.. uUT,Uw ive their. and aro- n_ of the riots.` On to attend are 8111- 5 s are aph i of ammo 3 of t 1 nobilizeg % and are Eut Mary Street. Lot 54. Want Mary St:-ee_t.,l.o t 1; ` It is a. fact.4nbevettI`|elns. that we cut today 3 IIORGV. { `'"?. 3naYJs`nv.`..`l:"n;a"'?.i`."s2`n'22.` 1 $1.." in onqghanf.-the am; am` prmuga um % ` One urkaoon rnny. M We`): watclub are" tolarstqd is Ihutthairowncn 0. not realize that A real soodoncs may be had :fo: quch little- mnnnv. ` -, `Persona.l " `V ugua` WAWH FABT8. TEA AND COFFEE MERCHANT.7 $ xheut` F 'Vf6r?.Endo)vu`:o nt Insurance; gun.-;:iu relish pagwlv 9:` lmnod ~-.:~v*v% I-I mw%AV%*d V ,l!!"`MY '1' L" -59:31) at PUDDING8, MINCE MEAT AND CAKES. -We have very ne CLEANED RA1'a1Ns AND Cun- RANT8. ;0ANnn-_:n PEEL, SnnLL n ALuoNDs, Son? IcmNG SUGAR, Smunnnnn OOOOANUT, BAK1m s 0Hoco_LA'rl:, and} best brands of ESSENCE or LEMON, VANILLA AND PISTACHIO NUT. ` nrl, the `excised unmad- nd 1re- T ou.rteen.,, nfantry ml `dis. d of a iwelve nd two K; l!_.-"W, Fan sue. frhe By}:-mvlectldns. ` 'bv1~`ir_}. bP Vs'r_1z.n"1~. BARRIE. IJIQI IICI\l{ "THE ADVANCE," rmy is in the f largo e term 0 twen- tbe sol- ;J.f,1%I:;1:;`;<:1;f2_;rt'_cn1;*x-s or .- saannml 4.1-mt. COUNTY _op`s1uo: BARR11;%(50ti11*YjTdF*`sIMcoE, `ONTARIO; DECEMBER 14. 1899- `V d-I Nor 7 mj,n`;mbe'psmo of Board. " "'.lrnItee `Bellwee the only member eb- Ient from the regular meeting of the Public School Board on Monday night. Upon the Board being called to order Trnltee Reedy stated that he had` received the following `Alain! that Vbvnnina --.__ ` _ LIQIIIU. IIU\h :5, 103111. Geo Reedy, Esq., Toronto. V Door` Sir.-`-We be: so` warn you on behslf of { Mr. Alexander e Wiggins `against your taking ,1 seal: owlie School Board this even-: ing. In accordance with the Act your seat -has by low become vacant .and._we are in-. strnoted to say this if you take any part in the school proceedings this evening that you" v:lill'Abe prosecuted _ or the penalties under t a ct." ` ` 11-;...__ ;_;_.|.. ~ I 7 Hnwson &_ Onnewrcxny` N l _ _ ' Yours truly, .- - Mr.` Reed wanted to know if any trustee had author the solicitors to send that letter. Chairman Perkins said he had nothing whatever to do with it. Trustee Smith. with `almost suspicious haste, said. That letter says `On behalf of Alexander Wiggins. * "I do not know what you think of this proceeding," said Mr. Reedy, but I have a good idea of what the public at `Inn-an urn] blah-Jr n` =9. nI.mithnt1ndina an |i'?:r o hat`avo:p1'g)g :'-'- LID KI ul LIDVU D UUU. IUD UL vvunu vu PIIUIIU all `large will think of it. N otwithsyinding th. fact. however. that I got this note which has been served 01': me. I etillkeep my seat. ma. TA; 1:! simian: A` A"nl\l'1` njitna UUUII HUIVVUII VII IIIU. I. IIIIII DUO!) Ill I930: Elia Ida H _- Murray, of Allandale, asked to be appointed occasional teacher. Min Hgnvgiaqlied front a testimonial. -- _-2-A__ ..-_-..._.-.._I-.`l 10 I30 QUW CEBU IUI'_ D IIUHUIIIIIIIIICM The Finance Committee `recommended `pa mient/of` accounts amounting to $60.50. IA opted. . , flu... Dnnmnnln nnA .d|II\I\`II hnlnlnafnn E (,:"';;;;; 5 `.9 auupwu. i . The Property and supply Committee recommended that storm sash be placed on eight windows in west ward school ; and also that the Committee be empowered to make at reasonable prices such contracts` for wood as maybe required. the Committee considering the present price of33.20 per cord for green `hardwood too high. Adopt- s The -Management Committee recommend- ed (I) That J ames Donaldson he re-admitted to the west ward school on condition that he take his punishment and promise to behave himself in future. (2) That of the eighty- three `applications for the two vacancies,` those of Mary L. Charlton, Gait. and Annie M Smsll,.Forest, at $275 each be accepted. Ad;>pved- i t old-A alumnus of Glass ml-nun: rnnnrf. rn. Ills II II HUI In Chairman Ward of the Special Committee appointed to confer with the Town Council Committee, preeented the report agreeing to accept $500 from the town.