Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 21 Jun 1900, p. 2

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,, -- ....-:u, can tesl'>re(e)tt%lace to get drugs is at a DRUG V .` The druggist knows more about 3 thempthan other people. - 3 keep h good drug store. Come and ask us about Kitchen Drugs. I UUU tteenola security at xowut rate us it . Noliarincipal money required until end of arm. . H. STRATI-IY, Solicitor, Etc... . . . 'r`a`Y,_ BOYS as nwncmsou. gr I.` Roe:-:.na. noezns. ARE NEEl)ED EVERY DAY MONEY TO LOAN. - 2 large amnnnt nf Prifate Fn 9.` DUNLOP-ST. BARRIE. MONEY TO LOAN. -- MANUFAC'l`UBE8.- mscnnunnovs. `Defenoeof Fedeiistlong ` V In the Senate recently, on the occu- sicn : of the moving of an address of congratulation to Her Mejesty on the success of "A British arms - in 3 South Africa.` Hon. Senator Gowen delivered the following sble; patriotic speech :- In, . D. C. Mvncnxsox. PHY SIOIANS . FOR INVESTMENT on good freehold security at lowest rate of pin:-in-ml mnnnv rnnnired until end of FINANCIAL. OFFICIAL. LEGAL. AANUS SALES. unuun, I 45-13`- I risewithv great ipleasure to concur - ,in.the address to Her Gracious Maiesty congratulating her` on the success of `British arms in South .Africa._. That it has the full concurrence of_.the people of Canada no one candoubt who has followed the events of the last few months. From the Atlantic to the Pacic the `people of Canada` spoke out loyally, intelligently, plainly, and em.- pbatically." They rembered the obliga- tions theye owed to Great Britain-- ., that they were protected in their in-` fancyby Great Britain,-that they had the institutions of Great Britain to look to in all that made for the peace` and prosperty of the empire. `Take '. our commerce. We boasted, and with truth. at one time -thatour commercial navy was amongst the rst cf..the world ; our `ships traversed every sea, -, and why? Because British ironclads j were on every sea, ahd if our ships were interfered with, would have asked the reason why. We owe a deep debt of gratitude to the mother country for B the way in which we have been prote'ct- , ed and fostered, so to speak, to nation- hood by the motherland, and it well be- ` comes us to feel as we do, and the resolutions I think tly , and wisely express the sentiments of the people of \ Canada. They desire, we desire all of ` us, peace, but peace with honor. There 1 can be no peace in South Africa until ` British rule is _there supreme. `The - Boers have been tried. My hon. friend the Miiiister of Justice and my hon. friend the leader of the Opposition have brought out clearly the untness of the_ Boers to rule a free people, They never will have in South Africa a free government until the British ag waves supreme. History shows that wherever that az oats it ii the emblem of freedom, civilization and justice, that freedom which is calculat- ed to ennoble a people, and when that ag oats supreme in Africa, I have `no doubt the day will come when a : government will be granted ~ to the j whole of` South Africa as a united country, confederated `under a common ~ sovereign, and -that such rights and` j privileges will be granted to them as , maybe compatible with theexisting . condition of things there and will lead . ultimately to the establishment of a free government as we have it: in Canada; I said we owed much to Great Britain from the very rst- from 1792, I thinkit was when we were granted a constitution, which, in` in the words of