Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 18 May 1899, p. 3

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EDDY S No. 5 uumnr $1.109 noun. ADVANCE PROPRIETOR. BIJNDERY LARGEST, CIRCULATION. MOST NEWS---MOST ADS. Parlor Match es, 200 s . 8 C ` C C 1 S ONE ISSUE A WEEK, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Vila- llonyg ` '65 s. 81100, Odh s oompduv uu0W6(l osition n ID was time such ` d. nr.-nu. In..- u [u Iluv --v- the 6:11 inst, it wives decided that the M0,; ghould commence work for this mm, on Monday, May 22nd. . . . . Our teacher, Mr. Swan, has sent in his mignation. He purposes teaching until midsummer if his health permits. .. -rr- 11- 2.. 1.1.... _.....I.. .d....L-.l sT IE-0IsTouu$v 7 ` . 1 .- 1 . 7';-'-` I`-`Z 1,`. 2 . 1'1` 1 . '1 ,3, _ wav- 3' Martin as 119113 .. ha. wan tound banning from a_ Eumgg,-.--Mr. Brook, butssp .0, ha. decided um Elmvale pen ,-1. BI! _ . _ _ ~ getamns and than he is nbgnggd.` ed 11 . . Tmdgy even'mg.-.-.Chrou1cle.' ; 7 ~ PARRY Somm--Isaiah. Ass1n'.nce`,. ax; 1ndian,a W011-k0`"`1 #0159 Mid: inter- preter, was killed last Wednesday-night by 3 paasin the track of tbs O. A. & P.VS. rail-i Nm'--On Wednesday "night, M. Mayock committed` suicide by hanging. He went out to the stable [about 9 p.m., and next mom`. UD -9 ve ,3, His shop was clog_ed: Jlggy g train at Sa'lt.'s Crossing `on '3 `Martin P`5 """ " (T80 UDNEY__on `night, May suicide He w nt stable byusual about p. m., m0I'n' ing his rafter- deed~ - _' u.un..()n Saturdav a. dhild No cause is assigned for the N the To. P. s.?ai1. body was found hanging -admi deed. . Bonn HEAD-On Satan] ` ~ ` . of Mr. McPheraon s-..not V2: 2 ghud ' . earn 01 hourawhen great uneasiness was fl 6 6 for the child. 1), Oummi ' "83 was d_got a pea up its nose T `er did not know of the fact ':;.mth`.. ~ - some called in haste, and he was 0 d 1'08 to~ nister chloroform and . _ ' strumeuta to remove `he 11:39 ha 11:- child is we11again.-Withea a. The VVYEBRIDGE---At 3 m . A A d eetnn patrons of Wyebridge Oheeae8F<;f;t the I A .7: held in the factor -_ , _ h ` n N" "'````'`'=4 +1...;gn?.f lulu: I-I-Ilvua-.._. ` V_ I. . I . M I \' o . 5 r '1 Hxndle Is the newly elected Preaxdent of the Y. P. S.C E .._Fre6 Press. GRAVENHURST-A number of {rate-. payers petitioned the Council for im- mediate action in the direction of sub- mitting ; waterworks by-law. VAfter discussion it waeiagreed to authorize the Mayor ,to get advice from Mr. Willis Chipman, who W111 -be passing through Gravenhuret during the month, Mr. Chipman e terms are $30 for one day, or $50 for two days, with no charge whatever it he is subsequently engaged the works.-Banner. - DUNEDIN-T-J. Campbell leftlsst week fer Copperclib, where he intends to reside as soon as he can locate a suit- able dwelling. . . . Death has again visit ed us and taken as its victim. Mr. Wm. Bulmer, one of Nottawasagas earliest settlers. The remains were interred in Dunedin cemetery. . . .Mr. and .Mrs. Wm. Allen were the recipients _of a. `daughter and heiress last week. .Mr. and Mrs. A. Campbell were presented with a similar` gift.-'-_-Star. M .ru,1 some two years ago to 9. long term-in BRACEBRIDGE -Mesars.' Mahay Aahworth received a letter from the Secretary of State on Tuesday last in- forming them that His Excellency the Governor General had directed the dis- A charge of John Grey, who was sentenc- Kingalon Penitentiary . . . .The business men generally regret the action of the. Colltlcll Monday evening in refusing the sum of` $100 towards the construction of a telephone line between hereand: 0rillia.