When Mrs. E. Aludp awoke on Mon- day mowing, she found her babe dead {in hot guns; the sympathy of the -'commun_ity with. her was fully shown in the huge `number that` attended the inner-L . V On Wednesday morning Miss Annie Hickling, of ` Phplpaton, who has re- nidad for many genre succumbed 1*? "}?. u-yv-wwvv v "Advance Corresondonce. - 1:- '--,uv-- Advance CorreIpot;dence. Phelpston. Edenvale. The thaw placed a drawback on the sawlog business for some time at least ; the out this year is the heaviest for many years ; the millwrights. are working on Carter's mill and will have it ready to resume operations in a short time. Mr. Lovering s men have gone on strike for more wages ; they were receiving from $16 to $18 per month with board. ' followed to Mineaing oemetery by 3 large concourse of friends and neigh- bors on Friday. She was highly rea- pecbed by Edenvale and Phelpaton poo-ole.A_A ME. Thou. Bell has been autferihg from a aeverecold. _ Miss Emma Bell ivs visiting at Eg- bez-t., ` Mr. H. Dunn of column has rented the '1`. Bell farm near Angus. Miss Edith Connors is .-visiting with her friend, Miss E. Banners, Hawker tone. ' iifliea Jim. Bell hes returned homel after spending a week with her friend," Miss Aggie Rose, Guthrie. ' n. I. , Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Smith enter- tained several of tlieir friends last Fri- day evening. , -V Oolwell. Advance Corresoondadee. Miss Mary Bell, of Utopia, in widt- ing Mr. and Mrs. Fellows. ' mlr. 5:5; ckoa; 'J.P., left on Mon- { day to spend some time with bus daugh- -A-_ II... l`l_LI.L.._L Vb... I A Mr. J. Duncan who has been :enew- I ing acquaintances in this vicinity re- turned so Sturgeon Falls on Wednes- day last. Mg. Richard Pm who has been auering from 'blood poisoning. in his gum is able to be around again. T IS.-',A 1\'Ea'.'"6EB7sZIc, '1Ei'n'g'." - On Tuesday evening last a party of Houng folks. called on Mr. and Mrs. |W_m. Adams. They were cordially |weioomed. * V Miss Luelh Campbell, of Edenval who has bean visiting friends here has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. A 0. H. Wilson mac Vsunuday with John Sigclair, `Barrie. ` Anton M1115. Advance Corrcgpgndenee. Q Mr.VEd. Lu_ck of Barrie visited at. Mr. S: Pi-awn 'o_n Sunday. * Mrs. viokm is `spending _. few days with`-Mtg. D.vGa.ryin of Midhnut. ,' A M:-:0. H. Wilson lostis biurnv and winter : by gs on Monday after-. Miqa Deliu'CoughliI; of Vigo spent _f6w am has , week writ!-Iaer -ans. VAIMYICKERS m % co. V Anticipating. the advance in Cotton Goods, we bought largely at an early date, and are now in a position to supply the demandsof our customers at the lowest possible prices. 'S1aecial.1-'A large assolgtment of Shootings and Cottons, including a 2 case lot of Mill Ends, bought at shoatingg an - v I G a great Barg`ain. `The customers to get the benet. Special 2,--A lot of Print.s,_1llluslins, Ginghams, regular price 10c. to 25c . all to go at 10c. A Bargain. . Don t. miss it.- ' ' - Table Dl3nens--A'gi-eat irangeiof patlierns and prices. Bleached, half-bleached and unbleachrd, 25c. to I i ' $1.35 per yard; V ` }Pr171@t8-7-;Already we show a large and well assorted range of Prints, including the best English and ' American makes. Light and dark colors, all fast dye. Prices 5c., 6c., 8c., 10c, l2.1;c. Extra -.Only 25 pieces American Indigo, fast dye, 6c. Those wanting a good wearing and washing Print at a low gureshould not fail to secure it now, the manufacturers prices are just higher today. Our Ladies is superb, all made of. the `best materials, in the newest and most approved styles and Wniteear nish unexcelled. A