goons. in course UL UUnaI.Luu|.Auuo . 1 The fire burned fiercely when once into the inflammable material used in the paint shop. The `blaze could be seen for fen miles and the town was] `illuminated as bright as day. The build-2 ing is atotal wreck, but large qnan-5 tities of lumber were saved, owing to. favourable winds. During the progress of the fire several of the- houses near were ignited, but no damage done. The loss to Messre_.-MeLeughlin will `he in -the neighborhood or gnome. There was about $100,000 in stock on hand, and a percentage, of this we: saved. The ineuranoeamounte to bee- tween 070,000 and 080.0002- . IIVLA` Qantas: and hivill-. nhllf. CAPIP.0l' 3.1.. j .. ____.~ 4 "`:'I'lu'/5. me mu: AT OSHAWA. |U IIQUVL `GI-`ll? 9 quantities 1 n-nil /nnnfn I1 O ril_lTia has Sold 375,000 thirty`-year! power scheme debentures to the Com] tral Loan and Saving C'omp-any at 9.! premium. % n1L - ' ."\LJ..__... 5%. Dutnlnlpla Tifni-n1\I1 PLAN OF LADYSMITH. 'l~3"?V.IIo.nB~`u 0311 1 ul . .33- ` TREATMENT OF LWAR PRISONERS. International San They Blast Not be ` Treated WIII Severity. The unfortunately large number of our men who have been captured by the Boers prompts the question. How are prisoners of war treated by the capturing belligerent? International law recognizes the right of the bellig- erent so to deal with its prisoners as to prevent their escape, butno great- er` severity is to be exercised towards .them than isnecessary to effect this \\ -r_._`.__.: ____ ....4- ha I-Inn full gonna nf | Imprisonment in the run sense of the word, says one writer, is only per- missible under exceptional circum- V stances, as after-an attempt to escape, or it there is reason to expect that an 3. attempt to escape will be made. If a .prisoner endeavours to escape he may bekilled during` his flight, but if re- captured he cannot be punished ex- 1-...u. 1... m-mfinnmanf sufficientlv se~ lcept by confinement sufficiently `Vere to prevent the chance of escape, because the fact of surrender as pris- joner of war 18 not understood to im- gply any promise to remain in captiv- , ity. Oap'l'.11I'e(1 I18 UHHUUL DC yuuxauuu val Prisoners of war are maintained at, `the expense of the Government in{ ,whose power they are, and sometimes! ! a money allowance is made to them, al- 'thongh it is hardly likely that on the present occasion the Boers will carry generosity to this extent. Prisoners may be put to work suitable to their condition, but not to such as has direct relation to the war.. Fran GREAT BELL or sr. PAUL S. ' ants of an English sovereign. or to ' the consort of a sovereign, of an hair I a`ppa`rent, or of a prince or princess The only `oeuutons on Which It Is 41-` lowed to Be Bung. In the Cathedral of St. Paul in Lon- donis a great hell on which the hours are struck. When the other bells peal from the belfry it is_silent, and it never rings on festal occasions._ When it does ring it rings alone and: Londoners know that some member` of the royal family is `dead unless the bell is tolling to announce the death of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of London, or of alord may or of the city during his yearfof office. `With these three exceptions the hon- or is paid only to the lineal descend- , ._,L__.._. `C J-Ln Lkmnna I311`- `; `tron IIIJL-lJUU|.l UL qyauguviia ` Dunnville_ has blossomed from avil- lage into a town, and the next issue of the Ontario Gazette will contain a proclamation to that effect. ` JL-_ I1__.