IIIKIII-Iva front ! o v\ 1-: up): The Birmingham Mail, the .org.-1n --Mr.~JosVeph Chamberlain, says: `_` -_j_'.3f." wndersta-ndpon the highest au1h~'.'=" thpzt; it ,the Gov`erx:u_nc'm.t is defe:tL-vi .PaJr}iam_enthonhth question of th \\"`- f;, Qabine; immediately :1 ;~;:e:: 3` 3 '3",;c;l);._I1:I_1tAr/1,4;-:'ll__f,l146` Ministexxz: h.:'i`_ " .f3..<:.;1i.-au5i9stai.a.1;sI\`.h"t;..'=:e%thcr. and In ` , . W . .'~Wf3i.', 35lJ3J 31ini;!.er w "i"? . . Among. the tumor vpet`pleXilie.~;ufIt War Office is a strike among` military tailors, which causes is.-1:`-.V"_ 'u.n.iformn`ng the recuits. `ulna-ufl. 1.) . But -`by no means` IS the ln':n" necessary to the winning: of :1 V. ,. oonfinedito officers. Many of the m oommiasioned officers and pri\.':1". have ,done [deeds of daring lh.-1'. :`- scarcelybe equalled by the acts of mg. 1'!!! high station. Thist Is the rms. that the cross is so great. an mcrl tive. F011 in brave deeds: there is` -rank, `but an equality which` is :1ffect_4 only by _the personal heroism of 1- men. A private has just as gmd chance as a general. And wlwevj wins the cross, itmay be well unde stood that he has merited it. :\ll Lula LIU was QIVFH -' iV.'c"."'e'z{.. ir Gecnge s. \vm~;e u- itho grass in Afghanistan in Om.-he. ? 18'79.vwhen he climbed. a fortified h with two comrades in. the face of large Inumber of- the enemy. 1`- oomrades being exhausted, VVhiiz' we` on alone and killed the leader of W 011911137. On` several other occasir? has Gen. White displayed the gre` [eat gallantry. ` Rh? fhv nn -............ -_ 4.1.- 1 __-..- A dqspatoh tram Dondonsa'ys:=--`I 11 omuiau oi -the War Ofoewherl in Iutisflod that tip tide hast-urnad and that news of amoro hpoiul ohataotex. from a British point `of view, will herutter be tho'_m_rI:Llo_ in -_} atom! nl! Hm ..n......u....- ' ] Gen. Buller wears the cross I saving life under frightful conditir lat In-hiobane Mountain,__ March 1187!). Gen. Roberts has won for h: `self a splendid reputation for S . lantry; IL was In 1858 while pursui ?re_treating- rebels in India that hes itwo sepoys escaping with a standat Alone he engaged the two, Cut mam` Ithe,m..doWn. and brought` `mack! standard. For this "he was given 1: lV.C- Gan. Riv amnnnn G \v:.:.,. ..- --v---V -Ac!-, uutv LIILLL I-IVVVII, UUl`\ 5 ]loss' was saved by- his act of dam: Some'have brdught in the wound! |creeping. through the tire zone to yen ` -v--u VI! an: auvunupauuea B801] clasp. If every one of the 425 more V icto` Crosses could tell the story of wearer`: gallantry there would be collection of stories worth readix Only one cross has as yet `been gu to a clergyman, the Rev. J. W. Ada: late of the Bengal Ecclesiastical: talblishment, who! rescued two men ' the Ninth Lancers from certain du under the heaviest fire near Kab rDecom`bor 11, 1879. There are nu `hers {who have gallantly :l5SlSi wounded officers at the risk" of It 0W.II lives, otften` when the men 11. themselves been wounded. One IL threw a. shell out of the midst of st: V ammunition, although the shell u burning and about to burst. It burst and, threw him down, bun gr? urn: nnunnl Inn. Li- ....4 -5 4-... fact of t}ravr"y,' u'su;ht-as; would em:. 8' mt-n to the Victoria Cross if` he! not one already, a clasp may be gn but it in sta.tId_ on good author that thus far one of these C18? has been conlu.