Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 5 Jul 1900, p. 7

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..-----u will!!! re moneyia milliontim. dunes an effect wn thrnnulum I VVVII-5`-Cl!` 3ll.'ll!I'3o_ * ' I! poo:-Vwhite Feather_ was 9. phsic&l 'cow`al_'d.he wasja morgl herfo: There is` no chance. or a display rot teelingin -a . barrack room: /so, like thevzspartan boy of old, he hugged his trouble to-him, slipping `the cheap little engagement` ring with; which he had sealed_ his troth into his-{pocket without a sign.be- yond the twitching of his white lips. Then be lit his pipe with the letter. not out of contempt. but because there is little privacy accorded in the corre- spondence" that comes to the barrack ; .1_'o_om, and a private soldier is not pro- i vided with a desk whereih to keep his faded owers and other sentimental` to- kens ot the past. A 9:11.; I.!-._ 1-- _ uut\-u-9 Iunnwlv nnn fl)!` nous ul. pun punk 1 V The blow wasa very heavy one,` for \Whlte Feather was without the world- ly knowledge that should. `have told him long` since that he brainless tillrt, and be her.. - - I._j had xed ms at- I tections upon a. vulgar, selsh and ` still belleved In `Lg-cunt` `A AI-vn, , IJUI-0 . , For heresake he had learned to over- come` his physical cowardice. He had dreamed of a possible commission in the_gim future and had rejoiced in the recently acquired promotion as a step ; toward her. ` " A - A I. - _--AI-u-ul OI-'51; `LU \'V aru DEL; i For her sake, too, he. -`received the ; news cheerfully when the' word pased through the barracks that the regiment was ordered to South Africa to meet the Boers. He knew that he was by nature a coward, but for the memory of her lfe swore an oath toihimself to do his duty without sparing himself in ` the comlngght. ' A A as Q - Look `ere. old chap, we ain't going to call you White Feather no. more!" said Trumpeter Pipes as they lay to- gether behind .the -shelter of a large bowlder. against the -face` of which the Boer bullets were -pattering like a. heavy rain. F 1.. 4__n ..t_|..a. -1 4.1.- ._.I....vI- ..-..... 41..-.1: ` , ucu v J lulu In full sight or the whole army their squadron had crossed the` Boer front amid a hail of bullets _. which had brought 20 men to earth, ' 1-un_u.- 'rn..u.I.-..).. |.......... st.-up`! In-nun alani- all I 29 &ll\pAul White Feather : horse mad been shot under him, and, at the risk -of his life, he had carried the wounded trumpeter blnto the shelter of the bowlders. He ` was unhurt, but trembled In every ` limb from fear and great exertion. \ II-n_.____ I.--1.__'-__. Li- I_-_.I_1....... L. ...A.... adamant n-nvnna you I-ran`. aoilwuw ---v-v '- } From between two bowlders .hepeep- 1 -ed out and `saw, amid the bodies of men and horses that littered the plain, ha. wounded man crawling on his hands and knees amid a spatter of bullets that were kicking pufjs of dust from the dry earth all around him. ' It was `his captain. White `Feather _ watched him for a moment; when he saw him stop. and lie Q '-down on his side despairingiy. `He -could cra-wicno more. ' -an ` .3. ._ _ __A_______ _A'___ , 'vVI.IA\o Mus:-IV F.-v nnavnvu I will, 01` her sake!" he murmured between !his clinched teeth, and, rising from the -shelter of the rock, he faced mhe hailco:r-death that pattered to the ` vearth around him. nu ,, ,4 _ p-p._;. with Ivan! use vuoau an As he walked into the open. a faint -cheer reached his cars from the Brit: iish troops halt a mile behind him. `The Royal antillery backed him with a shrieking -night of shrapnel, which whistled tor.-.9. moment overhead, then ` burst over the Boer lines a quarter of .-a mile away in 3. shower of bullets that \ torn moment-quelled the storm around 3 now. mI'o}."`LiTa;Y:'a}i5"II.?n7e1i"ti `B ; 4 itep to where'[`rumpeter Pipes lay hid- 1 -.3 ... The trummeter gave him a faint Q Bravo! as .he staggered and tell with " his :burden flnto =the kindly shelter or the V V T L 3 -That was `White `Feathers reward. ; von a distant hill the British com- n,u- ,u-.,-_ ___n4|. '3- may anon: on --my -_---u-- vvu: m;d;- shut 511;" eldglazs-es with `ja ........ \ "BeB the general to keep down the.` tire on the right there and-to get those ` men in -from behind those bowlders." he -said to his aid, and bring me that man : name. `-11 he is alive, tell him that I saw it all and that.I'm going to- tecommend him for the cross. A 5- 30..-: .\dl.v.\Ill-NI-I.n\pao\.n sauna: av- on-w `gov-any Never saw a-ner show 013- re disc!-g piine in my life! added the command- er to himself as rhis aid galloped oft. -"`?1_l.L- i'I_..A.I.__.9.. -_.-.. ..I.I..L-..-.1 -.. 1.- nnnauwon -n q an---vrv-- '1 vhe l1`ezxtl;1"?:s~e; e's glistened 11; `he .neceiv~.ed the message and heard -the qbeer -that swept, along the` lines as the was carried in. T V L V An Interrupted Feast. `There dwell in one or the handsome residences or '1_`ioga an elderly lady and her daughter. The mother recently went out or the. city for a few days stay.` On the day she left thedaughter informed the colored cook_ early in the morning that she would visit a friend Ind would ndt return until 9 o'clock at night, - I'I....L LL- J...l-_.J _._'.. -_L ..L I.-....- -..1 I you '\ou--.-v- - "`Perhaps I :hn1! get that commission Miter all,"Lhe said to `himself; "then { she will think move of me! L fferhaps It was just as -well that he . \ died ` ve minutes later--this faithful r worshiper of ,9, goddes of -clay.-Penn[y | Pictorial Magazine; UV`. - npquuuuw v w--Ivvov `cu-w fine young woman said she was sure - of `that. Result: Colored friends left the -`house h'ungry;_ cook. too; girl inzvitedg neighbors. in; and all enjoyed 'the- feast; '- ;ne`w ` next h-dasf.--_-P.hi_'ladeiphiva~; -aa-as V But the friend was not at home, and the daughter came to the city.-to shop I and returned home at 6 o'clock instead ` or three hours later. She found `ten colored couples in the parlor, and the table` in the dining room was set for 20 persons. with the silver pieces and best china in evidence; In the kitchen the cook wns busy preparing _:_-feast-. When her eyes fell upon her-young mistress. .- thev seryant exclaimed in; horror: "_`.Good gracioumyon done come home so soon! Why. Psetelnwited mah, rfrldl O0 din-A mm `D99?I=.1ld1|'t;IP9`_'YQW3.l}. V -.,-_~ ___..._'r.... .__`..`..-_ '.-;..s.1` ..I.=. .....*"'_;........*`- reached vthe wounded man, A111-'ted ",1 k L_-_-_-_1 ._L___ I_'__ *1? .'Z F9 [5 . `Bradford St , 8.8-Lot I1 and pt. Lot 12, vwitli comfortable frame dwelling. % ,Gu-mberland` St., N 8-Pt. of Lot 26. 'J7Icobs' Ternice, S B-Lotei 7 and 10. Marcus St, E S-'Pt-Lot 28; nmnu-cnm~nn wuins. ` Dunlop Street, s S--Large Brick Building. ktiown as The Moore" Block." I , Collier Street, 8 8~-Lots 40_ and 41. John Street, N _S--Part Lots 5 and 6. Bradford Street, W S--Part Lot 34.7 - L. Bnttereld Foundry property. . ` Bradford Street, E S--Lots 22, 23, 31 `end 82. L Bradford Street, E S--('1`hompson s Block) ot 8.` ' . `- Charles Street, W,S-Pt Lot 49. . Ehzabeth Street, (Boys Block) S S--Lot 25. Sanford Street. E S-Parts Lots 21 and 22. Bay Sho`re-S of John and E . of Ellen .streets, 2 blocks of land, about 7 ac. ; , _ nnmn:-near mum. ` Blake Street 14, 15, 16, With excellent solid 17, Collingwood St., brick Residence , 11 7 and, 8. Adjoining rooms, furnace and Collegiate Institute other modern con- grounds. ' ' vemences. - Blake Street: IT S-.Lots 48 and 49. Blake Street, S S--Lots 37 and 38. Ondri ton Street, S S-Lots 23, 27, 28 and pt . ` ` Amelia Street, N and S S--Lota 5, 6, 7. Eugenia, Street, S S-Lot 5. Theresa Street, N S-Lots4, 5, 6, 7. S E 1 of 24 and 87%; ; of 25 in *8th Con. F ' mxrsnr. Pt Lot 11 in 14th Con. This property in- cludes Minet Point, and has on in a number oi `beautiful building sites. ` Part 37 in 2nd Cou., 85 acrs. V 1 SUNNIDALE. -Pt E 1} 12 in 10th, W S R, about 85 acres. ; ` vnsm>.A. } P: W 25 in 6th 0011., about 90 acres. ` W 4} 5 in 6th C011. 