Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 15 Feb 1900, p. 4

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lhfrlqzetarted the Bargain Business in this town Cash Score is the triend of the people. It pays to deal at fail to keep our word. `White nnrl'Gre3'7 Cottoue, Sheeting: (bleached d bl I . . A plain.) Pillow Cottpns. Finished Pillew Slips. Mnzlins 23a 83333;) IhIrunza. (tw|lle,] _broi`tll;,riee`,Rea'lI.ruh Loan: and Bleached Table Damasks, `Table I:Iap1(::,3Lft(i:es d [3 tE:|' li.l:'t:.l l;"f`1l``d ( " TOWBIB. New Lace Curtains, New English llfrlinazf Z _:: I A V | P I I 8 Cash Sfto/re, B. Hind s Old Qzmrter VF}... (V......A. D..__._-.'_ l`l...__, 11 nu o1>1>. POST OFFICE.` A compound syrup of six H yp. ~pho-phites combined with Inox, QUI-NINE AND S'l`RYCH- NINE. The `best of Tonica for "aftr the Grip, etc, . Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. 4. The Tanning Company are to `secure the Town by a first mortgage on their whole lands, buildings, machinery ' and plant, which mortgage is also to oontain` a covenant by the Tanning Company to repay the whole amount -gdvgnced, .,The buildings, machinery `plant and stock consisting of hides; leather, etc., manufactured and in the course of manufacture of the Tan- ning Company are to be insured for the full amount from time to time un Vpaidtwith loss` if any payable to the 'I'own.i Ionic . . . . llypophospluitos. Ours is made fresh every "week byA,UUVRSELVl.8 from the van nnsw Nonwnaux OIL. It is a. fty per cent. Emul- sion and costs only * The question of FRESHNESS is an important one. Same s?ze as is usually $1.25. Wismer s Drug SIM, for the usual one doliar size.` Tl:_e G:eat_[3arg-ail; Prlce 75. E. WISMER, mm. B. E 13.. um EXPLANATION or TANNERY ; BY-LAW ro am suemrnrmn TO W FREEHOLDERS ON 1.'mBRU- I ARY 26TH. - In order that the ratepayers of the Town of Barrie may have all possible information relating to the accompany- ing By Law before voting thereon, it Ina: been deemed expedient _ by- the Barrie Board of `Trade to submit to them the following facts :- V _ , .. , _ V ' '7 7 . V W` ` ;wh,,t we um White Gqoda saying, Shopper, _the whole day long-_, _'1`heya:1;e telling of Irw1_n a Bargalnl. Short place, but values long, _._j **' 50 ch. --~ 6- If-Io_use se1l:_Goods Cheap, but not Cheap Coorls ,C'h6.?n3st.and Dru._r/gist, Onto New Season s Boots and Shr, The very thing. A fortune purchase} They go at manufz turer s cost. in IRWIN keeps it going. news no deal at The Riahr Rnnk v m. . scounts as stated are V egular store prices, and?` there are even better induce- meilts on Bargain Days, The Cash Store is the Pee? ple s Buying-place for White" Goods We guarantee the price of everything we sell to be as low `or lower than the same article - I 1 g . - - TI 2. The whole money so to be lent is to be expended in land, buildings and new machinery, and if built on the present site the value of the present land, building. and any machinery now in the old Tannery are not to be in- oludedyin the amount to be loaned. vn av" Ill IIIIGIJ IIIIU s31aI.I.lU |"'""' can be bought elsewhere. If .in a day, a week,Vox' at m0th later you nd the same W113 Alow'e_r` `anywhere else, make 3 claim upon us and it will he jllowed at once. Positively cures Coughs and Colds and produces no ill ef fects. ` BROMIDE OF QUININE LAXATIF Goughs This store is Wondey [stocked with White Gm Staple and Fancy. Th of a. cut of 15 to 20 per cent., of 25 to 33% cent on such fabrlcs as; 01111 PRICES. We have testimonials. TABLETS, .2.000 PAIRS. , 50 ron 25c. 3 PNG noiv name will be added to the Subscription - Li; until the money in paid. bocribon now in arrests for three months `s will be chaftod Sl. Der annum. PEST; i I N BARR .__.____. .._-.._.___._.__-. gn.-vv .