Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 28 Dec 1899, p. 1

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Excelsior Businsfuoaga, Barria, 2.. .....Il .mlnn1Ana'rta pl-nnronfnr for rnnritnl-inn: train; 1 1-1? `V Am ifespectfully golidted for` AS MAYOR. F OR SALE. _ SOLICITED FOR BARRIE. o. H. Lvou, "Tan ADVANCE. -' ;'rm:_ ~m`rEREs:rs or Banana.-.1 run cot'm'rv" or _ smoon Ania rm: nommon of camna Aou`n -dntjrnkzox; 9-.-.--- ....- ...v---J daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Stamp. DUSOME-On Dec. x6th. Mrs. Paul Duuome. wife of Capt. Dusvme. Lafontaine. McPADDEN-In Tecumseth, on Dec. 16th. x899, William McFadden, aged 69 years. KlTELEY-In Barrie. on De-'. 15th. Miss Mary` Ann Kitelev, of Tecumseth Townshi . ]ACOBS--In Minesing on Dec. 22nd. IE99. Byron. Jacobs. eldest son of Samuel Jacobs. J. P. in his a7th year. `WlLEY--At Gravenhurst. on Dec. 23. Emma Eliza- beth Dixon Wiley. fourth daughter of Mrs. J. D. Wiley. Graveuhurst. _ MORG-AN-On Dec. 26. at :87 Buchanan street. Detroit. Thomas G. Morgan, in his 68th year, ; eldest son of`the late Lieut. A. F. Mar :1, of H.M. 97th Regiment and brother o Mrs. Holmes. 2: McDonald street. Barrie. ' ___ B9: 30:. Barrie. 52-52 B`ARR1E,% COUNTY OF. SIMCOE, 0NTARIO,1DE CEM'BER_ \ DIRTY TACTICS. , . V Seine of the candidates for the Couhcil are persistently. oironlsting the statement that Mr. J. H.` Bennett is not qualied to run as Councillor, it `being alleged that he is still the" member` of the Collegiate Ioutitute Board appointelf by the Council. _,,,,I-A.c,I '1- """` "l'U"""" "" "' \ 9 The statement E atcsnard cixzeqlatd "de- liberately to` steal votes from Mr. Bennett. 3 ; `ll_ Tun` .A'ovA`Non .5}; tpoeitivel; thet `Bennett has reaighed (tom the Collegiate Institute Board, his resignation being in the hands of the `Secretary of the Board. The qualications of some others may be sifted before or site: the election. Cnly a few people reading advertisements of bankers and brokers, saying that money could be `made through speculation, realize that the richest men in.Amerioa have com- menced life in a humble way and have made their fortune through stock-exchange specu- ations. nu, _ *r._, z\-__I_1 _;1.- _._..I_.J _. - .1-.. IHBIUIIB. Men like Jay Gould who worked as a dry goods clerk in a. small town at $10 00 a. week up to his twentieeh year. and commenced to operate with his small savingoof $200.00 in nun ..........a. I. .g. I.:.. .1...n. Fm mnlinma nf WANTED AT 0NCE--A nuurisze-maid. Apply to MRS. Jl_:FFREY MCCARTHY 52.5. ~ UPUTIIIIU WIIIII IIIU Ullllill. DEVIL]! Ill. wAlV_V.VV Ill Wall street. left at his death 70 millions of dollars; Russell Sage. who worked as a grocerv boy at $400 per week, and whose prrsent wealth is estimated at 100 millions- of dollars, is still operating the market. al- though 80 years oi age, and so are thousands of others, who are enjoving all the luxuries life can offer, which is due to their success in speculations. Tn than nhllfl` nnnnnlnnr than nnmo nnnnr. III BPUU HID |lIUluIB- _ To the shrewd speculator the same oppor- tunities are open today as to others in the past. The smallest lot which can be bought and sold is 10 shares on 3% margin, making 30 dollars. ' * " A __I_-.I_ 2__A...._..A...I ._ L- L-_. n--\auAn`nL:1\IIn DU uuuura. Anybody interested as to how speculations are conducted can get information and mar- ket letter free of charge upon application by letter to ' " ' GEORGE SKALLER 8c CO., BANKERS & BROKERS, CONSOLIDATED STOCK Fxcmman BLDG. [IA 'n`l\t\A l'\I'l1 A (T \TI3l`l1 K; (YD? Mr. `E. V. Hanmer met with a distressing. accident on Saturday evening by which he lost both feet. Mrs. Hanmer had decided to spend Christmas in Toronto with her daughter. Mrs. Geo. Blackmore, and was leaving by the 5.30 train for the city. Mr. Hanmer assisted her into the train. but be- fore herhad made his way through the crowd-` ed aisles and car platform the train was well under way towards Allandale. He stepped off the car. still holding to the car hand- railing As his feet did not touch the ground his legs swung towards the train, his feet crossing the track. Several oar , wheels passed over them, severing the right one nearthe ankle and crushing the ankle and heel of `the left so terribly that it had to be amputated shortly afterwards in the hospi- tal. Mrs Hsnmer was stopped at Allandale with the terrible news and returned at once to hgunfortunats husband. Saturday was Mr. anmer s sixtveighth birthday. and it was feared his age would prevent his sur- vival of the terrible shock. He has, how- `ever, been holding his own until. yesterday, when symptoms of lock-jaw developed. A consultation was summoned"and he is con- sidered to be in a very critical condition. , BIUII UUIIIB UUHVI vu \1|lIVVI' CIU ulw Ivwluvuvvg lArdraven.. `Theivenerable