taut. our the Von ;U?n,dex-wear, Kid Gloves and Mitts. White? Sh` The besfvalue ii: Canada. A complete \ tment of Ties, Collars, Cuffs. `Braces, Silk Mniers, Silk Handkerchi ` Linen Handkerchiefs, I` vCu' Buttons, Socks, Hats _and_ vapia, Suits, Oyercoats, Paws, Bea U1-ters, Waterproof .: coafs.\ Eto._ ii ,ALL- BEING sow 011?!` AT" cosw. Plume 7'4. BAEEIE, DECEMBER .,13TH, 1899. ..AND.... ..AT.... Christmas Gifts in Babies Bonnets, Chil- dren"s Hats and Tams, Ladies ready-to-wear Hnfs. Eta impory igh oiass Fxgicl; and Soaps. by b makers, selling at cost prices. IIIUI-I 9 11.1100 ats, Etc. Belts, Belt Buckles, Cuff Links. Fancy Combs, Garters. Pins, Collars, Cuffs, Ladies Chains. Beauty Pins, Etc. A auav , AIJVo' nvv - aul. -n Box of half doz. Fancy Linen Handkerchiefs V 50c. and.75c. i Meillinery. - Ladies Hem-stitched and Em broidcired, 10c, l2c 153., 20c. 25c. D..- ..c1...Ir J-.. 13-..--- r :_ --. tr-.. JL._,L -.12 - Direct Impor;e\ Kid Gloves. ` A large assortment of the best makes and olors'aLt $50c., 75c., $1.00 and $1.25. Irish Linens. {able Napkins, an sizes, 80c. to $7 50 per I/main 'IIandkercIu3efI. P ume_s and Soaps. Fen Damask Table Cloths 65c to $4.50 ay II. I. Fraser's 0li;f3`k`8tand Lvalne in Table Linen, 25c to $1.25 Smallwares. 0!` v own van: Advadc:-orrespondenoe. Mr. John Orispin has organized 1 a music class here. . . .Miss Ella Wanless, of Barrie. is home for a short time. Rev. Geo. Arnold, oi Waubaushene, who was formerly a student on this mission eld, preached. on the Twen tieth -Century Fund" on Sunday, the 10th inst. , . .Mr. Wm. Vanatta, la sherman, and a man named Smith are to have a lawsuit in Barrie on Tuesday, the 12th inst. Smith `claims to have been in partnership with Vanatta but Vanatta says that he was hired with him... .Mrs. , James Lawson, of Gibson, is seriously ill at present andyis not expected to -recover. She is a daughtar of Mr. Wm. Langman, of this vi inity . . . .Mrs. Wm. Wanless is visiting her daughter, ` Mrs. John Rainsford, of Barrie. ` Fraw|ey s Shoe Store. With Christmue but -,week ahead, we realize full. well the importance of l'(;u8lVl-`Hg the rush and; crowd the last few days of the Holiday trade and make shopping a pleasure. To ea shoppers these Special Bargains mean .a `big- money-saving as well as better ntion. - _ ~ _ . ' The time * ' `" 999? 39'??? is the best time. You don?-0!-"I_I'0%01 ~ , ~`C- - ` see as though you re buyinso .. ? Ladir-s Black Box Calf Skating Bal-3 moral, straight toe cap, `heavy sole, square heel. English `back SINK, new full round toe, very stylis 5 nothing nicer shown at 38, sizes to 7. 8pecia1.....o........`..o3 Lzulies Choice Dongola. Kid Button Boot, kid txp. exible sole, leather insoles, natty and s lish and ex- cellent wearer, sizes ;_to 7, Worth $1.60; special... 72.`. - I mlies Choicest Vici Kid Strap Slipper". lined, hand turned solo, Jae. T. Bull make. regular price $1 50. V Speclill. It too root-our IlO;'C.V'.'.'," Ladies Fine Black English Felt Slilp - per, elastic inate , exible so e,` SIZES 3 to 8, special). ` T Ladies Fine Croquet Rubbe coin and London toe, sizes 2} to V ; peido :- 00000`...