Governor Simcoe, was the very image and transcript of the British constitution, nally responsible government was conceded. We work- ed under that for some time, -.and now, _ government in accordance with the well understood wishes of the people as expressed through their representa- tives is rmly established. Under that government we have lived and ourished, and I hope and trust the ' day is not far distant when we shall have closer relations with the mother country even` than we now enjoy. The British" constitution is not a thing merely .-of parchment. It is not a . matter of writing. It consists in . the - aggregation of principles brought. out from important events'and doings, "and any one who studies the.British`con- r stitution will see that agendaof -ages 7 and dynasties have "been 'the V bases which ha_ve'.established the great prin-T - I ciples` of the British constitution, and I so it, will `-be with regard to an L Imperial constitution. I believe .that i when the government of this country ` listened-and responded`_ to the mandate,` the clear "mandate. of the7`people,. and with, _I will say, all reasonable despatch . at least that is my view 'cf;seeing the t_natter- was*_of rstinstanoe -and para} .; mount" "_importange-jandh when "they, Med 8335 5Fii $5.0 i3W!'iin: bf 'P_hrliament- their 1 ..aots'_' that" . momont"the7found`ation; of 1an_Ir"'nperiajl% '. Mali .-*h9hPlrv ye i i T the "soldiers Co VII 43-13" n-`. 1a`no3.i"1`$. .1`Z$"`L L.':. $T _.u ~ ns prompuy pre- :~lo::T:,w Dunlop` Street}? . 1 :- C, W. MACPHERSON. ?- san. Oices-Barne -Bank of Toronto 5-ly G. H. Esrnx. ISON. etc. ' Barrio- uceeu- S licitog, 0 Q OPCQ .3 . _ . A i 3;`{N0RIHERN . -_ ADVERTISING RsrgsYANcE, 3 "g:i1r1`irl:>`irA1:N':~31Ii1:l1IvA11s1i`1.;c"'"l-A7, quent insertion 4 cents perp(13irn](:ne' M` sun, Reading notices, 10 cents per` '. insertion ; 5 cents per line for" insertion of the same matter .1... E 13...... ..A` ;.L:_ V Reading. ch; Wt` . } lingo? 11; of the ea; at-lm der 5 lines, _of this characte} 11 Emu. lines. . charged gs; `l'__.-1 l`\1n-S,'I n .._ smkuon Sven; - d 3` mfg . 1 be 0 my" 11 :1 Government (1 . 1 91 otc 1; peg` advent! es. ab0`7e rat ERTISWG ADV , 01' 1'3` 001` in be taken ts W onw- 1v9 ti93;f31:rxfd in Jo 9 M: 011719 on1 W g.`?1" '11 be` Oo 0,4) 19' e W] the fglrvfftowr W` stricy Y one Pd `Q 11- 9 (i\|Ll\ all. llllcn utooooooooooonno 2% inches .. ........ .. 5inches,'% column.... to inches, 56 column.. aoinches, rcolumn.... $_ *For one month-the three with 15 per cent. added. *wnv I-urn v-nnn PI-xn Ll... u \ "Luau. LU [JUL noun. auucu. `For two months--the three with 10 per cent. added. Epnrnrrnrl n.-.nL. ..._._ :, .1 "nun. a.v Inn. uculn auucu. Preferred positions in the pa sold at an advance of one.thi, rates. This rule will be strictly Per wu1';._ 911 a':z..~, I Camedezt l . coxmacr causes, Advertisers will please bear iqmind ,_' notice of intention to change advenisemjf must be handed into the office not lam Saturday at 10 o clock, and the Copy {of change must be in THE AD\'Axcz'ofe"LI later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in 7 week, otherwise the advertiser s announcer: may not.be made public until the wee}.-Q1 lowing. ' ' I0 nlnonunc A`. A1111:-\~r`q4-n-..-_. "ALL UV \4l.LIbl 6u\Lo Advertisgrs will not be allowed to use'._. space for advertfsmg anything outside 5; own regular business. Should they df} `transient rates will be charged for such`; vertisements. ` 12 changes of Advertnaemvents allowed... year. It more are required C0mp05i1j0- ...