` Inltruotoriuorrieon itenom Fuvorobiy . V lo.w1ng,letter.: _ . Unbn Them. 7 Mr. George Hstely, eeoreterv or the Cheese and Butter` Association of; Western Ontario, has received the fol- ",L_`__ ---_..Lg-an A` 1-i1_NDERsoN,` No Bounons with this Hat. sue. snuss. T. N. HOBLEYL As THE MEROURY UPIIIII THE Tlll8llN CITY. limited, Tilsnnburg, Ontario. :OiZt $- BOOkStOre ~- `4 IYIORREN Besg grocers Sell it by the pound. THIS I CELEBRATED MAKER l IN STIFF HATS HAS MADE US HIS % .3.-' SIMCOE AGENTS1 TRY ONE. 8`UB-l.A .R."1'E D.tIO'I'8. * Molina Rolled Wheat . ....VAND....( for $2.00. Then is the time when Molina Rolled W'bent should go down becaupe IT DOESN'T HEA_T THE BLOOD. Begin the day right in thus hot weather wxth Mohna for bgeaktast. does not heat the blood. It is very heqlthful. It has a rich delicate avor. f`As the mercury goes up" Mohna OUGHT to go Jown. (3 Pies 5`1o cents.) T1) f1`I"l"I"l rl\\T1a1*r I If AH-WA-GO does not give Complete and Perfec: Satisfaction. The King of All Blood Purifiels. `Nature : Cure for all Liver, Kidney and Blood Diseases. {msMR's onuc. STORE BARRIE, om. orders before price is advanced, J AMES Momusou, VYOUR MONEY IS REFUNDED 16-1) % 3!-I! Uisl Blank Will Forms can be had` at Make Your Will. Imedvance llffice `kWil'l pay for` Will Form and postage to any part of Canada. nl! The Enterprise, the Pe0Pl"v:gvJ` _ 01'. Ins _been thoroughly Vin pur:', `Ilia. at the disposal of EICIII 0 Sm:-u do and from an mu. on I-alt Icnaonalno ates. - GET OUR TERMb. !_-ownu., GAPT. MA35:"n, lork Screw Knife Free] ADVANCE- no 0. Tn B001: 110., A ORIU IA. Ont BOYS AN mm n.` Peel: GIR-LS can earn as cork A '5` Knife. two blades and S'"- best Sheield sun, or . L`d.`._ ne Pearl-Handled. Knife. by . '0 cent a each. They sell at sight. Is` at Na (1 name and ad- aid. Sen Benin . P g u 009' Of our Book of Olllllar M333 words a d .c ' n musn. Emile)` (|ui|-ed, Sen l'e3o.- them awe f9""" b*8 prep turn as Long your eihbors and rt- nd kg`: mY- $1-80, and we ' e 93`P<'lid. Mention thi5 ADVERTISE IN TERMS. 4.-I` : Jam; 29. 1899. Inatvtucton-. at remeggggneg. 1f.e`::een;atua{tfahoe time" in the Ram, use dam home in the cool at` the moi-`nine of thegrillia` contingent was one: of the pleaaant features of u more than pleasant day. -0rillia Times. ' Ba:-_r1e vs . ' Last Wednesday "afternoon Beaver- ton and Berna lacrosse clubs `played an intermediate .C.L.A. match In Agricul- tural Park here. The players were as tollowe: ' - . BARBIE.` V . BEAVERTON. 0. Marrin.` -Goal ` K. Davidson G. Webb. Point D.B.MoKinnon A. Pirie, C C. `Point D. Calder R.MoDenagh,` ls:_Def. P.`MoMil1an E. Doyle, 2nd `A. H. MoCrae L. Clarke, A 3rd A.Weet_ G. Martin, Centre A. E. Cameron` J. Carmichael, 3rd Home ~ D.'McNab "D. Heard, - 2nd W. Cameron W. Cain, let B. Coombe F. Clark, 0. H. 8. Cameron R. Manning. I. _ A. M. Cameron Geo. Simon Umpire C. E. Weatoott Referee--P. Thompson, Orillie. ' - "At the endof time, the score stood 3 to 3_. The reteree did not order the clubs to play o' the tie. Twelfth and Thirteenth Meeting or the ` Innlsl Council. Accounts of Robt. Black,` accaunts of Isaac Morton, accounts of R. W. Sloan, D. Quanta for Penetang road, $20 ;'Chris. Gross on `ivth con., lot 23, $20; Isaac Morton, $19.25; -Levy Mayes, con. 5, -lot 6, $25; R. ZW. Sloan, ._for