gentleman is among the very oldest of Senators. and there is probably no other man in Canada who, like him, has served the public for nearly sixty years. For the most of that period he occupied bench with the utmost sat- isfaction to the public, and for the past few years has acted in his present Judicial ca- pacity of chairman of the Divorce Commit- tee of the Senate. For a few months the Senator has been _con`in_ed to his room through physical inrmities, but at present he -is in a fair way to convalescence. His mental faculties are vigorousand eotive,` his memory having lost none of its marvellous retentive power and clearness. Tm: AD- VANCE has much pleasure in extending con gratulations to the Senator, and wishes. him many happy returns of the day. Last Frida was the ei htv-fourth birth- day of the on. Senator own, the occa- eioh being observed quietly at his residence. CCAn4Innunn -Thn nnrnunnlnln nAnrInnnnn :n Became it meets avfelt want in the way of special drill on particular line: with which the student is somewhat familiar, and of ap- propriate training in department: perhaps int: main nun, Ilia nmitinn an hnnltknnnm-' PK lll-U U7 Dlllllls Ill UUIJDI Illllwuvw `JOB uulyu ent rely new. His position as bookkeeper` in business houses, at dierent times in the immediate past, specially qualies the Prin~ oipal for giving. not only the latest ap raved instruction in all departments of boo keep- ing, but also enables him to o'er im ortant practical suggestions relating to bus ness in eneral. The Excelsior Business College. arrie,adapts itself not only to the needs of those who have received` a fair share of- soholastio training, but also to those who have- missed early educational advantages, `as well .as to the more highly educated, who are deirons of emphasizing some points in greparation tor the business side of every- ay-liie. and- the new term beginsdanuary .2011. I . ' V I "DUI. IFIUUI DI |ll|lDIo We heve seen 5 sketch of the tableaux which will , be beautiful and route the audience to the highest pitch of enthusiasm. Thoeloolug one "Britannia and her colonies. [represented by |ome`l8 young ladies promin- ee tube the most beautiful ever iareeented to A Battle audience.` V ` * o ' ln__- :1 -ir-..._.I- L... l.I...II.-." -....-....ar...1 fl Get Your Seats. ' Tho, reserved also at Mr. Wiomerh drug store is rapidly lliog up, no you had better uecuro your seats at once if you want good -ones. Prices as usual. - II - I.._.... __-- 4 ghgnk 4` `kn OOD GENERAL SISKVAN L wan Lnu uy about middle of J anuary. Apply to MRS. VANSITTART, Bayeld St. 52-}: 1 U DUITIU I|IllUI.|UUo Mn. McK-ggio has kindly iconlented, ii Iuioieut|y.rqoovered. toigwe The About- minded Begg"g.r," which is at present taking the British world by storm. ., i _ _ T -_I_ gm` '4` -iunnunnnvsninnn T T Auction sale. Friday. Dec. 29. l-899.-`-On lot 11, con. 6,~ Vaapragyhonau. name, now, fowl, imple- menu, eI'.`o,- Salon 12 o a`looI:. , M. Blanch- ard, plop; ._G.-R.` Ford. `auctioneer. * * I n I) II ? IA;.. nu. rovrv >?'v --. - -.., _....--_ Friday. A Dec. 29:. 1899.---V--I; Sloan, Churchill, will oar for sale '5. large-quantity of farm stock, implomenu.-Lwaggonn; bug- " ion-,` cutteru. uljeiuhn. ato.: `8'aln;au~lyo olook.4- .D._ Migcohkey, unctioner. V V ` ' The` Rason Why It is Succeeding. U IJUIIIIII Wllllu II -Uvluug _-Look out for prggrammea. 1315. `Decembr 22nd. 1899. NLW TYORK MILLIONAIRES. Shocking Ra.1l'way-Accident. !lV5Uu.I.l.IA`.I.'.l:aU |`1U_ ' 1' Aunnxvuu yum . so BROADWAEIT NEW wax [NEW -A new steamer, 75 feet; long, costing $3.000 is being built:'at Orillia. for` use on Lake Couchiching. 0 I'\ III! I `Y ['1 1IA,,! ;, 1' _.!-__-_ AJII 1 Vi:-(gm:nen;i'ngV the New Year the Sunday passenger trains between Toronto and North Bay will be discontinued. (HI I II A I Many Readablo Paragraphs of Local Inthrast.` * % '-A Happy New Year to, you`. d -Don't throwyour votes Sway on Mon; ; y, . - " (Entefs Intlns, (intern inf bulk. at BOTHWEBIRS. _-nras-a_- iv -.---a- `(G -Mr. J. H.`Bennett has resigiied his position as member of the Collegiate Inati! I tute Board. --Oro C<;uncil complains that Barrie is neglecting its portion of the Penetungui- shone Road. W";-V()1"i'll-i:-3.;-s__;v:VCollegiate Institute wili j be formally opened on Jan. 3rd, at 2.30 p.m by the Mmiaterof Education M IIIIIAQ n.......a-I --..'l.... I-. ..II ........`I..- At` r"" -7 "" _'_'f ' i"""` ' 'l`EA8.