Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 3 May 1900, p. 3

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LOT No. LOT No. II. LQT No. IO. L01` No. I2. LOT?`-T |.o'r No. I5. 45 yards Bla/`cl; _Fency Figured Dress Goods 46 inches wide, all wool,-_ A 1' goods for skirts, real good valueat. 90c... our special price . . . . . . 59 _______________________________;_ 6 -pieces finev Silk Gronadines, 48 inohes wide, _choice patterns, combination colorings, regularly sold `at $3.00, yotir choice for . . . . . . . . . . ________________________________.___ 2 pieces Fine Nevy Grenadine, ali wool, pretey `patterns, 46 inches wide, , regular price 85c., clearing price . . .e . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V . . . . . . . . . 59 25 `pieces extra ne, all wool French Cashmere, 40 to 46 inches, wide, any color you want, soldall oyer Canada at 50c., our special price . . . . . colormgs, In hght shades, 46 inches wlde, good_._ value at 75c , our special price. . , . . . , , 10epi,eces; English Percaline Linings, good width ne quality, all colors, our reduced price 1 5c., they goat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._....|a 3 pieces fancy colored, Checked Dress Go'ods+ nice waist patterns, *4-4 inches wide, all wool, regular price 75c., special `clearing `price... . . . . . . Sg 4 pieces fanc yVcolored_ Costume Suitings, 50 inches wide, all wool, n_e nish, regular pmce $1.25, our -~ --... v.-- -- `iv. _..._v special price . . . . . . Store to Rent. -___ .. _..-, 3 _ .a.....- .v.. r. vvvn, [CIDIOIIOCIIOIUIOIOIIOIISSG .j.-:.__j_..___ closeness of dwelling houses and peo- ple moving abont. Nothing was missed from the store. Itis thought that the posting of a letter at the door drove the cowardly fellow aw9.y.-Ch1-oniole. Literary Notes. T ' ' A new form of needlework, very \ beautiful `in its results, is shown in the May Delineatqr. Instead of accom-l l plishing embroidery by colored stitches of various lengths, as heretofore, very pretty results are obtained by sewing carefully to a proper background small `strips of colored silk cut out in the shape of leaves or petals or stalks. A most attractive feature of. the article ._describing this method of work, is that there is a full page printed in colors showing the effect of this dainty idea. Barrie, the author, has also found that a prophet is nnhonored in his own country, for the plain, simpletolks `of his own Thrnms think the wee black men has held `them up to ridicule in his havers an nonsense, as they re. gard his writings. It is a delightful view one nets of Barrie, and the scenes of his stories, from The Real Thrums of Barrie, in the May. Ladies Home Journal. Another article of strong personal interest recalls At Famous Boston Belle, her philanthropy and_ patriotism. ` The Flower that Set a `Nation Mad tells of the tulip craze -in... Holland. Rudyard ._Kipling s Just- III." &J-Vnuuu:-- -- - -` So" story prcbsblyl takes first` place among the fiction, even in comparison with such excellent tsles as The Pes- terin? of Bud Jones and The Girl in the Bachelors" Flat. The Rev. Oyrns Townsend Brsdy continues his experi- ences _as A Misslcnsry in the Grant West, end In Mnclsren conclusively snswers the question Is the Minister an Idler `l _,"Wh'st the American Girl .1 A _' A ...-...--.. Has Lost istold by "An American Mother. `Edward Bolt` writes on the Ievils of early marriages, and in oom-. Inendation of the. teaching` of domestic `science in our schools and colleges_ `-The Etiquette of Dances and Balls and How to Treat and Keeps Ser- vant are among` the praotisl `articles, "which also oonaider fashions in vwo~ =.nf.s'. attire and! every phase `of home fists. ts: Omi. Publishing com- u o-okn--coo, auvauunvuo r--vw V--- O I ., `I\Q& . . Ion 'cpta I bopy. '7Gtt.:.