-red. in spite of the posted mentions of this. that, and` .0thGl`- man's having one. Each we or ot the prom is entitled to a pens of 10 a year, and an additnonal p dint! of} 5 accompanies each clasp. If vnrr nun a! nu: Aer. ......... `.';.I\' -' V It is in the. heart: oevery En, soldier and saiior to desire `.hP. Vic. I Cross, which in the English Leg of Honor." The order was establu by Queen Victoria in 166, and is s ' to any- member of the regular, serve, auxiliary, or {volunteer to." in either army or navy, who disp. "conspicuous bravery or devotion` oomtrr In the presence of the em Tho decoration consists of as: ` Haltua cross with 2 disc` in its tel , baar1n_g royal crest. I drnseath is an escrol bearing the scripau, "For Valour." The rr0 hang `by 3. blue ribbon in case its cipicnit. is in thciv navy and; by a; E ribbon. iiyhe is ip tha army, and is -ways wo1'n"on the left breast. ': crosses are made from cannon Cap: ed! at Scbahtopol. For each addiuo `MILITARY muons ON STRJK} AV_.-- . .1 r-nun-wx no VVIJ This is the utgrpical attacl ag; I white men of the British Army tr}; At` Waterloo they fought in ; cmnpanies of double ranks. If .5. nutter tllonuhecause a musket ' lnot muchgood over a. hundred 5. Now, Tommy Atkins opens out. [makes mmsm as thin :1 mg. ;possibleAfor the rifle fire which [fob in volleys into his lines with; icisiouatahile andabalf. 5 fmg, cursing, stumbling, but all ` mg 0:. up: The first foe hf it through the breast-bone. '13 Another foe is wriggling on blada. Over fcnto the trenvheg! or them! Thery are giving Way! % position is won! 731.1- 2.. LL, L ' I I WIUII IUUIHIII. CUIIDQFOUOIIJ % "'51.; and nine--pounds: shells fall into U10 Ina `or, killing a Iitfl `girl and iii Jumgc "W9 pthar children. HOWITZERS G HAVOC. . 115-1.. L-L -.----- TEE VICTORIA CROSS. mumny A `ver t 'Ited i or \V cuugh Jsth ` Isl}. uooaui pavau DUI IIVUIG ' A dsiwuton to the Exchan e 161:.-. Jbh ommmy gaystthat t . "dim. was in crossing the swollhli` river` 1ma,_.a:mt; the 'wagor_m being. quit : .56x.`sd. ' THE OPPOIHNG FORCES. . '1-`hi-_6tcOd on mic: bias may be rcugnly stated as` tonovva, enough mm my mama of wings the tigurid tor the Boers can be little more than 8 -I-W `I The accen lit! 1e and pain ditio in on_ so lb until erald livin tinuu the yet u `patch '1` L` n ,-.v- The the :1 subs? lin [K its 0' few the a schoo {Hos Sev at tk ?i="il tions cam coup "Fl. mum and sum war fusle and . loos nevk {uni 'hugh (IA - VVQIS w H 11 ador Vsnuu D01 u He am; ied you Inou ne .sive _bug and ly h Eng cl-on pani step evid 9,} B/El tq B00 ticis .th;` uu turthqr wast, `incur. Waggon .dr':t,T in the taco ot a not and heart (in from the Boat cannon and titles. He has` effected a moat "tatilfactory loudest two miles further. towards` mnma > ; dos Itch to the Timon 18611389031 . % ux : amt. mod at the sauna hour at - the Daily Telegraph : doopawh. sun _that Gourd Warren is now otossing tho rivor without opposition, thou h an oats are holding a position I vs (aim tram the tint. A Jnmulnh .- 4.-I... t:_;4i..._A,-.. mi-- v\lV`2' ; Th] --- --3 to-V $I.lUDv Tie naval guns and howituio ooc. ltivoly shelled the Boer position 11-om WW1`: Alice near Swnrtzkon. T Gen. War-an otoasoa ti tint six. I ` `_ _ A _-_ 1509' of low. ridges at mile irgm Pottin- mean, .a:e.i"vsei."'zEZ::.'}.3p'.3s1'1ao.i'l hrs dritt. ' 1 V ' Howitzer: `were carried .acroua -the river during the night; - ~ ` rnL.. _-_.- I vuav 11550588 ll`l.II-0` . Gen. Wanna ; .d'wisio'n made.` 15;: that mun: on the ensmy. A dun-_t<:h tijom Londoi am that 9911- Lyttloton, after crossing tho" manin _-._-_I ,-1.1. .IAh ------- vuuayxo ` . Age: a wait at (our days, @150" sh advance was `resumed, Gan. Lwtr-V thton`s. brigade crossing Potxiatorl dtift 13- the evening and holding the kopjcc on the British gight. rznn `If. _....._t_ ,-u__,-, - up: hold the position. T _ The whole British force, with the -ex- `ptinu of Eforoe to garrison` `at Cdlanao advanced without delay. ' , f .l2an `:].l..-...n_ _- " ' ` ---- -v-v-I -grgruulic V - , `Gen. Lyttletoxfs `brig-ado_ was sent tel Tho! South A1:-`wan Light` am. 5.- _'i."d E 511118 the pant, orvterry'hoa.t, *0 this south side of the river, and six , I!!! of that command therefore swam; ti` D:l!A- ___1 L_ '7-` "."'b "-'1` vv-In-In`-nu kuusubula Iwugu ` G ver and brought the boat our under Liam. Oarlylo. T `Ll-`J4- - _, - V _-..