Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Jan 1900, p. 1

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MR 1. i,.I.,f_f9 5-`, 31815513 ."i`- -y agin- e of ieiryss 3 _ i .7 One why so muoy on f tolerated in that _ oeic-'o,wiI9r uotrealtza tint` real good onoI`1nay`beoha`d"tor`Iuch `little 1 monev. " . _ , , - \ ` I I ' fact. rthelcu. that ' toads \ furut1i':h gen wig`: thoroufhlg wrst-clan. us time!` 1 pua ilvu on-god lhd~q,uol'ovleui than the Egan that provailpdnfcw 1 par: nan- . : ..*:.. ......." " ) 98! ! 8K0. WATGHFAGT8. MISS CAMPBELL Q35` LXIHLULY I IJl.V\IIlJHLV\1 . 9 CONSOLIDATED RTOOK FXOHANGRA BLDG. AA `l1'I'Il'\ AI'\IYY A I? `TIHII7 I. l\I3 muw YORK MILLIONAIBEB. VLV3UlJlU'L'lU \"l'UUlX FJLUIIQLVIIB` IJIAIJ 60 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. .|.Eb'lIs_ vocTA --__- `- Q.` '.'_ rides. Fan -sALE. mmnor s'm3a'1f. J $71!] U_I'IIvI I I I`II" uvwjv . At one Q'.|ock.. min. ` . mrz um. 7 has decided to give %l2iPa5e}s. BARRIE. "ins 4A1'J`vANci:.'T' `run Iuuknsrs qr nguuun, `ran couzrrv or stucon AND ran nonunion or cmwa. ova CRITERION.` ammig ` , BARRIE, %coUN.'1VY or SIMCOE, ONTARIO, JANUARY11. 1,oo.. Gentlemen of the Oouncil.+-In greeting you at the commencement of a new civ.ic year, I desire in the first place to pointuut that by recent legislation, and by `the coming into force of the by-law ratified by the electors a year ago, the ward system has been done away with, and we have nowa Council /of seven members instead of a Council of sixteen as heretofore It so hap- pens, also, that this year the majority of our civic representatives reside in the more cen tral parts of the town. and the fact that none of our members reside in what -were formerly the two most westerly wards of the town ought to make as specially careful that the interests of no part of the town should 'su'er neglect at our hands. .I D . OII , I AI Three `years village of Al- llandsle was united to the town, and by the terms of union the electric light system ` was to be extended over that ward forthwith, and the waterworks system within two years from the union. For the first two years after the union there was a reasonable, if not a. legal justification for delay on the part of the town, but for the past year both the electric light and waterworks systems have , been in the hands of the town authorities. I understand that during this past year negotiations were entered into between cer- tain ratepayers of the Sixth ward and the Uouncil with a view to separation, and that the Council intimated that if the vote of the ratepayers of - the town was favorable to separation, the Council would aid the efforts of the Sixth ward to have such separation take place; The vote taken on the subject was, however, a very small one, and I be lieve no action has as yet been taken by any of the ratepayers of that ward subsequent to the vote. This would indicate, as I be- lieve the fact to be, that the ratepayers of that ward. or the great majority of them, have no desire for separation if the contract is carried out at once and this leaves us still bound by our contract. AI__ -._-,__ .,, ls I would therefore earnestly recommend I that the electric light system be extended throughout .Ward Six without any further delay, and that steps be taken atouee with reference to the extension of the waterworke system, so that as soon as the season of A the year will permit. that system also be extend- ed. throughout that ward, as the town is bound by its contract to do. This will, of course. neceasitate the extension of that sys- tem along Bradford street, in the Fifth ward` and give increased re protection in that locality-a. matter .that was long ago urged by the Board of Underwriter . _,,-j I__ al__ .__a_ It is gratifying to he informed by the out- going Council that the first vesr s operation of both eleetrro light and waterworks plants show that they have paid their way so 'iar. Even if this estimate should prove too sanguine, one year's o erations is no {air test. When we eousi or that our water- works system (with the expense of arbitra- tion cost the town between $30,000 and $40,000 more than our engineer's estimate of, value. and that we are taking a new depart- ure in furnishiuqpiight for private consumers with a plant that has been greatly`-enlarged, it is a matter for congratulation that the year's result should show so well. As the number oi` consumers increase; and both systems become further` extended, no doubt t ere will he a better showing from year to year.