Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 3 May 1900, p. 2

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ROGERS &- ROGERS. Ivgonav TO LQAN. -MANUFAC'l`I}BES. _ 1ujscm.|.AN1:oUs.. PHYSICIAN S. -FINAN CIA! OFFICIAL. ' man. US`! I 4s-ly- . ' Ponce Court Notes. A TA young lad named Donaldson, was charged on fueoday with petty theft. He was remanded for a_ week as there was also a charge aganat him by the Grand Trunk. I4. ,: co VII 43-ly 7 DIl'IIB(,,ll_uyruuyg y, Convo ccr etc. set. (we: ank of Com- 4n.AR n commumcate with '. C. BOT'I ERILL, ` 1-ly j Aux. I ' A'N'c';'v.'i'1'>. o. I IIICCS--lJ'4rnc of Toronto s-ly . Comm. Alihot, if n 0t unite; On Friday, three small boys, Sidney and Lewis Dudley, aged 8 and 10 res- pectively, "and Bert Elliott, aged 9, were up in the police court cherged with setting re with re crackers, to . some boxes in the rear of_ Dantord Roche dz (}c. s store, and the stable on Sophia street, last Wednesday. ` f.l`he urchins pleaded guilty to the charges._ They were allowed to go on the under- standing thatthey should be properly- ogged and warned by their parents,` under the supervision of the Chief of Police. If this were not done the boys would be called beck and sentenced. The P. said the parents ought to look atter the children and see that they {attend school ,_ and `suggested that the teachers be asked. to warn child- ren against the careless use" of re-' crackers. Mr. Btrathy _fappearedf_or`ths_ boyeon behalf of` the.CQhildren a .eoot.oey- Lot on Cl: rton street immedi Baptist ch ` ' k _.`4n9_|yAc9f1`.;cRI3'l.1 "mu hm - Aimot, 1 . First insertion 10 cents pe qnent insertion 4 cents per 1in.:n.` `"5 ' Reading nouces, 10 cam... ...- .. IIUIAI IIIUCLBIIIII T ' ' 1` notices, cE:)x`:,3hm' I. insertion ; 5 cents per line fotier 1"" for insertion of the same mam, Wan der .5 lines, "of this characte} A" item lines. : Chum. I301`- Oftnl Dist` (1.. "4 Per `Cent. lnleren-.t Paid on Df-'l " I . The Security for Depositora in 3 1.00` Company is uhdoubted. Ross new Block. south side Dun1ov5.5.; [ ea_a_ or the Poet utnce. -` I -.... (`M i5 v--vw "Q ~-v - vvu v--vvv The security to deposigors in a I doubted. There is no msfancc 0 i denoaitior _han ever made a loss bv : L Canadian Branch Office. MONTREAL. M. c. nmsnaw. ll.......|. ll..........._ so-lv Vve Sham have urch . L`" W. .3 3..:"" 'Pened the '1 Op street. with tl vuork modem a lianc es or all classes of . Rl',a 0Nnz `lug. _:`. Q` A II no ......- 4115!` ` Item 1, QB.` IDOCOYII IIIIICCS tor all Clasava VI "' nvs'I`B"* 5 uomu :1:,EC.M.,un IIINIIZ our ' caat DEL VBR our door. I) THE SAM 1; DA! - iliiiri `expensive to conquer, they recently ~.-- ' ,r.~ _ .-`1-;A ` . 2 9. in"`the.nameQof God to. the rules of warfare, but in an attempt to terrorize people whom. they nd it sentenced prisoners of war to imprison-` ment for life. If devotion to one's native land is to receive such reward at the hands of a Christian government, the sooner that government comes under the reprobation of man and the curse of Heaven the better. [H.N. Hugl1es&Br0| 4.5; I - Government ady ' W5. Oicwl and bove r V Wl .u be charg9d at 8' ment W1 ate; ADVERT] coNTB**T SING. ` ments will be ta. Gontmcj: atgfgfshich are drgfted my the f11"`""ia1 vriniP "ml '" ". . rest cog,:nercThe,e will be only one pm, 311- `SUBSCRIBE? CAPITA , I $25@,OOO. { _ A$SURANCh uu $6,m4mQ f . h d pp xcatio orms urms e GE'5Rc.E PLAXTON. AGO?` n....:.. n... nm.-an .an\_`Iy i ~ J. (JUL VER I}5L19 5i F [Haarcutting a_nd Sha STEAM LAUNDM . Ra. xinch 3% inches . . . . . . . . . .. 5 inches, % column... no inches, 55 column. aoinches, 1 column... . 0FFICE.-Next door to Bank of ToronI's`X-`S `I Street. Barrie. ` ` ' BARBIE [MN 3. snvmss cs INCORPORATED 1881- (___`__$,,,w .-_------------______ "W" 1 `For one month-1_:he threa with 1-5 per cent. added. 5 N `For two months--the thre with 10 per cent. added. WI):-afar:-oz` ~r.o.nLI-.... ' .