Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Jan 1900, p. 2

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Srmray -& zsmn. B . Solicitors in High cou;:~oJu.:e" 5, Nomi. Public, Convpyancets. [0cesovct the Bank of Toronto, -Barns. - Money id sums 0133.000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. II II E__ - _:... I` E 1` u Engag- Illull III III ltl D|'Il1C%u marnage LICCDIC iuuuf. Otce--Rou Bloclk, Dunlap sttect Barrie. ` `K V. FOR INVESTMENT on good , freehold secunty at lowest rate of intereet. Nodarincipal money required until end of the menu. H. STRALHY. Solicitor, Etc., Rania. - ULT & COWAN`. Bartislerl. `Solicitors of the Supteme Court. Procton, Notaries, Conv - anccn etc. Moqeyto Loan. Oicca-`Ron B M. M. unmrnnuu, nu-nun: aouuwr, Notn.ry~,etc. T Mono toloan. Odoea'-Ban'ie and Stayner. Bu-no Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street. 5-ly H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN 0 on Real Estate at lowest rates. Fan'ners' Notes Disaounted. Collections madein any of the County. Real estate bought and sold. nveyo nncinnr in all its branch:-.n. Man-Egan ljn-nun R. F. _Pa|lin . Graduateof Trinity Univetsity I oronto, F w of Trinity Mednal College, Member _of the Coalegc of Physiaans and Surgeons of Ontano. ; Ofce and Residence, 18 Owen street. R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. 8: S , Edin- burgh; M.F.P. 8: S.. Glasgow", member of British Opthalmolbgical Society. specialty.- Ihnunnnn nf Hun- Itnr- 'I`In-nan and Nn-n- nnuan UPKDIIUIDIOKIZI BOClGIy- SIIUIFIIIIIY 0- lluoaoes of Is) 9, Ear, Throat and N one. OFFIOE.-78 Dunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- rie. opposite Post Olce and Railway station. Phone 54. P. O. Box 96. 7-1); unnuu sun: 5. A.-n:u-mar. aouuwr, Convennoer. etc" money to loan. Bank of Toronto Building. Owen street. Barrie. 48-ly DR. C. SMITH, L.C.P.S., Ont., (late of Drs. ' 8: Smi Orillia.) Qce and residence -comer of Owen an Collxer streets, Batrie. . :3-ly n. W. :1. nuao, rn . aurgeo cu:., 1.. I U R. s nan... L.R .19.. London. and night resideuee-Brown'n Block, Dunlop street,` Bnrrig. Tnlanhnnn my- mgnr_ resIacnue- prowl Barns. Telephone 77. I R.W.A.ROSSPh" E etc.L. \ R.C.S. Edin Lin L$na3f6`Iaee. nzalut an-Liana-_':Cu4\Iun'n nlnnlr nuunlnn nipgab 4 VANILLA. for ice pream. for instance; T BAKING Pownnx, for cakes. One is a drug. of course ; theother a chemic:f1l"; and there are still others-SPICES of all kinds. cream of (attar, etc. The to get drugs is at a DRUG STOR . The druggist knows more about them than other people. III. 1.... , -' -__ rwwf-wv I Wealfzeupt altcoginu gunE'gsst.orc. Come and ask us Muuxmnrrs onus STORE 9a DUANLIOP-ST. BARRIE. Drugs and chemicals In the Ki_tchen. MARRIAGE License issues. NOHNSON & SARJEANT; BARRIE, Im(l >o rten and Dealers in Coal: of all Kinds, and eorge awn. Grew and Gualnh Wh:o.. F`i..:.l.:.... 1:..- - --.v' -w-, v..--uv. Wnu.ma'rox "Aura-. )0NALD R085 8. A.-Ban-istnf. sonugwr. .A\nuI1n\nnn.Iv Aha Innnnu tn `till, , ,, _ - __ :y T All Stunt:-om 4 In. tondln. Also concoctions. vtmn FOR PRICES: ' ]'M. M. CAMPBELL, Barrister Soicitog. I unison ah-, Manon tn Inna. _Banm 'r. ARNALL, M,p.c.M,, case. in Bothwelfs ` Block. Allandale. ?n the premises at night. 43' Y ` vnwninanr wncnous. PaoP+:a'rv FOR SALE. J ` % mP9P:.V59!!!:j..j.39?` - la__nt session. >1`liu onItltuon_`o,vA ',!3uuorvaciveV in -the `prdvinolul . .