` `It i is for me to hint out to- the `Council gthat our most. "ass duousa care should to making s !|l'3;00Is. V .51 L _- '|_-_~_ .___.I_'.I;_ ..__.;_ ...4._ . ;y;e--Boyu, Tyrer. Powell. The Council then adjourned untilfvenhg EVENING MEETING. The Council met at 7.45; before the minutes of the last meeting of the Council of 1899 were read. Hie Worship Mayor Radenhurat read the following address: lnl 3 T C "I:3'Juu2{I.'.'i.'{.T;J.';d.' iy7.a;i. am. jpuvari reading; in the, cute; wards that some of..t.ho It1'octB' and nidownllu in those I___I!A!-..` L-..- _`.`L`I-`A-_ L4-nip Inn nn--'Inn mg IUIIIU III -IIIIU IBCUUUD gun uuuvwuu-u nu vuvuv ooalitjea have not been kept In pro 1- re- pair. . I-weutd call the attention of t e new Board of Works to thin matter. `All the streets and sidewalk: ahould be kept` in safe repair, and . a reasonable pronortion of any new aidewalh. (which I treat will he of a ;o: .Trada_ ha: um -Itre`at` II.="V,llIlon: i-in;-q1=nt#9nh>i< :9 those` wards. permanence character) ` ahould looaged . in ;- A .w.e-Au all huh? than ' 1 A ha u_Iaetiv"e* ge`.:; .;1_`n';~hhpvo`,`au;h a . -2.. , .-:~ s,..~; . xv M L suhlhh. In` the town,` amnuzc s_ `UIIUI II V UUUe The above clause in the statute is the au- thority by which we write Mevor`Reden- burst : fellow-members of the Council on follows 5 Aldermen Unndle, Bennett, Powell, McLean, Boys, Tyrer, this being theorder in which they sit trom right to left at the `semi-circular table before the Mayor, with Mr Donnell `town clerk, within the circle.` I)... II on LI... II....... ..'...I Alanna.-- L...` IIIIIUU, CIIII VVUIU ICE, IUD IIIIUIIIVUUO Aldermen Boys and Mc_Lee.n moved that the committees for the year be. six in num- ber, viz --Finance and Aeeeumenu; Indi gent, Education and Railways; Fire and Police; Waterworks. Electric Light. and Sewer: ; Public Works; Markets and Parks. -Carrled V ' ` 15-..- n-_-n nn_-._ ---I. -__.....s..' . . _ _ -_ UIUIJUDIIQ &yI'Ul' Bllll IJUJU Cull IIIIU IVIQYUIO Moved in amendment by Aldermen Ben- nett and Candle that the striking committee ooggietjoi 7t*l ieAv:vhole Council ' : _ _.____!_J __ AL- _II__ UUIIHIUU UL IIIV WIIUIU \JVIlIlUII The amendment was harried on the follow}- ing,vote : - n-__,-L~_ 11.--- 3|; |n-'r-__ nu__ Mayor Radenhurst s Six Assistants% Must now be Ballad "Aldarmon. The Council of anytqwn having a popu- lation of more than 5000 inhabitants ehall` be composed of a Mayor. and one Alderman for each 1000 of population to be elected by general vote. 'l\l.'- nknn 4'4:-can :3: `Ln -bnuul-`As :3 LL; nan I HUIIIJUII IIUVVII UIUI B. VVIIIIIIII UIIV VII UIUQ By. 11.80 the Meyer and Alderman bed ei ned their oath of oice qualication and o co, and were ready for business. Aldon-nan nan: -tun` Mn` Indian` Chal- j\ICI I IV`! Boys-P`owell- -That each committee con- 0??! of [three Aldermen and the Mayor. -03:- r e . ` l'I-__ 'II-.._L-II f'I'II__A_ AL- _A.._!L!-_ __._ . I IUIIO Bows Bow oll--That the striking com-' mittee to nominate the various standing committees for the your consist of Aldermen Mobenn. Tyror and Boys and the Moyor. Mnuvna on nvnnnnnnnh `II! Altinrrhnn an- DQIUQ I'D` UIUUIIIIIK lluv VCPIUDI wuu uuunuvnu gbimy o -the town to gdviho with us, and` to co-operate with an m_.bIl_ mutton o_on-~ coming t_hp welfare and of the '.towi:. ognnnot but be unintspoo to- thin 1 ;undn`nnd`@ ~ thgynsvarsl` I I, 't|`Ig I-nil}! w`7;:;:-iennett, Candie,` McLean, The M3_f: ' 11-..- m__-_ n__`_-u' Nw Town council `Dawn to Business h vlviafaznlso in make thezeanlar annual appointment to the`Board, hence the following motion and _amendment were sub mitten :- ' Wm. Newsome. from Wyevale vicinity, was lodged in jail here on Saturday night, having been committed for trial by Magis- trate Firth on the serious char e of assault- ing his wife with intent to k H. The old man. is in his 81st year and nearly blind, and his wife about 75. i It appears that on` Friday evening, after they retired, tor the night, the -old man drew. a knife across his wife's -throat, inflicting `an ugly wound. She at once rose to her defence, and the struggle brought to the room two grandsons who were upstairs. 