` each side .to pay its own costs. all litigation to be stopped and the matters in diepnte to be nally buried. Trueteea Ward and Young made the followinjz motion adopting the report :- D'.....I... .I shad-, I-Lg D,nnnlt of tin: Rnnninl. DB6 Iuuuwiug uluulvu nuuyuug uuu suyu `Resolved that the Report of the Committee in reference to the metterin dis- ute between the Board and the Town of errie be adopted. and that all proceedings taken in-reference to such dispute be at once discontinued. Also that upon the discon- tinuenoeof the action aveinst` the town, now pending (including the appeal therein), by 1 p. m. on the 12th inet., that Messrs Hewson an Creswicke be paid by this Board their V00I'tIf8I between solicitor end` client, the letter cleuse of this resolution to be without prejudice-to the rights of this Board should such action not be wholly discontinued end notice thereof served by the time above mentioned. ' . ' _,,_;_- Il`-..n._-_.-..- A-nun.-A4` I-LA nnnnnb nuupvvu. . "A thirdolanee of theabove report re- commending that Mr. A. W. Laidmen be re- tained in the fifth-form if arrangements can be made for work for Mr. Hallett was de- ferred until a special meeting` on Tuesday `night next. rfhndnunnn thn nmmitfaa manuonuu. Trustee Montgomery opposed the report as he sold it gave for $5005 receipt for $1,517 besides interest charges, rrregulsrities in exemptions and assessments. "Well, if you oppose it,-said Trustee Ward, "sit down and vote alnst it. "I will sit down `when I at r y, said Trustee Montgomery. F` on may be running the 35th Battalion and a few others in town, but I am not 3 Igemlger of the`35Ath.. "No. said Trustee V nus _ . _ _ . .._ `I ._-..|J 7.543 -5-ninhbgan memnur UK UIIIU Oillltllo ` LVVQ Iulu LIUUVUV Ward, "ii vo(IxLv`verc; I w;)uld`eYoon'e1tlreih:;: vou. out. in; ter. V` on Mr . chance to etreiahten me out on time you like. but! don t think` you wil get along with it. Trneteee Montgomery and Love moved on emendment to the report eeking that no notion be taken at present; it `"3 efterwerde withdrawn `end the motion wee nt. "I desire the yeee and nevi." id ruetee Montgomery. I went to be put on record in this matter. The vote wee ae 11". ._~ n-_r.r__ bL:..-I...-e 'u).`l -.m.n IOIIOWI 3'-' _ Yea.e`- Perkins. Rhinehert, McLennen, Reedy, Reid, _ Ward. Young, Smit,h-8., Neyeemontgomery. Love, Andrew-3. It was theni moved by Trustees Reid and -Word that the Secretory communicate the 5i_eoiIIon of the Board to Menu. Hewaon an .-_,__:.=L- __. "`._-- -- -n`-penal:-an . 6;"e:v7v.'l;k`e- o'n';1`|1-eVI<"i-n-y '|If1o_t:ningZ.:-[Cerried. Trustee`: Ward nndhinehart moved that the memberehi "of the Board be reduced to 8!! member: e eoted by general. vote. The `motion was detected .on the following vote: . _Y,enI~vReid, `Ward. Rhinehnrt-3 Neva - Perkins; Montgomery, Smith, Young, McLennnu. Love, And:-ew-7. Tye Board ndiourned at 11 o o1ock. Mr. O. B Sheppard. of Toronto. Inspec- tor of Eieheriee for Ontario, was in town on Friday making enquiries into the truth of the Itatemente made at the recent Board of Trade-ae to illegal fishing, on Lake Simone , He was ecrprieed\to find that there was no deputy inepehtor `resident here {or this part of the lake and promised to bring the mat- in before Chief Inepectcr `Baetedo. He is also of the opinion that netting in `going on ' I'nore_.or let: all the time, but as e it in `almoet-impoulhle to catch nettere. or they '-torm-e-`ring and intormeone another on the movemente of the -authorities. He will ad- Aviee` * the .department of Fieheriee to epend about-Ql0.00'in getting` 3000. kegs lled with c cl-ad: and ..Vi-t54...Wlth;: quilt n W0 I\ P9 -nk ' .ero\ind(~theLv_arion`e_ cheek. and . thu.fd3'tI'0Y ' -` theilfnhernnenienete; : ;:.He.m a oizpthe opinion i that ethsmlenovz-h-ddl 936 `I9; '1 -mu. from tho` I };i:`hf'let'ge`_qnIntltl;eIre n'_et*i_ry,=`>hnt wto"tkpt`9I9i- }anthqilIieig;it'e not Mb: InlP."i..1"e `iii:-:e!"'iistuvnifov-it i i ` i = nrighgxepors um mkwms. V '.Dj:a?isfdg e56lii`?I:E. Franik Harold Rm... 1`ou:;:;ssf; The . "Ion I-.0, Min ` -Tannin on-away. , manta:uxnne:orxo%=smy.Atok pl-on ~'1?hirId8V,.`ifQdrh6bi\ -. 0.07 the % roildnoo of Ve?`?"%"%5'.;`j.`%.""':L:i""%~%`%"'55` 3 `7" %"..` e army Gener- Major rals. ` `1=U3L1b"s7unooL BOARD; man S?"f"a""- peace;-E Town. -Bum-ie.LDeo. 11,1399. nnnism `nu :ra1.:ilv*e.~'6r "the contrectintr perties. 