-l.Il9:.`yC -Ladies Button Overshot-,red wool lined, ' f. 111 ' s`f`.` 5f 2?; ..g. 2150 '7, iiagi. 1 MEN S DEPT. , 7 `1`n s Genuine Box Calf.'(bltok')'oBal'-..lv..;A moral, tipped, wholev.foxVed;"__v`,0iltgdAJ;-v Dncnnnnii RE FOR\THIS1 WEEK. LADIES DEPT. $1 90.` 0 75 oovye Advance Correspondence. V `Mrs. Sheldon he moved into her new house" on Centre street....Mr. Harry King, of Elmvale, spent Sun- day under the parental roof. . . . .Briok- layers are busy at Mr. E. B. Hill's house. . . .Mr. E. Bennett preached` in Bell Evert Methodist church Sunday evening, his text being, "What so ever a man scweth that shall he also resp.~ . . . .Miss Pauline Kneeshaw, of Brad- ford, is spending a few days with Mrs. W. Ralson. . . . Mr. and Mrs. John King, old residents in Churchill, now residing in Lefrov, celebrated their golden wedding on Dec. 4th, the guests being Mr. and Mrs. John King and family. .Mr. and Mrs. William King and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. King sud family, Mr. and W..Rals_on, Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Todd. Mr, and. Mrs. WOITKI V1.20, upuuuu . . . . . . ._. . . . . n s No. 1 Grade Fine Light Rub- ? hers, round toe, sizes 6 to 11, rean- lar price 80c., special. . . . .. . . Buckle Overshoe, lind, water- oof, perfect` quauity. sizes 6 to ' speoial........'.............. Men's eavv `Gum 1'-Buckle R_I_1bb_ers, ll, vllar price $1.35, speo1al.. . ress tore `run v V, Men's Boston Calf Ba .-1.---.._ - . . 1.;.;.,..:; gas} cap, exteusipn sole, medium pointed ` toe, very dressysh worth $1.25, special. . I oe, sizes 6 to 10. o C I I on I _ I',.LA.' 'n-_L sole; full [round `toe, the `latest ihage, sizes_6`to 10, regular worth h7aZ'e, sizes 6 to 10. $3. 0, special. . . . . I ,, 11-11 I)-l_ It, and `are Satutdfy re justj V _wel_oomo; to $225 o 30` 115 Mrs.'Rcbt. Ferguson andlher sisters- 1 in-law Mrs. S. Ferguson and Miss Ferg- uson, of . Cartwright. spent last week visiting friends at Hornings Mill. . . . Miss Mary Sharpe who was visiting in Barrie and vicinity returned home on Monday 4th inst.. . . .Miss Lulu Mc- Knight is new spending a well earned holiday with her sister, Mrs. Rev. J. Sparling at Gi-lford . . . .Mr. Hugh Boyd, who is now living in Orillia,' spent a few days last week with his family . ., . .The public examination and childrenfs concert of this school will be held on Thursday the 21st inst. The exam. will commence at 9.30 a. m., and concert about 2.30 p. m. . All the rate- payers and gfriends of the pupils are kindly invited. . . .The weekly services ` held in the school-house every '1`hurs- 3 day evening was brought to a close on Thursday evening the 30th ult., by. the T Rev. Mr. Dinginan who has been in- creasing in his efforts to work for his. Master and was ably assisted by Mrs. Dingman. ' ' Orelshuret. . Advance Correspondence; Lees-week` Mr. and Mrs. Oreer. formerly -of Jarrett : Corners, who have returned from n sojourn for about a. year in California,` v celled on -friends here leenweek. ..The`poor . health of Mre.V0reer wee the cause of their return. . . .1.