-J3..-an c-non!-Ilnii ` "'& I""""" " 7 \ on the Steps of the.throne. Bu-t it was tolled upon the `death of President Gar- 5 field, whose long and brave fight for- te had been witnessed in England 'with almosf as much interest and sym- pa_thy as in this count_ry.. ml... nnnnrnnl hnmnina of the neat. ju I,L|l \IU\l.8JL_lJoA ` The sonorous booming of the great, bell was thetirst announcement to` the people of the death _of Prince gu- -bert, which occurred at eleven o'clock `an; night on December 14, 1881. un.....` Janna nnmns fn fhn rnval ILISLIL UM Llwvwslnuva. L S, guug. , Whenever death comes to the royal family, the home secretary is at once I informed. It is his duty to notify the lord mayor, and it then devolves upon ` `the lord mayor "to send the news to - the Dean of St. Paul's with a request lthht the gr_eat_'be1l be tolled. Oh, Major Blowr, is it true you once ra.n an Indian to death?` It _is quite true. Miss. "Am! how far did the Indian run? I" cannot` tell you. I was looking straight: ahead all the -time until I got. back to -camp. _ 5 ' . O'Hara`: bakum.m lit-ry. I now`: that! Ekhl I -Ihnvudnntl of H`: In I Ill -5 ruunlyyuu ll. Ana uuuyac mun: Inn-%' e was rudin the Day's Wor- ruk. . when Mrs. O'Hara was .I _X`_. I A `g 1'). -_-Q -` .Iou'i-Anions: u 3 to is greatly! t. (Th gel . dial him going out noun every 3. _ ton.-aQh,;-h?aTony1 kg turnout Ada. human-,I..n*.L._` 4.1 n.|...a 3. ....m.` ` .. '. = Ar:-`mi ton rr. mrnamy PU RSUITS. '4 \.I1JJ-OOJI~Uu\a -v -.2..- '_.__v Henceforth the Canadian -regulars serving in the Yukon-will be officially known as the Yukon Garrison in place of the Yukon Field Force. Is ,lllII. I I -uthopped at his home this |' In "nun. vdndin +`|A Th: 11`; Wnr- COULD 1301' SEE. "W55 3- WC: |THEY ARE ALL BRITISH ENGLISH, IRISH, SCOTCH AND WELSH MEN AT THE FRONT. Portions of the United Kingdom I-`Iron: Which the Military Leach-r. in South Africa Como. Sir Redvers Bullet, v.c., is a Devon- shire man, one. of :the Bullers of Cred- iton, a family long settled in the county. So it is stated bi,` Burke and every other authority that has men- tioned his county connections. 1111 1' `r1 v-v-.'_ --... 'v_.--., .. General ,Sir George White, V. C.. `now holding Ladysmith, is as we all know, an Irishman. u I I__`,.'__... ...... ` In the commanders of divisions are represented England, Scotland and Ireland. England by Sir William Forbes Gatacre, son of Edward L,G:1[- acre of Gatacre, in Shorpshire, and of a Canadian mother, the daughter of W_il1iam Forbes of 'Caller_1dar, New Brunswick; Scotland by Lord Meth- uuen, the bearer of a Scottish mm and `lprobably also born north of the Tweed, andlreland, by General Clery, who glikewise procleims his race in his `name. A. _ ,. . gauuannnvu To the nmnber_of Geneml: of in- ferior rank Scotland contributes Sir [Archibald Hunter and Ire1and_Uen0r- al H`a111:, who, apprupriazely enough, has been appointed to the '3'; \v(A-I-5: Iaa-A-5: The'0ttawa St. Patrick's Literary? gnd Scientific Societyhas decided to erect a lbuilding to cost in the neigh- borhood of $15,000. - V -3 3..-... -..:`I Soutn Atnca. The fallen victor, Sir W Sylnons, -was a son of Cornwa H onel Gunning, slain while _g:ma1tY lending his Tegiment, the Kmg's MY` 9.1 Rifles at_Glencoe, was a son of Mr- George William Gunning. pf H0`rnt0ni -in Northamptonshire, wh'1e (0l0t Ian Hamilton, who fought 30 ``','` 1E1nnd`s Laagte, is probably 11 50 Mr. Newlywed-What is eating, dearest? _ Mrs. Newlywed-That is darling. A Mr. Newlywed-Ha! See y. . WQU Lau Q Ma &l.