Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 21 Jun 1900, p. 1

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sew at cash price T for Endowment Insurance in reliable. nupanies V or money loaned Annlu =`I.`o1lehda.1' Mills sid. on... MONEY 1'o"EoAN. . , ,.n_ A- I--- on` -nab rant. on Eon SALE. L-IV DUNLOP STREET. "AI"uAn1's; I2 Pages. HAnI=iv MARR, ' BARRIE. BARRIE. ` 25-5o-'0: _~"rmt ADVANCE." -an . TEE INTERESTS ' OF -_ I Tl Box 393 5 s3"."m my Egg}:-om N. Simcoe who spenta. ;E "%Jo\\'t5af;:f summer. We can devekz good ` "9 cause we have two of a beat- n our staff. We are quite as other department._ ' Special `summer : . N . `. 'dEnteranY "me ,,3_ Our circularq qtplam; write Compa_re.it with the tst :6oacres' ._..u nlnu BARBIE, `COUNTY o ~ - - - - ~ V vuuvll _\/IIDUIUUF; III. Una nleuloen nuent. Mayor Radenhnrat in the chair. inutea of loan meeting were conrmed. ` A oommumounons. Toe Clerk read the following lettor ad; dreaaed to the Council: V ` . - (III-I blun T...__..2-I `A, . .o Q-v ,o `- "r"J:"nr'. E; Justice asking ihat the water-table on Blake street, opposite the Collegiate Institute be cleaned out and put in condition. 13..--.- `I_'f _ _ ` no u . _ '.;- - ` - 'n? W8-lkcoosts 6 5/6' cents.-M:-'3 St. 01189 Must Have a. Wa1k-More Froth. _ The Town Council met on Monday `ah: mtha Council Chamber; all the mettnrbero Dreaenlz. Mnvnr l2nA...l...--a. :_ 1.1.- -1.-:.. uawucvu w we uouncu: ' From the Imperial Automatic Voting hia- chine 300., regarding the merits of their machine. . . -n|____ 1:1` -In` 5 -vquu uuxvnuua In W lgglnl VI. rsarrne. _ From the Inland Revenue Department etatmg that_after July let next, the town will be required to take out _a new certicate of registration for electric light plant at a cost ofe$25. - . . I D -nu... 5-- 'I)-.--L_.. ,p .1 :11 1 I 3 ""Frn'S'c. l: oueher ef the Allandele la.- croese club asking for use of Agricultural park for playing their matches. A` Isa!-3:-3:; `-JuU|u|' I)-.. 15--.. In`--- --J nu uvuululvn From McLar6n, Maodonald, Sheplev` and Middleton. presenting their bill for $30 for legal `services in Wiggins vs. Barrie. Frnnl Tllllln D nnnn can Ann-Cnnnh` VI UIIIIIUB BIIKUUU . _ Mrs. N. St. Onge wrote :-I.applied for a sidewalk on McDonald street last year and they paid no attention, so I am again apply- ing for one this year, and I want you to give your attention to this application. I want you please to read this to the Council. A I don t only want a crossing I want a sidewalk from one street to the other. I wantyou to pay attention to this application as I shall not pay any more taxes until I get my side- walk. The Convent is on the same grounds that Iny roperty is on and they pay taxes also- I m1'i- wnnr. sun: AYAHIA whntnvm-, T The Commiteee on Indigente. ksubmitted their estimates for the year amounting to $129. 16, which was referred to Finance Gom- migeegj i :1` -II . 9.1` 15 I 1 It runs nu. pnuysug uuuu: mu-wnel. A petition from Rev. Dean Egan and twenty-four others asking that the new cement sidewalk on the west side of Mn!- caster street he laid east of the present walk at each distance as to make it in line with the walk oh the west side of Mulcaster north of James street` ' V `I..- `T ' CIA` v ;. -I n Vvu-nu ugy svywsvl II VI: uuu uuvy `ID UWGVU also. 1 on't want: any excuse whatever, I must have a sidewalk. ' ` uuuuuu. ` Chairman Cundle; of the Parks and Mar- kets Committee, also submitted his esti- mates of $178 for Parks and $208.70 for Markets which were also referred. FINANCE. On recommendation of the Finance Com- mittee, Report No. 20 was adopted, making provision for the payment of current ac- counts to the amount of $412. 37. BOARD OF WORK8.. - Report 8 of Board of Works recommend- ing a cement walk on the west side of Mary street from Elizabeth-street to the Brewery and on the east side from Elizabeth to Ross, and that the cement [walk on. Worsley be continued from Clapperton to Bayeld, was adopted on condition that suicient funds are available after the walks already ordered are laid and. reported upon. ' Danna} `Tn 1 -nu-nnnnfnll nn nntdmnfn A` IIIIU llllu l.Iul'UlJUI I;Uu uyuu. Report No. 10 presented an estimate of $1,500 as the amount necessary for roads, culverts, cleaning streets, lumber, etc. The Board of Works also recommended that a `further sum of $2,500 be placed in the esti- mates for . the construction of permanent cement sidewalks. - Referred to Finance Committee. l)-.._'..