` w11l be charged. ' M" At`1'rnr+;cnra 111:" yard LA ..11.._. V . .---........u.; Condensed advertisements on rstpage as wants of all kinds, lost and found, prom for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc., e~_;`_ must be accompanied with the cash, and r; be inserted--t1rst insertion 2 cents per wt.-1 each subsequent insertion 1 cent per wyj (names, addresses and gures countei rs words); but a. reduction of one cent per wzr; will be made when the number of in;~er:;:- of the same matter exceed four. Cuts for advertisements must In em case be mounted on solid meulbueo. 1 . - W` * er; ~1.ep..ai Federatieii. "develop in? . time j into the .ff.i.mitin`fi"!'i"`1F9P9ti=i"l*:"n@i'!'i!!* ewn...'_ vthat iitlf. H ` tours l_ to cry; te ,p__i-,e,matu'r_e_Iy` "to'rc`e .the_ result. ferthmthe` ties; that *we1 should have] a repreaentation in the {British yeuseot 06IiIIn_one;l>'_iit that could never be achoinplished. Another scheme is that we should have a representation in -a "certain council representing thewhole empire. That may be feasible `but it is beset with - A innumerable dio`nlties. Time and the feeling -of the "people of United Canada will accomplish it, becauserl believe there isno difference of opinion _ "with regard to it. It has been `said that in some parts of the country there is a want of such feeling, but I cannot believe that there is. The people are `_acou`sed of certain want of loyalty and want. of love for the mother- country, and attachment for the empire, but they cannot fail to remember that the and faithfully kept,` and rights guaran- ` teed to them which exist in no other ` province of United Canada, and they cannot fail to bear in mind that if their ' place was in the United States,` the I moment tghere was "a population far and ` away beyond them of di'ei-ent nation- ` alities,,'their guaranteed rights would not stand` for an hour. But `it is not considerations of that kind which will alone be -operative with ac chivalrous I people. They feel and know" the grandeur, the safety and the advantage of being part and" parcel of the great- est empire the world has ever known. We cannot failto appreciate the im- mense advantage of being a colony of England. I am one of those who think ere long the whole family will be unit- ed, all who have become part and parcel of the British Empire will he one people, and wherever the British ag oats it will be a true emblem of rational liberty. treaty made by Britain was religiously REPRESENT rm; Fouowrsc I-`nu-: I.\`s'..=.u:: ` COMPA.\'lES: The Mercantile, now affiliated wi:h The 7.42:- don & Lancashire of England. ity, $x 5,000,000. , The Waterloo Mutual. of Waterloo. 0:; Tothl assets, $334.'o83. The Economical Mutual.- of Berlin. Cr; Total assets, $3o3.o78. . Also L1ovd's Plate Glass Insurance Cez- pany, of New York. Cash capim, 52;- Scnocacu: & SMlTH,| _An(?;i1e Sun Loan and Savings Compui 91 Ontario. c-: 4 Per Cent. Inierest Paldnoll 999 The Security for peP05iY1"` "1 1" . Company 18 undoubted. tr!` Ross` new Block. south side D`p s:: east of the Post Office. C W -- - - -. !_ .. Tnnn O_ _ ` Private funds to loan on rs: mortgages counts collected. &c. V 3%.... Au... uAnAnvann e Harwnnl Smre. Ba: Axon: Standard Life. London Guam tee and Accident Co.. Provlndu Building and Loan Association. W U1` I.` l\zI}.