Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 28 Dec 1899, p. 2

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_ 7 1G"'. A.._..RADNHURST, Banister, Attorney. A Solncitnr Chancery, Co 0tll.co-'-Fin`; doc`:-Owen Itreot. ovevm Cont: """ """'* 4918- V uonev to logn. aohcngn 1:: High Court of J antic-0, Notnnes Pubhc, tom/_ey'aneen oven the Bank of Toronto, Barns. - * Money in sums 0133.000 and upwards, to loan at 5 no! cant- Auur an Cowam. Ba.-mm. Supreme Court. Mon_ey to Loan. I.I I lBa Proctors. N v Toronto, Fellow ot `Ljrinuy `Mouton wuege, Member of the Cozlegu of Phyeicnans and Surgeons of Onuu-io. Oice and Residence, 38 Owen street. 1.} RIUuo Ed!!!" 110 La?" LOIBOII. KIIIIIET CHI! | mght resu'enee-brown : Block, Dunlap` street, Barring. Teaephone 77. `ITRAIHY & I$STENc - - Ba R. J. F. Pallin , Graduate of Trinity tinivmizy 1) F w of T1-inity'M`ed1caI College, u.....:...- n} the Cmlezu of Phvsiclans Surgeons DR. . c. smm. L.c.P.S., -om., (late of Drs. vie & Smith Orillia.) Office and residence --comer of Owen anti Collier sweets, Barrie. 93-ly DR. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. 8; S , Edin- , , burgh; `M,~F.P._:& 5., Glasgow, member of British Upthalmologncal Society. Specially.- Dneuscu of IS) 0, Eur, Throat and None. OFF lCE.-,-78 Dunlap Sweet, Sanders Block, Bar- rie. opposite Post. Olce and Railway Station. Phone 54.. P. O. Box 96. 7-137 In" uH;lul'GUU UH luv: u- nnnnn our See how -neadlly she goes," said her- moth.-:-. She's a real good girl. and Pa: Io thankful that. win spite of her .1 nooducatlon. she Is always ready to ? . help me. You see. some people thought we who -paplllng her whenwe sent her. to college. `but -she was our only one. ; and we were-anxious that she should l '50 It llt wlte itor a good man. no mat- } at how high :up he might be. We'ye ' soon In many nice` girls make up'wlth youncfmen and marrythem, though `they hadn't more `than $10-.'or"$12 =9. week. and In most cases when 1 any:-: ung out of the -`may happened they` gun to tan .haekon.; their rpnnanI;al`~`_-for -_n_ . An --......- .._...-v.... `-:..`..4.,.'.. `_n.1. `a?`:s`?1z.``a.`3.szS.:1%`.i3i:.3.f u3:?6`;s:`..?: ..:...|.. -.2_l'nnnn_.H|-awn : Block. Dunlap` strc H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN I on Real Estate at. lowest rates. Farmets Notes Diuounted. Colleouons made in any $11 of the _Coun_ty.. .Re;nl estate bought and gold. _ nveyo 12?}?! 2..:"_'.`.'...""......,F ;%.'...-: into:-es No tincipalmoney required: CPI U UUU lreenou: uecunry II; luv . H. STRALHY, solic theterm. l)___3- 97..a9{. MONEY TO LOAN. I We have a large amount of Private Funds to lend at 4} and 5 per cent. -on the security of good farm Mnrnanaeg MCCARTHY. MC- JAS. EDWARD s 9"V`Y5!`,`_9.'3._ c at __-_!.1_.._- (O 4; and cent. on me security 01 goon xarm Mortgages. McCARTHY. PEPLER AND CAR L HY, Dunlap hunt. Barrie. . -' - T. BANTING, Clerk County of Simooe, will . be at his ooe. at the Court House, Barrie, everv Sa_turd4v. Residence and R0. Coolutown. I`Vb I rII`&:II At his oice until 5'p.m.; at his private residence, 68 Mary stteet, after_ that hour. u-ly I H15 Dhh l.'htlV1A\\1 Luxuu vUxurnLV.l- 1 Cargeuterin. Building and manufacturing of Doors, bash. B `ads. Mouldings. etc. Planin of all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ilot Blast Drying Kiln. District ageuqrfor rained lum- ber. Factory-Bayeld Street, B.-uric. ODGERS 8: GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. 'l'ho\Ih's'toIpvthcAwny:1ud uni 1 night. th `lII'0liI~'!l'iOldl} ray. otllght. . . . 4' " AM dim Inimablo In the tight. V It!!! lupwml nits in the dawn; '* A Then. Juwbeyond tho dnrknut. 1100 Ian`! lw0t.`1unl_lghted pu-adhe- _Io bnvmpoor heart. hope `on! i for em, amhcue. eveiy ' I, l or'ovory'-patient. Itaunlinc you. for every ac:-lace made here. When heaven : mystic veil is dnvhl. A duh toward, ten thouaandtold. - '-will cone. with happlnen untold- -lopo oh. dear heu-t..hopo, on! * -Memph| Scld v---vriv-, .-:__.- Wnuane-rox Aux.-r. [rims BALL PLZVESG MILL COMPANY- t`.._....o..-}...-uu R..IA:na ..-ul n.-;....C-..-ou.2.u- nl WIGGIEI DOCIGIV. [Owen Street. Bartie. J OI-LINSON, 8: SARJEANT. BARRIE, Importers and Dealers in Coal: of all Kinds, and -George town, Grey and Guelph White Finiahi . Lime Caunentn nf nil khurlc Pi Ru-In-In nnd Pnntpnm- n _.._ --i-.- .- vv---a nnnnnvonr up..- `avg. v I aw... Gue1ph"v'\'rT.i:e Finish: .Lime Cements of all kinds, Fire Bricks and lglE.skercr'a I-Iii:-. Stnr&nune at thn Nnrtlvnnrn Rnwnu !