1?hey took the knite away, and once! thelnjheld the old man, who, however, had a razor concealed about him. with which he cut his grandson severe ly in the shoulder. '.I.`h,e_ next rnorning_.he was broughtbefore the Magistrate and com- mitted for trial. ` It is said the old man.-has . been nursing of-late orasyinotions of jealous- ly. The assault will not;_ha',ve_fata`l results L After` Jnn-.u`u-y inc. 1d6.Vw_wi11uuowonr ulvertiuu-o_t,;w olyo chungeiper your ; `for ad- ditional`! oh9n gu5jchIrt` will be `made for =;'ol'm'0 `: =:ni,ll"`~uco be_ n no AFs'*'%%?5r t VIII ll. 'l|IlUlVI U . ' . There have been calls from some quarters that the new Mayor and Council `should promulgate a new platform of reform or of progress. `For the past ve years succee- sive civic administration: have undertaken large matters, that however necessary or- advantageous to the town. have largely added to our obligations Unless, there- fore. while extending sympathy to all movements that will in any way benet the town, some fenterprise calls on us for aid that ' will, afford remunerative -employment to our citizens, I think we ought to devote our energies towards the fulllment of our legal obligations, and the foawring of those large undertakings already winder our care -eyen at the risk of being called unpro- gressive~ Tn nn\nn`nn::a-a I nah`! ....l.. `lga cyan Char I\'iIVU' In conclusion I will again remind you that while we are now a Council consisting of but seven `members the work has within the last vear been largely" inoreased-and to do properly what we. have undertaken will demand the united and harmonious efforts of us all. Whilst we may differ upon many` important matters and differ strenuously, I trust that peace and harmony will characterize all our proceedings. lh A Oh mlvie-x1Wt:ett-Mcl.ea:i-That Mr. s. Wesley be appointed Collegiate Institute Trustee. ""'C' *7" V `"7 F7 '""" The amendment was carrieti on the follow. ing vote z-- . V Yeas--Boys, Tyrer,_ Powell, the Mayor. Nays-McLean, Bennett. Cundle. V The Finance Committee was ordered to consider the appointment of Assessors and report at next regular meeting. ' I 11 9 `J 4- __-__2-_, AL- "r"' "' """ "UI""'- *" A Committee was appointed to revise the rules of Council. A motion was passed granting the Town-Hall to the Agricultural .7)oii'ety for their annual meeting on Jan. t . - I _ n 01 mt Up: and Down, the uerterly nublieh- ed under the auspices oh Dr. Bernardo : homes, he; an especially interesting Innu- ery tune. Not only In there the usual nentity of eeeeoneble. 1-ceding matter and iluetretione, but a. Christmas uup lementil added, which cont.einuome- excel ant short etoriu and ; me. A,--half,-t,o.ned illustra- tion of Dr. ` ' o occupies the place, of hanorlnf the he itself,` endthent .:"" '*W "31: .t `Ms. wort 1: Q .. F; .0 my r fhoye in,0e'ny`e(l.`" f'`_```~` 54' V ; " '\IVIlII\iIIO e Whilst our manufacturing and other industries are not so extensive as we would desire them to be-yet the position of the town has been much` improved within the last ten or twelve years and the value of propertyelaas been enhanced We have become a railway centre on the Northern Division oi the Grand Trunk Railway Sys- tem, and several industries already located here have been greatly extended and be- come much larger employers of labor. This has been brought about largely by private enterprise and capital which after all are the chief main springs of manufac- turing prosnerty. mhnhn Lllli Rania tun": `Inn-In unsung nnnncntn_n "i.a}}:.{s}"i .{1.IyIgI..i Education-Ben- nets, Boys and Powell. - Finance--McLenn, Tyrer and Bennett. Board of_ . Wolrks--Powell, Candle, Mc- l`I ..-.. Waterwork and Electric Light.-Boys Bennett, Tyre:-. Fire and Police-V-Tyrer, Boys, Cundl. Markets and Parks:-Candle, Powell, Mc- T--- Communications were read from Messrs. J. L. Barnum. J. B. Edwards, D. 0 Mar ohison, C. W Plexton. Thos. Beecroft and Will R. King, asking for the position of Auditor. At a later stage in the `meeting a motion by Alderman McLean and Bennett was passed without. obpoeibion up oinning Messrs. J L. Barnum and Thos. eecrofb auditors of the town accounts 0t 1899. A communication was read from the Col- legiate Institute Board, notifying the Coun- cil that Mr J H. Bennett _had resigned. The Council elected Mr. Joseph Rogers to \ fill out Mr. Bennett`: term on that Board T *l;a:Tvi'e;'-Q-II:-inendmenb-Tha.c Mr. George Ball be thg appointee. _, _l__ _II,__ Pulling and Mr. Catcher, of Allan~ dale, were appointed :9 the Board of Health. -Mnyor Radenhurnt will preside at the Fnrthers Ilnatisute meeting in `the Music Hall tomorrow night. Good literary and musical programme. No admission fee. = `II C `.111-'E&VlallJLUE ayor The standing committees for the year will be as follows, the first named gentleman in } each one being chairman : 1131 _o 1': of . our manufacturing intereete have already been discussed by` that Board.