~ua in likaly_ so be 6np`ttir_ad by". u ' Ontario, viewed by the death ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY I5 -l.P',W,!,V. ' _ _ Alliuton and Cree-morn. `f _ ymnrgx &|`Bovs-, Mom-:v TO LQAN. 1IlANUFACTUllE8o PHYSIUIANS. FINANCIAL. OFFICIAL. an a All) UUl.lS'1'Y UFBARRIE gtion. in good Horn . a number uanadian chad:-an In: 0--4' -:-'- Luuun, wiv- Aux. Cowui. sum` lhuinnv urchuod and reopened the Barri! .` Qtnnm ' nun`? . --_ I'\-;_I_.. -.__-. __.2.|_ .1... I-nod 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Depouu E The Security for Depositora in a. Loan Uompany is undoubted. - Ross new Block. south side Dnnlop an-eez east of the Poet Uice. 84v- Tkn n-nu--:L-p L` J.__-3A-__ " ' no nnuvrvn on av, COMFSCIOI1. Builders. Manufacturers. &c. Doors. 'Sht Bnd3o Mtillldiv . &c. Planing and Dressing 0?: eVry_ descgtption dxone on shortest notice. H01 Al? D"Y"_lC Kiln. Fstvmates furnished free of charge _on allk,mdn._of w_rood work and building material, | The Factory as bun re-modeled and furnished with , the latest wood W01` `n machinery, so that we will .50 `IMO to handle all iinde of work promptly and , Sltlfactorily. See our work and get our prices. Fac-- i tory, Bayeld street. north of the Foundry. J C nA\11rn\v 9. cnxl ---v v- --V - vuu vauvvc O"lV` ' A The security to glepoaitors in a Loan Co y is un- doubted. There IS no instance on record where: deposit_ior has ever made a loss bv a Loan Co v. Canadian Br-ancn`Oice, Head omce. MONTREAL. LONDON, ENGLAND M. C HINSHAW, sAM.J. PIPKIN, Branch Manager Manager. , ...ATLAS... 1 ASSURANCE COMPANY. Capital. $6,000,000. v Founded 1805 Application forms furnished and rates quoted bk` ` . GEORGE PLAXTON. AG!-NT. so-Iv Barrie om- nm... :. n...;...,..n-= nun I We have Jaurchued reopened "LII!!! . to Don] street. with the lanes! _-qaodern nglhuces gut .n..... of work. PAT 3234!! ~.._A`-' H011!!!-lNIIlJ8'l`lIY and have I OIIP. Q41 ll oy.`..usr.t..... . slrlln-. AI. nh IIRRS % '"mc'.:'n"` `"51" "x'-':';'3:R.'3h i``afc' -otm .1: T. .s ~ _--lll!rll_-`V133: 11`-fin suns our. fnnnnus wan & snvmas cu. 'mconPonA'rr:n1ae1. iSUBSCR]BED CAPITAL, LT: :__ Barrie Planing Mill. W N OFFICE.--Next door to Bank of Toronto. Owe: I Street, Barrie. - xx-ly Agent standard Life. London Guaran- tee and Accident Co... Provincial Building and Loan Association, elc. mvrns. _ 4%-.v;x1s;1%V"%.'s'm.. cmmm ;oI,__*g'_(u_JItV1*`.I;fn1i ntmnnnn Ann ' ?_ . :;;. gown corms. not quite. double that of any cum - L ' paper published in_ Bame. wnnmms snoum NOTE nus nor,-5 . 12 lines solid nonpareil make 1 inch, INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, d.C. Rzrnssnm run Fouowma Fuzz Ixvsmuxcx Coummxs: The Mercantile, now ailiated with The Lon- don & Lancashig-e of England. Secur- itv. Sn :.aoo.noo. Private funds to loan on first mortgages. Ac counts collected. &c. < l oOiee over Hendenonp Hardware Store, Barrie. nt. The V\7va-.`1,:er1oo Mutual, of Waterloo. Ont. Tothl assets, $334.o83. The Economical Mutual, of Berlin. Ont. Total assets, $303,078. ' Also Llovd e Plate Glass Insurance Com- peny, of New York. Cash capital, $256,- 000. vvv . And the Sun Loan and savings Company of Ontario. - ..-v- --..n. uu-r-uyu. uunno 1 Luau. rxuxsxnnr ADYERTIBEHENTS. First insrtion .10 cents per line, each Bake qnentinsertion 4 cents per line. pannn nnI;nna In Anni-n run. 1:..