\`win-In. I ruur. atoluouse 8! we northern nanway avmcn, foot of John street. `near the depot. The bond oi this L ? e is hettet than that of any other `kind. and the- f ash superior. Oico-Comer of John and Elizabeth streets. - i V` G GREGG,` Veterinary Su n. Honor G Graduate Ont. Vet. College, 0110: member Medical Societv. o{oe-A:Baker's Livery Stables. | 1 Owen S7094-at Ran-in. 1-[Inn \.nu.uzunV_ a A_u1 puuxn 1 I Ur uA.K1un gave for ado8:on._1n good Homes. a number of bnght young, Indian children. boys and girls Parties dcairimz them are ask;-d tn cnmmuniaatp whh '\C!ltS OK 811 KIIICIS, life DHCII I130 FIISIOYBTO ' I-hit. Storehouse at the Northcrn Railway Switch. foot of lohn street. near the dm-mt- The hand nl HE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OF BARRIE havc ad lion. in good A` I.-inks |vt\uunnu%n--4`:-n._ nL:IJ_._ Lg-.- __J -.:-I- glllllllilllllHlllllllllllllllllIlllllllIlllllllllillllllllllllllg ox ungnr young uunlalnn cnuarco. boys and girls Parties dcairin them are askcd to communicate with the Secvetary. EV. W. R. MCINTOS H, Barrie. 1-ly , lEWS_0N & CRESWICKE. barristers. Solici- tors of the Susm: Court of Judiaturc of .--.:.. nix:-inn. Convevnncen. etc. "'e'a'.;a`xa.:;.'aa's+.'&: |uc'romr AT mmoo. , ; TORONTO * wETMAKE.....--V- Sewer and % lCulvertPipes` M All Elan: fpnnfl. a..- Q. 24 in. ITHE*llNIAHI_5_l!_[_H_j 1|_ _[ 30.1 L` I_X `Q I MARRIAGE Lucius: ISSUER. THE edial that "cui: $3: hots}; `3";....,... )2. w. A. ROSS, Rh sicau. Sun I) 1`, Q RA:n,, l._R ..P._ Lnndun` Drugs and Chemicals III IV tau .uu1.'n'vua I-I-I950 yuan... - help. I Of course "we ve got `.11 mt]; jomathlng-laid by. but don't intend bur daughter to depend on that when the cell married. Betterjtay singlev and bid! at home than"-da that ? 3 . _ - `rhea was only one lnterprgwtiol whleh`Mr. Sopor eoiualxl =hd*..tor thin" ....--_n. n_-|...n..- .n.-'.n'nn7..=.... 110` r; Vmtiu. for ice cream. for instance: BAKING Pownuz. for cakes. One is a. drug. of course ; the other a chemiml"; and there are still othern-SPICES .of all kinds. cream of tartat, etc. ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY In the Kitchen. The bestT %lace to get d;-ugs in at a. DRUG STO" . The druzfist knows moreabout them than other peop e. We keep 2 good drug store. Come and ask us ` about Kitchen Drugs. muuxmms DRUG STORE t _ 92 DUNLoP;s'r. BARRIE. . '1`. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oce in Bothwelfs Block. Alhndale. On the ptemiseg at night. .._.._....-___.-_..__________.___.._._..___._ I ' 4-:.lv 1 Olllltyo .l\uiI uilaw uuugusasuu uvlua vv-nu, If in `all in branches. Marriage License . Oee--Rou Block. Dunlap street Bu-tie. Al-III- V Kl-l-8|;o; l;o;n`4_in._t.; :4`lm Also ' - . Oonaootions. |AnllIOn| -auuu nIunJ\-a, VETERINARY siinanons. PROPER'r`l:f_~oR SALE. .7.:;':;:.. "sB'cxT.``a'5&. `:'"sfo'o "s1 7i week allusion; and that was that the C9100! and his wife had seen hVlsfl%1k`lngV :f!ot"Buhgl and _wan_ted it .Lun`dgrstod. -iliwthey. ;v,v,b,u1s! W.7!|!!13I` %obJe.* 1. 1,313! Ii, 1 Iqnrln-law. .. A lg`-in 4In'uIn Iuban} Ill--`|IA`A!L!`AlIv'II in .Pa -5.- 4 ADVERTISE "." wlirri son PRICES: MANUFACTUBE8. PIIYSILIZINS. EOR INVESTMENT on good freehold security at lowest rate of pinn'nnl- mom-_v rannil-ed until end of FINANCIAL. TIn'IGAI:.o_ ornxcnn. :0 VII 43-ly % , .: W If Q? IV I A few days later lnnthe evening 9. % church, mgeting was held.%an;d ltbe -=p_as- ; for apoke very_p,la_ln1fy Vgljltitjut My salary`; 7LIi.|`7_l,I9 fl,.'Ill,m'9J97 .I 9iv1+i!19!b9?5. 13*" .13`: yo -,0. ~..L'..I'.;LlA.' TI`- '5 ,. .'--.'I ` Z dy- CC ca-V.-. -..._--- `A. E. H. Cuswtcxx. aqulreu unun can or Y. Solicitor, Etc.. `I ! 3W3` III-B OI qntil end of ._...- I25- 5Noi=c1'HERN Aovmce :mm?rIsIm= mm In! A 01300!-Nrlors ,; 1j9p.Io_t1bI':l*iun.nunnnnn um 5;, g tong: corms. if not quite. double that of any other paper published in Bame. '_'.s_n'vxn'nsnns snoum NOTE rm: no-1-in 12 `lines solid nonpareil make 1 inch. T jruxsmxr Aivnnnsnxnnrs. indertion 10 cents per line, each subse- qudufginsenion 4 cents per line. Raiding nmimas. 10 cents nor line Mr Gm. 1 V9`! 53 W IIII`-7. ' . Raiding names, 10 cpnts per hne for first insertion ;' 5 cents per lme for each subsequent insertion of the same _ma.tter. All items nn. jde;.'5I1ines, of this chanacter, charged as 5 linen. ' . ._ IIIIGI. .' 1` Legal, Olciall and Government advertise. menu will be charged at above rates. GONTBACT ADVERTISING. Contract `advertisements will be taken at the following rates! wlnch are drafted cu cor. not commercial principles and will be strictly adhered to. There will be only one price for elk ~ puny`:-o In val dh}a}}' :i'_i'a?3spe `ia;}:'"ti: Eu} `pulpit `be: use_d . simple.-T language and % % bomb *l|lustra.tIon8"nd=.~%lnever~ talked ; .