....COME AND SEE.... ` , I vertisi BUS]; "Why will people persist in buying of peddlers and fakirs ! Why. indeed ! Because the peddler or fakir knows the article he has to sell. He knows its good points and tells them. if he ' is selling a patent soap, he tells what that soap is good for. and tells why it is better than other soa . If its a patent whistle or a to balloon, he tells why it's _ tter than those shown be- fore. e handles his subject as though 3: were worth handling. In fact, he does just what many advertisers fail to do. He goes into his subject understandingly, enthusiastically, and one of the reasons he succeeds, is because the buyer. knows from the start that the pedlar means business. Don't borrow all the ideas of the fakir, though._ He_has bad ones. In his enthusiasm he fre- quently overestimftes the qualities of his wares. If he expected to come that way again, he would probably be more careful. The business man expects to meet his customers again. He wants his goods and his advertisements to show their relation to one another.` The man who can extract the good points from the fakir s methods and eliminate the bad, has a start that will land him safely on the successful side __of commercial life. There s the secret of our business success, told in the words of an 33' ng expert. We have not simply co NESS, but we have also-constantly` We want to see every customer a regular customer. Therefore, we treat 9" customer so as. to. establish perfect condence betwee want to -make business and make friends. nvinced the public that WE 315: had in -View PERMANENT bus1n5- . We 11 him or her and HS- Isetill on. It's been a. huge success thus far. mwhile there down, down`, every day as the end of the month approaches. And Iplnd $13; we won t object to running it a. week into July If the crowd keeps comwg _ better come ' ' fway, a.`nd.we pledge. our V3; 5 most to pick from. 0rd we'll do you good. But no} the seller of cheap stuff. Fine Silk Goods. _Fine- Stuff Dress Goods. Fine. Washable Dress Goods. Fine Airy Summer;Dress Goods. _Fine Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear. Finenew style Bluses. _ Fines `new style Corsets. Fine new style Pamsols. IRWIN JIINEQIIARTER T0 Hm arr snu. EMENCES TO-DAY, mnnoraoiw wnoNa~n'oma.' The election trials in Ontario since i the Provincial election on March 1st, 1898, have revealed a state of corrup- tion that disqraces the banner province` _ of fair `Oanada. ' The bribery and other irregularities have not all been in the Reform camp, but it is true. -however, that the most of it has. . T; ___--.I.I L. _`__..-J Lg cumin V`-`an` DAL I!I`A\p0A$ivly; at tn`,-Hal rices. THE_ CHEAP SELL IS IT ? (From the Advertising World.) L Film ew style Men s Furnishing- Fme Ladies and Gentlemen -% 3 and Shoes. Fina Misses and Boys Boots and Shoes `; Fine new Summer Suits. `Fine,new__'l,"weed` Clothing. W Fine Staples in Cloths," Linens tots, etc. 4 :32 D3ur1Icp St. A. J'. SARJEANT. 0'|OIposLt In Barrlo. V Grout Ouch HI Jam 29, LER. B, 1899. thlt the most or it nae. It would be absurd to any that Re- forrners are naturally more prone to election wrong.doin than `Conserve- tivel; the difference in favor of the letter is -due to the fact that the Re- form party has been too long in power. There should have been a house clean- in; long ego, and since that time the disease of corruption has been increas- ing until it has spread to the electorate. It will only be when there in frequent -change in government as in Great Brit- ain that their will be purity in govern- inont and elections. Quarter of a. cen- tury is too long a. period for either po- `-litical partyto be left in undisturbed -possession of the treasury. . VIII... `Anna I-n-nnnnn in nuth nntnrin `UUH VULUII III vvuus nus auto LIIRUHIIIJI 5. That the-declared number of votes for Mr. Mecnish largely exceeded the [number of -bone de votes cast. for him A rlII.