-Specl;l"a_.lue in IL` Evade: of tea: at Bonhwelva. ` lThe Latest News 3-15' -1-'jI3'he7 Slater Shoe Co. of Montreal are] offering a proportion of their 7 per cent. ; preferred accumulative stock tor aubacrip- * tion. -Capt. Marsh. of Huntsville, is making 1 a big Push with the railway authorities -to .1 get stil better tourist service for Lake of ` Bays district. I \ 41! I11 A in I -II .1 c I 9 -On`account of the holiday season T1 ADVANCE this week does not contain 1;) usual amount of news matter. Eight peg this week. No war news of importance. v-nu -I-r -I` 'I\'lR`n , -Rev. Walter Whitten, pastor of Christ- church, has written an open letter to Sena tor Mason of the United States giving him a well deserved lashing for his pro-Boerisb diatribe in the American Senate. -Messrs. Fleming and Co., stock and grain brokers have opened an office in Bothwell s Block connected by privatewire with the outside world. They have also opened branch oices in Collingwood and Orillia. . ' for Councillor. WE-M}.*\i\*7[A. Boys is ill this [week and unable to attend to the duties pertaining to 1 an active canvass. He is still in` the ._dld ...... ....-... -... ..... ..........- ....,-..,......... -Hie Honoilr Julge D. F. Macwatt, of Lambton, has also been appointed Surro- gate judge of the county. This latter` oice is the gift of the Ontario Governmenlt. -Pe.etor Botterill, of the Congregational church, will preach next.Sundey morning on The denite noint in the indefinite glory. At the evening service, a Sunday school plettorm meeting with special words and songs will be held. -1-: na- -At the Toronto Winter Poultrv Show held all last week. H. M. Dyrnent of Barrie, breeder of White Wynndottes, won 1st and 2nd on cockerele, 3nd on pallet: and 3rd on 1 hen His lat prize cockerel scored '92} 1 points out of 100. - } ,. n,-.-_eII -1 `L- I1.;- _...,_,, `.9, 1 -:At the recent meeting of Essa. Council accounts amounting to $168.31, were ordered to be paid. ` The following refunds of taxes 1 collected in_ error were ordered :--Aaron Barnes. 8175; John McCoy, 93c ; Mrs.i Brennan, $1 63 ; B. Leaett, 96c. on two In as l\ I bluttonl, f.o(rOro.- states that the township has been nearly free from contagious diseases during the year. Only the following cases were observed, dip- theria, l ; scarlet iever,'l ; tuberculosis, 2. He informed the council that there is still no system of vaccination or inspection of slaughter houses, and asks that action be taken in the matter. ` lIIL_ _--_'__ __-___L_2__.__-_-- -_,,1 r\I,_,g,. MRS. MAMXE MOORE um of`lga;1;an City) is | desirous of forming a. class for voice culture. Those I desiring information call at 48 Mary street, 52-tf _________.______.___.___..__.________.___ BUII II-I UIIC IIICUUVI --The annual entortainmonb and Christ- mas tree inthe Edanvale School on Fridav afternoon was In elv attended` and very enjoyable. Mr. obert Richardson was n`\n:IInnnn 7|`.-an nknlnnn "nu- n:aI1n4-I OI-nn CIIIVI I C LUUIIUI U LUIUIIZI `JUIIII 7' C9 chairman. The children furnished the programme. the teacher, Miss V. Rose; having spared no pains in drilling the pupils for their various selections and exercises. The tree was heavily-ladenwith costly and useful resents, no pupil being forgotten by Santa glans. The teacher received a large nnnnhnr ll` unlnfnhln ndfrn IIIIIIIIICI II` V$Iul IW `Ili- -Rev. 1`. E` Bartley, pastor of Collier street Methodist church, announced on Sun- day morning that the congregation had sub- scribed $4,000, to the Twentieth Century Thanksgiving Fund; the amount will wine o the mortgage on the church. The larg- est contribntionawas $1,000. given by Mr. N. Dyment. Mr. Bartley stated that it had been decided to place the first payment on the plates next Sunday, the occasion being- the visit `of the General Superintendent, Rev. Dr. German, who will preach anniver- nary sermons morning and evening. A A Iifinli \ D IN I -Alhert A. Williamson, deceased of Col- lingwood, willed $2,000 cash to his mother and the [balance of the estate of about $10,000 to his wife. The $2,000 was in the bank, and in the wife'e name. After the wife's death her heire claimed the money. Last Friday the Toronto court `was asked for advice at to the taking. of evidence to ehowthe real intentions of the deceased, A. A. Williamson. The court referred the matter to the local matter at Barrie, Mr. J .' R. Cotter, who will take evidence ate the teetator e intentions. e " - `II . III I` *II13I..-.. `-1 `D!---I.-- IV.._-I_ QDIIUC \JlC|lU- LIIV IIUDUIJE number of valuable gifts. Au... m 1.1 n.....n.... % Pacic expreea. V UVHI-CKI D II` IIUIIBIIJI-IU- -Mr. T. G. `Wilson. 0! Pinoher Creek,. Alberta, had been staying for a. few days with Colonel O Brien. at Shanty Bay, on his way to Montreal Last Thursday. when Mr. Wileonreadin the paper that Commie- eioner Iierohmer, of `the North-West. Mounted Police, had got orders to `call for volunteere for South Africa from ex-police- men as well as the regulars, he at _once tele tabbed be the `Commicuioner making app ioetlon. He then got `Mr; R. J. letcher, the local C:P. R , agent, to endorse his ticket and left for; home at once by the '_l\n nnnnlnnhnl 1-J '.