six scrapers, $50 ; Wm. Ferrier, 7 days word on.2nd con., $5 ; Joshua Guest, `con. 12, 5th- sideline, $10; Bingham, $5, on 10th con.; Robt. Martin, $25, on 9th con. - I`n_re-- qard to the communications of F..E P. Pepler and Albert Spring no action be taken. J. Black. $4 on 10th con. That the 13th con., opposite lot 26, your committee recommend suioient 6_iuch tile to do 40 rods of drain. J ohu Leonard, $10, repairing big hill on 10th con. 5 Thus. .I-Iurst,$4`), on 2nd sideline across 11th and 12th cons.; Alex. Gilson, $15, on Essa road. M. 0. Clark s accounts he referred to the pathmaster to be certied to ; M. Con- nell, $40, on 2nd sideline across the swamp 7th and 8th cons. ; that a uniform. rate of $2 50 be allowedfor a. man and team for each day's work of lO_ hours under pay of this council ; Wm. Pat- ._terson, $20 on 5th con. ` Colelnan Z--Sntherlend--That the Council accept the offer of the G. T. R. 00. re the building of over head bridge at Bedford s vcroaeing provided naid offer. is interpreted to mean that the said R; 00. pay halfthecosts of requirinigtthe right of way.-0arried. IIYLAA. AL- V Iiidol:man--ntherlanii--That the `clerk be instructed to write to Mr. John Vandeburg and ask to confer with Messrs.` Sharp and Hill respecting making a ditch on 1st sideroad in 5th con. and making out account therefor, and that this council offers to hear a proportionate share of cost of such work-Carried. tnct, 1 submit me louowwu mp... Ceistorville-'1`he `sub earth duct is completed and in operation. ` The duct is eightfeet deep and extends 118 feet under ground. It is made ot three rows of ve-iuch tile, two rown of six- inch tile and one row of 8 inch "tile, all laid close together with the A, 8-inch . tile in the middle; over the tile there is a covering of rye straw. Sutherlend-Gtosc-The.t the clerk notify Mr. Hugh Gibaonto repair the road on the 10th con., which was burnt last summer and that the council grant him leave to do his statute `labor for s. half 3, con`. 10 in assistance of acid H the clerk notify` the Barrie Council of the washout, olao the bad condition "of the -ccwnline be- tween Barrie and Inal, and that this council in pxepared to meek them half way in the expense of repairing same. -Oa n-ied.' ` work.-'-Oarri`ed. Sutherland--I-Iill-Thot the sum of $25.be granted to north townlino, be- tween Inninl and Veep:-o, providing the township of Essa grant 3 like sum `to Lana road in township of . Inninl, which is much travelled by the resi- dent: of lnnisl.-Oorrioth : oonnoil; after` hari:`g}`oarefnlly consider-_` the iumaac `of said township and its varied aspects as regards the V loom proniise of said" ishortagirather than > vided M.rf- `1 1inR`siV!.im-hion -pprwe -oarda9+`i.as;ltn :5 s: I r e r Hill--8uth_erland-'.l`hat whereas the provincial auditors report Mr. Palling the ex. -'.l`reasurer of the township of Innisl has been found tube in default to the said township of Innlsl to the` amount 'of_._$2d9__1_._=46;-.'and_-e whereas this` said shortage, be it therefore resolved that thissonncil faobegtths offer of Mr. Palling (said o_hr being 31350) as is` `enter into litig_ation;`in the_`~_Il1a,tter;_. .~.. -7 ,.a..-. . . 6;x;;:i`l' ddjonrped t0`!`Il~0 0t, Mi nle`lat~`10 a_5q..to_1IIortow.- I ` I HI.