min "o37s7 &. nnowsz,'s...." . s1 3; Hniaaron Lnmox. w.`X." Boys. 7 _ .' . no . - Ran-in. Allintnu and Craemnre- 1 Birth. nulltuu nun uruenwtc. * H A` Lnmcox &.Bovs, b , V ' Elmvale oco-.-No. 6 North side Dunlap-st. Elm- valapde opposite Hunt : hotel. Money to loan at lowest rates. TTIU - X I ."I`vi" At hi oice until 5 p.m.; at his private residence, 68 Mary street, after that hour. u-ly WE MAKE`-...._`. Sewer and Culvert Pipes All slug {runs 4. In. in 24 In. - run uVvn-BLLVIIHVJ. on _good $ I `freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No money required until end of the term. . STRALHY, Solicitor, Etc., Barrie. H lVIUrlga.gC8- UICUAK 1 11 X . furl. CAR 1 t1Y. `Dunlap btreet. Barrie. G. gwungnnuksr, sac.`-gsm, Attorney. _tor In Cha.n_ , vs car etc. 01.oo-Fint door Owen gt. over B?nnk of Com- ings-ma I194: A051, HEWSON & CRESWICKE, harristerh. Solici- tors of the Sn name -Court of Judicature of Untario. Procton. otaties, Conve ancen. .etc. .vIon_ey to loan. Oioes-Ross Block, attic. C. E. Huwsox. ~ A.`E. H. Cnucswlcxn. l;s;?.2.099_. O H. LYQN, PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate at -lowest rates. Farmers Notes Dissounted. Collections madein any rt of the County. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- ancin` in all its branches. Marriage Licenses 0$ee-Rou Block, Dunlop street Barrie. A :.Iv. _ I_II\lllI'lX annanu, T Barristers, Solicitors in High Court of J ustioes, Notaries Public, tiignqeyancen. Ocep over the Bank of Toronto. Undo my V`: vv rosy; no-uunn-vow. npvuuuuvnu -- 7-- Supreme Court. Ptoctore. Nouries, `Conga- ancers, etc. Money to Loan. Ocu--Ross Bl , l}nnInn.nL _ Rnlrrin, U I-\o\hu Dull!" Incl` L.r.. Ia0lI(IdlIo UUICCS 3110 I night residnee.-Brown s Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. LU: J: l`ll\ll'IUI\ RUDD, l.4.l\.\hl'- 3 D p D0111 burgh; M.F.P. & 5, Glasgow, member of British Upthalmological Society. Specialty.- lhueaoen of By 0, Eur, Throat and Note. OF P lCE.-78 Duulop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- rie. opposite Post Oice and Railway Station. Phone 54. P. O. Box 96. 7-ly M. M. CAMPBELL. Banister Solicitor, Naary, etc. Mono toloan. -Bnrrie nnd Stayner. Bun: Bank of Toronto Building, Owen ntreet. 7 5-13; R.T_l. F. Pallin , Gndua;e'r aEZiI7.a:y| U oronto, F ow of Trinity Medxcal College, Member of the'Codog of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontatio. Oceand Residence, 18 Owen street. DR. . C. SMITH, L.C.P.S., Ont., (late of Drs. ie & Smith Orillia.) Oice and residence --comer of Owen anti Collier streets, Barrie. 23-ly UUNALU RUSS D. A.-`-barrister, aonuwr, 7 Convey sneer. ctc.. money to loan. Oiees, Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street. Ban-ie. 48-ly DR. W. A. ROSS, Ph ' ' , Surgeon, cm, L. R.C.s. Edin" LR 0P4. London. and 11:11:11} -nnhlnnngj I-In-`alum : m.\nb h....h... nbon.-at . T VANlLLA. f0r ice cream. for instance; BAKING Powmm. for cakes. One 53:91` drug. of course ; the other :1 "chemica.l" and there are still others--SPICES of ali kinds. cream of tartar, etc. The best iface to get Iimgs is at a. DRUG STOR `. The drug` ist knows more about them than other poop e. m=a"dk "S SENATE REFORM ABANDONED. MONKMAN'S %_ DRUG STORE _ 92 DUNLOP-ST. BARR_IE. Drugs and Chemicals In the Kitcheri. `ITRATHY & ESTEN. R, MARRIAGE LICENSE IssuEia.TT Money in sums of $2.000 and/upwards, to loan at 5 mar taunt. M!-1. $'l`RA`l`8Y,` Q.C. G. H. Esnu. -was-vvw:-y -uu --on Wnumarou _Au1.'r. Aux. Comm. ,ONALD ROSS B. (`amusing . n-nag. `tn R. J. ARTHU1; Ross, L.R.C.P. 8; s. hn:-ah 2 M _ P- &, S Gnlauanul mnnuh ,,_ , -. Au sun; t_roI:l 4-1. to 24 n. -Also Connections. Illllltan -upnux 3.3` .-- ULT & COWAN. Barristers. -Solicitors of the L `Conve - nap. urn Mn-nnu in ',(\an mm u_.Rnnc' : oou arug sto a'l`)::F;- illtchen Drugs. 'r. ARNALL, M.D.C.M;, oice in Boxhweuwl Block. Allandalc. On the premises at night. l 43-ly `VETERINARY svnenous. ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY wiu1E . son PRICES: |.M l?l0WNg Btu-ac.` Allintou and I .uunri9 b Rnvc MONEY TO LQAN; Fi3"h23'2.'"sE'i `E'o`c'ZmT .13 : n?c'$e'5'vri':h v._EV. W. R. MCINTOSH, Barrie. 1-ly MANUFA CTURES. FOR INVESTMENT on _good freehold necnritv at Inwpnt ran-, nf 1-ursluuns. FINANCIAL. OFFICIAL. * LEGAL." Dluux, I 45-13 - B. A.-Barristen'-, Solicitor, Ohen. -uunAu On Inna The Security for Depoaitora in a Loan company is undoubted. Rose new Block. south side Dunlop street east of the Post ulce. 8-13" The security to depositors in a Loan Co'y is un- doubte. There is no instance on record where: debositnor has ever made a loss bv a Loan Co`v. our ri all at We have urcbased and ropened the Steam Laun v, D I ., 'th the _ modern :1 liagcesm r 31' `<:1:st;see<;fv`:c:rk. I x`T'-` v IIONIZ A HOME IN IIUSTIIY, and ha Barri` late! Vt rdoor. hPl!.C Anoxcnnsu; nu. . yang D'l.l_,lE_8AME mu . 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Deptvslll rI\J\If\P\I`\IE Q\lI'II'P1l`I - C3-Dita-lo $5.ooo,ooo. Founded 1805 Application forms furnished and rates quoted b} GEORGE PI.AYTN AGENT, U10 III-I|1l\IlI G: DNIII, Contractors. Builders. Manufacturers. &c. Doors- Sasn. Blinds. Moulding. &c. Planing and Dressing of_ every decription done on shortest notice. H0` Air Drying Kiln. Estimates furnished freeuf clmr` on all kinds of wood work and building l`I1'.llt'fi3I' The Factory is being re-modeled and furnishes! v'i{1'; thelateat woodworking maclnno-ry, so that we Ill be able to handle all kinds of Wolk p.rorrptl_\' and satisfactorily. See our work and get our prices. F35 tory, Bayeld street, north of the Foundry. _ I-. A In A `vv9v\v o L`1\\' SUBSCRIBE? CAPITAL, Ir-Canadian Branch Oice. Head Oicc. MONTREAL. LONDON, ENGLA_!\'I` .M. C HINSHAVV, SAM.) PIPKII\. Branch. Manager Manager. gr:-vr `A2 Moved by G. A. Rsdenhuret, ,;c-o- onded by Judge Ardagh,that the As- sociation acceptwith very much regret the resignation of Mr. D. F. Macwatt, the secretary-treasurer of this Associa- tion, and it desires to record, its high appreciation of his very careful, pains- taking and eicient services while" in oice. 1 The `Association would also take this_ opportunity to heartily con- grntulate Mr. Macwatt on his appoint- ment to the Bench, of whichit has no doubt he will prove. an honored, Ck n- sclentious and capable occupant. It wishes him much success and pros- perity in his new oareer,_also that` this resolution be written in the minute book` and a copy of same sent to Mr-' Macwstt by the Secretary. I nppuczuon Korma xurmsnea and rates quolcu V.` GEORGE PLAXTON. AGENT. 20-IV Barrie Ont . Oici: in Bothwc-|l's Block h U1` I.` lb l`...-N Street. Barne. Barrie Planing Mill. 5 Agent Standard Life. London Guaran- tee and Accident ()0... Provincial I Building and Loan Association, etc. BARBIE mm & sums: cu. INCORPORATED 1881. STEAM LRUNDRY; REPRESENT `rm: FOLLOWING Fnuz Ixsuruxca Comnmzs: The Mercantile, now afliated win: The Lon- don & Lancashire of England. Secur- ity. $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo, Om. Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. Om. Total assets. $303,078. Also Llovd's Plate Glass Insurance Com- - pany, of New ,York. Cash Capital, 5250.- ` 000 vvv And the `Sun Loan and savings Company of Ontario. Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found. property for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc., etc., must be acc mpaniedwith the cash, and will be inserted~ tu-at insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as. words); but a reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the as: me matter exceed four. Private funds to loan on first mortgages. AA: counts collected. &c. OOfce over I-lenderson,s Hardware Store, Barrie. I at. - - _`.Auanaa.1e.