week . . . .Miss Annie Hickling isvery ill. . . .There is a very large quantity of wood and timber in the G.T.R. yard here at present. Mr. W. A. Plan: has several teams engaged drawing wood and logs of!` his ion in the second con- cession . . . .A number of young people gathered at the home of Mr. J. J. Loftns last Tuesday night. --.-___ --___r___v..--- Several from bro Station attended. the concert at Guthrie Church on Mon- day last, and reported a good time. . . . Mr. Thos. and Miss M. A. Kirkpatrick drove from Flea, and are visiting here . .Geo. Adam, of Hawkeston, spent part of last week at Mrs. J. Adam's . . . .Joe Harrison was the guest of Mr. J as. Webb on Saturday last. . . .A number of Oro Station people spent an enjoyable evening at Mrs. J. Kissock a, Hawkeston, last week. . . .On Tues- day morning as Mr. Samuel Kissock was driving down to Mrs. James Adam's farm to work for . the day, part of his buggy broke, thus throwing him out. His left leg was badly shattered above the ankle. Dr. Smith A was called from Barrie and attended to the broken limb. - Advance Correepondence. Mr. Wm. Dunn is busy cutting 250 cords maple wood for Mr. Minuiken at Grumble Hill . . Huqhson Bros. have large contracts in same. viouuty. . . . .Meusrs. James Campbell 8; S.ne are getting their portable sawmill ready to move to Allandale.. . .Mr. Albert Ferguson has gone to Toronto" to spend a tow months. . . .The rink is in excel- lent condition; Thanks to the eicient management of Mr. Gouge Rowe. . . . Mr. and Mrs. A. Campbell, of Eden- vale, were the guests of Mr. James Campbell on Sunday last. ousuzuuvvu ~ Advnnce Conesvondencs. The social in and of the. Methodist church, that took place at the residence of the Messrs. Prstts last Friday. night was very lat-gely_ attended. After pur- tskinz of an excellent supper the young peogjleo `ggve vocal and instrumental music. Amusing games were carried on for some time; those who went ex- pectiugj good time, _did- not go away . Advance; Corresondence. . Mr. Edw.ardMoLeun has moved to the Dobbib mn, which hasbeen occus pied by Mr . Alex. J Lahnson,` who-moved, Ni Edepyale lapalv . ... .Mdasra. Robert. Thoihu , and. Ship -have started the ghiuglq g:Anill_%M.;.'_."._ Mr; Ja`n1eI,Qorrigun}. % `h ` '* A fol` _ ., a ~ * .1 W '~*~" -" '* `""J" "`"'" "I 7 i made in white and dove. ~ , - Queen M00e-As the name implies--A perfect Q,ueen-tl1e latest and most improved model ever offered to the public, long waisted, short sides, extra ne covering, well lled and stayed, made in white, dove, black and pink. ` .N7I7ct`e--Made in black only, stayed with strong steels, heavy sides and long waist. Ask to see it. Just - what s wanted. - ' Duchess.-.-,-This "Cot-set is especially made for stout people, veey heavily stayed, made of ne heavy J ean. e -Sizes30to37. l A a V l .Mag_ net c-Made of fine Sateen ; 5 clasps, well stayed, white and drab. _ Yat'i8_'-- Coraline fillegl J ersey; \sides'in Ecru,` the proper thing for stout people. V 5ct0_r ia-Lon`g waisted, same model {as `Magnetic, well lled; to try this Corset is to always wear it; .__-J- 2.. 4-1!`, `I I 400 Ladies Hygean: 'W.l i8t--Comfortahle tting end exible, shoulder straps, high back and front. ' ' Thelma-The best 75c. Corset in the trade, made in grey only, long `waists, medium sides, a very- easy ` - tting Corset. _ Up`-to-i_Dat'e--Made from same model as Thelma, lighter weight, covered with Jean, in grey only. Fairm/--A Corset for girls ; sells for 45 cents ; well covered and corded. We recommend this Corset for ed where -'. ___-____.. -_--.. \r\r-I\J|I - all young girls. ` ~ Hygean Wai8t8-N08 ll 1,` 222, 333, 444,` well tried and proved to be the best made for ages 5 to 20. Infdntsf Band8-Made of ne Jean ; this brand supplies a long felt _want. Only '25 cents. Nursing` C'orsets-All sizes. We also carry Common Sense Corset, a French make, very light. P. &. D. Corsets, Nos. 569, 769, grey andlwhite. s A As we guarantee satisfaction, you run no risk of spending your money and nt cannot suit you after trying our best makes `we will cheerfully refund the purchase Give us a trial and you are sure to be pleased. . Successors to Geo. Reedy. Oro Statlo. Advance Corresponden VAI R, VICKERS s__.,%gs.