Yours truly. NORTHERN Apvmcn J AM'1s WARD. _Ma; Robgnt wslgn, of `Bradford, h_er- 7brot);_g:r,_. _John Lynn, In the hopethat. this letter will lead to a thorough` discussion or the subject in the us. uuv nuuvwuuuu uu vary muon UXIGIJOBG. I nrnn, V ~ | recent act of the Legislature the Town Council has power to take over the existing Library and make it free under its provis- ions, and a very large proportion of the` _ Public Libraries in the towns and cities of i Ontario have been madefree during the past - few years with most gratifying results. `In Ithe County of Simcoe there are now eleven Free Libraries; The usual Government grant is continued to.Free Libraries, andthe only change involved is the levying by the` town of, the sum now paid as subscriptions. I On` the otger hand every person who is re- oommeude by a pro rty owner would have free use of. the Li rary. It is hardly necessary to say that a Free Library would bea great attraction to intending residents and visitors, and it is undoubtedly true that a" very much better class"of literaturewould be purchased. `when it-would not be neces- sary to cater to the popular deuyand for light osion`. It willhlnrr Ha.` imln s..- an u..'. ._y yv vows w one pupumr uumauu lo!` ugnu Euon. It wm mo be admitted by all am with 3 Free Library the number of members will very lergely increase and the usefulness of the institution be very mach extended. TIL flan lllifl that old- I-as-- _.:II 1..-: 4 - _ V--v v. v-- yr.--.-.- r--.y-v.--rue s We have the latest; Novelties. Ooleron Panels. can-boneue. Medallions. Medallions framed in gold or velvet shields. Miniatures copied from any photo. Correct like- ness guaranteed. - ` 4 Any of these will make avery handsome Xmas gift. ` QIVIV Ail` IIHIIII! .--J v. v-.--- u -.- uupnuun tun nuuuuwvullv lxllula llla SIT AT NOE. All orders given before nee. 18th will be delivered in time for the Christmas maih. _Oftn itiin imnossible to accompany a dear one on a Journey ; why not send a life-like representative- I one of our splendid photographs ? K. I I I I ` I 31 per Ammm on Adxvaxnce. I_f_ _3_r_ou geinst Go. [SHAW BROS., ' En-o-J- _-A fI_._..- - .- ~ . - ` 1 ` ~ .< j-' *3, -.3 * *- -v ' - ' V r . ` ,,,- . ., . , \ . _ ` .z\ r ' A -_ ` -'x A T. D` V % uy Store at I IInIInl\l! l!lIl\Il I-InI\ natu-A SARJ EANT &A SM Wismer s ADVERTISEMENT. Silk Handkerchiefs and Silk Mulers in great variety, beautiful and Draperies,` which are always acceptable gifts to good housekeepers. Blouse Silks in all the newest shades. Plain J ap Silks, in all colors, 3 25c. Napkins, Table'Linens, Toxlvels \We inivite you to come and see ourldisplay. Come early and often. No l A ,_ 38 1)UNLOP STREE1; BARBIE." The School Board vs. Town Council suit was called off on Monday night in spite of Trustees Montgomery, Love and Andrew who died kicking. "Ladies" Initialed White Lawn Handkerchx special at . . . . . ; 5` U Pure Linen Handkerchiefsrfrom . .' . . . V , , '. . . . . . . . . . ~ ' Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs from`. . . . . . . . . . . Children s7 Handkefchiefs at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .` A . . L the best made, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies? Fine Kideleves, the newest shades, 2 dome f_ _ . `f guaranteed satisfactory, at . . .. .