\\ag~ ` ` 1) Od th . "W4. afteir 3 NR3 -: i 5 _ axing,` dg over a per 3 3-[TIM yo _ " + `9-"ran '&u:~Au.m, ' tt 1 wotmn comm no i H who -10%;: ; _ baiiuuj:n :14, 18 99 K168, the pI'()l)ilUl1Ik3 --. are Englishmen, Gal- es is the native land rren, an officers qw1}o 8?!) much Warfare 10 CAKE. It is -said that 9. big trusiz, backed` by English and American oapital,`to the extent of about $5,000,000, is after -the knitting factories in Canada. ' The War Office has ordered from a. mm in Belleville twenty-five [thou- nd pounds of evaporated -vegetables_ 3: the use of the troops in South A1- angel this make x an: cake The * 11 Itxfa. lo poss nzxvi `Mr. James Ross, the well known xtreal millionaire, has been -elected 0. `hector of the Ba-k of Montreal, lo succeed the late 18 1*. Hugh McLen-. Inna`: bm t aw :1 grip 2,2`/a eng lon- hon eiLh and the trip abl tain truc dru was of this PLV Inn] thr Sta the \ ach e Robert Maekie has completed the Sirst year of his ten years sentence in Kin ston Penitentiary. It is estim- that he will be released in one yearmore. . Messrs. Flavelle Bros, of Lindsay we just finial;-ed a consignment of .000 turkeys. .000 geese and 000 Qhickens for the British Christmas markets. - Mr. W. E. Bennett -of the Postoffice apartment is in,Vancouver to inquire to recent complaints of tiers and mail-sorters regarding in- Iuffioient pay. Thomas Powell, a farmer residingvg ear `Ancaeter, is dying of blood-pois- ing, the result of a knife wound sus- ined while whittling a stick with a rusty jack-knife. ` u-\.AA' the tivel WI /09 14 twei Llall D I-I'\_ Far; at the `imp-lation the formation of an a.sso-V t At Montr la man climbed to the top at the new ictorian bridge and jumped` into the river. He is suxpposed to have been awealthy resident of St. Lam. beth, named Ennis. ` It is reported that the Canadian llwnufacturers of paper have in con-; afion tor mutual protection and for a regulation of the trade. K;i` I-I1. u -11? vu- whi dun -vv olir Bu Ira rags; nelv rem '0CC fro .751 yqsuu any` Zigilsyvvv --3 v-l---v-- it is announod that um Bull Hotel tha nuuvdhgilek. land. Insbci'gt_a`d?.vsft12_ . china; 1: to 1re*to ar uiihsm Mun` wunnlm bani! nut Booh0I.terf.. .1. the off Iio boi bri uuu. gm I '8 `'1! sh bre E51 stil uv sh CU L`lUIll\Il?5ULIl' II: LUIUIIIQII Ill LL10 James Bmart Mfg. C`o. s toundr at` no , 116, had one at his legs. adl att ' hy the explosion of a tan beside which he was working. ' Mr. W. G. Psrmelee,-Deputy Minis- tpr of T ade and Commerce, has gone. is the ant lndioato enquire into R-ado and steamship subsidy matters. 9 will be gone probably two months. ` I "D::.w13eevti`(1';};;;T\I;spector of. the `Pros- vincial Health Board of Quebec, re- ports the smallpox epidemic at Kam- ouraoka completely under contro1, In all there were 198 cases: The disease was in so mild a form that` no deaths occurred. - ` ' Her Exoollengy the Oountess of Min- to sent three dozen beautiful paint- boxes and paintjbooks to the Ottawa % branch of the Aberdien Association as Oh-risstmns gifts to -the boys and girls of the Northwest. -v ' ~ Prof Robertson, Dominion Commis- oner of Agriculture, reports that ar- rangements are being rapidly complet- ed for the establishment of manual training in Canadian schools, which has been made possible by- the ener- oue i-it ot Sir Williaml 0. `Mo, nald of ontreal. . e . Dawson City` is to have an electric