-4. - 1--.... ........|...- -8 L..`Il..L.. ......L C..- IUUUIII vluuu Hull .7. That there are good reasons to believe the there are many specific and well -authenticated cases where . agents of Mr. Munich concealed at their homes some of then strangers. who there paid large sums of money to elector: to induce their: to vote" 'I Elm Judges in main; the election divided rsyment of coats equally between Mr. Munich and Sharxif .B:own. UUIII uuc VUIUB Univ nu llllll -6. That a, large number of ballots out for Mr; MnoDiermid werein some nefarious and corrupt manner manipulated, whereby the {unit of the election was rendered doubtful, Ind that in this connection the voting at rhedden and Middlemarch, and in several division in St. Thomas where said strangers I0 acted as deputy returning othoere, merits Ineoial mention H 'FI..a Oulun-ug nun nun.` nnnnnn I-A kA"nnA Iiunuwuanuu Va vuv Ulvuluuu J . The loose practices in South Ontario -or any other constituency since the famous Russell election trial, which re- sulted in the imprisonment of the can- didate, - are quite eclipsed by the dis- rsceful tactics resorted to in West lain for the defeat of the Conservative candidate, Dr. McDiarmid. The fol? lowing admission of corrupt election, signed by Donald McNish, the Reform candidate, and witnessed to by his lawyer, renders further comment super- u_ous_:- Illll FLIU cuuuveus UL utu uuuvua uusuvuwo .4. That there were large numbers. of per- Ionl brought into the `riding for the express purpose of pereoneting legitimate votere,. [and assisted by some of Mr. Mecuieh e local Iupporterl such person: did personate quali- ed voters in `voting for Mr. Macniah. I What I-Inn Annlnnm-I nnmhnr nf in-nth: `AF la Thst a large number of persons were Ipeoielly sent into the constituency by men T working on behalf of the Liberal party tor the express purpose of taking part on Mr. Munich : behalf in the election held Janu- Iry 12th, 1899, and we believe that {redu- lent Ind corrupt mean: -were used by some -0! Inch persons to secure his election. (I 'lV|u.e- Antigua` AC clan nah` nnunnnn 3nnnI-. '01 Illllll puruuun mu nuuuau um vsvvuvuo 2. That several of the said nersons illegal-- ;ly Ind without authority acted as deputy `returning oioers at the said election. and in at least three cases so acted in the names of reputable local men, having, under `assumed -names, been introduced to the returning oioer by local agents of Mr. Macnish. Q Vluudu in u-no-nu AF I-I-an nnninn an-I\.lu3n. UHJUUF uy luvnl nqcuw vn mu. uuuuuuuu. 8. That in many of the polling eub-divie- ions of the riding there were `grave irregu- leritlee` connected with the return of the bullet boxes and their contents, the voting. and the counting of the ballots thereet. A That Hanna nun-n `nrnn nlamhnrn nf nor- Studio ind Out Door Work, 'Viowing,_ AL` Tunas or Susscanrnox. Advance Correspondence. . Advance. o:.;:.,....` vigi ;.1i;; ii;;. -_of_ - Commits report. giunedtmn is mu foll9m-:--_- counay%cnu-nci|Iors% } And tneirnoings ' All who on accommodate tourist! v int Ihould - leave at Tm: Anvaxcn , wltghtho Tow `Clark; "filo" number` thhy h|_v oaoooti1m6dation it - It lunc!ci""` t.