Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 3 May 1900, p. 1

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worn: utaly) Uouacrvatugy un Luuunvo Miss Campbll will also teach Vlolln Music, a'.nd give lessons in Wa_l.er Colors. . a,_-s,u _..-_.':..'.. :;. A:....o-A on Han hnrnl ana gwe IBSSOIIB ll] VIQUUI UV-vs -u Special attention is directed to the Choral Olull. which Miss Campbell conducts every Friday afternoon at 4.30 at the addressgiven below. , - ,1; c.__.u_-_ _.._a.:....I..-g -unnlu nmvunnnllv arternoon at 4.30 as uw auu-can 5."... ........... For terms and further particulars apply personally or by letter to ' ` lvliss %Car%'n.pbe|| EXCHANGE BLOCK, s--2 DUNLQP s1'., BARRIE. j VALUABLE TWIN PROPERTY In._View of leaving their oresent premise Barrie 'lannin Company. (Limited) will o Buildings, Lan s. etc . now occupied as a Ta fer` sale by tender up to and including the A ril, inst. The `property has a frontage of xi with drainage privileges and right of way acre railway. ` - ' This property is verysuitable for Factory, E1 or Summer Hotel. Addresstenders to` company, Una fealon wny tolerated is that th real gbod once u ont\lIII_ monev. ' sell ` u-v--- . . It is a fact, nevertheless. that we can to-day furnish you `with a. thorou hliy x-at-class, time- piece in gold, silver or go - lled cage forlees than one-half the gure that prevmled a. few new ago. ' ~ ' - Lots 2, 3 mid 4. West Bald: North Cumberland Street. _`1 Jacob : Terrace} Lots I. a,- ; South Carolina Street. Lot - . guy.` Em Mary Street. yo: 5.. West Marysttcet. Lot 2. -Apply at ' V . an MISS 7\MPBELL WATBH FAOTS. `4 I=on SALE. WA..Dougi|as,% FOR sue WTENDER --3 our watches are non why so many 5 their owners 0 not realize that d for su_ch little may be ha "act,.neverthelees. we to-day u ea. thorouflhgiy ret-clue _old_, lledcage tor lees - ,. A` M.-- Ahab nrnlllldafcw 1 Pays DUNLOP STREET. has Hiaed to give I2 rag}? iI.Vx7m1-21>) V 3451313133- .ALt.A~NnAL1_:_. - . Baldwin Street. Kind _'Lot| :7 gqd BARRI8. -:--'--.- premises the pany. offer the aid for Enilowmdut In:\snneo__ bmpnnian 9: mdnoy 91` HR. ADVANCE." Ran zlg I 5930 4: 5 8liIdi1. 138.3 '_INTERESTSS0F BARRIEp THE COUNTY OF SIMCE- AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. j ' _tage or :95 rear. r across the , Eievator 14 if 2"i"iia'3i 1 feet, mm: the FAREIWELL `-ro MR. summon. ! He .8evrs-E13 Connection with the Bq.p- tint nhm...1-. -ie. ' On the eve of the departure of` the Rev. _ S. Sheldon," tor of Barrie Baptist church, a for his new eld of labor in Grace . Baptist church, Montreal`, the members of the church here held a Farewell Tea and Entertainment on Friday evening last, that opportunity I might begiven to the congregation of ex- 1 pressing their heart-felt appreciation of his ` untiring labors during the three and a half ` years Mr. Sheldon has been connected with ` the church, and of assuring himself and his 1 estimable wife and son that their most eic- ient services in all departments of the church work will not soon be forgotten by those with whom they have so heartily co ' operated. Afton wanna`-ob:-`nu 1;` LI... p-AAA LLS...-n on-A ` Ur?` $UV\II given. After partaking oi the good things pro- vided by the ladies of the church and j mingling in social intercourse for some time. all repaired -to the audience room of the church where an interesting proizramme was Aa.-... _ _ _ . .__I _ _ _ _ . _ __!_'A__ _._`__LS_._.. 2.. `Hawker illuminated address from the congregation 3 | qsvvu. After" several appropriate selections in recitations and song - were rendered, Mr. presented Mr. Sheldon with an I assuring him of the esteem in which he is l h eld by all. expressing a high appreciation of_ his tuntiring e'orts_ in advan ing the cause of Christ within` and w' out the church. and wishing him abund t blessing inhis new eld of labor. TEL- -1I-_S,__ _- A _ ____ -1 Ill-IIID IJUW llUl\.I VI ICUUII _ The following is uoopy of 9 address :-_- _T To Mn SHELDON, `I\ 1-. t\ .1 Q ___,,._ J- -- `v-q-- v-. Dear Brother.-On the eve of your de- parture from us as our Pastor,` we desire to express to you. `without attery, our deep appreciation of the many ervices you have rendered to us as individuals and as a body of believers. I11. I_._. ___-._ n_._.__1 _-.. .._--4. :..:.L..l. 3.. -helgful. U` \`7 \" tlal 1`x:a'.ever found you most faithfuh in all branches of our church work, while in. vour` praching and` teaching you have shown oapirit ofoearneatneaa in study, and a. love and fideity for God s word and will that has been to all willing hearers moat ;, ;:.2__ -_ - _1.__._-L 1.-- ..