]'AS.- EDWARDS CONVE-YAeCR_-/ H 1 AL L2- -1-.. ....a.3l _ _ _. muuua: oocwtv. umcea-Uver Ewan: Dryl r6 Mulcaster St. u anu ueauers tn uoals or an Kinds, and George town, Grey and .Guel White Finishin Lime Cements ofall kinds, Ire Bricks and P terer's Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch. foot of John street, near the depot. The bond of this L-'1 e is better than that of any other kind. and t_l_1_e ash superior. Ofce-Comer of In}... .....a 1 Inc. \.nu.UKlsN'S All) SOCIETY OFBARRIE 1 have for ado tion. in good Homes. :1 number of btight-young nadian children. boys and girls Parties desirinthem are asked to communicate with thesecretary. EV. W. R. McINTOSH, Barrie. 3-ly THE BALL PLANING MILL COMPANY I ntcrinh Building and manufacturing of Doors. h. B ds, Mouldings, etc. Planin of all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ilot Blast Drying Kiln. District agency for `nod lum- bet. Factory-Bayeld Street, Barrie. EDGERS & GALLIE [successors Geo. Ball. 1 mu 1.: e us better than that of aniy the f ash Ofce-Corner of John Elizabethstreets. me 1 am supeno | Elizabeth atroets. BANTING. Clerk County of Simcoe, will flat: at his oce. at the Court House. Barrie, every Saturdav. Residence and P.0. Coohtown. I` V In I l'II1\IEl'I~' At his oice until 5 p.m.; at his private residence, 68 Mary street, after that hour. 1 1-ly The Globe reports the General As- sembly's debate on the Government : notion on the prohibition qnestionss revealing strong opposition to censure of the Government ? ; the Mail-Empire, however, speaks thus :_ Assembly de- ollned `co shield the Government. If both polltiosl reporters are right, then 3 non-politics! soribe would sky, The Assembly oensnred end shielded the Government," A is pretty. nearly inde pendent position.- IIu?l`&I I3 I-\Il'II`o We have a large amount of Private Funds to lend at 4} and 5 per cent. on the securiyof good farm Mortgages. McCARTHY. PEPL R" AND Mc- CARIHY, Dunlop Street. Barrie. FOR INVESTMENT on good freehold security at lowest rate of inleres . Nodarincipal money required until end of gm germ. . H. STRATHY, Solicitor, Etc., ffl. 9" H. LYON. "PRIVATE. FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Discounted. Collections madein any $1 of theCounty. Real estate bought and sold. vey- ancigf in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issu I Oce-Ross Block, Dunlap street Barrie. 4:-Iv. R. I. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. 8; S . Edin- bu h; M.F.P. & S., Glasgow, member of British _ pthalmological Society. 8pec1altV.- Diseases of Eye, Ear, Throat and Node. OFFICE.-78 Dunlap Street, Sanders Block, Bar- rie. opposite ,Post omce and Railway Station. Phone 54. P, O. Box 96. 7-13; `J no\luo 141111,, Idol` night residenoe-Brow1 Barrie. ` Telephone 77. DR. . F. Pallin . Graduate of Trinity University 4 oi-onto, F ow of Trinity Medial College, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oce and Residence, 18 Owen street. R. . C. SMITH, L.C.P.S., O t., (ht f D . D & Smith Orillia.) Ogce and ex-egidenrge -comer of Owen anti Colher streets, Barrie. :3-ly auowut ntu. mo MI git Notary, etc. Mon to loan. and Staynor. Barns Ba: Rnildina Owen It:-pat. Mr. Blair, Minister of Rsilwsys and Csnsls, has decided" mg no Oonservs-. tivss ore to be sllowed_'to:'=wo`_rk_ on the Beauhsrnois osnsl. Mr. Bergeron, who brought the matter up in the Commons, slid shot many of these menghsd large families end were dismissed simply be- osuss they were Conservatives. The Minister of Railways, when told that he should givesome explanation of his conduct, sat stolidly in his seat and said 303hiD`o ' ' ' DONM.D R055 5. A.