- t'-_, . IVVVIII I l2icl1anges of Advertmements allowed per_ year. It n.ore'are required, composition rates will be charged. Avnrfiunra 111:1` nnf Ln arlnvnnfl in non find. VV ll`; UILIII Advertise will not be allowed to use their space for advertismg anything outside their own regular. business. Should they do so, transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found, property for sale or to rent, snecic articles, etc., etc., must be accanpsnied with the cash, and will be inserted-t1rst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but 9, reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of thesame matter exceed four. Cuts for advertisements must In every one be mounted on solid maul bases. PnuvIucm nunnmn AND wan ASSOCIATIIJN. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $s.0oo,ooo. IIIIDIII LIIUVIGIVII T VUIILD Inn IIIICQ Reading notices, 10 cents per line for insertion of the same -matter. All items nu, 5 lines, of this character, charged .5 5 lines. - V n e ~in'e"ertion ; 5 cents per line for each subseq..,':{ ` Legal, Ocial and Government advt.-rtig,_ , in menta will be charged at above rates. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Oontract advertisements will be taken .5 the following rates, which are drafted on em, rec` commercial princi lea and will be strimy aillhered to. There yn be only one price 8 . for "`i3-13'r('7z}:2:1"foi`' in the paper will be sold at an advance of one-third on above rates`. This rule will be strictly carried out CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please hear if: mind that notice of intention to change advertisemenu must be handed into the office not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in Tm`. Anvmcn oice not later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the ndvertiser s announcement may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. I0 n`1a!-manna nt Araarfinnivnnhfn nnInnt` u-... IIUIICIIIUCICCIIOI 2% inchea.._... ....... .. 1 as 5 inches, X eolumn....A.. 2 oo Iojnchcs, 54 column.... 3 75 aomchegx column..... 7oo _-T-.` _...._i `For one m_onth- the thre monthly ram with 15 per cent. added. D 9W... I-Inn vnlnvuf`-\n_I"\n `Evian vnnv-girls`-o -`A SCl39G|E_& SMITH, '"`*'*`i*J't'{?$ I7E1i's`3Th'e three monthly rate with 10 per cent. added. f"):-nfnv-trait` nnudfdnnu {n 141:: honor mill L. John Rog-arson, Fire and Life Assurance. _llULl X JJGIJUU xty, $n5.ooo,ooo. .- 1Y7-L_._I-A `I Numbcr of inches gauging f1`_9 E. s. LALLY. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. A. nANRTfu_a. son, ntnrn Rana... `la-u.-`-.4-5..--_.. D... SCROGGIE G. SMITH . IUKUB l'.I4.A)'l'UN. AUl`.N'l`. `Barrie Out. 0500 in B0thwcll's Block $250,000. " , . x 11, 1900. Afhu Inscr- One ` 51.... . Ill-IIIIJI 'X."r7A':xzn & soN. . 3mos. 6mos.3 ' :3 26 Inser- Inser- l dons tion: 5|`: :7:|5 PRICE [0 ,. Ohumbly and Veroheregvnouted by T the death of Hon. 0. A. Georlon, {gr} jjomber-without oloo in the Laurie: :-ffooblnet. Mr. Geoi-lon defeated Hon. ' L. 0. Tuillon by 494 majority. ue have only one seat to lose. and that, except in Winnipeg, the oneness V ( It will be seen that the Oonserva-V" bi ivould seem to be ngainlt 3 loan of nests` - by the Government. .5. 2500 Ann ~Il 5 \' a on; houloundiduto. ' . a.en:..,m.s.., .. _ upt of Ali`. Boauidlgil to` His" 5` _tion of post mute: ot Montreal wmme nppoamou. . & % % V -`Lqtblniora. also vannt by tho_ ap- gpoilitment of 3 government supports; Gritmojority over 400. ' _J i gnoIt X`: we-ohida ? %mjq;-1tyf;or< om by ;,(I.;oOO). `rhc has mombu-F siurlbfgt-. . oThe'New York Tribune will nd it! .1. tllno fulfy oooupied by oricioiainq Ain- _~oI"1ov.n Inilitn.ry matters in Cuba and the 7 `Phtllipinoa without worrying over im- ..,ingLnury' detect: in the war ooo in _ff-Eijflgondon. or in the tactics of`;BrlI;iIh' l Britain : none in Canada, Auntnlie .