-_.. .........I.. Lu ulpiul. _ Our condition as a church `has very greatly improved under vour three and a half years ministry, we are much closerunited to one another, a better spirit is abroad among us, `we are far better organized for Christian work, while our present nancial condition is one of which we are proud, and for which \ we are thankful ; and we certainly owe these prosperous conditions to vour untiring e`T)rts`and` ceaseless watch-care. __,n-__ u-\__-1 ..-.-.. l..I..-.... 1...... Cllfli uuu. UUEIBUIUBD Wn,l.uu'uu|.v. In the Sunday School your labors have always been abundant,`so that this import- ant branch ot our church life, which was weak at your coming, has through your presence, instruction, and guidance, been made to -bear much fruit Also in the Young People's Society we feel that you have been used of God to lay a foundation, on which some at least, and we trust many young lives will build an eternal character that shall bring honor to our Redeemer; you have trained thus a band ofyoung workers for the high calling of servants to `the heavenly King, and given to us and the cause of the Saviour an abiding treasure, lwbose increase shall yet enrich your own UH` soul. `7-. Your work and inuence has not been conned to your church and people.` but in the Children : Aid Society, and in the tem- perance cause and hospital work you have taken a deep and active interest ` 1`. . .n L... lnl-mus am-I hr-nnnhpn nf`Chriat- ` UBKBD 8 QBBP uuu Isuuvu Iuucunsu In all these labors and branches of` Christ- ian work we know Mrs. Sheldon has been to you. and to us, a faithful helper. She has in` much self-denial been not only a `co- 1 worker, but a leader," and her services in ` the Mission Circle. Mission Band and Sam day School, have always been most helpful and inspiring, and though in poor health, Mrs. Sheldon has found time and strength to actively help in the much-needed and` beneficial work of" furnishing and maintain-` ing our hospital, and we all wish to record 3 our warm regard for her and her work. 1 ma tvnindv nan mPQt_ W9 8 BARRIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, MAY 3, 1900. l'8g&!'(l 10!` D01` llnuu. nu. Wu; :3. i ` To your son. Ernest, we owe a. debt ' which no merewords can repay.. His work , in the B Y.P.U. and in the S. S. could not have been done with greater care; indeed he has shown an increasing Interest that could only spring from love to Christ, and to those for whom He died. while, his help in the service of song has been of great value and spiritual prot in our -worship of praise. p and spmtuai prouu Ill uul; -m........ .. ,.......... To youeach we extend our heartfelt love, ; for we have come to admire your faith and Godly life, and our regret now. is that we have not more closely followed your faithful wordsand Christ-like example. We wish you a hearty God-speed in your new home and eld, and assure you that it will ever give us joy to hear of your prosperity in everything relative to life and Christ s Kingdom. ' -,7- .----|.:.... ..-m.'.-be Mr Qhnlnn lxlnguuus. In a few touching remarks Mr. Sheldon replied, thanking. the congregation for the beautiful things said about him and also for thekindly reference to Mrs. Sheldon and his son. . u... m...-:.:.... mlm Inn hum aver dilinelit 1 his I Mrs. Sheldon who has been ever diligent in woman s sphere of church work -was also , the recipient of an address and beautiful silver cream and sugar service by her co- workers in the Mission Circle. In behalf of the Circle, Mrs. Nash read the address and Mrs Bennett made the . presentation, after which Mrs. Sheldon feelingly replied,` thanking the ladies for theirkind words and also for their handsome token of recognition of her humble services. , A Dr. Patterson, who ably occupied the chair, brought the meeting to a close by ask- ing all to rise and sing heartily, God be with you till we meet again. . On Sunday evening, Rev. Mr. Sheldon reached his farewell sermon from John ,8- 8 "What is Truth? During the course of his remarks he expressed his warm re- gard for the members of his congregation, and his reluctance at leaving -them. He . said hehad enjoyed his relations with his fellow ministers of `Barrie and had learned to love many outside of his own, congrega- tion lls regretted that they had been disappointed in not getting the man they expected as his successor; but whoever came he asked them to stand loyally, by their `church. and pastor. . _,~. _ _In the removal of Rev, 8. Sheldon to ` Monueal, the churchhere sustains a severe loss. and Barrie" losesone of its most earnest _`.-I:.`I amen:-mnrn. I03. DI-Ill yuan.` _. aociil reformers. ..---- .b V: J On Manda With :3` "Y. 5.. navlin |.