railway lime. A line is being built" through the city, which will cross the Klondike River and connect Dawson- city and Klondike City. -it Parliament-' cry sanction is obtained. It `is propos- ed to extend thi-sl-inc on the Klondike River. to the month of Bonanza Greek, and thence to_ the forts of Bonanza and Eldorado. V - - U1 -uenuerul Iuguruuug LHU uuvcuu guy. qjlowanoe to the wives and chiren` of the Royal Canadians eervlgg In? South Africa has been [adjusts by' the Minister of Militia. Under the_Im- ' '1')erial regulation ; the wives.` at. 16c, and each child 4e..a_day. wh '-Ie 'the husband and father ie _on `active ser-V_ rue difficulty raised bythe Audit-1 or-General regarding the Goverh .0110 nllnurnnnzx #15 Q-`ma urinal and Rh` II`II' '.l`wen.t_y-ve American shing` `#63- aels have sailed from the Bay o!_ Islands. Newtoundlangl. for Boston and Gloucester with barring cargoes,-._ This represents the biggest slaeryon, record in that quarter. Barring are still abundant. but .-.tho fisherman} to . . I . `waiting for cold weather. the `ah _ ;f ........+..' -.-. nu.` lmuinn hnnn -nnnlrad . ` it I The` rep;rTr' 'h'"x3{{s71.`"J3oaga" at Trade for we mnuw '6! Novembeg~. shows increases of ?2,1.'_?6,t,ll)jin im-' .o and f.1.75.!;~.'~Y00` in. `e==p!"tI|~ 3.. .-... ..._.....a.--.;-.I nun; tun n..-n=1:;.=+.a.'1. WIIUIIK I-01 Uulu vvvuuuvsy out: _uu .` ed manta so at . havinc bean pack __IL ~ . Geo Nicholson, 9. foreman in V the] L......... |J.u...-l- `Kim I'\-. :: l1\|1v\.4-`III: n `DB IUUE VUIIVI-IJIQD utuuuuu, II av uu nu, u.` at sacrum .dui-ingwthe `mount m ` 0no",lo tting. rqqm jlagtisfoly ` 1'0 almxr Bnlcrgtn, I UULURFBU. . _,_ . _ A connected gnovotnpnt will be made in Chicago and -other wgt`ern~ cities against the bucket-shop system; a - --__ .'_.L J... `Am-us-.. uurnpvgn ;f| `-v------ ---- --------- :v---. ., e , .' The-movement te advance wagesiin cotton~mi11'centers has become general throughout the New England States. Elev. D. E. Cheney, o the First Bap- ttist Church, at_ Racine, -`Wis., and his wife? were shot and probably` fatally ihnjuredv by a ..bur_glar whoentered their ouse. _ - T ' . The Red Star liner Friesland collid- ed with and `sank the British steamer Lassell; a Santos steamer-_ carrying l28,000 sacks of cotton. in New York `bay Tuesday. nisha1%wi.tia thing: #94 12! thb mmnse. .-.....nn..-3.-an 30* A .U. S. Government expenditure for the scal year ending June 80." 1901, ac. scordtng toestimates presented to Can- } grass, will be $631,081,994, an increase 9 `over the present _year of $38,000,000. IHE NEWXIN A Will] I -Representatives. Corliss, of Mich- gan. has introduced abill foraPacific cable to be built I) the United States of Hawaii. the Phi ippines, Japan and- China. at a limit ofecost of $8,000,000, of which $500,000 is to be immediately available. V ` " tuv Jovvvncnbo } = tmrrnn ,sm-rnzsa L ' 'By. aL votor 88 to"u tnthe, Georgia State Senate. state defeated. prphibition was _._. __.1_ ..._!`II I..- gnnn R Mr. John Wanamaker gavejvidence before the Industrial Commission at `Washington in favor of `department stores. V '-'__ ._. A.