1 Rev. ~ A. G. Hudson`-performed the ceremony. The bridewss. gowned-4in,sesl brown cloth `trimmed with "`white_ satin mlrveleeux. white chion and lhnds of brown with silk velvet to match :1 she was attended by her sister, Miss Peuline Otto'- wsv, of the Western B itel,` Toronto, .dre_ssed_ in steel colored . geline with white satin tucked wire," with trimmin of steel pusementerie and black velvet rib n. Mr. Edward Robinson, Goodwood, brother of the groom woe best man. After the ceremony s luxurious wedding luncheon was perteken of. The bride and groom left by` the evening train for Thesselon where they `willrelide. `The many handsome and use- ful presents to the bride included a marble clock and a. rocking chair, gifts from Eliza- beth street Methodist church where the bride was a member of'the choir and also a prominent worker in connection with the Epworth League. run- I__,-,1 ,. _,-___.. 1.-...- LL- I.....A. 7"ErrT..'.'i.}}IzI. '.IIi"}.m. am an. but wiahggbof many Barrie friends. ' The December session of the Uounty Court began on Tuesday afternoon before His Honor I edge Ardagh and Hie -Honor Judge Boys. The lawyers present at the opening of. the court were Messrs. R. E` Fair, Col- flingwood ; F. E. P. Pepler, QC.,f W.. A Boys, Donald Ross, Haughcon Lennox, C. W. Plaxton, Barrie; T. W. W. Evans. Bradford. Mr; J. R. Cotter, Crown Attor- ney. in Crown prosecutor. V rm- 71.... 1.1.. A...I-...I. ..A.1...---.I cl..- Ivnvovnnuv wv w-av -aw---we i... L The Grand J urore are Donald Buchanan, Oro; Beniamin Bertram. Oro; David Cle- ment, lnniel: R. _A. Douglas, Barrie (foreman ); Robert` ' Gilpin, Calling- wood; Fred Lambert, Sunnidale; Herb; F. Mann, Alliaton ;. Alex McDermid, Nottin- wauga; D. -Mom-thur, Nottawaeaga ;J. S. Willoughby, Cooketown; F. Wilcox; - Te~ cumeeth ; Jno. W. Nicol, Eeea. Mr. H F. Mann was excused. hence the number of jurors left was eleven . ; The criminal docket is as follows :- Crown vs. Oaher Levi.-Receiving stolen goods. Will be tned by County Judge. nmnn vn Minhml .1. Rm: And George 2400; `or Gen,- utenant apt ain. , 100; I Mr. D.-F. Macwntt, of the legal rm of Dickinson 8; Macwatt, Barrie. has `been ap- poinued Senior Judge of Lsmbton County. . Congratulations. I UFIDCI dlll'Ul'l IUI` lliu Dll IIIIIII vu uuunv nu- cent changes in the law and she made loyal reference to the South African wet. li'G et` bag 0% Wiamer o. his Honor -Jud e Ardsgh addressed the Grand Jurors for If an hour on some re- ` _-._L -I_-_..-- 3.. `I..- `I--n a.-up` -I-A -rnncln `nun! 001.15. W In no |.l'lU|.l U uuuuu uuu5q. Crown ve. Michael J. Ray and George Grey -Horne stealing. T T Crown ye. Edwin A. LIehap'elle.-'.l.`hefc. Crown vs. W. W. Carter.-Reu_1oving goods to defraud creditor. Crown vs. George 0 E|'ra.-AueulI: o countable. r The civil oases are 3: follows :- ' Lvtle ve. Peacock.-uniult end Battery. Fisher & Bell for 1:13.; Lennox-. Boys & Co. for deft. ' ' tI__,!LL --_ `T-_-A.L- 0-1.... nun man` man W WU. IUI` VIII: Smith vs. Vuiettu.-Suing II Mtner in fish bnaineu. Lannox. `Boys & `o. for pi. ; W. F. W. Lent for deft. No1~t-.n=rnt. ' J Rdwat vs. Hsmiltbn.-Illegul iiatrae. Lennox Boys as Do. hr pl; W. F. Iaentzr (left. 1' __.II-.. --_ I`1--Lv flnuilllngknun %l'\nInna_ INIIF I0!" lllllio Leadley vs West Gwi1limbnry.`-Dama.z- en for losing hone. Hewaon` & Creawiok for pli; '1`. W. W. Evans 501- deft. Th-urn I11. Snwvm---.Snina 00ilIlII- PIIL; L . H . `W. JBVDIII u uiuu. _ ' D:-ury vs. Sawyer.-Sning for commis- sion on sale of farm. Ramon an Creswicke for pl`.; Lenuax, Boys In Co. for deft. The Poet-Oioe Department hae sent out a circular calling the attention of poatmaatera to the tact that under the parcel poet regula- tions no parcel can be forwarded to Great e Britain or an country with which closed parcels are exchanged nnleee duly accom- panied by a Custom declaration giving the name of the sender, and the contents, value, and weight of the parcel. \ This regulation applies only to parcels forwarded under parcel poet regulations : it hal no applica- tion to package: of fourth-olaaa matter" 1.........I m.-nhgnrll-Bi tn i'nnmmtinn_ W10 30 Ul LUIIIIIIPUIIX uluvuvs (general merchandise) `open to inspection, circulating in Canada, orveddreseed to the United States. - - _ . . ` A mentioned. \a naqwvuu uvvwuuvuu The object of tie department. in calling `attention to this matter in to prevent the`. disappointment which arm when parcels, eepecielly Christmas parcels, are detained for went of compliance yvith thoformelity ._ A ~ V .3." , . n 2 , ., Po la in Canada sanding booka to` the` Unite Kin don will dowel to b6.carefu1l not to select nitod Staladaaro riniof (copy- right) Britiul:`worlxI.