THEBEMRBSE 80., 10 pairs only, Misses High Cat Overshoes, sizes 11, V12, l3,`.3........l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ` 4 only, White Porcelain 9 piece Toilet Sets . .' . ; . . . . 5 only, Painted Royal Blue 44! piece Tea Sets . . . . . . Children"s Imitation Lamb Gauntlets, Kid Fronts... Ladies Cashmere Gloves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 72 pairs only,` Ladies Dongola faced Shoes, Oxfords, ; Avand. Button Boots, sizes 2} to 7, from. ...$1.36 to $2 U0" l8..pgir_ only, M9183 Dongohund Box Calf Balsa, A 7 to 9.". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 00 2I_ pairs only, Misses Dongo}a..0xfords, izes"12, 13, ' land2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..80c.to120 Evans: nA:z'%BA1aGAI1W?%"IH CTA S T O R E If All. DIIUOOIITI. and the W! of Life may now be yours. Invalids can be resto to health. Convalescence ca be hastened. The weak ma strong. V . Lost ener and vitality regamed. By taking that Wonde Tonic Wine, I CERTIFY lV:'l.ron': In- vaI:'d:' Port [Vim to be a win: q/`good yuality, flmxaut to the late and that with the )n'uct`- [In 4 Citations Bark -which it contain: it 3': a owcrful tonic. Terms, Cash or Produce. If you heed the your purchases from the following list will be a money saving event you. . Now ON SALE . . . `An Ideal appetizer. A reiuted quart 1 ' `aw- s' '5. at the priced quoted,_ while they last 2 FOR SALE BY JJOHII WOODS. u ---- ~--rt----re '5 Slater `Shot-as" are made to t fect---to Co`.'t T evgty te_nder joint /comfo rt:\bly--make you forgr! you have 8 painy foot. . . . -'l`11eyVt'the` rst ti me.they re worn, and evf ;`_ft*` befcauseythe stretch and shrink has been {of _.5|1 91`0f them \\-1A1ileVsix days on the lasts- : oha_p_eg1._a11"si2es;- j 'x widths, all colors. 1 ykwaiiuuea; A ill. % : . '.;._";\.:'. Q _A '99dY`fj`f-1:ds 9t_mpeIi-on the soles with `,- _`3"'."`-`-`.'.`v1iP*19b53-59 *`!3.$5zb9. You can t expect to go the _even tenor of yum gvay in 9. shoe that cripples. uQ1-;...`.--_~-W * - -- ` - * ` ,. Pinch your-feet in wrong shaped shoes; milk % you nervous," irritable ; spoil gout temper; 10:8 `your concentration. ' As some are To=day. '1 (A LA aumn nu nae AVOID IUINTUTES MONITREALJL may `22 REG. PRICE ilieq-t lpnrdmu` fa` mg e dr-It nun gjjude `nag:-A A 5' , - > He`: brown! :1 littla mountain of that` l, oak county. Me.. which claims: distinc- , 'iln--bc-`an ~ V natives call it. It is an old in- stitution, `whereby over 99 per cent of the beans eaten in the town are baked. 'lJl..., IJHI .a........v.. __.__ ._____ .L . , . er..e1mw `)__Ie ,bnv.e'-_ ;.g_:iigpq;g'- Tltei l`1s .' tI`(:oI1lrro'13tnl$le lit tl('t`O'\$"!l'. ciuvll-` Blue Hill. bvt~:u_1:-c it is sitmm-d under I Wilma. wa y: down in one corner of Han-A` lefroyf; 30 00 M PBI havhig . nlnnnrv I or--\- ".~our ._full or! '.l_`het cw w--- Jau_1e 3...-.8-`.1 Cd by Did Imnba teet I ' b oor. //33? _ .;; -.-- -- -. . ..-. uuuu; 3,-..plf_:p,.,, nut unuzcvyyu `got rich and movod:_l5a@}{i-ltxo ,New Jersey. but their succssoi-s:_~,kiI.~p'f "up `g the kiln. The price has ben Agdyxihed `with the in- yroased price of 'wo _i. but-the -custom has not fallen all, as" more people haye movedln. and the town `has rbecom a tag mous summer :reso,rt`.`._ _A'nd `now ,olf.~__t__ :Friday night" all the youngstrs 6t'it_he' Vjlllage ugnyvbevseen abo1_1VtA_,i,1_x1nas"et headings- `:%fdr='_'.e4 beau kill" with the {family bean 7 lafn Over 1 P l.lA.e..`. `~:ng Hand Eiill ` A cou_l1 .V- `g av ' Th, feet. the st 7- It! that: notion 41exp Route? pclety 1 le. In t llln-s; Vtom ` mire wownej You - 0!'8D gato ` had marri divor ` {well .33; 3.` ting me." Ji ;tl"1e s Th ;'.;..:g.4 ` -3'5] at an` .