`\A ninnhvan Avhrnnnl uh I. QUIIJU Why! 9%! -On eonciusion of the closing exercise: at the Excelsior Business Collefge, last week. Mr`. F. W; MeKee>stepned orward and in an eloquent and `happy vein paid a glowing tribuueto theprot sud pleasure t.hs.stud-. ente had derived from their studies" `and intercourse with Mr. Boss`, and wit;h-fa. desire to continue 'th_is~ha.ppy "feeling. Mr; `R. P. Freak, - on` behalf of the gentlemen`, - , resented a very . handsome knife; Miss osie Hamlin. .on behalf of the Indian, . was "uslly feheitous nnrkpresensed 3} beautiful i zin V-tandi It on ; plu-ms .34? rmive -nob .- Ttengiblentokens of good `feeling. . irstnrniiigfizhsnks endeavor- Briefly Told. heason THE the pages nnnfn Inna > o4onFROM_`oo. 2" `I : January and L in each department pf die - CENTRAL BUSINESS cnumE - TORONTO. -Mehltlisy night. Mr. Geore Reedy was presented with a_ handsome marble clock by the trustees and oicial boards of `Collier street Methodist. church of `which he was 8 member for many years. In reply Mr. Reedy "took occasion to thank the citizens of Barrie generally for their kind ness to him both in the business and social spheres. ' ad to 9;>_1x_vy_l1ia Sppfechtion of them. li'Vsir, Vickers. & Co. have-just received from England a large consignment of Dress Serges, Moire Skirhings, Saxony Flsnnels and Flsnnelettes. . --Connoillor Brennan : many supporters regret that his nomination paper` was not. handed" in before the legal time for the re- ception of nominations had expired. In Toronto thenomination of Mayor Shaw was only two minutes late, `but was excluded by | the city clerk. cu. in .. -A - A --The annual entertainment and Christ- mas tree in connection with the Baptist church was held in the `church on` Monday night. Rev. S._S Sheldon, pastor. conducted ta review of the lessons of the previous quarter, the answers being well distributed among the scholars. Several solos and orationswere given, the talk through the telephone to Santa Claus by Master Clibrd Arthur being, perhaps, the star- perform- ance. ' The children were much disappointed -when it was announced that SontaClaus had telegraphed his inability to attend on ac- count of illness. 7, The last attraction was the stripping of the Christmas tree. which contained something "for nearly every per- in ;3r}Tn'o;I;.J 3,757; 1&5; eoloi light, but should dye light ones dark For home use Magnetic DY98 give excellent results. 2 gzvv 0 c C 23. 1899.1 Names of the men who are aspiring for honors. V The annual Municipal Nominations in town. village and township in this county were held last Friday. Much interest was taken in Barrie and 9. large number of candi- dates were put up, but all withdrew except the following :- Mavor-G. A Radenhuret. S Caldwell. Councillors--E. T. Tvrer, J H Bennett, AW. A. Boys, R Powell, W. C. McLean. R.` E Fletcher. R Cundle. ' m...--...._.. Il7..-..I `I VIVL..- G__.:.L (`I 1` '1'rustees-Watd 1--Thos. Smith. C. G. Strange ; Ward 2'--E B. Reid (ac )'; Ward 3--Col. Ward (ac) ; Ward 4-A. Cowan, M. Burton ; Ward 5-.-Ho.'T. Whaley ($0.) ; -Ward 6 - John S Brunton (ac ) Those who withdrew were as follows :- Mavor-J J. Brown. M. J Frawley. Council|ora- -W P.` Soules. Alex Cowan, Thos Johnson, Thos. Penrcey, M. J Frow- ley. J J. Brown, S Caldwell, R. H. Webb. 14`. `R `Duh! The largest and strohgt rc_hdl i|I,C8|i8.d'I. Our Calendar tells you why. Write for it. _ ` ' . `G . 7' I : III E B Reid. I} l.'Wl`In `Trusteee-Ward 1-A. Cowan, R. J. Love. Ward 2-J. Dougall.` Ward 3--Dr. Richardson. Ward 4-D C. Murchison, J. H. Bennett. Ward 5-John F. Smith. ELREW HERE. V1:srnA.-Reeve,. W; C. Richardson, J as. Coutte Councillors, Alex. Primrose, Joe. I Caldwell. James Lewis, Alex. Findlay. R. Orock,` D. Wood. ' (1.... l'\........:I ll` umn -A ..1....L-.I L... .. UIIIUQ J]. `V IE { (?Bo.-Councir'of 1899 1.-e-elected by ac--S Iclamation. 13..-. f`_._._-!I -2 sonn __ -I_-L-J I... _ - I UIDUIQVIVIJ - ESSA -Council of 1899 re-elected by ac- clamation. hI._.______.__ 1'\--_-- f\-,___- n __I,,I,,,. UIDl[IGO|Ull- SUNNIDALE.-- Reeve`, George Lockhart George Moir, Nicholas Schell. Uouncillors, Harald Maxwell, John W. Matthewaulobn A; Martin. Duncan Shaw. Joe. Culham, Andrew McCnig. nn-r 1' vxvn Itvnnn ' ,o\I~|I-545:` I\` 1 n`nnbnA ll KC '7 lllU\JIIl5u COLLINGWOOD '-Council of 1899 elected by acclamation. _ "svnvvn1-21-1 Dan nvn Dlul`1|h:n`! Isa-o DY ECCIBIDBIZIOII. E INNISFIL --Reeve, Roderick McConkey, George Webb. Councillors, VV R Coleman; Henry Groae, R J. Hill, George Leslie. R. A". Sutherland,-R 3. Thompson. ITA.-...n-.n.n. .....u-1' `KT \l..A_sL..- kl -N0 l'1`AWASAGA ~ Reev,' N. McArthur, N. McEs.ohern. Councillors. J. Shields. N. MoDe:-mid, D. Currie, A. J. Campbell, C. L. Watson, R. Steele, J. Dav, N. Veitch, J. Sinclair. John Hamilton. 1.`... DA--- A...-..|'l\..-_ 117 A U..