- for a ` island 1 aper nnavn than ni-.nn`r'| ail-nnnh hllilki lfalll I `- | says that chain 6! such, book": are con _ec_1u:d pohsigned to the aunt... _ . rlguu} {ltuuula wvunuy uu. In Mlvliiuwnpna . viru- > t. VJ. uv \rnw-v- :--w-v..--_ His Jud Ardagh I___.j 1------ I__ -`I. gm L4.-an an -Anna Dc. Mr, J. B. Edwufdp but how. ggpoiuzad lo,oed.er% of the Prenbwrhn olmir. with who limp oxfgnniit In'.c`hIi`-`go*,tb9;"ohu ' iii! the 1!"\l"~*n!u(1.in,.I;;l!0'!l . % not mmgboonm.a.~ '. AND 1-`an bumxon or cmxm ' `aux vcmjynron. A duauoma D'e'cl?ntion Necessary. nu, _ 11... Am -'- 1\-.___-`...-..a. L--......L A-4 Igittld 1_~:ew `u uh?` Uuu vuu of tho, ountry, ngs per. Dudg xpendh a total JUDGE Macwejrr. County Court. 'Floivers: free at I "era :N;t'o_. oysters in Tina and Bulk gt nwlmvs. Z2 --.- .m--. -, .-' . ii'The: Latest News: "'-'-'%'I.e good lleiizhing of . 1...; week ms us on Sunday. - - ' ddlty and produce to the I Christina Fgir nextThursday. rik opend on Thursday night with good ice. ' ` 4u_,A_.- 19...`. 1h.__4-.._J__ 13.... ._Z j:II- \ eeveraleacks inethe town stores during the past week. V"-'1`he annual [statutory meeting of the Town Cnnncxl will beheld on Friday even- ing. V I I` EA Christmas out priceele anno nc C. Irwin A Christmas Fruits. f useful presents at 9 '4th page by J. It} and. gnzeen. eholceu and cheapest stock in town at . 'IIO'I`H WE L198. [$426,400 lany Readable Pamagraphs of| Local Intayast. % I % a'Read Wilma:-'WoAn e 8 'M'Read Vair, Vic on & 1:3 ,pa'ge 5; _ --_.j -l-9LLS___ -2 I_-; ._.-_I_ '?';3u7-Ee_viFi:;o?I' } Toilet Articles, etc. 1 : goods, Porfumea, _--'Sir George Kirkpatrick. Ex Lieutenant Governor of .Ontu.rio died on Wednesday morning in `Toronto. av nu , I 11 I I "IUL II III` HIJII III III IJCI ` in taxes on Saturday. M -Ye'l`low s;ril-lmd7 _ a. splendid green by using Magnetic Dye%) cents buys a pack- age and the results are " re. 12 ` --Mr. R 0. Bell, Treasurer "of Oro, assisted by his non F. J . Bell, took in about Qunnn 3-. boon: n n.'n'III`nI1 yw"_ __ -..__-- -_ - -Remember TH; A71>\ir:sVz~'c1:eca.rrier beys next week. It will be their last cal} before Christmas, so look oat for smiles. u-up--nasty:-1 .. -Parenta.l a.ut'hority backed up by an old slipper is the best way to make the boy - \ obey curfew. - 170 I .,,!,I_ `l'.\_`ls.,_L_.,,_; ` "E_HV8Vlll7l'I|l`, [the lnist. has an ex- ceptionally ne line _ owing Tobacco Sample plugs will be ve away Sagtnrday free of charge. Call _ea . y a d get one. C`, I-nu-:11\. noztzerill, :f the Con 3 aregabional church, will preach next Lord's Day. Subject. at 11 a..m.. Two invulner- able fortresses, subject an 7 pm. Bitter- sweet. L _..-- --'I`."be following Public school trustees re- M tire this year by annual rotation :--Wa.rd 1, 1: 1 r-..-.. o m 1: 12.5.1. 2 (1.1 wna . urn lull! your uy uuuunl suunuuuu .--v- uuu. ;, R. J. Love; 2, E. B. Reid; 3, Col. Ward ; 4. George Redy ; 5, J. F. Smith ; 6, Alfred Young. . `I l-, _,__ 73-17- I.-- _________,`| x -John Johnson, Lisle, has announced himself an independent candidate at the next general election. He comes out as a church representative who has received the Holy Ghost. in 1un| I I I ` , , , _u Mr. T. Gilray,%who has been _repr_c-sensing the Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Co in this vicinitv of lane, was called to his home in Epping. Grey Co.. on Saturday on account of the illness of his wife. -The Ontario Vlieekeepers Association 1 haves passed a resolution of. condolence? touching the death of Mr. Herbert N. Hughes, who was a. much respected and useful member of `the Association. E -l`he Infant 5 T Junior clause`: of Cell- ieretreet Methodia -Sunday School will give a Cantata in the T a Hall on Christmas night. The progre. a will be an except- ionally interesting.-o ' Tickets 25c. and In- --A by-law granting a loan of $15,000 to Mr. Steele, of Montreal, for the erection of a furniture factory at Tottenham was voted on and carried on Monday by 65 "majority, the vote `being 78 for the by-law and 13 against. 0 . IO . I ` ,Q __,______A____` _..`._-_. V __ ---The second instalment of taxes amount- ed to about $9,500; or a total to date of this year's taxee of 832,000, leaving about $7.400 outstanding. This year : collection is con- siderably ahead of last. year and quite as good asany former year. .._nu . -4 --sI-...L _._._L_ n:._. L`__L AL- 11..