Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 28 Jun 1900, p. 4

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_. --- ----v- V: no-`vi! 59!! for a dollar a buhel pm- ROADS AND BRIDGES. ga'COME AND SECURE A BARGAIN WHILE THEY ARE GOING. 31 40 go f1~..ZII2..L..__ , 2 do .% Paraso fr gular prlcf 1.2 at 90c. 50 ya 3 Tab :1 , Pure Que re lar price 60 OIOOIQO :55 oo zoo oo uia.......u.~- :donte......... nuouusnnnbo-0'00 >nte........... `l _j-,_., 5000 5000 2600 5000 5000 5000 2000 `asoo 25 oo 125- oo 25 oo 2500 Q5 00 :50 oo 25 oo 81 per Ammm in Advance. ` 2509 25 oo` 25 oo 5000 tains, Nets, Nets. etc ,% etc. _ We have your needs, Probably 110 Other Dry` Goods House in this Town can sup ply them. Just now with us it is not simply a June Reduc- Every ay Barga 6c; per yarl, at 4c. COME IN TO-DAY. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE Don ! Forget our Shoes. THE REAL H EA` This is headquarters] Summer Footwear. 1% Prices down W lowest notch. jargaln mn- U AU H vs: A 12 Page 72 Column Newspaper. ll Published from the Office, :33 Dunlop Street Blrrie. in the County of Simcoe, the Pro- vince of Ontario, Canada, every ` Thursday Morning, by V nvrefgn nd at oesibly. Vorning bsence_ of ; Rn: dpdi nsuls :1: gent. me HmhC01 yqby a re requir- de near The Dix ratand the B1 I" I3 I'BlI'E0|.U IlI' PTOIOCIIOD In CVO|'y II" 0! I n. Bame is a rai_lwav centre for ntral and orthorn Ontano. Thirteen senger trains arrive lId.lep.I.rt daily. The posta service 18 all that can be desired; th1rteen_ mails arrive daily; there is prompt foetal collection and dClIVl V throughout the town. here are eight schools (one Separate). em- ploying thirty-one teachers; twelve churches, three woehly newspapers, one commercial college, every gai tl market day. machine shops. planing mills, rist I. saw mills. marble cutters. bicycle works, t builders. tannery, breweries, ten butcher shops, sever- al int-class hotels with reasonable rates, three hveries. three laundrnes. one creamery and all other modern eenvenxences. Stores are numerous and carry full lines of all ltmds of rst-class goods , com etitxon is keen and pnces _are as low as m a city. elegra h and day and night telephone systems connect t e town with all places near and distant. Barrie is fast becoming a favorite resort with summer tourists. d, ax laude': respbnsizbilvl mgnt 1'0! aph hinesa Barrie is beautifully situated on a picturesque slo overlooking Kempenieldt Bay an f Len Simcoe, nine miles long and froin one ttiirhrge 3 Files broad. and one of the prettiest bays in Canada. IIIII V I later boats ply daily to and from neighboring. summer resorts and parks. The population of Bar- il 7.000. Streets and sidewalks are rst `class and i ' dsolne residences are numerous. Streets, public buildings and dwellings are lighted with gas or elec- ' tridtv. The waterworks and sewerage systems are very ecient and `provide spring water. good drain. Attnnd reliable re nrotectinn in event nnrt of tho IA degpaffhj tiljxefr} 110 The 13091 VII , UWWUIIE Elli! YOVIIIC Ipylllg. WHICH C7313` [grand relgablp re protection 1:: every art of the IL Blame rmlwav entral nut nun ntnnn ' 'rh:vfnnn nnnnnnano boa:-uh an--.-on pRI>EREW S_hengT 3: A desp-:1: only isys:- ` " [R_einforce jeeded. The . 77 `I Tuvgllou should secure 3 ;{Tand-McNally Railway uldl Ind!-land Book-iuued moathlv. . gun on ' All .1 dhded . They ate ai`1;i _G `life Pr and; 5.331341:-Canaan: gt Alannssiald 9395096`; muuua -to ALLANDALB. 