- `T- 11 A` `LA Danna: A` mnn`rn I-nan \JOHllllaBUo Report No. 11 of the Board of Works was led, showing the total- cost of the new cement walk from Duckwork St., east, 764 feet to be $206.89. This makes the net cost V per square foot 6 6/6 cents as against over 8 cents a toot for the same work last year. ENQUIRIES. As usual, Ald. Bennett wanted to know a little about everything. He asked by whose authority the sidewalk on Blake St.`, east of the Collegiate Institute had been torn u . Ald. Powell explained that the work ad been done by-the Board of Works as the walk was in a den erous condition. It appeared that the zeal o the man sent to tear up the walk far outran the orders he received. He was demolishing everything in sight when the authorities came along and put a damper on his destructive pro.- penuties. After the interro ative Alder- man had asked all the ques one he `could think of he got after Wm. Armstrong. He wanted to know where William was work- ing on June 11th. That proved to be too hard a ouestion, as it _-trans ired that the foremans movements on t at `day were shrouded in mystery. ' - ' " """"' .V||5UlUUl'; Ill UBO HIBIIIOCTC ,!'_eaent. the f llf. !lInAnn Ingua 4..;..`!.....-.'l -rnuvv-.-_v_.- The petition red the cement walk. on Mul. caster street evoked considerable debate. The general feeling was that the request ought to be acceded to provided the cost were `not materially increased. A motion was brought inoagreeing to the petition ro- vided the owners pay the extra colt. his was nally withdrawn, and it, was decided to leave the matter till next (special) meet- !_.. in . 7 I.`he Grand Trunk s application for a por- tion of Gowan street for their yards was ventilated. 1t was also laid over to enable the Council to ascertain the views of the adjacent property holders regarding the praposed change.- A a he" Mavor appointed August 13th to be civic holiday. ` - ' '. A_ld'. Boys thought the..Beard of vWox-ks -dsierved great. ' redit for their showinign 7' t. Athje.xna_tt_er of building cement walks. year they cost over S cts. a square foot as against`-6 5/6 for the part done this year. arms. nhantina develoned into a regular us "an . 5:`. ' > ` ' X 8: BROWN, Bamstersv Solicitors. Liyounucnron Lxnnox, G30. E. J. BROWN. igainltf 5/6 to: we part uunu uua yum. " The meeting developed regular ,beer garden at times. .' A little more respect might easily be shown theohair bv some of the aldermen. ` Council edjourned at 1015. - Iw.-v- v..._ , The Tecumseh: defeated the Duerins on `Saturday in the rnt of the senior games by 4 to "L H M L c Coekujtown lacrosse climb defeated Brace- 4bridge `in an` exhibition game an Satuxfdey `bylgoeltooz. ` V .-. _,_._v a_---1..u nlnh in amino no Phelngton `by 1 3031 an v. V "Barrie baseball club is going to` Phelpeton A on the 26th; to play for a; prize of $10 with I the Penetahgeclnb. L ,,_'!._n._- --n$.A:"AA in I`V.i. the renenaug uuw. The committee appointed to revise the Ontario, Lawn Tennis League schedule met last week end _u-ranged the districts. Die- trich '5 include: Owen Sound, Meaford, - N-0-V-.69" B-"V ' Kllhii ' 3;; N ' hlo -uuppneo ` or `an kinds. I Winner : rug Store, Bu-rl_o.- I I -__BARRIB. `run counrnr or smcon AND THE DOMINION or CANA_DA ova cnrrnmon. _ 1 1zV1r.1-ong,.: or T cdnmwrnns. TOWN ENNOX BROWN, narnsters, aoucuora, L &c. HAUGHTON Gno. Barrie. Alliston and Creeqmre. 78m-ie oice- No. 6 North snde Dunlop-st. Money to loan at lowest rates. . sportiiag mom.` btiousslok. as-on PAGE 5 VAIR. VICKERS & co. ADVERTISE A GREAT CELEBRA- TION SALE. IT WILL BE or INTER- EST TO YOU TO CALL EARLY FRI- DA;Y- MORNING. ' A At church in the Morning; Dead at Midnight. Citizens were surprised and shocked on T Monday morning to learn that Mr.` A.'. W. McCarthy. of the Binrrie Hotel`. was dead. Yet no it was. Perfec_tly- well to all ap- pearances in the morning he was taken ill in the evening about ten and died in less than two hours. T'I__-__-j. _;.-_.a_.I ;.I.- .I)..--L..L.._2.... uvvu uuurl. , _Deceased' attended the Presbvterian church in the morning. In the afternoon he drove out to his cousin s Mr. Frank Ross of the Township of Innisl. Heate a hearty tea, and left for home shortly, remarking during the day that he had never felt better in his life. He got to Barrie about ten, and was seized with a sudden illness just as he was about to alight. He was carried in and several doctors were summoned. They could do nothing, and he died in less than two hours. Apoplexv was the cause of death. [plan `antenna! fan`! nlnnn nn vlinllii fl : llUIll'Bo IIIJU ICJLY WEB uuv Iiuuv UL uvwuun The funesal too place on fuesday to Coldwater via G. '1`. R. The Masons of Barrie were in attendance, the pal! bearers to the train being H. Lennox, R. E Fletcher F. M. Montgomery, R. King, jr., H.