>., l A A'fter`mueh study and very olose attention to this impor-i taut branch of `ladies -requisites we have gathered together a. "very `ne and complete assortment of the best and most popular styles. which-, -as well as being of the best models, are also the most durable `that areto be had in any part of the Dominion. We name below a few of the most popular styles : . o It is the most important part of a. ladies outt. V The proper model is condncivo `to health as well ah the co_u3fort of the wear- er, and without it your dressmaker cannot do justice; to her work regarding t and eect. There i`a'L_Ln_<>thing more Essential to a. well made dress than ' a perfect tting Corset. ' A Thisdoes not `mean Winter` Goods only. but anything you want in any depertment. No reserve, everything goes at COST PRICE. If you care to save money this is your chance. Below ate a few prices, just a sample of what we are doing all through the store : Stock-Takingexesale Ll-LC EH89- pointed; . I think: The guns; thatVth6:_f $3. 50 Ladies Coats. . $5.00 Ladies Coats.. l2.jc. Flannellette . . . 150. Grey Flannel. .. .. g. -`o 81.00 Blankets . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50c. Corsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250. Ladies Vests . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. Cashmme Hose . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Kid Gloves . . . . . . . . . .. $2.50 Child s Ulsters .... . .. 40c. Wool Hose . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4`-5c. Cashmere Hose . . . . . . . . . 30c. Knit Gloves . . . . . . . . . ,... 10c. Cambric Handkerchiefs.;. . 25c. Tweed Dress Goods . . . . . . 25c Fancy Ribbon . . . . . . . . .. 850.. Table Cloths. . . ._ . . . . . . . . .'3bc. Fancy Collars . . . . . . . . . . 4 60. Dress Goods . . . . . . . . . . . r $1.75 Boys Suits . . . . . . . 3.75" Boys Suit . . . . . . . 5.00 Men s-- Suits . . . . . . 7.50 Men s Suits. . . . . 1.25 Men's . I . 2.00 Men s Pants. . . ; . . 4.50 Boys Overooata. . . 5:00 Men's Uvercoats ._ 10.001 Men's Overooats. . ,f 2:50':Fur Capo . . L . . . . . (_3oats'.- . . . ._. ; iT"vcheavst5m- * Danford Roche &l`.u. . .Table . . . Goods. .. llanford Roche & co. 3.....'......$2 3 IococnOOOO.. 'OOoA0OoIooo bholtcooonlo bocnovnnuooO Doo_o-ooloonnu Ieoooooooooo 1 B noooootoon boooooI`taoco SECOND "FLOOR . ING AT COST Direct Importers. 56 `Dunlap Street. Has? FLOOR . . .. 00081 .32 50 . 75 10 10 75 20 20 80 30 35 '32 15 10 65 25 `38 250. Silk Elastic . . . . 20c. Wrapper Cloth . . . . 10c. Prints . . . . . . . . . . . 0 250. Flannel Sheeting. . ` 25c. Skirting . . . . . . . . . `30c. Table Linen . . . . . . $1.25 Floor Rugs . . . . . . 10c. Canton Flannel 25c. Flannel . . . . . . . . . . \ 10c. Towelling . . . . . . . . 50c. Corset Covers . . . . . 85c, Night Gowns . . ~. . . $2.00 Dressing Jackets . $2.00 Underskirts`. . . $1.50 Blouse . . . . . . . .. $25.00 Fur Lined Cape . 88.7 5 Cape-rines . . . . . . . 75c. Ladies Cloak. . . . . V 500.` ,25c. 350. VI-UV. ELI_I\lIl \J\IIlRILP1 i-$1.25 Kid Gloves ` 50. Braces ..... . . Robbejn-I ve.begu sick -angi Sit Alfred? for their; nbqaoh, 3.] Nextglluojr t_oiBanie Hotel. not being suited; if we ee money, nothing fairer. 