-. - _-_ Gents Lined and Unlined Gloves at. . . . .' . . ' Stylish Bow Ties, bought for Xmas Trade . . . . . . . . . Stylish Buffs end Four-in-hand Ties,-{very pretty. . READ PAEE _l-uni, ymifa tguly, @bVu syTStore a[tthebusy Centre Barrie andvmmvale. `_TWitI1V1_V4f{1ll.ssortm VL bf Novelties'ofal1 kinds; for young and old, aypocket-tting pricgg_ :Ha ndk_3rchief;s,g 9.lore; Arted direct, the best value ever shown in Barrie. _ A cold wave for the Liberal _ party has set in in Manitoba. It 18 also true that Ontario gets her cold weather` from Manitoba; watehjhe probe. and 9 Scnuruoa. 5'33`? 9f. undfclpthing, a. new season s ;tie, a. silk handkerchief; .~P?51i*0f kid-lined gloves, 2: pair of `warm mitts, a new and dressy _ < `1_1_l`Ueel"}';* as whitevot colored shirt, a. new suit of clothes, an overcoat .. _ .3 allfdvcollults the latest styles, a. sweater, a pair of l A `- apai'I_;'iof fshcy slippers, an umbrella, a waterproof. I ' l Jackets, this sea.son s styles-3 Our Gents Dept. . % SELECT A PRESENT FROM Our Ladies Dept. This is one of Santa Claus latest photos. The old gentleman is taking a loook around, in 1111lre;~:s uniform. You see him looking at the Cash Store -iwindovrs, and` wondering if everything inside comes up to the promise so eloquently made behi: I the `plate glass, Santa `Claus would believe it did, if he passed into the store. Annl so would you, gentle reader. V Sunday. . . .M:`. and Mrs. W. Bennett,-, of Ebenezer. spent Sunday at Mr. `J. Lynn's. . . .We are sorry to report the departure of Mr. James Lennox, who has gone to Franklin, Indiana. . . . Messrs. Rogerson and Milne have their` sawmill ready for work on Mr. Gum 1 bol s farm, noon. 5, Innisl. . . .Mr. J. W. Lynn, of this place, has been re- engaged as teacher at Grenfel for the ensuing year at an advance in salary. i-n_'tbe schedule of returns of con- victions for the quarter, 75 per cent. of them are for assault. TIIL- II___,,,,, SAMUEL WESLEY, PROPHIETOR -v-- --our own I-wjunnvo _ The Grammar school axaminationa take place next Wednesday. Parents ` are expected to attend. ' V rm... n-....._ n..._L .. - 7 - I m Thirty Years Ago. From Tm: Non-mum Anwmcn Dec. 6th, 1869. Win; B. MoVitv in Clark of the Peace; and A. B". McPhee in Town Clerk. ' vvvvua `V IIIVVUIJIII ""1`h;rC'ounty Court opened on Tues- _ A dresslength,` sv shawl, a silk, linen, embroidered or lace h:m kerohief, pair glo'ves," some hosiery, pair of ne boots, shoes or s1ippers,pair corsets, set collars and cuffs, a pretty blouse. Very -beautiful and fsshionable things laid in specially for the ho1ida_VS .---9. superb stook. l is a-feature of ,this store, and Christmas selling is an all-im1{ort;mt oonsideration with us. It is a protable investment to buy your Xmas requirements a. week or so ahead. Early buyers have the best pick of - the greatest variety. We put by a purchase till you want it.i From now on, we sell you what you want here at ON E. THIRD OFF-some lines lower than that. You know we livep our pledges faithfully; eWe shall not disappoint now. ALL ABL azr; FOR XMAS. Santa Claus IRWIN. The result of the Manitoba elections in 3' victory for Government ownership -of railways. day, His Honor Judge Gowan resid- } ing ; twenty six years ago he entered L upon the judicial duties of the county, j AAAAAA__AAAAA_$ `[1111: Ann A`I'\`(T"I'nr.11\ m,` 1 COME AND SEE US f'T"'-V-V-v_"* THUS. N. HOBLEY. The one occupied before the re by R. A. Stephens. WE ARE ADVISED TO I_EEP MOVING. TEA AND COFFEE .... .. MERCHANT AND GROCER. THE CASH STORE EXCELS ITSELF AT XMAS TIME. The School Board has refused tore-' duce its membership from 12 to 6, but as Mr. Tarts says, Wait until next; year and you'll see. ' ` " - V .... $1 25;.;;fi Dmcmnmn 14. 1899. IN oun 3 new STORE Ag .. . 10c to 5Uc ,[ 40., 5c , 8c., 10c . . . . . . . . .. 75c ........ ..