`x: r-pqu_uaior; letug-e(I;9;f!IOYl. %buz.I;4ep `Fin one month--the three monthly rite with 15 per cent. added. ' in... fun; vnnnH'|n_.f`\A fhron nunnu vafn m;"I"'reyi:: in the paper will be sold at an advance of one-third on above rates. This xule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHAN GES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisements must be handed into the office not later than Saturday at l0'o c1ock, and the copy for such change must be in Tux ADVANCE oice not later than 12 o'clock nlm on Monday in any week, otherwise the advertiser s aunouncem ent may not be made public until the week fol- lowing. I0 nhnviunn nf Avnrhnomnntn nllnwml nor N Wllau LU pvt cunt. uuumn - `For two months--the three monthly rate with 10 per cent. added. f"D:-afar-rad nnuinnu in tho nnnnr will he. JUVVIIJSO 12 changes of Advertmements allowed per year. It more are required, composition rates will be charged. A.-'luu.~.-Ham-u mill nnf Ln onnu-mt` in new {hair VVLLI UU Ulla! Ulla Advertisegs will not be allowed to use their space for "advertising anything outside their own regular business. Should they do so transient rates will be charged for such ad- vertisemems. Condensed advemsements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and tound, property for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc., etc., must be accvmpanied with the cash, and will be inserted- hrst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but 9. reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed four. V Cuts for advertisements must In every case be mounted on solid metal bases. b Scnoecu-: &. SMITH, Rnmmsnx-`r -ms Fouowmc FIRE Insuzuxcz Coumxms: The Mercantile, now ailiated win. The Lon- don & Lancaahire of England. Secur- :Ouv (nu l'Il\l\ luvs nu , yuapvv-qvvv The Waterloo -Mutual, of Waterloo, Ont. Tothl assets, $334,083. ` The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. Ont. Total assets. $303,078. Also Lloyd's Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, of New York. Cash capital, $250.- 'f:f"Parson's Safam. Anavzlme Sun Loan and Savings Company of Ontario. Private funds to loan on first mortgages. Ac counts collected. &c. T Oice over Hendenonp Hardware Store, Barrie. Ont. . SCROGGIE 6:. SMITH . Contractors. Builders. Manufacturers. &c. l)0 |'5- Sssh. Blinds. Mouldin . &c. Planing and Dressing of every description one on shortest notice. Hot Drylfnge Kiln. Estimates fumished free of chafzf 011,811 kind: of wood work and bunldmg matcna - The Factory is bein remodeled and furnished wiglhl ,th'lntest wood W01` '1: machinery, so that we WI he ._ab1_e go handle all 'nds' of work promptly 3 . See our work and get our pnces. F ac- V|'!o Bayijd street. north ofthe FoundrY- '- I__\ . n A\1II`I\T R. EON. PROVINSIAL BUILDING AND [DAN ASSOCIATION. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $5.ooo,ooo. OFFICE.--Next door to Bank of Toronto, Owen Street. Barrie. I I-1) Agent Standard Life. London Guaran- tee and Accident Co... Provincial Blnldlng and Loan Association, etc. 5BAH|E l0AN & SAVINGS 80. t ' INCORPORATED 1881. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, 4 Per cent. Interest. Paul on Deponmn The Security for Depoeitora in a Loan _ company is undoubted. Roee _ new} mock. south side Dunlop street out of the Poet umoe. 8~lv .The security todepositofa in a Loan Co'y is un- doubied. There is no instance on record wherc deposition has ever` made a loss bv a Loan Co'v. I Canadian Branch Ofcc. Head` Office. MONTREAL. LONDON, ENGLAND M. C. HINSHAW. SAM-I PIPK11`. Branch Manager Manager. oooATLASooo Aaeannnnnnr ,1-nnnnnluv n bhg:.uad*unv.c,19,U|! W '5' n the Mn: ~o! anumumkleu < L.n_4I--J"nA` 1-an-U `lhl? I'll? "`~'\Ol1l'II`\ulhn \l\lIIII rII- I - Capital, 36, , Founded 1303 Applica.tio:I?<:?xs furnished and rates quoted by GEORGE PLAXTON. AGENT. ...I.. n-..:- 41.. nm... :. 12.-..s......I1'= Block larrlo Planing Mill. of work. 'agN'%l`3`:9c[0l` `IN mJs'1`BY. and W` our aim 'o'ur&xir;~sPnosALonnl9"9 Am.-;= Jeri:-:4!-s:unn M- 1 LAUNDRY John Rogerson, Fire and Life Assurance. % A. RANRTN a. son. Contractors. &c. D0 |'5- :..n. 'm:..a. M;...m:_.. s... D|...:.mnmi Dressmzr IJUI-I XJJBLJU ity, $z5.ooo,ooo. .- 'l'I7nLp;-1;s4; `I ooota .1. .144-Aszvooo ASSURANCE - COMPANY. n_-I Oz ___ _ , DA...-And INSURANCE AGENTS coNv:vANc:as, ac. ' counxxszn ADVERTISEMENTS. s. LALLY. _._BA1RRl E '-D Iclinn.V28. 1899. IORGE PLAXTON. AGENT. Barrio Ont. Oee in Bothwelfs Block te will. oqe-third ;A......a.'I.. -_-..._`..J _._._ I 0! H15 FUUIIHIJI A. RANKIN & SON. -Hl` U I I h\' -5..- 1-natal ' C0llV,Bl'u:uo - `_ "I am qultejawuvout my. I +- tlons.'?- Mr!` Sopor um. and gun ready _` tb removethpmv and Inyu'el_t out or your - sight and hearing. but I want ltnndir- sto'od that you hate covenanted with me to pay me "so much a. month and- you haven't done lt.i and I -must either live on credit or starve. ` nn'I_-_ .Il_-.I --. 