1.3: 3.111., 7.56 a.m.. 9.37 a.m.. u.x 3.111., 12.57 9.111., 3.2: p.m.. 5.2: p.m., 5.28 p.m.. .90 p._m. 1 ALLANDALB 'ro muuus. 1.50 I..m., u.ro a.m.. 11.35 3.111., 1.05 p.m.,A 3.05 19.51., 5.33 13,111., 7.55 p.m.. 9.05 p.m. Iuvww ---,9--s-our rvv-u ouuuvun uovuuuyc `Daily. All other trains Daily except Sunday. -:--Z-- Viewed frohn en ihdustrial stead- heneoel rather than otherwise. The of. thelehorer e'loaf may be iti- J',e hut thefprice of wheat usually` ge -extent` effects the state of the of` wigee. , At the higher prices for wheat are Tninl have Blftic for and strive from the. uldlnnontioned place: as follows: ' nu. TORONTO. non. -- ----vv -u:-u-u `U79-III: up-u , o'c'oLi.1NGwooD a. MEAi"Ola)-.` ' 11 15 mm. . Mail. _ V5 27 pan. 0 Pan`: EX fCI3o ' mm. _ PEN TANG. ._11.15 mm. Accommodation. 5.27 p. m. .00 .131. Accommodation. 7.58 3.111. [AL ANDALE & BARRIE SECTION. IAIHIIP, Tn AIYAIIDAIE, _ run. 1 unun 1. u. non. 7. `mm B: ren. 7.38 pan. " 5. Pam! ` _ ' `cm; 3.8! p m. Muukpka. Express. 1.08 p.m. 18.57 pan *Atlanuc & Pacic Ex. 3.08 pan. The evening Express leaves Toronto at 5.20. HAMILTON. '0 `cm! 90 P-mo _ I. pan. ail. 11.28 3.111. { GRAVENHURST & NORTH BAY. 11.89 am. Mail. 5 20 pan. 1. p.m. Muskoka. Express. 2.21 p.m. 800 pun. *Atlantic 8: Pacic Ex. 18.56 p.m.' 9.1 " North Bay Mixed. 7.30.3411. Gravanhurst freight (south only) 9.35 453' I I\Yl1IIYt\(\f\ S IlI!AI3t\l!l'\' IARRIE RAILWAY GUIDE. Fi mws; idimm PHOTOGRAPHER. Tums or SU-BSCRIPTIION. Pv7W\`N~`d| ' H sea oun -v v--v --can ova VIII) VIIIDEUO *x1reu"1';t lock-up was at Elmvulo, seven miles away. Councillors Luuth en-dale and Ruby asked the council to grant the request. which was done`, on condition that they comply with the By-Luv, No. 545, in this behalf.` cu JAIL!`-'1lg'_;S ihngmitncn. T 1 `PICTURES. -27-C rIVfr'.J U V _ A deputation consisting of Measu- Martin and Campbell. of .Hilladale, waited upon the council on Thnreday,- and asked for a` grant of $400 for a look-up and town hall; for the__.vill_ag_e;A 'l!|...- _--_--...1_-|.'.._ -,, --g. wvu--cl -can-wuovs H vuavvn The committee visited the county jail` and Are pleased to nd that nnaticuuion in a very oleen.-and orderly condition, reflecting credit on the oioinle in charge. There are at pres; en: 12 mole: and 2 females innumer- oted. ' __ -uuv-v Aooounts of P. J. Moore for repairs to county buildings amounting to 843 were presented and _ordered- paid". Some of these dsted hack us for as 1898. The -Committee recommended that in future, sooounts -be presented more promptly. ' V ` - .l.._'..;-.:-_ --'_-:_.2.__ ,3 -Ir " RI E, Fletcher-'5 tender of 5379.50 was accepted for ceiling" the lower hall and oou:_1ty trea'enrer:e ooe; "DI... --..._.:A.L-- __ _ L- paid. 5-----. -v vv---vy `W90 WU!-U Ilvlmylauu Repairs on jail `and Court VH'ouse amounting to 814 were `ordered to be 'Dv `EV 'l3I-L-I_-_l_ L- I n 4-. -4 The tenders of J. Hogg to furn- ish` b_read _ and D. C. Murohinson groceries to county gaol were accepted. nnnnM| nn {nil n-AA l`......a. 'I'.l'-...-_ Fu`bl._.... . . . . . . 50000 `-Provisiontfnnd Clothing. 2.250 00 Total, . . . . $2,-00000 A by-law was passed authorizing the following levy onithe different munici- palities for their respective shares of maintenance of indigenta at the` House of Refuge:_~ 0 Adja.la....'..i ..... .... ..$ 5490 Essa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6318 Flosa.........'...... . . . . . . . 