Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 1 Mar 1900, p. 10

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Ivvv _.h v-no --u-v-- zrmmc on railway linag at Ithaca: .7 `V ' Ininn I-xenon anannnnl` nnuintr fnf UNHLTVED sums. GREAT BRITAIN. f GENERAL.` C'A1fTADA. `THE NbRmEnN Anvdron. has .vuu.-ar-cu u. urn. -vvu..I.| null! IHIWUQ the; killed 9r.niani`ng- o`t.aom.oiCrim_ean. ha`-,:_` .tlo-tidld. and his kx_1upu.ck`_waa plun-T donid hgmuundem who--had no` idea _. T }3:t_t_!eL agtln shoe ;haq $0123";-4. mm LITTLE SATIN SHOE- . `The Queen's farewell to the High- landers sordored to the Cape from Balxnoral reinisnda M.A'.P. oh`; story which! Is told of how hen Majety saw the .Gnanda' oft` forty-hve ygars ag'o,_ whn they left London for Mfa,l_ta. an fonts for the fussian war. They ina`rcl1od put-'m Trent of Buckingham Pa.la.co,_ the_ am Brince Albert` looktngyon t;rom_ the balcony; ` As the llat. .c.0mp,;n!1V!8B`8*n8`b:h the; Queen -g,-young, agirlisih. j_!npulgl?e3$Btooped dqwn. oql; of!`-l,b'.'lI'.oy~`.lI[e r eh'0.68; V and throw it nmon,.'.th4ein.;'-"with? tin old Eflish.` - Ida`: `*6_- fmnga K V gojodf" luck; um "than aunts. link no Wu..- .n-`._..-.._ uxguu zucu um giving good luck. ' an .t he diaciplina 0!. the Guards broke down,-and a `dozen man scrambl- ed` for` it. ' Whn'_o.ctwally-. secured the mini` 'to!oTn~of.-gopd luck was never] _knov1r.n..I mbably the Guardsman who 1 ..a:riedi:tt]ot sw1th.htm~ras' amqqg..the`ii nn'unn"(~'H-i:'n-.u.. L..`. -2 `U7 vlllao ; J.,Nmv comes the. news that nearly 50 Br.iLiahJ of:-ioers, including two promin- ent generals, have been killed or; 'WK !111de`d. "while the losses of the rank < and file are not mentioned. There can be no. doubt that the British invasion. oft the-Orange Free State ~is being. ah`o;-rply contested, and that the Fed-' eral tomes _a.ro still in vigorous light- ing trim. T I..-_- I.;_.. 1____. ,-_- :|_po_-!1, Qdn, -' ' Also Why the Your 2000 `Will he one of Those Privileged Intervals. _ Not many pemsons are equipped I to ; aainswvoezr the ptuzzlxing questions which I have hlready begun to be put-as to. ;i W-hi the pmeseut year isVn:ot'a leap year. Leap year, as everybody knows, ;oocn1u's once in four` yeavrs. `It is` four _1yvemrs si-no-oen the last one. Then why ,;s.homld the " Ienp" be mtissing rom - '. 1900? : T T . 4 Home is the simme solution. > [ Of course it is not exlwotly true that Hthaelre are 365 days in the year. As a gmra-their of fact, then-umber is 365-- r 242256. 'l`his amounts almost to an ex- quarter of a day. Julius Caesar '_ believed that he was evening matters ;,up when be estimated that this exttra time. unaccounted for in the calendar, - uwould tn four yeaxrs amount` to one day, he therefore originated leap year: `or the insertion of am extra day once 3-in four years. I 'I'M_. ....-... -11 ........ .....n 1...; ....i- .u'~.:+.. "X;t;rv1:t. :ve may haw toike new axrangeanents; - . ~ 77 Ill WI ! This G/.rego.rian calendar will- keep` "the s_easons~ accurate enough for all Prantxcal purposes for `a -hundred thou- sand yeasts. __,. ' . _ -Au...'.. LL..L _.. _...__ 1_-._; LA`;._ -I._ . Jnavl-be Everybody knows that a year ls leap! was soon as the two last {f-igures of its ` thousands are divisible by 4 ; 1872, 1888, 1892, 1896, were leap years, the nuan- gersi '72, 88,92 and 90 being divisible The years 2100, 2200, and 2309 mm; nK_>ltl1;lea.p;the yeulrb 2M0 and 2400, 'II_s._ 11 o . . .' .-- - ! I I-Iltlll I'VE?-ll- ; This was all very well, but not quite ,exzaot. That is to say, according to i Ca-e sarr s arrangement, .007744, of a day, [or $9 seconds, "was falsely added to jevary year. After 129 yeans this am- i ounted to `one whole day, As the cen- ;_turri-es passed;, the error grew Larger. '%until finally, in `the sixteenth cen- ; tuiry, it amounted to tw-e1ve`dn.y's. '1`-hen `Pope Gregory XIII. undertook the re- vision ot the Julian Calendar, and got -rid of these twelve days by suppress- ing leap years for three consecutive centuries, and deciding that every `fourth century should be leap. ` ' S... ..n......2LI.._ 0.1-. L1... m`\.n*nA ncnnun cu: ALA w."1i1;>`1"9`V-;`1'!io?ei`z?