2 `Park Lots3, 4, 5 and 6 on E $22 in 6th Con., 21 acres. , ` Park Lot 6 on 25 in 7th Con.. 5 acres. uuvv Jul! 00 3-, strong and an Toxin Pills. >7 vr v 3; Easy Terms. Spavlns,lIInghonos,SpI| I`-nnlna and All En:-Inc (If west home. unuzno. \;a.n.. uec. 11, um. DR. `B. J. KENDALL C0. - Dear Sire:-Aye:u- ago I had a valuable home which got-.1a.me; I too`: him to the Veterinary Surzzeon who i pronounced it `(-cult Spuvln and gave me little hope, although he ggplied a sharp blister. This made matters only worse a. the horse became so lame that it could not sta.n`d:up. After trying everything in my ower -I `Went to a. neighbor and told him ehont the case. e gave me one of your books and I studied it carefully and be- ; ing resolved to do the utmost in favor of my beast. went ` to the nearest drug store and not a. bottle of your Spavin , Core and applied it strictly nccordingto directions. Be- ; tore the lirst bottle was used I noticed an improvement, and when the seventh `bottle was about half used. my horse was completely cm-cal and without leaving a blemish on him. After ceasin treatment 1 gave the horse good care and did some lig twork with him,wiah- :ing to see it it htuieffected a cure.l then started to `work the horse hard and to my entire eetinfaction he never showed any more lameness through the whole summer. `I run recommend Kendall's Snavincure not nnlv ml an Workstousanda of cm-as annually. Endorsed!) the "best breeders undhorsemen everywhere. Price. 8 3 six f0l'85- As a. linimetxt for family use it has no equal. v'lv-.sf-__- t\..A....l.. 11.... art 11 mo We make _a. feature of furnishing coal as you like it. Quantity to suit. qualitv to suit. price to suit. If you want that which :3 a little better oralittle more economncal tl_1au can be found elsewhere. you'll be satised here. Heat-furnishing, cash-saving coal in any quautit desired and every particle of fuel worth more "titan t e price asked. ` 2 :- Lgn;--ng.j Has purchased the premxaes occupied bv Chas. Mc- Guire, just east `or the Victoria. Hotel, and has ed up _businees in all kinds of Black- amithing. otseshoemg. etc. All work will be done promptly atbthe lowest ure. Remember the piece. ITHE snowea more lameness vnrougn me wnole summer. I can recommend Kendall's Spavlncure not only as an excellent, but as .a euro remedy, to any one thus it may concern. Yours truly. SAMUEL TRITTEN. Ask your drugglet for Kendall : Bpsvln OI:-e. also `FA Treatlee on.the Ilene. the book tree, or address 3; '`a;;~_-;,n (I1..- [IQ I\.._. WEWBMEKSMI .-... oi mug.` 9" were twitch} , <---u-.._.._ three 1arge`bo: V. strand and V ' Licensed Auctioneer. A raiser. Valuafor, etc.; Credit- Sales of` Farm tack and Implements promptly attended to; Farmqsnld and bogugmt on Commission. GET MY TERMS AND RA S. ~ Er'JnTuy'?:ioJa ?o"5'i5a.;.'."s7~1a' 33a I?.'."i'.':"; Commission. GET MY TERMS AND RA s. Near Market Square. LlV|cL.a rty, {MoN1cY To LOAN; `GEO. MCDONALDI Lot 12`. s s 7th Street. Lots 41 and 42 in.6h Con., N ottawasaga. Ask arnggun tor xonanlrn spawn on-e. also or 14-Vly _ OFFICE 34 HAYEIELD STREET, BARRIE. ` _ ' 3.1 , . Van `uvcuuuw In-.uuv anus -cg -av vvvnuvv, va uuusv DI. I. J. IEIMIL GOIIPAIIV, EIIOSIIIIB FALLS, VT. l::."!; As YOU LIKE IT. Vkw---: ----- --- -_ -___._._ curbs: anduxlvl Forms of Lameness Yield to nu; ._..____..- .- -__;4 `jj ofdcl. Bluaop-St.. Barrie. 45-ly :BAniun- sum iunn. STRATHY G. ESTEN, Solicitors, &c. , Barrie Aovzansz m Itunlllcuv nun -u-nun; ur-4 gs nun -tr vs`-.-- -Weat Lorne. Ontario, Co.n.. Dec. 14, 1898. NDALL (X). COLLINGWOOIL LATE OF ORO, w. 1!Icl.AB'l`Y.Z ' Building ' and Loan Association Special Familitdes o"ered to L Investors omdBorrowers. ...:.:s.:`';;` '.;.'.t ';:.:::..'1m..." "';';'..`:.': :,.::[....z"' lord ? nu ve the choice of repayin at a monthly tawegf $1.20, $1.50, or $1.90 for east $100.00 bor- l'0W w"I"'I:E PUBLIC-Why spend 2.11303: socket money? 609.: manual: glalged wit_h thgo 8 an: Loan AIUOQS I W ` PRESENT o..m..3"5... `.'..L`}:."`.c"tg..3'?.'.'... **** "'Auoc:a' "rt" m"il"l' 'eTi" mt "go" 3'` -' "K PRESENT o5.:o.oo3"or `$r:3i:o"ts4.. .'o"'vu Your monthlv oavments. tunes I. or $100.00, your monthlv pavments. lIII,I-' n-II:-1-51: Lvles in pl th_eir I HI . .llVVLlUI1-Why not plan: your $100-oo vytth the O. P. B. 8: L. Asia. and have it doublod m In years. beside receiving during the in- tl'V8l 6 7. oer nnnum naid En vnn AVAPII r mnnthn uuuuwu In In yam, oestae receiving` aunng UM II` 67; per annum paid to you every six months`! In other words, for your $100.00 you will receive as interest $66 and a lump sum of $2oo.mnking 1 grand total of 5266. V ' ' ,,____,. . 