--VAc-0.-n1:.V, A951 u.`the\;if Qt vvoait oi , mu 7 ' ' I-. AYRE-Near C oldwater. April :9. the wife of John Avre. of A non. . IDVIV, VI CUUIII |.:'rHoRN'roN-1n North Orillin, April :8: the wife Of S. Thairnfnn cf hr`:-In. nnn ant` Anna]-afar. 1 nunu nun--1u Norm April :8: the vme . of S. Thornton, of twins. son and daughter. `HAnvIE--A: Orillia. April :7, the wife of Alex. w. Ha:-vie, of a daughter. DALBY-At Or-illi'a. April 1:, the wife of Clue. Dalby. of. a daughter. _ ' _ ' PORTER-At Orillia. April 23, the wife of Dr. F- R. Porter, of a son. V i . V MARKS-At Orillia. April 23. the wife of Fred. Marks. of a. son. J O'CONNOR-At Marchmnt,` Apn'l3t2.' the W370 0* Denis O'Connor, nf 2 danohter. -rulll `I \IIIlnI\II VI H|l`Ill$Il LLEIGI-I-At West ,Gravenhurst, April 18, the wife A D Y` .\,I _ - my. gun nnvlsllp vs >H1Pwr:LL-A: Bass Lake, A C Evans M. Hipwell, of a daughter. GILL-At Fesserton, on Wednesday. April pril 22. the wife of T; I 18th. the wife nf Wm. Gill. nf a mu. of Toronto. om 1 ply uu.u-tlt resserton, ll weunesuay. npru louu the wife of Wm. Gill,_ of a son. JOHNSTON-'-_!n gsuyner, April_ :9. a son to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Johnston. ORTON-At Coldwater. on Wednesday. April asth- . L the wife of` Mr.`J. A. Orton, of a daughter. `MACPHERSON-l-lRNDERSON- Oxnlpril :4. at . the Jsrvis street Baptist church. Toronto, Mr. C. . MacPherson, C.E.. of Barnc. to Muss Matilda M. Henderson, of Toronto. I\ AI!lll\`II\ on A w w A . I` on! A -_!I _- I.-. D-.. Ava. anvuuhlwvu, vs -v-v-vv- RAYMOND-I-IALL-At Orillia. Aril nub! ~ R"- \ R. N. Burns, Annie Eleanor all, to James ` Raymond, both of North Orillia. SAUNDERS - MCFADDEN --. At _G|-avenhurst. April :8. by Rev. John A. Momson, _George Saunders, of Gravenhurst, and Nelhe Mc- Fadden, of Toronto. ELLIOT-T-THOMPSON-At Beaverton, 4pm` - n, by Rev. J. R. Butler. Albert Gordon ?Ell1ott, to earn}: lane Thomnson. ' _I.v gun-su Jauc a uuunl,-nun. _ V PARLIAMENT-WILFORD -In Thanh, April 12. by Rev. J. R. Butler. John James Parliament. of Eldon, and Lillie Wilford. of Thumb. STEED-DAR"`NALL-In St. George : church. ` Rymal. April :8. by Rev. GLO. Bull. Mr. Robt. Steed of Creemore. to Miss Ada Louisa Dart- na I\ nus-`:nrr\n BOYD-At Waubaushene, April 14. M3-f83|'t Boyd, aged 63 years. BOAK-A_t Orillia, April 4. Edgar J. F. Beak. 2 and 21 van Pl, I sun :5 Vans. . NEWTON-At Toledo. Ohio, April. :3. Mrs- J. V- `A -Newton, formey of Orilha. aged 47 years. T McHUGH-Nea.r Crei hton, A til 24`; Margaggt Mcl-lugh. wife 0 John cl-Iug . 38 55 Vf, yuan 3. - McLELLAND-In West Gwillimbury, A an 2., youngest daughter of Mr. W.7C. Mc lland. aged 13 months,` ' ~ MAYOR--In Bradford. A ril zo, Isabella Jane, be- _loved wife of Mr. W. . Mayor, aged 44 years. STEVENSON-At St. Paul. Min.. on April :3 John W. Stevenson. formerly of Bradford. PARN!-lAM-At Coldwater. on Thursday, April }r`9th, John Ryan. infant son of Mr. Jno. Pam- HID. HANCEY--Ix.: Alliston, on Friday, April '2oth. x9oo' John Hancey. sr.`, aged 89 years. - CONN-In Essa, on Wednesday. 18th April. 1900. John Conn. aged :7 years. ' out A I v :21: A . n,u9,_ -._..--.I A._:I .. 11-... `I2--u-A- JUIIII \/KJIII-I9 `C|I I'l VCGISJO SMALLEY-At Collin ood, April 19. Mary Beard- more. daughter of hos. and Fanny bmalley, awed In vents. Thirty Years Ago.