--Herald. ' CREEMORE-W8 are pleased to no- tice that Mr. Wm. Bradley, who taught school at Glencairn last -year has been successful in winning the prizes in the Oratory and Essay contest at the On-j tsrio Normal College, Hamilton,._ In '3t0rv contest the subject was Gan- 'd" and in the essay contest the sub. lect was Literature as s -means of Education." When it is considered that there are about 200 students at the college, the prizes , won. by Mr. Bradley are quite an `honor.--St'ar. ALL1sToN-.-According the sor a roll, which is now oompleted. th0_ meed valuation of roll property in` ;Alliston is $296,193 ; personal proper?-V `$21,305 ; income, $7,550 ; total, 8325,4- 543. This aristocratic town contlilli 45do2a,124 cattle, 19 map, 79 pin- M104 horses. This`-.is also 0. van. healthy town judging by :the retumo f `'19 ages-of, our inh abitanta.? The A`.`_ . - ' *'UB ' UL, UNI.` IIIIIDVIIIDIINIIQ -IIV oldest resident of the town in Mrs. Mcuin, who has .reaohed~ the ego at 9? years and is still halo and -healthy... The .f011ow1ng is a list of the r.esid.0||.l, `kn L- . 1 ~`AI_`V_-_" `Adam Whiteman; who have cleaved th allotted three` core and ten years: PatfickV_.%Mc0 d1Q,;{:. 39; Charles Lee, 89 ; John HCYj:;f'`3f5' 87; John Dennia,'82; Mitchell, an, '8' ;; Thomas spuywmg 31 ; Thomas sheharland, T 80 Fisher, 80; Mrs; 78 like % :ea.;...., 71. songs: H '|.~..;-1.1. v.....;L; .-- ..7 less of Lee Q-ad of :L.L.B. Mr; e brother`-of this town graduated in {April `at the", Dot:-oit`_,lOol.,.. education in the Gollgiatee Institute.` * nag. .n6w .prjbti?gi'qg`. hi. profession in Detroit, his oice being in` the Chamber of Commerce.-Bulletin. ....The`assessment rollhii turned and shows the population now is 5453. There are in the town 392 cattle, 142 sheep, 153 hogs, 270 horses, and 24-9 dogs. The number of births registered was 106, and of deaths 50. The total assessment of the town is $1,'469,764,inc1udin exempt values amounting to $l73,750,an increase of about $23,000 over last year. The re turns as to population are rather disap : pointing, but it will ` now` probably ex- ceed 6000, as a large number have moved in during the last month, and there are now, it is said, only. seven vacant houses in town.-Enterprise. to .Huntsville to-day. The warrant .HUN'1`SVILLE--TlIe Toronto. World of l I last `Friday :contains the following: _? item: `Chief Constable McFayden of M Huntsville arrived in the city yester- dav afternoon. At Police Headquart` ers he secured the aid of Detectives Davis and Caddy and went in search of William Godolphin, who up to May 4th was a resident of Huntsville. Godolphin was located near St. Law- rence Market and locked up at Police Headquarters. He will be taken back charges Godolphin with forging the name of Emma McLaughlin to a cheque for $200 on W. H. Mathews & Co.'s private bank, Huntsville, on May 3rd. The _prisoner we at one time_ treasurer of Huntsvil_le. He left the town suddenly some years ago, taking with him a considerable amount` of mo'nev. He was captured some time after. and sentenced to three years in Kingston Penitentiary. After his dis- charge from that institution he returned to Huntsville and opened up an oice as conveyancer, real estate agent, etc. It is said that while acting for Mrs. McLaughlin in a transfer of an hotel license -from "Peter Kelly the alleged o'ence was committed. /BnE'roN-On Friday morning last. John McIntosh, an inmate of the .1 House of Refuge, who hailed from i Flcs township. died very suddenly and 1 unexpectedlyfrom heart failure. De- I ceased was 70 years,of age and was an 4 inmate of the Barrie `gaol prior to the ] opening of the House of Refuge. -His 1 sister and niece came from Elmvale . on Friday evening, and on Saturday . morning accompanied the remains to I Barrie. Deceased is said to have some wealthy relatives residing in F 10s. who . looked after his remains. . . .On May 2nd, Joseph Elgie, of Tecumseth, accompanied by his wife and