Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Jan 1900, p. 12

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The proposal for the formation of the society will be brought before the Indian `section oi the forthcom- ing international congress of orient- iliste at Rome with a view _to the appointment of a committee which then onlishthe support of various. goirernmentsi an'd' academies ' and `learned `societies `in I Europa ;-ma :_._A_ 1nerica. . , -T : , ,~ . V o A naturalist found that black ant; were deburing the skins of some _-bird ~gpecime`ns, on a table, so he made circles oz_1f four `pieces of paper. put 'j>.ne_'undc-r of; _tho itdhle.-' j_Aiits_.1 -gwill` T210}; crash ifrotty`. qdn` ;1,x.:1 ifbiliid 1 `ii_nt.a3 , atly. Mr. Will Kerr, Langman, spent a few dsyahere this week. `ll... 1' :__2- 'I'\I.....VI-_. ...II...I -- vv ct u,-Ivuv unsung vvvvcn " Mm -Lizzie Thu:-l`o'w -called on friends in Flat; Centre recently. L 1 `ll `ITIII Ii '""nE?.'Jd`n`a'a."\7v'n'1'6'J.E.3i. oele brated their wooden wedding on the _281'_Deoe{nber. ` had escaped from the House of Refuge. Much surprise it expressed that old men are not pifevented by some means or other from running away from that Institute. This is the second old man that has called the people around here for assistance. It was thought that the erection of a House of Refuge would `put an end to begging found from door to door. '_u;uraIuu'. - 1-Ii. Fergusonvale. Advance Correspondence. Persona: News. %\Nh:at about % * @_U?.'G"?" LET Us .90 AND we THREEPRIBESFORBLUWTIG HJI;1:`i;-;Wri2 B R0 8. 13303., GA_'l'l-IERING m Tl-IE Ham-:. A SBASONABLE SUGGESTION : omits: `Ni 'BARBIE,*QNT.- 54 `DUNLOP STREET, BARRIE. / `This Saving money question is making lots at sales among fashionable folks you know. We'd `be still busier if everybody knew what we re_ Offering. Ordinary ready-made t y5u-perhaps suits, genmu ally about $2 ahead ofyer Bros. Hunter Bros. -duplicating, tailor-t and style- atjss than ordina ready made cost-or your mane)` 1,- ,`I The natt tn, neatesit English Beaver Cloth Top `Coat. you e 1- saw for $10, London s latest styles. A tber Top Coat, with al little more all round ass, at, $12, but at a tailors you d pay $20. Bet Tailor s made to order t yo__u-well siuits, twice Hunter _ros. price. V ..r `THE KLMTKE ' Everyone should get a new pair. the prices M I30 I9 tempting that is will be easy for you tobuy. g . Tmmxs, Vauszs, SUIT CASES. Ponsns, HAND Baas, Lvxc Clans, Km Sfrurs, Tms AND A Vnmr or on-man Lmwms Goons at the Lowest Prices. ThIo'goodI are ill now; `no hhop worn shod-1 Y _ goods hi the place. . r V Wdhjvo a~niooInrietv ofA_-fine GRRMA N f_o_r Cildnn. ' _. .___._ -v- vuuuquun s-u-g T. We ?nl|lTai`v6 S Pam with every pair_ Of Tole Shoo; this week Aqgoae` gamut; I kinknvgith ivill be felt}. A large unorgmeut of We carry a full line of 1 nu u Town- SHOES lathe place to get your Fall IaADI1:s , Gnrrrs? Axo(}n1Lnm:x's Fm: Russians. GEN-rs` F13`; Gnovns AND Mn-rs, Acton make 11; 1900. `CRI 'sA1 '11.. oaks no invidious distinctions ; and I should 9 ,.qe enabled to dismiss them to their various :.o oa_ns on. certain days so than I can do .:-eomething in the way of overseeing the :; `!QIk_ of the various rooms. Details