-~ .1 y evenin ' la oitrien g,J To Care or T L...` Imam IIIO 15- IDVQAV-nu ---__`,, Monday lutywhile out riding | putty Voftrien s,~ Min A. Groae. of oy & Dovlink, daughter of Nogli .'!=% with .- w A 8erlouAoc_:1dent. - .-,L SI- :- 11-1-event 0ham;od Hand`: 3 Wilmer : Glyeorlne and In 150.; tube. wumom Ih-anmIA_ l|ng_ livery serious accident. When crossing the bridge on the Allandale road, Miss Grose s_ horse took fright and ran away. It is sup- posed that the rider attempted to jump` from the saddle when near the _West Ward \ school. She fell heavily on her head and ,-::``n an-6-n3-8-up `cam! nnnnlin 3n:nI`;Al Ant` lUllUUlo DUB Hill LIBHVIIJ Uu uus uwcu uuu side, sustaining `very severe injuries, `and wsspicked up unconscious Dr. Arnall was quickl summoned and the sufferer was taken ome. The most serious injurieswere in the head and side; She still liesin s Esemi-conscious condition. but it'is hoped her `case is not as dangerous as it was at first ifesred. ` v Buy your Rubber Goods at Winner : Drug store. 2 Quart Fountain svrlnxe 65. . 4 Quart no: Water Bottle 85c. /01% p M I Re1d s License G;ted-Waters Case - Laid Over. At the adjourned meeting of t.he'Board of License Commissioners last Saturday at the Inspector's oice, with all the members pre- sent, J. 0. Reid, of New Lowell, was on hand, and gave assurance that if granted a Ilioense he would endeavor to observe the [law in future. He was cautioned against" `infraction of the law, and his license was I1-en_e'wed. 4.___I!__L!-._ -2 ii- "7nLnn- `nun a slant` ` TCIJBWBQ. , The application of Mr. Waters for a shop license was then taken up. The Secretary read the following letter addressed to In- spector Lyon :.-I write to you as Secretary of the Board of Commissioners. asking you -`on behalf of thetemperance people to con-_. tradict the impudent assertion of Waters; who claims he has our support in his appli- ication for license. Of course, not even fools will believe him. but I deem it right to send in a protest on behalf of the much-maligned temperance people against granting anv. more shop licenses, and also to affirm that the statement made by Waters is simply un- true. Signed on behalfoof W.C.T U . S. G. E. McKee. Mr. Waters expressed a desire to meetthe temperance people in the matter, and the ministers of the town also wished the case - laid over till after the meeting of the Minis- I terial Association on Monday, so that they i might answer the assertion of Mr. Waters that they favored his application. 1'- ..:..... ..c 4...... Canto the Rmuvrl nammrl n. mac IJDBY xavoreu ula uppuuuuuu. In view of these facts the Board passed a. resolution. That. the application of Geo Waters be laid over till`Saturda.v, May 5th, hit one o clock, and. that the petition be! allowed to be put in the papers to give all persons interested an lopportupiby to be heard. Cotton Hose with cashmere feet is the` latest for ladies wear. They are perfectly i fast dye and urshrinkable. Justin at. Vail`, Vickere & Co. . x I . iSt~. Thomas Church Vestry, Shanty Bay. ` I The annual Vestry meeting of St. Thomas church was held on Easter Mon- day. The church wardens, Messrs. Geo Raikes and S. Palk were re-elected. -The nancial report presented by the wardens to the Vestry was highly satisfactory. To exemplify this it may be remarked that the assessments made on the part of the parish by the synod for Widows and Orphans Fund, Missionary Funds, etc., were In every case farin excess for what was requested) . A ___.n .'l-,_I -3 L..-...n.n nnnnnsvndnnv the case Ial'_ln excess 10:` wucw was lctluccuuq. A good deal of business concerning the glebe and other road to the new wharf was transacted. ' _ V flu, _ I.-- J-`I___A.-- L- LL- gm-AA Inn I'._unnnI-A WTHUIBUDUU. . The lay-delegates to the synod in 1'-_-ronto, . which commences June 12th, are Col. 'O Brien and Geo. Raikes. Esq. " I 1.. .:.....-I,: I... .. ..................AnkIn 4-Jninn if thnnn ' U Drleu uuu. uuu. nuance. maxi. It would be a commendable thing if those who have relatives interred in the St Thomas churchyard would combine with the congregation of the said church and place, sav. 3 cedar hedge in trout of the I church yard. --,-: Cameras and Photogra hlc Supplies ` at Wlsmer9s Drug Store, rrie, Ont. HA5 A Delegation Will Oppose the Grantinsr of Waters License. 'l`he_ regular meeting of the Ministerial Association was held in the lecture room of the Presbyterian church on Monday after- noon. There was a full representation of members. A - -.-v..-..