--- .-my-a--curd ~uIllIUhl;l!;..Wt!1v ry for_vvard'und seized the - took savory strong position it Zw'ut- hp. commanding Potgietors W drift. A -nding the Boers totally ' _A numbefot the enemy were both- in tin river when Iird Dundor ` the ountaa. Brigado, pushpd ammun- Then, hurrying V torwari.` h\e tor `the British advance. aid`: tome (1.... -r_u- nomns Vsnnnnnii - General Ballot. W ii!`-`fy.' UM G116!-1']. . 2 drtilliymd 31105: f ' Ghltbl J0i1U0-.- 18.500 mdiltdd infant-rye hfoo artillerymon; I li , sr P08itiDllB N701-th Shelled` ` H oiiitmars-- %: Enemy Taken Bynrprzine-a:Ei11s command ing the` By Mouxgted Forces. A _ W___, ___,, J '351|U d I in you it .:._I_a '10:.` uuy, ;--. ` If 51`7y `_he;_I'vy artillery ` A h.V;'f.7"-1;?! iP. firgtggwagg ~ -5-.2.-o-t.;..`.'. ... '_5-'_~;;,,;. - my ' -,l;e Times` published: the tan Mn f;9}..*Pl*rm9ritzburg. % ama ergo: `> .;__-;',, ' 16.: .u '- A despatau to the Telegraph, dated? Bpearmarrs farm, Jan. 1 , ea-ys:-"Al howitzer battery bombarded the Bear lino: dauaionnlly, during the n}gh=..[ The firing was resumed this morning. All : well." , A duputah tram London, says:-~ ` The artillery ulutaroment-s for south 5 Africa; which it was annbunced `a week ago would be `sent. will begin ' sailing on Jan. 21. % Savant-y-~tvro' gnu. 8,710 men, and 2,210 horse: will u.il between January 21 a'nd_J'anmiy 27, which {to is believe 65 __1bV_m__,bI` &_ record pdrfarmanco. PRAISE FOR THE CANADIANS. A Sea-patch. from Lqndonsayu:-a-"1'he .` Stun` ard`s_` appoial carrupondent at! ` Madden` River syn today :e-"Otez In} ; dopcchtz vau_,s.,'Bay,' there, bxjing her; - over, and sun} cr commands and an 5- . ortations in ngland and Canadian- gfendh x'u_t6d `i'1`1y_ ogijs at Oran tug tad thg rigmt. mrhes Caiiadiatis ff- ; 1 arrive t e a.y are f'1`d" De A V. - aid in use day had laid iadndmpltaelgl 3 ' a genus and a quarter or railwa. and hum; V a new ylattorm. Rai way- makj ` ` im_dar `a seuth African sun in L Deoem r is no gplay, and the sight-bf thest ODIIIAOI the with handling. -aleeporn and rails with the greatest . dqsgpatoh and enthusiasm, Workings! uzhato men `aeldoxrlzhwczrlg in South A}:- r on was an '0 jeo anon for t 6` th 1301: hues: of Ipirit -andTpa-totlim, . mgt nfhallg ranks and aeotiona at ` s 0. 3 - t 0 Brit rot , new -ghting the 5 oerq. . T ' . - A L3}: , K %~4wat9h %"*9***% V %**"='!'= ~ 9%; aii -~ vwuvu uuunccs. . E. 01' the mums-ita.n.ts to foow the armed ~ he Onsland con:iaugs_3gg:u.,w,,,.men, at me east at the; a.bandornm.ent `able deductions. based omthc amuse -Lgur an extensive region. -0! Wwe tram \Lady-..m.i`L and Kgnb, t)aLingon s mare): alone ~we .!cy.:_lt ensure an that .5.-3-M, L5,:aa1v six oroeven empty houseg, re-pure. commas an loading tho Empire, .1... .4'se:;n aids! in the re:1`uE!i(:-equal {er ; luring that` It is based rather on; but. gthar aano number -of e.-normom {a,nz395 I-Hlf`l'I'ni"I`urn fl ..f.... _.__ ,@Hhvh avg an-\.c..n.L:.... 4.. .1...` .._..,_;,..-- . an uuuu 1191' were Bailey, Brub.-.mt, I:`tou, and Fsnrar. aranwnt him but tur- ned to Each 2 T ' Govurnor Sir u(...a 1u'u;..-..v.--.-w uuvs Q I . W 29 . Gov:`x;o:"?fAIf:ed Milan: cfaunod martial law in tho` Btneaiia ind H toen districts. ~ I he O_nsIand` conaiangs its`. unfairm-r-H3 uvvggn usuvi UJJUVU .l.'Ul8'lB(5l"I Tlrltto _ ' BIJLLER TO ms MER. > _ A, *'G_`ex;.-.1BuIler issued apixfit.edjnattu-o- his turbo; begin-ningts , .. _ 33;: La; `ne tdsrrplitio nut.-com-.: smimf. Th.'m."5`-"9" . avg-nu pint-u IIILSKS the h Ia.-but the naval guns and 2 ins: bct.tc1-5 made good pvrac1ica,"?i V thoroughly searching tho t;-emh~es.. \_ 0.1 the _ Boat 1" L as "breach mug] made V in 0. sun ag .empla &e.