sample may be seen in our west window, but don t stop at that, see the stock. All we asktis the privilege of showing the goods and quoting prices. Successors to Geo. Reedy. at vblaouvv Advance Correspondence. FEBRUARY OPENING VAIR, VICKERS 35 39., A % ooooeoohooooooooo Nothing more imponrtant for the Ladies than to have their spring sewing completed this month. During the month of February we shall devote the whole attention to the sale of 'S'hAlrt|ng_s_,_ _ ililow cottons, A number of our young pe-dais gathered at the residence of Mr. Jas. Richardson last Friday evening. A most enjoyable time was passed in songs`music and dancing until far into the wee sma hours. Many thanks for the evening's entertainment are due Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, who make an ideal host and hostess. iMrs. M. Gauguin. E VICU Nlilllibl Ola \pI-5 A-out-ur- T Mrs. Wilson and Miss Lottie have returned from a short; visit with friends in Wyebridge. _.I 0 . T` I!` wyevale. ` Advance Cpmespondence. Miss Varty and a. friend, of Barrie, spent Sngday in our midst. -Iv-I 1 `go 1- _,o ` On. Sunday, lolth inst, Rev. Hudson, of Barrie, occupied the pulpit I of the Methodist church. a The mnny friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Guest join in wishing them every prosperity in their new home. They leave to-dey for Midland. The many friends of Rev. Mr. Arnold were pleased to welcome him to Wyevnle once again. Mr. Arnold preached in `the Presbyterian church has Sabbath. ;1`he Misses Emily and Mary Fergu-_ son of Barrie visited at 01-0 Station last week. , - 7 T Mina Carrie Halbert of Barrie was the guest of Mrs. Jan. Adam on Sun- day. - iA sleigh-riding party from Barriel viaited'ae\M1-. A. W. Bell : on Tues- day last and spent 3 most enjoyable evening. Mr. H. M. Lougheed. visited friends in Cookstown last Sunday. o'se iso Ming Mia. Rose, of t.h1B.(J.I., visit- ed Ming Z.` Srigley lagt week. Oro Station. Advance Correspondence. R. 90. Bell has been very ill. Mrs. A. A. Bell is home from as two week's visit at Pickering. 1-; Mr.-E. A. mie, M.P.P. is gs p.... out attending the Legiahtare in To- an;-_L4 The Y. P. S. E. of this `village _will hold 3 union convention on Feb. :15th.. A `veryjiuterooting ond protable tinge` Mr. 8. Gibson, ofsMiohigon, U.S., is visiting his brothers, Messrs. Kennedy and Joseph Gibson. . ' . Our school in} ptogmaoing moat favor-. sbly under the ecient msnugement of `M`r.A'.'l`hoc._W9lk_er. `H 7 ` ` PHONE '74:- New Lowell. Linen}, A * cttons, L Direct Importers. 56 Dunlop Street. ` and Ladies White Wear Mrs. Degnn, of Toronto, is visiting friends in this vicinity. .. --- -our - . - Mr. Harry Harvey has returned from the north, after spending part of the winter there. ' Rnv. A. '1`. Ingram preached an eloquent` sermon to a large audience on Sunday evening. g... . up-. Rev. E. Boeworth, of Grande Ligne Mission, gave an excellent address on Friday evening in the `regular Baptist: church on the G.L.M. wbrk in Quebec. The members of Court Vespra, No. 1008, I.O.F. held an oyster supper in the A.O.U.W. Hall on Thursday evening the 8th. After the supper a. short programme was given with Mr. J. B. Johnston as chairman. vow --v -.--'v. v. v-_ v_..--- M1-.