35 Z I11 r1._:n:_,_ ._ ._,__ The estimates for current year were preeented. They were : ' -vv van v_nunvIl vs. no nu. AV Us I, V UI|Jl.'lIo 32 Clerk was instructed to notify the Pres. of Agr. Coll., Guelph, that name of student appointed by this Council to attend above Coll.. is James Norman Smith instead of Howard Smith. -_.-_. .._.. -nun -u-yv -nu: vvul-Iv] QJUVU. The Council` passed ByALaw appoint- ing Judge A1-dagh,,J. 0. Morgan and R. _H. J upp to arbitrate on the dispute re the divjeion of S. S. `No. 7, Vespra. kn l`!I....l. nu... :_..L...--L_.` ;_- _ , V" ' With" the crop in the eastern V dis- Wtiotl above the average, and the oc- eurrenoe of local showers in portions lief the wheat belt there is no suoient rsrrsnt for the sharp advance in prices. {(':l_M_orei then` one heggsred" dsbbler in futures will rub his hands ruefully hen-+the slump comes. . cow: is on-VVIIVIQUIVIIBO .e'il'eporti6, by `Chairman Jupp read: ' -'--That by resolution of this Council the Chairman of this Committee was instructed to attend the Educational r_ Convention at Toronto held on April 17-19. I have attached a printed re- port of the proceedings of said meeting and would call the attention of this Council to the action takenin regard to pleased to state they recommended the Minister of Education to do away. with them, thus following our actions of Minister in respect to our model schools and recommendeded the doing them and thus save this County $300. Tho nnnnndl. manna. Dun T --' --- -3 promotion examinations and I am" last year. I- also visited the Deputy . away of one or more. He promised 1 that it the Board: of Examiners rec- : otnmended it he would cut off two of f v. v u vnuvnu-IUD usual grant of $25 `was made to each of North, East and South Simcoe Teachers Associations. . (Continued from page 2.) EDUCATION ._ `A grant. of $25 was made on rec- ommendation of committee to school sections 11, 12 and I5,'_ North Orillia. Refused grants to S. S. 12, tsunnidale, Bell Ewart, No. 3, Adjala, and Port Severn, until they show `gures as to assessment attendance eto., in support of their claims. ` g A.`..., It is stated that-while in England, . Prof. Robertson, who has been en- trusted with the" carrying out of Sir William Macdonald s scheme efor es- tablishing schools for instruction in manual training. in Canada, secured the services of ve competent `instruct- ors to come out to this country`. - Prof. Robertson says that the development of manual` training in Britain is the marvel of the `century in educational. matters. Over four thousand. centres for instruction in manual training have been established, and this training is given not only in the large urban centres but throughout the rural dis- by`fieau1ijoi i'oonditItii hy egein hppe "to nd the growing [of wheat year in and year out the protable business of thirty years ago. ' unwynuu UU UI.lllllllJg3c `Salaries ad .v;agi: . Repairs to buildings. . . Fencin o , L COUNTY PROPERTY. nousn or REFUGE; ` COUNTY COUNCIL. l ' Exfterience teaches that the largest -crop is not always the most protable _:'_o.the Western wheat grower. If the l_'1 le1d_b heavy there is almost always larger percentage of inferior` quality. '1`hi`o taken with the increased cost of -, lIAIn,dling and the correspondingly lower Qpries very often makes a bonntifnl ; harvest really no more protable than njnoderate one. 395000 10000 30000 BAA All The Special Committee on above brought in 3 recommendation to release - the euretiec on the. following terms :- J. L. Bnrton--to execute a. release of the Opera Hence, pey.$500 in cash and 81500 more within nine months. From each of the following; 3500` in cash and 8500 by Dec.