family, droveto the northern part of Adjala to visit some friends. On May 4th, as he A was returning home, he was waylaid on the road by one Frank Holland", with whom-he had had a dispute some few. ` years ago over a fence. Holland tried to pull Elgie out of the rig, picked up n a stone and used some threatening lan- . guage. Elgie laid a complaint before Squire Lannin and Constable Appleton . left a summons at I-Iolland s home. re-_ . questing him to appear in Boston on L Monday. Holland paid, no attention . tothesummons, butMagistratesLannin, . Wright, McCarthy and Clark heard the E evidence for the prosecution and im- l posed a penalty of $15 and costs or two t months in jail on _Holland.-World.. ' Broughtcnl, -beloved wile ' of Mr.-` H. S.,; L` . stricken "sows Iwith" Two` e -_. Adays,:cf4su' e~r16i~.e. ( .. Esme- Adios! 5!mbithy..5?f`*" .`E . ; alts:-we Ltrrtatnl-r`! f T ` ` Baam-`can-For days it was general- ly known that `Mrs. Church, wife of Mr. James Church and daughter of Mrs. Simpkin of our vil'lsge,Awas in a_` precarious condition and death was im- minent. Many would gladly have : sheltered this home from -the approach- ' ing alicticn but were helpless. Medi-` : cal skill conldnot hold the life` which i was slowly ebbing away. and on Mon- ~ day afternoons death entered and left desolate the husband andtatherl with six small children,` the oldest only 14- yearsand the y.0u.ngestisom.e:ve` weeks 4 old. . .. On a Friday _ evening last Mrs. Brougo ton, postmaster; was suddenly-" rihs:i.W 1I1s1!5*!'!i?t*d am; as-uh` btFsht_,fli9f- I % /wimukgf; EIa'r'r.v%.' liiia-s or '7 .""'.h `.""""fv -a-.;,.._ 3%; Harry. ska ml in the ;'Phgrmaoy_ vaxainimtionlb in 7,11: :-, .. _ v the ratepayers were under the` impres- ; sion that there would not be half so l The first lot contains 10,000 medals, sots :has'M6th4% ` 5 Bionslltmlg the re? .um~a1y.-+wm.. s i- at o _;.n.i_m.:.. Publiohchool laxtra o ers since Jan. 1,` of sickness amongst` members At a meeting. of the Monday nightit was felt` that thijfiwas something `of an abuse. - A teaohermay sick for a month each year but the Government regulations say the salary must be paid just the same. This is _ whereitis pinching the School Board and the V ratepaver. Although not re- terring to this particular case some of much sickness if it were not` for this regulation. . . .The Council will spend $2,000 on streets and sidewalks. . . . Mr. Wm. Yates andseveral other Oril- lia veterans of 1866-70, who applied | for the Fenian Raid medals will not ' receive them on May 24,as promised by the Government some time ago. They have not yet arrived at Ottawa, and the probabilities are that it will be near the close of June before they are ready. and these will first have to be engraved with the names of those to whom they mday ill {ll nnouwam Le week fol. are given. .A lamb with five lege, three behind and two in front, weigh in; 15 pounds and in excellent condi tion of `health, was born on the farm `of Wm, Best, lot 9, 7 th eonceeaion of Ops, on Friday last.--Newsl-Letter. V M IDLaNne-'1`he Penetanuishene Herald tells, . `this. story : An inland revenue inspector called round at Mid- land one day last week without wiring ahead that he was eomin,.and one of . store the proprietor got wind of his -fence into the backyard of a neighbor- $Il\lIn\Q Vlqllv lav vv Inn) vvunann-B In-zvu v-nv w- the " Midland druggists is in a little troublelthereby. The department had received intimation that American` cigarettes ` were smoked in the little city without` the import duty having been paid, and the oicer was sent to investigate. One of the establishments . had a nice little stock on hand, but before the oicer reached the drug ` presence, took the cigarettes out at the back door and tossed them