--.I. urulbu, nuts`, vv nunuu, vvuluu, Lvvusuuuu. MIDLAND -Ma.yor. H, E. Macartney, F. W. Jeffery, S. A. Milligan,*H. 8. Ruby. A Jackal. Councillors, R. Murphy, S. A. Milnigan, R. A. Osborne. E Letherbv, M. Moses, A- Jackal. W. E. Preston, H. S Ruby, (NA. McEl_roy, H. E Msoartney, J. A Staord, F R. Weston, N. MoCot-vie. George Chew, P. Potvin Duxvnmsxvnnrnnnun _..lfnnnv- T} .7 .QImnnn_ "'i33`:'.'I':.'$'$f K.'3"i-Zia, `W. A. Sneath. Councillors, Messrs Coughlin, Gaston, Gal braith. Kerr, Wallace, Walsh, Robinson. 11---... u........ 11' `D u......-....... 1:` First Class Maeon 8: Hamlin. Price reasonable Apply 44 JOHN STREET. " . 49-tf, V \l'UUl`gU Ullvvv, .I. o L uuvuu . PENE rANGUIsHENE_.--Mayor, D. J. Shana- han, Charles E. Wright. J. F. Beck. G. H. `Wright. Charles Beck Councillors, James Letherdale, S. A. Hall, Thomas Pavette. J. B. Jennings, Alphonse Tessier, G. E. Cope- `land, W. Blanchard, 1 T. Lanoette, Louis Gigolo. J. F. Book, G. E. Wright and D. J. Shanahdn.` ` ' A_-.- . 1)---- T_...-- 'L ..-..__-...`I .T.._..... 5115!-IUIII nu. ADJALA--Reeve, J amen Keenan and James H. Watson Councillor-, Thou. Ryan, Wil- liem Reilty, A. W. Burke. George Young, Thomas H. McDermott;, John Ellard, Thoa. Goodeve .n_____-__ -n-___-' -1... 11-..`--- n-.-..-. IUUIIIIIIGIIIULIQ Gnavnnnum-r.r.-Mayor. R Kimber J ohna and Charles Miokle. . Nnwmmxm~.-Mayor. H S. Cane (accl)._ `BEAVEETON --Reeve, G. F`. Bruce (accl). MnAFoRD`--_May_or, J. D. Hamill, J. J. Johnson. . VV uuu- ll VICUIICVL II IsU\;Itlu|uu|'Iuu TOTJBENHAM. -- Reeve, Wm. Hammell. Councillors, John Anderson. Wm. Anderson, Levi Metcalf, Wm. Brown. All elected by icolamation, -I_._..--_.__.... ,u-._-_ n v:__L-._ 1'-n__- i UV(;;;;tonE.-Reeve; John Mackay. Coun- oil, G. A. Kerr, J. J. Kitson, W. A. May, ; R Wood. All elected by acclimation. 'I`4un-nnxvnrvgup nnniln wry: n nnnnnal` uuuuauu. V Ownx SoUND.-.Mayo1-, W. s. Middleboro men). 1 Far 1 -I-\-rnnynnn 'I"n __t?_nnun AI-uh nnrnn_ `. 0l ..i.INGWO0D TP.-Reeve, Arch. Camp- -bell (noel) ~ ~ DON'T BE MISLED Next. Mcndey a Mayor and six Councillors will be elected. V Every voter has but one `vote for `the Mayoralty and if he votes he must vote for either Radenhtiret or Caldwell. 80 for en the vote for Councillors is concern- ed. every voter hoe six votes which lt is hm ".m`ol-`e. xh'en,ot1_e4 X opposite any one name '; :;.;h;g;org he} cenircse for one candidate, or no-more. : _ _'pr_ivl'ege `to, record, hut he must not put cage or three.` elf foot, or ve,-.or_ A After January lot. 1900, we will allow our , idvertisora twelvechamge: per year ; for ad- ditional changes charge will be made for composition. Extra, oharze will also be `made for advertisements jugs solid Adver- tisers. wi|l.plea/Ia take hood to the above notice.` . . __ V MUN ICIPAL NOMINATIONS. nuuun; alavvvaup vo --w BAB,a1is'fHu_1tmuLTuaAL L snulm, . .-.m,. n... nI..|_ .. IJISUULIJLUJ. dlvtusasnquu vvnavav, $155.9 is well uQho_ldin9': its character for meritorious train; ` mg. \V1th1n the past '.I_`W0 IVIONTIIS it has; been unable to comply nth the demands made for its graduates. Few colleges can say more than this, nct many as much. It pave to attendh good inet_itu- l fion. - ' 86-Iv ; To Ourvmivertisors. Last Aweek the Barrie mraszx-ken wu Ihd busiest in the history of the town. POULTRY SHOW: A The initial trial of what will in all probability be an annual poultry show. we: msdehere last Thursday. Two tables the entire length of the Town Hall had been or- ran ed by the Committee for the-reception of t e. poultry and other produce entered for prizes. In all there were 75 turkeys; 10 ducks, 24 chickens.` 22 geese. 18 baskets of butter, -5 cracks of butter, besides carrots. apples. onions, beef, pork. and guinea fowl. As only ten days notice of this first show was given, the response was very satisfac- tory, and everything eugurs well for one on a very much larger scale next year. The prize winners were as follows :- Best ve turkeys :---Mrs. D. Wood. Mrs. John Ford. Vespra ; Mrs. S.` Sutton, Veepra. Bestturkev over 18 lbs :--Mrs. D. VVood, Mrs. J. Campbell, Uro Dani fur-lynuv nuvnn 1` `lug. . `I..- 'n'-...1-.. Lilli : Us \JIIlIllJ\lull, \JIU ' . Beet turkey over 14 lbs. :-Mrs Hender- sog. Mrs. John Bonnev. ....L s....l-.... 10 4... `IA IL- , `II_. `I\ (I7-__I 11:11 . LVJISII u llll ]J\.lI.lllCyo eat turkzv 10 to 14 lbs. :-Mrs D. Wood. `Mrs John Gibbons. Vine, `D--a. __-.. -1 _ _ _ _ _ _ . _L I-_'_ AL, an n--. JNIIS IIUIIII \Il|JIJIFI-I5. V IIIK. Beat pair of geese. not leavs than 12 lbs. each. --Mrs. Joseph M. Hickling, Vespra. Rant hair apnnn nnor 1`) Nu: __MI-n 121.... cuuu.--Anna. uueuyu Lu. LIIUIIIILIB, VUBPIII. Beat pair geese, under 12 lha.-Mrs Hen- derson. Mrs. Livingston. Barrie. Dogs 3.". manning; II'-.. T... `IE tY.`..l-I2__ . IJUIDIILIQ LVlI.B- J.lIVlll`D|J\IIJg LFGIIIUI Best ve geese.--Mrs. Jos M. Hickling : Mrs. George Robinson. 1)....` ..