20 15 75 38 60 oland enting border gthan , are muI -.4144 ua. Ecor`ciing-lg; qz_1ndarin the guns", I'\.r\; -\ FDA 3 Advance `Last. Thursday evening death remov-` from our midst. Mr. Robert Caldwell,` e of the oldest and most respected; nears of this locality. Deceased a born in Yorkshire, England`, on ly l6r.h, I823, t.he'eldear. son of the _ `II- (1.... l`..`Aann`I In:-nu: To ComucsroNDzN'rs.-Ye'ur name m1i|it"uccoliI'po.n3`iour y to know in every case who the oorreapon We w;1,llAnot~ nuke guy Auuoh gun ; blic. Do `not seal the letter and one cent WI be. sufficient p9e__hge.' , V. ` Here is a chance to secure good seasouable footwear at eatljy reduced prices. We have no other reasonfor making se special prices than to make a quick sale of every pair in s list. The Lumbermen s Rubbers are the Maltese Cross nd, guaranteed rst quality and atthe prices,` they discount" best values ever shown in Rubbers. ys heavy Gum Rubbers, .1-buckle, Maltese Cross brand, extra heavy sole, sizes 2 to 6. regular. list` price $1.15, special '` - c-H '_ -. _ --W vs extra heavy Knit Stockings,eso1d all 4season-iffor. 50c, especial - , -4%" I ,-e. ys No. 1 quality Oil Tan Lace price 5 V - _. u b :3` , Av ys 1-buckle Heavy Rubber; sold i sizes 2 to 5, SPecia1a V v L T Q .3 _{e_' V_._`,.. 3n s Long Felt Boots, "half foxed, warm and com-' _ fortable. sizes 6 to 12, regular price $2, special - $I 50 .-11 s $1.65 2-buckle Black Felt Boots, leather lfnxed, T sizes 6 to 11, special - , 3 _ J `- 4 -3 I25 en s pure gum, 1-buckle Ankle Rubbers, high cut. _ Maltese cross brand, regular list price $l.85,spec l I 25 en s heayy 1-buckle Rubbers, low cut, regular list _ " price $1 35, special - - V - - . `.47 I en s heavy Knit~Stockings,`sizes 6 to 12, only . en s pure gum 2-buckle` Rubbers. Maltese Cross brautl L` ~F sold regularly for $2.10, specialprice .% __I_` Tn s Oil 'l`an.Lar:e Moccasins, warranted"very_;bestel 9 quality, sizes (Ho 12 - s - . - .-H . - We invite `you to see these values. A `If-ytoell buy.` The q'uantiies*in these lines;ara;limjeQ;.esg_;;[co1e] IV before sizes are broken. e ~ x T T` ` en s and Boys Warm Felt Boots and Lumberlngrfs Rubbers. raw|ey sS|meStore. uuu` | nuvu, luau was v-\nvu- _ v-v ; Mr. Gen. ilaldwell. When nine rs of age he came to Canada with ; parents who settled on con.'2., Oro. r Crown Hill, where he lived until n Sissons, eldest daughter of the Lvt?uf e Mr. Jonathan Stssons: For .67 [gland 1, rs therefore he lived `in this part, a teeming iod great 1' than that extended over the his ry of Barrie. The young th-3 ple at once took possession of the that time was all bush.. As time ; sed their united industry and per V- t to ,`\ V&'3i_,,1'- erance gradually transformed the zhithe bsii `: into the well-improved farm on ich they lived until the fall of 1895, on they retired to a_ house and lot this village to be near their only ghter, Mrs. Wilson, theiryoungest , Robert Frederick, taking charge of ; homestead. O.her two sons, George . William J., are settled on farms Flxglntdhgy se to the homestead, . and the other current , , Thomas R., restdesin Barrie where wheels 9 is turnkey in the County gaol. ' Mr. dwell never took any active partfin lio affairs. He lived up to rigid perance principles for more than y years; in politics he was a Re- mer and in religion a Methodist 3 he : a man of sterling integrity and oyed the respect of all his acquaint es. His health had always been of. . robust kind, his rst serious sick- a being his last, and that ofvery rt duration. On the day before his th he drove his aged" wife to the tor. Upon his return he was paring a little bedding for his horse, en he was stricken with apoplexy; lived for twenty-four hours, but er regained consciousness. The eral, which was one of the largest r seen in this part, took place on day afternoon to Crown Hill church, nce to the English Church cemetery. the 'church an appropriate sermon s preached by Rev. Thomas Leonard, isted by the choir of the church, e's Mount; 11 the, pros` see, many; rom A'us-a Robben `ve.begun< sick and Alfred their nbosoh, a: coloured ally loyal, ` e military; n relates -ed in con-S : marriage on Sept. 13th, 1348, to mu t half of Lot 17, con. 3, Oro, which Il1Vt(31331Elr] :;w_. jrnMouA --*Corres%pOnVJde%hts;F 5 `x .