--.. Rev." Joseph Young. of Burton ave. Methodist church delivered an excellent and exhaustive address on Faith Cure. This was followed by afull discussion, in which all the members took part. The general! opinion seemed to prevail` that while faith was necessary yet: we ought not to neglect the tangible means at our dis- '33:; allegation of Geo. Waters in the ap- plication for `a shop license was taken up. A resolution was unanimously adopted ap- pointing a deputation. consisting of Revs. .T. E Bartley and D. D. McLeod to wait upon the Commissioners at the meeting on Saturday next, and oppose the granting of the license. on the ground that it is not- in the best interests of the town to grant the .1 9_ ___ _ -1. - I--. ...--a:..... 3... 5|... ..-..-..-. IBIIIU. As this was the last meeting for the season the Association adjourned to meet again on the first Mongisy of October at ten o clock.e The handsome solid silver cup which Senator Gowan has donated for competition in volley ring was viewed and admired by afew_ of the Senator e friends last Friday. before being forwarded to Ottawa. ` t H... pnuch 3- on I-..`.m.--.n.tn'A `Ali `Q11 fh Pi. DBIOISB IJBIIJK Lurwlaruuu uu unawa- The cup is to be` competed for by the regi- ments of military districts 1. 2. 3 and 4,_ at the yearly camp drill. Its object is to pro- mote eiciency in volley ring, an in actual warfare. - -m-- ---._ _-_ _.-.-3- :. u........,| . .,..,1 g, A; WBPIBT8. The cup was made in Montreal,` and is of very handsome design,` `of solid silver,` 18; inches high. weighing 130 oz. The inscription on the cup is as follows : _ Regimental. Active Service Challenge Cup. . Preeente Why, the, Hon. J. R. Gowan, U. M.- G., - To be competed for annually by the Regiment: of Military district 1,. 2.3 and 4," l `_ during the annual -training On condition of competition a" pmved_'l}yl.i' Major-General Hutton, .B. ' Commanding Canadian` Militia. - Qt|\l\ v -.Y_._. -._- -_ Barrie, cmdagieo.--T, 1899. -On Sunday evening just as the congre- gations were leaving the churches they "were startled by `the clung of the rexbell, It turned out to be only a brueh pile in" the wees end, end the `ro`_m_en"wer~e stopped nthay;tqsoh9de~-the MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION. TEE I..IOE`NVSTE BOAED. so,ym:'rH1NG NEW. 1 Senatdr G waA.n's Cup. [The Latest News Many Readable Paragraphs of L00a1 I}lt8I_'88t. __ A Fresh leld and-horde; `seeds arrh- illg at IIO'l`lIWEIaIa S. -Mr. S. Dymentahipped a pair of hand- some Jersey: to `Windsor on Monday. I` 9", .I,_ 19,- __ -- '_-" ""'I' " " ' U -.Oril1iaAia about te IV-eise tine license fee `for the sale of cigarettes to a prohibitive gure. * , ., -n,-..__ L---_ __1.1__1 _ _1_'..:_L. ua:--1'?..ogere & Rogers have added a dt-Vyinzg kiln to their planning factory on Bayeld street. our dry plit Shingle Blocks. Mickie, Phqne 87. _-;-3`ir.'_'Crooks, ot_`Co1dwa;o.3r, shipped a. carload of Vcattle from Barrie to Toronto yesterday. ' V 0 _, .I,_lI7( 1fI'I`I'T J vuuu- u---J c -There will be a. metingofthe W.C.T U. in their parlors on Monday afternoon. May 7, at 3 o'clock. n .u' II ,|,_L _|___._ t3'Carpets cleane, laid and retted. .Eromph-attention, ,mod/erate prices. S.~ H. May, opposite Gas House. 7 __A -._- ._`_.J 4.. 3 us: to ~- v--'-- -The score for the weekly gun club shoot on Friday atood,--Haigbt 10, Shrubaole 9. Lemon 8, and Billie 7. I In I ,,_Q;.._`I ""T'J' "I'l""" ""` " ` -MIsa Groee e condition, we are glad to "a'a.v,.'-has greatly improved. She has re- gained consciousness, and is doing well. nu an 19 ,, 1: _____ ,_ (*1. ....:II .......... a-.--_-a- vv--'-- --._v__, w... __ -.IV--,= . .--The Canadian Express Co. will carry free of clmrge any donations from Barrie to the sufferers of the great re in Hull and Ottawa. ' _ - - say | vvw-u -u --The case of assault from near New Lowell, that was to have come up in the Police Court last Thursday, was settled out of "court. ' ` Iran: 1% W. D. McConkev, Auctioneer, has completed his out of-town collecting busi- ness for a. `time, and is prepared to handle sales 0! all kinds. -Ab the Police Court yesterday morning James Donaldson was brought before the magistrate and committed for trial before the County Judge. I 1 I \Y,#; T -._.'I|_ vuqw \r\rvu--w' .. ..__- -Congreaational church.-Next Lox-d`s Day. pastor Botterill speaks. morning aub- jeclz. "A first century for't.iers, evening lecture, The Public and Separate schools. NEW Maple Sugar and Syrup at B0TllWELL9S. ` T` o 1 //i To mum.` 0' vv--- THE ` T . n..11..m. 'Dn-rrmn `I -u.- -- .--:_ .