- r w I `At a recent meeting of_ Kempenfeldt Lodge, S.O.E.. the following resolution of Lodge Middleaex, ,S.0.E.B.S., No. 2, on the 27 th December, 1899was' adopted :- `That this Lodge regrets that guy member of the Government of Canada, in the present crisis of the Empire, should ehnwi himself to bexeo on worthy of the oondenoe_ placed in` `him an to oppoee-the nntnrel 4'wi~he nf all Britieh..:e6bjotp,"` nun _declpKr'_e himself `*0 5*? F'.`F15 5"?! 0.;' `Ctaii 9..f`l'l l V eta: V%THE `W6R`ifHERN ADVANQE - ADYERTISINGV RATES. T E 1% E`: "L,.'1`iiis .;}i_4:)`"v?a.`71vc ;'li,51 |'uis A cnnouu-mm; n nAot;quit'e. double that of any 059$; fo`jIr;._l'oua'mI4;,l'iN nummnn AN - - 1 noun corms. f i ~.paper published in Bame H A1')vmzrxsmzs snovm NOTE `nus rAcy.~h?; 12 lines solid uoupureil make 1 inch_ TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS. Firstfyinsexition 10 cents per line, each gubseff quent msemon 4 cents per line. ; Pnnthn unlit-nu I .-mun: vxnvo 1:4... It, .. VILLL II`? KI`-[III scun ' Advertisers wilg not be allowed to use their space for advvrti us: anything outside their own regular. btggness Should they do so" transient rates `1 be charged for such ad. vertisements. ` Cuts for advertisements must In every case be mounted on solid metal bases. "Pnuvmcm nuunms AND man A Assuclmuu. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $5.ooo,ooo. Scaocseu-: & SMITH, VVIVII &\ Y9` QCIIVI CI\JC\IO ` 3" Preferred positions in the paper will be sold at an" advance of one-third on aboy. rates. This rule will be strictly camed out, CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind thag notice of intention to change advertisement. must be handed into the oice not later than Satm day at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in Tm: ADVANCE oice not ' later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the advertiser's announcemen} may not be made public until the week fol.. lowing. '0 l`ll`|lI'\lll.'|D AP .`:`I1nrIPI1-nuuunoutn n]`nvuo..l _ AV II In I 12 cbanges.of ` Advertisements allowed pe: year. It more are required, composition rate; will be charged. Al`IIDI'f`l.|I|u 1111' nnf Ln ann-nu` On Iinn 4L-:_ \1ngvII _ ':_ L . .. ' Reading notices, 10 cents per lme fo insertion ; 6 cents per line for each subsequ,,":`~ insertion of the same matter. All ltcl un 371' der'5 lines,_of this chalacter, charged as lines. .` : Legal, Oicial and Government adv m'en_ts will be charged at above rates. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be take the following rates, which are drafted on co,` rect commercial principles and will be strict] aillliered to. There Will be only one price yo , a . . :4 I Juwvaulvu 1 vvllllu llcl Aluc. ' 2;: ratz`? ertisg. , 5'`, r v`? Donation; of books` were received during the year from Christopher Rob- ineon, Q.C.. Judge Boys and Judge `Ardegh. T , e 4: . --. IIIOICOIIOIIIIOICO 2% inches......T ...... .. 5inchea, V4 column . . . . .. no inches, )6 column.... 20 inches, x column. . . . . `For one munth- the three monthly rat, with 15 per cent. added. 1 `|'l'..- ftnn nnnv\O`|n_.f`1n O-`nu-on VV\t\v\6`.`__ _ . l VVIUII LU Ell"-I UUILIIQ CI-I\Ic\-IO 7 _*Fur two months- the three monthly rate with 10 per cent. added. EDB1)`.l_'LFI'lll. V\nu:.1.n!\u :0` "`In C-\ nnnnn _...'n I 3-Iv OFF ICE.-Next door to Bank of Toronto, Owe: . , ,_I.. Street. B2 1-rip. John Rogerson, Fire and Life Assurance. Number of inches .._` n4 anuu I w I u . v auuascl | uxqugscl . .L.A'rL s... ASSURANCE COMPANY. 5-! Qt _-_ ,_, no To 3. s . LALLY. INsuRANc: AGENTs CONVEYANCERS, ac. The totei membership of the Asso- ciation in at present 31, V coummsnn Anvnnrxsnunxrs. A. RANRTr& son, (`Orion !2..2IA...... XK......K'....a.._.._.. 0... scnocmu-: a. sM_rrH. BARRIE `:1-`A:!\1 .