-:_ .J....I-- ll..- l'-L.. `l)___._-__ . ""1i"ea'{'tL eI"}3i2iIZeL7Ji"4rs George Fraser, Shanty Bay ; Mrs. D`. Wood. non} I-u-:1: nL:n`1Anu "nu TAR-g t A..o....o.n "`E212 Ii`$ci22;';ai1 1Qf?af'LroK.i'"ii}.nn.v ; Miss Sriqley Holly. Dani I-\n:n (111:-can `nun! l\`:II1\ `In. '14.. JIJLLUINGX Xvtzw :2-- ---: Will be heldat the Secretatv'n Oice, Ros; Biock, LUV? V 9D I W 'LVlIo \c\Jl C KIQUVII 9 I > Best basket rollvbutter, not less than five lbs.--Miss Maggie Lumley, Veapra ; Miu Cunningham; Mrs. F. D. Quantz, Pains- nvgnb 71530 \}W\JlKU LIIUIIIIJBUIII Best pair ducks --Mrs. John Bonney,; 1 Mrs. `D. C; Cunningham, Vespra. Rant fhrnn nnhu nlsinlrann _'Kln-n (la:-uuva uglnw |Jl.l`lVJ |..|.UIAy- Beat pair Guinea fowl. a1ive.-Mra. 090. Robinson, Oro. u--n.. .1-.`..._ L'_..-L .._..- IA..- 'n:A|.-...1. LUV UIIIDUII \II V. Best dozen fresh eg;zs.-Mrs Richard Roe. Vespra. ; Mrs. George Fraser. unnf lmunlrnf ion`. Ix:-I95-an Dill.` `nan Ivkgn Q14 KIIIIIII II wick. `II,,- '7 I163: Best: crock of butter, not less than 10 lba.-Mrs. Henry Sutton, Veapra`: Mrs. Cunningham ; Mrs John Key, Dalston. Daub tunnunnmn` hon` `nioivnn-a Tan ha`). ` UUKBL; ILULIIIJ U J.`UI|lg DP U Best quarter of . beef, bt;tcheps -`--J`ohu P.` Johnson, Stroud. `IJ....A.-.I............I L-.. .... L- `IDA II... I15--no. "1`iZ".1';'ig"Jbe'2f'?..$LTJ5i'3 JX":.xa. well, Crown Hill ;. John Jennett, Craig- `hurst; Henry O'Neill. Apto Daub tuunnbnn l\` Liinklln ` `D- U VIIIJBIIIJ, KWUI \I|-I\Iu Bestrdresaed hog, up to 160 lbs. -H`eZnry O Teill. __; _1_-__-.1 L-.. Inn A. An: IL- D9... __ \I J.` Ulllo Best dressed hoe. 160 to 225` lbs.-Simon; Uhappelle. Crown Hill. isms;-5:42` Lnnty=nn Annnnna `ant: Wan II.-.3. ,-.._._ .._._.._.___-__. -2 WM;I"`}lE-ANNUAL MEETING or THE TOWNSHIP of VESPBA AGRI- . l`eU!I'!!!`.!_._39'I!.;. \JllPPCII`7n \lII.IVVl_I I-IIIII ` Special heaviest dressed hog.-Wm ,Hud~ son, Graighurat; E. Pa:-khouae,. Crown Hill. _.I- ,,_,...A__ 'If_.._ IL I`I- l`_.,,.!44 ulist peck carrota.-Mrs. D; C. Cunning-A ham '5, .4`,,I I_,_.I _I A,,.,, 9,, `[9,, (1.! I,_- vunlest half bushel turnips.-Miss Srigley. Bear. peck onions.-J ohn Johnson, Barrie. Best half-bushel winter apples.---Mrs. J7. Hnbbert, lnnisl ;- Mrs. Silas Mason, Veapru. Home-made mitts.--Mias Rachael Simp- son. Vespra. _ '4-\rvu:_vnnr`n nnnlrn __MI-n pnk It ...-n. IUD. V CUBIC: Home-made faocks.----Mrs. Robb. Kerb, Ingisl. _ ,_-__.!LI- _.__ _______L!- _,___ _,,!j- .l.uunuu. The prizes with one exception were paid on the day of the show. Mun unnnnn nnnzlavnta Q] OK `as has cu-:31; l `I II lull? UlI\IV'0 II IIIJC IIUIJ ` Mrs. Bonney received $1.25 for her prize chickens; they weighed 13 lbs. She also received $1.25 for her rst prize ducks. Mrs. T A. Henderson was the only person who exhibited drawn turkeys; they weighed 12} lbs each and were sold at 12c. perlb. Mrs. Henderson also exhibited three drawn geese weighing 10 lbs. each which were sold -at 10. per lb. Mrs. J os. M. Hickling s two largest geese weighed 15 lbs. and 16 and were sold cheap at 8c. a. lb. Mrs. D. Wood got 9c. 1: lb. all round for her prize turkeys. Mr. John Hubbert sold his prize,-taking spies at $3 per bbl. Mrs- John Ford took much trouble in decorating her prize turkeys with pretty tissue paper. She got second prize and sold them at 90. per-~lb-;l they averaged 124} lbs. R lDlU Iiulllllly W95 HUI DI! and $9'per ton. i ia:d.:vood sold at for 4 its. length and $4.00 for 2 it. smmnnu- s nnsn. - Dressed fowl went owiuh a rush on Sat- urday, the sunply not being nearly equal to the demand. There was a decided improve- ment on Thureday s pricey. No person not less than 9c. per lb. for turkeys. while the ruling price was 100.; geese sold rapidly at 80. per lb ; ver few ducks and chickens were oered. utter found very ready sale on Saturday at 1-90. and 2%., and from the many inquiries it` was clear that all intend- ing buyers did not get the supply they we-.-te.d~. 1-...-- 2, _..S-- A.|_!_ ___L \.!,-_ The general market of Thursday last was greater than that of the previous Saturday. Fully a ton of turkeys, geese, ducks: and chickens were disposed of to local buyers at the following prices :---Turkeys, 8. and Sic. :3 lb ; geese, 6c perllb or 600. each ; ducks, 60c.a pair; chickens. 40c.e a. pair. Butter sold at 195:. per 1b., and eggs 200. per dozen. A large quantity of boy was sold at $8 75 out` Gun... ban `anon-Inynnn-I unit` gh .9 '7` Por'k'is lower. in price this week. Live `hogs, 4c. per lb. ; dressed bogs, 50. Mr. Knapp : Sale. The largest and most successful farm sale this fall was held at Mr. P. Knapp s, Mines- ing last; Wednesday. The weather was fine and -from far and near came farmers who wished to buy some of Mr. Knapp s property all of which was in splendid condition. Mr. G. R. `Ford was auctioneer, and act through the long list in a very satisfactory manner. The_ prices received for live stock were as: follows E-'-Best mare, 5 years old. $130 ;_ marched` team. -(3 years old, $225; span of- matohed -yea! -ling A colts, $130 The cattle were'me6inm in value, and sold from $24 to 830 each. h ':The lambs were in good condition. but si nall',',and sold at $5 each. A pair of thorouglibreds sold as 88.75 each. Several `Shropehirefsheep brought from $8 bp.8l0 about-3 each. A sow and brood of 11 young-pigs sold for $15. which was considered a very reasonable gure. The hens sold at. 17c.