|.u ncupa ll going. , The Right Spot. We n:` [mu l5,/ Gnlds 1' nllcrl Ihould secure a. Rand-McNally Railway . Quick and Hand Book-iasued monthlv. M dc~~P'~1 d y 3.l:l1i `(gun 9 n l\( MAR} Prices 1. The By-Law is not for the pur- pose of granting a Bonus to the Barrie Tanning 00., (Limited), but for the ' purpose of enabling the Town to assist the Tanning Company in building and equipping a. large new tannery (modern in every respect) by way of a Loan _ of $30,000, or such smaller sum as may b9.n'eoessary for the purpose. UV \ Tom min e_rs f)b\.; ial sell 3. The money is to be raised by; 5'ibUn`debentures which are to be re-.` by the Tanning Company in 20 equal yearly installments or such less number as may be necessary in order to redeem nthe debentures actually issued, thus reducing the loan by a considerable sum each year. * sis] uuiuu WESLEY. P_RoPnI:'ron THE NORTHERN Aovancz _ Le 12 Page 72 column Newuinper. ll Pllblilhed farm the Oiee, `nag Dunlap Street Berlin. in the Countv of Simone. the Pro- vince of Ontario, Canada. every "Thursday Morning, by V (0.) The Teinning Company are . to ;employ and keep employed at least 50 - ident.workmen_-`for at._lenst 300 dys Qach year during -the whole igime onznuuoavl-Icnndna up .IJttl\I\ll-3 h`IIB\Jll\IlV HARRIS 1'0 ALLANDALB. . 1.3I_a.m., 7.56 3.111., 9.27 a.m.. u.ao a.m.. 11.55 9.3., 5.3: p.m., 5.a8 p.m.. 7.40 p.m. ALLANDALB `to nmuun. - 1.90 3.113.. 11.15 2.111.. n.3oa.m., 4.15 p.m., 5.9: `ml. Pvlntp 9905 Pam V FBNBIAIVU. 1! 80 can. Accommodation. ' 5.87 _p.m. ' V I0 .m. Accommodation. 7.55 a.m. ALIEANDALE & BARRIE SECTION. 'lIAllluIt Tn AI.l,AunAIn w... r..... ..-.-u. - no vi! uuuu GRAVENHURST & NORTH BAY. I:.3I mm. Mail. _5 20 pan. 1. p.m.. Atlantic 8: Pacic Ex. 11. " I.1 North Bay Mixed. 7.80 mm. Gravenhurat freight (south only) 0.85 . mCOLLING\VOOD & MEAFORD. 11 M..:I 1 an - ... was " man. 11.]! am. I 1.55 pan _Atlantic & Pacic Ex. {.1 " `Tho _evemng Express leaves To:-onto at 5 > 2106!: Instead of '6 as formerly. 1.! A III!` Intuit per Annum. m Advwnce. PHOTOGRAPHER. `runs or Sunscuun-nos. -- w -- . pun... - uAmi'roN. Niall. Express. PENETANG. `manna-nA4lnLX-_ 9.09 pan. 1': 33 `ulna _ URL!- 5 87 pm. 7.55 am. be The article referred to conclude: ll _fo1_lo%wa : "If Ehgleiad ever_ he: to ght for her existence egeihlt 3 vorld in arms; _eh_e1nmIte end will` win. Even if, to dogoemho ltoompollod so ll , V. _ L " 'E'IImp_ e end A ' Then look at the nancial side of the question, __nnd here again Britain lead! on ochere. Answers eaye that in 1815 when the V news arrived of Na.- pol'eon o_ from Elba. the British .Parlinn:'nt_ met and in less than ten minute: "voted _-$550,000,000 `for his overthrow, although that '.l._`ito nio muscle ..o"{ui e09}9;000.000- To- day we `!1d`r9!'9'9`i13'r'.'fP`doje` nfI In`ry;.tI_1e latter. `onm;jio;" nnn_n_ln` for in dozen-oonIooniyo%.y`enro; 7 ? - The British navy is the biggest and most powerful the world has ever seen." The power of a navy to stand- loug-oontinued warfare depends r_na- terially on the supply of hard soul ' at the disposal of the eet. In this . re- speot Britain is fortunate, for in Wales there is an apparently inexhaustible supply of anthraoite ooal which. isheing continually! mined in enormous quantit ies and distributed` among Britain's -fortied coialing stations all along the great ocean` highway to the far East." 1. 