--.. he exoelle reputation that the Gregg as acquired is such as is not surpassed b _, y other preparation of a . like nature It `urea Chronic Coughs. Heaves, Diseases of re Blood and Skin, etc. -Prepared by a veteri ry surgeon. * o - -_-In' the roll of bills Mr. S. Hieey, hog buver. got. from the [Bank of Toronto on Wedueadsy morning was a. ve dollar bill deted 3rd January, 1857, Barrie, which has therefore been in circulation nearly 42 years. The bill is__ very thin but; ontorn. I -:1; null mndin iister a instruo. hr week: out for y be ex- bcessary. assigned and the aohed to neuvers, rs about e in the `merit ip for everybody. t3 At Scott`! ' Jutoro there in a. wide range of the most `useful and appropriate Christriiaa Presenm; nah as Dressing Cases. Purses, ,Writ.ing F0 [3, Books, Albums, Games, Toys; P:-aver Hymn Books. Cal- endars and Ch:-iatmu-. ards. Something _._-I A __._2I2_..__ - AL- D `'7 --"l:`h-oi ~V7'V -o'thens Auxiliery of the R. V. `Hospital cordially invite the-public to a re- ception to be held in the Trinity church .aohool,rcoms on Tuesdey evening, Dec. 19, st. 8 o'clock, when the m-aduating nurses hwillhbe presented with their certicates. _P1-ogiremme _p:ov_ided. Admission free.` -The De. artment for Neglected Children has been in ormed that the man Fletcher of -Gra-vienhuratgtt `who conned his children to a dark honeefor a fewjyeara. was on trial on Friday. He atetea that he had a apnetroke some time ago, and cannot hear sunlight. The case was adjourned and the children will be provided for. --A letter was read in the Sunday schools of town and vicinity on Sunday from the Hospital for Slok Children, Toronto. The Ontarioosobhath Schools Cot was establish- ed in the Hoipitalior Sick Children with `the Ioontributionn. from large-hearted schol- orb .of,Sebb,othf Schools` of Canada. They 'contrll_m:t'ed - $2,397.61, and of this amount -.there in Ao._aurplno '9f;~8397.67 toward: the 32,900 to endow \ cot in the Gide `wad. ~*= $I.Q2,.33 is needed. `- " t!"A"l"nitaryE Inert` under the direction ` of Mt.TJ,;**C.'fMor` , and under the patron- _, of Lieut.-Col._ arc] and otceu of the ` uhBI`tt.w:rlll bdh on` New You : night, in the GrI,nd~QprI,. Io, Thegptognmme will oonnhiz .ot.~mitit scene: ` and ms.n- 'V oeuvres, _tshle8u'x -so!` one by the band, Iolou anddnau Col. W,` nnd.`Baudma.uter V .He"zjidg ` no assisting 1'. Morgan in Briefly Told. I2 Pages. Dec 13th-Methuen"ch_ecked; Britinh lou heavy. T An immense quantity of fowl was dispos- ed of at the Market on Saturday. Some very ne turkeys were sold at 80. and 9c. perlb ; geese. 500. and 60. each, or 60: per lb ; ducks, 450. to 60 a pair. There will be a lvely demand for towl on Saturday and n`nn An Thnranv ant` gal-nntlnu ll. naut- W ` IIVWI.' IJCIIIEII\I `Ill IIIVVI IIII .UuI\IQ uuu also on Thursday and Saturday of next week and farmers throughout the county will consult their best interests by bringing their poultry to Barrie. V VI... :`n:nn I-vunnlvn Imam n`-A can!` -nun-\`:1u` 588,600 3.39;3,:0I) -UIII ICVIIIIJ 35 8V`): Frl |l.Ullo There was a lame increase in the number of dressed bogs offered. The highelt price paid was 85.15 per cwt. MI: Tnbvunn Qhnvnnnt` ate:-\w\nt` `nun nnu`nnI`Q UlIIl 'I\'I-I'll In`! IJQIIICU The dairylmarket was also wellsuppliod on Saturchy. Butter aolrl in large quan- tities at 19c . and in smaller lot: at 200 : 3 low inferior bitches brought only 180. Egg: told rapidly at 200. per doz. WQBQ i Q IIIFIIQ Inhllnh SII I|I1II\`\Q to wean V0.10 van. unv- .'iu 1'. James Shepard shipped four cal-loads of live hogs to Coliingwood meat factory on Wedneeday, the price paid being 50. per lb. Prices for the best Christmas cattle are bet- ter than they have been for many years. Thev are in good demand at 40. to e. per lb. live weight. . Tho nrnin Inn:-Ital-. nnnrfnnna A-In hath cl Ills IIVC "Cl5IIII- The grain market continues dull both locally and abroad. There is no active de- mum! in outside markets for wheat. nor will there be until the visible supply is much smaller than at present. The price is only 64c. at present; There is little change in the price of coarse grains. the present prices being:-Pease, 57c. ; oats. 25c ; barley, 350.; rye and buckwheat, 47c. Several loads of potatoes were sold on Saturday at 30. a bug. For other. markets and prices see marina Q an!