` each. _ 'A5l(t;;gesher- ghe sale amounted to. .1 ll- 7 ____ .....l 8-.-.21.. `Anions `L2- u-.........u. VVHI DC HCICI In IJIC IUWM llnu ovaauu-u-v `WEDNESDAY, JAN. 1OT-I-l.1 9'60, Atzp.m. GEORGE SNEATH.Sec'y. 5.43 V _ I I QIIVIIII wlgIIVV~ Mr. Knapp and family leave this morning pose residing in the future. Mr. Knapp has been one of the most progressive farmers in Vespra and on his late farm, where he. lived for nearly seventeen years. gave many evi- dences of what industry and perseverance can do, towards making fanning an honor- able and successful bueineu. ` He was a- prominent member and worker: in the Bap~ tint ehurch at Minesing. The failure of his -health over-a year ago caused him to go to -Oaliiorula to `see if that olimate would assist him. So beneeialwaa the change and so de1ighted`waaMr. Kilhpp with the country * he decided tapreside these permanently. `.f`_:1'|IX'nQ__d 1!, V, , Jl {Opting `and.-sinoegtben (Thursday) for California, where they pnr- - .s ..l-"?F "..1..|Y$':"~'e*.`.V1l3.1IA.l|ilI`..lf .019 - ' v e T7E-E SINGLE oonns FIVI CINE. THE MARKET. :rHtmsn.nr s- SALES`. . The Anna:-1- ;.t-lug of the West Simona Electoral llllatrlot Agricultural Society, l will be held in the TOWN HALL. Barrie.` oh _ `WEDNESDAY, JAN. 17TH`, 1900',` A A 4..- ..'..I.uuI- 1....` 7 UNDER THE Powzsxs or tained in a certain Mon-mama w mum sun.-I which vyillybo produced at the time of Sale, oarod 50 be r 1 Nb .,MR. GEORGE. E. "F*Esn : >`. .':c'.?o... r.'`: u. Q i1E$Nfs_ nary, in the TOWN or swam qu Umnmg 'l`_HE PO\_iVERS or `sit: ..n....-}3:=s:e 5,299: `_'.*:"".:!r."..`.'. ..:.:L.1;=;.. % ... mc suvv VI` Dnnnsn vu V , , ,~ _ ., Saturday, Jan. 6. l90jO%.% I , A; A`,, I ,_ I_I__I- 2.; LL- Aft.-`Ann, Atvthe hour of one o'clock hi t!;o'nftoI'-uo;Il;I{; : fr Th ~ - ` In ` 8 ' t andtf:1?1t:u:'}:hwV ::t`:1t:1:r:::r`.fLL:t,1#:l`:Ib:i both in the `Ninth Cones:-ion of `the To . " Vespra and County of Simcoo. cdhtain loacres. . ` V lo`i`?::re;-open} is situated About` `U L1 . . Barrie and about two miles CIOIII Ch!-|Kd`_' , 1 . Tl;ere arefuid tlczibeon t`|,lr:`l;9:\`l,'l -r `n ' n[' ` _ ., _ Y` ' ""1, 10:` ti`t(;`;)sl: ax?;nt!:a.'n:cddviug houu.-; `- `.25.!-. . . ` ~ . ` sbaprvnzr 2.::;*+':.'r;':.':.:.`:.".:.e:;'&?%_;y :-nwrmr There will be 3 riokvod- H ..|_v, .- Teams.--'l`on pp!` oqnt. it til: ll v, `Within 30 dawn. , `;_ .. Further particular! and" _` fnagf known nttho mo 99'. m ' v T L j Saying ! _ 4` W W xL?i`::,.`3.-.; L;ALLAGVHER-At Evere;-on Dec. 25. lion. to ` Mr. and Mrs. VV. A. Gallagher. MARRIED. FREE- DIXON.--On Dec. mu; 1899. at the bride : T home. by Rev. A. T. Ingram,_ Mingsing, Pris- cilla Jane. only daughter of James Dxxon. Eden- vale. to William Free. also of Edenvale. ' -.-quv`vr\v l'\(` AI'\`lI'I`I\\Vt` `L L..- l'II.,,,. I_. -1` v unplug an 100 8Cl Cl- Tlu. -.... W Ill DE new at ll WI-I Gum u you ---- _.--.., -. weunesuj, Jan}. In'iii, Isun. At 7.30 p.m. REl?.MARR. vSoc'v. 5:-53 Will be held in the Town HI: Midhulit 0 . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ .. n A -I A AIIIJ 1 Q!!!` NERVANT GIRL WAN1EDA-';\ply MRS. JAMES HOGG, Elizabeth street. 52-53 NEDN ESDAY, JAN . `I 1.TrI, 1 Uuv. . At one o'clock. `pan. 3 ` - 52-54. , FRED.` MARR. Secretary. L'1"1 r.1<>u1V-1 KAbl`u.-Un Lvlonuav, unnstmaa Day, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. J. Bedford, Mr.` William Patterson of Chica o, to Miss Mary, onlydaughter of Mr. john race. Elmvale. \ A man nlvvxvnn A- I\-.. -: -4. AL- _.@2A-..n. at Township of Vespra.i Ann M unru, uaug of Con. 7. Vespra. H WOOD GENERAL SERVANT -WANTED by r ..|.,...o ...:A.lI.. AF `lnmuan-. Annlv to MRS, REYNOLDS--ARMSTRONG-At the Church; of- the Good Shebh . Stayner, by Rev. A. [-1. Wright. on :8th in t., Mr. W. R. Reynolds to . Miss Grace Armstrong. ` ...~.w.-xn I\|11II'\DI\\7 'AL n__...-_'.,__1 M, _.'|_ AnnuAL,_r1aa1'Iuo, ' `A: ;3 9-?" MORTG-AG5_E___ SALE NEW Aovunrlsnliiiuws; The Annual Meeting of the .__ oonuunnonvrv lllfrfl A`I r f LESSONS INVOCAL. ORGAN I-`Ba SALE. Mu. No. .'wu6i.n No Slmum. Bsnlir. l roprietor.- 1 nu; \.tIuI~\r\v --.. ...