Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 21 Jun 1900, p. 5

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, Mr. Wni. Reid upent Sunday at Deer- Mr.'F..B. Allan, of Toronto, visitod under the parental roof last week. ` Messrs. `Rob. and Geo. Miloolmson a_re-on Va wheeling tour to Owen Sound. V _. A number 0; the young people at- tended the epeciul services at 0oulson I Hill on Sunday. V ` ` .n-- Q` Mr. Jan. Miloampbeii sold his driving home to Dr. McCarthy, of Barrie, for the littlq sum of $200._ Mr:.Moore, general merchant, has arranged with the Telegraph Co. to have an oice `in the store. ` Gardeh partiea_are thick in tune bees; '.l`he_ pentral Church intend hcvipg one on the 29v.h. Rev; W, F... Cu-1*'ol,'-of Ailiaton, preached in St. David : church on Snudm _ ., ..c.|A.`9u-u.l It is hinted that` before July let. one. of Everecs ever popular bachelors will. have joined `the ranks of the. benediots. . 7 V The road grader, qnder the manage- ment of engineer Wanleee was at work on` our street on 8atutday._ The work was under, the supervision of Mayor 5+o_ [8850 A tramp (st lesetit was supposed to he 3 trump) entered the house of a farmer near the village recently and tookjtherefrem 9. suit of clothes "and some estebles._ We are `informed that a. Isl-gee hear was west of the village a. few d'ays,_e_go. It"ie. said that it was seen in Adjejle in the _,eerlyvpert`of the day "nnewhioh wee: seen, in this neighbor- Sunday, `June 17 a 8.8. Billy was` hqld in -Jennings `V Methodist ohuro h.*. The -Sunday Iphool army` was diIouiIed'iander {our heads :--'.l`he oom- u_m:der,> -Mil! ;.`8_.Iinti; the army, Mr. "A. Block} tlife bdttle, Mini Button; T.'A"% 'II_, MiIB9I7EUl'l'iI and G.allaug- V Al HII.-~- '.'..--....L...... - 7 -nnnino. nknunll ` IIIIUXU 3`Vl'lfD Guys `gt.-nu--- hon. ;!'1`h_e `secretary : report ahowgd syeichool` to be in .~aoum.ing o_ondi- - v-.y-v.. , I % T.-f.Our_ch. ` ._V$Ipn_. -V-`-_A_ 1, .v,vw' P? }m~hi- '. ` _`.\. v vvyuav Correspondence. V ..........'2......,." ;a....%. .4amJ.'Sona.m. church, the contracting parties being Mr. Robert Acouley and Miss Mar- garet Wiggins. A large congregation ' witnessed the imposing ceremony. At the appointed hour the bridegroom ac- companied by his brother as grooms-V man came into the church, where they waited for a few minutes until the bride, looking most charming, dressed in a most becoming manner, accom- panied by her father and her sister, who was to act as bridesmaid came into the church, when all who were to take part in the ceremony approached the0ommunicn rail as Miss Westney, organist of St. George's played the wedding march. `At the end of the March" the twain were made one esh. The happy pair after receiving numerous congratulations in the church repaired to the residence of the bride's father, where with about forty guests, they partock of a most. sumptuous re- past. The presents _to the bride were many and most appropriate. ' `Mr. and Mrs. Accnley left on the evening train for Niagara Falls for a short stay be fore taking up housekeeping in= Mid-` land whichis to be their tuture home where they cannot tail to make many friends who will soon nd" out their true worth- a " MiaLizz:e Mo`1.eanf"viait ed "rum; bqn fzfianda recently. . 7 - 9 Adva.nceACorr;spond`ohc`e. Albext Gilpin is visiting at Mr. .LJamesbBvrown a._ . A. ' ` t:he wars? had a border ed in a wash M:-.'snd Mrs. M. G. Chantler hpent Sunday in Bolton. ' V . 4 g `.9 .- -. A a.