` F. Jory and Fred Mart, representing the Cor- inthian and Kerr lodges. Mu unnnbku inns I-`Ann (in tho Afla l`.nn- II-I lcl-IIDI-I uuu LLUI-1' IUlI5VB- Mr. McCarthy was born on the 4th Con- cession of Innisl, 48 years ago. He was a son of the late John McCarthy, onu of the pioneers of the township His mother was a sister of Mr. Henry Sloan of. Churchill. At about 25 years of age he went railroad ing. Upon his health failing he went to Orillia and took charge of the Simcoe House. From there he went to Toronto, for a short time being manager of the Lakeview House. - In January of this year be leased the Barrie House here. A--S 7-- 7 ----_._L-_ _E LL- `II-.._..:- fui|)`;:e:`s::i' was a member of the `Masonic, Workman and Oddfellow fraternities. He leaves a. widow and three children, a son and two daughters. A Talking machines-instruments that will record and reproduce speech or any sound-- have been before the public in one form or another for twenty years. The most ad- vanced tvpe of the talking machine is the Graphophone. In the popular mind there is considerable misapprehension and con- tusionregarding the correct designation of these instruments; The words "Grapho- phone and "Phon`ograph being frequently misused as having the same meaning. The name Phonograph was given to the first crude model which demonstrated that sound could be recorded and reproduced mechani- cally ; but this early model was unsuited to practical every-day use. The Grapho- phone . was the first practical talking ma chine, and the U. S. Patent Oice has put: AI` n:uv\:'n 3-uuvnvnl-:1;-an :-ml-A Ann Alana Anndnn, ERSONAL.-Mr. Benjamin l_-Iarrison, Rose Street, would be lea_sed to {ecewe any informa. tionof. his daughter. nme Harnson, who left Pene- uuguishene on Thursday last to seek emplovment in 8:61` . Address BENJAMIN. HARRISON. Barrie P. . ` - 25.25 - ullllls I-IJCIII \JI CPIIUPIIUHVQD For entertainment, for instruction, for practical use, or for any purpose for which a talking machine'may be desired.` the Grap`ho- phone is unequalled. The Graphophone process is the simplest, the best and only successful one for recording and the repro- ducing speech or sound. Great improve- ments recently made, embodied in machines that reproduce music and other sounds with the full volume and vibrant power of the original, at the same time.-preserving all the original melody and tone-qualitv, are due to the discovery and application in the labora- tory and factory of the American Grapho- phone Company, (better known to the public through its selling department. The Colume bia Phonograph Company), of new princi- ples which have revolutionizedthe art. The resulting type of Graphophone known as the "Grand gives a sound volume many times greater ,than has ever before been attained. 'I,_II 2_L-__._L2__ ...-_-..J2._.. -._;_..4._2.....-_A. UIJIIIU lull`? Ll: Ids I-CIUVIIII \Jl.I.lVU MOD Put all similar inventions into one class, design- ating them Graphophones." ' Wan Anlrnmfoosnvnnnl-. far 3nnl-I-nnltsnn fnr DUUDIIIUIJJ Full information regarding entertainment Graphophones of all styles, and machines that serve as substitutes for stenographera. for dictating and transcribing correspond- ence, is containedin the Columbia Phono- --n-gL (`guns-us-uni : Anlninonccn 0... `Ln ...l..-- `"99 I3 UUII Valli? III I [IV \J\JI Inllll IIII L [I'll-I\I grap h Company : catalogue. See the adver: tiaement: of this Company in our advertising columns. x A and accident occurred at Ruther Glen, neat Callender last Sunday week, by which Mrs. Clark of that place lost her life. Mr. A. B. Clerk is the station agent there. He was about to go to Toronto and Hamilton on his holidays, and before doing so his wife wished to spend Sunday with friends in Callander. her former home.` 'I'_ -n.I.u. d.- -unun`-u I`AI`n-do`;-I `RAID `sat: in IIDIU IIIIU llflllll DU uuuuunu, DIA IIIIIUD awn . They` started for Bon`ield on Mr. Clark's velocipecle. W hen about two miles` out they met a freight train running at about forty miles an hour. They had barely time to get o and pull the velocipede after them Mrs. Clerk's Jacket fell of the car onto the treok and in her attempt to secure -it the engine struck the unfortunate women on` the temple. killing herliuatantly. "Wu: ouanrnifnn Innnn :ntA|VlIl` AI`. allnnnr UIIU UUIIIPIUQ LIIIIIIH llUl.IllBlvlIllUlyo The remains were interred at Csllender, on Tuesday, a. large number of friends from Sudbury, North `Bay, Boneld and Gallan- der being present. The eperstors from Ottawa sent a beautiful wreath, also friends from Callsnder snd'Rnther Glen. ' 15.. A 1) n'I.