` . Any move ment originating with that body ofelse. where that has for its aim the improvement of our town, and especially anv' project aiming at the extension of our manufactur- ing interests whereby protable employ- ment can be afforded our bitizens, will 1 am V sure, meet with ready sympathy from this Council. ' ~ - ' I`l'1I,2I,. _ n Barna.r Paper. Triedto K111 me ware. -raj G. A. Rannnnunsr, Il-. The Outlook will begin at once the publi- \ cation of a series of addresses recentlv de- live:-ed at Cooper Institute, New York, by I the Rev. Lyman Abbott. under the general title _f`Chriat s Laws of Life. Later on Dr. Abb"ott will contribute seven articles on .`.`The.pBihle in the Light of Modern Literary Study." During 1900 Dr. Abbott's sermon: and addresses will be published exolneivelv .i_n'-l_`he Outlook. (33 a year. A The Outlook .Oo mpan'y, -`New York.) ` . Lmidxalnd has .ia;..;;.i`;1.,;:.w to raise 85000 for better school accommodation. ll LIIU UUIIIIUIIIOI. `FIDO uwuvlvyvu Ivy Luv. he inmates of thabuilding had 5 narrow .eo_oape' from being burned :0 death, and only tenured uuicxpnt clothing to cover them. IIIl;.._f.I-'.._'_.Il u. .aL......- Qqnnn ...x.I.. nnn1.._ U48 IUKIIIIUII Iululupuv ulllvulug HI UUVCI uuvuu. '-'l.':hQIl9I;'will:bo than: 83,000 wish 8900'in- ! . On Monday morning R3 o'clock the form renidence of Mr. Frank Kirkpatrick. of the oighth . concoction of West Gwillimhury. shout` four miles from Bradford, with near- !zLallthc contents. was destroyed by fire. _-xn_...v.'__ -: -|.- |.;.:|.:I:-.. I'.`...I .. ....--..... The umual entertainment in connection ,wit[x Ifreubycerian` church was bold in V _ ' on New Year`: ight helore an ._-ggorgggo- Vi15ggl (g;ud.ie1.Ice.`: Mr. T _ Muter `mgdjqj his? vihiql. I peprinoe as `Ohm-insn. do` vgrod by tho Rav Mr. ` Mn Jnrnott. :1 _ Re .,_E - ' -.-- '__. ._._. W'i`zAZ8".-V-special value In all grades of tent at 'BoIlnwolI9n. :T]e smgllnesa of the Town Council will expose any weak spots in in. '"L;?ri.{ ...;..;.a .4,'..i;;`%;;.:;.};g '0} the Town Council will be held next Monday night. , - ':--Faruunere Institute meetinge in the M ueic Hall to marrow at 1.30 and 7.30 p.m. All are invited ; free ' -K0i;->l7i;.1Zgv (s ""A;)`aenc-Minded. Beggar. I published on page 6 of this issue, has netted ngarly $200,000 for aha far fund. rm... -_.-._.I.-.. -.1: I- _uQn.._1_- 1.... AA__.__.:. --The remains of M r. Samuel Hunt, form- erlv a photographer here, arrived at the station on Monday trom Toronto and were buried in Union Cemetery. " V ` --At the Silver Wedding anniversary of Mt. and'Mra. Ttemeer, Tay township. afew days ago. a glass jar containing pans of the original wedding cake was opened, the latter being pronbunced rst class at twenty-ve years of age. ._ _4-tV .191 II` A -f`A Trip to Coontown. last season's success, will be the attraction at the Grand Opera House on Jan 12th. A Trip to Coontown serves to introduce those clever colored comedians, Cole and Johnson and their splendid company. in three hours of solid fun, interspersed with new songs, dances `and specialties. In the supporting company will be seen the following ; Lloyd Gibbs, the greatest living colored tenor ; Sam. Lucas, Sam Cousins. Sam. `King, Walter Dixon, Miss Edna Alexander, so- prano, Alice Mackay Aocooe. Molly Dill and the Freeman sisters. A Trip to Coontown is the first farce comedy successfullv pro- duced by a colored company in a rst class manner. The first hookev match of the season in Barrie took place on Crystal Rink last Fri- day night, the contest being` between Col-' iingwood and Barrie. intermediate olubl. The score stood 5Agoale to 3 iii" favor of Col- ._lingwood. The teams were as follows :- Barrie--Charles Clark, goal: R. Gray, point; Fred Clark, cover point: F Mc- Carthy, C. Martin, H. Dixon. 0. Irxine. forwards on. Toronto. "1i$:re_.` "Woodworth, of Toronto : umpires. 