- 9 monthly ._ vv LIL luv uuul but Advertisers will not ` space for advertismg anything outside? own regular business. Should they a} transient rates will `be charged for such". vertisements. --A number of the ex-pupils of `Mr J Rye:-son, B.A., late of tlie` Orilliap High School, ' presented him with an %9fAs9Id..in yvfmns. ___ . __----4.1.-nu.u_). Condensed advertisements on rstpaggp as wants of all kinds, lost and f0l1Dd,p.'.\ _ for sale or to rent, snecic articles, etc, 9,- inust be accompanied with the cash, and: be inserted:-first insertion 2 cents per: each [subsequent insertion 1 cent per 1., (names, addresses and gures counted words); but 9. reduction of one cent per 1:; will'be made when the number of insm of the same matter exceed four. Cuts for advertisements musuneve. case be mounted on solid meulbm I Agent Standard Life. London Gum ` tee and Accident Co.. Provlnt 3 Building and Loan Assoclnllon vvnsu xv tun ucuu. auucu. H'Preferred positions sold at an advance of rates. This rule will be 5 A w111 please bear in mind, notlce of Intention to change advert-. mgst be handed into the oice not 13%;. Saturday at 10 o'clock, and th change must be in THE Anvnecx 0133 later than 12 o'clock noon on Monda `on week, otherwise the advertiser s annougaelzg 8 PY for ~ may not be made public until the M.-_ lowing. 12 changes of Advertlsements allowed z.::*:~bei:,:;;::.m Ar`I1n1vI>;anu-n run` nab "I... ..11-_ I. REPRESENT `rm; FOLLO\\`l!~'G Fms I.\'Sl'K'.* COMPANIES: The Mercantile, noyv afliated with T1191: _don & Lancashlre of England. Se; Total assets. $303,078. . Also Llovd s Plate Glass Insurance Cc: pany, Of NOW York. Cash capitai. 5:; I Anm Private funds to loan on rs: moftgagcs counts collected. &c. (V-3:..- nun: u-aAaraAn e uarxuarn Kmre B1 counts collected. are. I oOice over Henderson_s Hardware Store.Br nt. - JScRoGGIE& Smmel ANIHUI Assucumnu. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. S5.ooo,oc< lgarlor 0PPOsI'r1c nmnxn normh T V ` BARBIE. ground ond I|`'d ` Z John Rogerson. Fire and Life Assurance. CONTRACT CHAN(;]-;c,~ Advertisers will please . ntinn nf inhmfinn tn nL....__ . 71. D. I'll1VDI'l4`\\V` Branch Manager an r: Number of inches nnann 1:1`; Sun L4 of ntario. arancn manager | ...ATLAS"35 ASSURANCE coMPf:\0'1V_,;_; SUCCESSORS TO B. S. PROPERTY Township, Oounty",.` jwhiobbelong to the Beck L,Innufs:otur- ing Qompny; There is no `wsy_-of getting "them ontexcept by smoking n cutting to Lake Wnhnipetse, whichis a short distsnoenwey, on as lower level. The Beck Company ettempted tolmnke this cutting, when they were stopped by `an injunction obtained by Edward Lloyd (limited,) the great English pub- lishers, who have pulp iuills on the Sturgeon River, from which paper is supplied for the London Daily Mail and London Daily Chronicle, besides `other publications, d . `:2. `ii; , _- 1 .3)` . tugging, INSURANCE * AGENTS CONVEYANCERS. &C. CONDENSED Anvznrlszmzsra I , I 1 - SCROGGIE 6:. SMITH. .` ` i-: . "3139. ' If not qmtg; double that paper published in f` nnszas snonm \.-_- ' _B-AT-i7RII'; '4\lI\\JI} FLA ! Barnc Ont. 1 Loan and savings Coma` stieet 1 -...-.II Mu A 3, Judgment on motion to` continue an injunction restraining defendants Beck, the Beck Company, and Simpson, from constructing a canal or articial water- way between Lakes Metagasing and Wahnapitae, in the `District of Nipis- sing. ' Injunction continued until trial or nal disposition of the action,` but there being suicient doubt as to plain- tiifs right to an undisturbed use of all the waters of the former named lake, the operation of the injnnc_tion_ is sus- pended Yor a time not later than May 24 next, to enable defendants to exca- vate the proposed canal so as to enable them to use it for the purpose only_of getting ' their logs out from that lake down to lake Wahnapitae. t ncau LONDON, :AM. J. an '3 in the papenin` 3 one-third on 2 strictly camed on; ii Loan Cd.