` From'Tna Nonrnnnn ADVANCE May 5, x87o. The Bill. for the Government of the N orth-West /Territory was introduced and read a first time on Monday. It provides for the organization at first of a small Province to be called Mani~ toba, which is to have a Lieutenant- Governor and two chambers. Itis also to have the right of sending two Sena- `tors to Ottawa, and fourv members to the House of Commons. -The work of tearing down the old asylum at Orilliu is about completed, and in a few days not a trace of the ancient landmark will be let}. -The following Orange. lodges in South Simcoe have responded to the appeal sent out by the County Secre- tary, Dr. Mnckay,,in aid `of the Na- tional Patriotic Fund :-Clougher, N o. 472, $14 ; _`TottenhaIn, No. 829, $2 3 ACookstown,`No. 449, $3 ; `Everett. No. 270, $5; Craigvale, No. 605, $5 ; Alliston, No. 66, $5. > _ -The Orillia cricket club reorganized Thursday evening - last with the follow- ing ocera: Honorary President,-W. B. Thompson ;` President, F. Trogood ; Vice-President, Dr. J. N. I-larvie ; Sec- retary-Treaaurer, E. A. Doolittle; Captain, Dr. J. _ N. Hurvie ; Vice- Cnptain. S. B. Leacock ;' Committee, D. I. Grant, Dr. J. C. Moore, A. B. Thompson. mp--uur L olav Avre, of a. son. Inn `want: u u u\JAV A, UK-5! marcnmont, npru Dents O'Connor, of a daughter. -tau A.\:r-_. n_--_-__.___.. A- .--- -no vv you wilavuun of R. Leigh. of a son. nun:-I I A. I)... 7 -L_ II, Dy REV. J: I`: Dlllullfp l _to Sarah Jane Thompson. 111' 1 A IlI!l'l\ Ixrrt I:-nljt` oweu. VI urecmurc. nall, of Burlington. In I\-n; Unuxa aged 23 vcara. PIl1'I\I\\V A ; VI` ITIOTC. uaugntcr aged :9 years. THE T|llSON BUMPANY, `Always '1`het e a strong point that will .oommend ituelf to you? when buying Rolled'Oau._ No stale goods ever ieave ourniille. and the reason` why Pen-Dried_ OaVte`,ho.ve' that fresh J `` Pop- (V301-n like avor in because they ere freshly popped by the pro- 25:: which render: _them the moat wholesoe breakfgst. por- ridge made. TILLsoNBURq,. DIED. (Lim_it.ed) ; Fresh. % iour. A , Ann, jA GllO;,LIA..BABllTT_lll'|', .1CHI}TRNS;, SAP BUCKETS. s1>1LES. ` ' * j .. _SI4DES, sHovELs, GARDEN TOOLS, - ," ,,1>Lo_U_c;Hs, , POINTS, A % REPAIRS, , PAINTS, OILS, GLASS,-I--{ _ ' BUILDERS HARDWARE, Ef_[`C., E'l`C., don Guam! , pg-ovlncl _ - _:..oInn. Q coffins and Gaskote of all kinds in stock or made to order. Robes, Urape and all Funeral Requisites furnished. Orders by Telegraph or otherwise promptly attended to. G. 0. DOLMXGE, Mwnager, Stroud. ll WALL PAPERS Scotifs Bookstore. }Steam Works amlsllowilloom; Gvollior-31., Barrio All kinds of Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound at reasoneble rates. Magazines and ,Music bound in .splendid_-style and cheaper than city prices. Let us quote`p1_'ices on your work before sending it out of town. U N DERTAKER, jgjjnj Q:-j nj lll lllll `NAZI! vlulp . We invite the closest inspection of our farm Imolements and Machinery which we are manufacturing for the coming season. - In addition to the above we call special attention to our New Victoria Bmder and NO. 14 Oxford Flipper Front-cut Mower. also our patent Spring and spike Tooth Harrows and fiction and Ratchet Dump Rake:-. It will am lv repay all intending purchasers to see our lines before placing their orders else- where. Sand for our ew 1900 Catalogue. THE Nc_>xoN 00., L td, Ingersoll; Ont. GEO. MCDONALD," --BWJK '. HENDERSON s.% Letter Heads, Note Heads, `Bill Heads, Agtatamants, 8hi1ming 9%. Envolnp,e'., - now NOXDN Nlll BUFFALO PATENT ALL STEEL DISC MARMW " $5 ' NOXDN N; I: SICTIONAL SPRING TOOYN CULTIVATOR GET `PRICES SMITH, FINE PRINTING. BARRIE. AND STROUD. Are conceded by all who see them the best. as sortment ever-shown. Notwithstanding the in- crease a in prices we ~ have wonderful values in" 5, 8 and 10 cent Papers with Ceilings and Bord-` `ers to match: be pleased to show samples. |$M|T"'l No. 5 numuv ST.. TOP noun. Bag/eld street; Barrie. PROPRIETOR. BINDERY The Advance, u0nIOOAlTO`Ii40u The very best printing is `none too good `for the live, up-to-date business men. We haven reputation" for turning out good work at reuonsble prices. 