-"ll;~Tha.tV the Reevg (1Jol_'o;-` mpn, sud Vnthethd _-oonuniwo to IV)! nus , Ivv-van u Mr. George Hntely. secretary of `the . Cheese and Butter `association of Western Ont.: A T Deer Sir,--In. reply to your request for information regarding to the sub- enrth ducts which heye been recently added to the curing rooms in my dis-. tnct, Isubmit the following report.: -` - 3.--; 2.. mg 26th 1999, to oongpleha settlement with the ex-'.|.`n;u_Iure1A'.-f(3aiI'tied. . L ` %oo1.m..;;..h;a;.._.Th. my Aubry ofvthe` Trounrhr of tl':is`town- hhip ahall. be the sum of $150 pol`? year, 150 be; paid on the lat';i_nyn of _Ja_Iiuary,' April, July, and October.- Oartied. - ` iilly-Oolemen-The the V Reeve. I Sontherlend, `and `Grace be a committee to look after the work` on 5th sideline on Sandy Cove Bridge.--,Ga.r:-ied. Hill--Souths`:-`lsn_-'.lhVst the Rsev be instructed to countersign checks for all amounts passed by this council up to date.-Osrried. . Co_ilomn.n--Hilil-T.hat leave be granted to .introdnco! a. by-law for the purpose of appointing a. Treasurer` for -_the` township of Innial and dening his duties. and that the by-law_ be now `read a first iime'-C;nu-ied. " Sheep Versus Cows. . very interesting discussion has been going onnin one or two of our ex- changes from theiE'astern States as to whether keeping" sheep or keeping cows is the most protable for the farmer. Of course, as usual in such cases, the discussion has ended without any den- ite conclusion being reached. Our be. lief is that it will pay every farmer to keep bothsheep and cows. - sheep need comparatively little care, and t in very well with the work necessary to man- age properly a herd of cows. Sheep farming and_beef raising also go well together, and what ever line of stock farming the Canadian farmer may on- gage in we think it will pay to keep a few sheep. By-law rad a frat, second,` and third time. ` Couhcil adjourned to meet at `Churchill on the 131: day of'Auguat, 1899; But coming back to the discussion `in question, some interesting gures were given as to the relative pro- t in keeping sheep and cows. ' In the comparisons `made ten cows are set off against 100 sheep. We quote one which is that of an enthusiastic sheep raiser, and we would be glad to `hear from some.of our Canadian farmers as to whether these gures can be borne out on this side the line : In my opinion, on many, farm! which now `keep only cows, sheep would be more protable. They would surely bring an equal return at one- half. the labor, and where labor costs money at much less cost. The average farmer who keeps only cows and sends -the product to a creamery nds at the end of the year that he had to put much costly feed into them, and that a large part of his monthly jcreamery checks have gone to the grain dealer. Sheep require 9 very littlegrain if fed the same good hay which one would feed his cows, and they will get much goodness from fodder which a cow would not look at. They require com- paratively little me, except during the lambing season; one half-pound of grain per day per sheep for three months is all most sheep need. `As near as I can ascertain, a cash account with ten cows and one hundred sheep would be some thing like this: _value equal; pastur- ing, equal; hay consumed, equal; value