`o_d, tha1::'a., ` :5} ,. ; e m. wriahe presented his reportou. House of Refuge. He` Ireoommeuded that twomuu he enguged an nurse. and. when "not required to utteud to hick to uuiet Mrs. Rose in her` arduous duties. --;CIl`l_`iod. ; `! mended (1) that 825 each be granted to North, South and East Simooe Teach- "The Uommftteehon Eduoution reoom.-' ere Aeaooiutionu ; (2) that the Entrance examination centre in luniel be Churchill instead of Stroud on former- -`vvvv-_v- 'o.omplnin;; -"which mch `inlpootign v vu-ucnu visa uvt U5 l1e"'E.\LUllUUIle , . _ The Special Committee` Sanford reported -that they had up against` the Kaeeaament of $3,000p::l the San- ford; reeidenoe',"o|aimxng that as county property it ehqnld be exempt; also that the appeal of the Guarantee Company has not yet been disposed of by the oo\ _1_rta.-dopte_v_l. ` . The Finarlice ' Committee reported against the payment of aoeounts re Somerset, an insane man committed from Tay township. In answer to Councillor Leatherdale re the proper, procedure in the committalof` the in- sane, Councillor-Heyvson said all per- sons of unsound mind are properly committed first to the gaol; the Sher-i` then reports the case to the County Judge, and he in turn orders the medi- cal examination of the supposed insane person. If - found insane the Judge issues a `warrant committing him to the asylum. In the case in point the man was not insane, but through injury to his skull should have been sent to the hospital for operation. -The County Council` had nothing whatever to do `with such matters. The Ontario Gov- ernment is theproper source for the Toy Council to apply to. ' an rnonorron EXAMINATIONS. ' On Friday. morning Councillors J upp and Hunt moved the adoption of. a re- port __ against uniform promotion ex- aminations and recommending that the Inspectors be asked to use their in- finance in aboliehio g thesewritten tests; also that no grants be made towards de- fraying the costs of said examru ation. After some. wrangling in which there was more humor than pathos, the re- sort was laid` on the table until Tues- ay. IIVL- ....--L:-.. --_.- --._ _...._ __ rl!.___ ._._A ._ ..___.__,. ._., .......... ........ preaootuent,f yet bhpy; are motion of public knowledge which [there in no excuse for pay, Aingolligent utoptyer being ignorant of. Your Committee hos not .heu-d- of my, urgent. __oppeal` from the` inmates of the Home for in- upeotiowby the Grand Jurynor of an A `nnln nlnin Inn LLB` -...I. ` ........;:.._ --..- _ -4 ---rv-w-- v- unavu-av vs u.uvou.v every two weeks; House of Refuge Committee of three members are es- pecially charged with` the oversight of all House of Refuge matters; that whole Council is at liberty to visit House three times a year; that pro- vision is made for Grand Jury to visit * Houseonoe a year; and the public are! admitted twice a week. 1`hese,faote| are apparently as unkown to the Grand Jury of the General Bunions as they are to the youths (presumably Col- lingwood and Benton editors.-En.) who I furnished > them the informa- tion they..' their <...'.a-."..a..n....s -. g... n_.-....-.... 