`~..`v ~ - mg SPECIAL SALE BOYS DEPARTMENT. ltiozi `we; h {the a. Most :'d "1"\ziI~."Wick1em of Phelpacou visited his daughter Mary, here, who is on the suck list. ' G. B. McLean of Midland wins the guest of his father, Mr. Geo. McLean, I on Sunday. _ ' ` c an 1a.. A : 4 Wm; Suider and wife of the 2ud of Floe, were the guests of Wm. Hudson on Sunday. ' Mr. J. Darby left here on Friday for Harrow, where he will reside with his son Edward, pharmacist. J. MoEaclny ofAG-mvenhurat is the guest of his brother-in-law, '1`. Higgins. A The weather for the past week was unusually mild, the highest tempera- ture being 46 degrees. The mercury read for four days in succession 29 de areas. The lowest temperature; (on Sunday) was 2 degrees above zero. V In `consequence of the soft weather the elds and roads are nearly bare of snow . Cgihln,-. - (\.. Q....;J.... _.L3I- `ll... 1'. I`! ____ -_ I Miss L. Godciard of Bum-i was home over Sunday. ' ~ Mini: E. baler of Barrie was home for a few days last week. Mrs. Fraser of the TOWnl`|-:9 of 0:9, in visiting her in_other,t Mrs. `M. Caggon. aOn Sunday, while Mr. J; G:-eaves was proceeding ' to -the Brethr_en e -ervice in this village, his horse bolted. throwing him and his little boy and 9. boy of E. Saliebury s out ,` they all were more or less injured, the boy G:-eaves receiving a severe out on the back of the head caused by striking a by ting} , and 50'` Lord_% this self.-5.-e,: whose - mneioaliervioea were very ao- cepsebly rendered. The pall-bearers were the four sons of the deceased, and two nephews, Dr._ T. J. Caldwell and Mr. George Caldwell,` ,The funeral was attended by" a very large family connection, among whom `were "Mr. Miles Caldwell, Toronto, a brother of the deceased; Mrs. J. Drury, Toronto, and Mr. Andrew Sieeone, Orillla.` The bereaved widow is seventy-one years of age and very feeble. She will reside in future with her daughter, Mrs. Wilson. A. Jury is laid up with rheumatism in his foot. Urallrnurat. A Advance Cornooondeneo. 40%| 50! Rev. Mr. lines has been preaching n J series of _ sermons on Home and Foreign Missions. ' ' 7 Mr. 'Wm. Woolmao has taken a. big contract of hauling wood to Barrie from the former Ambler property, 11:]: line. VS. Faircloth, of Toronto, the speaker ` his singing to guitar accompaniment. _duy evening the children were treated Miss Kate baiwell, of lianitoba, formerly assistant teacher in our `school, wascalling onfriends here last week. The S. S. anniversary services on 1 Sunday wereagreat success. Rev. G. l of the day is a general favorite here; and was greeted with a crowded house, being the chief attraction. On Mon- to their annual tea, after which the Bond Head S. 8. gave an excellent en- tertainment in the Orange I! ail. 1 Our two oirriage shops ma nufaotured over 25 cutters this year. Wm. Pemrose arid wife..:who formerly resided here, are spending a. fewrdaye with old acquaintances.` ; T Mr. Wm. Mcneer is visiting friends" in N ewmarkgt. Mina Luck, of Cro-wn Hill, iii visiting % "with her many friends here. Mr. Mercer, acting for McPherson & 1 00., Toronto, hiredvmaeveral teams and men and sent them to Ravenaworuh to work in the woods. e's pro-' many ':l`he infant aim: at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ney,- of Aurora, was interred- uttbe cemetery here on Sunday. V ' We nn'ient;nd- Mnfand Mn-s.'M. G. V Ohantler have secured harsh: for the nip to Puma Exposition. . V ; 1 4 Mr. Mercer, of Mercer & Johnson,` but disposed of his share of she buai- ` man to Mr. Coyne, of Toronto. Suc cans to Coyneoz Johnson.