- `Q -.1. IL Friday will be. ;nar~ket-day in future instead of Wednesday as formerly. ` "ii: 33:ennell s, occu pied the Methodist pulpit on Sunday in thejqbaenoe 9! Rev. J. E; Wilson. -Mrs. W. Bayomf; ind. "Olive Baycroft left on Tuesday for 3 visit with frienqa to Manitqbo. Major Schoof late of Fort Mafeking, South Africa, is to give addresses here on Sundny morning A-and Monday evening next. % - ` Nevhon Robinson \ Advance Correspondence. Mibs Clara. Nixon was in town over Sunday. ~ ` i 1 `in an. A: Am _a ' ml ;:l'3;n-I ZB`r'own, of Cookatown, qpent Sunday with his parents here; fr V h:Iin'nie` Eden; `of Toronto; is spending the `holidays nndervthe pu- sntal`.roof. V _ _ - - _ Smith - - and her `niece `Marian J ohngoo, of Toronto, are visiting at Mr. Arthur -Eden's,` of place. T n The 0orne'r SVt.6'ne_.laying"_Lof the Holly `Methodist church in _ to -beoele- ` braced June 28:11. Mrs; J; Burton, of i u ;b_`peiform__ Ld rosettes 01 [was WANT Ileaders of this space to peruse carefully the following editorial from one of the best known Canadian papers: t u._.- -us"- 7.1 III! lzazo-1' WEATHER RULES- pf .v'"CEI ~ Among hot weather needs it will probably occur to the avera man to rank rain storms good and high. while not orgetting to give the regunar visits of the iceman due place. But the subject is of interest apart from meteorolo ' lbearin and the inuence wielded by the able- `ed refrigerator. In hot weather we all want to know what to wear and how i to diet ourselves so that we may experience the least 1* sible discomfort due to the tem perature- The idea should be less generallv entertained that the wearing of annels in sum_mer is healthful. True the an el takes persp1ra.t:o' d ' 't ff easily. gut it alsgpinduoes 0|'a8p?I! lI:I`Iv;e;l:d oto Apersoire too freely is to weaken the vitality and render the body more subject to the ills that Boat in the air. The eoo`est possible clothing should be worn in hot weather. Our excellent contemporary. the London Advertiser, agrees with a well-known doctor that the true hy`gienic attire for a hot day, an umbrella and a pair o light sandals, would hard y be racticable. but, it adds tlnt we may still exercise a egree ofgood sense in using and not abusing Do you know I `runs `WEEK dzuamcs oun SALE or news % rm: amass. nm are Pointers ! We can ! provide the dloi, `these lines the saving over ordinary prices is ten to `L ` per cent. if youdeubt, price! - Barrie's Favorite Shopping Plaec. I RW|N S ac]: and whit` hut` wh cat: the light and healthful clothing. And what is more, _weo.an sellhit at less than the mauufacturer s cost. We carry 'a' complete stock of ` the most elegant and fashionable _.'-_.._._ __-"....._-_4..--.._ 3 A. --_:.__..: A. _ _ A _ __ ~_4, MEN*sfFURNisH1NGs, WHITE, COI:ORED and NEG- LIGEE `SHIRTS, COLLA.RS,' CUFFS, TIES and sox, "s1`LK ' H AN'D;KERC.l_-IIEFS and UMBRELLAS. Light~wight Tweeds, Medium-weight Tweeds, all colors and grades. Fine Scotch Tweeds, English Fancy Wordteds, Black Worstedsi, sacks and frocks, A Men 8 Boys Trousers, Meps and r ya Knick- ers,~ White Ducl: `Trousers, Enghsh Flannel Trousers.` ` ' . -- -. :Wf ourselves wnth clothes. Thus 13 a vanable clumate and everybody ought to be in a position fot lnghtoing change of attire to meet the everbvatying conditions of weather. They 3; the gentlemen in the Fijg Islands dress them ves arefully every day in a. pair of spurs and 3 pa collar. leaving off the collar during exeeptionaelver hot spells. As aresult. '0 do |`l0t nd natentm Edna: cnmmnntnw lac-an qatent medicines crrommanding lar sales in the Fiji glands. But, on the other hand. e Icelanders never know when they have enough of clothes on. And so it goes. S.