123 .DUNLOPsT. NOX'0Nil||SB IIABIIOW .l.llC DCUDII "VIA ULLCLULJ uuuu within the wheel line. See the New Snrlng Lift. Vwith reversible points, also thistle cutters if ordered. The lightest draft, best working and most easily operated cultivator manufactured. The teeth work directly under `the axle and Ins.`-`\1'v\ 5`-nn 1:11-non] l;~nn The only Disc Hiurow that has adjnstahle pressure springs. This feature is invalu- able on hard or uneven ground;-H New Sectional b | ' Spring Tgoth "(tted with grain and grass sowing attachments if desired) '1'mJ:Ju nuuu nun H I Springagxqeesuxe. Our old reliable HOOSIER Drills are so well and favorably known that they speak for themselves. There are now over 60,000 in use among the farmers of this country. The Universal` Favorite Noxon THE CELEBRATED (OUT-THROW.) | Fun; Iusuux uml. Fax! 811 found. prope 'cles, etc., at cash,_and cents `per wo cent per we as counted cent per wo r of insertio STEEL I-1,908 IE3 Agepjs. aL'Ass, 52f surance Co h capital, 82 posmon ts aliowed km N as are Store, Bar' Bin | and I EENTS 5. ac. of Berlin. hr -$5n0,`0_00. ' E_MENTs.; n tirst page 3 fnn TI A hi-_-nu inns an 1881. 5I'SOI1,A I`&I109. . I with The L0 nu-Inn:-I C... mortgages. us! In over meulbueo. Vaterloo, On` &Bru VMUQIIIU 1 they do: ` for_ such ac` inalaol 3 Comp: snmcoe comm 1 NEWSBUDGET. CO0KSTO\\'N-It is expected that the cheese factory here, which was idle all last summer, will be in operation again this year. MIDLAND.-Th'3 patrons `of Sc. George held a very successful dinner in his` honor on Tuesday `night. Dr. Raikes `presided. . . .The ` opening of 1 navigation has made things lively along the water front. STAYNm-Dr. McFnul` has gone to Baltimore, to take a course at the John Hopkins University . . . . At the mayor 3 ally election W. B. Sanders was elect- ed by a majority of 18 over D. Gilles- Ple-...A curiosity in the shape of a l0!-legged chicken was on exhibi- llon last week. Mr. Dan McNabb is the. owner. The legs are in such a Mltion as to appear quite natural. V CARDwnLL--The Liberal Oonser.-i `valves of Cardwell will hold their Innual convention at Mono Mills on lll13th of May, when a candidate for lll0Uommons will be selected. There "ll be 174 delegates--42 each from All: Albion, Caledon and Mono, and '0!!! Bolton. "At present only three ndldtb are spoken of, Jan. Snell, -M3 3- A- Eran, Bolton ; and Robt. . Jhl Culedon. cidcLL1NGWOOD -The Cramps have de- ' V, `*1 5 make . experiments with a W l0 Securing a sufficient quantity of ' , W natural gas to run their works- ` cam a`W. vxewto ae i 8:? bi' Tdtasf naturhl S `-0 wellli was The W ""1 wk ,tbree:,taW93' ' ' ' gosylj the town i No General Hosp Veoncert in aid 05 h 1 n mef The ` Illa great 8000688 cributora Mr- . - A1ex.0dr' Mtckeloan; Mm `mm In F ~ ld of%T' mand.M,o, Macdonn ronbo da "' . 1'09 1! , 0hairm" 3'29 'W""' :$189....Th6 R" , . . rs.` e W' to the P"3'mm er will I khp 1 on_ Aabo ""3 success. chief con-. programme `were Ml`!- J F62; and'Msyor Macdonald W0: The proceeds "9" i --The Rev. E. H. Manson. M- A`) Aiil I18WIy.gppoined factor of -SW8 church tock charge of his parilh 5 Sunday, April 22nd- ' OBILUA:-Thg license commissiohers` f'E* Simone granted s-_ lioenI6"*_. PF Oocksedge, of Hillsdsle; in A-ladies h Ill those of lest; jest. _ .T.h.7~:,. ';f'1:_0grsnt in license std; 1 ' . . .0:illls ha; i -flan; ` " ' V one year. They to grant license td Mr. W-.1, `_"- Robinson. bu % E`. t'% I _rie range. obou15._-3% I 1 `%%'F!Fof%t9u... .John*_;B 9 LOT; No. Lot no. LOT % No. LOT No; LOT No. 1. The goods must be sol%.1 W3 ve on1yTa;sfhort t_1m_e to clear out the .bala;nce of the Stock, and to save trou e. an ?xpense 0 movmg`oer.the -whole stock at prices not to bewmatched anyWh0l`9- It 8 Y9F11`i chance. Lome 1nAtAhe morning if. possible; LOT No. 8. that mass @093. S!I._Ks% aid%Liims%Tow being sold W Rogardlosp Vof cost at , 1- } BNF.0BHO0HE& l}ll. S. DAN FORD ROCH E & C9. UV I ._ ` _ 33 pieces Scotch plaids H no two I alike, wide extra . value ' A at 500 _ " y0llr choice . . . . , ,_ \\ 10 pieces Tvs good width, 4 they gq at. . 