Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 28 Jun 1900, p. 5

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and atr allow hi tter him ught in eat soul a me stran y the shad The impr ants on ced or I Melara. JohnwBx`-own and -Wm. Roe- buck are erecting. new` dwelling houses. (`I A Inna . Mrs. Guest, `nf Midland Jim Mina Hall, of Penetang, spent Sunday with their mother. Mrs. and Miss Donahue, of Mono Road, ere visiting the former s sister, Mrs. Roebuck. Wyevale football team played at Penecapg on Saturday. Score 1 to 0 in favor of Wyevalo. The auinmr visitors are arriving aitv Shanty Bay almost daily. T Mr: H. i?alk has put. up n very neat and handsome anchor wire fence around his lot. V The following persons are making improvements on their barns this sum- mer :-A. Peterson, A. Polk, E, Fell and H. Polk. . The exoureionto Strawberry Island by `the East Suncoe Farmers Insti-_ tute was not well patronized by the people of this vicinity. Q! 1'! I `I g .` `liev. Mr. Fish] will preach his fare- well aermon next Sunday, July let. After that Rev. A. W. Paul will he the pastor of the Methodist church here. Arthur Peterson has exchanged hie house and lot on the lake shore with Mr. Arch. Campbell, of Guthrie, for 500 acres of pasture land. Mr , Campbell intends making his home in our village we hear. in); The d 1' award 1 se me as I rained. ljsh activl A L. (in - Urnmnurst. Advance Correspondence. R. Minty, and `wife, of Allenwood, visited friends here on Saturday. '"V?6"e"1T~gT:'et__-to report that time Rev. J. H. Teney is" ill with typhoid tever. ` "1Ei'sah:9:r'1hi"0deh` is; `visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James" Odes, of Midland, ' - -: _ nu- . g... M. D . Davis; of West Chicago, Ill., visited friends in this neighborhood last week. ` ; T . T 95$ `to w`. L. W. Iiiel is seasoned to the Lind. ,aa'y Oitizensf Band withthe 45th Bats. [putting in their-ajnnu drill at King-, gl-4;: 0. `Kiel Spent a few. days last week with Mr. .John Shaunacy. _of the 3rd or Oro. ? ,A_ _._--. .. c I. .I TI `I ewl-!-['r. and Mrs. George lloLean and` Miss Mc,Leu_1 visited Duncan Mc- Leen (who is in `poor health) at Mines- Ills I ? V ' ' V V -- Mieav Maggie Hayes, teacher, left Chicago, BL, on Saturday, to spend the summer vacation with her parents, Mr. end Mrs. J amen Hayes, Flee. ,,, ,l!`_I.I I` By the giving away of a scaffold, 0. Hart received severe injuries about the head and shoulders while making some repairs last week on a barn at Dalston. . On Friday afternoon a cloud formed over this place which sent forth quite a deluge of water, which, according to many reports. extended only to the radius of a mile. - OTO 3$8S10!'|. Advance Cotresponden.ee.V Mr; Alf. Ben, blacksmith, = is brick- 'ing his house. boat: .12-tw . Mr. Arch. Ross shipped a can-load of -r. 1: -_-.1 .;.. =.'.v M (lb Hhnintv "'Rgv_ puma Ayn. wyu... . Mr, Anguaameron, of Shanty ' Boy, Napent Sandy? in Qro Station, the guest Wyevale. Advance Correspondence.- T Advance Correspondence. Shanty Bay. of Mr_. Fred Kirkpatrick. I Miss Maggie Seott, of Barrie, is the guest of the Misses Kirkpatrick. 1! Inc. " The Misses Bell, of Mitchell Square, spent Sunday at Mr. C. Elamet-e'a here. _. Mr. and VMra. William Hunt, of Coulsou , were. the guests of R. 0. Bell on Friday last. - A an - . - The I. O. F. excursion to. Jackson's Point on Saturday, 23rd inst., was a decided success, there being a large crowd in attendance. The Oro Station Quadrille Band consisting of Messrs. Fred Kirkpatrick, Willie Crawford and Will Robinson furnished music, which was a credit to themselves and a-pleasure to all who heard -it and of which Oro Station is justly proud. ` Mrs. .i. Needham and Miss Dreggin, of Elmvale, spent Sunday with Mrs. `D 17.11.. `Mr. R. N. Shields` has returned from Owen Sound. . ' Mr. ahd Mrs. Spring, of Allenwood, spent Sunday with their daughter, Mr. 