`T. Redfern in nursing some very sore ngers resulting from his hand coming in contact with a turnip pulper. Mr. Frank Guest of Tiny visited `here last week. - ' Mr. and Mrs. Campbell of anthrie repent: few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson. - Mr. Geo. Reid visited the Queen City last week. 51:. A. Tribble has the contract for supplying the wood for thp school. `lion the convenience of `the section a Lboxfor mull delivery has been placed at the school by the trustees. Mrs. H. Thurlow has returned home {after 1: visit with her mother in Barrie. Mrs. William Johnston is recover- ing. from 3 severe etteck of pneumonia. Cassie Cumming has returned after 1 visit with friends in Lsngmsn. C`. Mrs. Alex. Cumming has returned. home after spending a few giaya with her daughter, `Mrs. Gowanlock of L. O. L; `No. 450 held a special meet- ing but Fridey night. Five candidates. were advaubedta the Royal Arch Pur- ple number of visiting brethren were present, including Bros.- J. A. Stewart; .Pae`t.Disttiet `Master of Inniel, and Jane. ' Donnell, Ugeketown. This lodge in -in e duxjiehjingfgeendition, 15 degreee:h_Igving.heen in the. has two Iveekfni--'_l =: _- Take ' . 1*` 73 Minesinc. Advance Correspondence Fargusonvla. Advance Crrespondcnce. Advance 812 Bay Point. Advaqce Correspondence. Onif; E a_x1d;':;` I ef Since last week s issue Inspector organ sent a second letter to the parties interested in the school trouble, oufving them of an investigation in Barrie on Saturday morning. The nvestigation was held in Stewsrt s law. ice, with the result that Mr. Morgan eclared Mr. Knapp uusested, sud the lection null and void. - He then order- pnother election to be held on Tues-l_ sy,_ Feb. 19th his authority for` so oing being the following clause oi the tstutes:-- c When scomplsint is made :_to~th,e;". _ pector by say` rate payer that the Vlection of s trustee,` -or that-i"t;l;ie, `.1 -- BUICK JILIBB ulluritltlllulllu \ . David Beath, Greenwood, B. C. e nuptial knot was tied by the Rev. . aton of Midhurst. The bride d velvet. Ber cousin Miss S. rrock was bridesmaid, and wore" a etty gown` oi cadette blue -Drap de aris cloth, trimmed with cream satin d velvet. The groom was attended y Mr. Beanh Ooutts, Midhurst. "Mrs. rpha Fletcher of Ivy played the wed ing march. About fty guests wit- eased the ceremony and were then vited_to the dining room where an legant luncheon was provided by tho out and hostess. . Rev. Mr. Paton pro- osed the`toast to the bride, which was uly acknowledged by happy speeches mm the groom and Mr. W. Orroclr, he bride s uncle. The Groom? was lso a popular toast proposed by Mr. . Orrock, Mr. Beath responding. At he conclusion of the festivities the appy couple lett amid showers of rice, ' n the evening train from Minesing tation for Toronto, Oshawa and Port` and, thence to Balleaye, Kinross,Scot and, the residence of the groom's par- ` nts. The bride wore a travelling ostume of fawn and-- green check omespun cloth, black Gainsboro hat rimmed with ostrich tips and? rhine- tone buckles. The bridesmaid wore a icture hat trimmed with ostrich- tips nd rhinestone buckles. Many beautiful nd costly presents testified to the high teem in which-the bride is held. ~ On eturning theirfuture home will be in reenwood, B C i e rose bmnci, reulavr list price, 31.35, sizes 7 to 11, special....$l 00' n s Pure Gum 2-Buckle, Rub- bers, Maltese Cross brand, reg. price $2.10, special . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 f u` nu .n s Heavy 1*-Buckle Rubber, ` low style, $1.35 Goodyear brand, sizes 9, 10, 11, special. V en s 1-Buckle Arctic Overshoe, Goodyear brand, regular price $1.50, spec-_i-al . . . . . . V . . . . . . . .. MEN S DEPT. T n s Pure Gum Rubbers, high nkle,`1 buckle, style Maltese tratheden Villa, the residence of . and Mrs. C. F. Wattie, was last dnesday afternoon the scene bf a y pretty wedding, in which the con- oting parties were their third ghter, Miss Euphemia. (Eie) to 'l\.....J 'D..