-In`ent,1 where it is urppased Boer` guxmhad; Icon 931%,` ' , . T Zfj The unnonado was heavy and con. E, "tit-lupin." and the Boer; wen observed ja. lean.-a_ that tranche. it Dlliall Plrvriesf ` Sgelgzii faczng the Bridsh position was; ` ' `o - < '. .- . Gm. Warns bu lorcad upstage or the Tpgels. 30709 mile: to that Ian . if: MAtcT1AJue LAW ' gz 5 43-watch from Cape Town, says; 3! -- he nsnuyxs of we deputation frunzt. j thl Cans lrrnnusigp-. ...--.-=-.-- n A ` .....-4-u nuuus or we deputation, tn` `hp 5'1"!`-!3srs~ meeting vGg.`::,`x, Kitchener `-were Bailey Brubant. H_--3-......,. N Innlrbs. uu .Luunua,, vnu_ I-`I5 e water roao,.ahos'_q- the waists of the no. The Boots tiled tr/'0; shot! and than `nestled their forces to tho. trenches, the passage being nnintez: rnpoted. ` The British atlvanoed in skirmishing order. and the_ anal! kqrgicn an the ,summ.its_ wens occupad by` 6&6) 9.1:.` "During the night it rained heavily. _ Yesterday, Wednesday, the -Boelf ftresxohos ware vigorqosly shetled in `trout at Mount..ALioe. while the Brimh ; remained in possession at the 11093:: ' land plain. Heavy mists '-enveloped`. nva? Irrliba --J - 4-? v-.- sun: as .3 158681133. ' _, Th: dasmtch` add; that evotyqna is .t_=0n_dent. . . . _ HEAVYQBOBIBARDMENT- V .A desp-atch from Natal, says:-Gen. Lyttletoma btigade, with a howitzer halter}. crossed the Target: river -at .;1 .otgiieter s' drift. on Tuesday, Ian. 16. 'Q"Cf Oo\nn I.-`Q nn'o:n-8 4|. l|!l|_II'-Vvho}n in charge and on whatoon`-. `Halon: to, meoeivb the surrender so! ani 03 - ~_ . 1t_.waI*negl the maps as-inst urea- -& hythe Doors at thowllitao & `- * t - The under craated enthusiasm.` in the- `eamp. . ' numb from Frenufto Mhnt Altos was` very trying, `but they heath 1 "10 tfolllis is cxcellnlt. Th nka C-I-nan` nnrghvvnunn :3 were away. M2212` W W .;`::2;`:...,":;;:p: '- 3108.3. Ind R 5=I1Y active Canadidna aid Anstrab ?31'5l'8llI7`nt i3~l|S` -h8V8 alfeaiy traversed every -foot M 2. ~01 it me and again causing an arm. irtlfxed uum:1......,..*cd Is to sliandoi their pbsitions kl thortiaaiabncaw cur incursion has sent the rest iificfvs. " ` I 5017 the itihzcia-itan-ts to at conaim;gs.i;`g:u.,w,,,.;f men, `exist the` a.bandom*m.e~rit- I16. ba_.%ed_ oghg L.uf gm Idywm-Ith Kinb1ne:}i (93 3&Lington'a alone 38 Kt {ll on-: n-.1.-..-_-.4 . 1.- at Iv (nu-'n4e.a~. ...p..u...J.. 3..- .-`..__A .n_,..,__ `um, .I. nuauu I-3|: 5'Wl1';'. H-HQ sank. ,, `Only ma era faanillnrv with the northern dialect_ will _ fully appreciate the depth '02 kindly resignation and true tesling hioh the-words donate. The fathor on A ured terrible sufferings but rota: ultimately Apickecfup. "Grant- -orllotl 1|th.ll0:ln!1l than . this." Dan in only one ring dab prevents me from. calla; yo` '1 _-liiar, sahr _ A~Yld_V_Wh3Jt'__.$lfdltpgllf _` . 'M&hi`._QrIhd1EthCY -V waightnd , two l,,hufm,d'r_ec1*poux;ds;, 'o._`n_d_ _mah grandUmoth- wgight ;, ninbty-se_ven,- and" I (of (Q 115:. -.a,nhl ;vaa manned by `a father and his four sons. When the boat sank, three of. the latter went with her. The _old man got an oar, and soon the fourthgson appeared by hiiside. ,But the oafoould only sup- port one, andrtha _lad, tnk1ng 111 the situation at once, badeghia parent !.'are~ wall in the wordsz` " Weel, weal. faith- ;eu', I maun at a'wn', . and `sank. `,1 ~ nnlu add Ann: C...-..:II.... ....u.|. LL- ` .. as ` : i " - .9 general Buller took quarters at _o,; '.._,farm-house belongin to Martinius Pretorius, who had `lsap-peered- ' , Aloud explosion wag heard on Jan. '12; -and it was subsequently loan-nod , wasgin course of oomtrubtton n-?-n_1i1u_ abovo A.l?