__ -Mr John Rogeraon wishes us to state that he will receive and pack all contribu- tions for the Ottawa-Hull re relief fund that the Express Company oers to carry free. I T-It is rumored that after the mid sum- mer holidays Inspectors McKee and Morgrn are to exchange ,inspectora.tes_. Mr. McKee taking North Simcoe. and Mr. Morgan. South Simcoe. --The remen had still another run to a. burning chimney on Marv street. on Mon- day morning. With` the high wind that was blowing in was well that it was noth- ing more serious. uurn___,___n_. -rI-___ __.I 1-I-4l.. Gui..- O ` -_a -..v-- ..----.._. \ Wilmer : Horse and Cattle Since, 3 lb. Package for 250. Wlsmer9s Drug Store. Barrie, 0:11. In 1-r1n,.. 1\1'l' vvva. wq -nu-an nun v--u --Messrs. Geo. Hogg, J. G. Scott, 0. H. Lyon and Alex. Btownlee. went to Cold- water on Tuesday for a trout: sh on the following day, it beingthe first day of the open season for trout. III: __.-..I_ 'l!I_..-.I..I..-. `I...-nan-9 (`angling-Q -4-- - -vv. -At a meeting of the Red Cross Society | on Tuesday afternoon it was decided to for- ward to the troops at -the front, another bale of supplies, consisting of socks. sweaters, caps and cholera belts. Another meeting `will be held on Tuesday, May 8. when all parties wishing to send articles to their friends will have an opportunity to do so. .. I 1` _ j___ `___ 9.1.0314, auto: 3 nvq `runw- --His many friends will be blessed. to learn that Mr H E. "Jory, who for the past eight years has been associated with the late Mr. Harper, in business, has been ap- pointed to the vacant position of District Agent for the Confederation Life Associ- ation. - -As the quarterly love feast and fellow- ship meeting and the annual distribution of membership certicates will take place. in Elizabeth street Methodist church next Sun- day morning, the time of service will be 10 30 rather than 11 o'clock. The sacra- ment will be administered after the evening service. - . _ - .a. m `orb: ..._.--'- --_ ---..-. Wlnmer9s Emulsion. largest. freshest, bent, $1. bottle lot 500. Wlsmen-9: Drug store, Barrie. Ont. 1" 1 ,, an L, ._I___-.1 L- -On Sunday evening some boys down y the bay built res on two ties and drifted them out on the water. A man went out and extinguished them Had they drifted in against the dock they might have done considerable. damage. It is supposed that the same boys started the re in the marsh, that caused the alarm, as it occurred just after the other. | nsnvsouuu u and u--vw __ -..r---...__- uunwvn cuv v__._. --The twenty-second annual meeting of l the- North Simcoe Teachers . Institute will l he held in the Town Hall. Midland, on Fri- day and Saturday. May 25th and 26th. There will be a public meeting in the even- ing, with a literary and musical programme and an address by Inspector Morgan The repgrt of Treasurer Hendersnn for last year shows a membership of 148, and a ~ balance of cash in hand $69.55. -The grouping of the_B L. A. districts has just been com leted. There are only four clubs reports for the senior league, Markham, Orangeville, Tecu msehs, and St. Cstharines. In the intermediate the North- eastern district is composed of Orillia, Beaverton and Petsrboro, Barrie being left out. Junior Club, No. 4. consists of Cooks- town, Allistan. Stsvner. Barrie, Allandale, -Collingwood, Orillis II, with Chas Clark, of Barrie, secretsryl. Other adjoining junior districts are. No. 6, Gravenlmrst, Hunts- ville, Braoebridge, Midland. W aubaushene, Coldwater. South River. Sec., R E. Perry. Brscebridgs. No. 7. Cannington, Lindsay, Uxhridgs, Port Perry, Beaverton II. Sec., N. Piper. Qlnnington. ' - oounvvnvon cu-uvgn Thorsdsy. May 3, l900.-At No. 36, Peneumg. Street, Barrio, Mr. Alf. John- ston will sell all his household furniture and effects, also 1 team of horses, 1 cow, a. num- br of hens, harness, implements, etc. Sale at 1 o clock, W. D. .MoConk`ev, suction-- Monday.-"May 14:11, 1900.-On E ; Lot 1.` Con. 3, Veapra. ; horses, cattle, pigs, imple- me'n't_I. etc. Sale at 1 o cloqk. Samuel Johnpton, grep . McQonley, auc- `Auction Safes. - A..- Briefly To|d.1 I2 Pages. Tamarack and Dymnt &. Go. ' ` The favorable weather for seeding caused a very small attendance at the marketpll ` Saturday. "It was observed that there were very few farmers to be seen They had evidently sent their wives" and daughters in. their stead. Prices were for the most part almost the same as last week. The butter and on trade" has about got down to steady prices for the summer. Butter sold at 130. to 16. per lb '1~$a'.;}ie`;}&;r;Ia,I.I&"po:atoes in limited quantities, at 30 to 35 for small or choice lots. T 1, 9 , A. `I A ,4-.. JIIIIIICL CIIIII UIV IVIU. `-II I\J\II IIVI Eggs were steady at 100. per dozen. In the butchers" trade lamb and veal are coming in more freely. The price of drou- ed meat`. is about as usual. M - t comply 1<`ew colleges can .saY _ It pays to alten ' ']`\V0 '1Vl0{\'l`l1a It nus - with the deman ds made for more than this, (1 a good institu- 26-lv _ w"`i.l1e grain frade is practically at a. stand- still. I . I .