-_m.ihla ndnmann on weuuaers never know when they have enough of goes. Sensible adaptation to conditions is the rule. An I. Cami all ....aI.....:n.:.. l..... 1.41.: .1.-. _-_.- wuuuana I3 [BB rule. As to food. all authorities have decided that meats and alcoholic beverages must be eechewed in sum- mer. if the individual means to keep well. Fish and fruit, milk and ferinaceous dishes ought to consti- tute the daily bill of fare, and ordinary oold, not iced water be drunk. 'l:l:ere isevervthiu in roper clothes and proper gfnng, if_peopl9 wou on V _unden_t_and i_t_. _Do<;tor'_s 5 her draggxin: wary bronz What we ma x_nere xsevcrvtmnf in clothes and eating, if ple d understand it. Doctor's hills wou not be so heavv if we all studied and fol- lowed the rule: of dressing and diet. The cash Man, Ghaaposi In Barrio. PI! "said Grenfel. Advance correspondence. Mr..and Mrs. Cameron spent Sunday in Dalston. - Mr. Alf. Herron is raising a. barn on I the old homestead of Mr. John HironI.1 Mrs. John Hirons, of Toronto,_ is renewing acquaintances in this vicinity. Messrs. Tom and George Young visited friends in Edenvale on Sunday. Messrs J. Wilson and Albert Bishon spent Sunday with friends in Anton Mills. E. Burridge ha secured the contract l for the stone work of Hector Cameron's. barn V . . _ J I Mr. and Mrs Jake McDer:hot.t'{ and : Miss Agnes Lambie spent several days with friends in Churchill and county. Little hope is entertained for the to T covery of Mr. Will. Dempster,.who re- 'oeived a shock during the storm two weeks ago. A laruge gathering attended the ice cream social an the residence of Mr. John Hirons last Thursday evening." Proceeds $16. ` ing wit 3 of _ 1 Via-' Wy b Ad\'8nce n Qnc_ . Mr. Don Keuned . - Y h 1"` Pnts.m at ""t vii; ited with friends her Mr. 0. E. smith 8 recently, f . 538 a 1 - cropo strawberrleg to M`:~dT:l:keemim. < j '9 Of IL_" Q BIUHUI We of his old friends in the village onsnndsy. ' V T Mews, Milton Edwards anti Henb Ellery have returned from then` trip upthe lakes. _ , u_.: 6`: of pnnntnn aninhnnn M,, T, Laird, of Midland, called on ll}! Uuv ---~-- Mra. Smith, `of Penetanguiahene; who has been the guest of Mrs, T. Robina, returned to her home last week. Mr. Soula took charge of the service on Sunduy morning, in the absence of [our pastor, Rev. Mr. Scott, who in at- tending Conference in Toronto. A. Angus. Advance Correspondence. V.nTheMiaaes M. D. and Jean Foster were visiting with their parents this week. ' - ' - _Miaa May Barrie, of Toronto, ii` {inning with Mrs. F. Coulson, her Water. A - A` ; The s. s. Excursion to Big Bay Point and Orillia on Friday, June 2203 Pfomieeato be a grand event. E791 ! A effort is being made to make this 3 mnnesnua sums NEWS. revers flinish lace dyed re a rough blue it}; cherries `was Menys ne Dongola S1109) . I kid A llen s Tan Lac % d` V `T L - 'b1e sole, 1';- 2 - , toe, ngzzsgi afcilsizlz glld 309d` Wnfrkl l1suallyno1dfor$1-502 9P19` " 9 Boot, 1308 Cap! . x ` . a comfortable.` r price weather, '93 3 -- heavy sole, boot for. hot .l 55T5 . $200.8Pci8.1 . . . . . . . . o I300"... ' Men's ch 00 oicest Dongola K1d L939 9' { n U `ml .1`- h gmntoecafwh:11e(:1::l;d9?T} ea 9 8 V . 3.`? "1 225g0Il1y--......-o-""- 1: I H6n sstrorg Lace Boots; bellows . heavy neg sole, warrantefi hV :11 able {of hard wear, all size? . ;_I. . sold ueuallv for $1. 10p.'3P'9 - . - r n&m.:i! .