5- ` - - - An investment safe as government seouritiee _Ind much more protable, realizing the investor an equiva- lent to 15 per cent. per annum. simple interest. For printed matter and further information call on 95 Dmzlop-St., Ross Block, Bafrie. Wooosrocx, ONTARIO, your monthlv pavmenta} THE mv:s1'on;wn e 1 $100.00 vyith L.` ):A;'o P D. an .l....l.!..I .. ._ ........ L--:.I- _-_-,_.__ J.._L_ -I_- 1-` O.H. LYON, TENANT-Wh` e. h . such on n_)::!1l{ pa{Inent.s. ySc >ac31'n ttco`1:1eel;ro?:':' own - AL. _I...!.. .l ..._...E.... -5 - ...-_bLI- Make Your Will. 1 ng m. a % Blank Will Forms can. be had at % IIneAdvance fce Arc! ' t d parti ' t d t In 0 sales, wv`.-`1x'e}.;.".if.`L 1':..;`Ei'...... a..e.;`...-1'2.a."y Lica.."g am` tales in his hands. ` 1 ..30rden lcft .at rug-Mnvaxcn oice will ho to. 35, .7 n is; -. n.-_:._..`...._-- _u.i ? . G.,/R . FORD. ."_`!;_ `4`I_'.. QU ,4! C19,,` (.4 _ -..."S-.:--l;1.rin my igsence in 70.1 I few.naoqths, 3-. John Wcaymouth will have charge _ of my;hu_uine'u.` G. R. FORD. SEC/FREAS. BARRIE LOCAL 1:-If THE OLD HEUABIE AUCTIONEER G. R. roan _n.m; Will pay for Will_ Form and postage to any part of Canada. Evenings at residence`, 67 Owen-`St. uv-vg -a-up-- vs wv-nu-`us - uuwnunn -v-vu- an: an des' 25. VEG 'l`AB`E!I'S-Celery, Crisp and Tender; Lettuqc, Cabbage, Parsnips, Beets, Carrots. etc- aavbuuwvp \I3Uu-In, O uuouuyuy nllivty VCCIUIIQ etc. SEEDS--Flower Seeds, Vegetable seeds. Plants and Bulbs. CUT FLOWERS-Roses, Carnations. "Violets, etc., fresh every day, Bouquets-Button hole. Hand or Corsage. Funeral Token: in at: dnchrnn- ` ELUIKIDL AIVIJ annuamnn, . Telephone :5. :55 Dunlap-St., Ba:-no WM. TAYLOR` SEED STORE! Tune: Mann . Dumas - copvmawre &c. Anyone sending a sketch and deecrl tlon may onto ascertain our opinion free I other an lnven n- In probnbly table. Communica- tlonutrl condent Hmdbook on Patents sent tree. 0 dent agency for nu. Patents taken rough Mum: & receive cpoctalnotlco, withou 0 use. tnthe _ FARM s'rocK'sALEs ,v-vu-yyu--v ---_v--vvv-'7 T I mnstrlted kl . out cir- 3,.}'*'.......:..';, ..,..,......, ;;::....'. &~%.:'.:....a . ear; four months, 81. 80 a hymn ncwsdealera. nnnn n n- ---_ . n_--. v-..n. mnnns ALI. xmns or woman` = umcs. E DONNELL9 "3'i'i3!".5?"!aIt -and`-On` rang D .n-4-A-6 ul- nI}IJ"`l.` IOWC and Bulbs. FLORIST AND SEEDSMAN. Itl IE, I an n||n1nvgO Callnattention to the 6 cts. GO TO THE NEW ._A1_su).-- 232? ills. by an d "aim of p ilding, and "(Wei was what you -may cal-l isu-' i mg, .sa.id a lawyer from the F" .35 he sat in the cuuntroom. ` mgudge, "but I had an .ex-. 7 we once that` has ever since in- me not to soot! at w=ha`t is called ' tural. Mr. Tompkins was- tmnst clients my father. who *9 .a ]gw3`\ 3l'. ever had. He was um and had. as was :gupposed,T W been married. He Ell-vud in an. :13 homestead not far .1--om a well" my up the state. and fchis wants attentled to by an elderly house- A rand several se.rmntVs..~mal_e and 1 W19,` Mter I became miuwyer it ; =m my.-duty to see Mr. Tompklqs, We-fpeq.ueny in nekmionxta his prop- ; W andgo forth. He `was a kindly 5 mo, somewhat reserved. ;u~nd.- when `I i Wknew mm,proba&1l:y 65 years of i W Helmd a strong perscrnality both .10 appearance` and character. lie 7 mover-six feet and stout in propor- ` vn- lnnn nvoc n~I(t'_1I'V.:I`lhn nhnv. ` I939 W - '8';"Blo\ I-UV`! "' """"" "' 8""!-"' ` [$,mIi!s face was alwo,-ys-clean sbav- 5. name wore his haxir--long. When _. lknew..hm, It had tumed-to gray. but maszubundant as BVGI`. H18 carriage was erect. and his ,general:nppearanco~ "us such as, If oncewobserved, could 5 notwell-be forgotten. .... m-,.._...I-:.... ....-.n An ~O"'\.t\ Isn'hIl- 15'! Tweet, general .~appearanco~ "' "" "" g g ` . ' . ` ` ' ` :assuch once observed. I suddenly ` '"per!end"` 3tr'ng - -eenss.tlon,.und on looklngqp 1 aw , : .