` 0 my I.` III \JU`l lpages 8 and 9. Arrangements have been completed for the Dressed Poultrv Fair to be held in the Marketbuilding, Barrie, on rhursday, Dec. 21st. It is intended to have a large exhibit of all kinds of dressed fowl and farm nro- duce by the farmers from the neighboring townships. The Committee has on hand $75 which will be distributed in cash prizes to the best specimens in the various exhibits. Judges from outside the town have accepted the invitation to act as iudges. The Com- mittee have also communicated with several outside buyers who have promised to be in attendance. Exhibitors are therefore assur- . ed that all prizes will be cash, and also that they will `meet with good demand for their poultry and produce. 13-naval-mp flan nfo Thnranv `nan Qlnfe puluury Vuuu pruuuuc. Remember the date. Thnrsdny, Dec. 21st. and bring along your exhibits. guns. 1- .``-v-- -----_v_.i__-__... Cnly a [few p ple reading advertisements of bankers and rokers, saying that money could be made rough speculation. realize that the richest en in America have com- menced lifein a h mble way and ha .'e made their fortune shro h stock-exchange specu- lations. `I!I,, 1-`- l`-, .1 ___L_ .___I--J -_ - J--. II IolUI.I- Metilike Jay Go who worked as 9. dry goods clerk in a. em town at $10 00 a week up so hie twentieeh , "and commenced to operate with his ems saving of $200.00 in IIT_II -5-....L I..C6- nu L: Angola '7 rnnnn ll` UPUKIIM Wlhll use llllll unvulg VA qpauvarv su Wall street. left at hi death 70 millions of dollars; Russell Sag who worked as a grocetv boy7at $4 00 `er week, and whose prrsent wealth is estim d at 100 millions of dollars, is still opera n the market. al- though 80 years ot age, so are thousands of others, who are enjov g all the luxuries life can oer, which is e to their success in speculations. fl`. 5|... .1.-gum-I ancmnlnt 91-m anmainnnnr. F44` --u- 1.75 II UPUUUIDUIULIB To the shrewd specula gnnities into open to-day past. The smallest lot wh 1 and sold is 10 shares on 3`; ' 30 dollars. A _,_.L- .1__2._L__-_A.-.I -- L- 'lret letter free of charge npo " 9" uunura. Anybody interested as to are conducted can get info!- BANKERS &. BR _ ERS, CONSOLIDATED S1-ocx Ex ANGE BLDG. 60 BROADWAY. NEW; YORK. The Anniversary services in connection with the Baptist church were held on Suu'~ day and Monday. Rev. J. B. Kennedv. M. A.. of Toronto, preached at both services- on Sunday. His evening subject was adia- cussion of the great religious problem If a man die shall be live again ." It is reason- able to suppose that he will for there is within the soul .a legitimate desire that sgrings from love, tolive again and meet t one who have gouebefore or will come after ; nothing but eternal life will satisfy |` and without this desire to live forever man ishetter than the brutee that perish. The key to the future life is the cos 1 ; "believe is the key to` Heaven and be ieve not the key to hell.` On Monday night Rev. Kennedy delivered an excellent. lecture on `FA Man s A Man For A That. There is Nothing` Like Success . exemplied in the 3 Business College. Bar it first opened, 1897, to enlarge its premises Three times since is been neceesarv order to accommo- date its increased attend I08. and as a token capable and deserving gra of the appreciation of its work in the vicinity and elsewhere, is as for some time put been able to secure `tions for all its they can he got ready. reputation of the institution for snpplyi - capable and carefully trained olce sssis nts has been demonstrated beyond oavil. x .. tea, as fast as 7 h The Caneeiinnziontingent 1:33 been divid'ed.=- into two he Companies A. B. C. (Tor onQo)en D. are at Belmont the ecene of e reoentlbettle between General Methuen and the'Boere, and E` F. G.'end H. are jet jorunge Rivet`. %The Belmont. part are fyithine ehort_ ciietence ofthe enemy. and "$j_e'x`peoted eoon to in the midst of the After Jun-u;u-grvlnet-..Wl00, we will allow our iadvertisen twelve change: per your :- for ad- itlonal changes charge will he made for =oo?lpoeitien.T Extra charge will use be m . will plus. use heed` ,w~ zen. above 0 for advergiaemenu-sec solid Adver- .5, _N.1o`_-_xnn_aa-Ft.