_otgieto1f?a_oA!dri't_At`.1 L2r-_- _ _;_ __ the _en_emy had doptroyod a mag. ,_ uuuama. f , The Y'eomsmry.C' anmo_uucei;-1 5 that It has ;a,z'1epi.ed 3.00: out of the 10,: 1 I U130 twhleh; It wjxhes to raiw, anastill ` , has 20,090 :1 plieanta to be exammed. , The`.I'JavIy hronicle asserts that the committee was goaded into thig eta Le-` nkent by the reports that there was no baby at getting. the run number. ; FOR xmuemaes ESCAPE. ~ L; A despatcln tram London saysza-In _.,`w.'2nect1u-n with the arrive, (if P1`esI- ,_dou-t. Krugere teen-in+1aw, Bluff, R1 ,-!L_ereu2o'Marquo:s, aboard; as is alleg- . ed, a German Warship, a telegram tram , .Durbuma rj.-Ithat his purpose is. to In`-`--F ,"raz1ae for aaident. Kruger : ehrdpe to I ,1Germ`am mmara1and- in the event of` 9 Preterm bemq eaptured. An oh`; tntmd iot 'Kruger's, Imdn named errilcsen. {Is `settled: there, and 1tie3;believad that- the Germans .w_ill help; the President I to escape as "they? did :the.' Sultan. at jflanitbar. ' . A - - '1`hat'ia a pathetic story at th`e.Gour-* don fishing boat crew; No class of men` face death more frequently than the` hardy sher mum `at the sea, and- _a_mong none is a genuine h_eroljsmmorJ {trequentlly displgyed. '. , .uzvu1t:u.1.r,V!71J J ruwa munla, nattammsa .wm~-be` mob-:15:-cjsd in -the county of as 1 fortnight, ` Ah the reguats am now 4 on-.' of me C'(`_:!Hi-ti ! `except {awaken miantry battalions 9,n:1_e1s7Gn cavalry battaliojrus. The War Office bad,-pla.c~ ed an ord6r`_t'~:)r cartndges In mica. . } ML- \I'_-._ ,1; -__ A. -- ;!('p.=at`eltt:1't.ai. mt, Rgxqitlam to'ep'oy`;;} i gbnmes or. work ttv in-ms Lu thg .m.;.; 3! the. war, V _ . 3 s"1,7mf_' z3`~..iw};`~.`DI?.ai.G: 'ER04.)Ps; ; _ A glespgwh. mm band I . ' Wn` Ulizer has {leafs :7 ";.eBVoo1-3 were compelled to ahead- on` their killed and wolmdedy ' I Tho British trobps were vetysteaf and cool. t many _o them had Ieuxbeenin 'etion'h_oore. General French's csval_ry:_and horse ,.artiIIery have reconnoitrod as fat as the" A Orange Free State_, ' _CANADIA_NS AT" IT. ` '.A4dep.;tch from Modder Riveruya: ;, hive" just. returned bars with Bab- the Boers." peaition on the border of` 'l`.Bt4!n'8 Ecgtce bf..near1y 900 mounted fmw, wix.iu}.1' made of three con- `imen, which made one: of threa con~ junction raid;-s _in.to the Jacobsdal dis ; trict of the Orange Free State. 9'ar- iious agencies win have supplied full details at these operations, sndjahali evnue myself to comment. and Jen- cription; }' H II bl..- !..,-_-AI' I ` vrfae i!3De*dutc' L [results oithe Wre- |`lN36iD_' IMO mourn--as to my 1. an _Bo-ers, aIi_ amuoyw but am; gbm. the tenndcaoca-not Lirbbg, mg. gmzmdant of the district, and his max- a1'?=ed'esnu--_1.m no-ml result is believed ` fit? ht}; very. effautivc, The -rich and Z3`m""-1 ""3.`*. which we -invaded swan an-1 nun ire. Ann ........m rms... ._..-_ vvvyg vva\".| wllll`. vnazuvturistlo EKHL _ 4ThyT `nearly nuehad the `wall, but when they maid hrwardthe` Ybrk- ahires, who were only one company of the battalion. and n Iunulenv .: n.- to` `af by a. 3` the Hgfvzoilandus, but wart yrepulsad "at the point ofthe` bayonet. The Boers had 21 men killed and gbout 50 ~q The assault was a dating piece '01 `wol"k.- Th : kill in "face of the tire `oi the Yorkshires. who warn Inhintl n will tortamus pa _ . --v -- --_ noun: 5 Us awaits 90; W IIU .w &}-a"Ie'lE`Id1.wi1L_. , he Boats and every bit of; possible cover with their characteristic skill. 'l`hi:o `non:-In -_..I...n 1.1.- -_--- 5?`; u nu uug pJ_llI.l0l1T - PI . While Gneral Warren's force was crossing the Tugola river the Boers occupied a ihiokly-woopod Plantation 0. mile nor_ of the raver, and sent everul volleys into the advance guard. he British replied lmd the artillery opened. on a neighbouring _k`opju. Ad {to British pushed. aoropg the river `- e Boe r s found their positlon, uncom- aftable` and retired to the hills, nu. Amedietely after the ntooh bridge , was completed the who a British force ' Ufbslbd. ' The British transport `extended eev. ` "Ital miles, and_incl'uded probably five thousand vehiclel. A11-suspicious. Jhuhtry ea tar as Mount Alice had .