`:)ppositior'1 to the nraww cal 'ar; in fact, the Greek Chu-rchVsti:'l1'us`-es the old. one. NIL- ..___... qnnn ._,'3 (Ian ,_L,--1. `L__ '\ll-l\|'J-\.lLI Gull]. l.l.DO BBQ uuu. U110: ` ` : Tye years 1700 and 1800, which by I ordm-a.ry rotation of four y-aam should`. Ebe leap. were not, so the yea1"V1900 -Wil only have 865 days insbeadmf 366` : days. But the year 2000 will be aleap` : v.:m:r 1' QGVUIIII 61.11.19 GL9 DLIUAAAIAQ ula navs 4 A despatch to the Times from Lady- ismith says:- UI\.-- -u'n`pn&~n 1\nr7A nnr\+-mung` +1\9nn Ll Dar-J Duj Our pickets have captured three armed. Germans, who are supposed to be In.tell'Lge.nce Department men. One had an a~m*bul,ance certicate, and wore a hospital band. _ The bombardment on the 21st was very active. . Ladysmith Reports Active Bombard- men; of the Town. A despatah to the London Times from c1_.iove1ey wmgp, dated Wednesday, 1 a.ys:- , - ` ' ' I 'h*a.s been no definite intorma-'-1 `tion `concerning the prog1_`eSa of the` -Roberts-Kitc_h-ener campaign since`; Sunday, In which 19 Canadians were} The Boer iaagers "near Ladysmith are pla.1=nly_ visible. It is impossible to say, owing to the brokenground, whe- ther the Boers have fallen back. It Is quite possible that they occupy the heights behind the Colenso position, as several guns are shelling us now. A .-lama-..nl-nln J-A. `kn 7"-:1:-nna fr-nrvu T,al'It_ in acollection of alcohol and; oil-- stores aaeries at ex"pdos1ons'occurred-, spread- mg the flames until a block of` six 1m.- mense warehouses was involved. A large number of people, including" some remen, were more or less injured. CAPTURE!) ARMED GFRMANS1 WHY 1900 IS NOT LEAP YEAR. ; $125,000. A commission appointed by theBoeu' government investigated the Uitland- . er; grievances and unequivocally ac- . knowledged the va-1=idVi'ty at the charges made against the government, and re- % commended that the grievances bere- dmessed, but nothing was done. Time a=ndi again was appeal made until` the ?.g'rveat_ petition to the British govern- *_ ment signed by 21,000 British subjects. '.The conference between Presidnt `Kruger and Sir Alfred Milner result- ;ed `in failure. The latter. asked. that `the Uitla-nderra be given the tran- chise. Stays Mm`. Hammond; -- \ ~ "FIR... l................:... .__..._.n,, at I -- wcuuon vv 3.`! \.IvlJr\JIO\I\I U`! A-uluiulu Luau `J3 18110, E chased it the.Boers ; we pay 2 6!, .;w . V; , . . , . ,9 ' .~,_, - ~ .;-* 4 nu.-an _1aJ.u uy .1l:'IVB,('ltl years. ` V _ "'lVwo-thirds of theTrans_vaal popu- lation were Uitlannra. We went thi- them by express invitation`; our capital and ente-.rprtse~"developed what in Beer hands was "a worthlsa territory into the+gma-teat mining confer oi" the` 5`;Iv,rrld~;_;.'e #tho_'==-:boun'tty;.-~naw` `riolizh,-' was nu: _ `um `- owpj 5 USE OF. ARTILLERY. The Boer government has purchased lufoint munitions to` arm "every Dutchmen in South Africa. The ex- cuse that the Jameson. raid made this necessary, does not. hold, an the arm in"; quid plans for fortifications at~Pr-e- tuiria -[and _ J'ohgu1,neeb-urg antedated thiat raid vby s6v~o!ra.1 years. ' -"'l'eimgl-luicnh A4 n......m_......_--u' .~..-._-. W-`A;`(!:TnVu.1"de;)e;'7gV',T fob. 22.--Motbue_n~. '.pbr;:."_fr0m` Kimberx-ey', th-at guppliga of l'ood_ and tom` e are being pua`hedonal. posaih e. ' _ nag uuvuuunnnb, Uul. B`UU~l'Bl. !`lIIlDH.l-0]], --naniely, to `establish the Boer su- pmemacy" throughout South Africa; Theme Has been a quiet armaing or that vrpose, and foreign soldiers have- L .-ac.n.secret1y employed `to teach the Rnnrrn - -nun: 1l.u-l.|.I':I.I.l'I:l.|.U- UGIIEU U1` EH3 present "war. In t'hia`wa.r a gr~3at'er,issue is involved thulrthe u~n`red`ressed griev- agzcea ot! the Uitiandeurs. For many y~eoaa'_4_ the Boers have been animated by 9. stceadtast, but secret ambition. :_.;ha.n5|`n]v I-A a.e.m;.1. +1.. 