+-Wnyudo some. lugrd; ' K nil:-,'p F __.Iale mbaniord "differ- mately, n-chief, nnnnn u " snob PER ANNUM m ADVANCI : SINGLE XPIIS "V3 CENTS- NEW YQRK MILLIONAIRE8. Christmas Poultry Fair. ` Latest War Despatch. Anniversary Services. THE MARKET. Thou: Advertisers. rthe sa`me oppor- to others in the h cau.be bought -1---pun-u ouun'v:nn e army as fol- I IIC II\IIIll If gin, making E --- --'- 2,359.599 nv Ill`: 1.938.280 _1,w.a,535 177.453 regular 01' 8.!!!- nfv "" mics `for nounted .1! LI... IJQD G winch ? Gnrdwood aI1d_ joai Wanted couN-rv aun.o|Nes. anmau-:.j are or me xowusmp or way- imcoe. married woman. who. th din of December, I896, re 9 said deceased to send 'culare of their res tive tor will.`a.fte_r_ t T 30th ed to distribute the of Elizabeth mev pm, in the County V died on" or about th hereby requires all cr to the undersigned full p claims. The said admin: day of December. 1899. assets of said estate and W! assets to any person of whose said date have notice. Dated at Barrie, nth December, ' DON in he shall. `net at 01: be liable" for said. >_...-.__ Nance 5oIToRs-R. s o.,- .897; `Chap. :29. he adminiutratoli of `the eatatq. of Ehzabeth Stev late of the Townshnp of `V234 .. :n cl-an (`nuntv Qimpna, married Wnmnn. Whb 1URNRULL--On Dec. 2, And:-ew Tumbull. Essa. aged 79 years. He resided in Essa forty years." McCARTHY-At 130 Dunn Ave.. Parkdale. on Dec- oth. 1899. of heart disease. Anna . C.-F. Me` Carthy. daughter nf thelate Mr. dDT';Alton Mc- Carthv, sr.. aged 66 years. L T dBEATTIE-In Portage La Prairie. Mam. on Dec.` 1, of muscular rheumatism, Mrs. G. J. Bcattie. a. native of Barrie vicinity. in h'erA54th yeah Her husband and four children surviv . ~ TENDERS for wood wanted` for the Colleginte Institute. Barrie. The undersigned will. teceive had...-.~ ..n on OLA nail! (`iv MA;cmn:n. V co0KSEY--GOWAN-In St. Luke : chutch; on the 6th inst.. `by Rev. A. C. Milan, Mr. 0!. Cooksev. of Schomberg, to Miss Annie,~daug tor of M r. and Mrs. F. Gowan, of Creemoro. V SANDERSON-DAVIS-On, Nov. 3. by Rev.'D.-. Stone. Miss Edna Davis. 'SI.\_Ilt Ste. Me. and Rev. J, R. Sanderson. youngest son of Rev. J; E. Sanderson, M.A. ` ~ ` 1 undersigned WiIl_ recenve lenders up to the 28thAday of:Decembar, I for 60 cords of green hardwood, mlpie and . 4 feet long. to be at. least $5 maple suitable for purposes, and be delivered nnd iled where dnrectod at the Collegiate Institute be on the gut. day/_of. March. 1000. the wood to be` piled to the ntiafactson of the Property Committoq. G30. BALL,_Chl3l'- man Property Committee. - ' ' ' 48-50 - DEC 3, to MI : Ml`: Jo- Pocock, Lavender, of a. son. ' - - V 1.-RA1\'ClS -In Barrie. on MondaA.y..-"cc `nth. 1%. 3 daughter to Mr. and Mn. Frank Eran A. .charles_ street. V ' ' ' --... l\, n-- _ .. ...... 4... u. ._A ll... urn .4` Llllru Ina uuuuu .. BOYS~0n Dec. .a t N! . I . V Boys, Bavel streseot? 0 r and M"? 4' .B iI{$LT12 ,.1?ifa.`.;.t.;Z `1""-'"'f' M ,__...,..y , n,,__1___ .-n-__- _, `A .`~"`___._.' .DClIll"v Avvn vu ;vu-- -r--vvu V. _ _. _ .3`. gENW1CK-0n Sundav ` Nov. 96. at .Nia[an.'A Falls. N. _Y-. :1 daughte r to Mr./Jud Mn. Arthur, W. Renwlck. former-lv of Barrie. ` , } ' hwe upholdin It! CII3I 2`.CBI' I01 INGPIIOHOIII I I Within the pm Two MoN1\nsrie"a3 unable to comply with the demand! mida fi ' .b Few colleges can any mot ! that thin; ;`j,`,I,a`3."ya.essmucu. It pavs to attend Q ilidtitug; tion. ` -` A LII`!!! sxcslsiur Business Uo11sgs,sBaI'1*i:s`;f .,....u ..nhn1dinz'ite character for meritorious tfliili` Th d " ed '11 ce've tenders uup to Decem- L... .f.:nrnr?n.-nrz:?nfr;ra;n hardwood. Mania and LUUIDLUJ. uuuuuvuw vvuvav varwsaavl . , hovdingite tfaino`.-L 15.? \3s'z'?h;n two lv_ION'l_`ll8`ig u_;;.* HEEP LOST -Strayed from tho? prenlilcp of M, Bell, Lot 30,-Con. 6, East. about the 3othi_o1 Qctobcr last. 3 ewes and 9 are '|ambl.`m8|'1I.0d lth mg ring in the nght ear of ewes. The party returning the same or giving such information an wiltlead to lhe recovery of the sheep will I)! | eWl|`dd. M. BELL, Utopia. . ' v 49-5:-p *1 amnu cd7M|tgET0 ~1HEIrnnm;,% 1900. Also f has-nun n AUTION-All ` sure hercby cautignod ths@V I will not be rggxsible for OIW {RBI 3.u".`* ed by mv wife. Emma. Jamieonnn 9 ermine after Nov. :4. 1899. she havm ectigm on that date without cause. .1 ;N J5 A . M-.. - A V ` .'a...s.n . at 03310 """"n&";= 72X'L'1EE swan Es'rRAY-'c'aine.on-ca` `|..-.03 Y premises of George Luck. L0` ,ll9.'