'Britain is aptly called a federa- tion of nations ; men of `many nations, or of nations that used to be, and of widely divergent races now ght side . by side under Britannia s banners. British India is worthy of special men- tion ; in that antipodean landthere are 300,000,000 people from whom oould be mustered "a reserve of forty or fty millions of ghting men, or rather Indie than double the total number of soldiers oontained in the combined armies of the "civilized world. .Ths British army contains 175,000 regulars 268,000 volunteers, 140,000 militia. and 11,000 yeomanry, in addition to` a gradually "increasing army reserve that already numbers 100,000 young soldiers. . A` ' ' I "0' WHY BRITAIN COULD WHLP ms: woman. A Under the above heading 3 London, Eng., psper named Answers draws" "attention to the greatness of Britsin s army and navy. It is proper, especial- ly in the present war stirring times to contemplate on the military and naval defences of the British Empire. extent OI i|>lU,UUUo The Tovgn Council and Board of Trade have exercised the very greatest care to protect the interests of the Town. and secure the ratepayers from any chance of having their taxes in- creased. _ This being the case the Board of Trade has no hesitation in recom- mending the loan to be made to the Company or to state now that any ratepayer desiring to see the Town progress, shonldmake a point to cast his ballot on the 26th instant in favor of the By-Law. I -the [ . build ixigs, p1ant;vj~mchIn9rL T"3nd% stock fox- the benbof the'T<'>wi1 to `the extent of the amount` of debt frdm time to time existing. V L I o Maor or one` of the Town Auditors is` to be _o.t libel-ty to examine. the Books and Statements of the Tan- ;ning Company from tirn_e;t.o time, `and tiifitheir liabilities are not being pro- perly met tbe mortgage monies are -to ' immediately `become due andthe Town `to be at liberty to foreclose or sell` or iotherwise compel immediate repayment. `of the -mortgage monies. I . ..... ... . As 3 A"_ L` '1.'rr ' " V It will be seen from the above that the Town is secured beyond almost any possibility of loss, as not only will the Town have security on the Company s 0 real estate and plant which will actu- ally cost in cash the whole monies to be advanced, but they will have the covenant of repayment by a Company which before $1 of the Loan is advanced by the Town, will have assets to the extent of 840,000, ($30,000 being fully paid up and $10,000 additional sub- scribed), giving the Town when the Tannery is completed security to the extent of $70,0 . .... -:1 .._.J `D......;1 Lt : | The Tanning Company are` to have 840,000 of theiretock subscribed `and at least $30,000 of It paid up,eand !are also tobny and pay for building 'site for, new "Tannery and deliver a. 9 mortgage thereon to the Town before any advance whatever is made by the . Town. (g.) Money is to be advanced by the Town "as the building progresses in 'the following manner :-75 per cent. of the value of the work gone,` as -`shown by_ the Architect s progrt `certicates,-and the balance '-to be paid by the Town when the buiiding is completed and equipped in running order. :1 _L__'_ 1l_,-A. .-.-av Illllll UWIIUII U Into I . A'- Eplett,-Stroug a Camera, in obtain; any 290;!9 25000 "!i'2-%s1'- "Y-} --6;;x~:.:il I:1ai`horn- ton on _Murc|)' 205b,. - cur -up awn amnv, govu Tiio,Reeye and M1 ; S'uthei'lsnd were `Ppijlnted 3 Committee to inquire into Polelble coat of quarry stone and cedar vneoeusary for the Shannon bridge. Cnnnnil ulinnb-`um! `Ln ........ -a. nu. ____ ` vnagn Luz` yrluusug Will IUGGPWQ. V TheOlerk.wes instructed to notify the Sec.-Treasurer of School Sections Nos. 7, 8 and 10 respecting the ohs.ng- ing of the boundaries of said sections and the Sec.-Treos., T notify all parties concerned, also Mr. Robertson the petitioner, thst the case will be taken -np'on'Msy 1st, 1900. : I ~ FBI.` 1).... __.1 :1! n .u '- vvvvvt _ The Auditors report was adopted. o T. Beecrot't_~ was: paid $15 and Mr.