13...... .... uv a.Aa.Iu UL Ul I_-Blfllu IBPFOUUHCECIVCS. _ "A Item __!_1_-gnths afterward an u lt-i- matum'fr_om the Boer government was the immediate. cause of, the present unvnx In" f113n.u1nr n nu-...+-.... :..._...... .. VIA List of the Burdens Imposed llpon l'orelgners-lle Makes -Serious Charges ' Again -stntlne Boer Govdrnmcul. John Hays Hammond, the American g engineer, tells in a. straigh tic-ward way - the Uitlandernside of the South AI- llrican situation in an article with ' that `tithe in the last number out Thai Outlook. He tells Jzow, in 1883, Presi- L Adtent K-rugwer, on vbehna-If of the South f African republic, published in the ; London Press, a cordial invitation and ___.1 , I vuuurou sang: u.I.!L.`I1l.lu.lu1Ul.lu_I " "The i.m,'pIression prevails that the conbemence failed on account of the` ; difference of the, number pf years` re- midlanoe necessary to gain a franchise. , This is a mistake. The most important [point was , the basis of representa- :tion. Utldoar the scheme suggested by !Mrr. Kr-11mm*' n rnn lmphp .4 .1... .......... - u u uuuvar uu: ECDBIDB suggestea Dy `Mat Kruger, a majority of the voters wou~'ld-hava beeuentitled to less than a fifth of Yolksraad nepreserntatives. '. A (`III hfi n.nIQt9n ma` Ann --"5: oept inhthef Boersevrvioe. The govern-j ment beczune corrupt and a reforml `committee was organized to try to: better things Then followed the` Jameson raid, wholly against the will of the reform committee .who had pledged themselves against any change of ag, but were simply trying to se-,. emre some sort of elementary civil-- lzartion at Johannesburg. In the pro-i ceedings that followed the Boer eu- thorities several times broke` their faith. In the face of promises by the 5 Boer govarnment that the members; of the reform-. committee would not! be imprisoned they were arrested andt put" in prison.` An agreement having; been -maade that it they would plead} guilty they would be allowed to go ree with a nominal fine, the authori- ties iiised the. ` I 5 SENTENCE OF DEATH on them. V It was only after strenu- ous remohstranoe and the disastrous effect on business` had made itself ap- ps-nent, the government agreed to let the ptrisaners go on payment of 31,- 500,000, of which each of the four con- demned to deathiwae compelled to pay. C101: Ann - mm and, um ,mn;...,- ` nf'equai] rights to all who would go to` the Tma.ns_vaa1, and invest their capital or contribute in any-way to the devel- A I I opment of the country. An influx of] foreign -population resulted. After the diisoovexry of the goild fields, the Boer] ! I govern-men: began adversely to change _ the franchise law and other laws to the detriment of the Uitlanders. With- 7 out rneparesentation they were sub-' jected to military service and com-3 poeill-ed to buy their own a.rin:s, for no. foreigneris allowed to bring arms in- to the ,c01u'ntnry or to carry them, 1511-` -_,_L 2 JOHN nuns Eivxmouo on THE` A scum AFRICAN SITUATION. 1 .w'i$j J msrmsss BEING RELIEVED1 "1 `ninaw-3pap<'1' 55 ff ! pn.rsCfs' M * ' .1 1:. sun In nguuug Trim awn -"*3, Out of the Water." lbneast` time. that is ;< "N1 `htaNe_ e_'1'apsed between `he ` ' H`; sahiell._n..-ad i:.sexp1osann.is ,: `ii . u I uently, ashell whwh had L-.= * -'-H` to `the Russian h.zll`bm` -3. " """ :' . during _t.h.e C1'i.me'an \V :1 r. -. =f'_ V YEN ago, was huulenl up 12; ~ 3 11'" Vermon, ahd. it exploded on in "' v {POM t_hevw'a'_tor. killing ouu ~. 1 ml :3'nd.".'V'0u1|d,iu!,suveral of :1-..- `='w.|, n9it}vvxitl_1standingith-a lung pa: `M'- 'it had l;\`f_L h` ksh"c.t1n. which tired in`. i"%:-;?*`_ . are mrceedixrgly r.!:H`.;'~" ` _l'8PP0V!l-t0.be unex.plndr-II -`V""" 4acci.d`em~ h':xpp:*:1v:1 3- i if at Bo ltaLn-`ale -Sa_mi..~, W 119" _ . }ViI5':()u `.F~:h:.1 UP ""J,.`M s'i.A`... 