` ancc on reco H ass a Loan to`- Head Otce. rnnvg ENG , The Business Woman In these closing days of the 19th ceutury-for reason has at last proven that we ' have not yet begun the twentieth-,-the tide is: owing back on many of our apparently xed` ideas and beliefs. Woman s sphere is world' wide," is a declaration we were almost ready to accept, but within the last few years we are beginning to nd that lled by "men who are returning to their own sphere from which they had been ousted by the ambitious woman. The Illinois Central Ry, have just issued a declaration that no more women;'_ operators, no more women stenographers, no more women .book- keepers are to be employed on their system.. The U. S. Government at Washington, have given notice that hereafter only male stenographera, will be employed, and in the postal depart- ment no unmarried women will be em- ployed. The number of women clerks is being `lessened in every bureau and theirplaces -lled by men. In Canada many of the places that were looked upon as having been transferred to the weaker sex, are again lled by men and the ideas that our grandmothers cher- ished are again in s_waye-we are com` iug back to the belief that the woman wholis not a homemaker, is, to some ex- tent at least, a failure. This great `change is not due to a preiudice against the sex, for all tests sis business are in- dividual, therefore it seems that time has" worked out the solu_tion of the problem, and that which is tteat has survived.'--Ex. ' ` ' the places wolnenused to ll are now- Depoml slmci chees fg `lint simi Gorge: his hon ` .Raik'es` this yet t The Back Company want to useithe "logs, and on Wednesday of last week `applied to Mr. Justice Robertson, at Osgoode Hall. to dissolve the injunc- tion. "His Lordship suggested a com- promise soithat the logs could be re- moved, by giving the defendants until June the` l to effect a removal and close up the cutting, but the "plaintiffs declined to accept. .:na,v'i_gstij the iwalt . ' CAa vaiv_eu The Lloyd pe_ople___ oleim that by `meliing this cutting -between `the lakes the Sturgeon River would 1050 its power band the -mills would" have to close down, oocaaioniuq great loss; as Lake Metag; doing is the source of the Sturgeon. site 1 ,M}b: ; The above case came up before Mr.` Justice Robertson at Toronto. on Mon- day and tlie following judzment. was given :- Experimental Falrm Report , The twenty-first annual report of the Ontario Agricultural and Experimentai Union is just isaued,[and contains much valuable information for. agriculturists and "fruit-growers. Out of a number of varieties of - fall wheat -tested for the past. 8 years; .Dawaon s Golden Ciha` stood highest, with Stewart's 0ham' pion second in 1899. In eats the Si- berian shod first in I 899 in an average of one hundred and seventeen experi-e ._ manta,` And. With the exception of A the y.avi93-qnds-797, whenitstood second, Afh-'5 'f 1ths. 'PI!'." - W0: !Il`- i In. [moss the:it~m-pe e ..3M.'.'.hII-eroteod sat t u;s1_89' ; bee eexeamiqut Dominion Exhibition. Last week a deputation made up of members of the Industrial Board, the Toronto City Council and Board of Trade, and the presidents of the Do- minion Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Short-' horn breeders Associations, the East- ern and Western 1)airvm_en s Asso- ciations, the Ontario Fruit Growers and Poultry Associations, and the Canadian Manufacturers Association,` waited upon the Government at Ottawa to ask for a grant of $100,000 to aid in holding a Dominion Exhibition at Toronto in 1901. Strong arguments -were presented by the delegates present in favor of such a grant as being great- ly in the interest of all classes of the Dominion. A This amount,` if granted, would no doubt be supplemented by the Provincial Governments and the City of Toronto `would come up hand- somely. The Premier, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, promised to give the matter careful consideration and it is to be hped