` Little $10 for auditing the accounts for 1899. ~ - ovvvu The tender of the N OBTHIBN An. VANCE for printing who ' accepted, rilnnlrupnn I-nut-....s...l g- _-;gp ` The following accounts were ordered to be paid :-,-David Irving, $8 08 for work on 2nd sideline; John Soules for gravel, $1.40; Thou." D. Soules, $9 for cedar and building culvert; J. J. Ferguson be engaged to use the road "machine for 1900 3 Time. Jack, 48 load of gravel, $3.36 ; J. T. Atkinson, ten- derfor gravelling 3rd line, opposite lot 23, be accepted ; James Buchanan for cedar, 33:76 ; N. W. E. King, balance on printing for 1899, $34.03, also 815 for Rolls; . S. Gilroy, 85, caretaker Cookstown lock up; Mr. DeRivera, 85.00. ` T ` ""i*B'e`i58Koi1 adjourned to nu March at 10_ 9.. In. ' ' AI ; thelete meeting of Inniel Coun- cil `John-2 Robertson petitioned for a new_ School Section. A Several oom- nil}-l.1.i0BEi(_)_lI8!V9rO reed. _ V--ovv 16 II I-IIJIIIII -IulIl.IIl\l\4 B0 allowing payments were orciered tobe msde:-Ooun'ty rates, $2227.22- E. Stewart, 0. L. 8., work on Notts- wsssga. River, 8300 ; W. H. Partridge, 84.00 and -Martin Johnson 8.40 for grnval; A. Finlay`. `for plank, 83.00; J. McBride for wood for Mrs. McDon- ongh, `$1.60.. ` ' VIVL- l`h..._-:I ...J:-...._...1 4.- FILL `|l'_..-l_ t -1 vv Irulv IIUU\l TI IXUYDIJYVU in I"-emrose-Caldwel|-Thst the Reeve and Councilmen Wood and Primrose be 0. special Committee to interview Mr. Lovering in procuring a road through Lot 3, Con. 4, into the premises of Messrs. Hurt and Hughes. T 'l)-I.:.__-_ ___I |n-'l1I,-_,,,, A 1- an Wood--Celdwell--That. there be _ no money expended on the roads until after the June meeting of the Council and that sewer pipes ordered for` use in" the Township without the consent of the Cmncil will not be paid for by them. WoI_Jd-Lewis--Thet in the_ event of this corporation" having to borrow money for current expenses the some beprocured where it can be borrowed at the lowest rate of interest. The Council met on Feb. 7th. Docu- ments presented and read: the Trees urer's statement of accounts for 1899, with the Auditor's report thereon. John Birnie wrote re taxes on part east g Lot 3, Con. 13. Chas. Stewart and Richard McGowan applied for the `oce of Assessor. -W. C. Bremner wrote.c'ering tosella road over his lot for the use of Messrs. Hart and Hughes, for the sum of. $1,000. The Deputy Registrar General certied that the Div. Registrar of i Vespra had duly registered- for the year ending 31st Dec., 1899, 50 births, 15 marri-" ages and 28 deaths, entitling him to be` paid for the same$18.60 fees. Wood- Primrose, ordered that the Treasurer's accounts as audited be accepted as correct and that the Clerk be requested to get 200 copies of the same printed for the use of the ratepayers. S. Wes- `ley's tender for printing was accept ed. Charles Stewart was appointed Assessor at a salary of $70. The se- curity offered by G. Sneath Treasurer was accepted. I I I` I,` _II III] 1 AI -Rob{neon LE'MH>B2Ts3n 0. L. s. i were appointed Township Engineers. .. VI... B.II-_2.... ____..-_g_ _--_ -__.1-.;_.I it 1 C; .tiln6:aa_.it>,isiin 9,-150,269,000 th-rough` tea hooks `in 1399. {This is equal, to `$44,561,810,- 030,-a,n-amount not to `he understood `by the average reader without effort. _I_?t represents about 91,502. tons of gold. At. the present value of silver, (say, sixty cents an ounce) this sum would purchase 2,321 000 tons of the _ metal, commercial tone at that, I.) with `sixteen ounces to the pound. Taking one quarter dollar as one inch in diameter, the clearings of London, leaving physi- cal diculties out of the question, might have paid for a chain of silver quarters from the earth to the moon, or have laid down a path of quarters all round the earth and a foot wide. ' It IS only by such comparisons as these that -we can begin to comprehend the vastness of London's Commerce, and, as Mr. A. M. Crombie stated in his retiring address to the Clearing House of Montreal, the statisticsof the trgasabn Clearing Hou`s'_ `giveiianly a faint indication of the material re- sources of our Empire should a giant necessity come. 4.-1.. mill A....;.1',,?;.,, Enlnu -o_.......J.- n.`;...