` let, Ohae`Wey, John Plnxton, A. W. Wilkiuaon,, -Dr. Mor- ton, O. Schricber; and $200 from "H. Qtf Stewart by Oct; let. " "; _coo_nrr,soL1cuo3a.V _ . ~ 'l7h. !`I-`W ieofithe spwiatmwt of 1{r~*tlIe~ ~ ~ uh::,: . `K9-ifh }':?i3;`a'$?Jff; "" ' .'.`II..'.f Sale ofReaidenoe ..... . Licensee. . . . . . . .~ . . . . . . Oioe Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Rent from Opera H ouua . . . . . . . Levy required ..... . ; Administration of Justice.`-efi1nd.$ 4000 00 House of. Refuge. refund from munici alities . . . . . . . . 00 `.`D...'..:-g.... 1 ng ,,, - -.. ' own:--can fiaiuxiiai 'a.i:ci3 ... ;. .... I Vceonoofnco 3: co : Adniinistration of `Justice ....... ..$l5000 00 Education. . .- . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . . . . . 10400 00 Roads and Bridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6000 00 County_Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2500 00 Salaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3550 00 Registry Oice . . . . . . .V . . . . . . . . . . . 400 00 Heat, Light, Insurance, etc . . . . .. 600 00 Repairs and Lock-ups . . . . . . . 935 32 Hospitals, Charities, etc . . . . . . . . . 2000 00 House of Ret'uge..._..... . . . . . . .. 400000 County Debentures.'. . .v . . . . . . . . .. 3679 09 Printing, Postage, etc . . .A . . . . . . . . 800 00 Law . ..... . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000 00 SurrogateCourt.......-... 12000 Miscellaneous Grants ..... . . . . . . 2500 00 Taxes to Barrie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 00 Miscellaneous payments. .... . 1000 00 Education. . . . Ret'uge..._.....v Debentures. . Taxes to Barrie 00 Miscellaneous -`Total .... . . . . ......$55684 41 - -..... ...... . vuv vuuuu, vU_I.|uUIIUlC With regard to the $5000 note held by The Standard Bank, of Bradford, the solicitors were instructed to request the `said Bank to proceed with their action, now `pending, or to have the same dismissed. "-'.il'1e-:occ;:x`1 ;;of McCarthy, Pepler & McCart.hye was ordered to be paid upon being received `and taxe TL- --L2.__.-;-_ '1'- All The fortunes` that will be made and last will be mostly in connection with Wall street. The actual farmer is not likely to profit largely by` the~~rise. Before the crop is harvested there will `in all likelihood be as return to lower prices. -No doubt the reports so to the probable great shortage in , the wheat harvest is being circulated and magnied by interested and more or lesl unscrupulous speculattrs for the -purpose of forcing up prices to suit . their purpose. - ----._.n .. V--. c u vv-9!-Ha n,uUU.1U'.t l.,U`20.UU Midland . . . . . . 204,720 631,458 . 757.75 Orillie . . . . .` . . . 599,063 1,382,089 1,658,51 Peneteng . . . . . . 199,295 444,529 5 33,43 Stnyner . . . . . . . 163,098 239.622 287.54 Totsenhnm . . . . 84.105" 163,083 195.70 Creemore. . . . .. 83,260 162,475 194.97 Fl N ANCE. The Council declined to" reimburse T. Kember for expense entailed by him in_ e. prosecution, for stealing cattle. Also refused A. W. Burke refund. of expense incurred in tax sale. TI. - `I1 - s-:1-av-uv -uvunsvu. nu ulna ucuv. The High Constable was authorized to procure one dozen police nippera for theme of the county constables. WILL _..........J 4.- LL- mznnn _ -.- 1 I 1 announcing a 0 o and-,U'xlQldUV 8,XVVgUUL 1,000! '4 Medou'e'.'. . 923,430 1,553,393 1,864.68 Matchedash 63,934 155,902 137.03 Nottawasaga. . .1,923,892 3,199,914 3,839.90 Oro . . . . . . . . . . .l,522,614 1.953.322 2,343.99 Orillia. Tp. . . . . 