--barnsIu', actuator,- Conveyancor. otc., money to loan. Bankof Toronto Buding. Owen street. Barne. V48-ly &`4BROWN, Barristers, Solic- E` - Hwon-ton Lnncox, W; A.~Bou. A Q! .. `"0 ` -.'--'F 7'9-3_B lrIie.All'nton andCteemoI'e. _ LunIox&Bots,` Barrio. 0&0--No; 6 North side Dunlap-It. Elm- vnleodo-oppouice Hunt : hotel. Money to loan at. Inwnnt rntan. ' . (.3-. E. Hnyvsox. b::":"` T amen. . . A Sokcuton tn Hngh Court of J ustwes, Notanes Pubhc, ggnvpyancen. Oces over the Bank of Toronto. B . Money in Iumaof $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 P|"I1- V . -' H. 7H.'S'l'ltA`l'ln', Q.C. G. H. Es-tux. ULT & COWAN, Ban-intern, Solicitors of the Suprema Court, Prootors. Notaries, Conve - etc. .Mon_eyto Loan. Oices--Ross' B moon, Dunlap-ot.. Ban-Ac. `Wn.i. ma'-rox Amxr. A , Aux. Comm. sun awynur. nuns N Building, Owen street. ICKINSUN C MAUWA'1'1, Darnuenu. LVIF o taries Public. Solicitors of Supreme Court, etc., Barrie. Ont. Oicea in Bank of Toronto Block, No. .'0I:en street. Branch oice, Elmvale, McKegie's The best lace to e drug; is at a DRUG STORE `The 5:11 `at knows more about them than otherpeope. ` We keep a. golfed (gt: stor c. Cqte and ask us VANILLA, for ice cream. for instance; BAKING Powmsn. for cakes. One is a. drug. of course ; the other a chcmi ` and there are still nn.....__coIm=--= - France and Italy -are both rapidly coming to the front in the butter and cheese industry, and already these countries are exporting butter. to Eng- land._ What is wanted in a real, pre- ferential trade between . Great Britain and the Colonies, which` will largely eliminate the competition of foreign oountriel ; the -Canadian farmer oould then oumvst and plan for the future with a great deal more certainty. & mnuxmnws onus ST-DRE J 92 DUNLOP-ST. BARRIE. i A % Drugs and Chemicals FARM STOCK. SALES In the Kitchen. MARRIQGE Cleans: ISSUER. [oHNsoN & SARJEANT, BARRIIZ, and Dealer: in Coals of all Kinds, an swn, Grey Gnelnh VVh:o.- w:..:.s.: JIIKL Joan Dxcxmsox, EA. ` D. `F. Mmwxrr, . `ITRATHY & ESTEN. \ R. I F. C. GREGG,- Veterinary Su . Honor . Graduate Ont. Vet. College, onor member dim! Societv. O ioes-Over Ewan: Dry Good re. Dunloo St. Residence Mulmater Sn. If Hon. John Dryden is not soon left in undisturbed possession of e seat, another general election will be on hand. It is noteworthy, however, that he is Minister of Agrionlttire all the while. ' As he is so well represented by rel|tives.in.oice, he might surely obey the wishes of the "public by re! tiring. 1 A,` gangnnuksr, Attomeou Sokc: . tn qunecty. nveyancer . . doon-Owen street. over BankoCotn- R.`W. A. ROSS, Ph ician. Surge R.C.S. Edin,, L.R (n, London. zht_ residence-Brown's Block, Du ._...- "l"-l..I......- -_ `?"'?-jj )ONALD ROSS B. A.--Barrilta'. Fnmnjnnnnn A60 nnnnnu tn Inan VCKINSON & MACWATT, Barristers. No- ba._:.. Duklin cannibal-Q AF Sun:-nine C0111 Etc EWSON & CRESWICKE. harristcn. Solici- tors of the Sn rem: Court of Judicature of .L.._';. non:-`An. `- D..u-o.u- . Fnnununntmrn. etc. .. .. .. .....5. ul wurae ; me other "chemiml": there are still others-SPICES of all kinds. cream ot tartar, etc. ` _ I.--` "I . - VETEBINARI SURGEONS. T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, office in Bothwell's Block,.Allandalc. On the premises at night. 