~..|. :-.. I...._aI..... .: 11.. ('1 1 ? Ill \JlIllIIl.lu.Ul'. UB1` IUIIIIUI. uuulu. In orderto reach Callander the had to` take the train at Boneld, six mi an away. "`Lncv' nn-ne` `An an MI! Blank : II'UuI \JIIDII|-IUK BI-AI LVIIIIIIVL \IlUI.l. Mr A. B. Clark is a brother of Mr. C. K -Clark, station agent at Angus, and was for some years agent at Callander. He `has the sympathy of his many friends in the sad The following were the winners at the first of the eerie: of races for the handsome trophies donated byitheolub, held on Friday net : - I I Tandem, gents,-let, Chas. Bow and E Curran; 2nd.`P. Wade and John Stephens; -3rd, 0. Perry and H. McNeil. A :.....l- n.-.0--_`I'n-. (`Jun Row 2. `2n, an Tenders will be received b the undersigned fora. Bank Barn 84x46. _Stone - tables, Cement oors. Stone and sand furmshed by the owner. Batu to be ready torfarm produce on lit OI August. and slabling by In October, 1900. Plans and specications can be seen on the premises, North Q, Lou. Con. 5. Innisl. ' A. TORRANCE, 6l.'(I, U. retry In`-.I_clo_ nun.` cu. Single, enta-lst, Chan. Bow ;- 2nd, Geo Sin_olair.: 3rd, Jno. Stephens. *flI-...l-... Inn ant` nnn__1nQ'. Mk` R 5l.l.|0l&|l'.; aru, uuu. DI.-upuvuu. ".'l`andem-lady and ent--lst. Miss" B. Tait and P. Wade ;- 2n `, Minn D. Webber and E. Curran; `3rd,' Mia: B. Cares and (`I .'...I-._ :"n- I-IIIJJ \l Gordain MiifeI'r'.' 1'?` DIDCIBIF; ZIJLI, Us LUKI." nun. U. auuuzu. The next series of races will be held on the 22nd .insn., over the same course, when special priies will be o'er_ed for ladies single` and tandem,:a.1so for a race open only - to the Rams Indians. ` . . V ; 1)r.- Unamnqrmlu. pl'UVuIuu.u Illuyuxvus u. prisgna, was In town on Monday on. busi- ness inoonnection wi\h.wtha,_Jail. . T '.. : ` ~ '`,','.~, : ll UOTQOH llllllilfo U set; race-lat, Chas? Bow and Georgq A Sine air; 2nd, 0. `Perry and G. Millar. fl... `nut -4:311: A` Mann: `IA rm - Chambqrlain. pr.oVvTihcia`l in'spe_cto:-`iof _ _-._- . 4......-.1. Mnhnv nn ` lmnia A. DEAD`, _The New Graphophone. Killed at Ruther Glen: NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. chapter :29. that all ersons having claims against theestate of Henry oodyear, late of the Town of Barrie in the County of Simcoe. deceased. who died onor about the 9th day of June. 1900. are ......'..A On ....A m- .-h.l:um- nu rim nndnrniannd Sn- Orillia. Canoe Club. ' '-(ontrac't'or 'Piggott. of Hemiflftotuf. has ; got the contract for deepening the harbor at Meaford. -Theqgun'club score on Friday stood :-T Shrubaole, 13; Williams. 12 ; D. Brown. `8; Haizht`, 6. ' ' -_-is u . , . - gllgaeg -v;<):t.l;"from $1 25 to 32:00. now 75:: _a.t Danford Roche & Co's. -;-fI'here were a few rvild strawberries on the market on Saturday. ! ---'1`he MuVyror`1;Z:Vn(ViZ'aZ<;l'a.red Monday, Aug. j l'3th, civic holiday fox-VBarrie. - A4-n-:1` Cl LI !l- - t3'Eer ;iollar s worth of men : wear being cleared out at Danford Roche v & Co a. regardless of cost. A bur-,, - --- _ 1 - - _ __ .- TTc.;'J.i;.;; 1i;.T.{..7 .II.'.i s.."..E.'...;'Ip]ia.,. for Campers at BOTIIWELLS. ' 1 7.1 !7I"igmer9n 1`iothPaue In no imitation. f = Try It. Price 201:. tube. WIImer9l ; i Drug Store, Barrie. . A4-l 9..I 0 . C it. --..-., ..__.___v- Wghittle Lake Tourists and visitors can have refreshments at all hours and boats` for hire. by hour or day. Miss Lawrence. lI_-`l_-_l --I'-_`._ __ 2` na_____._ -_, m,,_-_.--, , about the Inn any 0| Jlluug IUUUQ are required to send or deliver to the undersigned So- licuorfor the Executors of the said estate on or _be- M iornhe 6th day o"July next, particulars of their claims and of the security (if any) held by them- } dulneried. Ind \'n0:nA 1.: cur-O`\n!' rr:vnn Hun} nftnr fh [The Latest News \ L 'l`ryWluner!s soda once. ` . 8;'For the best bargains in millinery go Roch\e_ a. . ' ' `_.-.. -..-:'-v--.. vow --v -.---u -a-ujsn ` --There is a. rumor to - the effect that : Barrie is to have another matrimonial out- 1 break similar to that in the summer of 1895. 1 -The nevi eenient sidewalk has been laici on Blake street from Duckworth `street to R. Edwards , and is a very great improvement to the street. l?Specia.l at Danford Roche & Co s. 295 pieces ne white cotton, one yard wide, 2 selling at 50., no better being sold every day ` at 8c. to _l0c. See them. ` i1*$}.jso never eletee that Mr. W. J. `Bradlev has leased the Peninsular Park hotel for the coming season, Ind will open about the first of July. nu, 'pp1o.I- 11-! -About one hundred pupils of the Col- legiate Institute will write on the approach- ing departmental examinations. The term s work will practically end this week. i `-7-- i-11-..