594,984 1,247,849 1,497.42 Sunnid'ale..... 817,291 1,055,200 1,266.24 Tecumseth . . . .2 078,032 2,533,179 3,039 81 Tiny. . . . . . 794,464 1,117,546 1,340.45 Tay . . . . . . 506,224 1,027,823 1,233.39 ' Toasorontio... . 713,544 923,475 1,108 17 Veapra . . . . . . .. 821,224 1,434,548 1,721.46 W. Gwil1imb y.1,493,832 1,678,085 2,013.70 Alliston . . . . . 161,124 378,123 453.75 Bradford. . . . . 144,343 283,397 - 340.07 Barrie . . . . . . . .1,121,634 1,719,461 2,063.35 Beeton. . .` . . . . . 71,661 162,801 195.36 `Collingwood. 882,872 1,369,164 1,643.00 . .. 533,43 Stayner. .. 163,098 . 3333 a o o O o o 0 1 F103 . . . . . . . .. Innial . . . ._ Medonte . . .. . ` . .. .qnnn:1I'nIa 71:l'1'e fellowing are the amounts for the various municipalities, as equalized from schedule A. and nally adopted: vv ' jvwvi The report,V which _ reads as follows, was then adopted :-`-`-Your Committee. have prepared schedule A. of equaliza- tion, ' pursuant to the report of Mr. J as. Rosa, as-amended by said Commit- tee, and herewith present some and recommend that it be the equalization of the county for current year.- Adopted. r TIVI... 1.'.II-_:_.. _..- .I' - -' .--vr-v- you --nvnnuannc Inn vvlllllllvvvc Bruoe- ui`nlan-In amendment-- 'hat report be not `adopted, not being suiciently matured to make it avail- able for this year`, and that the assess- ments be equalized this year upon same basis as last; year. except; that assess- ment of Township 01 Flos be increased by $100,009 and Orillia town to $825,- 000.-Lost. r-'Roaaa-`-:-,Hewson -- That report be adopted as amended `in committee. 1).... n,_:~_1_., 1 1 rv. -- . The above report was given the six Amonth s hoist by the passing of a motion that the matter be `laid over till` the January meeting of 1901. This means that the Inspector will have to order the work to he proceeded with if it is to be done this year. . EQU1LIzArrIo1_ ussnn. The Council went into p Committee of the whole on Friday night to `discuss Mr. Ross report. Councillor J app in the chair. After a good deal of heated discussion Committee rose and reported - THE PRICE or WHEAT. V _ The recent advance in the wheat markets of the world_ has been al- most purely speculative. There has been no. `warrant for the sudden ietrenghtening of prices. True, the re- port: from the great wheat areas of the `West have not been the rnost favor- able; yet experience has repeatedly `taught the folly of atteinpting to es- timate accuratelv the `result of the harvest so far in advance. ' sPr1!6n.~i arrquiriis' the Gbdy,it- *0 Pro oeed with the huildiug: of further so- commodation in the gaol for the prison- ers and for gaoler s- residence, and having inspected the plans submitted by the gaoler, and received his offer to `make said improvethents within the sum of 82000, we recommend that the building of said improvements be pro- ceeded with uuder the direction of 9. Committee of three, to `be appointed by the Council, the cost of such im- provements not- to exceed $2000, in- clusive of architect's fees, and that the letter addressed to this Council be published immediately `after this re- port. _ IIVL.- _L.__. _y_, , . 9 .1 .1 at , Equali_z'd Equaliz'd A _ Amount, T Amount, Municipahty 1899. ` 1900. Levy. |:`|.- 3 (IAN nnn `I nnn an: `I nu-vn n . . . SANFORD SURETIES. on nzxrnn pxrukn. 1500 L.. 1800 00 7200 00 III._ 500 00 IL. 4oo`oo 250 00 --2-u-1.:-:- T816350 oo ...