`I:JhA:I'l`Y' 1900 I DI U18 l'0Ul'l(1l'y. !' `A. RANKIN 8:. sox. luv, u u x 1-1)` , sunooe Lew Ashooiation. At the annual meeting of the County of Simone Low Association last Wed- neaday, the following. oicere were elected: ' Patron--Hon. Senator Gown. 7 Hon. Pres.-T~ Hie. Honor Judge Ar- ` V . . ' : L\J ; celebr g Jan ; bicycl L,~so wi. 5 L assura Camp . Journ - stage IV VI&Vn.\J, and a. %' `trust .Post. Now ` bine. 1 'will th the ne In - two 1) somet Fort have 13 stock better see the World The `ny is have 0 steel u IX sleep. 4 K anyth awak with 12111201 f Nerf infant Trusteea-Judge Boys, Henry Rob- ertson, Q.0 , H. Lenndx, 0. E. Hew- son. W. A. J. Bell, G. A. Radenhurah An rm-oi autho in Sc vertis churc the C ties a ed on mone Whic big 0 requi tviules sliver cover sum 11 them who camp . the forms` of shi ohtuir dnvvl The s shipu rlopri that t ages . All 4 is We believe that in both political` parties there is a large element of the electorate who want clean politics and will look with satisfaction on the severe punishment of bribsrs no .m,stter in which camp they may be found. The corrupt practices of Ontario elections of the past year or two were of the most disgraceful character and it is desirable and necessary that dire punishment be given toalloffenders, whether candidates or agents. The Miss Beardsley was engaged MI (Sate-' tanker and librarian. V ` Sec.-'.l`rens.- Donald `Ross. B. A. Auditon-Meesr. Creawicke and Ault. i% 1...`;-.*< ?~17LJ f,prQbibly.;e`fip`tend6d %*gugV:;h;%m.p t_>;hif_ld}* The above pnrticulnre furnish the at list of - punishments for bribery. that n judicial commission is now in- qnitfing into. The `above men were bribere concernegi in the election of. John Calder in South Ontario on March lat, I898. In connection with the bye-election following that general election therein` it list of bribere remort- ed who assisted John Dryden'e election ; these in turn will be dealt with by the commission. V Hon. Vice-Pres.--Hie Hqn, Judge Boys. A ` V T P1505."--H. H. Strathy, Esq.,TQ. Vice-Pres.-V-George Moberly, Col- lingwood. V Jduies McGrhil, Austin McGtniI, John MoGrail, Arthur Stapleton, Pau'iok.Shearhnn, John Shearhah, and William Hayes each ned $200 and are disqualied for eight years, h V \ - . ..- .1. .ts)fcq;?.op%:o1;_;JV mg .h:iiiI`to- chdogela mind abbnt shit. 83 "it `is probable that Canada will. never again. `heir ofthe Lam-ior scheme` of senate reform by amph_ibious_parli u_menta. T 1!-on Banana: , `Thomas E3 Baker, ned'8800 or six months _and diequdlied for eight. fare. Lewis Luke, fined $200 oraix months and disqualied V for eight years. us In C. R ' II 6utator-F. E. V P. `Pepler,_ Esq.,` ._... __ _-'_.. -3 __ ___. ____ __ Total......... ..687 6:4 622 625 593 833 8:3 828 5624 all of which is respecttulty submitted, ` DONALD Ross, A President. . Rising out of the report when the question of free librsries was referred to there was quite s. lively discussion in which Messrs. J . A. M'aoLaren, A. 1*`. Hunter, Joe. Armstrong, E. H. . Williams, G. A. Rsdenhurst, G. D. Ellis. sudothers took part, nriucipallv in thewav of questions as to the method of conducting in tree library? and" sup- port. Onrthe latter point it `iwasu ex planned that the~only `(change in that respect would be that the`- grsnt `from. the tofu Viqnld . be ',incressed3 by about fthe uinounqt new `paid in as mom 1.... tea.:_by7ridents,o.tEetown,ncnv- `.`9;idb1_i.;h`?.dhP5Y ixpiipl." `Let - torts. #ere=vd .`ifroui:*-1?iireident`!i.9f: eimii ; rs ..'iin*9.". An increasing number of public libraries throughout the province are being changed to free libraries and it is _in_iportant that subscribers should consider whether our library could not as a free library, be made a stronger educational inuence in the town than under existing conditions. ' i The iesue `ef books for the year is furnished by the librarian as follows :- Art:-no-ouuoocc I 0 V. O 2 2 O 0 B nphy.... . :5 I no. 6 F uoooItu 05,1 .10: M 1,` `gal K!Q`3I 1:: I fllitorys s s s_s s cs 1 Literature. . . . . Miscellaneous. . Religious . . . . . Schunnn . _ . _ , _ , , -VCIUIICU-no--o .. N9vel:...'