-yggpd all the other colonies will "remem- berethe glozioueland from which they gajprnog, and the protecting arlnv that gill bare iheir breeze unmohingly $0 theltorme that. aeaail her. 1:` where in an enemy. V ' their safety, and to the int morn. then in the land who will not do this. Kingatono Whig (Lib.) in begin ;-. g,__&o wonder when Oetaws will Ihu:k V 1 , "ve_:ry `well for. Tartg to.bouo the `debt has Tboah ipz;naaoed- by 4 i%y;agg:%%;p1em, ,;apd5if ,tho..:pnbl_io,;dh % ,ii'bf?j,b %p'u!,l5d dc:"v'vn'Ir;.l2i,0":.f'II.:.i5'.I.j3-f!"`1.>|:.A||.' V 1 :s,e;asb..ooo.; but th:et'i"'hqgfe Boon e;%ov9mi9't rake P71-`~1Iiv".:`_` jj 5 The Government at Ottawa has de- cided that it will be safer to meet the tperliouent than the people, hence has {called a tension for Feb lot. It in Info 2 to predict that at the clone of the lee l Ilon they willobe still more unwilling -00 meet the people. ` ` -ohabolle, vacated by the resignation pot Mr. Bouraua, Liberal, an a protest % `afainat the obr of the first contingent. _:BonraIaa. I' majority was 44. He in again a oandldate. L Iiinadn worn invaded by nnenetnv `Gm: Britain would pout-her thousands of tronpn into thin ooanory as rapidly and willingly on she in now doing into ] a(BI0l`lllVl in N sun! and 0;IbV6.d('Jl(.Jvll_y'.Y- The militerv unpreperedneee of B:-I Atein for e war in South Afrloe trill Jtend through all time an indisputable testimony to the unwillingnele of the Britain to infringe a. eingleright even of the despotic, intolerant end ungrete-' fol Boers. V Our Gsnedion boys have had their rst brush `with the enemy, and their (others, mothers, sisters, brothers and other friends at home ere exoltsnt that their. initial fight was a. victorious one. ` 8h erbI_'oolno, vugutedu by the Bath of "Hot. W. -1). Ivan; Conservative. Last ;._.OonIoI-vat-ive majority 25?. ' vi ; The city of Toronto hu ohouon for lloyor I man that a few years ago was obliged to lauvepzhe l2ch York `Rangers on oooounu of his `annexation opinions. :nnxwon1n.{i~?5iii. Q I ` I The South African War was forced upon Great Britaih by Boer inj uuioe Ind aggression. ` ` ' Editor `Morrison, of the Ottawa Oitilen, who in also a military oaptnin, has decided to go to South Africa with the eeoond contingent. In .a recent number of the Citizen he says :- -The bueineee of trying to manage campaigns in South `Africa at this dietanoe from the seat of war having proved unsatis- factory, the editor of this philanthropic journal hen decided to go on the war- path him cell . You will nowsobaerve the Boer: scatter dust on they make for the tall, inaoceeeihle kopjee." ' Eiitor Morrison knocking out "the Boera in South Africa and the Citizen knocking out the Government at home, should be a strong team forpgood. The Bishop of. Pretoria, Dr. Bou a- eld wasjsummarily ordered from his home and from the Transvaal by Krug- er. It was a fearful trip for the aged prelate to make from Pretoria to Dela-' goa bay in an open coal. oar. Buthe save he had to get away somehow. No Uitlander is permitted to remain in the Transvaal without a permit. People found there without permits are oondemned to "twenty ve "lashes and three months imprisonment. _As the Uitlanders leave. their property is commandeered or .. stolen `by the Boers. The savagery `of the Boer today is worse than it was before. the war broke out. > It.- makes any` 3 _Ohris'tian tm_au.'