- been thoroughly reeonnoitred, and no lift! of the enemy had been found: " . DIIh!`nhn] n r-I-nn -'--3--'*`-" -Now; VERY. EAVY.. FILLKL LOVE._ - v u u su VI. L110 I-I-g.l.lLl.llB'o 1 ` All: this work -is` done as 1mich as .po"ss ibleA out of efectviv`ge'rri Ia% `range of *9 `*%F15?= ?? 1`!*."*"%` `9."3?7."'F;b. )9d 2" ,-_.... vvuauouh uubu Ll-la .' i.oNe".'t1*iN RED LINE `recalling a couple of `miles or more, overlaps and covers `the whole` trout of-the army, `This is the tirigg linen." it is in "ext'e nde.d'ordor and does the whole of the `fighting. A '. 011011.} at UIILAUIIUIIIALUIIDHA I "Um er cover of this hall of shedlp which is screaming overhead, the columns form `for attack. `Half the infantry battalions are told off for the firing. line, and the rest for the reservu The eolonels commanding} the battaliom for the fighting lines in- stantly order-half companies"-to the front, and those march straight out. and] commence rapidly and uilamtly to "extend _to' single rank, that" is to say, that halt company, which in. in two` re.-nlra. commences to open out, the rearra.nk men stepping up into `the front rank. 7`-'l`hln opening. out `process is continued. till each man.-is neigh- one`, two ogtourjpaoes from his bots.` according to -orders.` -_ . ;"`.n`nI-s 1u'|nu-`.8; 1-.` I-_'-.- - """"9 |vVVUll|-ll-11.5 LU OI'(lB!'8. ` % 1 8 00 man has b 1 `this ext:-mains mme3.f5{{"n't; I` lI1f"l'*`Lv 1-5--:13 .. ____. .....,. . '\ The artillerf in field work fire. as a rule, shrapnel-'-a shell charged with builetu, timed to Explode at any re- quired distance, and aimed ten feet over the enemy's head. In -that in bursting the shell hurls e ehowereof. bullets, down, up. and forward`. : It is delicate work. and ;o_nly highly trained gunner; like thy.'British oan `use shrapnel to the in}! effect. Sup , plcmunting these are vhowitzers. which throw charges of lyddite high .36 that `they drop into the midst of the Venem!'s-entronohmontn.` ' ' `*r*r.. ._ -_--_-.. -1 L\_!& s..n - - -- vu ...- ..,,. At a given hour, the co1umns..aach with ~a cloud of cavatry `and `infantry -scattered more it, to draw any: at- tack and prevent an ambush, arrive at the position. The guns than in- `stimtly takeyu points, commanding the enemy. an open fire, and the .main body of the cavalry push- out ` tight and left to cover that flanks and I p.1-eparexto pursue: in the event` of vic- Plnvv t, So far, there is little ditto:-enca be- ; two: an army now and in Waterloo time, but tho change is shown as soon , as it . _ ' ; MOVES om: TO GIVE BATTLE. g The army matches to battle in par- ullvl columns, each made up of somany toglments of `infantry, with cavalry: and cans, and each column times itself; `to teach the position at a given: min-` lute. That this is absolutely ne-nova 5 guy was shown at Glencoo. when ` .(Iommandaut Meyer arrived with his, Boer column ahead at This timo, and. was beaten butane throthors could `come `up. . _ ` . 1|! .. .-.-Jan. -`n...u- 4.1.- --l. A,-... .uy.u.,y, uuucung wuu no opposition. ,'l`hB,_BoBt`B had been at Potgieton-`U dritt the dayfbetoro the British`arriv- ed. They had had a large camp on the ,oppo:ite bills, but this camp was ulckly struck. A buggy with an es- cort, presumably? ~_~ the-VBoe:: command- o.nt s equipage, was man leaving the L hills. wot; hands tine-great mortality , gin the rank-:1. But now it is all "art; -.se.nad mm." - _ I What in "extended order?" we are coming tothis later om; _F`z'rst, let as dead with the Army Corps. if An Anny consists of any)_num- gm 9! ma: from 25,000 to $5,090. pro- A 7`?e`rabI'y the format. It fhas three: ,a.rnm," each in proper proportion -2:` .1-cavalry, artillety and iuuntry. The_ hatter are {subdivided intq divisions; `these into brigades, brigades into bat-f tattoos, bnttalions into companies, 1 mlf--eompdnies and sections. Each Funk had its commander, and in the fight it taken its orders onIy__rom ` :7 lawlu _-._ ..