~_ L _ _ - ` ' z "51:. Slbmpkius was {in :the habit of .x:xfIl)9e-ctlall'0Eeg`:V!ft 1,s$:`:!xncal:fo:%g::1te E :f`hg g(`;dthd :`i 'f mime ';W".7 9 nprlseeand approached theitofm vsvoxtati ` em' 3 6 pm my ' Lderlfag how the nick mantcoulti have` lather and myself was (that be was -re-` , >, . , . . _ ; cuneratintg in Florida. He went and? deft his bd'a'nd"a"ed mewmlout my returned `without not-icne. and his do-E . havmg'-bs`e"ed"mm Mhtmd nt`ls mestlcs.:being used to his ways. never` (`my `presence of mmd bu"'='tk* `tel i troubled : themselves at his absence, " award mg aimw` oumnedmg-um`. Then 1 while atmhe some time they were ex-5 1 saw thatone mud W pomng t '% eeedlngl) careful to have ueverythillfg ward E smukudxtashlona desk which v ready for his reception whenever he ioodog ut:9"t:hrd`1` bkc`as'~ A`.- might return. Neither .to.me nor to m! .. y eye 0 we-' .e rqgcuon. endlcated- iather did he ever utter any explana 1" the form disappeared 1! turned x"V tion of his absences from home or3wectmg to See `me am moving t" makeany.21llusion to them whatsoever. ` Ward the ma uothmg however Wu. One day Mr. Tompklnsmzme to out` w`iSlble' I Wentwo the bed and ma amce and. asked for my father. He: ``. 3f.`h d . '. I was not In just then. and .-`Mr. Tompo " e manna ea bexond question` Hus sat down and talked with me. He ` I summoned xthemousekegper and -other`. ma meihow I had Spent my time ;attendants, and when the body was wage and many other things. After 2 imam. I locked the d90l`.=Ind save the Hlause which lasted some moments - `key into thecusmdy 0`: the""housekeep' er. directing zhemtoeallowu/so one to en-` h Id: - e . em - wet the room untltmy father came next ``'`You have reached thatmge when ; you should -marry. The best thing in : the world Em` you is to get .8. wife as ' soon as you can take care of one. A. A; man is safer when he marriesearly. `U Inn]-AA ....L -1 ;.|_- _#1._ _I___ '_.._'I ..-._- -v~- -u nun; VY IJCIJ DC lllaull IC-Cal DJ O I looked out of the windowand saw 1 WI father coming toward -the-olce. T""M3' father is coming. I said. T Mr. Tompkins arose and glanced to- Ward the street. Then he stepped to One side and appeared to" me to be b 5h`D5S something o his .coat sleeve.` his mnvt l.....1..;._;_.|, _ _ ,1, - _u-.9 _.l._I.A.` .. -1 ~-"*"""nt - ~"`.'"`. v wile-31$ Ma r The next instant 38,311. My `hrh round. Bmggcwd an times `W6 hat and entered just "5 the Mr.'Tompk'9~ his ushastened to n.:1li]:`ir We sehgff no place him on 3 ' and `W h physcl "gm ' `V1i`, ," TomPi`81:;% tamehe said that track Of 58139? em, hmezdng `Wu an 8 nus how wdlm. ` `Hem conveyed to locurcd 50" his best attendance '38 pslon was in mi, "My -:a ther s impres him on 909 cllenthad c0I11G `ee 7 - weduh M never '7 wrtant business. 40' be h `the ' inated was amply and anxloul usuaauy impelled b1m f do 1 mtage W my tom was to Send -18 cto consult W; father when he deswegd be which" 1'1: What the subject Om visit the Q`?1> dl1cedM.r.'1`0I11I)1`ms M -father 3 . . hat morning neither I137 h . A _ could divine. m incident `.`...-. ` "We, tatked eve t. course Of-'t`.`* Ind careflly and in tn: (0 my that Z _conversation I ntmne- ot struck m. Mme facts which It hil fmportncg to More were of suicien nfhat at,th 7't; `mention. It was t ie New Y""". ' .:uUlE in my.h'iSt01'y I Visi of which fact, up .`t0 U19 ulftymnly Weak I had been t0 the C 1;ie:hI h fit was a clrcumstanc Wmwtaqned i my last visit that I that tool! 9"` mm The business ` oge e . ' t t,, 1. After mkxngtgn ~ 5 were nawmuy bun . 1 h old!` 2 . . the best hotel.W-,9 ~ - he . In WW9` ofce unless a -matter A 5 `iggher bends over 1'.l|_`:Q .yiVt!"v.V`V;r=T ; . of old I hnd'nevet_ `- V w, ob rzgtme nor trolbhto trot; . I act? out all vainly 1"."" I ` 5 ' WNW` `the! sweet mother. ' V V ' 11 'm g uLittl -brothel`, M ,*-. ,_ . `ohtvhy mower bends over theoylt! LT " 0! - ';' "W they milit '!oll818 and . Eodarness, `with eye: over wet gm! g ting tomorrow): ; .`...x the h?`?_ .!`Iff..... V . 4 ti.-4 -..n, L` glllg from 2? sentlemlz; W-9 5w;e;dm6.