` , blood. `boil mung teeots :. that these a riffs " 35' "".?5.'?"'*`5. W} other trim-`sad ' The imdnht of _ yoluoeered criticism Q person hagruvobnotnihg fGndnla Bu! -,; hr ; and ;M'o_t.l_mpn o` tuotioi in South AcioI'.If08iU`."}':"*:1t Onniih 1.0. ~..th V An aftermath of ,theASpanish-Ameri- | on "war is the ood of applications for pensions now pouring into Washington. Already these claims number about twenty? ve thousand, or one in `every ten men enlisted,` and the cry is, still they come.` The proportion loft volun- teers applying far V exceeds that of the regulars, and those who never left the shores of the United States, or, saw a shot red. are much in excess of those who went to the front. These facts would seem to indicate that the less of a soldier a man is the- more in his eye towards the pension; in other words that these pension-hunters are largely tramps, An explanation of this rush for government help. may he found,_ however, in the urgency of pension agents, who do their best to persuade soldiers to put in-claims for the sake of their own fees. ` I o ~ it `0hitl:..I - '1.'oppo`:`-jiill` move: `thot: tI'nLo 9&!!d1I9!ih ,:89!i!h- o.Af*i9',_"!?9 PW Condo. " " Sip WilfridV `adopted ' '0hirIoI' P0liY*~fin-sending tho" -Vrlt` oon-- tiugont nd oodoubt he will follow Sir Gb"'orl`oI ollo: it the 7mntter` of paying them. All `loyal Cuuodiioa feel that Canada A ohoold not only supply them, they Ihoold also pay them. ` i, the llnivele Ohroniole is very meat against the South African War, perhepe`B1-"er Godd will tell on what his oouue woutd be if Canada were invad- ed. fTo' beooneietent he _would have to oppose any eqfort to stop the enemy ; but no ua mightily mistaken it Mr. Gidd would not put up a great big ght at his printing oee door, before he would let the enemy take the Chron- iole nwnv. Ex-Patron Leader Hayeoolr has de-` olsred -hi'meelf.v He is an ultra-Brxtieh-l er. In conversation lately he stated, in reference to the threatened Fenian lnvasion, that ` while I -may not be fit for a campaign in South Africa`, at the same time I `on do a little border work. I am signed a shot as when.I was a Boy, when I used to go shooting woodohuoke and psrtridge. If there ie any need` of it I will go to the front in defence of the oonntry, and I will be found at (the most advanced point: If such a thing should happen that I am bowled over, I will try to equare eooounte with other fellows beforehand, and leave a balance on our side. _-f-`-V'1`h?o Telegulg sgyg that the Fuh- fery dopI'I`tI_I1eI_It' bound to put. nitop 51:0 .'thVIvholb{kslo alnughteriugpt sh by ;`,iI.l}_-.'LsEVI57 7__m_nooe.__ ind other T the yony;sVsue *un:d;ne On Sunday morning about 4 o clook George Fernie, an inmate of the House of Reluge who hails from Sunnidale township, escaped through a window and wandered about four concessions HUI"-h of p the village. The morning was a bitter cold one, and Fernie who had only a pair of socks to protect his feet, applied at a couple of farm houses for shelter, and alter several calls he was taken into a house in the southern part of the `township, where the good lady had a warm tire built, and Fernie was cared for.~ It was then found that his feet werefrozen. In the mean? time he was missedfrom the iliouse of Refuge and messengers were sent to bring him back. It seems Feraie is in the habit of gettingupv every night, dressing himself and `wandering about the House. and in order to prevent him from disturbing the other. inmates, Mr. Ross thought it . advisable to keep his boots hidfuntil morning. He was ex- amined` by Drs.iWright `and Dunn on Monday, whoaeaof opinion that he is of unsouhd mind; and have made ap- .lioajti_on-_to`_ havehim placed in an asylum. Qn}1`ueadaVyV__night he ns. also trouble-Q; -iota:v2.j.