4 `millhe question came up again on Tues- day night in Committee of the Whole. Messrs. Geo. Wilson and Thos.,Irwin, two teachers from Tossorontio, address- ed the Council in favor cf the examiner tions. Councillors J upp, Hunt and Brnoeurged abolition of these tests; -Councillors Hewson and Murphy want- ed them retained, and Councillors Whitesides and Harrell wanted the question left over to the November session. An amendment to retain them was lost on the following vote :- 19 9 .I `D Chairman Hamilton of Finance Committee reported that they had read with some amusement that part of the presentment of the Grand Jury of `the General Sessions of the Peace of J 11:19, 1899, referring tothe lack of provision for competent inspection of the House of Refuge. We regret" that a public body like the Grand Jury should not have informed themselves of thefacts relating to the matters which they assume to deal with, instead of ' relying, as-they apparently do, upon the state- ments of juvenile reporters of irrespon- sible newspapers (Anvauoa excepted .-- En.) The facts in regard to the in- spection of the House of Refuge ares. -That it is inspected by an oicial of the Ontario Government twice` a. ear, also , by Inspector of House of . uge nuiaauiu `tug jag`... . IJ-....- J -l.. _ A Yeaa-.Leathe1-dale, Hewszn, Mur- phy,_Jamieson, Graham.-5. .` - q `The special services in connection ` with the Methodist Church are verv promising end helpful so far. ' Rev. A. H. Renton, preached in the morning` and everyone was delighted with his discourse, so well illustrated so , pract- icsl zend comforting. In the evening the-crowd was so lsrge that both church- as were filled and evangelist Benton, preached in the Methodist church at '7 pm. and in the congregational church st 8 o'dock, so that all had a chnnce to -Ehesr him. Quite at number `rose for prayer after the sermon in both church-' -; sol. .30 will be-here ' nlltheweel: end `* will hold very special services next Sunday; It is `s pity charge hove not /I building in Dalston about .10 or 15, [feet longer then either of our churches- ; ;`/We hope the reoident pa`acor_`w11l not Ye dter the services ere .crer,|f, on: v v ---wwu----n-' --vw-ow -n-vorvu an or 2 second` amendment hoisting the question until Novemberj was carried on the following vote :- `T.-- 1 .'I'-.......II T --LL-....I-l- `ll --- -- v-uv - -uwvv-- vwvv - V Yeas-:Horre. Leatherdale. Mur- phy, Hewson, Graham, J amiaeon, Thorpe, Whicesides, the Warden.-9. '\T__.. 13....-- T...... l'\--:..I-..' `I J'-;..:I "1'~I'a'f'y'-li3"r1i?=SI7I7:'i>:." ton,.Wright, Hammell, Rosa, Hunt.--:8. l\.. 'IV.-....`I-_ ..:..L4. l"I_..._-2II-_'_.."l`J__._ v v Q-an-V, oauu--on-woe .-venous, nu-I-I-vo'*'v\lI W.-an Tuesday night Connoillots Ross; and Haryey were given leave of absedce for remamder of session. CHAIRMAN HAMILTON PUTS J UROR8'BIGT : `i`T aya-Jup;;, Hamiiton, Quinlan,1 1-lune, Bruce, Harrell, Wright, Ham- mell, Whiteaidea, Rosa, '.l`horpe.-1l. A Amman;-mn-L LL- Wnovaiis; 6; irvn Galbraith! none:{V%rIouring mus. ` ' TALLANDALE. _ spncuuxnr, , so-tf misting any lmupping Daily. `:80 av) name will b_e added :5 the submipcid. until thc money -is pad. \ d ' ' Bublctlbou now in In-roan for three montitu and but will bocharxod 8140-Der anuutn._ Bf.*M ICIluuuICOIIDOl0I .hindq CIlCIOlIIOlOIOIIII 1-loin- live -wainht nae lh .......... - - D9K;IlI(IqII_II'UUI"c-uuoouooouguolooo ROI, liVB'WCightP0flbuoootnIo|I=oo wP.r........."1I'.... Mb!OOIIOCOUCICCICOCIIUOIC Turkaylg wflboooonovuooon;u-ncnuou '13.'.'f3`.. .'Ee2`.'uIf`.`.'xi.'.`.'.' II: Butts:-. Tuh- net Ih. - _ BUCKET. K0".W10-onouoouounluunuo Bllttf, Tub. POI` lbuoouootooooao-no lb`..C.I...`..............I d02...n...,..-. uooooo Apples, per bag" ..... Apples per ban-el..... Potutoed per bag .... Hnv nnr tnn. . _ . . . _ . _ - gcoocouou IIIOOIIII on KOWIOBI p9! DIE oooao---uqoonuo Hay on-ton. ..................,.... Woo.washedperlb................ Wool. unwashed. per lb. `Wood. aft. new mu-(I- _ _ _ WOOI. IIIIWIIIIGC. D91 ID.-.........u W00d.lft.. Percofdn -o-oucoouooooc Wood. Qftq percofd.