.c`." 9' 3 red and white yearling steer.` The ,0`"" 5` th _ ' n ' BX . RICH n.;::\2:::m:::::2r,::r::`:ab: :';.a.?f2`:'i5. :`1,%s=x. Crown H1. P.>0, ` c `_ "v _ .49_'5! -P-I.-W. L.` LONDON 7 AND CANAWAN AND AGENCY co, PA3NYr _. .,__uu \ ` the Busuine-ss Ee ' iose who are qualified to ' 3` * .1 A -1...-I nIIQ:QQ`.` uuuu-u - w - - - - - -- _-___ ToR0NTO._receIved these II:fl'__s ` ` Wee days from Oct. oth. Br_ar.lu.;r-.hgt.f`!l J 13dy,sten0g|'3Ph|'3 . H. W:lhgm;;_ Rgggj; b .55,` young man. clerk and utenographer D,~;Kih' 3, C.o., ladv. stenogra `her ;. owgm; `ark hdy, bookkeeper; mg. Dgrrell ;Produee_ '.Co, young man. bookkeeping and etenom-`,1w_T _ our stagerysfsectuhre auclila.g`u`u goon .. any.` become 9 0|` em. . WI ta 'r.p.l.` ` '- for them. Correspondence uwi y -> -. My w. H. sHAw; op.aii;;:..gg;,`i? n--w I-\\ihII\vI w7_.vf-f "'_`,.,f'., (Lxm-ran.) _ 3 . A Svsscauzan CAPl'l`ALp_ Qsooooowv A large amount of MONEY To `West current rates of intcreayo ,, ,. .' ._ tate._ Municipal debenture: pu` - 4. . Pamcuiars app] "to the headofca `3 Bay street, oronto. or'to 2'1`. 7 Jo_ `L OUIV Nov. "HMS AND HOTEL: " 79.95177 xLVIII._N A. 1;: . VOL - Slmuzt. VN;:s:,:i.._ [hose wnu mu x,u........- . ,...,-... _,.- . -,.. central Busin'sJ= ToRQNT9,1?c`g`iVed tkesgcalll ,for,_>hd"g_';wi3gi1 .;. -- .4-A-L_..L.'- _..._. ,' wie consid- military y lute a ' ...|...L IVIQIVKI I` 5 and 5% per cent. on Me! I nvvnim n. t 3:-1!`. _iv_iz;v77a:v;;i;1sEMn1i'ts. "R0PR'r3t . nu Fl--- %/MON_EY TTo`:%LoAN; f4f Ul IJCIILI IJII IVIIII LOUNT & z.ovr-1?. Bmimr-. ._Ba T` 1,9999-s*9`4';`. 4*'~`*v.-< uun nuaa, Solicitor fqythe A migiatrator V DIED. BORN. :mner, DON D ROSS, Can Olin A :n:nh-nfnr L"%... 3% = m.w L . 7`ih9..'... . _, u :1 _ gm, -_ i 49'5'P present of men ars and reserve. a rank: % Mn egg;-go RQQEQ.` ;{r;}oum,4 ms in town oyer18._nnday., ' L " % ` cs --1-_.' Join i`-orha, hf Iiiobmoni Hill; agent Sstnrdsv _a_md Sunday in town: . L % 1):. wsxn;.;.., 3:`Lu1e.'iuV:aoas:ad%tm:u an gtpuok of appendjcicip. V .V y WlIlTe1omiaebn. bi Orilli; id. izthe gueeke of Mr. end:-Mrs. George Ottaway lent W30 0' ` . . -_ V, . ' ` Rev. A. 'J.`.`.ln;'t:n.rtn'. of--'Ml1;ecin, ....;. in _exo6llens address to Collier`: not `Ep`wo'rth League on Monday night. _ 1'. Ingram in an enthuuiastio loader mhoague work. He in also speaking this week `at Eady, Couluon and.-Dilston. j _ Mr. fund Mrs`; Wm. 'Stanley',' Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Stanley. and Min Sadie ufd "Jade Aaocom mind. by Nellie McDonald have re- turna to` `Seattle, Wah.. after a month : visit with their niece, Mrs. McDonald. Eugene street. Bpzrie. ' . H Mill Magci iyons, of. '.;1 otte;;li:i'1. in via; lting A-Imelda Lowll. f`Baz9lho1me, - The results at the November examinations in conneotion with thecollege of -Physicians and Surgeons contain the following name; : -Pplmeryi and Intermediate." F. o o'lTavish. Barrie. -Finale, J. L. Eaeton, Barrie; Jeanie Birnie, Uollingwood, Conaretns latione. ~ ~ ~ ' - ' I service army in nrolled. posit ion We believe" it in the intention of the ven- erable st-endure: of_ Nottewneqga to resign` the pee tion he has eoeiolently lled for \ half a. century at the close of this year. 1 The township will be `fortunate if they secure as good amen fo'r`that'oioe as they V didfor clerkship.`- -CreelnoreStar, ` Mr. Henry Darcy... who was suifering for nearly four years from an ininry to his back received in the tsnnery which rendered him completely helpless. underwent treatment in the Orthopedic Hospital, Toronto, for two, months. He returned home on Friday night 1 and. is now able to walk around and is other- wise improved in health. T T He is suhring from weakness but by spring expects to be fully restored in -health and` strength. -LHTCU DUO I`-`III the vacancies. ITOVVJV LOTS T.N. Hobley IN`suaA% E AVLPQLIWIES VWOA tI|i5i`0';si1eAII,u_;4'of.!_I1 Mn. Fnn'n_.} Bnooxs in a wmrmnt tad riiub Tuner.` uni! `toque; out from to eqtrusti Re_a.i_rer..nnd Wot}! M _A W 'mV.r`*` 9b*.'.r4"._f*P`9n~ .e_-vectfvvllr v9u_x-._. ' Total L T _L 4941 East Mi_ddleaex and North Waterloo gre- T if ALLANDALE. ' ` Lotta, 3 Watt Baldwin Sfreet. < North Cumlieand Strict. Lots :7 and 18. Jacob ; Terrace. Lot: x",_a,M3, 4, and 1. south baroungs Sheet. Lot A. ~ u, W110 . Every 96%,, and, oh man cavalry is sub- r insur-