-I ` ,I_-- uulive how! are` quoted the sameslut iweek. $5871, for mediums with 500. per ` hundred of! for light and heavv. ' l Secretary Smith Refuses to Press Access to the Inspectc_>r s Official Report. The regular monthly meeting of the R. C. I. Board was held on Friday evening. There was very little business of importance before the meeting. Ann:-uuvnn Q-A OLA nrnnnn A` 0000 in-A` IIIFLIJI C UIIC IIICCBII-J6 Accounts to theemount of $209.70 were passed and payment ordered. The mutter of insurance was discussed, and it was de- cided to place an additional $800 insurance on the contents of the /school building. TEA I-Anne-r A` Tnannnfnr Qnnnk nnnn Ohl 1-III IIIIU UUIJUUIJLH UI IIIIC /DUIIUUI IJIJIILIIIJ O The report of Inspector Sneath upon the occasion of his last official visit to the Insti- tute was presented and discussed. The report was satisfactory so tar as the Ita and general work of the school is concerned. The inspector reported that the ventiletlon of the building is very defective, and must be attended to at once He also pointed out deciencies in the appliances, etc . in some of the departments. particularly in the science department. - TI..- campus-an-ul-ow nouunn-v\:OCnn tuna l\-lhCQA `A BUIULIUU LIUPGI UIIIUI-I L- The propertv committee was ordered to make a thorough investigaaion as to neces- sary changes and improvements, and report at the next meeting of the Board (17. _-..._-n. a.L-4. _.- ...... _-; ..LI.. L- .2..- av IIIIU LIUAI. IIIUULIIJK UL LIIU JJUGI Ll ~ We regret that we are not able to give the ratepayers a fuller account of Inspector Seath s report, as for some reason or other. the Secretarv declined to let the document be seen. The reports presented to a Board in regular session are undoubtedly public property, so it is not easy to understand the Secretary s action. Wnsmer9s lleadacl e Powders. sun-`o to cure. Wismerm Drug Store, Bun-lo , ll-ah Ont. ` On Monday morning a. few of the ad- mirers of good horses met at the Brookdnls track to witness a little trial exhibition of the horses that Mr. Dyment Is sendin to Toronto ma. few days for the Wood ins meeting "Fly... knltna can-un nnnr] `nu-on nut` Clan '-At Adhla; April 24".! Homgn. of a djaughter. - . SON-On April 22. the wi M,Tve of Adjala, of a daughtel ~-"VJ\n Avril 2;.` Ihty IIICW IJIIJ6 The horses were in good form, and the time made was very satisfactory considering thestrong wind that was blowing. For the Queen s Plate there will be four starters from the string, Magog, Bellcourt, Silver- locks and Lady Voltaire. These, particu- larly the first two. are very promising" com- petitors, and their admirers are sanguine of the Plate coming to Brookdale this veal`. I4`l..:..u Donn `Anlru On `an :n Rfill `Ahrn ant` DUU L IDLU UUIIIIUE [U 1)! UUDUOIU lulll vvns. Flying Bess looks to be in ne form and showed splendid going. In the 2 mile she will make things interesting for all comers. A little goat is her constant companion in the stall. They are rm- friends and the racer always frets and worries if separated from the hairy little goat, which goes with her all over to the various places ef,_ meet- lng'I."|-no nil-unrn 9111:" NA in Tnrnnfn ' gin -': m.l.'.`he others that go to Toronto aI`e',-""Fi"ed Perkins, The Duchess, Maritana, Matlock, Vint, Cleopatra and La Burkley. `T:-nb :.v. I\ Ivnliiv o\uup\nn:au-`rs Iinnlirnhvfa` hnf. V IUD, \JlCUPGUlG GI-I`! JJDUY l.J|-|l. RIO - ` Vin: is 9. very promising youngster, that ; is sure to be heard from later on.- Lorne i Thompson. the jockey, understands his business and will do his part toward coming `in at: the nish. On the whole the string promises to make a very creditable showing. `Plans for the Proposed New Bu11din ' Presented at the Meeting. - The regular meeting of the Board was held on Tuesday last in the Hospital. Plum were presented from Toronto architects of the proposed building. and were carefully considered. , II L..- -2 1o_,_2,I__l__ L `l3-L-_ ____ UUUBIUCI Ull- Mr. Baker. of Gouinlock at. Baker, was present with the Committee, and some modication of the plans will be made, after which they will be placed before the public. The proposed building will cost about $12,000, and will accommodate when lled about 30 patients and the nursina sta`. At present there are 7 applicants for admission to the male public ward, which accommo-I dates only 4 patients, and the remainder have to be placed in otherjparts of the build-i COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE BOARD. mg. The Site Uommittee also agam reported progress Aesite has not yet been decided upon,,several eligible ones being offered. There are at present eight prisoners at-the jail, six male and two female. \ n.u:A Dnrnnuslr Inna fnlrnn tn Oh: (`.nl|fIQI JIIII, SIX IIIIIU uuu IIWU lllllu David Perrault was taken to the Central on Thursday. Mn: 13.1:-nan ant` Hon =1-1:nf can urnnf. anti! Huliximn.