1 a.Iv Near Market Square; irn.. {Me La rty, The low price of wool does not cheapen the price of Government blank- 7 etc. $90,000 is put in the estimates this year for blankets at the same price II "last year. Mr. Bennett quite pro- perly thought it was extravagant to give this order at the old price when woollen goods are so much cheaper this II. M. CAMPBELL. unaoly A610 Manon fl ARE NEEDED. EVERY DAY MONEY TO LOAN. . _ IA_..._ ________A -1` I'\,,',,,. IIANUFACTIEBES. _ l5HYSlClANS. FINANCIAL. OFFICIAL. _ niaiu-L. nwcx, 1 wiv- A Rediltribution Bill which givers Reform county of 28,000," inhabitants two members, and a conservative muni- cipality of 30,000. people `one member, is In out-and-out gen-ymnnder that throws to the winds the principle of reprelentetion by population. Such is Mr. Mnlook'e bill. . - ` U0 `III 43-ly I MCmB(i`:Yo ` Barrister Solicitor, 1 on Inna. 0i'cen--Barrie _wo'r1ox lnC%-D8tl'l of Toronto 5-ly IrCLIH v street, T `- -' I'- . .. ` , W9 have nchued and reoP". 6" `3.*`..`.`.:.a."'..,..- ';z,P:,';`:r..f:;?:e.:f$;e-_ Flo I'Il'|IVI\ll` G DUI`! M sf.`i::::.`:.'ra.?,*:.`:.`:;:: :.""`;.:`.:;`:;;%`:v~g: 0 av `dam ' _h t once. `Ai D'"Yy:!B K513. stiI:11:te:nfu:n?sr}t1:fi {rnf`:': on all kinds of wood work and buildmg_ 1"` -1-, T110 `F8-09017 is bein re-modeled and furnI5hd , theliteit woodwo 'n machinery. 5 "`3`T.,,1 1- .3510 to handle all inds of work pf0'PPf,.~ , '_ 'y.See k d tour? V .f'?|'Y- B'ayeld Itt'ee`t .u;:r`t)l'1' o?'t`heg`oundrY- So`. ~I.. . n . uvrnu R1 " 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid on neP'` The Security for Deposltors in 3 1406" Company is undoubted. Rose new Block. south side Dunlap Fm east of the Post Office. 3' The Iocuri t 't L Cd) is d`!bt_d- Tltlyerg mligfmgzea onozrigcord f""` 601' has eve: made a loss bv a. Loan C0 "- No puma would list for North Simood iyere to Stenn I:a unI':'-y'."x'c'>"'I')u:'a~l"a' s'{-Kai. with " pZ3" modern ' 5 CE... i do n 308.18`? X. lI01Irl:ulN oUs9riVtY.nI,`g`i9 ;3':.".`.s=.:';.=.m::d=~ '~"'*"" on-III: n A IIIIE IIAYO gm: VER :::'*-":5: `* "" at gun I J Canadian Branch Olce Head Otce. MONTREAL. LONDON, ENGLAND M. C. HINSHAW. SAM. J. PIPKIR. Brand: Manager` Manager. os.ATLAS.oo Agennnnmne nnuunluv. 0FFICE.-Next door to Bank of Toronto. 0" Street. Barrie. n-ly SUBSCRIBE? CAPITAL, 6250.000. iAsIEAM"iAu uu31| Agent Standard Life. London Gunm- teo and Accident 00., Provlndll vllulldlnz and Loan Associations 9* BARBIE mm & snvmss cu. ' INCORPORATED 1331. Barrio Planing M" Aooordtng In Mr. Munok the Judges of the High Court of Ge:-rymnnder are to lit in 1899 "nu they were sitting in 1892. um! give judgment In I once they have no rightto try until 1901.- Moucreol Star. = Rzmxsmr `run FOLLOWING Fuzz Ixcsnuxa Comruuns: The Mercantile, now ailiated w1:h The Lon- _don &'Lanca.ah1re of England. Seca- yo $'5op`- - The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo. 02'. Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. On: _ -Total assets, $303,078. ' Also Lloyd's Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, of New York. Cash capital, 31;. 000 And tine Sun Loan and savings Company of Ontario. Invite H103 (0 1080 `Oil HIS! mortgages. :11 counts collected. &c. Oice over I-Iendernon; Hardware Store. Barri. I Ont. `PROVINCIAL suunms AND man s ASSUBIATIUN. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $5.ooo,ooo. us: 51400: vvu.-Luau Auncsuuu A UULHS per Wop}, each subsequent msertlon 1 cent per we,-.