-L` Street, Barrie. SUBSCRIBE? CAPITAL $250,000. uuuu U1 I118 FOUL UHIUUO The security to depositors in a Loan ` doubted. There is no instance on reco deposition has ever made a loss bv 3 L3 I {__f- collected. &C. Oioe over I-Ienderson,s H ` Ont. ardware Store. Br! A Siincoe Law Association. V The following resolution was adopted at a meeting of the County of Simcoe` Law'AaaociationVheld on June 12th on motion of Judge Boys and W. A. J- Canadian Branch Office. MONTREAL. `M. C. HINSHAW. D--_..L Lia-.. cu..- vIuss cu. INCORPORATED 1881. so-Iv NDlUlI ASSOCIATION. 2 AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $3.ooo,oo:. -We have urchaled and reOPe-1), 11:6 Steam Laun ry. 10 Duulor strO`;$rk. Pl niodern a linnces or all c a 1. ==` noxynz A uonm Iligon an. an... A." nL.co;1Iun Anni - -117. ` dthe 5* As`IEKiIIAUNUEV] oh: modern linnces tor an clan!-Ws',i.By,zI=B" JIONIZ pa n: R IND 1.03 out ' .allat->urdoor- SPEC ' 1) run SAM 140! Oil D18 PQYIIOII - chm-c with to '1'. casw. iiiiuanes 89% 3U\a\aDUl\o Av -- ELI/5. .1. CULVERW haw! I:-lanrcutting and 3 take this opportunity of placing on record this_ expression of their love and esteem for their late friend_ and ciste, and their sincere iregiret at the loss sustained through his ' death, and! they would also respectfully tender their deepest and heartfelt sympsthyito Mrs. Poplar. and her children in the terrible siction they have been called upon to bear. ' ' . OFFI CE .\Next d 001- t B 0 ak Of T01-011:0. G1: 11-} l. ` '3. . John Rogerson, Fire and Life Assurance. Number of inches canon Barrie Ont. Oice 'hed and rate_s W AG T. in Both?! 2 VI. . K111` D1111 Branch Manag 3 INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &C. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. E. s. LAW` succnvssoas T0 _ 4 O 0 PROPERTY choaela ls. SMITH. Bell : J vim 21, tors a Loan w. W `on record {'55 e a Loan C0`- ,2 Resolved, that the members of the County of T Simcoe Law Association learned with extreme sorrow sud re- gret some few. weeks ago of the sudden death of Mr. E. P. Pepler, Q.C., one whomx,t9"held both as 9. lawyer and 3 man, in the highest esteem and on` a ins In the death of -Mr. Pepler this Asso- oiationloses a very eioient and` pains- taking oioer, the profession of the County of Simooe one of its most able and capable members! and the com- mnnity at large as highly `honored and much respected. citizen. ` t The'n1embereef this Aaahoiatien at its ret meeting since the greatly `la-A mented deathot their honored confrere, a ship comes next, with eight. The cm municipalities are charged with the following :-"Orillia (tcwn), 1 ; Oro, 3; N ottawaeagu, Stayner, 1; Ad- | jsla, 3; West Gwiilimbury, 5 ;HEasa, "4 ;. Flea, - 2.`; Veapre, 2; Beaten, I; [Medonte, 1` 5 Vsuhniciele, 1 ; Coiling 7046 4% 1'!35"3?-t 33 .M..1.1di 15 Tiny,__1; che:_'geto ooniity, Z 2. L House of Refuge Notes.` 7 There are sixty-one inmates in the House at present, and in" nationality they` are divided as follows :-Irieh, 28; English, 16; Canadians, 7; Scotch, 4;_ Americans, 3; Dutch, 2,, West India,` _I; ' V, There are ; more persons committed. from Barrie than any other munici- pality in the county, no less than eleven being V credited," to that` town. Inniel Tile traded `and prgfeqaiona ofithfef in- imtgn of: the Hons; .fol_low_e: ` A oedar hodgo'has `Been planted on the west side of the: lawn in front of the Hopbe. . Togothy with a. good lawn and one lgnndredv Sootoii Iplfllce trees; thin `.grqgI_:ly jmprovee the nppeag-once of the `premises. The_'ne w.