-+nti:ai~eisi.l`~vvithe.ifots1tv prevent- v_ I , ,. `p I. iilll througlra window."-`-A ' ->-Richard Rydn `had `fibined the igeoond-..6ont.ingm ae%_Mom:.n.% He is 'I -c'ngof".Ry.` .:R_yan,1 Vicmriu option gafrled in Mulmur toirpahip:.onJ_anury lam. A .-.g.. _ . :ly"= _ino_m`- b eootui"a3.;-1 ..r r... ... . .4....- ....-.;.v.~. . (w(q-l4|-I-.,..-. .w.......`....,,,._, :33} these who `iiill:;u`eier` aee"".iL'butlee:d`, : mu .or`eue '?slie`ir condence -in 7tgl_ne British- generalo`, who` are 'w1uho`u'u_ doubt doing the very best ,_work possible for nal vxctory, anti thus: save" themselves from the uncomplimentuiy accusation afoer victory has come ot not knowing what. they are. tulkiug about. - " I'?.uld:.|50. . or'a.; . The quarterly audit `of the accounts was made by the County Counopllora Hewson and` Hunt on Monday night last. A About $1,100 was paid regndeuta of Beacon, for goal, mean, brand, etc. _' Hugh Smith, gh_T:lnuiel inmate, is eu`et-mg from is eorehend, which 1e very _ badly swollen, ' and the tloctor feats it may result in`_blood poxaomug. Smith claims he injured the member while eeeieting to loud the ooel. Hougoof Refuse Notes. _ Messrs. Patterson undAnBowen, of Barrie, are completing Rogra and Games contract to supply aeortn win- dows, etc., for the Institution. . `British prestige wine-never-so worthy of 6_Qmmandtng'respct-ss it iseto-`day . Theeeyts at Great Britain surpafm in power those " term; other two nations combined. The wealthof the old land is unprecedented, unparalleled, unequal- led.. I _-1`.b'e sclidarityof the Empire was never so perfect, its unity is without a aw.` I The only temporary` danger to British prestige is the very strength of, imperial `unity. The consciousness of this `breeds imprudent self-condence, which is cherished until the spirit of the people. is ,arcueed by prcvocations that necessitate retaliatory, or defen- sive measures. England's were always begin with reverses or disappointments The death of her Moores precede the triumphs` of her Wellingtcns. The un. toward incidents in Scuvh Africa we lament over, which are misinterpreted as injuries to British prestige, will one; day be hardly worth narrating. When: future history `paints in all its magni-I cence the movement of the Imperial torces from themother land, from India, from Australia and from Canada, mak- ing the ocean a highway on their march to "crush out a power which dared to strike a blow at the integrity of the Empire, then will be seen such a pic- ture of the mightiness of ritish power as will raise British prestige to a supreme, . unchallenged eminence. - Journal ct Commerce. The House `of Refuge Committee are of the opinion that. the total cost of boarding and clothing inmates will not exceed 9 cents a day per nnnnm. --_-T110 twentipth "oehtury does not baginnncil Jmary 1ao,19o1W. As in >oi`_)u`o,tiug' _ money,` ' thbv qecond dollar does _n`6ftLgt_ar;,un,Qi1:-.tl;6dn9 hnl_Id__3dth.' cent 1:6 I: ,`t};19ighlff.'if69!