4uau'C Q . IIVU UI-I I-'l'Illlp III `wuss vvo _ I I `Tve `lived on credit uyd trtdedwon credit," said Deacon Sitter. and mo- bodybthinka the worse of me. but then I never was a contessd pauper, - -1 uI_-...L_. L- l=t-.. -um nnnl ` I. never Wu: G vvuuwwwvup-u...w.g You are atllberty to live on again," Mr. Sopor said. lmtras 9. Chris- tian you am not at liberty` to force your pastor to do so. It would be o.-`disgrace to the Christian name. L. o - ----A..I_... .-..-up auaunuun _` I0 (I12 Uuuauuu ucuuw. The meeting grew sbarunyend tad-` l journed without any attempt to pay l the pastor s salary. The very nextday, however. somethlng.ihap'pened `to -ren- ` der the pastor less anxious about his salary. He received a letter. informing him that `an uncle had died. `leavlxu him an estate of over $200,000. Justus it was growing dark he started fntor the deacon s store. -intending 1:o~sm`ooth things" over about the salary. ".l`he-dea- -_.. 1. .... .. hm! wanna mm; in Jun. `pl-lIII` vvva `II-Ilvuv v-v ---.....,- ___-, ___._ con, however, had` gone home to rill]!- per and Mr. Sopor directed `his -steps toward his dwelling. He found `-the door ajar and was about to knock with " 1 ` his knuckles on the panel when the ` door opened and a `small parcel was t ` thrust into his hand, and the .heard_12he ' 3 stern voice of the .d eacon'.s wife: ` l . Thenei `Take that and :be`o' with : you. And don't you come -loaiinz. around here .agaiu." `"3 The door _ was banged in !his -face. He stood "d-umtonnded. Then :he `turn- ed away with -.a sigh and went toward his boarding '.-house, still holding the parcel. When `she reached his apart- ments, he struck a match and lighted his lamp. Then he -looked down at the parcel which he -had laid on the table. It was `vcovered with :a piece of brown paper. He took it up. felt the weight `of it and wondered what it e could be. He `had once lat .-a '-lamp to ` Rachel tor her bicycle, but it didn't ' feel like that. _So he -slowly removed the. wrapper and round within-_-two slices of stale bread with _a `slice of = cold meat between them! ----A' ----I- 'fI1InIan> tram Q COIU. HIUIII UCLWXAI -buiiluo - His heart` sank. This was indeed a wicked act, a most unprovoked insult.` It was throwing the a bone and then kicking him out. - T `C - _A a___ .1- _ -14.-.. Ska annnn.dHlI\O"\K10 Luau Iucluug uuu vum Next Sunday after the preu:hing"Mr. Sopor told the congregation , he was going to have. ` 1111--- -_... nu- CA1-nu run `GA Ilnl|l"h' WEB gum}; in nenvu. You owe me four or ave months I I salary. but Pll make .atp1vee en1: of it to ` i the church, he said. "I am sorry I've had to complain of poverty because of your failure to pay me what you covenanted. . Still 1 am ggatetul that at least '-one among` you showed a dis- position to help me. I went towche door of one of the members the other night, and the lady of the house kindly thrustthis parcel into my hand. - u.-I.1 .._ 41.- -Qnunnn` nnatnn Cf nn IIULII I am not informed what the congre- gation said or thought. I only know -that while the people in the village were at dinner Deacon Sifter wen-t_ round to the pastor and carried him away to `the Sifter dwelling. Mrs. Sitter had i recovered snmeiently from hysterics to talk between sobs and - .spasms. This was the explanation she gave: 4 -I---..A. -1. .I....I. .. 5-no-an nan-in On flu` Ullflllsl; lulu puuxu uuv 51.: He held up the mrcel,JopT:.n.e`d it and e exhibited the two slices of bread and i the slice of meat. There was consterna- tion all around. but most or all in Deacon Sifter s pew. as the pastor held up the sandwichjand turned it in dis- terent directions so that all might see it. Then he pronounced the benedic- tion. , . ._--____-.n ._.I._A. LL- -...........>_ rguvw. Just at dusk a trump came to the I zihouse and asked for `something to eat. Mrs. Sitter put up a pig. substantial -sandwich and handed it out at the door tmthe tramp. as she supposed. for it i --was pretty dark. and she saw only the outline of. a ` man. ;She accompanied the-gift ` with. the admonltions already-. `recorded . ' Afterward L, she was .~ sorry she shad given the rogueanything,_ tor- shelzound that her husband's overcoat was goneand was sure that while she was getting the `sandwich the` tramp had entered through the unclosed door and stolen the garment. ` ~ . rt`- lA.`,A.'.-....-J A-A. LI`:-L .IQ...I. -.`A\- `HA nuu UILVIUI-I Luv `III LHVIJM So unturned` out that Just after the tramp had absconded with the coat the pastor come up to the door. and hence thls_sto'1y.' . V 4 T >::._- 1-.._.. 31.1.14. I-__._ LL- -l...-_..L- Iv!-IID W Mr.1 Sepor .didn t leave the church,` and he.did' marry~Rachel, and [am going down next week. it all be well. to seethe laaby.