- __n_ A\n__--_n_ _ _ _ .n A n___ -_ vg --The first of the series of home-seekers excursions to the Northwest via. the C.P.R , passed through on Tuesday afternoon. A goodly number availed `themselves of the cheap rates. Thenext one is on July 13th. 'I'\ I. II M` " '" 1 i --The members of Corinthian and Kerr ; i Masonic lodges will attend Divine service at : ` St. George : church, Allandala, on Sunday 3 \ morning next at eleven o'clock. g l '1: . s c o. - .. 41 q Um Wl;h1e$ Almond Jelly tor the face and hands. 15c. tube. `Winner : Drug Store , Barrie. - rlv 9 III '- duly vennea. And Notice is further given that after the; lgst mentioncd date the executors will proceed to distrib- methe said estate. having re ard only to the claims of which the ' shall then have iad notice. Dated at arrie this 16th day of June. moo. I` f\ I! ____ _. I1 I \ \ mes _- _.. __ _ ..__ _- ..v- _--._-- -We have to thank the Cookstown Tur'f 1 Club for the receipt. through Sec Stoddart, of the Advocate, of a complimentary for 5 the races held bv the club on June 27th. ` -Pv.stor Botterill speaksn next Lord : Day. morning subject: A man who is dead and vet lives. Evening Lecture: Who tempted Eve in Eden, and Why?" " vw -.(-- -- V V .-.v _- - .--.'.._- V- vv vv--an ` V-St.. T}eorge s church, Allandale will hold a garden party on the lawn of Mr. H. Gib- i son, on Tuesday. the 26th. The 35th band ` will furnish music. See poster for particu- `GIVE ` I - ' " I J ' j -'-Barrie is to have another medical man. Dr. Broad, of Toronto General Hospital, was in town on Saturday; and has decided to open an oice here in a. couple of weeks. - has. a . --- _ _ Many Readabla Paragraphs or Local Interest. --Don b forget the grand excursion to Parry Sound on Tuesday. J une 26th. The ` ladies of Collier Sc., Methodist Church have ; spared no pains to make the trip a thorough- 1 1y successful one. Come and enjoy your- selves. Adults Children half fare. -Dominion Day will be loyally celebrated in Craighurst bv a monster procession, sham ` battle. football match, and games and sports of all sorts. As the proceeds are in aid of the India Famine and Patriotic hands, the celebration deserves an very liberal pst:ron- I age. } `I ,1. ._ lJ_L._.._I__ _2__LL LL- _I__.;,_ -,!I ` ; "..;;wi.Tm:e.';iine-j T ?r};.iI..{..;'.," is}. 1 `camber: and California. Fruits at ; | B(>'l`HWl3LL9s. ; ` --La.te on Saturday night the alarm call- ed the brigade out to a. blaze on` Merv street. It turned out the re was in The Rookery. as the old row of terrace: on the west side of Mary street was called. They were pretty vgell gemoliehed before the flames were ex- 1 -Quite anumber from the surrounding country. as well as a fairly large crowd from town attended` Lemen Bros. circus last week." The show was pretty well up to the mark in the afternoon. In the even- ing the rain spoiled matters, and so there was no exhibition. ' .4...-u up uulllu nun av (E. D. Monon, M. D., Gm. RAIKES, Fjnmufnrc ' VII UV IIIUIII tgnguighed. a'Weat Simcoe Farmers Institute Annual I Excursion - to the Experimental Farm, Guelph, on Friday, June 29th, 1900 by Grand Trunk Railway. For time and fare see poeters and small bills. Excuzaioniats from Barrie must get their sickens `from Allandale. Fare $1.20. Q"l`he Women s Auxiliary of Royal Vic- toria Hospitai will hold a garden party. at the residence of Mr, Samuel Lount, Bayeld street, on the afternoon and evening of Fri- day, June 29th. The 35th regimental band will furnish the music. and an enjoyable time is anticipated. Proceeds in aid of the Hospital. ' Whmer s Soda tastes like more. _-Mr. R. D. .Haight s valuable driving horse that was missing from the asture on 12th of Innisl on Tuesday of ast week, was` discovered on Friday on the premises of Mr.. Sheppard near by. The annimal was found in" Sheppard s pasture, with the gate locked. Notices of the loss of the ani- mal were osted' at the blacksmith shop hard by, an it seems strange that Sheppard, who claims he found the horse on the road (and took care of - it, did not see the notice and return the missing animal. 0 . ___._9;-__ _.__ ,I.Aa I-u.-up -v--u--_ y--- -_-_-~.._ -The other evening the writer was chat- ting with a friend on Duulop street when our attention was attracted by as small dog, trotting along on theother side of the street with a huge bone in his mouth. As much of his face as could be seen beamed with canine delight There was not a cloud on" his doggish horizon. His very bearing seewmedto say, Now I know exactly where 1 shall l_1ury_thieA hone _in_ * the `garden at 'home;;`_-bdt, really; you must excuse me .,;.:om l5.kin8 "u'into.