-fonoe is: _,bodly n_eeded_t,o oomploto the irorh. ` When you do not use`Dr. Ward : Blood and Nerve Pills to counter- act ' these conditions. Why?. Be- cause they contain allthe natural" 1 elements necessary to build up `the human system. The way to a cure lies along the road from the stomach ; U: .1 _....... _ . All blhckemiths, 2 ; `gardener, 1 ; shoe- makers, 6 ;plaaterer1; oabinetmaker, 1. The b'aldrioe are entered on the register as laborers and `farmers. V 1 Speaking oi"theBirmingham episode independent Ottawa Events says :- Bobert Birmingham, the Conservative "_or`ganizer, has attempted to hold up the leader of the Opposition,- by threaten- ing: to make disclosures of election eorrnption prior to 1896. To Sir Charles '.l`upper s credit, beit said, he refused to be held up, and curtly told the threatener to do his worst, that he _ would not get another dollar from the party, if he (Sir Charles) could prevent it. Now what the public wants to know is if there is really anyth1ng.be- hind Birmingham s threat. There have been corruptionists amongst the Con- servatives as well as amongsts the other party, and itlris in the country`s'_ `-interests that all of them should be exposed. Sir Charles Tupper says he -has nothing to hide, and that he is not Ifreid of the party organizer -is quite evident from the prompt manner in which he turned that gentleman down Some of the Liberal papers are making 3 mountain out of the affair and pre- tending to nd in it evidences of the breaking up of the Conservative party. They say it is a family row that will bring disaster upon the Opposition- Whatever there may be behind it, so fares it has gone, the aifair is very s creditable to Sir Charles Tupper. v-up --uwv-wu-u ---- ._..-.:___ ' Strange as it may appear, there is not `a single entry on the register to` `show that drink was the cause of pauperisni,'althoI'1'gh there is but little" doiibt that a large percentage of the inmates can trace their poverty to the free use of alcoholic stimulants. There are, of course, several disabled persons, who were compelled to seek shelter in the House owing to their inability to work, but the majority are fond of the cheering bowl. ' voumake A Mistake Eliz9.-beth Gain , who, in company with her husband, was committed to the Heuse of Refuge by Major Milli- gah, of Midland, on March 15th, 1899, died on Thursday last, aged 76 years. -World. . HUS II-IV IUGBAJUIIQ snow - v:--.._ { to the blood and nerves; All food is acted on by the stomach and pre- % pared for absorption into the system. 1 Dr. Ward .-. Pills sin just the pro- mhelp to 1 ' Iystamgand. dif- ` a glow of.` hnlth through the Commencing Saturday, June 16, and continuing until Saturday, J une 23, in-` clusive (egrcpptv Sunday, June 17), 5 special express will leave the Union Station at l`l.`30 a;m., for` Allandalo, Barrie, Orillia, Severn, Muskoka Wharf, ' Gravenhui-st, "Bracebridge, Huntsville, and Scotia Junction. `S The express south bound will leave` `Hunts ville from 18th to 23rd inclusive, at 11.15 a.m., arriving in Toronto at 4.40 Muskoka Express. T `As the result of a. conference of G. l'r.- Bell, W. R. Tiin, G. 0. Jones and M.'C. Diokson, all of the G. '1`. R.,*1m week, the following special service to Penetnnguishene,` Muskoku and J ack- son s Point has been arranged for `until J nne 24th, when the` new time-table over the whole system comes into force, details of which site not yet `complete. IVVV Y3 KT :1-wvyo: .