-v -ourvv 3 7 in. squares, now sho'uIAde-r to shoulder In eompgniea, as thick as he could jam. He even (ought in something after this 1 fashion twenty years ago, in the! last 1 D44.` ------- `-- _.,, _-=a-.-y _ a-awe 35.35%; most `dangerous Jdsen mast" napriy beaten; but his style of than and now an as &i_{treut.u bulk and {cheeses At Waterloo `he fought, now . in em-u'.....'.\... .._.--- -l4- Britishers are gcustomed to regard the War Oiaa as tho and conserve. tive of institutions. clinging to old me1;hods',Va.nd lath to chaige; but this V charge can certainly never` In levviad `against the gomtatant hunches. whose ' duty" it is to "ght" ting army in the Edd. It is not paanihle lo! civilian!- who have not made untidy of military matters. to `reafiza the enormous chases in its methods, which tha.Bri- tiah Army has since Water- 100, since the Crimea, am! piruunny since the Franco-Prns.~lian. War. Tammy Atkins.` in h: taught K390- `leon, and as he is f?gmirI1gGenetal JOI-' ; hart`, is the same" stamp of ma.n..bet- f ta educated, eortaimlyi, but` atiII_ thoj some plucky, dogged, "'1usty lights, ` H9113 4`nnnps..-_a-.-.. ._J-4-- - -* How a Battlc Is Fought. 'cAvAuu: Advance! Double! is the order; The line swings forward at a steady , trot. Men go down in twos, and threes: but nobody notices this now, and, besides, it leeves more room for those whoare left to use the bayonet . Ba-tbed wire entanglements stretched, some eighteen inches high, add to: the confusion, and men trio and sprawl in heaps - heap which are quickly ~ riddled by the enemy's ritiemen. V . 'I`w0.~ hundred, one hundred, fifty yards. Men are dropping fast now, but as 0' quickly as they drop the supports sand no up man in twos and threes at a run ,9 to fill the g.1ps;`and sane `at the re- serves, too, are opening out so as to incite as bad a target as: ~-possible for gtbe enemy, and are coming, creeping F - up, line upon line, "massing more thick- zly opposite the point of thewposition `Y , where the attack is to be`pressed home. 'yjA few battalions are waiting far in if: the rearnnder cover, almost out of 1"_ `range, in case things go very wrong. I ghfanmal '1: Hlxrul-inn'nvI6h A-...`Il... .1 I GIIV E W-I5; qganveauxi ass: or human ..o.u,y. Lneu` own artille "Pee-e-e-e-e-e-p!" go The officers draw -their a volvers, and 1"gn':o _th4_ "' A o`I-n-- ' `Tie a hideous cracltiin ltnd `splut- tering, and the Maxim guns of each battelioan are not behindhand in join-I ing in: but under cover of (it all `the; supports are coming on at as trot and crowding down into the line. and be-. hind them the _reserves;. till there is] scarcely elbow room to raise. a. rifle.` Bayovnets are clicked on as the.` men came up. and the flight of shrapnel -over their heads from the covering ar- tillery is ceaseless and appalling. Sud- denly. their own artillery fire ceases. llPee_E F`n-n_n',. _n ;|__ ___\_2 AI .......y um urngcnmma, wuu croucn D8-S? him] the sections; the officers, cool as on panda, walk up and- .down a yard or two to the rear, dropping! cheery words among the younger soi-I diets. ignoring the kicking buileuts which rip the grass at their feet.