*h9"`7! ick to me. and it stmtourt imhmxntar with the % ~ % %A mi. ; . but did not I`-2,3!-l;;`a,',fi9 me. when I an manigf ' aymttv 800'! ?".7'i ( "counten6% ' Ir.Tom:1_J_l_(ins VVill pidthe Spirits `Carry ouuhc` Wishu` of the Dying Man? - be 11099 And sing. Map, `O? W mot in darkne 9 me! Little brother. he: bends over thee, yat1',' SS, 'WILKl C]?! Ilvvu lug` `. meeting tomonowtj > mother, ' ~_ M of -James Whitcomb Rllgy`. em. yemvm - my . wineu, doubtnud - k to me, e':o'r_m|ight only; _ 3 mother, _ ' `L "Little brothel`: _v V ` `her owl $1100 .1! at had never V 3` -.7 ne trouble to fret! It veet ` "Little . T . me, thee yet! and -sorrow :,,m_ wet \ of tomorrow? ,3, brothenm an therbendsover eeye . T - , ,. Riley. Mr. `Tompkins -did not fol~'a`om;t1`me` .. _ ,ed;qevgra]_.`ume'3"but? e new "'e . 1`0V6l` T00IIllousn;ess.- /At tengu. . 1,", 7 hm? to V1*990m T alight: intent.` 881109. and my father. or myseu was: thereafter Withhlxn and n1cht.ao that It , he {recovered h.l's1-senses Vwe novht Inn nan;-Iv : 6.. A'.- '.'-.._;.n`_.n.__-, - - . . eaves, puries" are pregcribed -.._.- ._ -- -vwvv\nvu' ull MCIJBBB We might be ocadyAtoAdo1unyth>lng for him `he might -des`lr_e_ In Eelgttion to the an ........, vv uu _-.uqmuau tor Ill!!! `be mnghfedesire In renatm to thje rangemeurbot his aa1rs._-_ He had we relatives meat at .hand and}. In tact. `none widilrwhom he` ever -directly com- ` munlcadeetl. He had a. younger bmther who hmd*dls graced'lalmself and been :9. couvwt `and. was occasionally helped through us by Mr. Tompkins. but an!- ways in so indirect a manner `as to me- vem; this dlscoverlngflihe whereabouts , or we benefactor . soxar as we new. air. mompklns had` made no wllhmnd yet we knew that he must be worth ovter'$1.500.000.' ' T .AI`L._A_ I _.Al vu "--pavv "smut I will come ?to?the occurrence to which l alluded at '-the outset. II was sitting in the Vslek *man s' room one rcrigtht reading before the fire. He grew ;-xgtless. and I arose and sawithat he was movlng`_,.an'd estruggling asithough ttnylng.to rise. I -spoke to hitn,`='and he i ttnledihard to respond `and gripped my ihaknd with extraordinary vigor for so i we-very exertion 1'o:sit up in hed,?_[ helped E -xi: elm as well as '1 could. but just as he ` mad acquired -an=&l3Darently smrlght po- sition his frame relaxed. and he tell iback. I stood by him for some min- . usually, I resumed my place at the tire- eside. once and again casting a glance 3 vat the bed._ ' . -stckta person. 'Seein3.that-he was using. tunes; and. as he.-seemed to be`-breathing : --uyuu u uvnp-zoo The man riivandend beyond question: .1 xtheshousekegper otherj attendants, when we `was gproperly d1s_posed.all otzus quitted they -._ -... I I--I-...I .+I-.4 Anna.-and anvn flu: ` 5}`)! Upc I) uwlypvwwu V um. ._._ ;-mom. ' TD -10! \`&IUvww- I the doom.-and t I 4 the custody qt the, housekeep- ` directing zhermo nllowano en- 1 .u\7-_A. ....-..n|nu,'.l`nnnnn\I\CI`I`nl` 111' f`:- room suntnzmy came % . (day with the-undertaker. ` ` VH8, Wlbu uw 'uuuv:. Mini-so -Next mornmgbl accompanied -rny to-_ - mher to the :-I had already in- .:fnrmed blmdwlha1:'had~occnrred. and are soon as someyuotber matters were ar- zsranged my tozther 'to_ok~thee desk, and we retired to. another room. On open- -_4.. LL- .1-.. .51-.4-na swan nnnrgntlv `We l'El'.ll U llllil-llJll.|Ul\ nuvn-no v- -,.-_ _ `sing the desk where -was apparently I mathtpg In It -bIlt'I.'Quil`9.`Of note paper. 3 We `made a closatexamlnaonz but. as I :lt~-mas simply `55881? -t0.'b0' carried in 3 :t:he.hand or In mtmank;--we mound noth- ; dug that would sladlcate any -secret drawer. I took up the note paper and -carelessly turned -.ower~ the sheets._ A surprise was In storegstor-,.-on the Inside sheet there was writing. Itturned out to `be the hiolog`raphic_-ow!-ll not the de- eeased-that is, a will swhouy written bymimself. It laoneudaterthe very day ewbenythe last -visited ioun oice and was down by apoplexy. A __m n-u'-na .1.` an-nnhfn-51 ngrtnjn 0!! '8nu WIIQLU l.l.Iw N an an... .......