-.._ 3; --r. Innlsl couhcil. Vespra Council. GEORGE Srmun, Clerk. ` \ V.-Amy Webb, Zelma `Webb, Myrtle Guest. lV.--Jennie Elliott, Gertie Reid, Clara Elliott, Maggie Redfern, Alfred Webb, Lloyd Guest, Milton Rear, Pearl Soules.- III.- Ftank Fennel], Luther Rea, Willie Reid. II.-James Irwin, Hazel Mayor, Brock Rear, Reta Webb, Russell Mc- Cabe, Gladys Mayor, Harry Elliott. I_.-Edward Elliott, Guelph Mayor, Louie Elliott, Fred Webb, Wallace Tribble, Irella Reid, Annie Redfern. Wm. Ormaby was burned dath in the N arrows Bridge Hotel. -r -& --v -vv---v--w .7 v ---\'v The South Simcoe County Lodge have elected the following oicera :- John Hoey, C. ; J. G. Sutherlatfd, D. C. M. ; Wm. Lockhart, Chap. ; M. Colquhonn, Sec. . W. C. Bradshaw, Treas. ; W. R. Fenton, D. of C. Mr. W. Smith is home from menu. gan. " . A V Miss E. `Laidlaw has returned from Shanty Bay. Mr,T.Rob'ert Leadlay haigone north 3 to the lumber camp. [ 3 In the Standard Bank, Bradford, there is $350 that was raised many years ago in aid of the Bradford volunteers, ' -Honor Roll tax} Big Bay Point Puionc School for January. ' `I? .17 :- While cutting feed at Mr. Dawson's, Mr. Joe. Lyons had a foot badly` crush- ed in a gearing. Several bones had so be removed. ' - ':"`Ki.g("~ L ild8A`i'bhI M Cirbl-3"` = Iv_i;.`1".xq1 "Mb. Mwomr F` 'Pn;ille ii td have" 1 biaielgj Georgina Island has an L0. 'l_`.| Lodge. ` ` . J ` >- O I 7: II. ,-.2II L- L-`.I` Chdren who do not arrive in time at the Creemore school are lucked out `until reoeos. . 1 (a.) The Tanning Company are ;._purchase land for site at a price to qppmved of by the Town. ` A W-AvrcVl71il'>a;l't`ii'Beaton, of J arra.tt a Coin- era, broke one of his legqwhilo deliver- ing hogs at Goldwater. 'I\ I` I,,_ UR. cietheral, an, `of Dunedin, has killed his fasted calf, his son Richard having returned from the west. Oril-lia Council will hereafter place a $10 a day license fee on all patent medicine and other street (skits. ` %._A_A.A_u_A M}. Paul Gallaugher, of Perm, wears a broad smile over the arrival of a daughter. Several` horses -`were sold in Cooks- tawn last: week at prices raugi.no.jrnm. 8120 to 8160. T A _ , A an ----n".- ., .. .. , A % _. The annualAAsylnm Ball hill bo"h'e1d to marrow night. - . I3_ `L_;L- I-II Iallvnnv vv :-a--. Mr. Coult.er,~ Tof Dunedin, hr:-pkg three ribs by falling on the ice. __ ... "I__L-__ T Mr: 1} , A grocer, Baotou, he; sold "out to W. S. Fgtguaon. -- Anne Al\ 1| f1VZ_l&.'ci|*uii1e; of New Lowell, is shipping out to Montre'ol_ for ex` porn. ' ' ` ' ` ' 1' 1- Q; #3-- -, .1 1-.. -_I.I LL- e ` (6.) The Tanning Cornpany (within one year of the passing of the not -con ` rming the By Law) are to build and . fully equip a large new up to date Tan- .nery requiring the employment of. at florist 50 resident employees. _ vv -I PUI Ito James Jniinq Eve`:-etc, has sold the Royal Hotel to Mzf. English, V of Sing-. hampnon. -I\ 1 an II I f 1`, 't)'v`vn`s't1'i;`` _ pa"id"8l8l.40 for printing and atationeny last year. -vb __ _ `____'_I I"'--"3 " " Orillia /Opera onee hes T `been leased to J. D. Fnaher as $350 yer year. '~ `I'll `f 'G;;;-3-;-];aV.fi' "p:ur;:hased Mr. `R. A. ])u"a farm at Clover Hill. --.- C. -vvuou -oogvu From` Tm: NORTHIRN Anwmcs I-eh. nth, We have been handling and selling and blending for the last 26 years, so tbat"if we feel that we know all there is to be known about these beverages, we can say so without danger of being" called boastful. Our special blends of 40c. and 50, Black Teas are noted for their fine avor and absence of rank- ness. If we sell you a Coffee once. we are almost sure of retaining you as a customer. mos. u.: HOBLEY. Tea and coffee %GnocEn. VVVVVVVVVVVQ 7th Concession, veep:-a. Advance Correspondence. Z 5. The terms of the a r .` . ' glfeement P8- : ggmdlowfstrin the By Law are shortly

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