$1 00 25 and 1 50 up to 300 50c "v"?iv*`vvi) . This is how Greenwey pronounces it ~-Menito-bah, with the accent on the Int syllable. - . 31% new name will be added to the Subscription LII! until the money in paid. ' T Subscribers now in arrears for thue mentlu and out will bechsrked 8140 oer ann_um. The School Board minority has grown `into a majority. TA 12 Page 72 column Newspaper. It Published from the Oice, ma Dunlap Street Bnnie. in the Countv of Simeon, the Pro- - _.E..._ .E I\__A_ .,,. Do not ask unnecessary questions these busy days when you go shopping.` unoo vvyuuu no-nu an-u vnlrvfb suntan]-o aEz:m::3%1m;:.::2;%1" *""" 7 The Atlantic 61 P '6 E ' dgll . All Other tro.ini?1ily :'cee Sxt?::$'y..`m mu y - 1|.....II... -I.-..I.I -....__ _ 'n-.;.I 1:-\v_n-_ n_2u_..__. THE NORTHERN Anvnucz -uuununnnvnacn-1-H sip IJl`lI\I\lllI puvcauu. V BAR]!!! fro A!.LANDAl.l._ - 1.3: cam, 7.56 s.m.. 9.a7 a.m.. a.m.. 11.55 9,131., 5.4: p.m., 5.28 p.m.. 7.40 p.m. - ALLANDALB TO Buuuz. ,0 `halo. l'nI5 l..m.. 13:30 `Jun, `nXs"omo, 50. .mI' Pom pom: ` 11-II-Iolll. n. " '~ Main, A 11.3 pan _Atln.ntic &Pa.cic Ex. {.18 M " .-.`;.;*;:.;::::::5.;-":::';:.'..:.::r;r T" `* 5 o `cm: X o . ~ ail. 1 HAEMILTON. ' 5.80 p.m. 11.88 :.m, nIuAuIun`nuu-u-.__ - ---_._-_ ._ .-_ `ruinous-m Bani. for Vund um}. from the ndqtnontionod places as follow: : . ion. 1 TORONTO. non. The Munioignl pot is boiling iig Had ..I_ ....-.....J . 5 .. _..=.`I 4.- L- L-a.s-..n. -_ V--- '- .._--v -01 --any onkxauasf .2 NORT!-i-`BA . 11.86 am. . Mail. . 5.I0'p.m.` I10 p.m. Atlantic & Pacic-Ex. 11.54 " 0.1 " North` Bay Mixed. 7.30 a.n. Gravonhurat freight (south only) 9.85 COLLINGWOOD & MEAFORD. 11.90 a.m. - Mail. - 5.87 p.m. Va D-I'll. ' EXPVQUL `om: PENETANG. I1 IO4a.m.. Accommodation. I 5.17 p.m. 7 `Dim. ' Accommodation. 7.55 a.m. AL ANDALE & BARRIE SECTION. HAIIRIII `IT! AI.l.AIYnAI.l_ name RAILWAY auIT5i:\.J more aocetable `sn.Art1etic Portrait ? V . Call and see a display at Portraits that `excel any heretofore ex- Iullulbgal PHOTOGRAPHER. _j$OUYTI ' Orders Riven before Dec. 2Oi9.h ewili be delivered `in time for` Ohrietrhes mail. ' EDITORIAL NOE. Tums or SusscIurrIou.' V 1.:I:|\Il'ldIV Morning. W ._When the Grand Jury appeared be- ` ,.-`lore the County Oouncilfu few daya ago , mans to give-an account of then` Itewardlhip while visiting the House` of Refuge; . they should -have stated that they pre mud Keener and wife withan, 4 ; jtba.IIk~ing ' .1590 --.for'4.. Bldhith; `u {I 1`: VJ ` 11.18 mm. LII q- -UV-U 7.3: pan. 1 11.13 mm. cu dllIIDI_lII.lUU|Ig Ann I. .1 . puulviiu I logic; of meeting : in 8ou_tl': Ontario Int` wgok the in3e_|'uu'.of udder.` _ T allll LIIIIIIVI IIIOIIIO uuuno 'l`_IDIOtIa All dfll Wanna thomba a it aaazo cm. age, . 31 - _ o'ui_uo.curo on'aaVchboxL.e_. % 4o`-u_ `~ v vuuvu `pv gv , nan-no--no` gggvagwgg #2} Home White; 32.90; H. RES A._-_. arm: . 'r_|.._ n ____ -_. Q1 nz - S:-igle'y'. lI-Medeline Givane," V Mary Patterson, Harry Brown, Morley Dyer, Edna Harrell, Hurry Dyer, Roy Brown. I,_ Pt. 2 S:-.-B.oy Ferguson, Lemuel Hnbbert, Alice Wio, Fleecle Lynn. 1, Pt 2 Jr.-- Sedie Brown, Beetrioe Neill), Fred.` rown, Mebel HerrelL 1, Pt. 1-'--Ohu;"Dyer2 Frank Herrell, Howard-_ Andi-ewe`, Au-ihnr Eubbert, John Bandy, Pi-ingle._ `A-_- Olebe Pi-ingle,_ Henry Hen-ell," Ethel Bloxhem, 0elbonrne.', Ayers "biW.06ndII.Io6._}1:`9. ' . , I "'uF1i`3'Sa af1EoES&'o -"13I:I bed. at [0 mm. - ` A "':F E.'1fJiBALSS.7uLTa' were passed : --V.A Orippe, 815.; W. 0. Richardson, 831.46.; J. A. MnLcren, $35 ; D.-` Wood, $110 ;James Muir, $5;Ja.mes Watson, 33 10} Samuel` Alexander, Ann. 11-...-- n'n.:..