52.3.3 4...... .1. ..n-ti-`I `V'_6V'- uqlucu wuvuu a-H " `- hd .' fired from xiv. :u`9 V 333' {and took it h'~:n:'- .._i'-*......'..+ 1... |......u_ 2; _.. 4 1 .11 -woo:-gr any ..unn|.\) uuu lvvlx ll -A `gtfelnptato b:;`e:yk it cut 1'. :9 -*1 gig 90-t .1` _b1-okeu 11-eid. L-.., M` ~hg-:-{ad!`io, : -d.9.a_tagizs to prop:*-`.`". ;' . `. ,T We objected to t"s.'.- _jz."_ ~},'. we were debarred frotu :. .5! mp -" as the law makes oms` :v2!.:V:`--rs t-Lg. ibis for jury duty. Couvt :. .r-is =.-.; E DFOVG tha-tin v_er`y S~'L'1.`<.'} [=--.: H 035} ,1 BEES n.re* fo_und' L'I.'.x;:;_. . :1:-5. 1211331 percentage .-Ir.` 11 `. I 5 1:- ; oonvxct-ed. NOT w...~ sum . Q, u even` known to con. ~ 1`: ` v.~.':.:,}.: . ' mwrdered a native." _ Ml`. Hammond men!`-1-r*~ ~ E " -'rc"-_ ;_ a-noes. An Uitla.ndr:r mm ~ mp. r-1+; '_ the harder {it U19 \\';:'1 :-J t ` 3 - -fwxithout the right 21 ,; of justice. Free sg:-eea-E: 2~ _'whi1e atTo(_'I0us_('xiu..-> ; - -'='~ in the papers Sl.1p}"J:`L-;!l`, N H .- ".eu'nm1ent. The 1:015:-e 9 J ~:a_nd ineff-ir-Sent, -zmd ?~..-xw L:.a'1'.y pnrwr`1' to u:1_:7:prv;a;\- - *1?` _:The dl"7{'I!l I`:lL(` 1:1 .i..>`-.'-'A.=:'- ~': ` 2'. high,` owing to 1l!?.~?'.."1'i -:!xr_'~. ~ ' rs Lwhich mmnot be beater-d tn` BL L maladminis1bratio1g. Use: 23 . = n.re allowed to carry fire-+9: Durw {only is taught in the .9-1-12..-v..`~ whi, ,' the Uitlr.u2de.rsAa.re taxed " ';Th:e Boe-rs lie in w .=it_zmd iv 4 .- tivelnbotwers 0!! {hair nzlrri. T'!* I give the mrxtives liqunar (`OOH m*':= ' law. He concludes: ` II "1`_'_- l1,, s . The [ `ghting force a(-.:au U `1 Lord ROberLs' disgoatxl I'=`~" **'l"" against the Orange. l"n-u 1' :" eluding. the troops on um `-.i;._. ' '.. nioation from b`terl-;>:1.n.-.~. Wu ` 'A,l'unde1. `De Aar. ;.n-.i 1; ;'='*'~ to Kimberley, is coxupos.-l ~ A {W-" manta of cavalry, 4:3 l:-:12; 1.. . - fan_try, 20 batteries of M:-~ ~' 7- _ `artillery. and 19 colmnal varying strength. Thv -.-In * ~ v 1* of these is proba_hl_\ uboui `g r` j ' and 1%) tieldguns, wizh ~.`a- =~`*`~'_`- ofthe Naval Briguldcz htsaelvy . 5--;.'" a_nd the Maxim and ml:-: pieces. . Thereo were on via: trom- Eng-lun-:1` on l~`chru.- . " . Iregiments.-of cavalry , I7 ix: '--AW ` artillery or 102 guns. 11 1' ""`,,.l infantry, and nine culonial .:.= .:.:z.l. volunteer corps. ~~om. u. '1 alreacly reported as hzwiug; !"" Ilc ls'l`looug'ln' to Have .`.'-.a>-A-`-` is D1- pzhsl L "If these facts an: -4.: South Affican 1'e:;.::`.--ii. more than in `nz -;m-3: l personal knowk-dgo Harn` indisputable." ADVVV - LJJG \JIJI.lL'lI..IllT'~O o " Finally, we o`.>j_ct.ed tn. 1% - lent otfficinl cnrrrumicn and `granting of colicessicms giri i,OD01`l88 for the sale of .su_u;.-1 v'pen3`a.b1e to the Uitl;u:(!m2~. `- concessionai-mes g{>'.`ei'1H:w': 1 were generally `assmlau-:1 in ,ptrofjit derived. In a rerenv Vconoession it. ` xvcvs rm`-;'-ri that twenty-<>ne out u! H: ive members of the vu!ks.--- aeived bribes a ll TE L1. 4. AI KXIEJ lLI_ Eli 5\I'CIllLJLCLJl . _`.' We objected to the .=::7`r'rr-`ion the High Court of Ju..c;l' in W},-,._ `msfted our only hope of 1 7; 1 ,~._.dr,.;j: In direct contraVon*ir:n - ' u Ln,,n}__ Wet, the Boer oonsstilmi. :: rs \,~0's_~_ mad empowred thw p;'wJ ` :;.;.. `outive council to (`.':~:::;?.`~- .~ j,,,;_, 3 without, trial wh.r.- di:s`g'=;`-'- `~,~- \-1l;:s_'_~. ` ity of any law pns'-1-.=d ? y 1 -, r.`k9r.'n`IA even when such M-.<.' r~z.~rv`i"-vd \,\f-.' the g'I`ondw-et, Pm?-. r'.~.~-r "(Z r ev' 1`(`ised this pri1'i1e=_=r in -iE_v,._ moving Chief .T11.-'51}?-.> Kw ,_r_. h: for many years hr.v"-'*~i.':- :.:.T: : vlyru. ed that office. .A?tr-~: v.` w?- .11 :1,` judges were s-imp-1;.v THE `PRESIDC.\'T`.