- Tdmmy Atkins, wriggting on his stom-9 ach, drags his bayonet from the: scab-2 bard mud jams `if on th-e;_ rifle muzzleui There" are hot times coming. I I "Magazine I Independent ! With! fixed sights!" is the order, and the! xnugaezine with it; load of reserve cart-; rid es, is turned on. Commence I"` an each man begins pumping bullets into anyenerny he can eegboigbingg nvnr 43-in nH-.' __.1 ;_.n_,tA uuugc, Lu uaasu umngs go very WfO!]g.l 5 Shrapnel is bursting with deadly elf- `feet bverhead, knocking out ghastly gaps, and the rifle fire is terrific: but still the firing line goes on in alter- '_nate rnslies: 450,400, 350 yards, (them. the whistles pipe, the line closes up 111-} to the gaps, and drops panting, parchq ed, and sticky with blood. `There is no 3 time to take breath. "Fix bayone.ts!"} ldnap the nelgeamts, ho crouch boil ann`:pqm.. o LL- -lA5---~ I -vnvrusu Ill LIIUII lI'8I}KSo I - 1. "Peo_oreo-e-9-p 1" go `the Whistles, and alternate sections of the long line yop down on their faces and crash gdmm their volleys. while the others _; still push on, covered by than com- ;rads tire. At thirty yards thcly aka 5 drop down and commence tiring, while ; the sections they have left. behind trot ` steadily up through the gaps, and on, to take up a new position a few yard: I ahad. -..v.-.-J, sauna nuns:-cu: rlvpu U . volbypl Lying! Ready Piordesr the sergeants, and down ops each section at the word. undthe Load. the many in trout-at eight 9 P 1 1 hundred!" The sights are adjusted, ,. and the men wait.g"Pxeant 1" ' Up I. go the rifles. Fire I" Crash! and a ' scare and a` halt bullets go uhriaking ' towards the enemy. Section after see- I tion all along the line Is} awning out 5 volleys. Then the whfqtlos P511: 8833'- Cease fizjer!" order the sergeants- "Ad--vance!" The men rise up, swing ' '12 their titles on to their shoulders." and fmarch steadily forward. At every 7 } thirty yards or so the whistles sound, `and the valleys crash out; and then! ` 3 up-and on. . ' I ,_ Advance by alternate half-campaxv |'iesP' is the order as the`, bullets bo- , sin to "zip" around, and men to pitch , _,*forward in their tracks. ` ..n--_--,-- . 1 V 'r vwouvuu, auu |.LlC' enemy B puauuou I3 about tobe attaelroci. It is a standing; mic that to hold a. position you rev! quite in the firing fins three men tor every yard it extends; to attack it, you want two at least. in the initial stagbs. V The firing line, to the tune of screaming shells, creeps silently on. There is no shouting of orders. Be- ihind the halt-companies march the ;1ienie'lnntn. They blow whistles, make a sign, the sergeant: repeat it,__ and jthe men more or halt accordingly. At eight hundred ylrds from the enemy, the whistles pipe V-IJLQIIQ fur;-ngl n4.-J- II .......I.-.- L`-A -:" I-V9.09`! TU llvvv IEIIIIIAZ-III?! ILII earnest, and the` enemy's position is nlannf I-`I... -.u-.l....1 rp :_ - _;_._.r._.. on games. When the an is complete.` the men break into a faster step, and. with riflesha_..t the left shoulder_ at the "slope," march to the attack. Two at thtaezhnndred yards behind, the re- maining hlf-companies, in single `rank, and also opened out, start in support, each dqging the aotswps at its other half"-company in .t_he lino. Thom are the supports. Six or uni hnndredyarde behind these to!- low the firing line reserves, 'in' cioaer formation. The battle has new eommesucal in! :\nun-.--1. -.._`l LI. , I -Ian III. LHU DI.lUl-ll] Ila-U D9311-' Itmndt Lord Dundona1d s force adyancad rapzdly, meeting with no opposition. ' . BODPH hm! hair: all B.'-.A....:-.A.....n- RESERVE` . uvvu. u1'LuletI`y nre 3-0-pl" go the whistles. `R --------'- `~~ ` moaoou count In`. % -@m."9' "tgir s;;rds";rl1a `:3: `.to tha front. L1- In 3- :1 - uU~ cc wuu I8` mafhoutgng, lgugh- . yulanyllja uuuuyu see bobbing I irhh :11 'IIl\iItg vnwvv, VVIII J-QUIUIQLUII _l$ rule '9 _I0..d. at the oxieoptionz That t _d' pltiah Idzanoo in o northseuterlly iractian ll} ho tieroelyo resisted II lly jmtiolpotod. , The Boer t we i probably superior to the Btili, an the deapatchoa show the burghers oc- oupy -strong positions? . . .\m.n.. an.-a...i ur.........-.5- 4---,