'I`. Brumby. . . ` . 1 `IR C A Medsrs. John and D. Broderick, ofl % Elmvale, called on friends here lately. I D ..__ T Messrs.` Uagberley and Doyle, bf Collinawood, were the. guests of `Mr. J..J. Lsvery recently. . A number of the 'young people spent a very pleasant evening at the resi- dence of Mr. J. Doyle last week. vv J vw--gs- Advance Correspondence. ` Mr. Reuben Miller is suffering from` a tumor. Miss Kee, ot"Wyeva1e, spent Sun-J day with Miss McRqe.- . Q `It 11'?!` A I -."'ht['1v'.ZVanciW Mrs.` amen Wilson, of Wyevnle. visited with Mr. A. Holliater recently. " - ' ; 0 'TIII I 3 _ 1 j -,7 , A Miss Sadie Ellis has returned Home to Barrie, after visiting with Mrs. F. H. Lnmmis. Mr. G. `J. Carter, of Feaserton, called on friends in the village on Tuemiay morning. i - On Thumdag evening, June 21st, a number of the members of . the Town- line church. called upon the Rev. G. B. Graig," Oookstown, and presented him with an address and puree con-' mining $26. . _ ""'|.|I.`;1uo`~ v.l`1`<').{ving address was read by Mr. William McKnight, and Mrs. McKinley Sn, mode the presentation: `To Rev. G. B. Graig, Mrs Ggeig gnw` 11121 3.... *- """ It is with mingled feeling of press; "re _and g-egr_etA that we`_l_n".vj {net ita- `Presentation to Rev. G. 3.0;-e1e PDBIDBUOD. Advance Correspondence Wyebrldge, -..-- f`_.._-_`-._.I. r--- w---.1 now... ---v-any unnu- For over ve years we have been privileged to enjoy your loving minis- tration. In all that time you have ever been a trusty precepcor and a faithful guide. Your work in the pul- pit and the church has been marked by constant delity and spiritual strength, so that the church has been quickened and built up in the most holy faith. It will always be a source of gratication toiyou, we are are sure to know that your work here has been owned and -blessed of God, and that, ever more you may know, you have many souls for. your hire. ' --...'- -0 .'2-L_-.... ,.__I .`l-_A.L ___, gether to-night. We regret most sin- cerely that we are obliged to bid fare- well to you ; we rejoice that in the retrospect of your pastorate among us, ; we have only the happiest of memories. l Mutation is the common lotsof human- ity. There is nothing so constant as change. We know this, yet it is still hard for us to be reconciled to your de- - parture from amongst us. 1 u---' -w-.- -v- J v-- ----we In tinie of sickness and death you were ever faithful and kind, minister- ing to the sorrows of the bereaved and the spiritual consolation of the alicted. In this as in all other work, you were ably seconded and encouraged by Mrs. Graig, who whom also we shall ever entertain the most kindly feelings of appreciation and regard. . 1).. ........--A.l .....- .......__. __:LI. _._ . _ _ _ -4 came. :52` rpose in h `is end _ co u-[Ir-vv-v---v- v----- -wB-own. _Be assured you carry with you our best wishes for the future and our lov- ing grstitudeffor the past. We ask you to accept this purse, in behalf of yourself, Mrs. Greig and children, as a slight token of esteem, and we shall ever `pray that wherever your lot may be cast both you and yours may be ever, encompassed by the love and blessing of the Almighty. We trust that you may soon be. restored to per- fect health and that you still have be- fore many years of successful labor in the Msster s vineyard. a:.~......: .'