over the ing druggist. Druggist No. 2 found them there, brought. them into his shop, and a moment later the preventative oicer stepped` in, and required to know how they came there. Explana- tions followed, and the -oicer called in at the next door, where he found some empty boxes, and the clerks busily en- gaged in picking more cigarettes from the show cases. It is said that a charge has been laid against druggist ' No, 1. . .Mrs. George Bruce received l 9. letter on Monday of last` week from her husband, who -is in the Klondike. He has sent for two brothers. that they may help him work claims" which he has taken up. He reported being at work on something which was yielding pretty. good returns . . . .On Tuesday afternoon at 5` o'clock Mr. Richard Smith, who was running the sticker in Paul Bros . factory, had the 3 misfortune to let his left hand drop upon a rapidly revolving knife, with the result that the third and "fourth ngers were, badly cut.- Free Press.- T Female Canary "Fe.k1rs The London Free Press says: A number of people through the ceuntry are being victimized by `a couple of 1 fakirs with a lot of female canaries. Their plan of operation is to be as I follows :-One of them` rides a` wheel, and in front` of it he straps a small l wooden cage -in which are two oanaries. j They` are carefully covered with paper, ` and at `the first farm house he has a very plausible story. He is moving `from one city to another, and thought " -he `could carry his mother : choice pair` of singers with him on his wheel. Now, : however, he nds that the poor birds i are being shahen to death, and rather than have them abused he will sacrice {them at a very low gure. _ They` are, `he explains, very choice trained singera,? .' f` fg sings by lauiplight, . and the other 1uhe- any time;- A amgn com: cm; i . aw`ayj'. to how`~the_ and, the farmer ..o'3!5d` p`Iir'.i0r' p ,.. OVER $1,000.00 Wapanese CatarrlT1 Cure.- Dullnl 511113611 ETBHOIBOO, 0881008 U] an other remedies. `out the reeult.was E m- porary relief. Hearing of the remarkab e cure throughout the West by Japanese t Catarrh Cure, I urohased six boxes `while in Van- - eonver a ut two years ago, and since com- pleting this treatment have not felt -the htest symptoms of myformer trouble. I fee that I cannot say too much in its favor: the met application ve great relief. We also keep 9. supply in e Mill for cuts, etc.. and and it superior to any other remedy for heal- inc-" both ere hens", and do not sing. a. note. Of course they are never called for." B1. :0 Mr. Joseph Little. the well-known mill- owner of Ports Essinglzon, B.C.. formerly of Vancouver. writes : Japanese Catai-rh Cure has completely cured me or catarrh, which had troubled` me for twenty-five years. I have at different times spent over one thousand dollars with di ere_nt specialists in Toronto. Buffalo and San Francisco, besides u-{mg all on V ATH- other ramndipg but. than I`A!'l`I'..Wll +How- to Kill the The number of _white tents already to be_ seen on `fruit and shade trees should stir owners of these trees to the point of getting rid of caterpillars without delay. Mr._ James Fletcher, Dominion Entomologist, has issued the following letter` on the subject : n `An: ' 1 mftfyon have tried all other remedies without success, and are at all skeptical as to the` merits of Japanese Catarrh Cure. enclose 5 cents in stamps, and we will mail you free a trlalquantity suloient for nearl two weeks ` treatment. Price, 50 cents. or for 82.50. t iyth dru mu `t' '.n"1{p'fdA ` dram- The 8 rifflthgr kzyliglumlyagsann Go.. 121 (117888, "1118 |2!'LlI1IallB & J Church Street, Toronto. V Dutfing_` the springs of 1897 and 1898 -serious injiiry was done to forest, fruit and shade trees by the large num- "her of` tent caterpillars, which in many parts of Canada stripped the trees of their foliage; Those people who tried remedies'began as a rule too late. The caterpillars are just now hatching from the bracelet--like egg-clusters which may be found on-the twigs of trees and shrubs, where they were deposited last J ulylby the moths that came from the caterpillars which `did so much harm last spring. ` Rem or: . Griithf Men A iniment "veai'mmedist Vet!iefV - *9 `!i`.