- -, ly to our omce, intending to inform my father of the fact of its existence. _At thepolnt otisepnration tnom therhody the spirit obeyed the last impulse -.oi` the dying manJ'~-Brooklyn Citizen. struck down uy ll.pUjnII=4L;o -The will left`a.i:l in trnstwtoa certain woman for the benet ot. the ztesta-.tor's` ve children. mentioned: by `name, with theirplaces of abode. 'l.`.he. name or the trustee I cannot, of course, =.mentlon,~ nor would it be right to. give the `ad- dress. t`he will was dnl-y~.admitted to probate. The trustee did.not bear the name Of!`-th testator. hut,all~.the.chll- dren did. ' 1 _ _ - How.-do I account liar xtheyqpeetral form? Well, I think he :ha`_d telt.qymp- toms of the attack whlch carried him e I on and mate the wllland came" d'lre`ct.- _ ---_ -...... a..+....mng to Inform my (1377 it. - V . i A. babbling brook running down ?'over. lime slopes and rapids or tum-Q gbling, (mm .,.the hill t_o_.thepl;1ln% in cut- 1_.a1-act: do unknoifn-to_ th11.:-.1 have:J_tp yrstirt gtajllf` aorta qt qlmgj , ='o.'nd_ mug: ; . tionnzm `znpkg ~th em-.cotranreh9nd;th; ';3_1qea:pg*;=ing1hgn 3 gihix_i..!' qn::%`;t1ig:*1`:u1;g.~ .de:cep_d1n 4 " it cudoon and vnlvdrd. .- .., _ ...-...1....o I-hlnal `I E the n\a'n"`who paya the _taxea llngexiiout f throng. _ V ` Nobody aaka about him. and nobody `prints hia me: . . He. never. sea a hunt when people pound the ` - trump ot tame. ` - 'l'hera'a`Alitter, and thero'a glory, plaudita echo- ' in; far and near, But the man who paya the taxes never get: 1 sh- gle cheer. '`I!I'I, 3 big; resounding wh1:t`le,on the *!ll[*!O_ when it toils; no... ehmnbout nu" mm as it hubuluhid at ` boil; - M L -w-Au mu.-nu Iwus nu wlter II it uubmernnd II V boils. * is Inn, nd than in bustle, eeurpop1o ` T love to can ' ,....g.- .. .....z., gnu wen: 1: name, ad was people to gaze V 1 . `M the xlrodigy goes onward in in `lunredntgd mam: ` we c:sn':';E:e_:, w_hilo,watchln at 'the ~beguy ot the Icheme, ` nu rlomewhere out olllzht input `the mighty `force of ltlllnz -..... -.......=-mun; Inn vs uxns upcuvtno nngnty Home at `stain; _ Butddespito thin luck of splendor "tin ugreed by *meno! wit'_ ['Bhlt*it thegtann ware` wgntlnrth machinery Nrouldqult. 4 A- ` nan II?....I..l__A.-_ Q`-.. 303$03oo96ooo6090o6o6v!o!o-9ooooooooooooio '9' ,, . , oo ' Thane is mo nedm mention tine n-am.e of hi's'{=eglm'en:t.--he1!e.n That is a. secret that belangs to rthernrmy alone. um-4.. :u. .5... ......... ;.1.-;. 1.1.. ___...-.I-... . ---vwv -wvwy-new '\vv *IoI.4I\n"snI.l.l& CUBIC- .Su'e_:`M'. to .1wy'~_tha: h1s comra_des are aroudott :h3s,=na_me. . ` rr.....a._..w:...-`_.-_.1__A 'j_.,,, . .. . _.-v `var-c- `rm u-'aw_ tuyulavc ' He shold ne_ver-'- have entered the ar- ' my `at 6-1;], {tn`uch':1ess a hard r1ding.cav- alry reglmet which hu'd a reputation to sustain iby agyarly tribute of broken mocks and collarwbones. ' '7- ._s.-_.... -_____Ll__ ._._.. ALLA _A _lK\iDD `EMU `UUIl&I""`IUUI-Iqa = E19 rproper `-vocation was that of a linen -draperfs assistant, and he had lled tthat occupation very satisfacto- rlly It'll! uoneeevll-`day he had fallen in _ love wltha:glvl,na silly, shallow girl. at "whom no practical man or boy would haweltaken aa-second look. `V !H_t_ed. was 11: uvvwvu-`o 0 Be vadored her. and she adored sol- diers. :In*theirpwalks abroad she would direct his steps toward the Horse guards or` Wellington barracks, that she :might game in admiration at the sane, strappingvsoldiers who were to be ` seen tthere.eandv every time she pinched 3 .his:armand Oh, Jack, look \ at that loveiyrsoldieri" his heart gave =him:a pang atftlthe thought" that he was only a dra.per.'s assistant, with nothing in common `with the military but the _ `handling or well cloth! He was a dream- zer my nature, :;and falling in love -did mot ilessen ihisrweakness in this direc- ; :tion.' Dreaming is- pardonable in a poet, ;but an zunpardonable crime in a dinen draperis assistant, and as he` stood at hisveounter hismind was far wway from 'his_ work. instead or lis- , tening to the"Forwardi" of the shop- rwaiker he `veonld only_ hear the short ung wordeor-.