of i_ :on_rse must wait till I see the condition of &he'clesIes' on re-opening school on Jan. 3 " f mm LAST MEETING _ The IO F. Lodge, Allendele, held their T , T regular meeting on Friday night and elected the follewixsgofoera for the ensuing term , T Court Deputy, Bro. W. P. Soulee; C R.: _";Bro. Geo. Poucher; V.C.R., Bro. Athaniel * ' Smith; Secretary-Treasurer, Bro. H E. Quanta; Reoorder,'Bro. W. W. Humphrey; S.W.. Bro. M. Brown; J.W., Bro Charles Poacher ; S.B . Bro. A. Wice; J.B.. Bro. John Redfern. v - . V . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . vvvv -_ ory--Love.--That` the letter from ad` Uruwioko be referred to th 11:51 Ewen`-to protect the in- u I" ' ' v `bl for` 16., If t'ho1In,otlon' re- laid thst |'1o wouldluot vototo` hr so Solicitors union the Board` Huang and Creiw|k'_I;lut.ter- -iicu Board in` unnioprduntud thy ' ' -939! the wqrus of {tut th" :_-doze, Vhhi` lib mpon to up-: gurus , In nusull, I5 Vllllolllg |Vl..ll . en_`l%Mrs. '_A Phillips; townline; V ._ _ '1-`h,e}A'lluVndaI e band ebtendede tea meet- of and Mrs. A. Phillips lee: week, H ` 'R,7Meeking` & Ce. have moved to their new premises, Fisher : Block, opposite their `: eld store. ma concert at Utopia on Tuesday night. Alice Walker, of Angus, was the :1 "The Management Committee `reoom-. uux'|_ded'_tha.t the Principal: of the various jqhooll be instructed to enforce the school 4.1` ' H Hmltl.` thue reventing children from at- 'l_W ;c0ihmIttO0 also -recommended that Mr- lldtt make up the annual report of the A sdiuknnln tn tin: hnnnrtmnnt-and dun Iehn nnrnc "udihu sohoo not in their limit. ~-- Adopted. . slam; the motloh roferiod . mqwyo 91:51` `0rh_swioka? hg QmI`|Ui- IIIDBU HF UIIU DI-IIIIIDI IV|IUI'I UL IIIIU ooh to the Departmenrand sign the same `jciugipal of the achqola, he to get $4 for "')aJ'l|'h'!' __ A clnntn 4 % iies uieemng olfihe kiou -Monday night. .. . ` I ` - ' `McNaughton. of Kansas, is the guest aging! Mrs. D} Uameraou. ' ` M. Perry,` of Angus, is visiting with rid Mrn, A Phillinn enmnlnm vb-Westerxi 1_>iv_is1on- ' wmr jn _t Streets. its ' Pretty_.Ol;m.rch_ea, and its an-%; Beople wzn-. Emacs settlement 3 On Sunday morning the `Rev D. D. Mc- yheod occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian ' `church and preached an excellent sermon on f`Faith. from Hebrews xi: 30. At' the close of his discourse he declared the pulpit :_of the above church vacant by reading the ff following announcement :- -In consequence of the translation of the Rev. W. R. Mc- ;"_ flntosh, formerly minister of this pastoral *3-echlarae. the Presbytery of Barrie hereby in- L tiinates and declares the charge to be vacant, ' ..-and calls u on all parties concerned to'pro- coed with al convenient speed and accord ing to the laws and practice of the church ,.,,.to the obtaining of a minister to llthe ,vaoancv." - - ` V ';1.*._Aa.p..a. "' - *' '"* '5="I'.`:in`unoe Committee recommended `ibllowing accounts he paid A:- ' - 823 V n `3"s"3u......... soo }iNQellud|...~.... ... 5 55 .L:`_:._ (1-- I1. 3 n in $3` 3`3r W . WW! `. "";%.