... I....L_u -1: u_- fl'\-___l:_-n -gay w---u-w- Von-v up l Signed 13 beh a1Lr the Townline. congregation bv Wm. McKnight, A. ;Coulter`, Geo. Cunningham, R. J. Mc- Kinley, W. J. Thomson. Thornton, June 21st, 1900.. V `Mr. Graig -irnede '3 very happy re- ply, expressing his sincere thanks for the address and gift. During the evening, short addresses were delivered I._ `ll'...... `I3 T 1' :LA`- 117.. II - seuybly to a su-|:'1p;o:n:l'ae'a. ' A pretty Jone wedding occurred in Rochester, N. Y., June 19th. when M is: And: Mcaffrey of that city was united in matrimony to M1-.r' Henry Heev.ener,' of ' Longford. The core-, many `rye : performed `by Rev. Father. `inst. Mei-y e "church `at 8 p. `lEI.."~_:_".I_..:.1`.-'_`_-.. ...;.-_.'.`I-_'I I...` L-.. B'y""Z.I"RT3."'I:i1si""W'EI3&2" Knight and Geo. Cunningham. After the _afld;*eaa the ladiesf` treated the As 'i*`h%",i'i5o7 wa_|_ Gmenaea '15? 13}! A Pretty June Wedding` Mr. George Reedy was up from from To- _ route on Ssturdsv. A - `sister, Miss Margaret McCeEev, hind Mr. Tbns. MdCa'ey acted as groo`r'ns- msn. The bride received many useful and valuable presents. After the wed- ding breakfast, which was served at the home of the bride s `mother, the happy couple left by t.he,.T0.3O a.. m. train on their weddingjtrip west 30-? oompsnied by showers of rice end best wishes of their many friends in 1 Rochester. * 1 _. Mr. and Mrs. Hesvener, osliedon-_.=i Mr.` ind . Mrs. Thos. Smith .Utopig}; Mrs. Smith beimz a sister of thoiibidagi; Mr. and Mrs. Heavener will :-eI'idqi MAAAAAA _w}:i`; he tn I'Iogrox-d." IGRARHOPHONEI N0 MUCHFUN-I All the \Vooders Pldasures of o lli-Priced Ialldn ~ Machine. vlVhen aocompaniedsgag a Recorder this Grapho hone can be u to make Rc `.Ol dS. Price th Recorder.$7 50. Reprodmes all the standard Records. 30nd order and money to our nearest oice; COLUMBIA pnonocmpu co; neat. 30 swung! `IlI\III' --- _.- I-|...-.I_____ COFFEE MERCHANT. A - IV VVVVYVVVVV 145 Broadway. 91' ms:;**3- 83.W=2~ 4 . 0- Ive t. . WA'SZ{2ll](?l`ON, 919 Pennsylvania AVI. PHILADELPHIA, 1032 Chestnut St. BALTIHORE. In E. Baltimon SI. rmmuxurnnn, chestnut ac. BALTIMORE, IO E. Baltimon St. IUFFALO grrain St. snk 1: ncrsco. m Gem-vSt. SAN !-`TKANCISCO 1 Gem PARIS, 33 Boulevard des It`a?ens. BERLI N, 55 Kronenstrasse. WHAT TEA DO vo___u DRINK? Gaylon-Imlgtandlilrina, Blend , .1. I'll`. '" :iE"25E."i"."" X YIIJJOIC CIQVQQID Ueylon 85 India. Blend at 350. lb. Geylon _ Bloomeld Blend at In- These areall excellc-ntvalue and very palatabld XLVVCILCCULVI XOUOIZ VU '"4aa. ii. Geylun 85 Darjeeling Blend at mos. N. HOBIEY. We can recommend to vou four - of our blends. .3;;".'.;a;*s.:' "'"""' safe 1=?umc1sco Gearyst. L 141 Boulevard dun I(s3|5ens. A REAL 25-5o-`ox .__AAAAAA Later? is E ,;. H 0 the gre full of ma ome natu e marrow o more th in to snat t. jlt `W o!;g.closet o`zA1`ly Aile yo I she The; Misses Gregg are visiting friends in the village, prior to their departure for Manitoba. A number from here went on the excursion on Wednesday to Sans Souoi, Indxepcrt havmg a good time. The fth lint; echoof in a game of football with Lefroy `school on Sgturday evening, were victorious by a. score of `Ito 0. % % ` 0133 closet fficer in` supposed, ;-3 concerni as within he left t hands we . -. his ,bro L: or ditro J WThe,Missea Oorbitt spent Saturday |nd.SundayLin Lefroy. - uwv. 1 -rs 11? run Mr. L. Wilson and Mrs. R. W. Sloah ` nrevisicing in Aurora. - V ` -up uvv ~. - -- Mr. J.UW. Sloan, of Toronto, gave: us ying call on Sunday. "Rev; Cameron, bf Allandale, conducted preparatory services here on Friday. A ` . Messrs, Henry, R. W., J.` L}, and Will Sloan attended the funeral of the 1 late Col. Tyrwhitt on Monday. . On Wednesday afternoon. June 20, hppy party assembled at the resi- dectf of Mr. and Mrs. J no. Noble, the occasion being the marriage of their dlughter, Martha, to Mr. Arthur Wioe. abegride was assisted by her sister, .nn ...-.1;.L- ,, I I 9 |,_,_;.L-_ D8 LIUILI Iu Vitus.