0._ Sanders, Snayner ;' W. A, Sand- ` 4` sun 1 onion In tins, oysters` in bull: at Bu'l1lWEl.l.9s. ' -:I;Inuville a electrlicv light plant n'etted-` -the town lam; year $437. 52. % Ill-I13 a_.--n_I _-I.._- n_ _nI .__.__I-__ -5 -5-"..;,;.; ride}; .{..'{.i.v;iu'."{. }.Bi5&;I..' j The safety of sleighriders themselves and ` pedestrians demands that the by-law in the ` \ matter be observed._ -The atlnhel Lahiln of the Ontario` Cheese and Butter Association will be held in Brantford on Jun."'l6bh'. 17th and 18th. George Hetely, Secretary. Brantford. `A ` a'Secn:e eom '.Vale majade Speoia o'e 15c. and 20 a d zen make marmalad in Oranges for ma.r- M or two weeks. 100., 1 In this way you can i r 5c. a. lb Sweet 1 Jamaica Oranges, ecial nrice 250. dozen. | Seedless Califorui Novel Oranges, special price 400. dozen. At James Vair s, the grocer. I .u n.u v-son. rs -'1`he annual meeting of the Public Lib- rary was held in the Library rooms on Mon- lap night. The following directors were appointed :--Mrs. Creswicke, Judge Boys and Messrs. Hellett, Bothwell, Mart. J. A McCarthy. J. F. Smith. Donald Ross. and R J Fletcher. A full report of the meet- ing will be given in our next issue. The ratufn; match was p!ayed on Coiling- wood rlnk on Tuesday night, resulting in victory for Barrie by 3 goals to 2. (III , _ . _ , A_ and take it out without mg outside stable. achme yet devisad for the ' o.~ 6 Baveld street. H. N. 2-:4 ` Greatest labor-savvmg purpose. See one at INGHAM. Agent. v-cw--' _v- .--_-_- .-J - "-._-- -- _. Barrie Juniors `and the Simcoes of Toronto played the res much of the series on the rink hefo last night. H1 --ZCl"h; `nunsbet: of - !-Vl-1o-`bi! Masnetic Dyes allover C _ or rises even ourselvel --of course give up endicl results 4 -At the Congregational church next Sun- day Pastor Botterill will preach onA"11I God ; Almighty? if so, where are the evidences? 3 uvl uvu Iv an clcutuu LUUUVC I |.I!.IPU|'l.U|l Messrs. H. G. Todd, Nap. Belcourt. C. Picotte and John Brown aavconncillors. ' Coliingwoode-N. Rule, goal; G. New- bold, point; E:Elwort.hv. cover point; D. Andrews. N. Staples, Thomas Collins, R. Brown. forwardl. 1 Many Readable Paragraphs of V Local alnterest. -In the Tukxisr c1>Vf(1"izW:;-"I;d`:_-..]`>'hn An- 1 derson was electe Reeve, supported by! Mann:-1 H 'Fn`d Non Rnlnnnrf (1 .1 1 [The Latest News` Inmates Narrow Escape. J anuary "Outlook? L Mnqa a. NOTICE is herebt; given that e Annual Meeting of the Share olders of he BarrievTann1ng Companv. (Limited). will talc place at the office of Messrs. Strathy & Esten. B rristers. Owen street. in the Town of Barrie. on T ESDAY, the 16th dav of JANUARY, xqoo, at 3 clok p.m.. for the pur- pose of receiving the repor of the Directors for the past year, electing Direct 3 of the said Company ' for the ensuing year. a transacting such `other business of the Compan s mav be expedient. By order of the Boar A (Si ned) G H. ESTEN. Secretarv. 0-0 ve every. , besides t: is why 1'. Yeti Iiockey Matches. Briefly Told. I2` Pages. We shall, of course, obey the resolution as to acting no further for the Board, but we are compelled, however. to seek protec- tion under the reservation "made by the Court when the appeal was enlarged on the ' two. previous occasions, and apply to the Court to morrow, when the motion com up, for such relief as we may be entitle ` under the circumstances. We shall ;,. for an order declaring that the corpora J seal of the Board was not necessary t , authorise the proceedings begun by as o the Board sbehalf, and that the action w : .;"$ : rightl brought by us. And` further th *__:` have it declared that we are entitledtto ac ' lien upon an monevs that may be payable under the proposed settlement to the `extent of our costs in this action as between solici- tor and client, including the costs of this motion; ' : . c I . ` . At lyonr request I leave you word as to what think of doing next term. First though I may say, it would be advisable in melting changes Inch as have just been made to give a much longer notice, an teeoherum gnire a certain time to arrenge for the work to be done.` It in my intention next term to smoke a clue by picking out chiey from the viapeteire olnuee Inch pupile on need more :he1'p_' and one than otliere. I0 in ' to` leave free from the oi attend- ;18.t9~thII!