(\llUv --- run: The kill was a great `success. Noth- -ing was ever seen like it. No such .4 x `us ever tickled the palate of a hungry hr .workur as came out of the Linscotat `beau kilnp Then the neighhbrs began to [bring their beans. just as a sample order.- ,".n_d when they brought`. them once they .did again. Finally the 7"vklll" became so extremely popular. that _thrir_ty David 1thought `there might be a chance for: ' ;spec ?lation." and so a feeof ~a_ `cent pen - pot was established. * `= t` land this was the origin of the kiln. _ V The original struet.nj'r_e,-l:_as `beet: rebuilt and altered many. tlzrag-fs,,1`.,;'lf.he Llnscotts ,.,got, rich m_ovodhta.:q`g'-'t,[o_,New Jersejy. lint` fhnill n||nn4'aunn'n."_ I\` 'i1'n"6IIn IJIE. - Final `luv .9 In` the summer time backboard loadig of guests from the Blue Hill inn` driv,e_' :;d_own and peer into .the .ery_.fu I"n aceV V_.`,vw|:e'n }_,_-`Shad:-a"ch'. jL :`Mgslja_ch"';:_ and; v,A`Ix'Q'dnegoj." the th1'eef1:pg`g_`ppts'fr6m the ;. .pp`_1_!'r' mine, "the qua l`i7y`_.',1nd`M ` _th-spool ` Inil|;V%;ho.a!dinswh 9n-es. are$ =thI'uzh- L. W % ;?1i9Lr;e'd:i I I sauna Although -the house was-equipped with has spacious brick oven. what with the bread and pies and puddings and other things the capacity was considerably strained. Mrs. Linscott was complain- ing of this when her husband, Ole I)a've" Linscott. said he'd see about it. He talk- ed the matter over with the foreman. and so it happened. that one Saturday after- noon . 'he`n work was a little slack the crew.` urned to and built an enormous ; arrangement in the Linscott dooryard. It i was like `a huge brick oven as- much as anything else; _'l`hey called it a bean kill. because it was not much of any-' thing ele. Th rebox was arranged to take four toot wood`. and the arrange- ment of fines and drafts was the result of many conferences and the consensus of opinion of all the expert brick burners or the works. ` AA"I_,!I! I` n 0 . .. .- _ .- -'- `ICC `I \I I I` 3 ! Build `er big enough." said David. and b it was big enough for `hundreds of bean -pots. * rm... m.:nn ......_ _ ._.._--._-- _, n ..' I-Ullll VI \.UIuB' 5-`Illa . it was away back in the sixties when the Linscotts went to Blue` Hill. ,They. were brickmakers from Hackensack. One `of the family. while on a visit to some or his people in Blue Bill._chanced to get mired in a mud puddle and while scrap- ' ing the clay from his boots noticed that the consistency and grain was that of the - finest brick clay. He prospected a little and found that thehills-about the place I were of the same kind of clay and that sand of prime quality was close at hand. 'Blue Hill bay was a natural 'hai-bor. There was a steady demand for bricks everywhere'.'and so it was that the Lin-_ - scotts went to Blue Hilland started. the hrickmaking business. The V Hackensacl: people were enterprising. and their crew of c-niployoes grew larger and larger until it absorbed all the available natives. and it was necessary to import men from the neighboring towns. This-necessitated a boarding house. and so it was-that Mrs. Lin_scutt s big four story frame house he- came-'the shelter of-40 or 50, ablebodied men with enormous appetites. They were not particular as to the_,menu so long as there was plenty of food. and Mrs. Lin- 'scott s beans were pronounced just about --righ t. s.|..|....-...|. .n_. n_._.__ __`-- _-,,,-I - -- you vs nus uwuuu bunt Luv l.UWll lJl'lla ifwlllle some ciin "to the original `big. tat 4-"yailer eye." ot ers dike the smaller pea ."yallcr eye and the aristocratic Califor- nian all come together` on the level in the *-bean kiln. ` . ' _'.;; There are baked beans and baked '5-beans. H There is-2 the New England golden .As in other places. tastesdi'er.