-v nu B-vvv q... "boo fternoon and evening. A foot- Wy 8' h as well as other sports has t gimzxanged. Refreshment stall. Weds towards the Hospital Fund. Emyone is looking forward to a good um; appropriate memorial service ,,, held-in the Methodistohurch on Sunday afternoon for Miss Gertie My, whose sudden death an Toronto mm diphtheria took place two weeks `E0, . womanhood, her death as regretted by .1l'who knew her. One of Crown I-H,ll s most respect megidents passed away Monday morn- -,,g,inthe person of Mr. Arthur Bell, 3;, For some time past Mr. Bell has mailing, but though suffering in- tenaely, he never murmured. ` Mr. Bell was born in Ireland, but has lived here many years. He was 7 4 years of age, and leaves a family, of eleven children, veaons and six daughters, of whom ve live at home The funeral, which "took place on Tuesday afternoon, was largely attended, the service being con- ducted by the Rev. Mr. Thompson, of Shanty Bay, instead, of the regular pastor, Mr. Teney, who is at present quiteill. The family have the sym- pathy of the community in their be- ..nnAnr\lh'| ` down in the bloom of young ' `Advance Courrespondcnce. . Mr. EllASh`eldon was" in town on Sunday. -..... .1-u. --vuuuu was assisted 07 net 8ll'.8l', Maud, and the groom by his brother, Fmbert The bride looked charming` ml} gown of light blue, trimmed with tin and leoe-,_ and carried 5 large `bfldeamaid was dressed in blue muslin, and carried csrnations and roses. The `b_`18i of orange blossoms. The fnde was the recipient of many besuti-. U `nd useful presents. After the "ddlng breakfast was served, the hpP5' Couple drove to their home on Stylishanvas Shoes. The annua Miss J..Dru ends hm. 1') . of Barrie, in Vi . . Mine L. Ford h slung homentUobia. . as returned A Mi Luck i to llr Ethel Smith, game the 3% of M 935001 will be1he(ilda.inQ picmi ,.u. n"`:6!'!100n unt; eerkntsacgrgf; `Ont. 6 cap, slip sole. exten- ,1. a very nwell attach .7 en 7 % . %\ Canvas Oxford Shoe,'_ Atana; i"' Conngsroru DE know 1 "cry Do [105 -1 .. T on?! seal she letter and one cent jvill be guc cfown Hill Advance Cotresondencc. 1~".rs.--Your name must acoompan ` 9.3, 00,, case who the correspondent in. - _e_ will n::px:1::"_lr,'y - ?'P-`m e , the mar tag e A wishes of _e!l'lmpre.seh:.dd W ml returns for his These Shoes go on sale diP1ay in show.windqw; A_ t % Comnmnd your immediate attention. will nd all rizes in these lines.h, remarkable : .1` -M `N . \: WI-.'e'a oJz:ard returns fqr his Churchill. :1-d `Shoe, tan. . .I:.~..`?,'v.: 0 `mom oun 150 . v._.-'w--v-vv Messrs. Modire and Foster (Hend- -ed I. Masonic "sermon in Baotou on Sunday. an au'-- - -- I s. s. No. 8, Tosiorontio, Everett, is represented at the Entrance examine.- tione in Allieton. Success, young friends. . } Some detestable villain (or villains) is at work entering house: during the absence of the residents. We -would advise then`: to be careful. Major Sohoof is billed to' lecture this (Thursday) evening, in Jennings Meth- odist church, on his experiences in South Africa and the Boers. Mr. JsmesA". Funstin, our enter prising thresher, is the possessor of a traction engine. Jim is s hustler and he is bound to make things hum. ' W `I ? I ' Oronje -h:e surrendered J chee- burg. Oneturdey, J one 23rd, Mayor- Major Heed attacked but was repulsed. However, Cronje moved out on June | 250 I ' A large oongregstion was present at | Jennings Methodist church on Sunday`, to hear the farewell sermon of their pastor, Rev. Asher P. Letter. Mr. Letter has proved himself to be so able man. His successor isRev. P. N. Jones. ' ` i It was with the deepest, regret that the people of Everett heard` that their trusty representative in the House of Commons had" passed to the great be- yond. To the bereaved wife and fam- ily we tender the sympathy of the `people of Everett. . While working` in 3 mill on thefaun; of R. A. Trimble, on lot 22, con. 2, Toasorontio, Mr. Wm. Robbins, `of the 3rd line, met with nngunfortunete acci- dent. He was putting on a belt when his hand came in contact with the saw. severing the nger and thumb from the left hand. i ' Angus. Advance Qonegpondence. Spring crop and gardens are suffer- very badly for want of rain." CI AI T T James Arnold, real esate agent, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. W. J. Gauly. 