~; (names, addresses and gures counted 1; words); but 9. reduction of one cent per wori will be made when the number of insertion of the same matter exceed four. - _ __._.___ __ . ...---......uu.uAa. Condensed advertisements on first page gm as wants of all kinds, lost and found, pmpgm for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc., etr must be accompanied with the cash, and be inserted-t1rst insertion 2 cents per won; each nnhsu-.nmmt-. innm-tim. 1 n.m+ .... __ Out: for mi vorllnemenu mus! In every case be mounted on solid metal bun. Scnoccu: &. SMTTQ, Advertisers will not be allowed to use ma`, space for advertisxng anything outside mg, own regular business; Should they do it transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. noises ri;;e.;na1;;. `:1;";na;,;;' gs `'. `_ mnst be handed into the oice no:e$fm` Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for . changemnst be in Tm: ADVANCE oicem later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in week, otherwise the advertiser's announqmzf, may not be made public until the week {ow lowmg. " 12 changes of Advertisements allowed P. year. _It more are required, composition mt; W111 be charged. rlivnrdunrn 1:-1:11 nnG- Ln nH.....-J 4 TI-1E:=4 NORTHERN ADVANQE 7 % ADVERTISING RATE; `III! ADVANCE HAS A cum, V on romrrnnu nmnnnnmw V .; - .. ._FOUB_ corms. Ann t if not `quite, double th 1: f as I ' papcar published in Bsa.1-rfe, my mt mvnnnszns snoum NOTE rm. not ,,12 lines solid nonpareil make 1 inch" ' TRANSIENT Anvlcnrxsnmxm. .:yw __- more pro;:i;e;It pa`:-t itfiiixo V_ A`Reading notices, 10 cents per - insertion l0(<;nt-s`lhi :ms' quent insertion 4 cents per line_ e` ch tub` line jneertion ; 5 cents per line for each Sn for 5, insertion of the same matter. A - de: 5 111188, of this character, ch.,mm" Ia. mug. )4 on 1 M "5 cia and Go manta will be charged` at a`i>`~:)rwI*]c:nr`:;I:.t3,ad"5% CONTRACT ADVERTISING ` Contract advertisements will be ta the following rates, which are draft hut rect commercial pfincip adhered to. Therewill be only all. `Wu Flun vulvlrnlu . 15 hbital `$6.. Ap [fa . .0. P Ghno"Pfun'i3hed and ratFun:efcdM MXTON. AGEIesT`3 Om 0-ly e t ' oice in Bothwell's A John Raerson, Fire and Life Assurance. Private funds to loan first mortgages. A: rounts collected. &c. mm i;.;;;;i;;: __ ___A_ 3k_._,;, , 0994-2. .1 144-16." E ASSUHANC COMPANEQ lg I!lr$6'.ooo.ooo. Faun ,. o 2.-.s wu- INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, '&C. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. -'---- ~ John is . Ygnkee.-;Paic. -u---:- A. RANKIN &. SON. .4-.. n.-su_,, :1 , ,4-.. kn- SCROGGIE 6:. SMITH. TRANSIENT AI;VEI`I.s..1;.3.l;:T;.h0] insertion 10 cenhz hnr 1:- _ Tiluis fe; BARRIE rdoor. -t4Pl.0lAIav-- I'll!!! SAME DA - -Jam: 29`, I899, the Foundry. ' ' The rboigpgtion before of `Don- dd MNiah, M.P.P.,. Went Elgin, in ;;IwMiI`:I-iIion'.ot' oonuiztidn that zho-nld be expound, therefo:fe_thoToleoti:m' pro-.' fast will he proceeded with. The New York Sun olluden to. John oh-mon'- h*.*r as ` opinion." Canadian opiAn'ion fi,_n"'thn_1;j Ire IsiAdV_by- jphysiognomiuto to indionfa great intelli- gen_6e;a`hd_a tonuoioul tholory. _ `Ill; ;.. -1! ;.I.2_1_ .n-. 'UnaIaeadyq'e'y eo, rapidly `vie:-king froth.