-my .oonfidence. . ~ The ' .ugt..Ii9; -i! " later; wrest ` hing rri:sz;`n.1:.-git Briefly Told. I2 Pages. The farmers on the inarkat on Saturdlyif reported the crop prospects enc--nruvlllteji; no in- wheat is looking well, and spring gm verv promising Some of the old will be light, but in most place: the .nOl`:~?-j`? clover crop is very heavy. `pinnu run 611:: II'|nD`7n.- nan;-Inn- nu-.nL-gnu` Prices on the market continue unohenglj? Bgutter is worth 14 to 15o , and eggs 11 _ I n. ` - Iv , vvuuuuu xu uu Luv Potatoes still conginue plentiful `with gemandebelow the suoply at '20 to 250. ag. _ ` . ~ Hay abl oere. at $7 per ton ea'tho-ever-` , age for this week. V ` 'I"Iy.n -.2... 8... . 1. .-- LL... LL2- ___-I. -IA"': Notice "i;he heaviest of the wool tiade mover".-T Price: the same, unwashed 9 to 100. pet I lb : washed 15 to 16c. ` l3-L_L-__ _A_.'II --_,.2,-,__ ,I .00 I ,,I.I. - CFC IUD UIIIU "cult. - The price fof live hogs this week ll unchanged. each other and smiled at the very, humus: ways of dogs. I-I-I_-_.-_.__-_4 _.___._-,, ,4.-cu , 1-.-- LE0} ii{.n;._yi}{_eb;_ hL};"._i*."Iz' `tit-121:. table. see the railway guide in another. `column. ~ _- - ,r-_~-- V -In the case of Honstotragainst Irelumi for infringing the patent of the word bio- zraph, th.judge recentlyeruied that it woultf be an infringement to use the term bloc ' graph for, another instrument in offering i} for sale, but not when advertising it ii)!` 0!"- hibition purposes. gun; A e nev::;ut urses at Wlnmu-9| Dl Store, Barrie. nt. .` a The Collier street Methodist Sand School will hold their annual excursion on Thursday. July 5th. to Peninsular Park. not Str. Enterprise. -11- . o ,-in I. .._-_..v., :..-__v, v__-' --Lieut.-Gov. Mclnnec has. bgen called upon by the Laurier Government to re! 13-.- _I___.__,._ 2,, LI. 1% I?` T` .0 ._ of their bedroom windows. J_Jl.G_|Uli :'-- Talking about bandmen the Barrie band` possesses the tallest drum-major in camp.- He is Drum-Major Thompson and he is so high` that is takes two men to see to the top of his helmet. The first man looks up- as far as he can and the second one starts from where he left'o' and tells the other fellow what the drum-maj or"s higher alti- tudes look like. This young giant is not 21'. stands 7 foot 9 in. in `his stockings and 110 has ideas of proper dramatic surroundings. He always appears anked by two very small drummer boys and when he goes. down the streets of Niagara the lnhahlo tants gasp and ladies pull pown the blinds ,,L`,.!..`,A_ s__1 . ,,,,9 , .,,s-,.-L- Drum-Major '1hompson- Draws Much Attention at Niagara-. A despatch to the News from Niagara Carpp speaks thus of the towering Drum- Major :- A - n`nt\I1C- `sari;-`gnu O-`an `D....l.. Lin the `matter of the uardianship of Lillian vilenb)`. infant daughter 0 Robert Lazenby. of the git; of Bell Ewart, in the County of Simcoe, hence is herebv given that after the expiration of r "{`Y`13)'Sfrom the first publication of this notice 1 imitation Will be made to the Surrogate Court of L1fCpunt)_' of Simcue for a rant of letters of j'35hlD of the above namedg infant to the said fl Laaenbv, her father as aforesaid. LENNOX & BROWN, UUVVVI II-I5 QIIUVU IIIC IVIl_\)VVU I'll III]? III BIKICO What th deuce does thecommanding oicer of this regiment mean by having more mounted men than he is entitled to on parade! he asked of his side and he cal- loped round to nd out. When he saw thl-` drum-major in all the glory of` his statuto- he reeled in his saddle. . nxrrvv ,, ,1, -1, 2; .1! an L- ___ _I-2,-- -j. 1nl.l._ 4 VI. IIIIUIL UU|.l LUUlIl VVIl.Il.l|l"Du His great height led to a curious mistake on the part of a staff officer the other day. He rode up towards the Barrie men who were massed for parade and saw Thompson towering above his fellows on the far aids.