-uu......... tonoiolunaouuog cow 0!` Steel`, lg pol` lbiuoooo-on " " NO. If " voogolonc I\G II II On 3, II no-ouoooo Lambskin: and Peltsu... . . .... Calfskin: O|' lbs OIOCIO on Intent 1 Tnllnw nor Ih . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . ' `On J one 15th 42 males and 6 females were in the institution , since the open- ing of the house there had been 75 committals and 2 deaths; 29 had ab- sconded, but 5 of these had been re- committed ; supplies had been purchas- ed in the cheapest market, and results were very satisfactory; cost per day per capita for food and clothing less than 10c. ;. 35- tons of coal per week had been used in -cold weather; roof had been leaking in` several places; some of the slates on the roof were loose. and dropping off ; heating system is defective; hospital cannot `be made warm, has never "been used, and is situ ated in unsanitary position; farm is wet, in need of draining, abounds with wild mustard and other noxious weeds, and soil is too heavy for House of Re- fugepnrposes ; inmates clothing should be marked so that if any abscond with this clothing they will be guilty of theft ; sever-allinmates should be in the Asylum or Hotndfor Incurables ; keep~ er has no authority to keep inmates un- less _ they .are- committed for a stated period; to keep them guards and a - stone wall would be required ; a girl to assist the Matron and a man" to work the farm team had been employed ; !Keeper and Matron are performing [their duties satisfactorily ; no waste of provisions, yet all "getjsuicient to eat *`and drink ; Physician attends to. his work well; Inspector is an ideal oicer; implement house and hog pen should be built"; i'ence`i`s required along the road `a'nd"around buildings; . The farm is di- l .-'n-- 4- D."_`_._ - `I- II 3-?cie5"i'Je3 "513? Tu 'r3o?ST._"Fii Wheat, 18 notes ; pquo, 7 acted; oats, -l8`horeI;_barley. l5a'ore_a; meadow, 12 | sore; ; roots, 5 acrea.' 1 notsn or names ESTIMATES. ` ' OhuirIn`an_Hunt submitted fhb folloiw in; Home of Refuge estimates for the your :-V- V ` L . TH: Noa'rHI:aN Ao.vANc,: Tnu0w'p'I' lbqooaouno-cocoons-ooooua HOPGQ lboacoouvcooo-30:95.9} Sheepskins........... III--4-4- BI--mg-A_~I II- _ IIBIIBKIIIS B|' Ill Tallow per lb._. Lin..- I.l..2.. ..-. Criminal Neglect of Eyes.___ { Some kinds of neglect come under the heading criminal." The neglect of children s eyes is one.` Eyestrain stunts the intellect. We will give you reliable information if you suspect your child's sight is defective. `Consultation free. D.H. MacL5EN, 3_c_;Apu_ 3,4: t`ooo'oo"oooi`on oqaouo`- `x..` . ' and Olothing.. lav ooovvw UIQQACOI. Ill VII? BKIL W Toronto Markets During the W.eek: n.--nun -- .... _-......__ :2: Scientific Optician, MIoI.AREN'S DRUG STORE. 3533'?- -u-nu run - v c c - u I u u - u n u n u o - cu avogua jkin.OlIII.OylOlI O-IOOIOIACOIOI 75IIoo 'I'oront.o_ Farmers Markets. .- VI '33 ` Thnndav naming, by . IAMUIL WESLEY, PROPRIETOFI_ --v-' _l U_` I`! a L...o.r 'run.. : 1'oi2I:i:`.I~IgAL jvn - -u-o -vvu- lononiro. Jun -.-7. 1899. Q _- L-Q _ I I 0'0 0.008 _ ll T. ,, |_II.I'Q 03919 wv-v _ 200 200 I10 boo (IlIl\A ;;i3:':X5'$;'eo3.' IQ f`.nnnnn flu Total ................. ..s154s_ 97 -Adop`ed. ` ' The Councilgeemembled on llondnv etgggg. noon. _ The Finance Committee recommend- ed (1) that-the Auditors be eeoh given 810 extra. in consideration of extra: work, (2) that: C. E,I_Iewgon_ be authorized tqnign County cheque: in the nbe_`qnoe`of the War- den during-ed onrnmente; (3)'. that the so-` oonnt from Mi lend foxylivery. hirevincurred by ooneteblee ln,Ieiroh'of, oenderl. he not mash` `___L`.nnI-At`;-' . ` w -- C1 11or_Amwm m |.IIuo-'cauv VUIII . The Counxil than udjonrnd and went into Committee. ` ' . I . Au Monday`.,ovaningYn -`mention. 