`~' '|'(}(` EA` A. deepatoh from `Landon, Thuvrsday, .533 B-The idea that the Boers were d84ln'=0ra1ized end in a condition of P94`-lie has been dispelled by the pub- 1`1ti0n of a. `serious casualty list` from, Gen. Lord `Roberts without any i explanation of how or where the loss- es were incurred. Gen. Roberts prev-` ion: deepateh, so far as `it was pub-_ lished by the War Office, gave the impression that the'Boers "were in full - 1`t1'eat,i making hardly any resist- `anoe,,and, aroused the expectation` that the next tidings would announce I the surrender of Commandant Cron-- je`e army. XIII`!!! n.r\rn.n.u fhln nnurn 4-I-sad nnnvv`-n Kn vi>we% Ii 11? ROBERTS stem`: G :2 IJONG-Losr szmu. MARCH 1, - COX`I`C`( 1, 1900 W9?! - Jlual It'll)! IN : `b:6.lltl'.ful ["1111 "`Day- is Ion-ly A lovalier. '.[`hc And the .a't-.1rs nnnnu #1. ~ ` 12.000 Men. of Whom 2.100 Are Dead, Nearly 4600 Died From Disease, and 1.700 Were Invallded` Home. ' us: "but: up!/`ll \V at` the dewl:1(l `"It is :1 love you com-3. um ,tak'en up `:1 b absorbed. in i I'M` A I 1 um.-wan van in I V ._"_No, tlmxnk : r.emai ning ho-r ._ .-'.',T'h.ls re-mint hnnn-}::..v I` Then, `wh two ladies we alone.` I .:1 I y waarh-igh tiuu panion begzl n fn 1' Ian l\v\4u-- `fully. File` "with. Vivi.-n; VVILIVIJ NIH` H?` not2ce 1' \ of ofhem. S Mr. D-ormun ; with Vivivn; the 8e1`v:mt.g-` ' when lhvy ('4) the terrible- said 10 ( I d "`L t I `;Aaa`:ny 1 DIIILLQ '-[nd8("l, :91 I t_hn1"8 \\ if 569111611 SA V smiled, thv H! which sh-` Gerald \\'(l I 1- !. saw What In.- ...L-_ eyes we H- _0Vn I :- hm` .{_`h{`. in her golden n'l1wa~1 .i"l`|.. .'\ .. I \rx L-\.lAlF.|l` - Then lhv f toga-r hm`. N`J4]io' greatly im 8 ppear:1m'- ; brilliant I_\ I4 looked. '- h.-1 LL2__ ._ GIIIKICJA D-Il"9'1l. "'ThQ7 7'!` i\' to, him.~te|f- _a__I I9 J-IBILIEJVEIIE` Itl| "'Mi-RS .\'~.s'l ponen-'." n- A-rfhuv"~` \\ if of tomruu." I'\L..-. .1 r enpugh cal tostart` mjneaim. gen days. By this man amt meaty wm be ul1aviato1d.y' "-,lIDl0nI|tI1LvI|:`-`cu Ln-4 _- glenly inn 7_stirz1ml .-mi Smnke so Ii forgoite-n. 1 f .t_hVem. ' GeI':I M 1% laughing fn _ '-.~llf.... \"... loll [LII I HM), 60 1011;,-'., llI'\_ may Avn,-_.y : ` "DO `HIM `lg ilarptxs.-:1 Vi~ `the fault ~ &'A'\Vl}i-Ix 1 ,|v I-HCKJJ is 7 Iiss !Kay.ul1i;,=, \ so glam `_a l`ity of L hours I she ;_ a ya _ lb 81` are aked. "I 31,. Q` xvi, 7 null .I|\ sh! ho I I gugwuuu gs-nu. uawmxy Will 06 uuevxatou. ,{",_HoIpitul `arrangements ~. there re-` ` -94-..p1ortcct_. T . , ,, " Prieskey and gho Aadjqixy-_' *'!;'.11I98.` Ighd`-'3`? 2 u... . , d. '.h. :H'tifi(' 1". K` ; :13. Iganolf and) .-:min gt) i hex`. -n1`, fun I I were `killed in. this ugly bombefdmenf . WOMEN AND CHILDREN even those living in excavations. Those 1 burrow-s afforded security against or- dinary qrtillery, but not against the 1:00-powulnder. ' ,/"Consequently most of the women -and chiidren, by Cecil Rhodes` order. were sent down into the mines and dis- tributed along the various levels. Many saw the sun Friday for the first ` time in weeks. They came to the sur- face pale and weird, looking like in-. habitants of another world. Nevertheless, it was this residence lnuthe mine. workings that prevented I. heavy loss` of life. The .De Beers Company did everything in its power for, the non-combatants. Mr." Rhodes BLOODY BATTLEFOUGHT.: Ten Thousand 6f the} En;1;1; Reinforce. T Gronje .a.nd Endeavour "to TExtrica.te % From the Trap ip Which He Is Placed. ~--v-v-- -vg DI-ll-I .L3Dl-l.J.l1 I} was "after the Boers brought up _-their 100-pounder that the siege be- came worst. This gunfhad a. range of Qmilea, and it was placed at Kam- `ersdam, four miles distant. It pound- gr` " I"`Vlf\ .-.A---- 7` ~-_- _-__ o-.-no-\4lJ uaavuubc Lb `_J'IJIII.l\.l' ? ed aaggent and shxfapnel shell da_i`1y. ' Tu deapetoh from London. Wednev ay,v says:-Accounts of `the -D'I`iV6' ...-__t'lo`na of -tdioser who were besieged` in TKimber_ley are beginning to arrive. "Numbers of pcvopletrom Kimberley years now flocking` to the Modder river camp. "The women and echi.1d1`*"n are nweak from their `sufferings during the siege, whiuh, according to ';tho {Daily Chronicle's correspondent. TW- alle "that of Paris. . For sixty days horsetlesh was the daily diet of the .inhz.bit.ante of the town. All meat` "baa been consumed and the horses' were starving. Those which died from starvation were seiaedehd de- _voured by the Kaffirs. ` 11 __ - -. .. _. I Otfiors Oiiwrs. II-.. ottiosrg. 