that his decision will be favor- able. ` I Personal `News. 4 Mr. R. J. Sprdtt has completed dental course and is now a re L.D.S. his guitar Liquor Men Fined. Last week, at the instance of In spector Stephenson, Alex. _Foster, of Bracebridge; pleaded guilty to allowing persons in his bar on.Sunday, contrary to law, and was ned $20 and costs by Mr. Spencer, P.M. On Tuesday J. R. Higgins wasned $40 and costs, being a second offence, for selling liquor dur- ing prohihited hours. `A. Strong was lined $2 and costs for asking for liquor at the Dominion House _on Saturday night last, and Angus McArthnr was fined $2 for asking for liquor at the Queen's on Sunday last. The magis- trate advised these men not to take the low nes as an intimation that he would always be as lenient. . ` A Rev. G. D. Graig, pastor of the. Cookatown Presbyterian churgh, has resigned. a He` will probably return to British Columbia. I Dr. Otto Pluxton, Surgeon-Dentist, frgm Barrie, in in town, und will open an oice as soon as he can find a suit- able place.--PaLrry Sound Star. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. MacPherson left for Victoria im mediately after their marriage last week. Mia. &MacPher- eon will remain there while Mr. Muc- pherdon goes on:to Dawson, whereLh'e has a Government appointment 0? a year : c lurutio'n.T Remember . nd informtion, Every farmer ouvght to have a copy. ' TWO Smell F11`68. - On Wednesday etternoon of last week, an` alarm was sent in from Sophie etreet. ~ It was found to be e rubbish beep and stable, sen l`i:-e;t.o by some careless boyewwith recrackers. Again on Tinufaduy nigi1ti'.;;"i'ire- man were called out? the canoe being a chimney burning out. at "Inchiquin." Sporting [Notes -'1`he Viotoria Baaebull Oln.I.h,T of To- `route, would like to _I_ii"ujn gq g game '.'`*;13*'*T`P.`9?34?!L`?4f?'-_%% } ' that in Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills you have a remedy that has never yet failed to cure any disease caused by im- poverished blood, such as Pale ' Greenish or Sal1owComplexion, Nervous Prostration, Weakness, Loss of `Appetite, Dyspepsia I and Stomach Disorders, Head- ache, Depression of Spirits, lack of Energy, Pufness and Dark Circles under, the'Eyes, Pain in the Back, Kidneyjand Liver Disorders, and Catarrh. Natl 1301- box. ve boxes for 82. All drnggilts, or Bun Willlamsaoo. Toronto, Ont. that if your norvous oqstem needs toning you will be miser- able youxself and make those you come in contact with mis- erable. yemember that you: cannot possibly be happy or successful unless. you sleep soundly, eat heartily, and digest what :y.o.n sat The neglected state of country roads is at last beginning to receive a little attention. It is a matter which has been the cause of great inconvenience to many, and more than that a source of very considerable nancial loss. The following from an exchange will show what is being done by our neighbors: The Canadian Government should take lesson from the United States on road making. The Republic has ex-A periment stations in every State in the Union where lessons on road-making are taught. Pamphlets are issued in thousands .and object lessons in road- huilding are given annually in all States. Steel track wagon roads are now coming into use, laying wide steel rails upon ordinary highways. Wide tires are common. A team can draw upon an ordinary wagon with 3inch tires twice as much as upon a wagon with the usual narrow tires. at lowest rates. 5 oa`uoLNo. sz'~73::'h.iae Dunlop-st. izliin-' valeodo-opposite Hunt : hotel. Money to loan gt In-ant rams- --w-v vv c. E.'Hxv7;. ' EWSON &' CRBSWICKE. harristt,-rs. Solici- _ton of the Sn Court of Judncature of Diana. Procton. antics, Conv , etc. Monayto loan. Oicea-Ross Block, an-ic. at - cw .... _- A `I? ll I`-.