-&I. (1:-any-nanny] R n These lines must be cleared Vent this week. It means a. loss to us, but; we prefer the rnoney instead "of the goods en this occasion this list carefully : The quantities in many cases are limitied. ondi we do not promise to repeat these values,` so you had best come early if you wont rst choice. ' The qualities` are reliable, a fact beio g here is suicient proof. BIG SNAP FOR . J. FRAWLEY, Advance Correspondence. Advance Con-esponcionee. BARRIE S LARGEST _SHOE STORE, Anten Mme. Midhurst.` Heavyubhers and vershoes 120! 75` .At Half Price... LADIES DEPT. Ladies Waterproof Button Over- ' shoe, sizes 2; to 7, regular price $1.70, special. . . . `. . . .81 15 Ladies Felt Qongress Slippers ` - and Felt Lace Shoes, special... L 75 Boys `Pure Gum 1~Buckle Rub- bers, heavy sole and heel, regu- lar price $1.10, sizes 2 to ,6; Yo:1tbs Pure Gum I `Buckle Rub- hers, regular price $1.00, sizes 10 to 13, only.. . .;. . . and appoint the time and place for a. new election, orfor the reconsideration of the school question at issue, but no `complaint in regird to any election or proceeding at a school meeting ehallbe entertained by any inspector unless made to him in writing within twenty days after the holdingiof the election or meeting." ' ' ` " I-t"`i;`11`nw that Messrs. lnkley and Knapp will run` again.` stroua. Advance correspondence. Mrs. Jebrv is visiting friends in Toronto for a few weeks. ' 7RevV. Mr. McConnell is recovering from his severe illness. ' ' Rev. Mr. Wassiia cond ucuing revivel services in Wesley church. Mr. H.` Bow-man`, who has` been working in Toronto lately, in book again. V ' -nu-0 l\O0 II II I `I0 Mrs. Rogorson, of Lefroy, is visiting ; her daughter, M_ra.,Irving Nelson. ` ' Mr. -Fred. `Mather: gave a progra- sive pedro party on '.[`ueaday night. [Mias Olive Wallace is spending a few weeks with friends in different parts. I vilunuu - --v vow -w cw-u-w liar. W. TIT'Loard, 11:1; line. Revs. Messrs. Dingmsn and Wass and Mr. Desring will assist at the S.- S. convention at Churchill on Thurs- day, Feb. 15th. ` St. Paul : church held 9. social on Wednesday night at the residence of `II . (`I7 T 'I',..`.._.....I `IILLVIS-.. 1 Mr. Bennett preached an eloquent sermon onSunday night in the Metho- dist lohurolron Thou shalt love-thy. neighbor as thyself. T V | The 9`Victoriaa,. Streud Hockey Team, have been. taking advantage of the great sheets of ice lately and are I getting in ne shape. ' Mia; Kneeehawf entertained Va num- ber of `young people from Gilford and Strand on Friday evening jlnst. A very pleasant evening was spent by -II `- Mr. Morris, formerly teacher at Nentyr Public school, but now a stud- ent at Knox College, preached in the Presbyterian church, Oruigvele, on Sunday night. ' . V The subject of discussion among many of our people is the Continua- tion `Class of our school. This class certainly enables many -of our older scholars to make sdvancesin education which they otherwise `would be unable to do. But it seems the membersof this class are not the most ord_e'rlfy. of? school, their examples to youn_ger scholars not being` always commeudi:le._ It will not tnjksjnuoh provocation` stoi- Jls metal 59` lw;a _ that Irith the.o1u'q, BOYS - DEPT. 75 70 The Muhodinu s3f8.