of manure, nearly equal, as sheep man- ure is so much richer. ` 5Il5l'Ho On the day out which I visited Unis- torville the temperature on the outside in the shade was 85 degrees. Inside the curing room a-strong breeze was coming in from the duct at a temper- ature of 60 degrees. The temperature of the curing room did not exceed, dur' ing the day, 69 degrees. The curing room at the factory is very poor. I_ am of theopinion that with a reason- ably good curing room the temperature can be held at 65 degrees. The moist- ure in the curing room was from 80 to 82. There was no mould. on the cheese. . 10 cows. 2,500 Ib. butter at 200... . . 10.061170`! at o o c o o o o o o o I . sen lsi" r5. " " One agirely ou_m ' %. t`i1d fty poundroi ,~;!eih6iatpnttinsinto1" "`1f ;_I;f any `one can mbro pr '. `T; 4.` 'IR,, `MI .-_._I I ;a7.7.35;.'. . .1: c I 90 lambs st 34 . . . . . . . . .800.lba. wag} Q1: 150.. .. g f`This, ehoire sheep ahead; and I. think the cows are given the advantage, for few herds of ten cows will bring in 33500 for butter, while $360 worth of "l_nggnhe_n ftom one hnndred eheepia not so dioult `a T job, A Some will bay `'1 get : more then that out of my oowe. T I don : doubt it, But with the name mqngetnent you} could? get niore ont 9f &zh9;h9Ps1rd -thee iM-`av do It Vnneommon .for_ ti fty-pennci J qroiylnanioctnegete. gtvfo .iiiilit`ft'y` pdnndii-othntter. `per : `5gn'--.'*-1'3.`. nn`u:`;&` ` . in ;l or_ %$7._nt ten _ V_I`IIlI.|VI_l\ r$YUUIIl ccuvv `-nvnv vauv u we go- f`j"j can ghqw thgt `Bo\"i'aare protable fpr itlirago Ne'Ir:En`gIn nd farmer irith plenty oi. pasture what 09 hire much L9!&infed...;..... Gnu. PALLING, . Township Clerk. 100 sninp. In digging the trench for the tile as spring was found near `the factory. The water from the spring runs in the bottom of the trench for its entire length, which possibly somewhat in- creases the moisture in the ' curing room. The intake pipe is built with galvanized iron, fteen inches in diam- eter and thirty feet high, with cowel on the top. . . . . . $500 .0000... ...... 50 .. ....83_60 .0000 .......,,.`;5 .36 $420 4? %LAWRENOE S FAIR *1 VIC`! Ctr! V The outlet from the curing room is simply a hole in the ceiling on theope qoaite side to_ that (I: which the duct-. ant -gt-Ts. .l `,4 ...V __`_2_`. I --:p.:`n4: "`nan Wedding %` Presents 1 Also mp , Ifs`l11onld,-liwhe~ so igaoui 5...; he Bothwoil I Block . , VA Seasunable Suggestion... Z Our S ring `Stock bf Mount: in of the very . kcelcinn of wgaomo wlors, tn 0 . ' '- rapory, ' t 3'11 is r.$.a..ao make ttic-Photos ; I3"gh " latest . g-rade _wo _A " [ Dunlap Street, Barrie. DI-ln"I`n A nu-I 20 CENT PLUG v...1s SWEET,` MILD... cnulctsr vmmuu um, AND rm: Myrtle navy District Division at Crown Hill. East Simcoe District Division Sons of Temperance met in regular session at Crown Hill _on Monday, `June 19th- The afternoon session was well attended: a good representation of the Division in the District being present. There was a very large attendance at the evening meeting. The Orillia delega- tion comprised eighteen members who drove out the twenty-four miles in a couple of large vehicles. They were: Messrs D G. French, W. P.,`J. F. Morris, Wm. `Morrison, Angus Mc- . Kay, J. G. Wilson, A. Ferguson, Nor man Perry, Geo. Mainer,_ Clarence