` qide to aide,qre frequntly indicative of an unsettled mind; 1 ' . , OoI.n1;v.u'nn--'1`hare iq grit rejoicing at the reaid'onoe.of Bro. Gndd; Elmvule, over the gain! `of a ion and hair. The grest'eve:1tooou'rod~on the 9:1: fin'q`I':. ihd aoobriiing I:o ,th e Ohronile`th- fdthei ijumpg mnngqgan he..xpm.; Eyei of any obldr`-weak brows o n_Q hug, oohcsvp luha, bro indicative .o._gj`yvpok- Qgsdtufgou. ` ` ` ' . '~v-- "",""' """"""I' ~.Wide open swung` eyes in weak oopntensnoes indiostejoslouqly, bigot-.. 1_-yhieolerunce and peitinloity without. .qrmn*.. A. . when the upper iid covers` half or inore `of the pupil the indloetion is of cool deliberation. _" i;:;i'('l-;1':.a;Vmt.he pifevsiling 1.30101`! of eyes among patient: of lnVna.tio[aay- lama tyre brbwn black. V -7 _.. -.v:v-J u Eye of wh_ich'th`e whole of the iris is, visible beltpng to qmtio. room; of- ten with o.'tendenoy_'tow/u-d Vuadnity. 3 "n7':'.1- -..`-_ 4 character. A Gray eyee turning green in anger or excitement ere indicative of: ioholerio temperament. _` ' ` - An eye the upper lid of which passes` horizontally across the pupil indicates mental ability. ` Eyes wi_th`long sharp corners indi- cate great discernment. and penetration. The white of the eye showing beneath the iria- is indicative of nobility of -I.-..--L--- ` The inteper '}1$.u'$' ' between the eyes is the width of one eye. 15A-__.'I- , _ -._- vlvu ' Pebple of meiavncholio tempenmet rarely have clear blue eyes. ' 1;\___ __-.14 ' I ion. The downut/`eye has in. all ages been 3 typicalof modesty. , ' Boeton and '.l`ottenh_am'-` Richard Large ('1`ot.tonbam),i William Wallace (Baotou). ` V T ` . Ebenezer--John J. Sporling, EA. ' ` Inniai - John Woes, M.A. (Shroud). -vu-- Wide open eyes are Vindicativ,e- ofv raahneea. ' ' V. V ' Side-glancing eyes are` always to be dia_t_ruated. V ` `V-'l'3.r'.)-v;':'eye*' are said by ooulista to be the strongpst; ` ` Small ey; mamonl auppoaeci to indicate cunning. * n..'.a I?Iead-_-Jon. -E. Wilson, 3.5., V ' V` - Bradford-G6ore. M. Brow ... _ Nawmarket--Goorge Mcnllooh. Cookstown-.-Charles A. Simpson, Al- fred D. Miller, Thornton.` Alliston_--Samuel H. Edwards. West Essa;-H. E. W. Kemp, (Al- liatou). . v J toxine is used for diphtheria, but , not known... An t..he...b.osrd snpenvises disinfeotiono of oontsgions e =1>.s1ic` saaoar ' not systemntioally inspect schools. `No or notication or odntegions an eases are used. Water is supplied from wells with iisnel depth of 20 '.to 50 feet. N o `systenastio inspection of dairy _oows. No slaughter houses. `No systematic removal of garbage. - N onoxionstrsdes; No prosecutions. . _ ` :`., . _ X: `I ; _'.... . , . .4". ,` o ' -~_'-2., , /' A :..`Z:; 4- w ; ; 4v.,,.:, V I . -k 4 _. . _ _. .: p 1:` V v . 3 a carton penodnno. hospital- Anh- Hewkstone- Henry A. Fish. Severn Bridge-George O. Balfour. T Rama Mission--John Lawrence. . ,Collingwood First--`Marmaduke L. Pearson. Barrie (Collier street.)-Thomas E. Barri; . (Burton ` Avenue)--Joaep Young (Allandalg). ' II; C` . Hudson, BIA. ` Where they win Preach. The Methodist pulpita in.thia.o'onnty will be In charge of the following min? later: for "the year ending July let, I ul\l\l\ ' Philosophy ot the Eyes. - Blue eyes are said, to be the weakest, .Uptnrned eyes ore typical of devot- Oollingwood Seoond-ArthurJ. Toye, .Orillia-Robert N. Burns, B.A_. AnguI-T. G. Scott.- Dalaton-`-Thomas Leonard. Mineaing-Arthur T." Ingram. - Hillsdale--A. Richard. Wyevale-'-W. W. Ryan. Elmvule-John Bedford. Penetanguishene-GeorgeMcKinlay, I T\ ,, -r- Co1dwa.ter-J. W. Ohurchl, vPh_. B. Warmiinstei--Andrew S. Paul, B.A., Midl`sud-Thomas ` Dunlap, 1- us. A.. Bar;fie_ (Elizabeth st:-eet)-A. G. .01 -the, 122 techere employed` 66 are -ninleeend. 