- and. `bean. while the epicureans delight in the yiiuiinutive Californian '--pea -bean. But -this is all a matter or taste. The piebcian. f gbrown kind, baked. with plenty of-corn 3 - ted pork -and something more than a dash -Ajof molasses. for some 24 hours over a ' Tl`-low.,steniy lire. Nothing different is al- jiowed in New England. although Boston` r `Fill pre-e_u_ipt_ed th_e trade mark. Then ifthere is the pale imitation. which is as -gjdust and ashes to the wanderer from the j-1'New England reside when. with disap- ;- tpointment. he encounters them outside ot`_ JEN:-w England. . . .`_';f The average person in charge of a New ":'?Eus:laad cuisine -`..`picks over _ the beans `_li'ridayhlitht. Having plclged out allthe `itorelgu material which may have been {left in the process of winnowing the -fthrashed beans in the wind which whis- fjtles around the northeast corner of" the xgbarn. the beans are put to soak until -_}Saturday morning. when they are potted. `with a generous slice of salt pork on top. Fsweeteoed with more or les molasses or ` sugar and perhaps spiced with a little "mustard. Then they are baked all day ;'8hntrdit,vin a slow oven or. at Blue Hill. sent to the "kill." ]|9|_-_ g______ ___A 4_-_,,,- All, A ,1 can an . , mura- A B_ut abdut the great and only`institu- tion of Blue Hill. A IL __4 us! It Gin Bonus are the greatestaple of the lum- ber camps. of the coasting vessels and whorevexrconvocations of hungry men gather together to satisfy their appe- .tit(-s. T I)... _| ,,. `I . n - XIII I.|l I|ll' III]: ;; . The bonus arerst broached on Sat- nrday night. when the top layer is re- fnloved for supper. care. being taken not etc "mush" the balance. portions of which are served Sunday morning and as many `timvs subsequently as the supply permits ' or the goqd nature of `the "boarders" air ` - lows. " i ll... ,_ _,,_ AI, - - n - _. . 1 vvcpuw cutcu Ill tut.` LUWIJ are UllKl`ll- ;, Blue Hill'doen't vary from the'_aver- gauge New Eqgland village in its loyalty to l;`b a`ked beans. Its profound respect for ?-;}the'bean as a staple article of diet may 1 F;-perbapa be especially marked. because it ggls of its beans that the town brags. l~ An in nfhnr nlnnuu nae..- .I:.... -...: " iN_ ,A3LL 9961's :i`N ~ ' THE Town,` * Z 1'V0lIVII0I:l}" 3 ----u u-nun: Ianplntlllllfo . ' Did you ever hear of shes getting struc by. lightning? Well. they do. The brown trout is peculiarly. susceptible to light- ning. During storms and particularly in {the mountainous sections of Pennsylvania large quantities of them are killed. Oth- er kinds of fish with less sensitive organ- isms are- not aected. Experts claim that the secret lies in the_ fact thatthe brown trout rests on the bottomsof the * streams. whereas the other fish swim a 1 . short distance above. . The, trout are not i -literally struck by lightning,, hutthe el :ec'-_ -tricity is conducted to the bottom*oi` the stream `it there is any iron in the rocks. 3 and the shthus receive a shock; "They T `become paralysed, but do not die at once.` V { The paralysis exists chiey in theimiddiei , of the body at the spine`.-,-Phiiadeiphll llself made man. I ain't _ueve_r had "uoo On:-I-yin: It Too Far. " V _ ~ Look at me.-" said Rockinjzhnm; T `Tin Help from" nobody." 3 I |...n...... ...... n -..-u~.u._ _-_._.;*__. __-_ . gna; snap snvul uvuvllyo ` "1 believe you." "said the young` mian % ~_ who wnavapplying for a job. Yau have -even gone 'so"1'ar. apparently. astogmako v your own Bg;_l`i|:h;-(zlhicgggcb, 'I`it_ngI'-.He`|~ ' , ` _ llodera Girl. ' ."E_amld." said the cigar girl. am I the % ron'nir." -` A 1 T 1 L H.a'r_nld.8I`oaned involuntarily. . .` 7 v ".A;n= l Lth_evon_ ly girl-you yer tgjd gm. . wa.,t;: goal: Vi.|""6u `ever--told up,.wj.u'. th'o;vj~,nn`|y;;_. g1nl:`;ygh;,_ `1oyaT;l,._1? 4'.