- sud also In -e-to=i",'i' W .. ` Q , J Y Principal Hume addressed the ronowngg letter to the Chairman of the Management Oop1mittao:- _ % ' _ When the meeting opened at 8. o'clock Messrs. Smith and Cowan, Lewlv elected trustees,_ were interested onlookers. their object being no doubt to connect the past with the future. Whether they made the connection or not remains to be seen. Trus- tee Qusntz, ot Psinswick. was also present to see how Barrie Board conducts business : no doubt the gentlemen got seversl pointers that he will make no use at at the Pains- wiok Board. v ` The following letter wins read :- ' Barrie, Dec 1% 1899. ._ . a` g . - C. A. Perkins, Esq., Chairgnan RS: 2 Dear Sir,-We have just this moment re- ceived from your Secretary, Mr Mart. a copy of the two resolutions passed lest even- ing. with a. copy of the report of the Special Committee presented and adopted last even~_ ing at your meeting. I A` ;l 1| Bu't*ters-old Q: per lb. and eggs mo. per dos. , The wood market was well upplied, yet mice: remned `r-m-short hardwood, dry. .25; gr , 8375: long hardwood, dry, 84 00 : green, $3 50. Hay sold at $8.75 to $9225 per ton. Live hogs were shipped yesterday at 84.10 per 100 lbs, - CHARLEBOIS.--At Penetanguieheue {on January ` and. Mary Ann Charleboil aged 24 years and 9 `months. g POWER-In Thornton, on New Year : Day. Mu. `Power. in her 79th year. AB BOTT-At 'a`ottenham Sunda. , January 7th. Elizabeth Kilkenny, wife of E. . Abbott, aged . nan an ,--Farmers Institute meetings will be helci in the Music Hall on Friday afternoon anti evening. The evening meeting will be of a literary and musical character. Free to all, and all are welcome. . True to its record, the last meeting` of the School Board on Monday night was a quor- um breaker, Trustee Smith doing the`uu- graceful act. This left but six members present, viz., Chairman Perkins, Trustees Montgomery, Love, Rhinehart, Reid and Young, hence the Board had to adjourn for want of a quorum, thus ending in an un- bnsinesslike and inglorious manner the Board of 1899. Previous Boards have end ed by resolutions of thanks and expressions of regret to retiring members, but not so this one; there was no vote of thanks` to any person. . A I I As we understand the motions. they pro- vide that if we wholly discontinue the pend- ing action by one o clock to-day we are to be paid our costs due to us bv the Board, but. on the other hand, if we do not wholl discontinue the action by the time name , the inference is that the Board will refuse to pay our costs--in other words, that if we do not also abandon the action so far as the plainti Wiggins is concerned, over whom the Board, or we, have no control. we are not to bepaid the costs of the action. Such a condition is an unreasonable one and one that we cannot comply with. even ii` we were personally disposed to do so, because Mr. Wiggins has rights in connection with the matter which he wishes protected and which he has the right to have protected ; and he is also liable for costs outside what the Board is liable for, for which costs no provision is made. i ' CI? I II D ,, ,I ,, `I I .C,, On Saturday Mrs. D. C.`C6nning,hIm." one of the best known sellers of produce at the market. bade her many friends and patrons good-bye. ` For nineteen years she has been _a regular attendant there with fowl, butter and-eggs. and all kinds of garden produce. in that time having missed only two or three Saturdays, a severe attack of rheumatism one summer not being suicientto keep her at home though she was obliged to remain in the buggy and sell therefrom that season. For the past ten years she occupied the rst table to the right upon entering the market and every one knew her. ' Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham are selling their farm on the Penetanuiehene road. They will reside in Toronto in future. Mrs. Cunningham left for the city on Tuesday morning to he followed later bv her hus- band. A large circle of friends follow them with best wishes. . A very` large quantity of beef was sold at the market on Saturday at 550. per lb for front quarters and 6&0 for hind quarters. Several loads of dressed hogs brought 8305 and $5 10 per 100 lbs. The Last Meeting A Quorum Breaker The Schoo1Board of 189811193` in an Inglorious lIa.nner.. {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCI amen corms nvn cum-rs. THE MARKET. ENFRAL SERVANT ' ANTED byjan. aothi must be experienced. pplv to, Mrs. A. E. H. CRESWICKE. Bayeld eet. 2-3` 7 GENT WANTED to sell the famous R0- . BINIA a positive re for all female diseases. Easy to sell and ood co mission. Address MRS. J. H. BARNEI` . Box . Newmarket. Ont. T 2-31: I , i;`a;;`i..