...... H is not ' increasing, pop`nlarit.3: f 9! ` irrital` Lin 55i5i8.' E ,b.!I.I.i.:I.'I..':.|.!.:` L L. is necessary to protest against _ ilod and. illegible handwriting on a part of commercial employee. - i jnbusnnesslike in the rstplaoe, and! i` ` a blot on the qualications of any nisn who seeks a commercial position; [fit `is. dangerous, too; for we have .`._'Inown.a quarrel `between partners nrslult from stooksheets being negligent- iy made up in the handwriting of one -"partner and misunderstood by the ` father, and it is well known that numerous law suits hive arisen from misapprehension of faulty handwriting. nxogrnpnyu... 35 I5 7 0 I2 13 I3 X .-.89 392 406 424 375 51537547 3643 'F:qAto`??aoVooonoo2a I6! `6` 116 `x '& '75 I85 1350 Hinton . . . . . . .- 26 n m an m an m --- l.`.n.........u.2 HiOt0fynoc---a. Literature _ .' _ A temporary `loan of $215 had to be obtained from the bank to meet current accounts and this with the mortgage of 82000 is the full amount of the pres- ent indebtedness of the Library. Dur' ing the year a supplementary` catalogue has been prepared of books purchased during the past three years and arrange menta have been made for the purchase -monthly of new books of interest and having them immediately available for the use of readers. ' In presentingr the annual report the ` Board would call attention to the change made-thy the Legislature in the Library, year which is now. identical with-the calendar year, where- as it formerly ended with the month of _-April in each year. This being the first year of the new system the report now presented covers only eight months extending from May to December,l899, both inclusive. It is therefore practic` ally impossible to institute any compari- son of the present standing of the Library with previous years and no attempt is made to do so. The chief sources of income are, Government grant, $200; members tees, 8147.505 and rent $67.50.. The e expenditure for mscazines is $54.01 and henceforth under the new regulations it will be necessary to re tsin in the Library magazines to-the value of $50 so as that each year we can/resell only about `one-third of the magazines purchased. ' For books the sum of $199.59 has been expended. The Education De- partment has `adopted a uniform system of classication off books for all librar- Vies and following that classication the books purchased. this year are as fol- lows :--'Reference- books, 4-; Fiction 66; _ History. '32; Biography. 5; Travels, 24; Science I3; Literature, 59 ; Religious, 4; Poetry, 1 ; Miscel- laneous, 3. Further details `of receipts and expenditure appear in the Treas- urer's report. |1Annu_aI%]Meeting` `The anhu`__elj_meeting 6f the mejhbeis of _the Publac Librinye was held" on Mondey eight` of lies reek, and was fat`:-ly well attended which Mr. Donald Ross, President, in the char, and Mr. R. J. Fletcher, Secretary. ` B0ports u1'ftho Board of Image- montAana !ralasurer.V`* .The repdrp of the Board of . Manage? _nie_ne for the year bnding Dec. 31:15, ; 1899; was aafollowa :- Pub|i'*: Librar 7` :47 Q! - -During the sharp frosty weather a short tirne since, a lad` living as `Mr. OI.=._nnin.ghaVm s, near Barrie, applied his tongue to the iron handle of a pump, `with the result that it = immediately stuck feet. He began to yell, but it was a few miontes before he was heard, f sad, when iollllfi. .the"etOn8|1`_.3 am!" 9319 lip were _frajJen. throogh. V.'Mr. ';Oor1_ A.rsingl1:_eil:_`I1 cool: mpockgu rrgiress as... A . I ` ` Simcoes Beat Barrie. An interesting hockey match was played in Crystal Rink last'Wednes- day night, hetween the ,Simcoea of Toronto and Barrie II, this being the first match, 01 the `Junior 0. H; .A. series for this district. The visitors were the guests to Barrie of their