-' an nn.. 1': .r- Report of Holly Public Bchoq; for Nov- ember. ' - A The State of `Massachusetts has for ._ seversl years been ghting consumption `successfully, the number of deaths `from that dread disease having decrees- ad from 6,272 in 1852' to 2 000 in 1898. The -means adopted throughout the atats are as follows :-[noreaalng care in oleanliness and sanitation... proper. organization and equipment of `Boards ,of Health, general} education` in /hotter understanding. of the of. v~ health, and treavrnent of A.oosauus;pgtv9g - I--`ALI--H. I--.._Sa;I_ . V--Echel Eden, Annie Srigley. .IV -Edna Andrews, Arthur Dyer, Em. Patterson`. Willie`Dyer, Ids Neill. ill -Ethel Pierson, `Ida Alba:-teou,;En el lI'__'IlmI.In- (lip.-. M` "n-lI ---u---- on` ----\:w -v. wuuv uvv-scan A bylaw was introduced,` read three times and passed, for the appointment of deputy returning oicers for the municipal elections of 1900 viz.-No. l polling sub.-diy., J. E. Emma. at Dalston school house; No. 2 polling sub.-div., Chas. Stewart, at Town Hall, Midhnrsb; No. 3 polling sub.-div., Allison Lesdlow, at Cundle s school house; No 4 polling sub.-div-, Alex. Primrose, as hell, Miiiesiug; No; 5 polling sub.-dim, W.` J. Bishop, at Public school house, Grenfel; No. 6 polling sub.-div., Alex. ,Gilo_hrist_, at school house on 14th con. 1Cv ovTi5;'E.; .i3i.'.}'2: .'.?};J 3435 ;` TL- l'C-.._.}I . . . _ _ _-.I 1.- ,'I-I_ `I\ A special meeting of Vesprs Conn- eil' was held on Nov. 24th. All the members except Mr. Lewis were pres`- ent. The Reeve in. the chair. The Reeve informed the Council that it was necessary to hold this meeting in ad- vance of the regular meeting on so- oount of action: having at once to be taken re Swsley oreek drainage. . l\_ ...-n.:-_ A 133-]-.. -_.1 l`1_l_I._-II -....-., .. ......., ---.... ..........,.,... a ` `On motion of Finlay and Caldwell Ordered that the Committee in charge of Swaley creek drainage works he and are hereby `empowered to let contract for the repair of the break in Willow creek on Mr. zDobbin's property which is interfering with the work on Swaley creek, and employ the necessary labor required for carrying on the drainage of Swaley creek. -That this Council when the costsof the said works are ascertained, do pass `a by-law, for borrow- ing funds requirred for the same. A L- I-.. _-.. :.'.a...-.1_-_-.I ..--.1 LI_..-_ The next Municipal Elections will be held under the new act, reducing the Oouncil to a Mayor and six Councillors elected by `general vote. Mayor Johnson, of Belleville,` in. speak- ing of the satisfactory results _ of the new law in that city says :-We have made every member of the Council, in- cluding the Mayor, a member of every Committee. This arrangement enables each one to know and be fully inform- ed of every transaction aeoting the city's interest, and what I think is of great importance, places responsibility upon every man. N 0 one can now say `'1 was not a member of the Committee and did not `know, and consequently can-. not be held responsible for the `action taken. . V a ilnitzd States, there to be fed into two or three times their value when leaving here. Thue ineteetlof fattening` these store cattle ourselves, with benet to the soil and inoreeeed prot to our fermere, we le.t the New York farmers prepare them for the British market. Though Canadian cattle slaughtered at the port of landing brought higher prices in Britain this year than they did last, we shipped 16,000 head fewer to that market. An explanation is to be found in the fact that under the. arrangements made by the Dominion Governmentwith the Unit- ed States we ship a lame number of young and unnished cattle to the Gama -.. AI-aunts `nan :-`Lg `sung 1.... %gavan Oiihty ooannxoia Brass or Hunt,-9. chaos to have `gushed 1' the Lu;-y _who inspired thlyh ` " `wo'oUnnAooLp.,m ozwm . % I 1'a5e'Luil.tivc Bruno uiaino :l'p.5|etI.