-Brooklyn Citizen. Mirrors In Show Wlndowl. Eectlve results in show windows we often produced by the aid or mir- rors. doubling the exhibit, or even seeming indenitely to extend it. A curious illustration of the el!ective- ness of mlrrorsvln such use was shown in a window of a. big `toy store. Ranged` lncompanles and battalions. following one another upon :8 foot wide strip of glass raised above the door of the win- dow and extending along closeto the: ...window` in front .;and t. along the entire- wldth of it; `wd_1s_a long. column "of; to!-._ .soldlerI. marching. `.;9g`._V: seeming" `to ? -x_:|.1;trc:h.v,4;t,l)e,`flz`urest ilyeingigs-ll ;ln .Inqrch- l "3?8l`51t1`d.`+J At th9fs1s!!9 ofxthe Win: do! W? Igmlrror i !t't! cal.1r.f ; i ,,,1'IIh.si1n`. back i `then ltmnrl;ate tli, mi ua:rat:` Jdi`ts_'_;;:e- i 4-; rwrnsr-sh! - T the Church Wu` `loo Poo:-tots? Johupohaat Wlndport.` down on Long Is- .;g,.o,nd E0 Wogt Without V _ -'-` ` I7 _; `v; _..... kla nal! nhnr0n,.`.!In L` " Vxyyuunao-:1-or-'s:i:Ap:g_tar. he o'clock iinzthe nimihk: The .4 Vince clatter! over thr"cohBleatonI`in the tleet. glide: smoothly upon the paved driveway in the city hall` g:-'oun and drawn up, suddenly in the `radiant '0i1'ClE'j"lnI dE_`_"b i"i.`hE"SN! light i fro t of,the Receivint hospital. -_ D \J.!-I-I_ ..|... |.-_..:...I .a......... ......- -..A ' l.'l'0llI 012, Ill! l`.|vI.'I:lVIll' uuuy -They `lift the, stretcher out of the am- hulance and carry it into the hospital. It Qluickly the hospital` doors open and the steward Vrnnseout to.-lend a hand with the stretcher. Although for most per- sonsit: isjlongznasthedtimes a small and curious crowd has gathered from the. out- er <!(\rknes s_`to' `what -the tronhlels. "heady ? T calls the steward. - V.-Xye." answers the policeman. sags `low in the `middle under the weight of a body. From beneath the blanket the head of a woman protrudes. nmI_- I- _-.-.._ 04- old. Iunnhnn-an OH. ueuu OI. ll,WuuII.II ptuu uucuc -"She ls young for this buslneu, the policeman ejaculates as he helps to lay "his burden upon a leather covered operat- ving table: nu... .-:..I 8.. andn. lnnnnailuln gn on-nan. lug uuues V The girl is quite` lnsensible and groans faintly. Her yellow halt has come un- done and her, head seems to reston the table in a bed of light. She has a doll-' like. pretty face. with small features. and . her clothes are poor. but not shabby. ol'I' -......:..I. I mccnnnu fhn nnllnnmnn Eel` CHJLIICS Ill`! |JUUl'g UIII. uvv quay-ug- -"Lovesick. I suppose." the `policeman remarks. while the surgeon and the stew- ard are busy making ready. Her fellow went back on her. maybe. and then she did it. `It worries me-what tools these girls are." . . t on A II ..:...I.d- -nun 9" 6|-mg alnnfnr nnvtn, Will le p0ll(.'Elnlu.l I5 sun uuluugo. "I found her [lying on the sidewalk in =1 quiet corner. g`Poor thing, thought_ I, Q and rung for the wagon- "-A ----nnannuus afanba l\`I* CI, gms are." "All right now," the doctar says. Will everybody but. the steward and the ma- tron. please retire? in... ............I .M-nIm- oh. nnnm-tm-II nml 1'0 - please l.`EI.ll.' I The several attaches. the reporters and _ the policeman walk into the outer oce. The policeman is still talking; on a........a 5.... 111:1-no An Hm aidawdlk in anu rung ml` tut.` was The surgeon sticks `hlishead out of the A `door of the -operating room and follows it with his body. He is-wiping his hands on a towel. The poiicemanysprinmirto his feet. . . . Doctor. is she dead? Not yet. Carbolic acid? No. , _ What was it. then? Plain whisky. ' The git! II merely ` Wucu. reputuuvua usc; uuguu. uuuuu - _ Perhaps it is best for us all that the trout is not gifted with eloquence like the ` eel and gizzard shad. ._Perhaps, too. it were better for us to continue on-merely - a glancing acquaintance, a gastronomical ` acquaintance. It-shes talk. they:might I even betray `us to ourselves and take ` ;- away from us the joy of our own decep- 1 ; tions. Nevertheless. it is a qhestion tor i debate whether the noises produced by i . ` certain sh can be considered as a lan- guage or as expresions of the emotions , Iraught with meaning. Withoutadoubt '1 are shall` soon be in receipt of a batch of -communications from mountain resorts and watering places throwing light on thezmatter of sh talk. and it is not im- probable that we may` learn that some Bostonian scientist has already prepared .. stable 0 codsh sounds and their mean- -ings so at a sherman may` sit still withzline or net and callthe sh zto him ` It .will.-San Francisco News;Letter. to mt the 'QI)!'ULl'-GI. VY Illl-Dglvslpy I-v vv-- v- --v._ -,, land. `It was his rst charge.-sand her Ioon*bexan'to.thlnk that. whenahe was called-to the ministry. eltherthe wrong `Johnlopor answered the telephone or the message was-a take one. `One of =tlIO7=ut things he found out was that. thovchurcb was In debt and willing to become more so. For a month or two whole or his miserably "mall salary. Then he got only part of mass nally he found It necessary to .