presi- dent, Mr. John Ross Robertson, M.P., who is also president of the 0. H. A. He was an interested spectator of the game, and expressed his condemnation of the hanging of sticks against the rink side by a crowd of boys, also their yelling for the Barrie team and groan- ing at the visitors, all of which is the cause of much annoyance to officials and spectators who desire the sport rid of such exhibitions of rowdyism. Mr. Robertson was accompanied by his son, Mr. Cully Robertson, of the Telegram, Mr. James McFadden, ex- president of the O. H; A., and Mr. Tommy Church, ex-president of the Osgood Hall Association. After a hard fought game the Simcoes won by 5 goals to 3. 4 [ Barrie-Rov Thomas, goal; Lorne Clark, point. ; Frank King, cover point ; E. McLean, L. Tagga, O. '1`. Lyon and W. Mullen, forwards. The ofotala v'vere :--Umpires, J amee A. McFadden, (ex-President of the O; H. A.) and Cecil Irwin of Barrie ; Mr. Robt. Gray of the "B srrie Hockey Club, referee. - V Barrie Hotel Sold. On Wednesday last the Barrie Hotel was sold to Mr. A. W. McCarthy, late proprietor of the Simcoe. House, Orillie, and at present manager of. the Lake- view House, Toronto. Mr. McCarthy "purposes taking possession of :he`hotel on the 22nd inet., and will proceed at once to thoroughly renovate the hotel throughout, with a view to making it one at the most comfortable in town. Among the improvements will` be a new brick shed, 75 feet long, at the reasr of the hotel", I ` I It is announced in a semi oicisl way .-that the Government will introduce no iittlportant legislntion this year. This Jaime to mean that the alleged reform to! the Senate will be given up. At his t` meeting in Toronto S1! Richard nrtwright was asked, Whatabout the anate T His replyuwas that Provid- poe would deal with that body. which , understood to mean that the ivternment A would -content itself appointing its own supporters to `Senate vacancies Should the people `he the liberals A e hecoud parliament- juty term in oice. they will probably obtain control of the Upper House.- here is no doubt that the Government ` i 1% do it its duty in making good;.prty__ ` mvcnin V the m"b_7v`er-_aVnd_5 o eco:i:der1}otihg_-for it. `T V `U Simcoes--Russel Biltonggoal ; Lea- lie Wilson, point ; Frank Allen, cover point; David Keith, George Lamont, Hugh Lambs and Frank Hodgson, for- wards. . .' -'_'-.z.-. ..` ..;a` pointed out" the while the `existence of the library depended oneeouring sub- eoriptionsnhe public demand for `fiction Vhndeto be oemphed with. It was sue gested that the on}y remedy for this state of things is to make the library `$9 lame? n-!!%e% bf Vaiigu . bu6{ib_.Vwn`e. `Gentleinen;--I `beg. to repoft the amount of monies received and paid out by me as your Treasurer from the let of May, 1899, to the 31st of De. cember as follows: - : The annual atatemnh of the Trea` urer, Mr, G. A. Radenhurst, was as fulkiw 2- ` > M V I __7.v._: _.v- e'Balnnoe on hand from last month . .3 Government grant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-embersffeee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rent of hell. Christians . . . . . . . . . . Rent of front room W C.T.U. . . . `. Rent of room Agricultural Society. Proceedeof note diucounted . . . . . . Overdra.:..., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A To the Praidentand members of we Barrie Public Library : EXPENDIT UBE. G. A. RADENHUBST, Treasurer. ._.A _. You are beginning your business- hegin it fair. Be careful of your hands writing, of your gures, of your spell- in, oi the simple arithmetical rules used in the banks. These are your` foundations; be careful and lay them well. There can be little doubt that the banker and the manufacturer we - have cited represent the average ieeling of commercial circles with respect to handwriting. Inthis very smart age. the boys and girls are faulty in spelling end in handwriting to a. degree that did not exist in less e`nlightened" 'fvtimes_. And the fault is one that Ihould be cured, not condoned. 