` `5Wkn# Iv`-no AAIIIIB Anna `kn rnnrnnnnnnagh. IIU IUUIUU III LIIB Dlilllllvu Why dash it all I he exclaimed , "it's 5 ` man. Fthought it was a. man and 3 bone, don c cher know. ` The results of the recent University Art! examinations .show that another of our town boys is in the front. In the third year in classics Mr. C. B. Sissons stands rst in first class honors in Victoria College. This entitles` him to the Bell scholarship of sixty dollars, besides placing him in a good position for the race in the nal year in the University for a travelling scholarship- of seven hundred and fty dollars. fl`- LL--- `A-\n:l:nlI ".34-I. 91... i-".8114; q-uunlp- NIIL QUVUIJ lIllll\JIC\J GI-Ill LIIIJ \-|\II|2lUo To those familiar with the inside work- ings of college life to stand first on the honor list means more than to an outsider. There are always a few who spend, it may be, years of special preparation for the particular course they purpose taking at the university. This was not done by Charlie Sissons, so that his work is all the more creditable to him. And as mi ht be expected he has been gaining groun over his specially prepared competitors every year of his course. i Tub nnwsxrnu in nlnuann aims` in nnfn Qah. JUDY UL Ill! UUIlKUe Tm: ADVANCE is always glad to Vnote the success of our Barrie boys. We hope next year will nd them "once more in the lead, i with even more ying colors. , II-I8 DU BIIU IJIICI unann- Barrie Diatrict-,Elimbeth St., Barrio, 1 George McKinley. Penet;anguiahene-Cha.s. '1`. Cooking. Warminst.er- G Sydney Smith. . Ha.wkestone-Androw Paul. A Severn Bridge 4- John A. Stevenson. Bradtord District-West ~Esaa'--Benny M W. Kemp. _ Queensville-F. W. Livingstone. Inniatil--Robtert McKee. (\_L ____L____ l\_I_-_ I ) "_LA.-.. IIIIIIIGW UV I\DUj\lUll \ 0ll`(i-AtthI1r`i ."A.:1u(iiI0n. I Avening-Geo. C. Balfour. VV AAVAV gnaw) v.vaa.n. on The following are the changes in the It!- tiom of Methodist ministers in the Barrio, ; Bradford and Collingwood districts, accord- ! log to the nal draft. 1 `Inn:-:1: n:nfr3r.f__mI=mnhnfh Rf PUT "".EAVI Wlll 1: IUIfIU- f~ ?ng-G. W. Robinson and W. E. W. {Websten . ' M Unllingwood District--Collingwood, I00} .:~ nnn-`__AI-fhnll D An-lH3Inn 7: ` Dated 18th ]_une, . i There are at present fourteen prisoners in_ A the jail, twelve males and two femalee. Ross. who was brought up for the Harmon trial,.went back to Kingston on Wednesday. He looks rather thin and haggard. but appears to be cheerful. When interviewed he talked freely, and declared that belied told the simple truth throughout; That` was why he -had been ableto avoid eon-. tradxcting anything he had said revioasly. - Before he left he was visited by is fsmll .'~ It was a pathetic meeting. - One of his lit ea tots did not recognize him at first, and re-' fused to allow him to touch her. _- . f `. I-3)` llIU\3\l UV Inlnvu I-IIIII UV Uvllvu Ovlvlg . Bert. Wilson, who was in jail here :13` winter awaiting trial, at Parry Sound, for- murder, received ten years at Kingston; and his sister Jessie wan sent for examine tion as to her sanity. ' . ' Cash Coupon Collectors. _ `When your bookjs lled with Cash .00 ` pone send it to The Toronto Cagh Co '_ _ Co.. Limited, ,8 Yong: St.. Ar ' ` money will ,bo.;:9n;i6ted;V tn,-. 1 ` tcdior` ` * "swam: corms nvu cunts. -S_ci1_<;1;1rl)er";(()Vs*l)VerP. Lame: Aurora- dwin A. Pearson. '11:-.. n 117 Ih_I_:_--_ _...I I.IIII5I.II' 'L'V|lUCI U L`-IVILWUO `Schomber-0aher P. Latter. J _l.. A `I1 . . _ _ -_ Where They Wm ,, _,-_ 3.. A.` HE IS A WONDER`. Anothr Barrie Boy. THE MARKET. \ In the Matter of the Gnardlanlhlp the Infant Children on Margar- et Ann New, deceased. .1311 Notes. :___<--: N0'l`lcE To CREDlTORs--In The E- me 01 Henry Goodyear. heceased. 1-2:.-- .PP1icat ion will be made to the Surrogate Coult a;hCUntv of Simcoe, before the Judge in Chaxp- ` 1,"a:h`h C0}1rt.House in the Town of `Burns. t "PlratIon of twent days from the 5" ubli ' . t2s.'w::%:::,o*;'.e::;.2e *:s1=:._f.I-ev- P=w~* ngnig A` 13- `K. M`-MEMBER THE BIG ` ` _:cUasIoN% Ix THE SURROGAT . comm OF SIMCOE. _ `V T $U~1 '1` ad: . ?Nsb;-:;&na"SP's 6! New Lowell and Angus. mem.d;a,e -5-. G. T. R. from Meaford and Elltlprileto stauons to Allandale, thence by Str. MA ` . ntiv P0IfIT:II"(|'."03'll'5 Fgiday. June 22nu:900. f '9 'a';9:::)::: 3 .::a::.:.% =- , , _. o.-illino R, ,5.;,, chnldren soc ; rcnxsc. . ' - 8.395 A1!and_ale 8.15 3-W" 3 15 THE SURROGATE `COURT OF THE comm op SIMCOE. ' . m.TEa1'1'-"ave Annaane s 1 a B 8. f an cat s}, ' 5. ."'-v `"." 3 -`m ".F-.m-.aH1z;P;::3T?..;5zE.-3 . , pm. I I t T ." `8 at Barrie and sAl1a'?:'(lal'ega."t ;5_;I`I:.: . ram _ 7, Will 1 , . _ 5;!-m,.f`r Meaeorlgarne at 7.4.0 p.m.. Allandalo V cum" _ andall intermediate. stations.` T'=ebiu._ `V "me table and fares to Allnndalo neg. -w, E Su,t_``:[-KER, c. K. CLARK. -7 as-as Supt. Aug`un'S.Sb. IX. N . WI-IOL ' T` VOL` XL Smugx. QVSVBSLBY} Proprietor? No. 3"" :~ lev. dau ol the lowug ghter of Mr. . ' -0 -3 bauyu aluauu u.n\n_ L'r..,m3YS WANTED. E; om, . stron boysw` tedtolea. ` I `W. Isak - mbIin::'eed`>ne butilgow whb tol:oaI1I7: A apply. Applyto _ : a tyrant Inch 9 2 =3- ). nnuuss, Ex_ecutors. 