56 females; 45 hive Nor- Vmel V-greiningi, end ell`othera"hd}Vve peeeed *threngh the Model ; '7 11013 ret clue certicate-.439; second .1!i.nd Z6 third onus. Highest e.n1-iweecomae e.,eohe:, 0750.-n-1; ~ 87 rural achooldwich 96 `i_afuaV1-VtI_pou_tI ;,` public school; witli 26"deparf_ments; 51 brickjchool hioueu.$ 1 `atoue; -1 log,_ and 43 trams ;. buildings and grounds` are 'v'ulu9d"at $125,000,. pad the turn- iuhin gu$23,000.v * U V ' . ngwd _ Yet the vest msjorityi of teachers [are working honestly according to their `ability, and should anything occur to change my sphere of labor, and so move me from Bsrrie, I shall never cease to tske the deepest interest `in the educa- tion] welfare of the County, to whose service `TI have given 28 of the best years of my life." V V p , IIRJIOXEE nsnronrs racemes. The following are _s few -facts `gather- ed front `n_ lengthy report by. Inspector McKee of `South West I Y have very unvrillinigly come to the conclusion -that in some respects at- lesst we have not improved very much on the condition of affairs which ob- tained 25 vyearsego. We do too much spoon-feeding for \our` children now`-s- 'days. The salaries are disgraoefully` low, sud there is In orer production of teachers without either experience or sense of `responsibility. ._Esch of these twoevils is, inturn.increcsing.the other, and so long as thesetwo conditions ob-h tein I see no hope for improvement." The remedy is yet to be found. ` The Continuation Classes still do good work. I do not approve of their existence unless there are two teachers in the school. I do not recommend them unless there "are three, lest the manypupils should suffer for the` ad- vancement of two ' or. three. I cannot but think that, on the , principle of the greatest good to the greatest number, part" of the money spent on secondary education would be a better expended in the encouragement and maintenance of these Continuation Classes. Some years ago, against strenuous opposition, I4 strongly urged" a more practical and business education. The recent changes made by the Department have tended steadily in this direction, but they have been too late to `stem the torrent of professionalism, which, to my thinking, has done and is doing so much injury throughout Ontario. Similarly I have for a long time warmly advocated the tting of one system the more thorough- ly to meet the practical needs of this busy` age. Agriculture has been _put on the timetable, but nothing will be done, indeed, until teachers are them- selves taught that they cannot teach it. Quite recently, however, I notice that a movement is on foot to establish schools in which boys will be taught the mechanical arts and girls will be instructed in _ kindred `pursuits. If these efforts are to be successful, how- ever, the Department of Education must takeup the question more rmly and liberally than at present appears likely, ' and the house must approach the question without any political feel- ing, it` such a thing be possible. TI-hope that you will at this session pass the usual grant of $50 for the pro- motion-examinations. In this connec- tion let me that I believe these ex- aminations would be much cheaper and: in every way more benecial were they uniform" throughout the County. Act- ing on this idea, I took the opportunity (after consultation with Inspector Day) at a Union Convention with the teach- ers of East Simcoe, of having a com- mittee appointed to hold a joint exami- ation `with uniform papers. Unfortu- nately though, the representatives from East Simcbe saw diiculties where I do not think that they exist, and so the committee reported against a union. III: I! - somoJ%:rononant% or ta s8vh"!