`9?!-. mnsroxnifie wiguthe coWdm w zzzme ..,....,,....:T we Do not A . . ~ Painswick. I ` ' Advance Co':4_q' . .t-' .: .~_`,'-;'f_- __ Elma Wsrmca -18 : vV_lIl `A `V [ V mew lPic.1.:ic ,. s....., cove The schoo Friday, June 22nd. ld 0 .` `in be ha . tr`m%.%Tointd2`:Isst ~zaek?#-ttei 9:. M v Warmca returned .f\l`0,m ~IiV.'7V iiit. `:-Vi ? `V W LADIES oi:P'r. 15%.: T . 1' . ,V I` ghzskliogne Dongola K1d Qxfortk . Wa;3:1p.tx1`ple. sol_e,:_ T "`?`9i t'<> 7, spzgisfl or gm` V9 noonolfid . 1,;mL%ts 7:";;:%:::;*. 3?`; _ *3 Imperial Goatskin Bdtto'1 1f;B9D`5 J ` t0n:"t.i Mews DEPT. , some ver already bein eg or(ecru'ta era andlbor lized in decor h 9. red plai TI j BARRl.EfS '`.::`:A,`:`li'!5CG:CF V J radm` '%o`un* 95 cnnl-U0 U; _:-I_-Ulllllnion from Toronto` lust `w,oek after an extan- sivevisit. V It you wjunt 3 good treat take in th excursion :6 Orillia and Big Bay Point; June 22. ' - T 'l`hoa.vK.ing;' of Callander, is renew`-a ing old. acquaintances this week among his many frignda. ' Mr. enhd>Mre. `F. Couleon have the eympety of the entire commiuity tor the death of their- eldest Ahoy (Leslie).- The deer little felVlov:r`hed_ been a con- etent sufferer for more than eight months past; although there seemed to he vnrn tabla 1.-..-- .4 L3. _______ H 1 `Wild atfavrgiries ' bro 3 p Mr; McEachetu, occupied "the pulpit at the Methodist church on Sun- day in theubeenoe of the Pastor, Rev.` G. Scott. V - -v---.-- .------v , In-vuvuaal auuav uvuuluu. H) be very. little opes ot his recovery death took him away quite ` unexpect- edly last Friday night. In a calm and peaceful rest the child "fell asleep` in Jesus. The funeral tool: place on Sun- day at 11 o clock, at the Presbyterian `church, thevservice was conducted by Mr. F. 0. Harper, B.A., whose remarks were appropriate. and touching. The Sabbath Schools (P. and M.) of which `the deceased was a member, marched in procession, together with a large number of friends, and followed the remains to the last resting place, to the church, thence to the cemetery. We are pleased to be able to say that Mr.` D. Lane, ~ who has been ailing for some time, is improving. Mr. '1`. Clark is also convalescent. . Mind 'Tdli::A:rqold, or `Alldndal. was the guest of `her e1atervMrs. (D1-.,) West-on Sunday. 2 `I721; VA` Severel young people from this burg attended the circus ut Barrie as few days ago. . I Q-'-\ span .n n.- `Mr; D. M0001-thy, who has been at the Soo for some time, has retain-ned home. I Rev. 1'. G. `Scott left lane week to attend the Methodist Conference at Toronto. Mr. `W. J. Bishop, of V Gren- fel, took his work inthie appointment lass Sabbath morning. - L ` The recent rains ve greatly im-_ proved the crops. They ore looking A I Miss Annie -Skelly, ef Obtewegis on. an extended visit. at Mr. D. Lane a, of I thi ' V Editors are gnen who are looked upon an knowing a little. -of everything. Will you kindly `settle a controversy by` telling uewhether n ` tomato in 3 fruit oz-n vegetable? [A tomnto in I `u. . _..2A _Try it. , The been in this neighborhood ere emu-ming a little earlier than usual and several Iwerlna have skipped -to the bush. If 1 quarter of an inch was clipped oil` the queen : wings it would keep all run away ret warm: at home. o o -In I ,, I -__I `I'_- A it E}EiE.- QC -vv Mr. Joseph .Dumondi and Miss A. Hogan were united in marriage on the 13th inst. The ceremony was perform- ed__in. the R0. church in the presence of e goodly number of witnesses, by_ Roy. Fesher Sweney, oi Barrie. A large number of invited guests met at kid toe cap, single sole, :3. very neat. stylish boot, worth $1.40, special. . .V.