__ -Kzxehmmmmg _ `L .A You feel yourself getting wolli when you take llr. lard ; Blood} and Nerve Pllla. V T V . = `V During the I same period a _ special passenger ti-ain will leave Allandale at L25 lm. for Penetahg. and [returning will leave Peuetang at 1.35 p.m., con-T nesting ateAllandale with the Muskoka express aoi1l}h'bonnd. - loot. per box. ve bqu`!or 03.00. All drug- nlnts. or Sam William! 00.. Toronto. Ont. -On Saturdays, June 16th and 23rd, a special passenger train will leave ' To- ronto at 1.4-5 p m ., from Jackson's. Point, and on Monday, June 18th,V a special train w.ill _leaveiJackson s~~ Point at`8.30 a.m., for Toronto. lmself tobeva fearless legislator. _.He kept his promise to introduce _a prohibi- en bill. There would be some ` differ- of opinion about that, but his `election bill will be endorsed by nearly tgjvsryhody in the West, espeoiallyas regards the qualication of foreigners jot` the franchise. , It guards against , the undue. ascendancy through the -. ballot of the illiterate, foreign element, rjwho are always easily misled by dema- qogues with side issues. It provides _ that : All persons not British subjectseat birth, who at the date of the "passing of thle Act were not upon the last revised -_jll It of voters to be used at elections of .r:nem_bers to the Legislature of _Mani- toba, or who have not resided in Canada for at least seven years preced- ing the date upon which any election is hereafter held, `unless such person is able to read Thea Manitoba Act f_ in _ one of the following languages, that is to say, Fnglish, French, German, Swedish or Icelandic, will not be en- titled to register. ~ Iingh John Macdonald is proving, A Improved Agriculture. . A farmer from Vespra` township writes as follows in Bulletin 73. just issued by the Dept. of Agriculture :-' -Vespra. Simooe: Methods of feeding sre improving every year. More silos sreheingebuilt, and people. are nding . out the vslueof sucoulentfsnd cheap food in the shape of silage sud roots. lMsngels-are slowly displacing turnips, and sugar-1 3.beets srefgrowing in favor for hogs snd winter miloh cows. There is. also. great improvement in "methods of working the -Isnd- with suohmodern I-ands -an n.._3_ .aL_ -13. --On Monday -evening while two young daughters of Mr. George Annie, Orillia, were rowing along the lake front, near` Bay Park,` -. they saw two deer. come down tothe water. to drink. On. the young ladies approaching them the deer went up to Mr. Annie clover eld` and _one,;_ of them strolled `up to iwithi9:a30 e;ft.f ith9ed*l1ins house-. ;-Tl,x,ey`_then'9It.'atbI.l: o__tlie.wIt'1.' 3'33? ` ` `e lhi i5$~5d73nTy?? 53385? '$'Iys'2?T . ,.I. ,_ ___.__= .-v ---cu vv aural UIJVLI 'IlIU\ICI'IJ 301: :1; spring`-tooth cultivators, disc and spade -hu-row's,~eto. Boots. box. two 101' u. cuts, I T:>I1 -'on`tt;:3f1`tl;." If 490:? h`dro"* mo. L Inonislr, '6I!?"8aIlowt1:unIpIuxlon;"fi'coId` llunds andirootgi Loss of An- petite. ;;I!!9nap|a. lack of Enorgyior. stomanln Troubles, MCCARTHY, MURCHIS4 _ters. Solicitors, Conveyance:-s, e _on to_ McCarthy, Pepler & McCarthy. u .:-__..|... Ill. -k Dnnlon Stn jon t6:MCartht'eP|' 8 ~W"- - . 1 Oice-McC:rthy mock. Du-lop Street Bam- J'_ A. MOCAFTH9, -_ . W. A. Boys, - 1 `II C, MURCHISON. .________________________.____ Barnqten, Solicitors, .. -..EN.If30.X.L& I!.R.QWN.. .. .L . . E. J. Bxowx, Lxxxox, no. A ' ~' Barrie oce--No. 6 North side Dunlap-st. Elm- vale bfde--`(appetite Hunt's hotel. Money to loan in L {ls-unf on I- V816 0lI1u*-uyyu at lowest rates. ..