5r':i}%;r." '_ Ken. kcmENT' :ALI-Y"l,ifiLL'ED---1v:3::. I\,Q!!- _ , ---aw -DIE --- n'mom' Dis I `V U . 1,512. EASE-k-576 10 165 Totai 1&8. 3` o of \ The Fusiliers who were ,omptnrod` at or missing afmr the battle at Nichol- son : nek are notjlncluded in than above gures. nor, of course, those sustained in the advance on Blooamtontein. A 'l`1un".-Wu.-r nffinnl nl_a'i?\`_ Quinn-nnnga In IL-I can wuv uuvu uu .Dl0UQlDlUlll-E|LI- '1'-Ina-War Office als"o`~,un`nounoos. in addition to the ~pn_ovlou,sly*"published atatment of the losses at Paardeberg` on Feb. 18. that: on tain and three hieutengnts were kill ;_ ' . ' ' Tho military critic of the Timon urge: tho oontinua1V;oofot*o1!orta to aend*n1oro' troops to South Atrium, to an to be _toI' `tho many difficul- tiet thvxtmustt ho. unmounted, oven otter Lori Roberts has uuooeeded against Gonerul Croujg. He o.dda:-.- ` A.Tho splendid aplrit shown in can. hoofjuot; ; recevod `tho. x-qt CANADA?S SPLENDID :SPIR1T.L Should: Serve to I_ m1')ol Britain to ` (31-eater Egertgoxgs. ' - - A deapatqh from.` London, Friday, says:--The znorningvpapexw allude to the thoughttulneu of Lord Roberts in sending. a. despatch to the `Earl of lgiipto, V the '0o;uo.dlnl dvarnot-Gonnr-5 killed and Bl wounded-, butit Ls re-ason- able to suppose that Commandant Cronje has now. been reinforced by ten ' thousand men from the south.` {It is impospiblm that the Boers who were wv.ix,hdrawn from N-atal can have yet `reaahd ithl` nr nlnnn-nfnnfnin .-._-.v..u.-nu Lsulal n'a.u.u van Have you -reaohaed.ait.har him or Bloenmfontein the cap4tal of the. Free State. ` nhitra 9-n...~. lV,..- l'l--Il-_I__ ____- I 1 uo -v_ayn..a.-1 Ul. um. EIBB CHICO. _ '.I.-`he news from Gen. Euller s cam- paign is favourable as far as it is goes, , but` the persistent report that Lady'- ssmith hasbeen relieved proves tohave been premature. The Tugcla river was crossed for the fourth time by the Brit- -A is-h yesterday. but the retirement of ' the; Boers from this point before the :-British advance may possibly not in- _ die-ewe an intention to abandon the -lshege of Ladysmith and the poueaeton ` of territory in Natal. In other words, . the orisiajs not yet passed laccordmg to the information at present reoeived, ; and all depends. not an Gen. ;Bu1ler'a campaign. which is now aside issue, but on Gen. Roberts greatdash at the Free State capital. mt... KIT-..` nu:-.. -a. _.:.1..:_LA- -- - "W; at mjdnight pn- nounced_th.at 1t had received pothlng `or publication, and no detatls have icoome from any of the English corre- `spvondentg of the operations in the % Free _ St_ate la_ter_ than ., esterday % In-ormng s descrnptlons, whic brought i the news up; to Saturday, night. so .' uv fJUul. t,l. 01 I118 .Dfl[LSn IQVIIUUB. -VA` szhg-mallersaw the oolumm on) the move. and recognized it as being Brit- ish. The enemy's forces were melting away. -and Gen. French's cavalry were coming` up extended along afronb of V ten miles. Mr. Rhodeas rode out `of the town. but-went to the Wrens! flank. ed. thu.s missing Gen. French as hehenter-' FRENCH S HORSES NEARLY DEAD. On Friday the `British horseswere I16-alzly dead from the effects of their te1_`r1ble' march but notwithstanding i1}1S, G_en. French marched north in the duectnon of Dronfield, hoping to cap- ture the big Brcer gun that had so harassed Kimberley,` but:` he did not succeed in getting it. Thu nnaingnr --nv;...'.u..I 1.]..- _-:I......'- on 4-Isl-IJ..lLJ.\vJIJ&V-I. \Il.' U \I J. n A truly remarkable achievement was fhv manufacture of the 28-pounder gun known as "Long Cecil." Its maker` was all American named George Labram. :36 Was recently killed by ashsell from the Bo_e r.s .bi=g gun. which burst inhis room .111 thsa Grand hotel. `Long Cwil was railed, and it tired either shrapnel 0!" Aoommon_hvells._ It was simply in- ,valuable in helpiag to keep the Boers ia;I:'a distance. b In ........... L- _.'