{`h5':`=5Q9`i yv` die- can Tuesday morning the County Crown Attorney notied the police that he would leave the matter in the hands of Mr. J upp, ivho as a. matter of fact, knew nothing about the case whatever. This put a stop toturthnr enquiry. and on Tuesday night Town Clerk Grant issued a burial permit on the oerticatv of the mother that her child was sub- jr-otto ts and `died in one. `Accord inglv, the child was buried yesterday umoininz-'? ' The selections by Midland Methodist choir at Hillsdale concert were much epptjeoieted, especially the colon bf Mr.` Chalk King.` _e ` . M":-. W. A.. Carter, _ formerly our `vol?-l':no_'wn _b_ker, was in town this .;wek.-.nnd we imderatnnd he has gone `t_) m(x,n'go"lTr.` W, W. Caner : mill at `Edanf7 !ile.-Coldwatat ' Pl-nno;`_.;: T aFE5f5-Ae Orillia, 1.... ._. Ida H. Fenton. daughter of the late Isaac Fenton. nged 38 years. GALBRAITH At.Orillia,Dec. 10. Ma? Galbraith, daughter of Mrs. Minnie Potts. age 1: years. ; ENGLISH-;-In Tecumseth. on Dec. 29, John Eng- - lish. aged 54 years. ; .-ROGERS--In Essa, on Dec. 3:. Nathaniel Rogers, aged 32 years. FLET. HER-In Plattsmouth. Nebraska. on Dec- 22. Samuel Fletcher. formerly of Alliston. aged 54 veers. Sunday and Monday passed, and Slilll no steps had been taken by the police authorities. Acquaintances` of Mrs. Potts interceded on -her behalf. amongst them being ex-Conn. W. F. Clarke, who said it was a shame to withhold a burial permit. From .. what he knew of Mrs. Potts, she had been a good mother, worked hard to support her family, and in the present oircum stances was half distracted with the knowledge that suspicion had been aroused over the manner of_ the dalh of ~ her child. .- - A, _ 5'- 7'::'f'."* ' ""' puanv.-51? `. . A ......... = so w- of RIDER-'-'-Kt`. 0515:," `Inn. 3. wife of `Wm. Beedlqof anon. ' * . CARSON- At `Moonstone. Dec. 30, the wife of . `A dIl.!nCo.non.ofadaugh3er. ' `GRAY `~7_AtT'C61dwiEei-.'Jih.'T3;T the wife of Joseph ' Gray-,nf icon. ' M ' A ` LITSTER . msouh ormsa; Dec. aq. the was. of J. , Litetar. of a sun. 1; _ The explanationgiven by the child's stepfather, who was at home when it died, was that on Friday Mary fellinto a_ crack at the rear of the family dwelling and contracted "a aevere cold. On Saturday, just before her death, she wnt into a t and expired before medical aaaiarance arrived. Mrs. Pott-a, who is apparently reapected by those who know her as a hard working wo- rnan, aaya the child waa Iubject to ts and that they were of frequent occur.` $009.. . Personal News. \ ' l _ `Mr. Jbhn Nectleton, of Collinzwood, has been appointed 1' Justice of Peace for the Qoimty of` Simone. .us;u1a-5;./. utaoulzn unuln, use. tn! vnnox J. Liuter. of 8 Ion. GRAHAM-3-iAt Bdeuvalc. on Dec. 27, 3 son to Mr - .. .i.ondMn.Jou. Graham- . MCDONALD "At Newton Robinson, Dec. 37. a ooh to Mf.Ild`M John McDonald. ` _ A Sudden need: and its sequel. . The Orulia N ewe-Letter of last week says :-Mary Galbraith, (I10 11-year old daughter of Mrs. Minnie Potts, Barrie road, died while seated in a chair in her home on Saturday. A neighbor, shortly after the child's death, cammunicated with Oicer Lee, request- ing that steps be taken to hold an in yestlgation. It was alleged that the little girl had not been well treated, and her mother, who is employed at the Oxillia House, was notied that inter- ment oould not be allowed until County Crown Attorney Cotter had decided what was to done about it. ` MCBETI-!-CLARK-In Toronto. on New Year : r Dgy, Dr. Mason . Clafk, of Belleville, to_Mxss _ Jayne McBoth., ' ` McKl`NLEY-LIT'1`LE-In Stayner. on 1. bv . Rev. J. C; Dunlop, Mr. Henrv Arthur cKinley of Collingwood, to Miss Harriet Maud Little, daughter of Mr. John Little. Sunnidale. MALIQN-CDC!