- -- gR__ADENHU_RST, Barrister, Attorney. . Solicitor in"Chahcry, Conve car etc. Oice-Fi:-at door Owen street, over ank of Com- ----n- narr;p__ 49.`8. meme. 1 Ewson to,` 0 (`non r;n_ P ut:"`"'* Mn am-m. . Sohcxtors in High Court of J ustioes, Notaries Pubhc, gonvpyancers. Oces over the an}: of Toronto, arne. Money in same of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 ""' -'"W- QC. A H. 1'1. HI. Ullnvnn. ain- Notary, etc; Mon and Stayner. Barns Building`, Owen street. LT & COWAN, Barristers. Soligitors of the U A. Supreme Court, Proctors, Notanes, Conga- aneets. etc. Mon_ey to Loan. Oices-Rosa B . Dunlop-at., Barne. . WnLLma'rox_AuLr. Auzx. COWAN. j-.'-j 7t' . DONALD ROSS B. A.-Barrister, Solicntor, Convcyancer, eI;c.. money to loan. Oces; Bank of Toronto Buildin Owen street. Barrie. 48-ly R. J F. Pa.llingl,Gradua.te of Trinity University Toronto, F w of Trinity Medical College, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons 1 of Ontario. Oee and Residence, 18 Owen street. 1 ..Ii '|i6k. only` "a little "over a week t9 at in the tile drain across Dunlap (toot. any this too it spite of the fact that there were got more than eight or DR. . C.-SMITH, L.C.P.S., Ont., (late of Drs. A ' & Smi Orillia.) Oice and residence I-.-`cqrner of Qwen an Colher streets, Barrie. 23-ly ' .th_e, Couqty. Real estate bought and sold. O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS` TO LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Discounted. Collections madein any $11 of may- nn all its branches. Marriage Licenses issu . Oie_e-Ross Block, Dunlap street Bartie. A 2-Iv- R. W. A. Ross, Ifryfician, Surgeoonzctm, L. R.C.S. Edin,,`L. P.. London. oes and night treoidonce-Brown4 o Block, Dunlap street, `Telephone 77. _ 4 DR._J; ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. & S.. Edin- A but h; M.F.P. & S., Glasgow, member of British pthalmological Society. Specialty.-- Dlseanen of Eye, Ear, Throat and N one. 0FFICE.--78-Dunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- rio. nnnnnife Post and R3ilW3Y St3Ol1. , O1"FlUE.--78-Uunlop btreet, banners mocx, z_>au- I tie. opposite Post Oce and Railway Phone 54. P.r0. Box96. 7-ly Iillijl I triuvu We have a. large amount of Ptfvate Funds to lend at 4} and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm Mortgages. -MCCARTHY. PEPLER AND Mc- CAR I`I-IV. nuunlnn Street. Barrie. mortgages. uxcunxx 1 n 1 . rnrn. CAR 1`!-IY. Dunlon Street. Barrie. stralgnt loan p1_an, or payamc ll] muuuuy, quarterly or half- early instalments. Term; and rates mos]: favorab e. Call or write,C. W PLAXTON. Solicitor. l'\....In.. ntoant Ann:-a:nnr no 0`-no f`,-.5-maa Dnovuinnnnb I3VOI'dUIC- uau U1 W11!-C,\Io VV {LISA I UL`. DOIICIIO Dunlo street. Appranser or the Canada _Permanent and esteem Canada Mortgage Corporatxon. :9-ly _ men "At `work, without: any `_pp|rhent.boes. - It was 3 great en- .,*qlnaorin'g feat. V Private or Compan , in large _or small amounts. on pfoductive farm. own and.V1llage ropcrtv, on stranght loan plan, or payable 1n month y, quarterly or I-mlvparlv instalments. Tenn: and I-an-A mnnr T. BANTING, Clerk "County of Simooe, will be at his office. at the Court House. Barrie, every Saturdav. Residence and P.O. Cooksgown. JAS; EDVVARD s % %2","_'F?V5.'?F": AA. L2- -12-- .___ _ _ HE BALL PLANING MILL COMPANY- Cargenterin , Building and manufacturing `of Doors. bash. B' (is, Mouldings, etc. Planin of all kinds done prqmptly and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. District agency for ' ed lum- ber. Factory--Bayeld Street: Barrie. EODGERS & GALLIE succcssdra to (area. Ball TTI` - K I "`l`v-" At his oice until 5 p.m.; at his private residence, 68 Mary street, after that hour. u-ly ` . nunLonI1.U1 1 have for ado tion. in good Homes. 