$393334 41- A resolution was adopted providing this the hospitals receiving oounty grants shall be asked to furnish monthly reports to the Warden, stating the number of county patients treated eoehmonth. ' ' " ` ' V -_ -\-- `The Council od`j'om-nod - 'on Saturday to meet again, Novemhgy 20ch._ '_ V Subucriben now avrrears for three months aid _onr will be charged $l.:o per annum. V A, grant of $20 woe made to 35th Regiment supplementing grant of $150 made in January. ' V ' . Councillor Thorpe was` placed on House` of Refuge Committee in place of` 0. E. Henson. .. vIn.IOlIlB &U\IVlIIlUllo Councillor Bruoelwu put on `Fmnnce Committee in place of C. E. Hewaon, resigned. _ The question of the adjustment. of the salaries of the matron and surgeon of the county jail was laid over till, the November session of the Council. I'Il-_L `I'D-.. LS, -v-v---nu--u-onnotcan-on--ooisuouncoo-0, To cut down hill on tpwnline 'Mulmur and 'I`...--......L2- ._..--24_ I-.- A _- ....- uvuu nun vu uywuuuc lvlullllf BIICI TOI80l'OlJti0, `O and I K 9 9 0 0 n 0 Townline Adjala and Albion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---' u u u - n o nuuocoooaono - n o o o o c .oocnono- Townline Mamchedash and Tay.............. Townlina go unqo I`: u u I I I Sideroad between lots 25 and'a6. con. 3, Tos- Cl\X\II R Side-;';f<.i-l':-elween lots so and 2:, con. 2, Ton- -`yum...-u an-J uouuovnnuouuuoouou n o u s u --Aaugoo Penetang road. Flo: and Medonte. . . . . . . . . ._ Cook : H111, townline Oro and Medonte. . . . ._. 'Townline Oro and Medonte, between con. 6 a...) .. __--_.__-.. --.--av u-uv-aw usunsvuu L\lVG townshipMedonte.......... .......... .. Coldwatet road, Township Orillia .......... . . Townline Matchedash and .. . .... .... Ridge Road, Township 5th eon. line, Township Orillia. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Townline North Orillia. and Mcdonte ...... . . . Townline Tay and Medonte ...... . . .~ . . . _. . .. . TownlineTa.ya.ndMidland..... ..... ....'.... I3...-s.._... ......I l:I_- _;..I la- 1, ,. , 3&0 new name will be added to the Subscription Gilt until the nioneyis paid. Uunvvuicibcbuo tuo- noooooooouncou onououooo Townline Osprey and Nottawasaga. . . . . . .. . . Hurontario and Sixth Streets, Collingwood.. Townline OroandMedonte........... ...... Rebuilding bridge across Sturgeon River, tnwnnlnin Mnrinnfn t0Wn...... I o o o o o - u o - o o u o o u a unaccou--oop- Two lgridges over Holland Rive;'. . .. . . . . . . . . . Townline Tecuunseth and King. . . . . . . . . . . . .. Bdge and approaches over Noisy River, I-nu.-`I2..- Il..l....... `|l..I_.__.|_-_ _ , I \v . -:vwI-AIIIIO - - n o uquonuotoaoonunouo - n n o o o an Townline Essa. and Tecumseth. nea.rvCooks- T 5-..... Bond Head road. Bradford. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ Townline Innisl and West Gwillimbury. . . . . Townlirie Vespra and Innisl, and Inuisl and 1:-...... Grants were npportioned to the fol- lowing on condition that the grant be duplicated by the municipalities inter- nnnrl o County of Simcoe came up on Saturday, near the close of the session. The Council appointed Hewson & Cres- wicke, of Barrie, to the poaition.. Mr. Hewaon resigned his position on the Council inorder to accept the solicitor- ship. ` ' $ * DIRECT IM1=o:R'r1=:Rs. :u:u:R %=3+ "" "" `U l0I'Y`.n0nuu...u.'... .._--_- v... ..-._ n-awuuvllbwp v OIOIIIIIO-OOIIDIOIIIIO ._._I!_- ll_._I__.1_,| I II- _`,- _..._ ...-.......... vvu Livia, Axnvcl. townline ulmur. Melancthon Not- A.._.___._. IAMUEL WESLEY, PiROPRIETO R`

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