%".""4`-"` ti V tie \in El TI 5' I IIUf TWO: 23 was presenced`v'v'i:hY e- ass President_; s m `ewel,`ee a token of his fellow-members ap- `precietion of his work in connection with the lodge. He made a. short speech in reply thanking them for their kind remembrance oi`-him. Songs, speeches and refreshments `accompanied by much enjoyment. w '0_tI';on.'..._....... . ` y -ooo1r_l:0o'o.'oOO'O 9 o n _u I:o{I c I .0 o o ` ' ` 1 W000 Mr. Bailey, of Knox College. Toronto. -,_preeohed'V in the .Presbyterian church last `Sunday "night-. He will occupy the dome _ pulpit next Sunday. morning and evening. `E The `union week of prayer commenced in 'the`Methodint church on Monday evening, And was continued in the same church on Tuesday and Wednesday. and tonight `and Friday night will be held in the Presbyterian 'T chnrch. _ ' ' . "On Sunday night burglars entered Mr .C. ; W. Poucher e butcher shop and stole 150 `lbs of pork. They must` have entered the elfop by the front door which they probably opened with a skeleton key; as there were marks of a futile ' attempt to open the back dnnr 7 ` The ii: in this vicinity last Thursday - night was full of music At Mr. B. Parker's . run: the Allcndale band furnished music for j ale:-go crowd of skaters, while at`Mr. T. `Campbell : rink the Barrie band did `like wise for 9. large crowd of skaters. Farmers Institute meetings in :f Music Hall, Barrie, to-marrow ; meetings at and 7. p.m. 4Il 9,,, IN 1 A: II and Small, suscessors to Dickson aqd How. have begun their :5dntisis`in the sixth ward school; Mr;.`:`1:.MacN'icol, of St. Thomaswaa the guest of her `parents, Mr. and Mrs. `W %Geo_rge Poucher, during the "recent holiday. Continud from Page 1.` A QUORUM BREAKER. . 15 Wm. Hodeon, ir-., of this, place, underwent on Saturday a very delicate operation at Barrie, the removal of a growth in his nostrils. T. Bell. of Crown Hill,_ was the guest of the Rev. J. H. Teney, last week. Mr. Bell is recovering from ill- ness ceuaed by the loan of an arm in an accident recently. -- :- -- .. -_ .4..- -Snider, jr , and wife and family, Flee; ~John Snider, living at home. and" Min 99-vv-lurimnd W1 The reeidence of Urile Snider, Flee, was on Christmas `day the pleasant eoene of the_ gathering of his family and grandchildren, some thirty persons in all, where I. dinner of roast geese, turkeys, ducks and plum pudding wee pertalren of in abundance. Those pre sent were ne?fo1lowe:-Geo. White and wife, of Tiny; John Craig and 'w' end family, of Moonstone; H. Snider and wife and family, of Fergueonvele; Wm. Snider and wife and family, Urile Geo. Snider `and wife, of Hilledule; Lizzie Snider. who performed the duties. II hostess, Mr. Snider, who inn den. oendent of ' U `E L. nook from Pennsyl- venie, was born 72 yeere ege.~et.Es'rnee`- town`, `neer Kingeton. Bil` lone and daughter: `were prams Fen. chm. occasion = `and? he was -. the .'re`oipient_ of. `sea -4; ~ -;bi_pAn ch of :t:iha`;$obibi:ioh,l"411iwoe~ in -Silnoemiq mosremencen ;.ii`amnej.` `of? hstjs going _ona_.ll over the `Douginlonriz :~ ` genizina .Alliis_nces_lin_. lridins jdenfttcnl with, `the Dominion electora.tes..