` 5:1 "Mn? F. Harding, "of Toronto, id` ; pending some time at M. G. Chant- let-'9. " ` i . - `ind A. Simpson returned ; to Midland on Monday, after a. month's ` vjieit with friends here. ' It is the intention of the Grand Trunk Railway to move Craigvale Sta- ` tion from the east side of the track to ` the went, so that the station will be on the main line. 'l'lje_ sale of Mr. J. Gil`:-oy last week \ was well attended and good prices were i nalized throughout; ' I QA . I up up 4.: The infin-son of Mr. J. Cotrigan died on Sunday and was buried on Monday last._ I On Wednesday nighti 16th, .the pupils and Bible class of Presbyterian S 8. met and spent a very pleasant time in the Temperance Hall.` A short programme was gone through, and sneeches by Mr. H. M.` Members and Mr. Sutherland were eagerly listened to. Prizes were presented to the scholars, and refreshments provided, after which ` all wentgto their many homes. Miss Fc:dnkiof Neilly, of Bmatord, in {uniting at Mt. Jan. Lnnox i. TI-IINGS.W rrated to} al Engin- 3 of his ex- mandar-" j Shanghai, gun clev-_ 5 g breech,-if tnatthgg ed neces-lf.-. wing off} by thd` , visiting" ver man-`s accident, using a] A sleigh load of 20 from Barrie sur prised`Mr. Sam. Broley (as night last week. They put in a jolly tume till} the wee small hours of the morning. 1 Another sleigh load. from Grenfel called ` on Mrs. Gordon on Mondsynight. 1 We are pleased to say that Mrs. Cook, who has been ill for some time, is quite better. . . .Last Wednesday a shingling bee at Wm Tribble s, sr., completed the erection of a large shed. . . . .Jss. Guest has commenced draw- ing to Bramley the square timber. which has been taken trom the lots of Messrs. Soules. Guest and Belle. . . . Last Saturday evening a number from here journeyed to the-residenceof Rev-. Mr. Dnngman. Stroud, taking V8l`lOl1B donations to- the rev. gentleman. In the course of the evening. Mrs. Ding- `man was gnresented with a sum of ' LL_L jheibafore being nouxed. The onus: Lwu left . mm wreck. ; - ; The :Lnwe:'-vy were viniingi their snnt,=Mrn. J. Jones, ' moneyL.. .Wev regret to` learn that James Tribble, son of Wm. Tribble, "at-., has been ill with enlarged tonsils. ` We understand he he had them re- 1 movedmnd hope for a speedy improve- ment_ T . _ Min `Lucretia Lynn` wad visiting `relatives-in-El-`oronifo xi-eoently. . - j -`gs. M; Sheldon ', is Nvxilaiting gt "Mr.- Mucampbellh this-`week. . L A very pleasant evening was epe;i_tl Mr. George Wallace`: one evening last week.` . V e ' . "'i&}I'1'1."aI.7.T'.`.2'L".ogmo.. .. motorlnun on Toronto Screen Railway. Mr. Francey ' Roget-son` is invnting `up new idea in gun manufacturing. ~ He claims la very` mall jaw will-- light Q lagfge room very brilliantly. . relates. con-*. us to. thy; 'ar Relie_ cceived av. ed hearself enclosing`? '.ate:d` wasf ribute to-` ue of the ings, but , the Stock '1 me spirit-jl down to `um: Of ..-___lZ__ _.I.. ` Miss vLiz'zie Sexton`, of Grassland, Bpdnt lass week `with Miss Ajani Mce Veich-, h0l`8. . . . M383 Mary 0 Hollar.-4;: of ; vagle,` _ hai`d liendn .4 hate ` Mg. Milton Lynn npent Sundafin Newton Athlnan P ' unrouu. ` ' Advance Lon-espondenc. -vary crap; - vacuu- Advanee Con-espondence. wuuvu - i w- vv: Advanee Con-upondcnce. Bur Bay Point." ' .1..- A __ rI_...._-_ _...I... 4. Pi: Dawn. n_;,,,r 7 - i l;ar_:'_1_ _ ,th;;'. f61:Uthoj d to the blow the _% rin. nodu * uYes - gun. was , so theyf ich kill. 3 ns must reechingf