . oofmma-n_d.ing__ the Kumassi, relief . expedition, telegraph; the Colonial Ollioe `under date at Tues. day that natives report -tl_1at.Go}ve'rnor _`H_odg.son.and the wives and .. ta_znilie`| 01 several ottioern have left Knmasai, c-champ LI-A... , ...-__ where .` they . were 'besieged. by the rebellious natives, and arrived at .Ek.wo,nVta,A 20. mile: south-west at KI1_nagui._ Eleven Boer waggone, laden with meat and mealiee, were seized `atethe trout. Those in charge of the waggons declaredTtha'.t they were coming to the Pretoria markets, but it is contended that the supplies they were carryin were intended for 0ommanda'nt-Gen- era! Botha. T ` The report from Indi.-2 says: "Rain- talls have been fairly general during "the: `past w;eek,_ but the mbnsoon cur- rent; continpes weak, dausmg anxi- `aty. ;Frequent.._ s.h'orw-erg", have fallen in,-p_va,rts of this Ceintrai pro}vL03u but th'e`_rain.-fall data is 1'nsuf1c1en_t {gr 9. gene-rail resumprtion ` of agri- cultural _ope.a-at_iona. `Little: Tocr no rain; has fallen m Nforth and v'Weste!rn Indian". . _ . V _,_ __..-._--.. u... .v.... vuamvsu. A young journeyman -baker named Cansstantin Ho-rna _'has just raoei-ved the` degree of Doctor of Phillsophg at .V1e_nna. For years he had studied ser.:retIy,. at night u-ntjl one day` aum'- varsity, student foungl that Horna had ath`orr.ou~gh~ knowledge of -Lntin and =pc.etr,y; and `so interested the Umver- ' si.-ty` a1J;th`ovr1't1 e_5 that they gave hum a year's trai-nu.xg free. - T ` .fI1V,l_ R ._-__- _--J \rv.nlh\Q\lQ UV.- Elite; uhsucoessiul `experiments {Go-u~nt Zeppelrfs muqh-deslgrnbed 2.1:-, \ ` sjhvpv use/ended 8;Ild` travelIedxs'afeIyJ to i Immest-asdt, a distance of 35 mimes, car- i rying t`he.1'nventor and four others. From one and a `half to three Inches of rain `has fallen over the whole idroatbgfat-.5-tri'ckrjan portlons of the col: {any of Queensland. ' In the French Chamber of Deputies i the Government introduced a cream; of 0 1,360,000 frames to erect mn Emzbassy .'hui1d1'Ing xn Washington.` 0 ,7 -_--- liecendz references in the Paris papers to the Franco-American de- monstration otfriendship have clear- ly showm that` an alliance between the republics is seriously considered. A c..-.__ -_.. _-- - - Oassa o:w1'Ve1`)orted: bubonic plague in Brazil since January 4 number 22 with 99 tatiuities. b The Colombian r'ei_b.els have been ? cc-mpletely crushed in Santander, los- iing. many thousands in killed and wounded. . By order: ob ti-1; Czar or Russia the `system of banishmant `to Sibarla has beet; largely abolished. ` ' The reservoir of_ the Grand Rapids waterworks system burst, letting loose a deluge of more than 100,000,- 000 gallons at water upon a thickly- populated district on the hillside im- -mediately beneath it-. The damage is `estimated at hundreds of thousands of dollars. ' BOER SUPPLIES CAPIURED. . GENERAL. ` _ The three Boer delegates, who `have 1 been touring in the United States, are now in Paris. -` - V T ;Adiniralt'y,t1ia't` -{v'eaae`1si<:o t[ the auxiliary squadron should proooedv to Qhinoese waters, this Premier of. Vic. toria, Mr. M:-._Lean=, cabled on offer at 200 marinas` and two `gims. The Gov`.- ernment of Queensland also offered the British 'Admiralty a gunboat for service in Chinese waters. ~ - UNITED STATES. A .T.he new Chicago du-eoboz-y` shdwsa population of 2,000,000. ` One-third of the _$20,000,000 called` for by `Methodist Bishops as a. twenti- eth century thank offeringjhas been subscribed. A V ' The St . Louis street oar strike has been declared off, the men having uigmed an agreement "witah the Trans sit Oompany- T b n . nu . 1- an 0, o{ri-:I<' fact that tn; German. meat law goes ,ia.1to..affeot- on-0 ootfober ,5th. panokera at Chicago. Ill... ggt daily`, orders from Germany for 100,000 pounds of sausage. ' 1111 . '.- _ .. - ..----vV- ---y.-.- The village of Smfthport.-Oonn., has organized a pose of citizens to guard the place from- incendiaries, who have been making determined efforts to do satrdy it by fire. . - ` Onania Melano andhin wife of New Haven. Conn..,-were charged on Tues-. day with throwing their baby into 1 West River. because they had nothing wherewith to feed it. I Governmental `agricultural experi-' ment stations are to be established in Hawaii. - V V` The .Oa'rne`gIa. Company has just gflV8El' Aalmotrtgage 01 $54,000,000 to se- V ziI-t is the i;teV117tiiV>n Tgtiythe War De`-n partmemt to ask Congress for a stand- : ing army of notrlesaithan 75,000 men; The Government's j surplus for the ,tisoa1 year Just ended via: $81,229,777; `The public dbt decreased 815,000,000 ; in June. A ' - Foreigners Acting suspiciously or-I dared to Proceed to the Coast. A deepatch from Preizoria se.ye:- There was some firing beyond _Penae.r-`- apoort on Tuesday, but neither the British nor the Boers appear to seek`, be. general engagement. re a u -.-'