` Major- Cempbell of . Collingwood occupied fthe chain, the'followin persons being present :.' Revs. T. E Bu-tley`, E. M 0. Botterill, W. 0. Washington, W. Thornley, A G. Hud eon. S Sheldon, [W Taylor, Barrie; Rev. Thus Leonard,`D-slston; Rev. Philip Jones, Avening; Miss Sheldon, Mrs. N.:"-King,` Messrs H. Young,ASu-and; Alex. Muir, Guthrie ; Wm. Brown and J. Smith, Shanty Bay; Jas. Ford. Creighnrst; Jns. Hertt, Shanty Bey; J J. Brown,-,Jas. Brown. R. A. Thomas, Barrie; T. T \ onng, Dalston. After dnniincl tn nu-nnnian n hunnnk :. Miss L`. Snider? visited her sister, Mrs. John Graig, at Moonstone last week. A '- A A l'ew_weeks ago, Mr. Cli'ordr'Car- ley sent a bottle of minnows to` 0. B. Sheppard, Fishery Inspector, * Toronto, "to get that ,,gentlemsn s opinion as to whether such minnows -belong to as class that grow to sh. Mr, Sheppard sent them on to the Dominion oioe for inspection. Mr. F. M. -Montgomery has received the following letter which was forwarded to him. by Mr. Shep- pard :- h omm, Jan. 4a., 1900. Sir,-I beg to acknowledge the re- ceipt of your letter of the 14th, to porting on the netting done in Lake Sigeoe. MR. 0. B.vSHEPl'ARD, . Inspector of Freheriee, Toronto. Local shermen are of the ,.opinion. however, that minnows each as the bottle oonteined do grow to sh. The only way -to_ prove it is to try to grow them; Who will make the experi- ment? - ` ` tended the court at Nevnvnu-ket lest weekvto sttendthe trial of the _ notion brought 1) . Judge Ardegh` against` Fred Wern ch; in; recover the price `of !5h l,!9'dihY"_`h9 :d:I*fandhut to the Jddleltiimhr-Le Thahrie n--ed ;bf0ioe,th 9-10. but I. ; fetdivi iftervivdie -we-reed > EICUNU Oj- " We, the undersigned, promise that at the next general election for the Dominion Parliament. we will vote only for such candidates as will agree to do all in their power, if elected. to obtain the immediate enactment of such legislation as will _ secure the total prohibition of. the liquor tralo in at least those provinoesaud territories that gave majorities for prohibition _in the plebi- scite. > - 9,1`: I . s 'u- n .- -The small sh you sent in` a. jar arrived, most` of them in: Alivxug` con- dition. A The capture of _.these sh can do no harm, as they are not the young of any valuable sh, but merely smell moonevea (H.iodon)~ and silver chub, (notropie) a few montheold. .. ` ' I am Sir, Your obedient servant, T ` EDWARD E; Pnmcn, Dom. Com. of Fisher-iea.~ `. .L|vIIlw1l - unaaavg Lu J. Ivuuug, 115135011- Aiterdeciding to organize a branch in North 1 Simcoe the following ` oicersw were elected :`-Preeident, Mr. A. B. Spencer, Collingwood ; Vice Preeident,_ Rev. S, Shel don. Barrie; Sec -Treas.. rMr. M, S. Begg. ()olling\ ~ood._- A T ' A motion was passed ordering sub-organ izatiops in all the political subdivisions of the riding. A provincial organizer will at- lonoe proceed with the organization; the principal part of the work will be an active canvass of the voters in the riding with a view to getting signatures to the following pledge :- \.\7., .1... ......J.._..:.._-.'l ._..-_.:..; .I__..l -- Eligh;lfa;;;ov.ih::i 5U;i;:hizer, who was present, explained that,,the Alliance 'proposes~'getting 100,000 pledged voters who will hold the balanceof power for prohibi- tion. a He said a motion favoring a prohibi- tory law will be submitted to the House of Commons and prohibitioniete will set about to defeat all candidates at the. next Domin ion elections who vote against that motion. who now} rnnnrdnn A` hhn All: nnnn --3.] Ina "`i:i {.?."Za.2Z{:J ``2"X :"n2.