`At the December regular meeting ' `(if L. 0.14. No 986 held Wednesday evening the -following brethren were chosen on officers for the `eneuing yeer':'--,Bro; Geo; Henley, w.M.`$ Jr Demo; JOI- `4;'_I. Ln: .` Dina A ,TnnII D... W o Edi lJl'Ih - o .I.' ltvu III uh j 1;: In turn` eph E|amere.uCh: .;` 81-3. A.` Jury. Rec. u: - `Inn, Wm. hnhl- "in. will Nan 2 DEW; Dru. H as. uuuuuuu, pu, sun Iawu , Bro John Thornton. u-.. Tron; Bro. Wm. Ehoield, u-., D C :_ Bro. A. Lothuow, Leon. ; Bro. John Key. lat Com; Bro. J. Jennttao. 21141 Can ; Bro. L. D. Robinlon, 3rd Com ; -Bro. James AEowm,4th Com; Bro. J. J. :=-berm; *ElI`moro,_5th 0om..; Bro. J-. Hewitt and L.- D. Roblgioh. Ahdito Bro Gob." Henley. In aoooptingjho M ten-ship for 3 second to 3 than uddrm in which he said HI.-. g had..- I-`ad u-mnnnnrnrl flnnnnnl-nhthn , EE'J'uT3' 'lJd'3'i{s&'I-63' 1-"ed" _Iii8ui{th put ygar V tinlnoislly an the adgiitlon of new uiomborihlp was very encouraging. also Holly. Advance Correspondence. The Holly Sunday school: purpose holding their anniversary on 17th and 18th insts._ Rev Joe. Wilson, of Bond Head, will conduct religious services on the afternoon and evening of the 17th. A. . . .Mr. Givens, of the 12th line, has rented Mr. Wm. Armstrong's farm. Mr. Summer, the present occupant, in- tends moving on to a farm near Ivy. ....Mrs. A. Farrier, who has been seriously ill, is convalescent... .Lo_rne Srigley is recovering` slowly under the care of a Barrie physician . . . . M1-.`H. Lougheed spent Sunday of last week with Mr. Willis Coleman, Ocokstown. The Methodist Sunday school will hold a grand. supper and Christmas was entsrtainftnont on Christmas night-. All persons desiring an snioyabls even- ing should attend. ` ' - 1':in"i!:'Iuii{-.'Ch' ._;`"i:76.-..*".'I{r*y;` Rec. 800.; Bro. Wm. heeld, 'jr., Fin Soc; u... .`l'nInn Thnnnonn. an 'I"vnnn,9 Run Wm, ` Advance Corupondence. T Mina Longburat, of Barrie, is visit? in; friends in this locality. I _ Big Bay omt. . -Mr.` Ed. Cueninghsm'haa been re- engeged as teacher for 1900 at increase in salary. Congratulations to Mr. Harry Birnie of this vicinity` sud Miss Jeremy, of Veepre, formerly of Ora, who were married last Thursday. its 3' hi that` L lodge had prongerod tbrou h the _..-o mg-an Hnnnnlnllu IJI than I-Ilht. all (If George Kin'g and family, Mr. Andrew King and` family, Miss Curtis, Mr. Harry King, Mr.` Arthur King and ` Miss Pauline Kueeshaw. They receiv. many handsome and useful gifts. .Adva`.nco Co-treopondenco. Advance Cone`:-Iondeaco. Knlvleach. `noizmnnn amen. lcslled on'frlet:de_hore luely....Sorry. to Ferauaonvele. Advance Correspondence. -Mr. and Mrs. W, Beeton. of Creighunt, beer" of the` illness of Mr. lend Mu. Jno. Johnna : little boy . . . .'Mr. Wm." Houden, o"Elmv`ele, celled on Mr. Feed; Richard- eonreoently '....Mr. end` Mr: D Johnetomf Flee Centre, visited friends here lees week. I_ . ; . .Mre` ` Ritchie, _of` ElI_n'v_ele.._` bee _`ret.u`rnod home after spending` new day: with Mn. Jno. Johnston.