` Alldiu ` ufuudthomoa it.fnihto"cun. 15." , . lHIA'I`ddnnhIrn n hnnnnlu Inn. gs`... Honenatnr Gowan has always been It warm friend of the Canadian militia and has lost no opportunity to increase its eoiencv. As will be-aeenon page 3 he has offered a cup for odmpetition in -volley -ring. . - `I The ` letter _wcrt`i_ihg: o`niisi' threst '_1`rusteefRoedy from` tokihg pm in "Monday _night s :mee.'ing_ cf the `Board Ins ditty School `Board tactics, and contsmptibls `treatment of -a. man who for. two years has performed hisduty to the -schools in a conscientious, straight- forward andfscosptable manner. J-IIIU KIVIIIIVI ullwnnnua saunas uuu credit for staying persistentli` desire and best -interests of Public` school ratepayers until the claim against the Town Council was amicably settled. The hour of settlement is certainly somewhat late owing to the opposition` of Trustees Montgomery, Perkins,Love, Andrew and Smith, who are to blame. for the heaping _up_of unnecessary costs. Such amicable settlement would have been reached more than, a year ago it the School Board Committee `had been captained by a less belligerent leader; `A; Muosgmibexl, TM-.7P4.P., nvddnn-cued` a Irina ll nu-`Dina-_ In Hand-In (`I-.u'-..8_ I-_n` The School Board minority deserve ___|:- 1.|-_ `..L__2;_-_ ..-._..:-a.-_.I_' _:LI.. 5!... fivsxsrajdauncii V SNEATE, Clerk. |..enriumas PriunIs.. I Tnumxs. Vausns, SUIT Guns. Punsns, HAND Baas, Lumen . Owns, ue Srura, Tms up A V4nunt_- or oi-an TLEA-rum: j Goons at the Igwegt` Prices. bro all iiow.-nvo nhiip worn uhoddi . %`>-%`*hP`*% The Christmas gift need not be cost-_ 4y in order to be appropriate and so-o -ceptsble. The intrinsic value is of `little or no consequence; but the goodwill end .-kind wishes, the thoughtfulness.- snd generous feeling `prompting one to; remember `relatives and friends are the fsctore that make the custom fellcitous end commendable. Give it little boy or girl ten cents or s quarter, or its vslue,.with a cheerful; word, sndjthey no es much delighted as if the present _' were ten times greater. woi hm smog; variety Tue GERMAN .FELTSa!om Cbildpon. L . . _ T ' Npw II the time to by your` `jg Aflarge assortment of aavwl yvuv Iuluulu uni IIUVV gill , BUD [JIIIUBI are so tempting that it will be easy for you tobuy. . T We `carry 5 full line of Dear Sir.-Permit me through your col- umn: to oallthe attention of the citizens to the im mm question of the establishment of a. tee Library in the town Under 5 ITHE Kl0N|J|K`E QVIIIS IIULUDUULM I would meet you in your owu ward but d three candidates would lead to plumping, ` which I do not approve of. Up till the present I haveunot asked 5 single vote no you have`: feir eld. _' `I , 381563 _5 9 `I599 UIIIIII As the late unseemly state of alfairs at -the Board is neither dignied nor in the public interest one of us should retire and I now invite you to resign your seat at once and contest with me Victoria ward, and I will request all candidates-to give us a clear course so that the `electors may settle for themselves our differences. By so _doing you will display an honest desire to repre- sent public feeling instead of yourself and if. elected you will have the further satis- faction of being always on top, except in the courts, and I will personally gain by being defeated. ` V T nnnnlpl snag! cc... 3.. ..-.