-.v-- BISOP- DAVID'SON:-'-{At Brentwood. on 13th ` inst , Mr. John Bishop tv Miss Lizzie Davidson. HAYES--DRAPER--On Decembur aoth. _ x Riena. eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. Draper. . Gwillimbury. to Mr. Hugh Haves, of Essa. CHURCH -McNAB-At Bradford. on Dec. 13th. ` .1\lr. James John Church to Miss" Margaret M. M:-Nnkh, nf Rrndfnrr]. . -ozr rAf{v'x-1N--':- W. H. SHAW, PRINCIPAL. BORN; J decsded; sggivo . VosaI%andPianu Lessons` ....IN BARRIE..., . Her Qualications are as follows : PIANO-`Teacher's Certicate with rst-class lags- ; ors in all ' subjects, from the Conservatory of MUSE, ;Almh College, St. Thomas. ` ` s I VOCAL-A pupil of Eva_ N. Roblin, of Milan. ` (Italy) Conservatory of Musnc. v ` wvvcvn bnvv IIUDCVI-IU III C` `UT. TTIVI CC -Special attention is directed `to ` -the . Choral Clan. which Miss Campbell conducts every Friday | afternoon at 4.30 attthe address given below. I}... 4..-..- ._.1 ::_....|.._ ___.s-__u-.__ ___|-_ _-_._.__n-- ilessons in Music. HPIDLYc0M|NG`TTHEFRONT.: THE ' vuUAI.g--A pupil of lva_ N . I'l2__ tV-~_L_I| __,9n n - . `uuuuoy `r\_a_u-win vusvlj VI AVIIIDIUI Miss Campbell will also teach Violin _MuIldg and give lessons in Water Oolqru. ___!_I _A., .0, , l`|l- --A-" -- -'v-- Cur uvuav I-U -uv wuulvwa snvuu vulvvvl Fer terms and futther particulars apply persohally pr by letter to` ' . lMiss Carnpbell EXCHANGE BLOCK, -DUNLOP s'r., BARRIE. e l imvnniffv 1900.! lvuun VUTE AND.-'|AN_FlENc_E it}. A. lladenhurstl Modern and Pro ressive. Municipal. Gbvemment in A the interest 0 the people, at the lowest cost. IS. BALDWELL. mun ivurr AND "murmur! IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED FOR- . IW. A. BOYS{ -XVII`, JBITICSJODH L:l'I|ll'Cl'l KO LVJIBS LVIRTKETCC Ill. McNabb, of Bradford. ROSS-DUl\'CI\N-At Gilchrist, on Dec. 2-`Eh, 1899. at the residence of the bride's mother. y Rev. N Campbell, Mr. Thos. E. Ross. third son of ` gounty Councillor Ross, Guthrie. to Miss Helen } . unczm. _-_------.-\ . guuunanu up can u v v\ .1 % A VOTE FOR% % ALEX. CIJWAN voun VOTE AND INFLUENCE As Scnool Trustee to} Ward No. 1.1:: 1900 If elected will do my utmost _to promote the best interests of our schools and wall oppose all useless expenditure. Irxf `l' 1"|Yl'1- Il f\1TI\ A `T `I A `Y `lad- i'I'OW1\'|' Lo'rs| W5 take pleasure in` nscommendin` Mk. Fun. Bnooxq as I. com tent and reliabe Tunoraud it Am. and won request our ` tron: to entrust to woxkof this diucriptipn. _ oIpactfuuy'youg`q. Gunman Hgmrzuau. : _ -:._j-j TO THE ELECT6RS OF THEITOWN OF BARRIE. - Hlzurrzmm. - , , . Order: left for Tuninrat 5: Elizabeth .S,tmot ' will receive uI{ofu.|,attontion. _,_..- -'-'QQun nnnl. V ii#"Iii'fi'iiii"k"'""' nnnnit. um. lili l'l&$IVb u wwuuu ----. . , (LtMrrno.) . * -. `V ~ . ; Suspcuann CAPITAL. $5.ooo.ooo. * V A \hrtc.amount of MONEY LEND at Iowoatcurontvratao of Vimerept _oh- izfn NWOd real eu- dbontures pu . . Fox" "further: % V-pp1nx.sm- neaa%omee; xquecompany. ullvlbuq MAN NI`.\'G-LAWSON-In Elmvale on Demgth, by Rev. W. McLean, B.A., Mr. George an- ning to Miss Annie Lawson, daughter of Mr. Wm. Lawson. PATTERSON-TRACE;-0n Monday. Christmas `R-.. 0|` 5|... -Aghlnnnn nl-' Han I-u-Ida : `abhor. luv 1 Polling January 1st. 1900. ~ }ENDOwMENT INSURA.NQE POLICIES V London Rub CANAWAN LOAN T ;% x. AND AGENQV coMPAN`Y,. ' I` ha unnn \ Polling day, Monday: Jaixuw x. ALLAN DALE. Lots 3, 3 and 4. West Baldwin Street. North Cpmberlend Street. Lots :7 and :8. Jacob'e Terrace, Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7. South Caroline Street. Lot A. ` A PIANO EUNING East Mry Street, Lot 54. Want Mary Street. Lot 2. - `Apply. at HVIVIJ R. A. Douglas, " DUNLOP s'rREE'r. V Hi hoit cojhyrice Enqlowmdnt Innurpnce ?ollcTeu. in valuable mpanic: o_r'-money loaned Iunihnn- Anillll J|YlIll Llblap .n.IunuvsnI c PRATT--MUNRO-On Dec. 26. at the residence of the bride's father. by the Rev. Mr. Paton. of T Midhurst, Mr. Wm. Henrgi Pratt. to Isabella Ann Munro, daughter of. r. R. J. Munro, all n? (`An n, Vacate. One reason why so many sqor watches ere toletated is that theireownere 0 not realize that real good ones may be had 101' such little money. ' ' It is a fact. nnvertheleu. that we can to-day furnish you with n tho:-ou hl first-clan time- piece in gold; Jilver or go d- lled case for ten than one-`half the figure that" pravailod afew 3 an ago. ` '- `V _ Miss FAWPBELL WATBH FABT8. UIIIIIIIJI vi POLLING` MONDAX. JAN. 1315. Your vote and inuence are respectfully solicited. for 'rrIonii{s,%sraITI-I, As councillor forl. Public School Trustee Ward 4; mvun run I900. van ,3 vwnvrnn-I DIED. i~`REEBOR'N-`In Midland. on Sunday, Dec. nth. Catharine Frceborn. aged $4 years. FERRIER--Near Thornton, cc. 18th. Mrs. Adam Ferrier. Mr. Ferrier with son and daughter survive. 7 ` - MILLER-At Coliingwocd. on Dec. 17th, 1899, Margaret Letitia, daughter of John and Emma Miller. aged 22 years and 6 months. STAMP-At Waverly, Dec. :2. Esther Stamp. nnenun-in- n... .mI. Mn Paul Dmmme- wife

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