-lRANE -In Coldwaxer. Jan. 1,, by Rev.` `J. W."Churchi|l. Mary Cochrauehofv Medoute. to Arthur Malkin, of Oro. RISEBO&JG!-k~K_ENNEl1_-._\t K!-lob:`rt. 2 av. Rschard, m can . &`, l{iaebr_ouh, both of Hol::t" y KING-P0'l"l`ER--In Orillig, Dec. 37 b Rev. Canon Greene, Elizabeth, daxrnghter of homo: Inn - Pnttnr, nf (`.n`t`IlrnOnv Anon: ll:-ur ti` M1L'z~:"1:?i1-n'iz'1"c:N-A: Edgar. Dec. =7; Maggie n d_#Illg:t\.l' of John Harrison, to Geo. Milne of auto ` vWO0DROE-FAGAN-At Orillia. Dec. 30. by Rev. J. Connel. Atherley, Grace A.`. youngest daugh- ter of John Fagan, Couleon, to Alex. Woodroe. A of Creighton. . . A ' CUNNINGHAM-WILSON-- an. at the resid- ence of the bride: father. 1'. m. Cunning- ham. 5th con-. Innisl. to Belle, eldest daughter {of Charles Wilson.` of Eua, by the Rev. J. Smith. of clover Hill. Canon,Greene,A Elizabeth. dau hm 'of Thomas Potter, of Coldwater. to orge King, of Otillia. ' L CAMPBELL-WRIGI-lT-Iu Orillia. Dec; 55, by Rev. Canon Greene. Ada. Emily, daughter of R: Wgight, of Tiny. to Wm. A. Campbell, of Vxctona Harbor. . I-I1 `van van A-go.--4-- - _.- _ _- WINN-At Orillia, on Jan. x, Fr ed W. Winn, of Toronto. aged at years. BISHOP.-At Grentel. on Dec. 28. Mrs. John Bishop. Deceased leave: a. husband and six children to mrunn -A`. `4\,inu anur.-lu urenrel. on uec. 25. Mrs. John Bishop. leaves a. huuband and six children to mourn her dxth. V . Gntn the meeting of `Centre. Sim- tn fE_gIjmm." Innitute in the___Town ,rrw%%,(1'irid:)% -6 7 1-30 %,nnd*f :_- `{ `.-_...-..--...-....au-.n.---. Lpmox, W. A; `Ban. E........"`f`s..: `RT gown. ` Allintnn and Cremnnm. ,_, . - -,.- ----U Loton Clacpertpn nut:-eat` iugmediately south of chu `wxth small bnck house thereon. JAS. EDVVARDS 98'T`T""-F"T`j`.".`".3": `A. LE- _X_- _ W F. C. GREGG, Veterinary Su 1:. Honor _Gra.duate Ont. Vet. College, onor member Medical Societv. Ofoe--AtBaVker's Livery Stables. Owen Street. Barrie. .L nave xor aao non. xn good Hom of bright young` _nadia.n children. ya and girls Parties desirinithem are asked to communicate with thesecreury. EV. W. R. MCINTOSH, Barrie. 1-ly _u_u-1 wu --v- :6 IEII I I! E U. V aoT-42 Anwiifon s1-. 5.. w_g.c'ro_;rr yr nIMI_Co. . TORONTO. town, Grey and `Guelph White Finishing L13: I \ ements of all hnds, Fire Bricks and Plasterefs Hair. Storehouse at the Northern` Railway Switch. foot of John street, near the depot. The bond of this I. w e is better than that `of any other kind, and the 1' Ash superior. Ofce-Corner of John and Elizabeth streets. Sewer and Culvert Pipes All Bin: {rum 4 In- tn Q4 1... -lo.-sx'""r'z".iae Dunlap-It. Inn! Hunt`: hotel. Money to loan at In-mu I-nun. % A; unzgiauxsr, VBurister, Attorney. .. .%._..sm,m.V. ,e,,mm Cl , M M door Owen street, over 37:; of Com- Innnnn Rnrn Anu T 'r. aANff, Clerk County of Simcoe, wgu be at his oce, at the Court House. Barrie, every Saturdav. Residence and P.0. Cookstown. &I` U I U"I`3Kr" At his oice until 5 p.m.; at his private residence, 68 Mary street, after that hour. u-ly IVIfI`ZI I& 133'`! We have a large amount of Private Funds to lend at 4} and 5 per cent. on the security of good fatm Monsraza. McCARTl-IY. PEPLER AND Mn. at 43 ans: 5 cent. on me security or good ram: Mortgages. l|c:.CARTl-i Y. PEPLER AN D Mc- CAR 1 HY, Dunlap btteet. Barrie. me I dun supeo -Olaf: . HEWSON &VCRE_SWICKE, ban-istcts. Solici- ` ton of the "Sn " Court ofjudicature of E omits. Conv _ ctc. Mcneyto loan. 0ees-RoIa Block. - E `Q "_._._.__- A '3 II I`___._._.._:

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