`!Pd."".': Will you allow me tosuggest to your readers the necessity of at once attend- ing to this matter if they wish to save the foliage and fruit of their trees? Remedy--'l`he proper remedy is to spray the trees at once with the follow- ing mixtnre-Parie green one ounce, quicklime one ounce, water ten gallons. There are two kinds of these cater- pillars. One spins a conspicuous white web, in which the whole colony gathers at night and, at certain tunes during the day. The other spine no such tent, but the colonies gather together in clusters on the branches. In the case of the former the twigs bearing! the tents may be cut off and the colonies crushed under foot. 'S-o.l;l at Sea.g;s' Drug Store. nevonu Pmnintiattention to this matter is of great importance _not only to the owners of trees but to every citizen who has to put up with the inconveni- ence of having these caterpillar swarm- ing everywhere, as they did last year and theyear before. In advertising for an electrician to `take charge of Acton,a municipal plant,- a clause in the advertisement reads, Married man preferred. Among the forty applicants "for the position is one ready -to accommodate the council's wishes. He says `in -his application. If a married *4 man has any better chance to get the position, let me know` and I will get married at once, 2 if my application: ie otherwise acceptable. Spenf onACatnn-II Rgmeqllcs and Specialists by at _wgalth y: nilll-owner of Port Es-' slnzton, B-.C. __At last cured by Cures. the worst cases of all Skin --Diseases` in sheep and cattle; has been found hi hly eiacions ainst that terrible isease. Sheep cab; and quickly and permanently cures bruises, wounds, ringworm, "shear- euts, gangrene, etc.; kills all insects and vermin peculiar to live stock, such as ticks, maggots, lice, nits, skin worms and insects {absolutely ~ non-poisonous; and ~nas no drastic or irritating eeots. Mr. G. A. Brodie, of Bethesda, 0ht., says :'--" I need it . with `great success, in oastratinn lambs, the-wash healing the wounds rapidly and -keeping` the maggots away. I shall` never be without it- andheartilv it to farmers Porslatlc Sheep. Dip and AnIma|AVlash Ell IIUCK III}, ,0! ``r`.?'.'.`.'.`.-I"; .1, guuuru yin n _ If your dealer cannot supply you, write us direct. `It pays to are the bees ;-and we invite correspondence. Piokhartit-Rmyfraw ca, A . `J u-.nnvnV:n) . .su_n'u`p\r_1n1'o. 9nc.. V I "W counted I t hm` Im Tent caterpillar. 0., 121 147 e `lid likh of kinds in stock or made to order; Robes, Grape and all Funeral Requisites furnished. Orders by Telegraph or otherwise promptly attended to. `G. o. DOLlI_L_AGE, Mwnager, strand. L `luv `yr u--.:-.--_:-.:_ ?__ lsmm Works and Sh6w'B_ggm; Gllier-st, Barrio BARRIE pri-. {""'W " ` T . ' Let us quote prices on your work before sending it out of town. All kindsd of Blank Bnoks rufed fa any pattern and bound at reasonabla Ltes. `Magazines V and Music- bound in splendid style and cheaper than city __ 4-.. ?-% - BOOK R()]3'I`. CRISTOE9 S|MCOE S PIONEER NEWSPAPER. Ask Your Grocer for BARR|E'S LEADING JOB PRINTING OFFICE. Thefm. B. EDDY Co. (Limited), 4._____j1---j BARBIE: `AND STROUD. "E` EAGLE Matches, 4 u cc ' cc "5. VICTORIA T " LITTLE COMET :91. ~11_`e?Fine'st in the World. "ENo_ Brimstone.

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