` , ` , - . the best of harmony prevailed. He trusted there would be the same prosperity through the coming year. ; . .Mr. James Fraser, with the exception of two persons, is the.oldest resident in this vicinity, his age being about 90 years. Mrs. Fraser is a very few years his junior. ` On visiting their home last week `we nd the aged couple hale and hearty and enjoying good health. Their declining years were` further made happy by becoming for the first time grandparents by the advent on Thursday morning of a little daughter to Mr. and Mrs Geo. Fraser. . . .Walter Wat- kins; of this village, received the intelligence some time ago of the death of his mother at Gloucestershire. England... . .A visit to Bar- rie on Saturday revealed the fact that among the large turnout of farmers there tor the purpose of paying taxes there was among them universal complaint against the extra rise in taxes which it is claimed is hard to make up on account of the wheat failure, and nearly every tax payer spoke in the highest praise of the Commissioners who opposed and. voiced their opinion against putting the County to more expense in build- ing at Gaoler. s residence. The 7th Concession, vespre. ` " Advance Correspondence ` 1 Mr. W. Pringle, of French River, was the $1086 of. Mn Leadlay last. week. . . .Mr. orbee has removed from the section and is now living on the mill road. . . .Mr. Wall- win a and Mr. Pratt : steam engines are kept bueysho ping and cutting straw this-month. nn illlllilfhlr In `Alt. `an Inn f.`n'n-|'s3- f."'fnTi'&'5 ".'".`.[.?Ii'n:".":' : a':"$}'"ni'.E3'&.'{.' and family the death` of Mr. Luinbie. cum h Uhurch, Veipra. Christmas service 33" Ian Hall` an Qnnnn h.......I.... 045`: Mr. John McQuay became a member of the I.0.F. on Saturday night last. . . .Mr. John Gardener. sr , who went to Manitoba last summer, is visiting friends in the village here._ He intends going back in the spring. . . . Mr. Fred. Day and Miss J. Wilson, of Orillia, visited Mr. and Mrs. A._A. Bell last week... .Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bell and Mr. and Mrs A. W. Bell visited Mr. Thomas ' Bell, of Crown Hill. on Sunday last. . . .Mr. Alex Robinson has moved from his residence and is living with Mr. Sam. Corbett at pre- sent. . . . Mr. Joe Crawford is learning the blacksmithing tradegwith A. W. Bell here. . . . . The concert from Haw kestone described at length in last week's ADVANCE was given pleasure and prot of the large crowd who attended. Rev. Mr. Thompson, ot Shanty Bay. was chairman. . . .The anniversary ser- mons in connection with the Presbyterian church were preached on Sunday. morning and evening, by Hon. Chas. Drury and Rev. Mr. Rollins, respectively. Mr. Drury spoke from the text, ' t ye on the whole armor of God, and Mr. Rollins on_the.s20th Cen- tury Fund. The latter said that $1,550 is -expected from the three congregations, Oro Csntraljand Guthrie, or 810--per family. The anniversary tea and entertainment was held in Oro station on Nov. 4th, much to the` on Monday night. _ i \lIlIIUU \JIl|IIUIl - V wnylu. \JIIIIU all HUI` |will be held on'sgnday. De_:e_ml;er 24. HICKERSM1 M10. faction. Successors to Geo. Reedy. As