$ Ladies Vici Kid Oxford Shoe, kid toe * cap, lined, hand turn, sole, our most stylish shoe, equal to `any. $1.75,? special . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . .... Ladies Vici Kid Lace Boot, kid too esp, i new, round toe, hand turn sole, soft,` glove-like tting shoe, well worth l $2.50,spscia.l..............:... . `CHILDREN'S DEPT. Misses" ne Dong`olu Kid. -Bhttoned Boots, kid toe cap, -singleor double, sole, excellent to wear s and dressy, regular ' prloe 1`-8,1300 to V 31,25, yourj o`.`:fd 0 did on no oV'o 0 0 o 0 0 0.`: u u 1.0% Ghi1d's Do1igo1_3;Kid "Buttons Boot, . -toes cap. good strong 1816 lm umwrls aims to go; sp1ig~hsel, __mutally.ao 'n`~_svi OAQJI co : 0 I furl, . ,, specin [me-*sx:dss~Bntt?f lttirnisole; s kid bk `.`"'W!:z:% ` gi 1. ..;.;..,.... . M mu--Em. 5.` n.:n:_ -_; ... `U I10: vs .2--9-I in wt: vv wwtv Acivahce Correspondence. `_:1`dmlina6n returnd ham`, `IE `nib -A.-__ , It a ..;;... ;uch_ name _`.'$1 10` 185 75 75% vl hard` is ju Who woul\ even to hin of whimalca e `suits mad ,_..__v_ wv---wry-u-- wu- The spring crops are looizin well this vicinity. fl_'iend s here recently. o T Mrs. Henry Ellis started for" Span- ish River on Tuesday. ` ' Mr. `Joe. Saddie, of Toronto, visited T ` Mina 'Aa'di}'1`5;.};aer, of oookseown, apgntv Sunday at her home. . ' Mrs: Heaa1ii>,-(E}_1'vee::`1oz:e',~:1;`t'lje guest of her daughter-,_ Mrs. Jno. Bell. _th`even_ng gs ohly young. people '0 ' e-ti=h6tmiJh"- obeahe1jd_et:_A1,ngua7.~ -A `from our school fwrite `O70?! year`, and very few of them fail `of paaei__n`g.~. Seve'rel of our boy: hove taken third olaas certicates out of this school. This tellu its own tale, namely, we have one of - the best teacher: in the county. to ' my, celebration _in Brent- is -5 thing` that [won't soon be for- gotten," ` The people showed their loyalty to ;.Queen sud Empire `by profusely decorating several `houses on Front street. with the ' Union Jsolr. A No rockets, reorsckers, __tsr barrels or guns-~ were in the hands of the boys, ,so everything passed off decently and in order and without harm to either person or property. ' ` Mn. 31.;i:i: 'improvin}; sIowlY Softer 3 severe illness. " -_ M_l`l. W. e:-;i'a,_`]'Iilwnrt.hy is visiting friends here at present. | `IX, -1 1'? IO Mr. spent Sunday with friends in Snnnidale. ` Ma. Jae. Ai.7i'izi{1Te}"Ja$i}iia..; withfrienda in Elmnalo over Sunday. i-Mina -Flora 01-anthers, of Ivy, visit- ed under the pa:-'ental`roof last week. Mr. Dave aMoOane has raised his barn and is` putting a foundation under .0-. A ' . ' CH. 9.!) and I-~.-4 [11 u. .. sailor ture a sug Hanan A Mr. Will. e;:be;ge;,:??3elling- vybad, visited friends here recently. '. The ice crssm social held at J no._ Hiron s last week was a great success. _' ~ Milo Bell, New. Lowll, `was `the meat of the Misses Moaater on Sun- day last. ` N ellie rnd Martha McMaater -visited their brother near Cookatown last week". - ` Mr.` sod Mrs. Noble, Honey wood, were visiting with Mrs. M. M . Bell over Sunday. -M . - I Mr. R. and the Misses Holmes spent Sunday with friends in Everett and Manseld. A The Messrs. Harrie are building a stone foundation uhdernenth their burn on the 13th `line. A Mas M;.{i52{pc.', '}{s"63i1i.g. wood, has been visiting `friends here. % Mr. W. Y. `Clark and Mr; Geo. Yurley. of Brentwood, called on friends here last Sunday. I

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