-upon,-lt-' about the condition of things. ' -n....m amen was the chief man In I I .1 lmncnsh and Danish Back. and the i - .Dolsh as quite Noisy. It is freely. admitted that sh that ut- ter sounds `are not rare to a remarkable extent. but to translate these sounds into the English or an) other language and be able to appreciatethe feelings ot the den- izens of the deep at various thrilling ; stages of their uncertain cancers is be- yond the ken of ordinary mortals. We are told that a sherman out at sea land- ed a strange fish in his boat and that the nny captive `immediately opened its mouth and began to grunt and groan so ` loudly as to attract attention. The sh- I erman took it up and was so convinced :- that it was talking and begging tor:liber- i ty that be tossed it back into the brine. `[4.-A wnnndnnl I`lll fh nninn Inlh h` L IGIII drunk." ty tnatlne I055? II. UICIS ll.|l.U mu: lllll-IIFQ ' More musical than the noise made by l any sh is said to be thatot the-eel. _ while the loudest sound uttered by ash is that of thedogsh. Both the lungsh ; and the drumsh utter singular barking ' sounds of peculiar resonance, and whales have been known to cry out as it torthelp when they havebeen stranded. 0!-the 1 salmon and _the trout little has -:been ; learned so far as sh talk on their part is concerned, but this may be due in a measure to the fact that the man with the rod has never felt inclined to devote- nis ear to patient listening ot a well stocked stream. If these favorite sh could talk. what tales they might unfold, l what reputations they might blast. ' l)....I........ 34- 8- lame Inn us all I-Iunf tho A Queer Gold -0011. Colonel J. J. Sullivan or the Central ` National bank is somethlngot a unmis- lnatist and owns many rare coins. among them a gold eagle of the date of 1800. in splendid preservation. and a _$50 gold- piece minted in 1851., ll`.he_re `are but two ` other such coins in Ohio ran for as known, one held by the First National hanlto! - Pomeroy and the other by -the First Na- tional hank of Fremont. The piece is not v I infthe, least unwieldy. In Ihape it is oc- tagona_l.. hearing the `date -sand the. full na`m"e_o_f the asqayey on th e.rim. while the = Vrev,erue..'3showing nothing but ne-`lathe ..n:_nes.A :_th e_ numherl "50.? -' Colonel .; L nllivan , was` tax; year: nding .thlsV-`S50 eo'_l,n.-`undo priz_,eu;,lt.:tar beyond its intrinsic -`.1 nine .-I-Gleige_l1`x,Id "Plain . Dealer. ` .80 Made Allowance. _ A %French journal reports the case of a man who entered a coee house and out ` down near a customer who`was reading the -morning newspaper. which belonged to the establishment. . 11. : AL-.. ..._.. -!LI. LL- nun-nA- IC Iran ylzuc, aulu but ucwyvuacnc - The othemnan nodded assent and went on neadingnbut at the end at half an hour had hardly "finished the first column. I.._4. -- 5|... nu-.503-um ....`.4-n.-nni- null ID '-l{1l!: .I:aI.uuuauI.ucuI.. .. _Atter you with the paper. It -you please." said the newcomer. . V II`)... -41.... man nnrh-Ind nannnf and wan! Illlll uutulg uuuuucu uac ulna v..u-uuu... . Just as the waiting cuVsto_met1-_ was about -making a second and perhaps im- patient application he` noticed that the .......I.... -I-.n A Inn-O Ann :1! Ida nu-an.nI nf patient -appucauon ue nouceu tum. use readerjhad lost one of` his ot-gins of light. His resentment vanished. _ Al. I! nah] Kn Sn a. hunt vninn "T IDDUI Luvhvuuusuvu vs V.-...... Deacon Sifter was man R th0~church.~ He had the `reputation of_ being well to do. He was themncipal -Itorekeeper in the village and lived zaway trom his business in anwoid fash- toned `dwelling. racing on -the main mtnlt. His daughter Rachel was 1 a "very charming girl oil 19 or 20. All the young men around were anxious for hot" `acquaintance. But Rachel Ihad re- `Mind a good education .-and was, moreover, sincerely pious and had no `tilts for the boorish'manners.":uncouth ~`~IpOIeh and careless habits :ofr.most..of ithozyoung men around. The new pas- *tor~'was a very dierent man from the strong. and erect. with a madly tace -an'd='~3entle methods. He waswwell "in- formed and knew how to talk and 'did'n'-t` assume .an air of superiority, as some young pastors do. I think that it is`!-mt to say at once that he tell in "3070 -with Rachel and that she was -willing and glad. Neither is it neces-' III`: to say that he visited the deacon s ihonso ottener than any .otherin Wind- DON. "was miserably small. So when '.it came in regularly. it was barely enough to ply his living expenses. When `it ceas- \sd*o-~oome in, he was taken :aback. -60 he went to the deacon and ":had a long tallrwith him. and the deacon * Ilid" herwouid see about `it. ...u. u. ..... .. mm on amsoilv n.-I.nos- Halve said that the pastor's.