` -I-.uh_..L11--_. ` Walter Rosser and Fred Slater ot Rahway.. N. J., quarrelled over a bet on the` bicycle race in Madison Square `Garden, New York, and Rosser shot i and mortally wounded Slater. ' The House` of `Representatives at Washington; by a vote of 302- to 30, adopted the resolution offered by Mr, Taylor. of Ohio, for the up-pointmenigof a special committee to investigate the charges against Brigham H. Roberts, `the Mormon representative from Utah, \ At Butte, Mont., Prof. Malachy Dwyer, 68 years old, during av heated j religious discussion, with J. S. Charle- bois, .9. (divine healer, attempted to. strike the latter. Charletbois called on God to protect him and Dwyer drop- pend dead. The coroner's inquest de- veloped the fact that `_ death was due to heart failure, produced by excite- ment. v.1- 1 :_-..___ Count Tolistoi has beertseriously ill. For two days he was unconao1ous,but- he is now slightly better. 4____I__I The Gerr'1l1.z;:1.-i;eic:l;s't-z;:g' has repealed` the law, passed at the last session, prohibiting workmen's associations. 4- -_......__.I-.. .5 LL. rxvswnw-young n -..,_-_-_. ._ _..__ -_ ., Admiral Fournier, oommander of the French naval. squadron, is visiting the Russian Minister of the Navy at Se- roas?t_opo1. ~ u .u__L-`L; n- .vs-.'.._ \ It is reported that` the De `Beers L mines are filling with water and that %Mr. Rhodes estimates the damage at $50,000 per day. - __ 3-.. L-.. 1.-."- ...--...1-.....! THE VERY LATEST FROM % ALI. ma WORLD oven. vvvww :~- wa- A German trader has been murdered and devoured by oannibals onxthe Is- land of St. Andrew to the northof E German, New Guinea. l`|_..L- -n:'.- :..A:....;- \a\I5a.laI.~oo owvvv ------v-~- Reports from Costa Rica _ indicate >that yellow fever has broken out in the interior of the country, for the first time on record. " . LAdvices from Apia, Samoa, say that the news of the German annexation `of i the islanders as a `result of the Samoan agreermente was received by the na- tives with apparent indifference. The American forces in the Philip- `pines. have abandoned the pursuit of Aguinaldo, who, it is believed, has -slxpped back to Cavite Province, 1 where the Filipinos have resumed `the `aggressive. .- V q ""`> I" ----- A-. .19 +1; Drnvinnnv nf The Governor of {the Province of Shang-Tung, China. has been dismis- sed in consequence -of. his inability witggluaanvu. .1--1 ...:n. fhn nnH-1niHin'na1'v 111 CODBWUUHUU 'UI.- uio Illlloilll-OVJ to deal with the A anti-missionary '1 troubles which have been rife through- iout that province. . A 'r\__;:_ 1.4.- -2;-. 4].,` _ all countries. Uub Ll-I M. Osiris, of Paris, has given the (lulu v5vv hnovwv ` Institute of France, a sum to provide a triennial prize of $20,000 for; the most remarkable work of discovery of general interest, especially i-n surgery and medicine,` the `prize being open to '1`l:~c Socialist `Congress, which has been In session in Paris, decided to meet annually and to elect an Ex- ecutive Committee. ~When the 0on- gress broke up red flags were display- ed and revolutionary songs were sung. The police interfered and`blows were struck, but the delegates ewere dis- persed without ditficulty. 1--I.---n An Important Regulation Tlant senders Should observe. `A despatch from Ottawa says :-The Post-Office Department has sent out a circular calling the attention or postmasters to the fact that under the parcel post regulations no parcelcan ' be [forwarded to Great Britain or any country with which closed parcels are exchanged unless duly accompanied by a Customs declaration giving the name of the sender, and the contents..jva1ue, and. weight of the-parcel. ,. This re- gulation applles. only to parcels . tor,- warded under parcel post regulations; it has no application to packages of fourth-class matter, general merchan- , dine. Ovens to inspection, circulating in ,Oa`nada... or addressed to the Umted :Stat_es.' ' V ' .