-g-_-'l;'};J1_i._f;m;`l`.,;{_._.-` T Who drank it? interrupted the prir 1 oner s stepson. e i e - T A `fl did. confessed Glickman. 1 `.`I also bought her roast chicken." Who ate it ?- asked the stepson. - "'1 did. came the answer. . 7! also bought her candy. and fruit. ` and pie. and cheese. and sauerkraut. Yes, and who ate-that? inquired the wife. 3 ` V ` . ` ' .1 did," responded thetruthtul hul- hand, and he was convicted. ` "But it `was soft coal." interrupted` Mrs. % Glickman at the suggstion of a lawyer. vnnvr hnnnr I max nllnnnn "AAA 4.. ..... i -.uu.n-uau cu unc nuggcauuu U1 a lawyer. 3 Your honor, I was always good to my 1 wife. said, Glickxnan. I bought her ` wine and"- . - . l`I'I'1'L , 1 I a. nun u . A - A '1`:-nthtul Husband; - V David Glickmnn. of Chicago was up in a police court in that city on a charge of cruelty made by his wife. He denied the tlrlhargetand said his wife threw coal at am. " uuu vuvo An applicant for a patent need not I: employ a. patent attorney. but it is pret- erable that he employ one who is familiar with preparing applications. versed in making` claims and preparing the proper amendments if neces'sary.-Ohicago Record. V unuounulluv .vv uqpucr H. In uew uuu uaenu. ` "It found to be new, an application in } allowed the applicant. He is notied. 3 thereof and is given six months in which ` l to pay the nal government fee or -$20. I and the patent is issued within three weeks after the nal , paid. - If` the application is found to lack novelty. a_ letter is written to theapplicant pointing out the objections and referring him to any prior patents or publications which may have a bearing on the case. A pat- ent it for a mechanical invention is granted for 17 years. Other. patents are granted for 3%, 7 and 14 years. the gov- ernment fee being respectively $10". $15 and $30., C|A_ _._..I!-___A A-.- _ ' - - I `runway IIE IVIIU WEI "One having made an invention in or- der to obtain a -patent therefor must exe- ` cute and `tile in the patent oice an appli- cation- for the same. together with "$15, the first government-fee. An application a consists of a petition setting forth the in- 1 ventlon and praying for the grant ofthe *- letters patent. a specication describing the invention. specicallvclaiming the new features. a drawing illustrating the invention and an oath which must set forth that the invention has not been in public useor -on sale or described in any publication for more than two years be- fore the date of the application and for whichno foreign patent-~ha been granted for more than seven months. Upon the receipt of` the application it is sent to one ofthe 36 diyiaions..of the patent oice to which by_ it__a nature .it. belongs; In due course it is taken up for examination to determine whether it is new and useful.` If fanny` in` In; Innate ..`_' -__I!--4.2-'_ __ The Course to Pun-one If an Attorney J In Not_A.y_uIlubIe.- ` 1 The patent oice commissioner, in an- swer to an inquiry concerning the course or procedure in obtaining a patent. re.-` plies as follows: OII\..- I.-_.!.__ ---J- - uusuu av: u Ilvv Hull! 1 " 4 Shake; old` man; you are the first per- ` can here to listen.-'understand and answer ` \ what I have said." whereupon all was ex- ` plaiued. But. my.dear fellow. why do you look no hlu_e'_and gloomy1'~It itihorea you.` too. whyadon"t you clear out ?"'asked Mr. B. of the other. who turns a pitiful face to him. ' ' ut.........-u.|- n L- `_.._=_;,,, , ..c .. `~`fIx_;;o:.;':;l"I;l.e." .he "answers: I am. the host.