-salary ` Ilgnt. D.ll'l'U3t:|.lLlllCul. vauwucu. - _ = Ah." said he =in-.av low voice. lam not surprised. The poor. man has only one eye and has -to xreadeverything twice over." T . In ltaly5he.'l;3ing-:;;-{end `to salt at ta- ` ` ble wutormerly thought to be an Indjcoa ljtion of undue tamiarity. , and when `salt V1,!!! by dnevgeheman to the wire - ` co! `anjothetzlt . wu-cdeemed sutcient emu _ |V.`*=A%ie'#-tV-I-r%%4===s' <:uwe**n- F 'PIlCI! Oocbkry. . -V"Jo 7 ~_`l8 \!_,. l'h.1I"Vt'ie has one via; '?utllt!`..u:tacoo :1. 1. . W V [ B :v-"-~13h!I~InnI-%%n-av m c1oN1 of % ,|..I`I-7">.. FlSH `rm:-uh UTTER "SOUNDS. gnnomsamn} A'DY ANQ!_ =o=~:: u-y1i.ud.'~1 The~,'perty'e_mb .. retaties Blaine and AWiudom uud otherp. They were tortuuute enough to hear an . testaut - Eniieenll. bi:-hope of Mt-rt: land. w.ho;._wu there. to __ -administer the s;.cce._Il<.mt..c .verI.nonh Atom. the. venertbk rite of conrmation. President Arthur and: the two. secretarieo sat in `quiet out-L istleteion. But their 'pe_a.ce or mind yau ; suddenly` dispelled; The oertory wu ; sung. At the familiar -words. Let your Night to . shine before omen. e_tc.. the presi- 'deut' and the secretaries each quietly ' dmpped 1 hand into in pocket. . . ur -... _..a- .... om. cam-a.'nlvpn tn-gum-en N . `II ,6 Va . Lay not up for younielven treasure: hearth. \ _ . '.. _ >Wl.ndo1_n_ drew forth .1 crlp 81 note and `held it betweeuhly thumb and tore- nxer. ready tor the upproaching plate. '.l.`he;preeideut and Mr.` Blaine went : lit- tle, deeper into their pockets. Ono brought up a nickel and the other a dime. Their -faces ushed. `It would never do to make such a contribution. 4111.9 A.I__A. --_...c|. lid-lrln aha noun do to mane sucn u L'0lll.1'Iuuuvu. He` that aoweth little shall reap lit- tle. and he that iowethplenteously gall reap plenteously. `D " " God -love I cheerful giver. . mu- ........:.a....+ ......+ am hi: nnnkethook `3.`i`?3e.con and his wuze atterwthls fllld their heads together. They shad ; ._ncg: the pastor : llklng for Rachel :'|.3d:fO1t; rather attered. taklnx W101` .._.',.:hat.. a young man who had -`pant yearslat college. always dressed mu: sud: had: accepted the charge ofso __-._ - -I.......I.. -nnal ham: 4: bond Bin- cheertul giver." .- The president went to his pocketbook A and the secretary of state` his vest pocket with nervous ngers. - _ uII-_-I.-.-.. ..4....A lamb}: ant` (l`l` nnfn mun `nervous nngura. Zaccheus stood forth and said uhto V the Lord. `Behold; Lord. the half of my goods I give to the poor, and it -I have done `wrong to any man` I restore tour- told. nun- ...I_;.- _.-... 1`:-"1' Canto nnilr -n-wnv. I01. ' What the president found in his pocket- b ok was one $50 note and a $10 green- 'back-nothing smalier. What Mr. Blaine found was two $10 notes-V-nothing .small- , -~- III- ...-4. I- .. ..:nInsI sup n (Hung (.1111 The 'plate was only four pews zoo.-way. % font! was [W0 QLU IIULEE-V'uu;uIug uuauu er. To put in a nickel or a dime only -was not to he thought of. To give $10 was more than either caredto do. Each looked at Windctn sitting there calmly with his dollar note in hand. He shook his head. . 1 Charge them that" are rich in this L world that `they be ready to give and i glad to distribute. glad to -l1lBt1'lDuu:. A There was no time for further pocket exploration or consideration. With `a smile of commiseration at each other and something like glee on Windom s placid `countenance, the president and p the secretaryfor state each plunked down` ; his $10 notettor the poor of this congre- 3 of the party afterward. that the Lord would probably give them credit only for the dollar or "two which they intend- I ed to give. }.gation." Andthe worst otit is. said one lhe Was Pleased. . The young man has only recently-rtaken up photography and is an ardent enthu- siast. He persuaded the girl to whom he is engaged to pose for him. She was seated in a `hammock. and he stood di- rectly betore her when he took the pic- A---.- I- .. A... an 1-urn ha nl-nnlv or- recuy oexora BBL vvucu uv um- um y... ture. In a day or two he proudly ex-. hibited the result 0! the sitting. Sh gave one glanceat it Ind then handed it back. ' A rDon t you like it?" he inquired. "I don't assume to. criticise. was the . reply. . ur n..m..I.o .80 -an -nrnffv road `for I. reply. * * thought -it was_'pretty good -for 1 rat attempt, he insxsted. T ' u'n-..L-_.. um- `I -on alga! van are-nnfc I} attempt, nu Iuuunuzuo Perhaps it-la. I am glad you are sat- lsed with it. Of course it might. be better. Do you think it looks like me? Yes. e V I Then, Herbert. I am content." ' But you don t seem very cheerful over i II ` V Perhaps I don't ahow it, but that pho- tograph haa made me very happy.- uvn 5...... . fa-ulna mmln far it and tograpn nus lnlluu me very nappy. I ll have a frame made for it and give if you." A an... .1 .1.