- V states. . _ 1 1`heobjeot,ot this department` in call- ; ins attention to this matter is to pro-' .vent the disaypoi-ntment--_ which arises when parcels. especially Christmas- percels; are detained for want. of ; oom~ plianoa with the fogmality mentioned. --:j-nth-Q 1 A deggtoh from Manila. sp.u:- LTuesdayJ night a. {ox-co of, inaurcointu, :oatImat_ed at 80.0, attacked thej Ameri- 'oan gofrrigpn of 200 Btvigah. Province" of,SoT 110663.: The Amoriogn loss was! killed Vandgnahy wouhdtd. After `very . hard fighting the mltpinbs %werea;ive1u off an . o I..eB. be `il-U,9L`lR'!'Ol,l|fO,!'0ilIQ,.,t_h0 gar`- thronulg ttgo '_rpofuj1'it`a1ns,__~ leiws L frlsonf. . ` @jn'r`e entottiintd. . "ll;-.hodloI'~' . t`:-Vrr Interesting Items A_bout' 0u1_-Own Country, Great Britain, ths United` _sum. and All Parts ot the main; { Condensed and Assorted for Easy 4 Reading. ` T " 1 II. .s. czm-ma Ajueuea `gnu ugjipy mum ' ' ? un_1'\\'n|IIcI.-, - .- ` - 35131.: W117; rifmizoja PARCELS F63 ABROAD. GENERAL. IJUTTINGS ABIIUTJ THE M] `l`I'e' on the Ili:\t(leIiel1l-.n(l Theme on. their Way to the `cape-4411 `litltnln `l.low_s,to Deeds of ll :-av_er .v. s L 7 General _J,oubert,'when` met By a Lon-" don Chronicle L correspondent, wore his usual brown `slouch hat with crap-e band and a blue frock coat, not luxur- iously new. Hie beard isnow quite white, but his long straight hair is still more blackthan gray. He speaks English with a puquant lack ox gram- mar and misuse of words. When the Chronicle man traveled with him next day, almost the first thing the General said was, "The heart of my soul is bloody with sorrow." . - -r ims THAT w1L7L m'rERias'r AT % ma %1>m:s_1:m~ TIME. ` % fvonftrery to genersl opinion, theLon- . -don Star egpuresses the opinion that Gen. J oubert is nogbeloved, but Cronje has the affection and confidence of all; 'So sompletvely did Cronje impress his generosity and gallantry upon the Jamesonfollowers, that when, as pri- soners, they were being led from Ben- gersdorp to Pretoria, Cronje was greeted with the heartieet of English cheers as he passed, them on the road, a well-deserved tribute to the victor `far his humanity toward the vanquish- ,|rluu;-nu. -uw;.rv- -`.- . British Columbia has -osubscribod over QB,&0U for the relatives of the troops Ordered to South Africa. . . London electors are to vote on the I roposnl to abolish the ward system electing alderman. Verdicts of $200 and 8175 have `been --!---_ .._-.I.....L I-Ln Tnnan `RI! 1 VT (Boereprisoners captured at E1an_ds- laagta stated that many of their own men. who yvere hit with Lee-Metford bullets, neverknew that they were wounded 1 till afterwards, the bullets darillimg a -hole clean. thrduiyh their bodies_, and at the moment giving them no pain. ` `_ g.Wi:th reference to the ill-treatment otnatives by the`Boers, Dr. Hahn, of the South African College, traveling in the Transkei, met several parties of.` Kaftirs from the` gold fields via the Free State, and asked them whether they had been maltreated by the Boers. They laughed and showed him- belts full of gold. , -nr 1 -n- nu . . -. . - . H:1\d[adnr:1cW`_Meblba,has contributed to the Widows` and Ofphans fund 400, a grrtion of the proceeds oi her Albert all concert. ' A A`. Danish pfarmer,` whose `name the Princess of Wales, has tried without success to discover, has for some weelgs past been sending butter to the Bu- tish troops in South Africa. 