%%vstem~ 1` ".~*__`, , . -, ' ~ I . 1' " I` `L ) "' O . .. , . ` an _ r . 9` _ 3,` - > :.~:_z;'f-. by` - e....`,._ \ `. Reports to tfouincu 0n` Wednesd' ] { L Ji%Li..Jhehm$ PuB1vo' L School Innpootaoia `of the O::_unt_y _-_L_.I nl aented `repbrts to the Cohuoil; They contain interesting. facts andtsomg Vtiinely crithzisma. - I beg present my report for 1898 with eohedale attached, and" desire` to odd one or tivo observations on topics which seem to no important. wnrr itoiiam ans. ' . Inspector Morgan, North Simooe, re- ported he follows : ' ,xomm Annxqg. l Weeds and son Moisture. A single weed my apparently do but little harm, but every weed that occupies space during ' periods of -dry weather takes the moisture from `a large surrounding surface. One who _ has .given the matter attention and ex- periment estimates that one pound of ` weeds...will remove 500 pounds of water from .`the soil during an ordinary` drought, and that 500 pounds of weeds per ' acre areuot an unusual sight on some elds, the loss on each being 250,000 pounds of moisture per acre," . and this loss may be "greater if` the fare yell" advanced in growth; In addition to this deprivation. oil` the of its `moisture, weeds draw on the ` fertility and take `from the crop` the t6cdV`:iy5hich.isp so -for its ad- Ivancement and success." It is? vrork kep~dovmf km the labor 9-n. he .materia'll_y reduced ifjhe. w `WWI. l L` ':" `.; . bx `hm `n 4-. g-..I_.r_. IT`. alsosweakense '3 % am aulesmor yii:Q{n*?q;1$;i'4a".{e"{L':' should Lnaver`, be idle 'a t,l::hi:a_A qea_Ion-.g'- .l_;i1|de1fphia' B,a'oordg , % Average salary $287 cotnpared vfvith $300 in .1897. .|.`he percentage of at- tendance was as follows :-'O1-illia, 43; Medonte, 45; Tay, 44 ; Matohedaah, 35. This low average was attributed mainly to (1) the long distance many pupils have to go to attend the school ; (2) the `bad roads at times of the year; (3) many parents are careless and so greedy` of gain they keep the pupils home to work before the children have received -even the rudiments of an education; (4) Tfnancy Act had been a failure. Other facts gleaned from the report were as follows`: ' You will thus see that the education ot the great majority of the pupils in our schools is still entrusted to third class teachers-oi'ten to mere boys and girls, whose character is almost as un- formed as that of the pupils. .The formation of character is the prime work of the school. How can this be done well by teachers who are `too im- mature to know properly what the word means? Could the Minister of Education be induced to raise the age for entering on the work of teaching. I `am certain y that at one bound the schools would gain much in efficien- cy. ` Mr. Day asked. the Council to send a resolution (if they thought right to do so) to the Department, asking for the age to be raised, thus showing that the Council is aware of one of the weak points of the system. Fine new brick school houses are taking the places of the old frame ones, the houses are being better furnished, and some of them `ornamented with plants in the summer` and made heart- some with pictures. ` MB. DAY 18 DISSATISFIED, _ Inspector Day, of East Simcoe, after referring to the certicates held by the various teachers,` says: ' `T . makes no eyetematgo inepeotion 0: Schools. ' Forms of `notication By teachers and M.H.O. osaonagious die-T `cues are supplied. .Wnt_eg in enpplied' ' from wells; 15 to 30 feet deep.