%;;`ai.%u;;L%Mayne _`cgr.ri[_'_' THIRTV _` _ RST AN~NwU' L MEETING; 3-Meeting o the SYDENHAM 'lhe nah _ V -MU U%F INSURA CE COMPANY -will ` h din eCduncil `am %`:mxid,*on TUESD ', J ;.3o 53.31. for the eption lecon of Diredtors. rettiry. 0wq_n'Sound. 4"_______ UARY, 23rd, 1900. at f the annual report and V ES COCHRANE,Sec- 1 . 8th. I900. 2-3 r in the Town of Owen Q The County Council will eet on Tlleldlyg January 23rd. at the C ncilCha.mb_er. Court House. Barrie. at adclock . All parties having ` any papers or documents lay before the Councnl ` must do so during the rs hree days of the session. :5 -r 'a A Iu-rn Mn. 1 Dont fail to see the Milita and Phveical Drills to be given at a Concert in 'nity school room on Wednesday evening. Jan. :7 . The 16 girls who will take part in military costu have been thoroughly Qrepared bv Bandmaster enderson and Captain Lowan. and the drills wil attractive by electrical elf ta. _ V n.:.... vnur rhiltiravv A let them eniov the alwnve . rendered exceptionally ._..._. . .-..._.._...._._.....;.. GRAND OPEFtA ouse ` Friday, gin 12. 1 Ull.Du.l.Ul)I) UULLUSU ilwanaov is well u holding` its character for meritorious train- ing. ithin the past TWO MONTHS it has been unable to comply with the demands made for its graduates. Few colleges can any more than this, ` not many as much. It pavs to attend a good inutitu- M . ._!v ' ` xion. V -'-""`"""""""""""""""""""'e ~------ 4 ___._______..__......______..___.__........._ ARMERS AND STOCK- NERS. do n6t longer break your back ta 2 out manure with ` the old wheel~ba.rxow, but p `in one of our new j |.. . Liam `A->03 nun mime. 1 And last but not Is t, don : miis the `cake walk 1 contest to bejudged __ ythe audience. General ad-` mission. 15cts.. rstj rows. 25. V 2-: ~ ,._.-........_..._......_._.. . Supported by a gI'eat_prod 'ng corps.-. LIo$d'_G. Gibs, greatest Tenor livmg; dun Alexander. _ nmu n.\nnn gnnrnnn - Alien M V V COIIIIIRDI ROL'TON-WHAL Y-In Huntsville, on Dec. aoth, Mr. George Rolston to Miss Maud Whaloy, daughter of Mr. Thou. Whaley, Huntsville. . - OR SALE-Kuitting/zlachinc; good. as new: . first class working rder Applyyat T!-us Abi VANCE OFFICE. - a-4_ attractive by electrical en :3. _ Bting your children a let them emov the always laughable and ridiculo scenes of shadow panto- lI\:lV| d. W. Cook presents the 5; test of all Colored. ' medians. ~ -<=I-+= AND 4 ."59!?; Uibs, greatest 'l'lIOI' IIVIII` 5 ("II INBXIIKIBYI l'l'll!lI. Donna Soprano: A1iceM V Accooe Cbnthlto; and fty others. in theGe 7 Inc omic ovelty. 1` CK` EICTECII1 `week of Jan. 92. Highest cash price Eaold for _Endowment Inoungce Policnea, in reliable mpemes or money I thereon. Apply - I__ I:....`.... w an [us I ` din Min. `Fun. BRO(e)KS_ afspa cog` puma? `felhbfc nd R `rat. and won request our to im work of this dilciptioh. eIpactfuIl_y yo\us_.-V to -Gmuuuua I-lnurzunx. l .% i .. Orders |eft...ol' Tu ' M 1: onniun - dy black about it; ~ uths `and; I I'll?! Excelsior Business Uollsgs, Barrie, ____.. _._u_-u:.... :.. nl-mrncter for meritorious "train- lllla uuu .l . H J the premxses Lot 24 C VIS, Craigvale P. 0. ATr19M29919wn UIGG Kl! IOU 'UID` I will racgveumful . :::: -it-j`.Qhl&c" ' " Fifi?" R SALE--A to Horas: ower, a. Sawin Mach- 0 F inc and a Jack. ; all good order. p Iv on ` premises Co :0, lnnisl or to A. UR- 1 VIE Cmiavale P. 2-312. ,` - ENDOWMENT A INSURANCE Poucuss nmuu comma TO THE FRONT. THE . the pri f_)r ; 3o-ly Janury Session 0 county council- I in each department of the ' > DGENTHM susmsss coma: . `TORONTO.V * T his largest and strongest tchol in Canada. Our Calendar tells you why. Write for it. NEW TERM; by the Real Coons ; . Pticep, a5c., sac. and 75:. Anderson : _'1`heatre*Company; Patrdnized by Next attractio ..-..l. -6` `I... an PIANO j.v:%%-,*;;,'i:i `N one I VOL xux. No. 5 . wuonnms, Snwax. Wnsut`. Pmpriotor. , _ V 9` that we; u its and,_;; A4:-can-aw.-. 54 years. Entert~ainyi1ent. = ....1rRoM....` - _ January 2nd 1.- A- -L Jgnn-in-nub in` `HQ ` nw AI)VER'l`lb8EMEN"l`.7 I 1-IV --- Mouzv To rl `__ , _.'..; v...,-Il.'-L.