`.'.'52 "3'i`i'1"":3e heldat Stayner. -u'n'ia0Pledge to be null 03nd void unless 25,000 signatures to it are secured. MI Mn`In`nn n Instant:-un:u` nnaunn:nn- -ck- A number or people &_mi. `home at. QLQ 1&1 pi `-`L VJITGIKH T5 In ' " Acivanee Can-uopndeuee. Do they grow to Fish? I Free. J ohneten, formerly of thie place. now` of Manitoba, e renewing old acqueint'encee.end friends. Olngntnlatioha to Mr. .A. 01-aig,Lof Craichntat, and Mini M. Morrison, of Gl]0hl`iIt, married on the 30th 111%. 1&iiu.E"'1.e.d1`-" e}7_"1ZE `ESE on Mo}. day fqt-_ Toronto. _ ~ . . Mr. J. Swan, who hull been-. teaching at. Wyebridge the put your, left Saturday morning to take I position at Ca'_ohe_Bay.n I ` ` V horetook rt nil-ize as a saddle beans at the Barrie fall fair. . L I A large crowd of paopfe _attended Mr. Jon. $utton s sale on Thursday. Everything. sold well. ' Mrs: Alex. _ Turner, of Sanlt Ste. Marie, who has 'been visiting friends here, returned home last week. ilftet the Ohatmu -Ligation our nohool is .-doing eioient; work under .Mr. H-.-Johnson`. ` " -V . "Mr. Adam Oanfaozi, of Moonstone`, visited friends in the vicinity last week. % At ' our annual school meeting Mr. Ilinbent Munro, jr , was elected trustee. Mr. G, Soufleretirihg. Mr. F. Snenth .h;`u resigned. bit position as _eeoretery'of ~ Min J. Ptingle,`-1%vho,for amrql weeks Aha enlivening ` our oom- muhity, dill be vpry mI_1o h.miaI_ed' `now "E`at `the in lefcfto Ip'e`ndV_th;o temainer -t . _` me! am D' i '1-., ?`. .'.:`?EE5.BE%"- ' " temporar-i r _ _ -ily. Pro-i perly adjusted glasses remove the cause and effect a ~ permanent cure. t a satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free; the re nlar meeting of Kempenfeldc 3. 79-,r:re!9M9;vit!1.. Dad e. . -luet~Fndoy' ` us Pr_eaid_e_n; * sciontmc v0pt|e|an,W * IvIuo|.An+:N's onus STORE. BARBIE. 7th veapra. _ A 1...-.. I`- -`.I-.. -_ 2nd Line Lei-ks. _"iEi'aSeTX and Belle Houdan and Mini Louie Archer of `Elmvale, visited M is: Jennie Richardson this week. I Miss Annie Richardson and `Miss J. A. Elriok have returned to the B. U. I. after spending their Christmas holidays at their home here. i V . Annmber nf people from here spent. 0 very enjoyable evening at the home of Mr and Mrs. J. Heart, Elmvale, on Friday night. -Inc I I `.190 Y `Min Torrance. a Royal Victoria Hospital graduate has been a` inted reeident nurse at Whitby Ladies 00 ego. Mrs, George Reedy and family left for Toronto on Saturday, followed by the best wishes of their manwfriende. Sanskrit lcplo Bonito. A proposal is being ventilated among scholars of Hindoo literature for the formation of a-Sanskrit epic texts society, with the object ot in-. stituting a systematic collection of manuscripts} of -the Mahabharata and other texts relating to 1-lindoo epic poetry from all .parts of India, says The Pittsburg Dispatch. The society would also provide for and superin-7 tend the publication oi texts. trans- lations or any treaties t endi_ng_ to throw lighten the history, reltgion, philosophy; wthey laws and customs and tho civilizatiomot ancient India. n-n_. ._..-_-.'-1 A-.. 11.- n-__-_=.,-4_-__- "

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