-of daughter. 1 wife of ]as. Watson N-0 Apr S0 Agjala, <`)f daughter. . `rave _ - the we of Francis 0'LEAm"on Apr f zahdaughter. v EON--I Allandalc. on VVednesd , A ' BLDG n Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Bixgeoznal IIU BUU LLUIIBU VI .l.UClUxU Ull .I.'llllB,s The young lad, Jae. Donalson, who is awaiting his trial for stealing from the Grand Trunk, and also for stealing a do early in January from John Hobson, an selling it to a farmer at the Kennedy house, made a break for liberty on Monday morn- ing. He managed to get up in the tower and out on the roof. where he scrambled about with the agility of a mountain goat. He was nally collared by the turnkey and I led down to a safer altitude. n UII Lllulllye Mrs. Rainev and her idiot son went down t6 the House of Refuge on F ridav. VIVL- .......... 1...! T..- `l\......l..-u. 'oicee ; making V Thee exreaitm The report of the Postmaster General of Canada. for the year ending 1899, is just out. opened, during It shows that there were the year, 138 new post the total ` number for Can- ada 9420 There was an increase 0! 11} per cent. in the letter: posted, 4 per cent. in. registered letters, and 31 per cent. in papers, books, circulate, eamnlee,'etc.. The 30th June. ` number of poet ,carde shown a dccreaee or : 2%) cent. - - create ='of $344-878.77.. _`.*.'~ . t he net revenue for the.ye`erjhowe up the our -~ ' ` " `i {$1.00 " ER ANNIUM IN `ADVANCE SINGLE `COPIES FIVE CENTS. ROYAL S`7IC'I'0R.IA HOSPITAL; Postmaster Genera.l s Report. The Brookdale Striwngz . THE MARKET. At the Jan." QT, T\&$ ACl I.ANE-0n April 20. M1: daughtez of Mr. apd_N .\lABTIN-0n pril 30. at Wilda Martnn. daughtc Marlin. aged to years. .-...nn Ab Np`\ymarke` v ' 1.4 ACRE LOT FOR SALE-Lot 0.LS]Eh`?:9It)I'et' North. A number or lar e and smalluit bearing trees. Apply to FRED. ARR. n....l.m Glftfet. |8.`9-P smau Hun nu... Dunlop street. THE%cAI`~3Xi5I}iN BANK1 or COMMERCE, A BARBIE- Any portion of the amount can be drawn without identication or delay of any kind. in nearly 400 im- pormnt places throughout the world, including . where cheques mav be cashed either on the Exhibition Grounds or in the 9 citv : . soum AFRICA. I7-24 mice of Application to the .llmario legislature. VOL xL[S)fs'Mrl:I?L {NEsLah P"P!Ei?t%f No` 3s:' Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Legislature of Ontano at the present session thereof for an Act to-revive the Act incorpor- aning the Pacic and Atlantic Railwa Company passed b\' the Legislature of Ontario in tze " of Her lllaiesxvs reign and chaptcred 76 and to ex- xegud the time for commencing and completing the ranlway therein mentioned.. ' \'1.., v .| - . run 49th year and all the _arincipal,towns i 17-24 A:. The most comfortable brick residence in Bar- ng qn Dunlop street, overlooking the Bay and w1th1n_5minutes walk of the Post Oice. A cool house In summer and warm in winter..- All modem "'Pr0vemcnts ; hotwater heating ; electric lighting. tit: nearly half an acre of land; garden. lawn. orchard, etc. ' 2- House and 2 lots nn Mary street. 2} storysi 8h Cast : frontage 132 feet. C3. x 10 acres on North Blake street `and South bl{ml}erlar_1d treet. One of the most desirable unldmg sites in town. Apply to I\ rs an A 1\Ilv A'I"I` c!Ie`i9nSd Auctioneer. Appraiser. Valuator. etc.: mm1tl.Sales of Farm Stogk and Implements cQmp!3,`m8ned to; Farms sold and bou t on mission. GET MY TERMS AND RA 5. __ From `A pril [7 Term th. me from J Moxiir TO LOAN- gun: IN VUUI-ll-. ..-`1Rs. MAMIE MOORE (late of Kneas cm) is 3 930f forming a class for voice culture. -T1105` .'"8in'formation call at 48 Mary street, 53':- $\_________ - ` . Fazedlthiszst day of March, 1900. \v `I1 I'1t'\ u--_._.._ mheanfcltizens who, desire to rent their homes Bummer months or who wish to take boarder} Bum unicate with the Secretary of the B3!'|'|9 'ivingtfh:i:ade on or before the 15th of May. 190 r ates. and lb be that `they can : C num l' I4-`9 ~-_-___ K` ACREFARM F0RASALE-P rt fthe S. To3.::1`;h' L Game) South Half ofnipgt 2);? Con. xug,;g:':5a;fr8ood hardwood bush..:good build- -lWO acres: hparinar nu-chard! nail `P 0f Innisl ; all under cultivation except" /-./ cw , f Lot 9`! . h - -utC ML Uartley bout Tow o d. . 