-.ng` NOTI< W. H. SHAW, `PRINCIPAL. MARRIED. out in DIED. nu `no;-: v. v". --- 717." ABANTING-, I`:-\ (`I nu in! VI`. Box 301. Barrie. Co. CLERK. D I DIV o Secretary. #2-3:P -Meaara Stevenson, Pearoey; H082. 'Pat~ tezson, Brownlee. Love. `Wilkinson and Gross went to Collingwood on Monday night. to take yarn in the bonspiel there on Tues- day and Wednesday under the auspices of the Collingwood Curling Club. ....IN BAR1uE...'. V Her Qualications are as follows : PIANO--Teacher : Certicate with rst-class`. hon- on in all subjects, from the Conservatory of Music, Alma College. St. Thomas. I!I\l\A' A ,.,,_n -1: n--- xv `l)..|.I!.. gt |l:I-.`. K3 5I'% IE3\III III WW ZCIIU VIIIQTD TU I V Special attention is directed to the Choral Clan. which Miss Campbell conducts every Friday afternoon at 4.30 at the address given below. . rs, A. , N, _ ,. 1 ,__4L__ ...__4!_._I-._- -__I-- __..___-l|.- m\"r35Xt:X v;;;1;iiw<:f'..`.l?va_. NI. Roblih, `or Milai, i (I Iv) Conservatory of Musnc. 110-- n_,_,_|_-u ___2n -1-.. .-_-l. Irlgll-. 1 --I- . nvvu nun c.-JV cow nu-up u-wuuvuu .uv cu w-.- -v . For terms and further particulars apply personaily or by letter t9 Nliss Campbell T EXCHANGE BLOCK, st-=0 DUNLOP .ST.,` BARBIE. , Royal Arch masonry. . At -the regular convocation of Signet Chsnter R. A. M.. No. 34. held at the (`hop- _ter Rooms, Masonic Hell." on Tuesday even ing, the following oicers were. installed` by 8.. Ex. Com.'Geo Monkman, P. D._ Super! intendent, assisted by V. Ex. Com. W. J. Hsllett and Ex._Com. J. B. .McPhee : Ex. Com. W.` Johnston, Z. u H A COWGII, 14 H. II Samuel Ship, T V. In . W. J. '.I-Iallett,` 18 8. E. ` E. A `Wilson, .8. N. R. u Geo. Monltman, Tress. u n J. McL. Stevenson, Chen. J. C. Irwin, P. S. F. M. Montgomery, 8. S. _ L A. Ship. J. S. R. King. jr , Jan. W. K. Fouoar. 4th`V. F. N. Warren. 3rd V. _ A. Stapleton, 2nd V. . J. 0. Smith, M.D.`, lst V. J. F. Jackson, D. of C.` Llfleiggfoynz g Stewards. S. Weslev. , - Geo. Monkman, 2 Tw't_9" G. G Smith, - J. 0 Morgan, }Ex. Bd. W.`J. Sutherland, ` 3 %~: l-9.`. %.`.".?,`.' 28% ~rd< F M Montgomery, , . ` F. N Warren, Ex.Com. J. MoL. Stevensen, II II H II II II II H II II II II If H 9| in II H H II II II II II II II llessons in Music. Ivocal a:fd"I5i ir'i6%%Lessons| `sunny; vvuwvn vuuv-_y Va nvpuulvu Miss Campbell will also teach Vlolln Nlllllcy and give lessons in Water Colon. c-__!-| -._;-_.;!-.. __ J!._--L_.I 4.- LL-`mh1|11' H HVFIIUITUIIIIIJ To the shrewd specuiator the some oppor- tunities are open to-day as to others in" the, past. The smallest lot which can be bought {and sold is 10 shares` on 3% margin, making- ; 30 fiollgre; ' !,n,_.,,_,;_j .. 4, I, ._ __.--,_I-;_l-_._ I ' IIV VIUIIDI G0 are conducted can see information and ther- `Itch letter free of charge upon" application by [letterto ' . 1.. ` I GEORGE SKALLER & CO.,A i BANKERS & BROKERS, lVn\van1 'f\ A JIIPI QIIIIIIIE Evan A `YIIK hf Anybody interested as to how epeeulatlonu - [TOWN LOTS! Only a few peonlereading ndiertiuemente of banker; end hbrokeimvoayiug that_mo_ney_ could be made through speculation. renllzei that the richest men in America. have com- menced life in nhumhle way and hnveniade fheilr fortune through stock-exchange specu- o.t- one. o Il-_..I!L_ Y__ lI-__IJ _._I_- :__I._`-j _._ A 3.... '1' UIDUU WIUII IIIB DIIIGII DCVII-I5 Ill v8\IVoVV III I Vsal 1 street. left at his death 70 " millions of dollars; Russell Sage. who worked as a grocerv boy at $4 00 per week, and whose prrsent wealth is estimated at "100 millions of dollars. is still operating the market. al- though 80 years ot age, and so are thousands of others, who are enjoying all the, luxuries life can offer, which is due to their success in speculations. ml` -RQII`M$ `kn QQXIII DIRK- I3 Ulllllo Men like.Ja.y Gould who worked as 3 dry goods clerk in a` small town at $10. 00 a week up to his twentieeh year. and commenced to o crate with his small saving of $200.00 in I an`! nfnnn Inf!-. at `-5- Anal}: n nsnlennn A` ANNUAL MEETING. i ` _ThAnnu-:11`-.e-I;'nir of tho. Want M Simon: A llootgoral sniatsrigt ~%8oelat1;.iL{ % %%\_nyI;o{qv%a:s1ntm:% A- . wsu`sau.uVw.e`%roVrN W % . LAv.`.'..`.`..`.n..1.."..I.~.. 2 ._ A ALLANDALE. Lots 2, 3 and'4. Weet Bnldwin- Street. North Cumbeg-la_ndStteet`. Lots :7 and :8. Jlcobre Terrace. Lots I, 2, _3, 4, 5 and 7. 'South Caroline Street. Lot A. ' East Mg;-y Street. Lot,.5q. _ wan Mary street. Lou. Apply" at ' MFIVIJ R Du8'as- ton

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