_,I,v .\ ; nu, _.,-._. HEAVY BRITISHLOSSTES. --Hun: w J0) mt nan urn (nour uewru Gen. French entered the town near the Premier m1'n.e.. The s-uccour was `Wt expectd. the people not havlng even` heard of the British advance. Ax .m'.........n-._ __,_, ,_.. u_- .... v\J'\4V-A u avu\.a.u5' LI... ' | The engineer repaired the railway. and the first traintrom the south en- `tered the town Monday evening. Wu H lulu Luuue, ` It 13 easy to realize that the corre- 5P0fdents do not exaggerate when may Say that Gen. Fi~ench's arrxval d1`9w_forth wild dem0nstratione3 and "J11'Y1'8`3 from the inhabitants, and theft they sang and danced in u do- 1"` H1! Of joy for half awn (hour before (`with II`!-anal. A-\J........J 4.1.- L--...... nan `personally rendered lnvluab1e- help.1 Indefid. but for his encouragement` and mfectious good spirits `it is doubt- ful whether the town would have held `out so long.` - i A `l\'r.\'r 1 1\1'~l-1-In l\v1 -rr\\'r ` INVALIDED HOME-1,682. 0 0 ` 0 V o . 5 "A- I an MISSING-2.617. _ q 0 ' II-.. A DELIRIUM OF JOY. JI-L 2.446 Him `I-1;|"8.";;; o;'f::f`.'. W -"` lit u cant` W1 1 %`'*'`' '` " ` "4"*.`.**-T=1i=h"-*5 , , _,__, __.. __-,v..'-c an annual auvllo Gales swept the, Spanish coast. 24 seamen have been dr-owned, Svesaels are missing and tv:m"*`shpswith 48 men on board are believed _t tonn- LA Mon f6`10n,rlo.-pivkpooket reoentry `relieved; `Sir . Qhlarlos Rivera-Wilton, p dpnt of the Grand Railway, of s pocketbook. qoniining, $1,200 in cash and some .valmblp_`papo1-.3. - *~ . ;A' bet If cable`. ` in 1iow.7sniioti- mi ;. ;'b8 . F -a.m9"!9dk%%9t"nli!1h~ attr.on. % xoagraih Rennes. Fnanoe, _ ,____._.. ...-----r- to 4a- 5 depatoh ` from a factory there oeived an_ order from Tpansvagl The bill Qxtendng the modus vivendi on the French treaty shore has pana- gd the final stages in both Haouaed of Ch. Newfoundland I'aislatute.. - A_--_J2.._ ` Fire has houses in A-tazquinea, Spa-in. ' ' ...v_..__. -_...._. _-_ - ~.._ 'nhe3apahes n?tanaaTrW1;_<$ the United. States, Mr. Kntaro `Komure, has been notified by cable` from Japan of his ap. po&ntment_a:_3 `Minister to Russia. II 1D, : The Hon. Lillian Pauncefote was married at Washington on Saturday to Hon. ' Robert. Brom-hay, -of `Stoke H-all, Nottinghamshire. England. `a -r-r II - I'*"_'_:V" Leander J. McCormick hf the! Chicago harvester maohi or: firm, and toundet ot the Leader ccormick Obaervatoryo the University of Vir- ginia. is dead. 5 7 --Uuitiad St-ates Democratic cpnven-I tion will be held. -at Kansas C-11:) 011! ur_. 1I1:..'|....-.. .n... ...:......-_ :11 6)... 1-13.. fdililoann) at I go I Dr. Leslie E. Keeley of "Gold Cure! fame died auddenlyfat his `winter home ` near Los.Ange1es, Cal. . ~ Goal miners. in the mines between` `Jackson Center a_nd Sandy Lake, Pa.,. l have struck for `hwghe; wages.` . i _ \'r-___ 1-r__..I_ "nr___ G. Wxnmmsme vv--vv- ----`-- - - --uw--v --- - 1 Wm. Macdonald, a noted Californian? baaeo, has paralysis at the jaw, the result of a bed tooth. and is `dying; at San Franpmoo. . . * IIULIJU UH 1'n'uw'ag uux up guuauvc`-9; I 1N. Y.,' has been suspended, ,_oswing tov `floods. ' - 1 only sun. _ T "T _ . ` _ \ ' -Wm. Wnckes, theVpuon_eer.1n the row: frigerating car business 18 dead at Brooklyn. N. -`Y. - 11.. 1 __I.'_ 1:! I'7_._|_-- -5 1IlV..IA n.......n "'1:tIe':Ha }*7;E'N 7iork Mer- cantile Exohanc favor the 302900.000 I --....I 3-gmmnnnmnnnf :91 ihn Hf-ni-A I UdllI.llB_ J`-159186!-,lV' Lu.vvI Ivuv Vuugvn canal Improvement 111 the State. ,_ ,L- J l'U_'l2.D-_. it cause of uylicw {evict-T has reached} New York harbor. I 1': iPo.st.master-Genera? Muiockhas ar-_ ` ranged with the authorities of Great . `Britain and Cape Colony that letters `A ered whether paid or `not. from the Canadian troops in South: Africa shall be forwarded and deliv- ` `Illa By avotev of .164 to` 33 the Brihsh Commons adopted "the Government vote for the a.ddition'of 12,000 men to the army. V ` - ~-` 4-: . L1, n'-_.'