our store is alviays crowdedin the afternoon, we would suggest early shobing, when` you can make your `selections with much greater easeiand comfort and ensure better attention. `ta If you live at a distance write for samples. We do iust as we advertise and guarantx perfect satis- :4 _ Beginning today we offer ED MILLINERY, SAILORS, ing, our stock of Huts ` " ` A The character of our Mnllinery is well kno4 . ' 1 I 1 I n e r y I _ GREAT Innucnunms, All our stock of TR WALKING Hus `and all HAT Tnmumas at a GREAT Rnnncmon. - We stop at :1` must be cleared out by 1st J anuary._ ' mes the nd _'BLOUSE -SIIJKS AND SAT` A , 35a to 81.60 per yard. Beautiful BLACK DRESS AN K-IRT PATTERNS in Plain and Fatty weaves. LADIES trrI_{ID GLOVES (tn gu teed) $1.00 up. BELT :R1BBoNs, BELT BUCKI. t BGARF AND RIBBON PINS in great variety. LADIES TIES in the-newest designs` ` et, Lace and Chiffon. ' VNOBBY NECKTIES, MUFFLERS H jv! CLARENDEN SCARFS for Gentlemen s wear. BATTENBERG MATS AND CENTRE _EcEs. swxss EMBROIDERED PILLOW` SHA ~ in very pretty designs. TRAY CLOTHS, DQYLIES AND DRESS 31' COVERS. FIVE O CLOCK TEA COVERS AND SIDE `ARD SCARFS. TABLE COVERS in `Plain, Heznstitched and Frinf-T d Linen; LADIES` very ne SILK UMBRELLAS, Pearl, Sil_ 3 Also 9. very ne range of CUSHION MATERIALS in ' I And the GREATET AND MosT ATTRACTIVE .stock of Plain CHIEFS ever seen in the Town of Barrie. Donot pass by our TAPESTRY and CHENILLE TABLE o I Demdnally in the American market at from 10 to 25 per cent. lower in p " e than anywhere in the trade. _~l Fancy Embroidered HANDKER1 _ RS and PORTIERS, all selected - The most P911; . ' tion`of.ev_e"ry dn, the" ' is huniversslly sdmitted tobe the f ive have for the season's t customers. ` We show a. magnicent st appropriate. It is impossible to enumerate the many lines of goods but in few suggestions might prove protable to our` many friends and 8 of T `VA|R,V,|CKERS 35 c;<.>`: Ora stanon. Advance Correspondence. HLIDAY can r-"rs. So1r%t11ing' Usefu1 #931) `nu chief Store. Goodpoverirgs, stylish handles. for Ladies lor Gentlemen, $1.75, 32 25, $2 75, $3 60, . :4 on A. '- | Ladies Jackets, German, tailor-madz black, brown. fawn. navy, cardinal and gr "PI-inns {mm 8`) 50 tn $96 00 ta l [Ogzaora Ca[;eZs,VV(r-a1'>s;,V vvevlvet and fur-lint: 1n great variety. PL-ot11r_fn,uynnr l>n"nu-,nnn.-In r`t\n`I1'r\.\rI I ..- ' I-U` VVUKII. :0 $25 00.` GH1- 1'Y....J....._ '""s`1"kW i`I'dZr".ihirts, colored Silks, 35 00, so oo, $7.50, $10 oo, . ~ Furs.` Ladies Fm` Coats, Caperines, Storm Collars, l Boas, Gauntlets, Etc. T Colbred Serges, Hehriettas,` `Cashmeres, M Ladies Cloth, Fancy Sc tch Tw 3, Home- spuns, Poplimw, Soliels, Plaids, Eta` - ` ' 4 ed S1lks at 50c , 750 and $1 06. ,7 Blouse lengths in handsome D1aidz`a` gur- M Extra value in nlain black Silks and tins. IJIGVE UIUWLLQ lIV'I.I' IlBV.V, U1! Price from $2 50 to $25 00. Danf(`md Roche & Co. T , Blouses. > 1 Well made, `latest stvle, from soc. to ss 00. Acqu vcunvlqo ` `Ready-to-wear tailor-inade Costumes fron K no 4-1. Q05 nn ?SEFUL GIFTS " anfordoche & Bi Silk` Umbrellas. Dress Fa Mantles. Silks.