Turcotte. B. Cotton. Misses Jessie Stairs, Jennie Link, Sarah Morrison, King, Con. B. MacKay, Ada`Clark, - Lou. 4McLennan, May Wilson. ,'At the close of the afternoon [services an invitation was tendered by'._Mr. Bell on behalf of the Crown Hill Division inviting the delegates to take tea on the `Methodist church -grounds, which kind invitation was speedily accepted. A long table stretching from one end of the grounds to the other seated ' nearly the whole convention, and- a very enjoyable time was spent, after which the delegates scattered in all directions to see what they could see, [muse $!|!|sjitutos BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. T RED PINE .. Silver Tea Services, _ . .-Bisc`I_1it Jars, ' ..B_utter Dishes, . . Cake Baskets, . .Pickle_ Crnets, . .Knives, Forks sud Spoons, . . Fruit Dishes, _ . .Card Receivers, . . Napkin Rings, . .Pepper and Salt Sellers, . .Butter Knives, . .Sugsr Spoons, . . Silver Ladles, . . China. Fruit Sets, . . .Toilet Sets, . .Lemonade Sets, a uperior line of Dinner and III I`! . Tn nnvn nxnxcncin co., mm. In-..'.o...1 . ' A Dr. Harvey's__Sonthern Great Hvai-iety of suitable 25. a boiao evetywhore. 5 Tea Sets- CALL on vs- READ THIS LIST: At Woodburn, Caledonia nnd an- boro, sub-earth duhts have been `put in but were not ready when I visited these factories. .On my next visit I will take careful note of the results with the sub-earth ducts` and report to you thereon. I ,-:r,_A_'.____ `....THE NEW. .J.. to select from at _ 36-ly 7 n-1o*r,o An1s'r_s.| w Paper. Best American B1 V Book your price is advanced. WINDOW. SCREENS AND SCREEN` DOORS,` PARIS GREEN AND HARVEST TOOLS ...A'.r... " N AMERICAN WOVE WIRE FENCNG V mjm_ Positive Cuk-e for PRICE 25 CENTS A PACKAGE. Rmwmxrxsm. Dvspnrsm, One Month's Treatment. SICK AND Nzxvous Hnuncus, Send for free sample and Guide to Health. CONSTIPATION. THE F. E. KARN CO., 128 Wellington St.. Toronto, Ca: Fnmmn Cournurrrs, &c. , - - SOLD AT l CANNED SHRIMPS CANNED CRABS CANNED PILGHARDS - , SHREDDED-WHEAT BISO UITS: FLAKED BARLEY _ PACKAGE MINCE-MEAT _ I `I'll R and assembled again at 8 o'clock at the Temperance Hall, where the open meeting was held, and the following program rendered: District Worthy Patriarch John Lister` in the chair. Chorus, Crown Hill; address, Rich`- ard Anderson , dialogue, Scene 1, Crown` Hill ,; reading, Bro. Luck, Crown Hill; reading, D. G. French, Orillia; 2nd scene of dialogue, Crown Hill ; reading, Bro, Rix; 3:-"dd scene dialogue, Orcvyn, Hill ;qua1-tette, Shanty Bay; address, Hon. Chas. Drury; recitation, Crown Hill; dialogue. 0. Hill. Quartette,-f Mess:-s..and Mlsles McKay; club swing-_` ins. Crown Hill; _ohorul, -Hill ; y.3dd"_'a Bra `Walton. cfi-W-P,; Mr. McKay,j'r., v . . .EE,F. '!?i.visin. v-vuo, BENGAL CLUB oHU'r;IEY MANGO CHUTNEY ' THE MOST DELICIOUS JELLIES IN THE WORLD A SIMMIJNS X [50 '9 BARBIE, ONT. some . new . nnuiil TEA, COFFEE AND COCOA MERCHANT. |COMM_ImSSIO~N1 Auunuuy nucuon GIIB 0! names, Vehi :Ie:ts,Letc.. at the Stabiea. next door to ."i5;'i'vaee Sales nvnnv SATURDAY. ...*::a*:;:.:.?".::':..`:r` '`m*~*-'**=~= Tunis olfl Qorraonn solicited Vnnnmnnv Svnonn, Box. :99. Baum. Not 7; " 3 Imanise in "THE Anmc.'4 f9i*i%%n' W we 1meg`t'hgsigif Bsught to? -_ 6opo_ thfebigo -ufiot c6nvelit_i Song`