00 ad buh--9 g . acres of 8d hardwo lugs; good water I hafd I . orC W0 acres bearing 95 - tio cc . d r '"va 1nnma1:a1' II vial ? '. . am ` . be K"'n g; possegsxon 03 won. at j t |"' . he P" w e expauon oft mm: a d of K: FRAN In other Pamculars 3 ROBERTSO ,6-`:9 ? N, Stroud P` --y:r"'j """. ANTED-(xeneral Sr\'ant. T Ruference required MRS. HENDERSON. Bellevue. `:8-18 ~ OFFICE 34 . rw A h Miys Spruce f' P5! Plltiging: a to. fact uda1ef,'D5I"d.z.. $10 per loo. MGR N' V -._ : - G A ` . .: M R :,2~B:'~d . ' . an guano UORSEY. Allnndale. [.5-38`:-gm ` ' r an-mains V T - Modern Convenio; ' 13- ROGERS. at `-Raga eld Street. :7-:8-p_ sun ....._.____-------'-.' MONEY TO LOAN`- 5 d 5% per cent. on Mortgage- LOUNT 8: LOUNT: . _ 13-I3 -_ NE' ADVERTISENI ENT UULLUSU lJUI.LLa.v ha5'5{'rl;3vi"({\i1t'"r;`i"ss' H25 ...:.x. or... demands Lzssomsm VOCAL, MAM u n . . A _ .__ mus `_______________________:__ T0 RENT on LEASE [R `In! n:-_, 0 - BAYFIELD. STREET, BARRTIVE. * 8-1 W b or vault; 0 e vacant FoR"sAL|-:. NOTICE": Mlss Ella Lane youngest Ir. apd_Mrs. Lane. of hrentwood. ri13o. Vine. through accident. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .1. van r:. "ISSUED BY , merges intq the. Summer om Jul) 3rd an the I DIED.` `Prlcc FOR SALE. _.-5" Ross Block, No. 97. Dunlop vault; occupied at Rresent by '6 Vacant nn Int "6 mil nbxt. .u- an!` .7..." x. w. ROWELL. - uavuavb Barri tors, Barrie. ; apposite R. R. Station --_--_.___.----- Solicitor for Ap'plicants. ,., ... D. F. MACWATT, P.O.Bo3c57 . V} _Sarma, nt._ ` " d `E: St 5."'iT of nbxt. C. H. ROSS. .the wife of John hits. E-La,dy c and Gent :/, "- Avvlvwx .0,X-8,s 2 3 _ a, Barrip, {rm-3nus tram- PRXNCIPAL. ` DIM. LVIII 3 I.` I\l`IL` I6-xq-p That Sea Serpent. ` { Again Appears Seen Once More after Five Years- A This%Tima in Barrie. There are those who profess` to dlebelieve in all such thing: as sea serpents. Had they been down at the Bay on Tuesday night they would have been convinced of their lack `of faith. But unfortunately itia a little oddlty with sea serente, as with poor relations, to bob serenely up when they are least ex- pected. - unit A` can-an ma-LL-- _-!II ,--.__----l -- l rwvvvun Many of our readers will remember etorie of a leviathan that had been seen. from time to time in Lake Simcoe and Kempenfelt Bay. Few may have been at all inclined to credit the etatement.,but last night the ear; pent, or creature, or whatever. you may call it, made its bow to a. small but very ap- preciative andience at the wharf at the foot of Muicaeter St. ` 1 - -__.___ A',_A , ,, ,,., I u A . . `II LVIUIUGBVVI UV! It seems that a part of boys were shing ~ on the wharf when t ey observeda `lar e dark obiect in the water approaching t e wharf. As it came near it lifted itself partlv out of the water, and the boys dropped their rods and bolted. The actions of the boys attracted the attention of a` Ffasser by who followed them to the scene he monster lifted from the water _a head like that of a horse, and apped the surface from time to time with its huge fan-like tail. Perhaps it may be considered a agrant violation of the rights of sea serpents, but we are bound to state that those who saw it estimated its length at not more than eight or ten feet. Some stones were after- ward thrown at it, but thev did not seem to disturb it in the least, for it took its own time to nally sink beneath the surface and disappear in the bay. This nan nn-. ha s-Anna:-Int` an 1: Huh nl-nsvu \IIP|JCZl III III? IIWJU This can not be regarded as a sh story asit is , well authenticated byrelisble wit- uesses.- It is about ve years since some children saw what is_~.Rroba.bly tyne same _ I__I-._ _SI___A _-__- HVHDCEI. I U .3 Il\I\I'-I H II V `I ' `I153 QIUIUY VIII? saw ieg. robably the creature down below: aikes`point, and Anna; 0-an wanna can :0-,' Inna anon noun n-113. UI UGBIIIU KIUVVII UUIUVY, LUQIBVB IJUIIIU DlI\I some ten years ago it was seen near Orillia. T533 3:: an nunnt that-. 111: Ian Innn `uh-H HUIIIU LULI JUGIU GSU Ill WIDE BCULI LIVES \IlIlIIGa This is an event that will be read with much interest by many-fwho believe in the existence of such a monstrosity. By others it may be held to be a pretty good sh yarn an nni\`Iv in {Jun nnnnnn . ...V.IN BLLARRIE. . .. . Her Qualiatiqqs are as follows : PIANO-Teacher s lcriicate with first-class hon- ors in all subjects, from the Conservatory of Music, ' `Alma College. St. Thomas. A VOCAL--A pupil of Eva. N. Roblin, `or Mina... (Italy) Conservatog-y of Music. ---,_ r--..__n__'u ...:n ..I-n a......I. Irlnlln Nlnnlo. III `Ila I-I? IIWI\I H`! II? T I so early in the season. LessonsinMusic.` Vocal azifl'I5if 6 Lessons 1 and

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