-command and the blare I -orzthe buglest-that sounded through -his I dreams; wherefore it was not long be-' E :-tore he camezinto conict with his prac- ` .tical chief. A-few sharpwords passed. `He threw up -;in three seconds a posi- it had taken six years of hard, un- remitting labor` to attain. Then he -en- - n.- nlnl n n A . ca 1.[;'.tl1'ose It was the `joy at .the more hdndy -`recruits? to take him aside solemnly rand request the service ' ;ot_ -threepence. 8 ,farthl`ngs' worth of whlte feathers. Any emorsel or down or irt! tha_t.m&ghtsoat Into the. bar- raakewvae pro_m:ptly-.c-aptured and pre- eelrted to him withalue ceremonies by jfmmpeter Pipes, zthe-low comedian of "the regiment. ` ' ` m..- 4;... ...-- 44.1.--- 5.. 4.4.. 1.. ...un. 1 T'i7guneacb1s title on ma rst an-f 1 .pla,y~ In the ztiding school, where, after -akshort rldennsthe neck of the riding -masters pet vubuck jumper, he`tu1-ned euthly pals.-cud" cried Taioud that % he -`might be-allo'wed to dismount. '4 WEI.` I.--~-.4'.Jn.Aannn nasal-I6`a\1` In`m .4'Ag~`nnn O0OQO9900vQ_Q'0v0Q'v~O0\00_O0 0 0 0 00 0000000 `H--.3--v wv U----r-v v-- -v-- --------v------ . % The horse rutmnce gratied his desire athrowing -him on to the tan. where he slay trem`iziiing_;in every limb. much tosthe dive;-sioniior a Couple of mngh rider: who -were. standing by. They were quick to -inform their respective i squadrons, and,--his former occupation being "known- , vhe was` promptly chris- ,t'i>ened'White Eeather. V _ ., LI____ -L ___'.._ AL- .I-.__ `L !I!IIlIIllUl.p.uU\v.U|vyvu uuuv. ..\.u.-._., --..- ,-hag. Fresh air and much exercise help- ..-ed W hlto Feather : development. which had beenpadly retarded by the heavy, gas laden atmosphere in which he had lived. -His nerves `acquired tone, and ' he. to -take a. tumble now and Hthen ;a s`~-a V matter qt course` and to re` Kh},s:;...cublne, zwithont shutting- his ~oye_a. and e blanohinz,-o.etV_the explosion. oto.tho - x*~ ".'.'nu'._... ...- 1.11.- '.|....n ;....n.-A On nh.nHn um Wyn u. a Presently he began to lose the ~ha-,ng- ldoi `look; ot suppressed terror -with fwhlch-he had beennccnstomed to enter the .rldln_g school and to. acquire the .- IWa`gl"' of a `- ca-valryman; His diestv contracted by long hours at the ;ounter,';dovel"oped under healthy train- :-_-__|.. _n.. .._J an.-calm: nnnnIa'A'IInIr\_ LII`; I'V&Il.l\0I-I The wilder ;nen trbore to join in with `these somewhat ti_t~/lug repetitions of-a V "'st_ale jake. They sremembered their_ own experiences nrthe riding. school and recognized` thatawhite Feathex-_ wassqmiet` and inorlfensive fellow, de- void oi.` the lmpudence and bad man- ners peculiar to recml-its and respectful ,`and helpful to his seniors. "I ' nu.- _-.._..._L I-un6unnn&nn I-an .410`;-up n Juan uuyun . it great` blowtell :pon;hhin. He `received 9119 tbor:m=`s;`ia i|ett,e.r.tro1.n. this . t6 `tau; uxnsitrat any g_l'yen:t;1;12 % 3! .&Mr.v?:%I": auu uvaynun av --~ .7------... .The sergeant Instructor. too, mttr a time took a fancy to his timid mecruit and took extra trauma to learn him how to keep his beef; out,Hhis:hands "down and his head up. ,._.I- ...._-..1. ..-_-x........-_ ....A -9 nervous `and v UUVVLI GHQ any Iaivsnnvl `hart I've made smart cauirymemout o bigger dufrere than you, he -used:to -.re- mark encouragingly as he icked White F`eather s horse into a canter, and mi make 0. rider 0' you. or Pl! break -your neck! - White F,eat,her s neck `remain ed unbroken. so it is to be presumed his word. `that 1:119. sorgeant instructor. fullled `:;;u_A1"| ..uu51=l ~- 1 _ , . V \ _ _. 1i'A`Blofqv.,m. !f_..,ho Isn',t__go1ng to shape i _lxx,t;'V9;, may at.l'g s_t-!_" q1;oth.t_he sergeant FEATHER. v H 'i.,`7' . :...;, ~_r`,> ,- % %%LifuWs:n7zA:; Adowsrd Wan .18.-..-" "~5='-Awasuington am.` -nesxfby :"hi;'falii?. sh; iama . any .Tshe'_`h_ad adored soidiet-s a nd thot7he5"f adi caused him" to: enter the army to!` hervsale. Bnt1she"had'o_mitfed to state `that the soldier siie adored were sol- diers who possessed the queen s com- mission and who wore stars instead of V 'n worsted stripe. VI .__-.. 1-IyI_:-- ln--JI.nn Curtis 1: nlmvain` ocs V shap

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