-nu-n}-urn D . _ _ Barnstgen, _ Solicitors I_I1 High Court ofjustnces, Notaries Pubhc, ggnvpyaneen. aye: the Bank of Toronto, um & COWAN. Barristers, Solicitors at the Supreme Court, Procton, Notaries, Conv - ancere. etc. Money to Loan. Oicee,-Ross Bloc , l1nnlnn.nt. _ Harrie- {:1-uj VALUATOR AND /APPRAISER. HANDLES ALL KINDS OF AUCTION SALES. a`O::d_ors at Tm: ADVANCI oice will be attendd to. T L_ 1'5 30. '- xm-tf` . V . Annnen n . The educational com_mittee of the county council, of which Mr.. R. H. Jupp is chairman, will` recommend to the Minister of Education that here- after the yearly promotion examinations` be discontinued in the public schools. `It is recommended in place that an hour examination he held on one subject each week throughout the term and that promotions -be based on the result of these.-News-Letter. The above. is insharmony with what appeared In `these columns last week concerning annual written examinations. It is most absurd to estimate the year's work of a pupil from a set of formal questions which are often contrived with a special _ view to confusing the child, instead of testing his `knowledge. A record of .,aaoh pupil's term work ought-to" be kept; and this, with both oral and written examinations from time to time, made the "basis of promotion. U Culllul II town, Grey and Guelph White Finishing Lime Cements of all kinds, Fire Bricks and Plasterer-'3! I-lair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch. footof John street. near the'depot. The bond of this L"! e is better than that of any other kind, and the f ash superior. Oice-Corner of John and Elizabeth streets. uaucrl m uoaxs or an Kinds, and George I v - y -cu ' Are `a nnpecialty, and parties intending to have sales, will consult their own interests by placing their sales :'n,hin' hands. . . . . l'n.4I... I..l's`..n 'l`.--. A_._._--- -f'`' "' ` W F. C. GREGG, Veterinary Su n. Honor . Graduate Ont., Vet. College, onor member Medial Societv. Oice--AtBaker's Livery Stables". Owen Street. Barrie. ' V _.._._.___._._.....______....._________,__. THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OFBARRIE , `_ L {taste for aoEif>P;_n Hoqles. ,a number 3 I luv. \.nu.u1u:.N's All) SOCIETY ! have ado lion. in good Homes. number ` of bright young Indian children. boys and girls Parties desiring them are asked to communicate with . the Secretary. REV. E. M- C. R0'l"T|"-7'" ' rarues aeemng them asked cc Secretary. REV. E. M. C. `Barrie. Bl;8ynI:I'.' IJBIIIU BIG } Building, Owen stree ONALD ROSS B. A.-barnster, aoucnwr, Convcyanoer, etc., money to loan. Oioes, Bank of Tomato Building, Owen street. Barrie. 48-ly JAS. EDVVARDS c9NvY(\_I~gc;n_- `, IE, Contractors, Builders`, Manufacturers. &c. Doors, Sash, Blinds, Moulding, &c. Planing and Dressing of every description. Hot Air Dryini. Kiln. Kau- mates furnished free of charge on all 'nds of wood work and building material. Handle all kinds of workpromntly an satisfactorily. -See our work and . get our prices. Factory, Bayeld street, north of the vound . :4-Iv The recent Fenian Scarein St. Oath-`- arlnes at the attempt to destroy the canal has brought to light a very re- Inarkable state of 'a'airs. ' When the 'author'it_ies.called out the 19th Bats tallon, it was found that they had _all the necessary requirements save the very small matter of cartridges for their ries. Dr. Borden blames the Colonel. It" would seem that the tault is not there, as other points are also, claimed to be` without ammunition. This is even worse than the _bogus. ` cartridges supplied to the Spanish by alwindling contractor in the late war with the United States. FARh_L_$T_OQK S__ALES I 1} Toronto, renew or 1 nnuy memuau wucgc, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Ooe and Residence, 18 Owen stree KVOIBI IJIIJOIIDICCL UOIIUCUUDI H1306 In any ' I U! thc'County. Real estate bought and sold. (..l:;vey- ancin in all its branches. Marriage Licenses :nn|In (NH:-a..Pnan In:-Ir, nuunlnn uh-not Harri:-, T. BANTING, Clerk County of Simooe, {in be at his office. at the Court House. Barrie, every Saturdav. Residence and P.0. Cookstpwn. HE BALL PLANING MILL COMPANY- Catpentering, Building and manufacturing of Doors, Sash. Blinds. Mouldings, etc. Plauin of all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. Dnstrict agency for grained lum- .ber. F actory-Bayeld Street. Barrie. RODGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. Ihe Old Rliizlgle Auctionem; R. .F. Pallin . Graduate of Trinity University] oronto,' Fe out of Trinity Medxcal College, L Mnmhnr nf the College of Phvsicians Surgeons DR. C. SMITH, L.C.P.S., Ont., (late of Drs.