-77:o the uiimibe ,ot' over one enjoyed . sleigh ride `to Oooketown on swedneedey of last week. On their return the custo- mary tee and Lenterzainment was held. T gist over thedesthlof Mr. Chss. Msgee of_- Con. 9, West Gwillimbury, which occurred on Sun- dsytrnorning. The deceased was Well known in this neighborhood and high- ly respected as an earnest christian man. The funeral tool: place on Tues- dsy afternoon to Coulson s Hill C`em- } etery, the services - being conductedlby \ Rev. J E. Wilson. A widow end two i small boys are left to mourn his death. , Rev." J_.1' Wallace Stewart, of1Me_ple, who woe-on this circuit as 3. young men very. ably conducted anniversary services here on Sunday-lest. Qwiug to similar services being held in Bond Read next Sabbath there will be no regular meeting here. ' I .I 1 AI , Thbrnton. Advahce Correspondence. Miss Mosaic Bannerman haa.return- ad from visiting frgenda. '".mi.*1;;.%{6.;..sn1..p..e last week 2 at his home in Bond Head. WlI[r.`Geqm`e Henry, Ateaoher, of New L'owe1l, pend 3 visit to the parental me here on Saturday. - T . 3 an . . J ~' ` The` lgntiieiarv met in Counil at Mr. Alex Stewart's Hotel, on Monday last; ` Dr. Bailey'an('l7Mr. George Cunning- ham spent a few days at the home of the former : parents, Robemont. n'l-I CE "' ` evening loot. The many .frienda.of Mr. and Mrs. J. ? Patterson spent us very enjoyable social evening at their home on Tuesday H T .TTsa.VCobm,-n _ao her son Mr. Jon. Cobnrn, of Newton` Robinson, made a call on Toornton `friends on Monday last. A Miss Jsie Bell has `gone on a extend- ed visits to her sister Mrs. Dr. Henry, of South Lyon,` Mioh., and intends be- fore returning to spend a. three months term in musical training at Detroit and Pontiac. `V ` _ Mr.` W. Foster was in Orangevillef last week. ' . Mr. Fred. Hartley has gone on the road as traveller for a Toronto fancy ' goods house. . G Mr. and Mrs. Ball were the guests of Mr. Joseph Ball, Warminster, last week. A meeting of the ratepayers of Tossorontio was held, in the Orange hall here on Saturday, Feb. 10th, for the purpose of discussing local road improvements. Irwin, township clerk, informed the people that the meeting had been called as a result of a motion passed on last nomination day. Mr. Moore, the reeve, was ap- pointed chairman. He thought that an improyement could be made on the statute labor system, but to abolish it there were -many ditculties in the way. Mr. R. Murphv,*county com- missioner, theught that some change should be made._ He was of the opinion that better roads are necessary to secure them we must see that better work is done. Mr. George McGirr thought that our township was not in a condition ` nancially to make any great change A number of other speakerswere called,` among them Mr. T. Smith. of Rosemont. He was a "strong advocate of better roads. After a considerable time it was moved by Mr.` McGirr and seconded by Mr. Grlmcur that we are unable to secure the wording of either the motion or of an amendment moved by Mr. Murphy and seconded by Mr, Clark. The `amendment, however, was carried. (We hope our correspondent will be able to receive a copy of the amend- ment.--Editor). * ` Much interest in tel;en in the Priest vs. Flos oaee now being heard in Bertie. T "Mr. rim had his-Kg shot the sher day". The animal was supposed to have hydrophobia. - ` While Mr. Wm. Wicklum s team was tied to a post of the verundah in front of Mr. Shield s store last Satur- ' day, they both took fright st a blanket blowing with the wind and suddenly bolted sideways drawing the versndah -with them. They run about 9. -quarter {of 9. mile without injury. That grim reaper death. crept into! our midst last Tuesday morning andl seized as its victim one of our most estimable` "young ladies, Miss Annie Hickllng. She had been enifering for about one year irom consumption. She was twenty-three years of age and much loved and respected by all '; she will be missed by her large circle of friends. The bereaved family `have the `sym- pathy at the communitpy.