` Onei -`slaughter hence in A no ` townnhigc` There in no eyeteznetio removal -o1ge t"-- _' `huge. No public sewerage feyegem. No mxlm `tr-49 .. f-3` ;e,-durlncy V5 1:1 e iy ' Over 800 trees were planted during the year." Many of the school houses -have greatly improved in appearance, inside and out, and the grounds have put on a clean, comfortable ax healthy` appearance. V . - 8,000 ohildren of school. age, 32 not attending school atoll doringithe year, average attendanoe 4132, orobont 52 per cent. AA. . . - - rays, .1 nursaays IIIGI aazuruavs. -- An express runs daiIy_'.Sunday excepted) from Al- landale to Peuetang. WI out stopping at Intermedi- ate stations Heavxng All_andsle at 1.20 p.m.; the ex- press froin Pe_nstan$arr|ves at at 3.20 p:n1. . The Atlantic and acxc Express talus runpdady. All other trams daily except Sunday. . IlI..._.-u__ _I._.-|.1 ____ __ - n-_.1 n:_\v_u__ n--u_____` in pnrchasipg sites andbuildinga. I` I\l\ I Q I Tnyellen should secure a. Rand-McNally Railwai Guide-and Ha_.nd Book-isaued tnonthlv. kc... vauuu --u-no was--J an-vvfu in-n_--- a A special train eognecting with the Munich Ex- press at Allandalp wxll run to Collingwood on Tue- days. Thursdays and Saturdays. An nun:-nan run: datr {Snnnv Arnmsn-:I\ Cam-n W'V hnu-cl nulv 9.111., 5.32 mm, .T . B58515 TU 'Al4lgAIUll4l5o 7.3: 3.111., 7.56,a.m.,A9.a7 3.111.. 11.10 a..m., 12.52 .I., seq pout. 5033 Fame, 50 pom 3- Paint ALLANDALI Th IIAIRII; g"WIIll8TNO"l'.`DI' Ill u'I'I_v_I3 nun: tau blica as follows : pbu. TORONTO. non. 7.56 mm B 8.68 mm. Illlpou Athldo ' Bx. -8.0---'`. - 1 8.I!p:}n. `Munch: `Expnss . 'I33P.m. ` __ - n... -g_. _ .m;;i`.1'.bN_ ' . .. ' 1.81 mu. 3 9.00 pan- I.8l p.m. {fun 11.84 mm. ` . ."",GRAVENHURS'l` 8 NORTH . BAY. 11.84 Mn. Mail. 5.88 pan. 1.84 pm. Mus_koka. Ex_p'ress 307 p.m.V uuuuuuwuuu _a mmu-uuu. '1uo n._m. - Mail. . 5 27 p.m.. 8. pan. Ex regs. 7.55 mm. 1-ENEMNG. 11.10 mm. ' Accbmmodation. 5.87 13.111. 8 {I ran. Accommodation. 7.55. nan. `_ L ANDALE` & BARRIE SECT ION. DAQIDID can -.ArI nu-nit u JII. MIISKXQ 5! I888 HUI :03; l1 a.m. Atlnntic=&.;P:ci%c Ex, . 9.10 " North Bay` Mixed. `I. nan. b Gravenhurst fte_iht-(`south only) 9.85 " `COLLINGWO3D_':& MEAFORD. an III-.. x'I..,.n, pulling `gov you-o, noon luau, a% yeah! 6 ALLANDALI 1'0 BARRII; 3.50 a..m.,V u.o a.m.. 13.10 3.111., 1.34 I.III-_ (-22 D`I._ A1! I!.lI`I-- (L111 .II'l- -any ans-v -ouu, 0:4 3 pmlf ptml :30 `pan-. 3-05 if`- jf . I - . plgtics intending`-_to huge ` lactnzth-:-:2 THE 0lD_El|ABlE Aucnunm %[.9.aerom= LATE OF ORO, Hu purchased the premmea occupned bv Chas. Mc- Guire, just out or the Victoria note], any has up business in all kinds of Black- enuthing. orsesh " . etc All work willbedone _prp1npgIy at the bweetl re. A Remember the place. 01.6` . ` --' -- - _`-( Medical! Health cams. . The reports of the Medical Health Ooere for Snnnidnle and Noninva- eegn have been published. Iowxenlr or sunmmnn. Geo. Hunt, M.D., Medical Health Oeel`. The oontngione liee_eeee eon- Ileted one case of mberouloeie, re- nulting in Contagion: are isolated. , Diphtheria n_ni-toxineil-. . used, when required, with` reenltn. "J.`hene_ ie disinfection after oontngio-' dlleuel, '1`he_ _P_ublla _ School`