-.. _-.. ___-J L"--L Sir.`-l-Against`you. or any other man, 1 I have no personal animosity whatever, but for `the last two years at the Public School Board you have studiously led a concrete majority in opposition to every proposal of any moment emanating from myself except Finance reports passing your Committee s accounts. So pertinacious and evidently personal has been your opposition that feel- ings and scenes have been developed which can neither `have been edifying or pleasant to any sensible person. From self-respect and disgust at your action, seeing it had `a majority support, I withdrew from the only Standing Committee on which I was placed. but believing that I have the support of the people in the course I have pursued, shall seek _re election. A- 4.I__ I--- ,_,,7r ` - - " "' '-'1`I:;-(iinnoil would have the right to take the course you deprecate, and I think you are mistaken, Mr. Editor, in fearing any such movement" in on ;m.:.`x::;;; ;;.;;.,;:.'.;' -..vy- .--- V- ow can on-wvvv AIQVIIVQUAAJULJU Bmiefonc , 12m Nov., 1899. To F. Montgomery, Esq}, P. S. Trustee. Barrie. ----.I -.u -vvvov Should I have the the honor of hav- ing aiaeat at the Council Board, it will be myconatant endeavor to have that departurent .operate_"d in the moat eicient manner as a town concern so that the ratepayers may be able to realize their reasonable expectation of getting "a good return for the large amount of town moneys invested in the plant. xv- n-____:1 ____1j u, r--'- "T hope to be . dandidate for the Msyorslty, but I have heard In thing of this save` what was stated in your pIp0l`.` mg. .l.....__ I... A -27 r"r"-- - The electors by their vote on the by- ; law, having epoken-a.nd spoken with j no uncertain sound-the question- aurely is settled. GI__-_I..I 'l' l ,,,, .1 .I -` - - l The limo Ilolioo Ill The at Does Not Necessarily imply that we Held . the Opinion of the Writer. V 7 Barrie, Dec. 8th,_l899. _ Dear Six-,-In_ a le tt'er.from me print- ed in the Examiner, of the 7th inet., by the mistake of the Editor or printer of that paper,` a few words were substituted at the endof the letter for the words written by. me that materially alter its meaning. PI`- _...`.- ___AA ----- -' -` _-v v.-v ----vvn vs UIIVI JHLGIHIIIUIVQ Dear Sir,-In two issues of your paperof late date, it was stated that a movement was on foot to elect a Coun- cil next year that would rent or farm out the Electric Light Works to a Company. `I 1.--- L- 1.- _ L_7s--- -` -- iWHA!"1?Hl$ I E0PI.EH1MV%ET0 su. --.. ............q. 1 make matters clearer will you ; Vkind_ly_publieh the letter aahended in 1 by. me to the Editor of that paper: whioh'waa exactly as hereunder writ- ban pvt: o In, the letter above referred to I thought-I made my position clear, but so that there can be no room to cavil I may as well add I would oppose any attempt toltoke either Electric Light or_"Waterworkev out of Municipal con- h-n'I_ Abao'E':3BL'}' ic"is Jid'?o"E8'L'Z:$}?e' the Sixth Ward. T , % % `Yours truly, - G. A. Rumcnunsr. _ . Barrie, Dec. 2nd, 1899. To the Editor of the Expminef. _ ` 1'\__._ $2.. `I I mmnhsmnnmssmmrnm mm-ron I - -~ 2:90 ems.` Qupoma en`. mm: ~ ; W "4 53: ~ ~47" Everyone ehzmld gene.` new pair, ehe price: PH I0 hamntina that `I: will '11: Anon `nu Ivnn Open Letter to Trustee Mdntdomry. SHOES Shall We Have a Free Library? In the place to gel: your Fall Lamas , Gnu-rs um CHILDREN'S Fm: Bananas, - Gums` FINE Gmvxs A.u_n_Mn-rs, Acton make. Yours truly, G. A. Rwnnnunsr. The eleotoraterehould devote ea cage- 'ful consideration tothe School- Board -candidates as those for the Council.