-.-'+ wnnf fn lmon if- hnt it ""31-IUU` LIEU` uuvcyuvu sun. \n-I--av V. .. rpoor. a- church must have a good in- .`oomo.;apart-' trom his profession. The ` malt was ~=that husband and wire i rammed that; :the pastor : visits must zbmdisoouraged. as they expected their daughter to marry a man of means and -not-span-per.;.no matter how good he `uijht 'he. @It.cou1-so it devolved on Jul. xiitter to diet the pastor `under- rltlnll in an ohand way the views of ihorsoit and hemhusband as to their ex- zpoctations about Rachel. ' T I ..n.. ._n..n thmnnntor called soon atto on." No, !I don't want to keep` it. but it lls me wlthljoy, nevertheless. They say that when beauty fades aection van- ishes. =but wlien I realize that you can` see me depicted with hands and feet like those without breaking out engagement I_ amWconvinced that there can't be any doubt about your loving me when I am % -old."-Exchange. UIIB IIBII VII` vvlnnnvu `I %Flatho1_1se life has its peculiar `draw- hacks, one or which in the habit some women have otcarrying on conversations with -their neighbors through the airshatt regardless of the fact that sound ascends so ,-readily that persons living above them, though out of sight, must hear what is said. The tollowing conversation came oating into the writer's at last week: . u1-.4I-.-L -nun .'rn Innnn? I hoard van nouang IIIIO lull! Wlfltcl D Iuu. uses W993: lszthnt you. `Mrs. Jones? I heard you had- . V Oh, yes. Mrs. Smith. such 1 tright I never got" in all my- uY\4.._ tuna. I burn: I lnhnnl hnvn (Ed never :50: Ill uu my - -Dear me! I .know_l should have died 1 It burglars had broken in through my- ve`1`.At.:t`l the loss. rs. Smith! All my sil- . spoons an - Not your silver backed hairbrush ? m`;tY es. just that. But -I have one com-V '`v5vha 1`. that. clear Mrs. Jones?" I I heard that they broke into that stuck up Mrs. Brown's at in the next street and left her positively nothingl-_ 1 New York Tribune. -V XI! dtllllllt-I- IUYRDII-no A little girl tell of! the dock at High Bridge. Her mother screamed for help. A stray Newfoundland" dog responded to the call, rushed down the dock and. see- ing the situation, jumped into the water, caught the girl and swam with her to the dock. Then a policemanran down, swung himself over the dock and lifted first the child and then the dog to land. 11,`. |_._.._ -3--- __ -li-_-.I ._L!I.u...-`In-4'... IJIIBI. cue Uullu uuu Lucu LLIC uvg 1.v nauu. Not long since an alleged philosopher proved to his own satisfaction, in a mag- azine article, that animals do not` rea- son." ~11 this dog. now adopted by` the police of the High Bridge precinct. did ` not reason." did the policeman who took him. and the girl from the water mason? -Brooklyn Citizen. . : - Any Port In 3 Storm. A I'm sorry, colonel. said the foreman to the vetei'anAeditor. but your editorial on the death of Major Short is no good." , What do you mean. sir? He's<.do_ne got well," . . A T That-'3 too bad. But just. switch it around to his grandfather. .: I'm certain he : _ dead, for `I: kilied him _my|elt.7'-e-_At- ~ lent: Gon:titutiou. , AT "Have I tot 211.9 `pleasing, expansion you want?" asked Mr. Gubbins. `av-.. -3- ......Ia...a vol... ..n...4......'...1.... = nn;%N}a11?6:I.75a'TL: My nus; bgnd -don"-t ihtve, to`? he in fbnliueu any Ilene 'He ;_5uIt Iszentleman now; - it.:._.` n|.';.'.._...;_vm.'.;. - _l----..L $01`: LII: I JUI5 u:vIu.n:uun| uv n Bltigore-Thhgvvmuit be uznleuant tor `Inux. -h--gPIA|ll`:u "`lpAlph!u~ V. ` zpocuuouu uuuuu nuuuca. Io when thmpastor called onward and wsmhaving a. pleasant con- 1 variation with sschel in the parlor her another `hustled in `and greeted Mr. Iopor-with muchvs -ervor. She sat down and -tllkotl about:-the weather `and the crops -and the Sunday school and the lltrd -times. Then she" suddenly rs- nmnbsrsd . that she wanted something tron) who store -eld supposed - that. ilsohsi -.wouldn t mind` fetching it. schei -at -once rose, excused herself sud departed on her mission. e llgg -Lg-uv nnnt`w h GAQQ " ."`:`Y:s':u `s;r. :;eup:li:i. . m[,>`l;:t.ogrhpher. Ithink that will dq very well. ' nun.-- L.`..'..... ..'.....r.....- `la. I....a... ......' -; . . sign on 5', .n V- ,` `-ll. MU VVIII `LU: VIII UUCIII .'1`hen h`t'uV'ryT up`. ._plea_Ie, _ It hurts my IE`. I! KN_DHBLA}!E.. ,.__ .____4_ She and One COBj`0Pt.` ---V L-_ u._ _'.-..Il-. no Animals Reaaon! ::1Iv.eIs`enngt jon. " mu -AI , I inanvt-I-u~ nu; J -Lnnuox & Bows. 5 NJ... side Duulopsu; vilebde `opposite Hunt`: howl. Money to loan at In ...-in rung. ` VIIB VUQIX at lowest rates. BU WVUHIU DWI; uuwvuw 0"- -.I1:hope you will as. speedily 8-I;P0B' :.g1b!g,"`|a1d the `pastor. for. you 69% 1- gm 3 poor man and possess no `other tnco:ne`:"

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