3? 3.3.333 314025 188 74 21 70 5401 145 81 a::.;;| 211 75 147 50 13 98 3 15 275 L _-- Futftbo rm: half of 1899 the vital u_taviatics'regiatered with Town Clerk AD`nnnul| A were`:---Birt-ha, 45; deaths, .35 ; marriages, 22 ; for the aecotd'balf iygnfa births, 55%;; deaths. 28 ; `births,-f6,3 JAS. EDWARD S ,TT.`.?""`T"4`.".`'.`% `A L9- -32- Let any young man apply for 3 position in a bank, and he will nd one of the first tests to which he is subjectedvisthat of handwriting. And if his handwriting be. poor his other good qualities are sure _to be dimmed by that fact. In his admirable inaugu- ral address the other day, the president of V the Halifax Bankers Association mentioned handwriting first in his suggestions to junior clerks. Said Mr.- Allan : - _ ' THE BAi.L PLANING MILL COMPANY- Carpeuterin , Building and manufacturing of Doors, Sash, B ' ds, Mouldings. etc. Planin of `all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ot B133! I)l'ViD2 Kiln. Dtstrict agencv fnr 9|-ainpll lnum- F. C. GREGG, Veterinary Surgeon. Honor Graduate Ont. Vet. College, Honor member Medical Societv. 0i ce-AtBaker's Livery Stables, Owen Street. Barrie. . 1 `no unu.u1u:.1V atuu aUUlb"l'Y UFBARRIE 1 have for ado tion. in good Homes. 3 number of bright young nadian children. boys and girls Parties desirinthcm are askcd to communicate `with th.:Sec1-etarv. EV. W. R. MnIN'l`('\Ql.l n..-.:- - 1-. iT"E.'!.NI&"J!!4."" mum.` vu-1 wu CEIICIU II 1 HIV. 6o'i'-.'}{5x~&-Alon ST. - '`4'_S;C l})RY1.`\'1'MIM-ICO. V . TORONTO. au xmds done promptly and satisfactorily. Hot Drying Dtstrict agency for grained lum- ber. Factory-Bayeld Street, Barrie. RODGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. ___) S JOHNSON &_SARJEANT. BARRIE, Im rtera and Dealer: in Coals of all Kinds, and eorge town, Grey and Guelph White Finishing Lime Cements of all kinds, Fire Bricks and Pla.sterer's Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch. foot of John street, near the depot. The bond of this L-' W e is better than that of any other kind, and the f ash superior. Oice-Corner of John and Elizabeth streets. V THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OF BARRIE adotgtion. 46` Lo}.-Lo .... ...... -_..A:_._ ,|.s|;,,- n - - Ivutiil I8 &&l'Il`I We have a. large amount of Private Funds to lend at 4} `and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm Mortgages. MCCARTHY PEPLER AN D Mc- CAR I Mv. 'n|InInn Strunt al":n R T. BANTING. Clerk County of Simooe, will . be at his oice. at the Court House. Barrie. every Saturdav. Residence and P.O. Cookstown. . `_'.l`o show how far astray this man. gwas in his supposition that writing is ;"-no longer deemed necessary by business men, we cite a recent occurrence. One of the large manufacturing con- ',cerns in Canada had application from several persons for a certain position in its employ. A certain man among these being -recomm ended by a friend, -one of the principals wrote to that friend: "The application of your candidate came in yesterday. He unfortunately, does not write a very good hand. While . the position would not be entirely a clerical one even at the first, and would deoreasinglysc with time, good pen- manship would be a very attractive qualication to me, for there would be more for less writing, and, as you know, we like things well done. It is a- mis- 'ifortune,,`I think, that penmanship has so much deteriorated in these latter idays. Speaking for myself, I am not expected to `wield the quill very much, per haveI been called upon to do so for a greatmany years; but when I have cccasion or desire to make up a statement or write a letter with my own hand I can still do it at least neatly, which lots of the youn'gerfel- lows cannot. -