6 c-vs - - eVhen the Boers were firing at the train which 1eftLadysmith with Gen. French" on board, a" shell passed through the compartments adjoining that in whiclythe general was sitting. ll`\I, , T`?- ` "The Tw$tm5r1TaZV&`}nH ;;;:;;ga";a Hussars, who volunteered for the Cape. have just been informed by their col- onel, the Earl of Lonsdale, that the War Office has deohinedtheir offer. At; ameetisng (if Saltaah of the com- cmubtoee to; erep_rLi'ng a memorial to the late General Symons a letter was read from Lord Roberts, accepting the office of .vioe-president , and also `one from Lady Symons ex ressing the wish that her husband`s- ody might be `brought home. 'I`I-an, Onzl T.nvu-Inn 'I')3l..n -ul.ln1n in ill `IX LII! WV. I 1155 2nd Londen` nines, which is moreor less composed of the work- ing class, collected eleven guineas after the parade`, for the widows and orphans of those Rivflemen who may fa.1_l i_~n the present campaign. , irru '1 I "*3 `"6 '.When Celensc was evacuated and the garrison of Fort AMolyneuxA barely escaped with their lives, one of their number, a welf-known member of the Durban Swixnmingclub, leapt into the river amid a shower of bullets, and diving repeatedly, reached the other side unscathed. The Preeicten-Kt.` of the Transvaal, with the concurrence of the Executive Council has the right of `declaring war, and calling up one or more com- mandos, i-n which the burghersf are under command of field-cornets and commandanta. The commandants are chosen by field-eornets of districts, The commandant-general-o.t present General Joubert--1 s chosen by the whole force. ' V The xanlieod of the South African Republics, from the age of sixteen to sixty-are, liable for service. These are `divided into levies, and so called out_. First levy, all from eighteen to thirty- four ears of age, second levy, all from t irty-four to fifty years of age; third levy, all from sixteen to eighteen and from fifty to sixty years of age. The third class is only called out in leases of great emergency, and after the first and second levies. - Every man is obliged to provide himselfewith a rifle and ammuniition, horse sad- dle, etc. ; A V .,_;._ A!_-,.I `A VCI'Cl.lCl.S U1. qpauu an 1 Even against the London Street Ry. actions for damages and injuries. An anonymous gift of $10,000 has been received byeMcGi1l University to found a ohair_ in electrical research.- . p.--Inna 1L__L_. __-- QELIU -LIKIVD wuvaa` Artilleryman was fined /10` shillings at Portsmoiith"recently' for Iuriously riding `a bicycle. He was .carrying important despatches having todo with the forwarding of ammu- Tuition to the Cape. ; The 4th Dragoon Guards are not the only cavalry regiment of the Fifth Division, which is not either at the Cape or on its way, adreoently stated; tYno Dragoon Guards are still at or . . T i -a".V;f;n.ber'g, the suburb of Cape Town `to which the wounded from Gvlencoe and Elandnlaagte were taken on Nov. 1,.is a bqautiztul spot situa._te'd4 In 9. splendid forest of pine and gum trees. .`nA._,,_._..j 1,- LL- A__.n____ LL,- --r--_------~ -- - v-In look.ia1gif7orwa;*d to the future, the prevailing `eentinient at-Cape Town. is` that the admiration} which has been excited by__ the courage of the Boers is an exceilexit auguryfor a. peaceful n.Ii -n-. A` II _._`.. Potxinastr-General has announced that lgulfemy wager will be paid--% to the `funny 0!` every married :pqoatmn9_ raerviat; ~ ; --u__..