...v 96 O-IJ.$I.A$ - . . . 1 An army order Lssued In London. 111- 9 v.te-5 the reservists to rejoin the oc1;r3 5 for. zryear for home defence, and._ of-- fers 22 bounty to those who do so. I _ 3__.' LL- 'I'T..qau.. ' I . In answer to` a question in` the House i at Commons in regard to the Paciflc ca-ble,-Mr. Cham-berla..in replied that he ! understood that the deliberations of} the coxxixmittee would soon be comp1et- : Been--`the Daily Diet the + `Inhabitants. O9` Sixty ma A drinking. At Quebec Poiice Constable Cazes? shotand ki11ad_`-his wife after a quar-1 rel arising out of the man s excessive} 1 1 ,1, Q,,-___.'I .'.. `I A-.A..~n -'un_r UIIEI ed. .l..|.k5 I-C5`-LI.Ill Us 5;.-uJ -.:-o....`.. J The Government has xtended the time for private sale of binder twine at Kingston -Penitentiary to March 20. ,__- -n --.:_..I...... +..I..- Jill-IBCVQJIJ 'G- VJLQIHVJO VI-UUQJ irur ----__ -7 _ , The Marco-ni system of wireless tele- Tgraphy was tried in the British naval gnanoeuvres and proved very success- ul. T . - _-'. . AA. :1 _ A Iv Ivan vuugwuuu. ` A British syndicate lias obtained an ` important concession in the "gold min- ing region of Abyssiniaf nu ru,____A.__1. 1.-.. -..;J-Ann`.-ul` {Inn (I'M JJKJILI-l\l`lJ -5436 o I Mi`. William Tudhovpe, sen., founder of the Tudhope Carriage Company of oriuia, is dead. ~ 1 ---_-_, _. __._.__, I Negotiations, it is said, are in pro-1 greens for th-3 formation of 9. naval re- serve in Canada. V ' ` - - -' -1- 1-.. UUVILOII EIIU \-lJ.l'l|l UV ""` "'*'l7"" ' I Dr. Charles P. Smyth. _8110td 33` tmnonier of Edinburgh. 18 dead 3* `London-. ' _ -_- .. . ,__ r.'......I...lu `fairy '3 R`-LILIFI (EON; \.av`\na w ~--.-- .7 0 The estate of` the late `George E. Tuckett, ocf Hammleton, amounts to be- tween $800,000 and $1,000,000. James Mcshane, ex-M . P..for *,Mornt- real Centre, has been appointed har- boqrmaster at Montreal. Q{o}}1 Sop} to have a new in- dustry in the shape at a branch of 9- United States electrical concern- A.pro-Boer workman at Brantford "was compelled by his fellow-emP10Y63 tovkneel and apologize to -a Bri,9 h' flag, and was also soundly t.humpd- ._ Ls- u....; 4.1,... 'r..;m:l-nr A despa-tau from London aaya.:- The following report, giving the Brit- ish losses in South Africa from the commencement at the war up to Feb. .17, has been issued. by the War Office: KILLED--1.677. ll! - ___._ 4-- L165, auu vvuu usuv nu-.....\.-.,, --.. `r 4 It is probable that the Leingterg iment_wi]l remain on garrlsonl duty at Halifax, so the Canadian 0!-4 fear to supply their place will not be: ----_.-,. 1 Montregal Hu-Bcur Commissioners a_:re asking the G~o!vern-ment toi estab- hsh: an` Admira-lty Oolurt there. 12` I1`, KID] ;.ccepted. \.l LII-I-IX -L .n.a-w- _. -.--__ . . _ The, British minister in Persia Lnv_ited thg Shah to visit England. - ..-L..A .uu1_1uuu'. \ ~ H. D. Trail}, well known EH81? -newsfpaper man and author. is (188 a-t London, Eng. n. as , __._ :annqI\l` I V ginning March 12. U~lJl\}`$3CIuI\L `CCU: The Hamilton Board of Hea_lth re- queefs that all school children m that city be vaccinated, "The Manitoba Legislature will be` called some day during the week be-I r4-_......:.....3n-`nu-a sac` ---.-- , are will igkol be at new glection in Quebec befqre Federal elections. .__ :_ 11r:_..:...... Inna bu wwouvu UOLVIU IAIN .l.'Uu.u.I`u-I v-vv--v--w ' The_. price of gas in Winnip8'gAhaa been- reduced from $2.50 to $2.25 per th.0us'a-lfld feet. - 1 A _ _ - w-I III, _- {SPARKS FRBMIHEWIRESI Neway Items About Ourselves and _ Our Neighbors- Som`ething of l Interest From Every Quar- i ` . % tor of the Globe. `sup15lies` and Forage` Being` Puahd _ on to Kimberley. . . A abpath from London, Asays:-- % rriaay. Feb. 23.11.30 a.m.-`-'rne~ `wu- ~"~0ttiob;_has `issued the toflowing from sobe=te=~_ I

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