--New York Tribune. ` u an. 1 v uvun LIIIB IuUl'IlIl.l 5 '7"r"J which Mrs. S. sweetly `replies. "So `good of you: Just like yon.f' He passes on to the younger sistefr, `repeats his iquery,-to. which she also gives a faraway. vacant reply. - After making. a tour of the room in such a manner. he spies a woebe- gone looking man in a corner of r the apartment. "lwill try him also." thinks Mr. B.. and accordingly marchesup to the man and puts forth the question. a 2 `The man slowly removeahis case from the door to Mr. B.'s face and exclaims. in a perplexed` to_ne: What's that you say? `Rather an extraordinary state- ment for a live man. I"- n|.-|-- - _n.1 _.__- - .u-! no Ii vtviIHlII|'lu_-l.Q`vICo - ' - l:f.:'W;llIgo:'_ V{t`Ai|_i__lfl. asfa I r F {favor to i you: nlsqfstoprbvek \'vhatFl_?'%fh;ive; nIwuys#`sqid-_tim-t...teii. ram t'ens.'l"yellow teas,_nll teas. are the most idiotic. use- ` less form ot_,`socinl gathering ever invent- ed." You enter the` house. greet the hos- tess, frame. some sort or sentence.--it mat- . ters -"little what--t o" lwhich she. replies. `Yes. so good ofyou to cone. or. `Lovely day; _is it not? and you pass on without having understood a word she said or she you. You are not supposed to`.- either. The same thing is goiuron all around the entire room."` _ A At any rate 6 o'clock saw the B. s at Mrs. S; s tea. Mr. -B. walks up. to the .hostess. shakes her hand cordially. and exclaims in audible tones, -Would you believe." Mrs. 8.. that l was found dead in bed at 4 o'clock this morning? Tn Inhgt-In Iln Q ........-4l_ ..-_I!-- HQ- a-_---"~ ' llqve ame V_-IPi'n'. "Now; "`JAn_ck, > you will go, with has to Mrs. S. s'teaothis`u sernoou. won't you? She is such a dearfjwomau we cannot possibly `disappoint. her. and you,-know I chnnot go alone."_ '1fh_'i's by Mrs. B . to Mr. B. at the breakfasthttahle. V . oulI7-II I __!II , , fro GET one-s ovim PATENT. Fish and Lightning. .- g.. ....._I..__ _At!_I_,, --' > ---- ....u.--- -u. - -nu-un_ uvllnn uuuu ll] lly pawern 800 DQIJIIG St ratgaa: . Magazines` "and-` usic` bound in splendid; style and cheaper than city _ ;"`_ `N - ` . ` "9 " . .` " -. . I. %!iA=;i`!r`:[i'*`= `We ##dii`9n* f V J ` Ocfns and Caskts of all kinds in stock or made-i to order. -Robes, Ur-ape and all Funeral Requisites furnished Orders by Telegraph or otherwise promptly attended to. * ` >G.;o. DOLMAGE, Ma/nage_r, psmema. e ___.:_v. 1-, 3.-naavuvvvuiiv 'lJVl IIXIRIC Steam Worlvts auii Showoom, collie:-31., Bgrria Dressing Cases, VVritin"g Folios, Purses in Leather. _ J Books for old and young. Games and Toys in endless variety. `Beautifully bound English Church Prayers and Hymns, Roman Catholic Prayers, Methodist Hymn Book of Praise. CALENDARS AND CHRISTMAS CARDS; Sornething to Suit Everybody. |J. HENDEi s\QN9 s. SCOTT S. a_uuIEmcAu STEEL mas r-`Enema 1` ' A _ mquoua aAaaI'r1' METAL. ntjr-rnnn ..:.v""~m . -n .77.-...,........ ....__ _ _._ All `kinds o B1ank_ `B6nkf'a;r;1led "to ..;y %,;.`.;e;.....a `b1{nd` an-eunsblb . 3' Mllgnv klIIn.A -.'.`......I1>_I:`..L._.I_ -,~. A `and reeisfe 83 in Cah. Mr. Hobley h;S "b:e-e;1.appointegi `cashier in ` V 1 . . plaqg of Geo.' Monkman for next year. ` * % mos. HOBLEYLS eaboeiav STORE. V u 1.\g_;V:z. 5 ; A V J-'4 J-LL-'41-\1JIJ 1- Tin pdwdered form. . ALONZO 0. union om." < ; as 0:. pm 83.. uugnman. on oU1ziixA'1`_I\/:EHER1'3 ig 'l`HEE$ENcE% BARRIE AND STROUD. C}. SMITH, No. 5 my 31.. fnP`rLn0n.% llseful and npproprialo Presents. whet; is lled pmsent: I NERY that you Vhavelyophr own time lnl. four REMEMBER Coupon Book A i3PA1R'~*, `GLASS, 4 wnuom nmuor PORT Acencv, "B7 31'. JAMES STREET, - - - A Old Po1.'t'VVine with Cinchlo Bark according to the` English and French Pharmacopoeias. V Ladies `Kid Gloveey.nrrt:iunned>,'eeoe}ined.-. . Gr-ntls ne Fui Felt Fedora and Christie Hats . . Chenille Tab e Covers. . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . 0 o 0 - a . . . . u o o . o o o o a 4/4 - ................. .. The Cuig of Health