8 piecs plain colored `Dress Gopds, choice colors, 38 inchesowide, all wool, regulatfly sold `at 250. aizd , ,,_. l\l\f\`M` 17 pieces New-York Plaids, 50 inches wide, no two patterns alike, extra ne quality, all wool, real good` value at_ $1.00, they go at . . . . . . _. ; ; -.j.-._~ 25 pieces Fancy F` . wool, 40 to 46 inc1'n:r\:(i1d;:r::;:1a1r 1`;B8 goods an ' . ` 30 at s ` 1 . . . . . . . Has`: --r: wt In Non oice 1: Monday inn 3 announoeme the week fo 37 yds. Navy Blue. Cashmgre Serge, extra jne Vtwill, all wool, 46 mches wlde, regularly soldTa.t 75c., our special price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . D V V 0 cholce . 12.piecesFine Mohair Dress G/oods, new colorings, good width, heavy `make, `regular price '60c.. your -L,.:.... 4 an; 0:i IECE`S Fine Fancy Scotch Plaids,_' new` vlnuu .. _ -_ I your choice . . . . Giving `Up 2Bus:i.hess. ;v'1;weed and Fancy Mohatir Dres Goods, th, choice color, regolar prlce 40c and 50c, -_']_4`--ancy Figured French Dress/Goods, all inches wide, regularly sold "at 75c., MITH. A __ANI)l| 1\.u.vvvv-,.- _- ______ I 5 Ir--_-_ _ A v- u-gggnvvv, uICIlOOOOlOOO0OI>lIICO. Coon G *`?**"* y -...u--.-V, --.6--- rugvv vvvu. JV. """1 "O""" 't "`_" "' --rvuvvnavl nuorunioooooooooougc` Coco :__-.-. PENE'rANG-l."rid_ay morning, while working at a chimney on `Dr. McDon- ald s house, Dick.Wi1liams met with ' an accident that might have caused his death had he not been caught in time. While working in the hot sun the . fainted and fell on a small scaffold on top of the roof and would have rolled off on to the ground had he not been caught by the man who was working with him. In his fall he struck his . forehead` on some bricks and cut it . Abadly.-Herald . . . .' The 0. "Beck Mfg. I Company are having their store on- , larged. The part lately occupied. by Mr. John J amieson is being lengthened ~ by about thirtyfeet and will be used _ for groceries. Ardtrea, over 80 years old. fell from his wagon while returning from Orillia, and broke his neck." He was; intoxi- oa.ted....Mrs. Swain, wife of Mr. J. Swain, had her thigh broken by a. fall, last week . . . .The teachers _and pupils of the Collegiate Institute have formed an athletic .a.seociat.ion. ` 1 " _ 1 'B1:Amro1_zD--On Wednesday evening I l of last week vaineeting of the members of the Bradford Reform Association was held _in the Fire Hsllpthe presi- dent, Mr. Geio.i Ogilvie, in the chair. The election of oicers for the ensuing `year resulted as followe :-Presid'ent--_ Alex. U.|.UQl'Vuus. , -J. E. Ooombs ; -S-ecretary-Jno. L. Davis; Treasurer-- Dr. L. H.- Camp- bell . . . .The _ Bradford Lawn Tennis Club has reorganized, and a successful vear is anticipated. . . '.At a recent meeting the `council passed a` resolution expressing its willingness to cooperate with Barrie for the prevention cf illegal shing in Lake Simone. A --- J IIIW.$I I-u--_ a _ Enmvann--Oli'ord Ritchie, son of Mr._Wm. Ritchie, had his leg fractured in two places while playing football last week . . . .iA bold attempt was made on Wednesday evening, early closing ` 8 o'clock, to,bnr- Whcn the mail was" looked after about 9!o clcck, the cash box it was discovered that ~ was on the oor. _ It then; appeared that. some one ' had *bors;d_:,scveral. inch; holes lie; the gpansl ;o,f,-.t-he ; back i we * x w;u:.;, 1 H001`. LU luau-- _.r`. bored several inch

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