3 Aby-.1.-,1 ' . A_ (Coht_i,IiOd.;on.Vpa g_:,`8.) V -A A vu- cu-up wu--w-up ----- -----uunvv vvvuuu ' On Tuesday morning the report was discussed, and the propriety of leaving out the mustard part debated. Coun- cillors Hcrrell and Bruce contended that the reference should be left in so that the public willknow the exact condition of the farm; while Council- lors Whitesides and Harvey thought the Council should cease discussing the farm` as it was now the property of the County and had been fully` discussed previously. Councillor Hammell class- ed the farm as No. 2, while Councillor Jupp added, it is a`No. 2 farm at a No. 1 price. It was nally agreed to let the report pass with the exception of striking out the mustard and soil part, it being the opinion of Coun-A cillor Hammell and other judges of (good land that the soil of the farm is all right for the` purpose. Th; Eduoatio;1 bommittee recom- mended the following grants to poor schools :-Noa. 'lLand~ 15 North Atllf Cl` `II . 'fi'.".'376 253; ' $25.--Adopted. `nous: or nnouon EXTRAS. The County Property Committee reported that the followina extras in connection with House of Refuge since November, 1898, were incurred :- ' ' ' ' Basement valves.............$ 148 00 Lumber for stables ...... ., 91 05 Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000 Carpenter work on barn .... 102 75 Painting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 189 00 Piping stables for water .... . . 54 53 ' Heating laundry, etc.'...... .. 35 Furniture...... .... 3300 Miscellaneous.-.......;....... 4000 Entrancesign......' ...... 5400 Movingbarn . . . . . . . . . . 56 00 Cementing stable oor. . . . .~ 16 00 ' Grading 2500 Hardware.......... 8049 Electric x_turea..._,.. 11725` ngpllee.....v..... m_ (_) Councillor Whitesides assured the Council that the house had not been built in any such haphazard style as the report hinted at. The hcles_ in the roof had been made by old men ahovelling the snow` of!` it, and the architect had said that the length of the building caused it to sink a little in the centre. The farm was not as dirty either as re - ported; the wet season was especially hard on the farm. The report was laid on the table until Monday evening. D- 'lV.-.....I.... ...-....._.. LI... .......-_n. ...-- ' " - v V * [' . `$3 . , _ . /and will be continued until they movkin ayshort tlme, to the store .occup1ed before the re J". M. SMITH. J;rR%AuHmsou;1 We want to reduce our stock one-half before moving. PRICES WILLL3$`URPRISE YOU, Basement valves . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 stable: . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 00 . . . . . . . . 189 00 stables for ete.'......'. . 35 . . . . . . 5400- etnbloe oor...... .- Hardware .... 117 25' Su plies...-v..... 5 50 |prlngu...,...' . . . . . . . . 5000 Furniture for Governor : dept. `I70 50 TIblOI...' e e 0 o u-Voqoooooooa-on 30 55 fl!-a.- I JAS.VAIR & CO., Balace the` R. I. Fraser stdck, whichuizas bought at a rate on the dollar, will be sold Lops than Whofigale Prices. -second to none in Barrie. We will move nothing`but bright new goods tgzghe bright new store DO IN}? I V DUO` \II` No. 12v1\&a`;chedasl1`;` com: Atumsrun Bnmimius. An I Pee_-18 column Newspaper. . ll Publluhed from the Oice, n3 Dunlap Street Blnimin the Countyofsimcoeythefro-. - -1 t\_._.2- 11---)-