` rvie &-Smith Orillia.) Oce and residence -corner of Owen anJColl1er streets, Barrie. - 23-ly R. W. A. RTOSS-, Physician, Surgeon, ete., L. I R.C.S. Edin,, LLR C.P., London. Oteee and night residence-Brown's Block, Dunlop etteet, Barrie. Telephone 77. . I R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. 85 S , Edin- burgh; M.F.P. & S., Glasgow, member of British Upthalmological Society. Speclnll.V.- Diseases of Eye, Ear, Throat and None. O_FFlCE.-78 Dunlop Street, Sanders` Block, Bar- ne. opposite Post Oce and Railway Station. Phone 54. P. 0.80:: 96. 7-1) Should the threatened trouble be- tween the Sick Man and Uncle Sam" Amount to anything there vvill be a sudden revival of the popularity in the States ofihat little ditty, God Save The Queen. The U. S. oratorssnd `press will grow hoarse, decleiming on the brotherhood of the great Anglo- Saxon race. Speaking -of the present `military undertaking of the United A-States in the Philippines the Lindsay_v `Watchmen-Warder offers the following mild criticism, which contains quite as {much truth as. poetry :-We trust 7 "that -neither. thepious palaver of Presi-' - - dent-McKinley, nor the absorbing in- j guest of our own South African war`, . has-obscured to our `readers is the `,un- . `initiated villianies _ of ' the Aniencsn f vi verninent in the Philippines.` With. .1;-elfsssflpersistency they are bounding . uh, the. _i'rien less,_*- but` liberty-lay; 4 , gim '9' him man. it with H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN . on Ra! Estate at lowest rates. Fantners Notes Disaounted. Collection"; made in any (part of 6kn'f`1\nnIu pal nntafn Hannah? and Inlt`l_ nnvev. `$70,000 S.L`o1".X?,`,`Yw;.a.%% 'tet.'N 'pal eq'edtildf 1`z'.. 2..... 94 . 15`. si1`z R1 1{y.`ua?or, `hf. lIl&I`:I I3 triivl We have a large` amount of Private Funds to lend at 4} and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm Mnnaaces- McCARTHY. PEPLER AND Mn- It all`! 5 PEI CCIIL 0!] H16 SCCIIFIIY OI EOOC (arm Mortgages. McCARTHY. PEPLER AND Mc- CAR It-1Y, Dunlap Street, Barrie. lli lI'II`&1II- At his office until 5 p.m.; at his private residence, 68 Mary street, after that hour. 1 1-13; Robinson & Macpl_1_qo_n_, Barrio Planing Mill. E t' tes has a d speci t'o sp tl re- ` '."om2_ao.hI$eu'. 31.3.,` "n...$" Juice. ARRIB. Our. u-tf "F. I. ROBINSON. C. \V{. MACPHERSON. ' .. A. .RADENHURSTp Barriltct. QAt0.9rn a 1' .I:..:o... :. (`_I|nIn~oru_ Cnnvavnncer- ctn. Jcuvn. ENGINEERS. lbunuou _.A\!I\ ].`_`,e`1'he small boy with the craclrex-in early in evidence this spring; A The at the Police Court the other {morning furnished only another "illne- j Ration of the old adage, spare the rod end ipoil the child. The father of one the trnant boy: said, "He doeen t `mm to mind a whipping very much." The trouble was in the application of the remedy. Like many medicines j which are outwardly applied, a ogg- ing must be well rubbed in to be e` cacione. Let us have a little. lean huddle and a little more rod. VA1v'n.LA. for ice cream. for instance: BAKING Pownzn. for cakes. One is a. drug. of course : the other a. chcmical" and theranre still others-Sl-`ICES of ali 1 kinds. cream of tartar, etc. ` `FL; I . , , , , _ . , V -'----- vn sun sell, Iilpluo The best %laceV to get drugs is at a- DRUG STOR . The drugfist knows more about them than othev peop e._ We keep a good drug store. Come andfsk us 4` a.bou`t.lyEitchen Drugs. '_ l Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 mr Aunt. (jju Drugs and Chemicals -__-.r __-, ._.._-_-. Wnnnmarox Aux.