3 number of bright young nadian children. boys and girls Parties desiring them are asked to communicate with the Secretary. REV. E. M. C. BOTTERILL, ,Bar_rie.. 1-ly` uonzractors, nuuaers. Manufacturers. &c. Doors, Sash, Blinds. Mouldinii &c. Planing and Dressing of ev description. ot Air Drying Kiln. Estu- mates urnished free of char e on all kinds of wood work and huildin ma . Handle all kinds of work promptly an satisfactoril See our work and ' e s treet, north of the at our prices. Factory, Ba.)- .. K - I4-lv oundry. . . Barrie Planing MlI.|.! Robinson &Macpherson. cIv_n. ENGINEERS. DOMINION ; --AND- 1 } ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS. ` The Hamilton Spectator says :-The Grit press cf Canada does not do` well in backing Sir Wilfrid Laurier in his `professed contempt for the mere news- paper paragraph. The more news- paper paragraph _is good enough for the merchant, who conducts his business according to" the knowledge obtained fromhis daily paper ; V it is good` enough for the man who buys and the man who sells produce ;- it is_ good enough for most governments, which habitually recognize the fact that the newspapers give the news of the day 3 it is good enough for the Canadian people who- read of the doings of the brave Cana- dian boys in Africa in mere newspaper _ paragraphs. The mere newspaper para- graph gives everynation knowledge of the doings of the rest or the world, Every reputable newspaper endeavors to print the truth, and the Grit press '9! `Canada, instead of endorsing a man who habitually seeks. to discount the `jewrpaper, should be loyal enough. to own ' business` to endeavor to '-`counteract his evil inuence. `If Sir Wilfrid maked a speech in .Qusbeo`,_the asntidsnu of which are not .a.ps`sa to Ontario ear; he does -`not iaimsuyt; tare that lie did_'not' `malts the 'a'p`eachh -_ reported ;, but ' he ' in'sists7- that I he ua'tnc't be held `respcnsihl_`e_`forg news- `,ar9ror9~=,fshi-, `1f 5i5!i3', ' I Iii u-..;s1:aoe: `in tbje 1 me? government 9!? 1newIapa"' A d .-.`--g nu A` A o I. ROBINSON. L-_j---------- v - 9:-Q Are` a specialty. and parties intending to have sales, will consult their own interests by placing their nles in `his hands. ;"'_Q,'0,rd If: t '1` A .oice ill be t-tt=n~1edt" M 5'? "" :`1`.T:ai'). A [ ` emsg in ` T' "E TyA|,uK'}oa AND APPRAISER. HANDLES .ALL OF AUCTION sum ----.._..-__-_.-_______.. ITRATHY & ESTEN. Ba u-tj Estimates, plans and specicatiu sated. 0ice-Bothwell s Block, Bzuuus. Our. ` _ . .._-___.._-- MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. ;a`3?.?E?:.*3.'?a.`1 ::',`3.;.::;.;:?`.%:`:::;=;32-naogsa Drugs and chemicals VANILLA, for ice cream. for instance; BAKING Powoxx, for cakes. One in a. drug. of course ; the other a chemiul; `and there are still others--SPICES of all kinds. cream of tartar, etc. TL- L--L ~'-- [EWSON & CRESWICKE, barristers, ; am... .6 Ohm Sunremc Court of Judicatu w.:` In the Kitchen. __.__.___*__.___._.______.___.___ M. M. CAMPBELL, Barristc I 05. ; 1u..4..... up: Monev on loan. - NGINEERS AND SUIIVEYOBS. rr _.__________.___.________________ 4'1`. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oice in Bothwelfs Block, Allandale. Qn the ptfemiaes at night. ; 4.1V I

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