1 up u-Iv an I ,, 'l'II,,,_!,__ ___g_I ' jfhollllnltronoel sod Public School ex- aminations take place here this week. _,,L wI\7[_;.`Wm. Grievs, or Glencnirn, paid his daughter, Mrs. % J. V Foster a visit on Saturday. Smith, of Oallander, Was in the village for a couple of days last week on business. V vv wv- w-- v..___-.._ * 4 Master Ilarry Clark, 091'. G. N. W. Tel. Co., Hamilton, is spending his holidays at home. ' - ` _-,,L -0 u__- n 'D- `D .........._,.. .. _._.. A. B. Clerk, Agent of the 0. P; R. as Rubber Glen, Ont., called on his. brot.her~0. K. Clark one day last week. 31;. \ICJ C ` A large number took in` the S. S. excursion to Orillis on Friday last. All expressed themselves as delighted with the trip. A . . 3 1"-----;--- T4.`-A {Q WIUII Iluw Ullrvs I Mrs. Morris, of Sparrow Lake, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Adams, and her sister, Mrs. '.l`.i Ball, at Hill- side farm, Utopia. I---`- -`Inns: 'ggf_ 1v'1:. E; E "1`:1`3u}1} an}: Dr. F. L. Neabitt-, attended "the funeral of the i late Ool. Tyrwhttt at Bradford on Mon- Uluv sun on, y -.r_.. A quiet ivedding . took` place last .Wedneedey, 20th. The contracting par- ties were Mrs. Frank Dunn end*Mr. J". Doherey, of Toronto. The ceremony HUI vvn-nu-. -_J -, ' _ $ en s . p n Colored Canvas La- ` crosse Shoe, extra heavy sole, -warranted, regular `75c. goods, sizes 6 to 10,` special. . ; . . Boys Blue Canvas Lacrosse Shoe, heavy rubber sole, sizes 1 to 5. Men's White Canvas Oxford Shoe, imperial toe cap, slip sole, fast ` colored seyelets,` usually sold for $2.25, special . . e. . ._- n ` your Confeupondence. It inacces- M _e _will not make any such `nu-no Don t fail sq see ouch `name I the best II-J . >oooo'1v 0 60' 0` 50 Sod new vrelohed no on Setnrdey lllt nnnonnoing '- the death of Col. Tyrwhitt. the ever popnlnr member of South Simone. ; The loss of so highly ee- teemed r nogentlemnn is deeply felt by the entire community. He was be- loyed by all ranks of society ; a noble and .tr-he friend -to every person, his place cannot" be lled. On Saturday nfternoon the ag at the Orange Hall was raised at half meet and kept so till Monday.` Newton Robinson A Advance Correspondence. ' Mind A. Wolfe, of Tomato, in the gnestof friends here. hta aged mocha: last week. A '* r. Jaa.7l'I.-eIa;: a viait from` _ Miaa Bush; of Uookatewn, apenf Sunday at W. R. Ohantler a. Rev. W. Wallace, of Beeton, preach- ed here on Snndaymorning `last. ` t'\_._1_-,.I L L I Our loonlw pre- sent: season an excellent one for honey. Mr. J. E. Holt is in Beeton this week presiding an the Entrance exelninntione. - Mrs. ::_:.;i-her `daoghtvefa 0f Toronto, _ are visiting at Mr. J 38- 00' burn a. i Mr. and Mrs. M-. G. Chantler left fortheir European trip on Wednesday, 271-Lh inst.- vMrs.- G-_._ Harvey . and Mine Eie Banting were delegates - to the S. S. convention at Bond Head on .Thursday. ' Miss Annie McMulien has. gone to Toronto. bride by the Rev. W. J. Smith, of Oaokatown. _ ' . Miss Oolville, of Torbnto, is visiting her parents. . Miss Annie'Wooda visited friends in Penetang recently. _ Mrs; araig ap'ent` Friday with. her mother, Mrs. Brock. ' . .,. Mr. _nnd,Mrs. Wm. Stuart, of Allan- dale, are visiting friends here. REST.

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