-r. AM0NKM`AN'S DRUG` STORE -. 92 DUNLOP-ST. BARRIE. In the Kitchen. , i.-7- 2: I v I I I U I TI `AND.-- ONTARIO LAND sunvavoas. {TRAN-[Y 8: ESTENIE! MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. I L `if. ;:h`f-=fhh?`4~'4;;:.:;` "ill" the oeuibi oi 7 DoI:i:i:nioI;i;} _onIo "opp:-onoheo in emf the health of; `Ir. Tutu oorroopondmgly i;n'pro_voI.' _`~ .I.'hI worthy gentlemsn will View Round` ind than soil for home in time for the ` Iloobioho in June. ____.______._____...___._____._____ IOHNSON & SARJEANT. BARRIE. Im rt: and Dealer: in (30313 of all Kinds, and eon Iwn, Grey Guelnh fl-n l?:..:.|.:..... r:- )ONALD ROSS B. (`A-ugh anon: A910 , ENGINEEIIS AND SURVEYOBS '1'. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oice in Bothwelfs Block, Allandale. On the premises at night. 1-).Iv II DYIIICIICS. marriage LICCDSI | an an 1 E. Oce-Ross Block. Dunlop street Barrie. A c-Iv. . n. M.` CAMPBELL, Barrister Solicitoi-, Notary, etc. Mom: to loan. O{ces-Barrie gfnvnnr: Barns Bank VETERINARY sURGEON8: no ` `r;-'BQYs as snows Burma`, Lu;Iox.=-`W- A 30": :5 sown. ' ' Bartie. Allilton and Creemorcs V. Lxmlox & Bows. . V . ' . ' ::vIr\IIIY\7l ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY Speaking in the Legislature last week, Mr. W. H. Bennett, member for East-Simcoe, declared that at the next election the `people would ask, When i `did the Government tell the truth- when were `promises to be fullled ,'i He recounted the noble band of faith- ful that had been appeased by being given Government positions. Among others` who had `been satised`at the public crib was Sir Richard Cartwright, who had a brother in the employ of the Government. Sir , Louls Davies had a brother similarly cared for; Bobert Beith, M,P., had abrother col-lector of customs at Bcwmanville ; Judge Lister had a- son in the permanent militia '; the Minister of Militia a- brother who acted as accountantin the Militia De- . partment; (Bob) Holmes a brother in the Immigration Department outwest a; Dr. Dawson two sons in the `depart- ments; Mr. Lemieux, M.P., father a collector of customs; -Dr. Macdenald, a son and son-in-law given positions; James McMullen, a brother a clerk in Kingston`Penitentiary ; Mr. Gibson, a brother a Government clerk. Of course, the Government had acted for the benet of the farmer. Take the -`free list. It was arranged for the tarm- er s benet. What were made free? Vaccine points, paintings of the old masters, ice, old coins, postage `stamp collections, bird skin, veneer of ivory, lime juice, dragon's blood, cat` gut, egg yolk, bees, anchors, bone pitch, water of roses. |'Laughter.], Surely the farmers were satised. [Laughter.'[ All that was lacking wasair. [Laugh- ter.] But Mr. Bennett pointed out that the Liberal Government had in- creased the duty on sugar, a staple commodity among farmers, 331} per cent. Not only had the farmer been. humbugged, but the temperance people had also been fooled, for the Govern- ment had aided -gigantic" frauds in Que- bec in order to defeat the will 91 the people as expressed in the plebiscite. He declared the Government wished to put. the permanent soldiers on a lower basis" than `the Chinese were put by local Governments, viz., to take- away the right of voting. Soldiers had the best right to vote, because they would do theghting should war ensue. He- showed how`. the Government had ap- pointed judges ;to counties where one judge could do all~the work required. The most glaring` example was the ap- pointment ot-Neil McCr1mmon to On- tario County, where last year there was not a single case before the County Court. This certainly `was a farce. Mr. Bennett concluded `a brilliant speech with a forcetul picture of the fate that awaited the Government at the next elections. V '

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