5.""W'_0n hereof on behaif of Levi Pratt. -_of f.Innisl, farmer, uncle oflhe Ill- rd- fder a pointing the said Lcvi Pratt yzge iifrbert oward New, William Jan!!! t children ;{13`rNe\f'. and Mary Ahoe New. in. ed. c said Margaret Ann New de- j-e1--- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EID--At Barrie on Wednesday Cochrane, M.A., . Miles Mary E. Reid, _____.________._..___ TENDERS FOR BARN. of Application 101' Guardlan- . ship. 7 L REMEMBER I,,- . 0 comply with the demands made fog Few collegescan say more thap this, mgh. It pavs to attend a good unstim- . 26-Iv mic this zoth dav of J une,` A. D. 1900, . LEVI PRATT by his Solicitors, `*7 _ STRATHY & ESTEN. *&-. of Essa. _PEACOCK-0 J ' th, cu. `-; wk " ii A:.....T;;:, cc of Stecphen Rachar ' 0.. 0nt., by t e Rev. A. J. Dar:-och, 3,5" r. Frank Rachar. of Arthur Twp., to '95 Marie Peacock, of Hamnlton, New York. " _-WIGGINS-At Christ : Church. Vea- Y pm, on Wednesday. June 5th. bv the Rector, W S Westnev. M.A.. B-D-. Robert Acon- Rev. - - . ' ~ ' the Townshnp of Qro.'to Miss Margaret M Peter Wnggms, Vespra, ' \-N`: H. SHAW, Pnxucxpu; } ax Wg3_t::1_g:T , June 13. a son to Mr. and Mrs. 7 BORN. A 151i:15." }zri_ting9`l L __-2LI. LL- ..a. cx.AR'x; ' 1 5'. Angus S.S._i at Barrie. June 1 . 9f M.-l`.m-Hm nf the acne` -.-..va- .3. -.-new vv -., Sdlicitors. for Applicnt. ' V 25-27 .._J .. _,_-.-, .1--. J OHN DxcI_uNsoN, thenr Solicitor )ILCARTHY-Suddenly. B; ' _ apoplcxy. Mr. Andrew McCa|:t`y, E`:`m31ex fag-.3: Hotel, aged 48 years. ` of -An (In Nlsn-nmr. "s'.'wnsL3Y, .0 Mann aux, - `Man-sec-% vvn----v 25-27- Mr. John. Galbraith has sold the Tollen- dal` ouring mills to Mr. Watson. at Klu- cardine, who willoperate them in future. Mr. Watson has been engaged in the milling business in Kinoardine for -the past ten years. where he was regarded as a pupa- lar and able business man. He has already taken possession of the nronertv- Mine Li ended the wedding of her cousin it Toronto this week. nu` uuu ante nuamesa He 11: taken possession propeptv. uvuu uusu W065 IOOKI sale clothing Itock, E1i"f;ai[ "BUSINESS comet, TORONTO, W. PRINCIPAL; . - ' ' * 9 < ~ ~ on `HARD woon, SOFT woon, cur AND spur woon, SHINGLE auocxs, % WOOD As You vmrr rr ; .|0I|NS'|_`0[l_ IVICIIVI-I l\I I-\:o-Ia`- Private funds to long at 5 per cent. on farm p_ro-` tv. Terms to suit borrowers. No connectaon P9 with any loan -company. Apply `personally or by lettorto . ' ' I 33 II an Policies, in relial thereon. Apply 100 HUNG rnnlvu rvn -..__- North-west half of Lot 3, Con. 8. Vet ra; 6o cleared, balance atandinf timber: ' . heavy - J loam; x-at-class wheat am. he Goacreeare I under cultivation agd `can Whefe necessary frame. Barn and_ log `Barn; 3 Wate3Netc. PO; .1 ` 23-35 1: 11118 rained. Frame ante,` i-n- 1';)Te:;u`c':n't house.` hog` pan. open unuu, Uuuvwuwn church, school, cheesdfactor); fa:-ticulau apply on the prcmuqs or THO. . R NSON. Ruuelton O.` A '. ` 94-16 Terms reaaonnuu SIDSWORTH; gfnhiv *9 1`-"'1:-I`! \IIu - - - - _._ 9 Rxooma for offices. in Ross Block. No. 97. Duhlo Street. ..Fire`ropf. vault: occupied at present -by Dr;'Wallo. :i}l_be.va.ca.nt_ oz1__xVs't~_o_f__TAp_' ; ', I V ENDOWMENT INSURANCE POLICIES nfnrl Alletho Wondue 01-0 - Ilidn-Priced '| alItin" Machine. When accompanied b V a Recorder this Grapho hone can be use tomake Rczords. 5.eg%2's&`:r`1%22%$3.1" s.5i:}3f3'2.?&`%n%3 to our nearest oce. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPII co.oept; 30 mum vnnv -.- -.- n_-__.__,___ R. A. Dougaas, One reason why so many oor watches ore tolerated in that their owners o not realize that \ real good ones may be had {or such little ` monev. . It ie a. fact, nevertheless. that We can to-day furnish you with a thorou hl first-class time- piece nu gold, silver or go d- lled case for less 1 than one-half the figure that prevailed afew ; \ Efl 2911. ALLANDALE. .- Lots 2, 3 dud 4. West Baldwin Street. North Cumberland Street; Lou :7 gnd 18. Jacob : Terrace. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7. South Caroline Street. Lot A. ` East Maty Street. Lot 54. West Maj-y.Street. Lot 2. Hjghest cuhyrico I 3.1.... in -plmhln . uuvuuvvuvu II UV! Y'l"' "` nnwvonxx . B a . ' cmc Ac3,'% s u'r`2.%. m. 8* .......*,,....... .. I . PHILADELPHIA, xoga gamut sc. .BAL'HMORE, -to E. Blltimllu A BUFFALO`?! Main St. '- SA srr NCISCO u :GeI.rySt. ` rams, 34 Boulevard des it ens. ERLIN, 55 KI-onenstrasu. WATBH FABT8. 100 ACRE I-`ARM FOR SALE- v-,.L ...--a. Ln1`A` Int '1. Can. 8- u 5-ly Apply4 at

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