__..|-. ....__.._._._ 1.-.. ..... .1- 1.2.. P!t;;nor's ob-uragga has made his men deulure they =vvu1,a- follow hiin auywljro. In one war with the natives 13.; got: wagging` at an ` pend!-n at- t kb Toucan} mst `huh heir R:-?'Ia\..`:nd.1iatsn LL . Q.. -An "Eng" 3% . 'a1jn .v;v riIt`u*t.o H13 Lop-b doh?I'niLi %;=`.-"At mu, - _. _~.-nn_;__-,x~ _._|..-. '......`n 1'1_1L1,~.% ;;ofiTHEnN Ai>VANcE.' clothes, and filled the floor with ashes from his ptipe. . ~ CANADA, The Hamilton Chief of Police-wants the force enlarged. . ` ' _ A __ --.. ..--.4 Pr`:- Captain Ferguon, who is proceeding with his regiment, the 2nd Life Guards-, tosouth Africa, is the eldest survivi_ng an-um t\` (`Ala-`AI TI` nnnnnn an urkn Hint] Lqouucu Axuuu, I'D Luu csucan. nu.;.uuug5 son of Colonel Ferguson, who dled when commanding that regiment in 199: ( General Joubert, says the `London Telegraph may be interested to know. that the `delicate process of tapping the wires conveys to us all the movements in the Boer camp. For example, a. mes- sage sent to Joubert to one of hiss lieutenants saying, "Is road ready? Rest and feed horses. Keep burghers l\II Q.-...A..n..-...'.a- `XT:II -`Anna I-n,tlnvv LVUDD GM`-A LOCK} LIIJJ-HUD` LLCVEI ll\Ll6Ll\JbE on Sandspruit. Will_ gleave to-day. Place field telegraph on border--was in our hands almost as soon as his. ' A _Prussia.n military attache finds fault [with the "cockahooptnessdis-- played in England over Glenooe. The British answer is that a battle. which, broke the spell of Boer victories natur- ; ally called out some enthusiasm. r i "ii {S';I1I;Js}J&T1}aFix"i3{7as the; recent exposures of Boer treachery,l it would be well to scgntinize closely! the various Dutch Red Cross parties} now.- on their way `to `the- Transvaal; before allowing them to land at Dela-I goa Bay. V A A -2: -. `,dThe nlajorivty of {he Boer prisoners` I taken at Slvmonstown Bay} are H01-, lander officials. ` A few are said to beg English-born, and a greater number -to be natives. of British` colonies. .A 1 Ah mg iulposzsigle 5: gm; regimen-' taxi `'vet. to attend to all the sick and wounded horses and mules, it is suggested the desirability` of form`- ing an army ve-ter.'ma.ry ambulances nr\*R1\ T quantities of leather and other small ulcungimm carriage Works Totally ne- stroyed, lass $l40.000. A despatch from Oshawa says e:-The l destruction by fire of the McLaughlin Carriage Company's, _works, together with a great deal of the contents, which took place on Thursday morn- ing, marks the second disastrous tire here during the past few months. By the `burning of the Robson tannery thirty men were thrown out of em- ployment, but not since the great tire of 1889, when the Ontario Mal- leable Iron Company's works were laid` in ruins, has such a dire calamity over- taken Oshawa as the fire of Thursday morning. Now, four hundred ' men who have been employed there are walking the streets. The fire started! in the drying kiln. at" 3.06 a.m.; and rapidly worked` its way into the wood- shop, favoured by a strong westerly ig wind, until by 5 o clcck the building tion of the made-up goods were re- was a mass of flames and agreat pop` moved to safety, together with large goods. in course of construction. . rm... 9:... i.........a finrnnltf when once! ( 5 I J ' ` ., 1 2.1 741/ (!','l"':""` /,.. / `;l[:.,o /I hue Lusuu uu;-u.b...... , Hamilton talks of agipointing ai Vpiumbing inspector. - V , . M I _.:.:..|. n..1......l-.:.-. Lag umhunml-m nvnr